Kourtney Kardashian: ‘I think it’s important to let your kids be who they are’


Happy 37th Birthday Kourtney Kardashian! Well, happy belated, as it was yesterday. But since I was not invited to your Icelandic birthday/watch-Kayne-film-a-video excursion, you can settle for my day-old blessings. Before scooting off to Iceland, Kourtney spoke to Elle about her latest collaboration, Manuka Doctor Honey products, as well as the messages she is trying to give her daughter Penelope. You can read the whole article here, including how she came by the Manuka Doctor products, but here are her thoughts on how fashion fits into her daughter’s world.

On Penelope’s wardrobe:
I lean towards certain clothes in general when picking things out for her. And I try to steer her in a good direction, but I try to let Penelope have as much freedom as possible when picking her clothes. I mean, if the shoes are totally wrong for the rest of the outfit, I’ll tell her, “That doesn’t match; what if we pick a different pair?” But I think picking out her clothes makes her feel more independent, and for me, fashion was always a way to express myself, even when I was very small. I think it’s important to let your kids be who they are, and that includes clothes. I like to give her choices as much as possible.

On Penelope watching her work:
Well, Penelope sees me getting makeup and hair done all the time. She plays in my closet all the time, and tries on my clothes. But I don’t think that counteracts being smart, or a great leader, or anything like that. My sisters and I watched our mom get dressed all the time. We always played with her makeup. We always tried on her clothes and shoes. And so Penelope does too, because it’s part of how kids play.

On her messages to Penelope:
I try to tell her, “That’s not good for your skin. Your skin is so beautiful anyway! You don’t need that. Let’s wipe it off together so everyone can see you.” But I don’t want to offend her, and I don’t want her to feel like she’s done anything wrong by exploring, you know? So I’m trying to teach her the balance, like, “Makeup is a part of fashion. It’s a part of expressing yourself.” But it’s such a fine line, because getting the right message across, about being beautiful inside and being a caring person, that is so important. But I don’t think that means you can’t experience fashion and beauty. And I hope I can show her that balance.

[From Elle]

In case you did not click on the links, let me mention that the Manuka Doctor products have bee venom in them so those with allergies beware. As for the rest of her answers, I actually agree with most of what she says. I struggle with letting my daughter know beauty products are fun but not necessary all the time. But when Kourtney says it, I just can’t help but think “consider the source,” you know? I want to give her the benefit of the doubt but that means believing that the messages she is giving her daughter are different than the ones she gives the rest of the world.

Not to be too bogged down with making sense in interviews, it looks like Kourtin might be back on. People claims that Kourtney and her boy toy Justin Bieber are doing whatever it is they do when they’re together and that they have been doing it for a few months now. Apparently, The Biebs thinks “its cool that she is older and hot.” What.A.Poet. I wonder if this is what her ex Lord Scott and Amber Rose were discussing as they hung out in the VIP tent at Coachella.


Photo credit: Fame/Flynet Photos and Getty Images

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21 Responses to “Kourtney Kardashian: ‘I think it’s important to let your kids be who they are’”

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  1. Locke Lamora says:

    What she says sounds nice, but A) she’s a Kardashian so the kid will probably have multiple surgeries before it hits 18 and B) isn’t it a bit weird to give beauty advice to a kid under the age of 5?

    • Jwoolman says:

      Kourtney hasn’t followed the family tradition – she had breast implants a long time ago and maybe a nose job also long ago but that’s about it. That’s why she looks so good compared to Kim and Khloe even though she’s older. I don’t think she slathers on the makeup when she’s not working on the show.

      • Angelica says:

        @ JWOOLMAN I agree with your comments on this thread. I think she’s beautiful and completely inoffensive in comparison to the others. I don’t follow her or watch any of her shows/interviews, but I like the occasional Kourtney post. At least she still looks like herself. The boob and nose job were enhancements, imo, just the way nature intended plastic surgery to be lol.

      • tammeize says:

        Looking good? Her face still looks like a human ass even after all the surgery she’s had in attempt to fit in with conventional looking Hollywood women.

    • Snazzy says:

      that’s what I thought too! I mean, isn’t under 5 a bit early for that? I figured that age is all about fun, dressing up, and playing… but I suppose when your parents come from the K-Klan maybe that is what playing is?

