Show of hands – is there anyone who dislikes Amy Adams? I adore her. I remember watching Amy in Junebug and realizing right then and there that we would be BFFs. This year is unusual for Amy as she’s not nominated for an Oscar. Amy holds five Oscar nominations but has yet to win. It’s just a matter of time. Amy reprises her role as Lois Lane in Batman v Superman: The Dawn of Justice, out March 25th.
She graces the cover of the April’s Marie Claire UK. The cover dress is interesting – it looks a little like an elaborate kitchen strainer but the color is great and her makeup is fabulous. The embossed green suit below is tailored perfectly and that heavy print is calling to me. I love the dress’s slit in the black and white photo but dislike the neckline.
Amy and her husband, artist Darren Le Gallo, took 14 years to get down the aisle. What’s nice is that this allowed their adorable five-year-old daughter, Aviana Olea, to witness their vows on an LA ranch. However Amy tells Marie Claire that their wedding could have been much more casual. They planned to elope while in Las Vegas but had one little hiccup:
On drinking her wedding plans away: “We wanted to find a chaplain, go to the desert and get married at sunset, but to be honest, we got too drunk. Then it was just not going to happen.”
On choosing marriage: “I definitely feel like I can’t make empty threats. Before, I could be like, ‘I’m just going to go down and get a hotel room, and I’m going [to] think this through!’ Though I’m making myself sound horrible to this poor, awesome guy. Relationships are hard. I think what I learned is, you just have to make a choice. Marriage is a choice.”
On the duplicity of Hollywood: “I’d gone to the [initial] table read. Producers were like, ‘See you tomorrow!’ Then they called to say I’d been let go. This was the first time I realized that people would lie to my face.”
On creeping on Henry Cavill: “In between shots it was like, ‘Put on a robe please, and make everyone feel less bad about themselves.’ I had to apologise to him at one point. I’m like, “I promise I’m not that pervy.” He’s just so good to look at. My husband likes to look at him, our [five-year-old] daughter likes to look at him… we’re just a creepy family.”
[From E!Online and The Daily Mail]
The Cavill lust is strong with this one. I remember her getting woozy over him on Graham Norton; she owns her Cavill crush and you know he loves it. How metal is it that Amy drank too much to get married in Vegas? Talk about swimming upstream as Vegas marriages usually happen as a result of drinking.
Amy has just been cast as Camille Preaker in the next Gillian Flynn book to be adapted, Sharp Objects. That’s a tough read but Amy is a good choice for that role. You know what isn’t on Amy’s IMDb page? Get It While You Can, her Janis Joplin biopic. Apparently the film has been riddled with problems. The latest roadblock is a lawsuit by the film’s own producers. I would very much like to see Amy play Janis but I think this film’s a mess and likely not happening in time for Amy to stay attached to it.
Photo credit: Marie Claire UK/Matthias Vriens-McGrath
Amy Adams is interesting. She was a working actor for years before she became famous, in her early 30s, I thinl.
A few years ago I read an article about her, titled something like “the forever newcomer”, because she has been working for years and was even nominated for Oscars and still is always seen as if her big break through has yet to come.
I can never unsee her as leslie miller in drop dead gorgeous
She is a good choice for Camille IMO. The only problem is that the rest of my dream cast now doesn’t work. In my mind Jessica Lange was obviously Adora and Kiernan Shipka was Amma – now it won’t work because they both have brown eyes and Amy’s are blue.
kiernan shipka is my choice too! she would just be PERFECT. really looking forward this adaptation
I’d never even considered Jessica Lange, that’s completely perfect!
I’m ashamed to say all I know Kiernan Shipka from is Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, I never got around to watching Mad Men. Is she any good? In my head I always saw Amma as a perfect china doll who’d shank you as soon as you turn your back. Whereas Keemie(sp?) was just kind of belligerent.
She is AMAZING in Mad Men! Sally Daper is one of the best child performances I’ve ever seen.
Colored contacts and a little post-production magic isn’t much.
Amma is definitely meant to be a ‘Lolita’ type (I hate that term though as Lolita was literally a child abuse victim) but she is meant to be provocative and have a ‘womanly figure’ – I think she’d do a great job though – it sure would be a big transformation from Sally Draper!
She’s an excellent young actress.
I love that photo of her in the green suit. Amazing.
“We’re just a creepy family.” LOL
I read the whole article. Henry Cavill has a really nice quote about her and how she “surprises him every day” with how “charming” she is and how easily she goes back and forth to being a serious actress and a goofball. He was really, really sweet with her at Comic Con too. I think she likes to tease him but I think he really adores her.
I sat behind Amy Adams, her husband, daughter and the nanny on a flight from Denver To Detroit a few years ago. I didn’t realize it until we got off the plane and I saw her. She had no make up on so it took me a few minutes to realize who she was. A police escort on a bike in the terminal confirmed it.
They were totally unassuming. They went and got their luggage just like ‘normal’ people. Sadly I saw her facing the wall and the back of the tram so no one would recognize her.
It was a funny experience because I think me and the police officer were the only two in the airport who knew it was her. I absolutely adore her but would not have even considered approaching her as I would not have wanted her cover to be broken
Amy Adams rocks.
I adore this woman. Let me count the ways. She’s one of the few white actresses who actually earned her success. No nepotism. No rich family. No Hollywood connections. She just worked for it. She came from basically nothing–her family had 7 kids and she was poor–and didn’t hit it big until she was over 30. She shows up and does her work and doesn’t get involved with drama. I also feel like her attitude towards marriage (taking 14 years) is her own bit of rebellion towards such a conservative upbringing and the fact that the church threw her family out when her parents got divorced.
I was also thinking yesterday that Amy Adams/Henry Cavill in the Superman franchise is like the only pairing in any franchise where the woman is older/more experienced but the age isn’t a “thing” or a “joke” in the story. Granted, Cavill looks older and Clark is supposed to be like 35-36 in Batman v Superman and Lois is supposed to be only a bit older. But that’s still really cool. It is really cool that there’s a relationship in a huge blockbuster bucking this “guy is always 10+ years older” stigma. It’s depressing though that I legit can’t think of another example. Outlander is supposed to be about an older woman/younger guy (Claire is 5-6 years older than Jamie in the books) and I think they are pretending she’s older on the show but the actors are the same age.
I adore her. Beautiful, talented and humble. She’s the whole package.
The picture in the green suit is amazing.
I really like her but it makes me sad she needs a police escort at airports/feels like she has to hide. I mean, she’s not like that crazy level of famous, I would have imagined she could fly under the radar without much effort.
She is gorgeous in that green suit. Luxe, elaborate fabrics in simple shapes work for her.
She looks fabulous.
Very telling that she never talks about her husband the way she talks about Cavill.
It’s not “telling” at all. First off, I’ve seen her talk in glowing terms about her husband many times. She clearly loves him.
She thinks Cavill’s hot and she is joking about it. It doesn’t mean she loves her husband any less. I think Cavill is a hot piece too. Doesn’t mean I don’t love my husband.
In the best versions of the Superman story, Superman is always Lois Lane’s hot piece. She’s just being funny.
Not really. I’m wary of people who gush about their spouse too much. Often it means that things are rocky. I’ve seen it with both famous people and people I know in real life. You read an interview or FaceBook post full of lovey dovey crap and next thing you know, they’ve split.
I feel like she is talking about Cavill in this way at least partly to big up his Superman status/get the buzz a bit up again about the franchise. She is obviously content and confident in her marriage imo.
I bet drunk Amy is very fun Amy.
I love her, I think she’s my favorite actress, and I will watch her in anything. Except maybe that awful Batman Superman thing, but at the same time I’m happy for her getting the role and the bigger paycheck that comes with it.
I love Amy Adams as much as the next person, but if she could learn anything from Jenna Maroney, its that a Janis Joplin biopic just ain’t ever going to happen, man.
But it needs to, dammit. I would love to see a movie like that.
ITA. I’m in my fifties and have heard about a Janis biopic for as long as I can remember and it never, ever works out. Instead, I’ll just watch The Rose again.
But a Janie Jormp Jomp biopic just might!
You know you’ve got it if you buy it with things.
Such a good gal. And I agree, what’s not to love? Also, LOL at the eloping story!
She sounds fun and confident, I like her, though I am not a fan of her acting (yet).
I think Amy is such a great actress! Thanks for covering her, Hecate!
“The Cavill lust is strong with this one” Hahahahahaha
Sweet Jesus, those shots are flawless. Love everything about that cover shot. She looks absolutely stunning in that royal blue, and I’m gagging over the eleganza of the green suit. #slayed
I haven’t read Sharp Objects yet – I wish they had cast someone like her in Dark Places, wow did that movie tank/go straight to video. I haven’t seen it but I’ve read bad things, which is a shame, it could have been a great movie. Hopefully Amy will save the next one!
I like what she says about marriage meaning you can’t make empty threats, it’s kind of true. Like you can’t throw a hissy fit and have a fight for a week/run away, you kind of just have to deal. It has probably been an adjustment for her after being with the husband for so long before they got hitched.
I love her so much and my absolute favorite movie is Enchanted lol
I love the hair color in these pictures, so pretty
i prefer the book sharp objects over dark places so i’m stoked that amy is in it!
avian plea sounds like a bird genus