  2. me says:

    This interview sounds nothing like Kourtney. Does she “dumb herself down” on the show the? In this interview she sounds a lot more intelligent than portrayed on her show. Now if only she could pass on this “wisdom” to Kim so that Kim could allow North to be herself and wear what she wants. Maybe North wants to wear yellow or green? I guess we’ll never know.

    Lastly, I chuckled when she said Penelope “watches her work” and by “work” she means get her make-up done. Wow. Kourtney seems more concerned about teaching her daughter good “skin care” and “fashion” but how about how to keep healthy relationships? Something this family knows nothing about.

    • Jwoolman says:

      Kourtney is intelligent. The show is dumb, that’s all. Kourtney is the one who graduated from college and really worked at the business end of the Dash store. She also lived with her father, who was a smart guy about business. So you’re hearing the real Kourtney here. She just isn’t a very good actor on the show. None of them are, even just playing themselves.

      • Katie says:

        “Watch Mommy take her clothes off for a photo shoot honey! You can do this some day too!!”

  3. Nancy says:

    Kourtney is okay considering her heritage. Little girls play with makeup and clothes and jewelry, it’s part of being a girl and watching her mother. The problem I see is that is what she deems important is whether a three year old kid’s shoes match her dress. She loses any coolness factor whatsoever if she’s hooking up with Bieber…..but years ago on their show, she slept with one of Rob’s life long best friends. Of course the camera caught it, so it was scripted, BUT soon thereafter she became pregnant with Mason after a reunion with Scott. Why do I know so much about them :/

    • Clare says:

      Seriously, who cares if a kid’s shoes March their outfit?

      • Pandy says:

        That’s what I was thinking. And the quote about them trying on Pimp Mama’s clothes and shoes …. well, we can see how THAT turned out! Get the kid ready for the ho stroll at age 5.

  4. Elisabeth says:

    this is a five year old kid they are talking about right?

    • SydneySnider says:

      Isn’t Penelope still only three?

    • Jwoolman says:

      Penelope is about a year older than her cousin Nori. So she is probably three years old, coming close to four. A lot of kids that age play around with mom’s clothes and makeup and watch their mom put on makeup if she wears it. Kids imitate the adults around them.

      Pretty normal for parents to hope that the kid chooses clothes that won’t attract the attention of CPS, although most will be grateful if occasionally the socks match. Kourtney seems to be torn on the issue, she wants the kid to look nice but doesn’t want to stifle her. Penelope generally looks normally dressed for her age and comfortable in play clothes, unlike poor Nori.

      • vauvert says:

        Sorry, but pretending to put on makeup like mom is what kids do, not actually plaster it on. As a former girl child and aunt of girls ranging from four to nine, not to mention knowing the daughters of countless girlfriends, I can promise you that even if a four year old child tried to put makeup on, the mother would not allow it. There is a time for children to be just that, children.
        Playing dress up means a firefighter or doctor or astronaut or chef costume, not trying on mom’s clothes (particularly when the mom clothes are various shades of Spanx, slit up to here or cut down to there, and the shoes are all six inch spikes.)

  5. Tourmaline says:

    I find Kourtney the least offensive of the Kardashian women. I understand that is not saying much though.

    • swak says:

      I did until she started posting the half-nude/nude sexy poses lately.

    • tammeize says:

      Her publicly getting involved with men young enough to be her son is tacky. She’s only 37. Most cougars don’t start dating that far out of their peer zone til they’re like 43.

  6. Nev says:

    Stunningly beautiful woman. Wow.

  7. Angelica says:

    I agree with her about not wanting to offend your daughters. It’s very difficult trying to be sensitive to them individually while also guiding them into making good decisions. You want them to take care of themselves, you know. Out of my 4 girls, all of them raided my makeup before 5. It’s a zipper pouch full of goodies as far as they know. I have fond memories of sticking each of them in a bubble bath at various ages, gently wiping mascara steaks off of their cheeks telling them that even though makeup is fun, they’re beautiful enough already and mommy wishes she was as gorgeous as them and that’s why I wear it. Oh and, stop climbing in the hamper to reach my makeup bag. That sort of thing.:-)

  8. tw says:

    She sounds smart here and like a good mom, but let’s be honest, she’s hooking up with Justin Bieber. And she had 3 children with perhaps the biggest douchebag on the planet (other than Justin Bieber.) She’s an idiot.