Olivia Munn routinely dismisses the fact that her face has completely changed by attributing it to makeup, skincare, things she eats and anything but Botox, fillers or plastic surgery. In fact this isn’t the first time she’s denied using Botox or having surgery. I think it’s clear not even comparing her face to it’s 1.0 version that she’s had work done, but she likes to keep up the facade that it’s all makeup and skincare. Olivia gave a skincare and makeup-centered Q&A to People this week in which she doubles (triples?) down on her claim that she’s not doing anything except taking care of her skin.
What’s your biggest beauty focus?
Skin! Makeup can really transform your look, but nothing replaces having great skin. It’s always been important to me to invest in it. I’ve regretted buying shoes or purses, but I’ve never regretted what I’ve spent on my skin.Did you ever struggle with it?
I had adult acne not that long ago. It was worse than when I was 18! I started using Proactiv and I haven’t dealt with it since.Now you’re the face of the brand! As a skin-care fanatic, have you ever considered Botox or fillers?
I want to try to avoid anything like that. Not that there’s anything wrong with it, but I believe that we, as women, should embrace our age and have no problem saying it. Sure, parts of my skin don’t feel as tight anymore. But we can’t control the day we were born.So what else do you use to keep your skin looking great?
I put grape seed oil all over my face, neck and body because it’s so moisturizing.
[From People Magazine, print edition]
Ok to be fair she didn’t say here that she hasn’t had plastic surgery, however she did claim that last month. The changes in her face are more than just weight loss and great makeup. She could talk around these issues or own up to minor work, but instead she’s fibbing. I’m not saying she owes it to anyone to be like “yes, I had an eye lift,” or “my doctor uses Botox to achieve a different jawline,” but the least she could do is not lie.
To consider her side for a moment, how could she answer this question if she didn’t want to own up to injectables? I guess she could say “Sure, I see nothing wrong with either Botox or fillers” and then move on. Or she could say that she’s seen other women have good results with injectables and not be personal in her response. I get the impression that encourages these type of questions so she can “set the record straight.” She keeps bringing it up after all.
photos credit: WENN.com
She wants to try and avoid them, but she fails.
She lost weight from working out with a trainer for a role. You can see her face is thinner. People would rather condemn and criticize than looking at the facts. I have myself in fact noticed a difference in my face from losing as little as 10 pounds.
You don’t get bigger, wider eyes, a narrowed nose, a completely new jawline and plumper lips from losing a little weight, though.
I recently did lose about 10 pounds, but my face is exactly the same, just a touch slimmer.
I honestly dont see any real change in her face. I don’t get why people insist she had something done. Her face thinned out but thats all i really see.
The eyes are less “hooded” (for lack of better word?) at the top, that’s pretty obvious!
I suspect she might have lifted the area around her eyes – which may have been a functional surgery as well as cosmetic, so I’m not going to knock her too much on that. The nose I find debatable because it depends on the angle. It’s her chin that I find rather curious because it actually looks more angular in the older photo, and you would expect the reverse if weight loss were the contributing factor.
I think it’s almost all, if not all, weight loss as well. Her face is clearly thinner, which explains the change in jawline and nose. If you look closely, the basic shapes are the same. Just thinner.
She’s definitely had work done, albeit subtle. I can’t criticize her for getting work done, because I’d probably do the same in her situation (as well as deny it)!
She had heavier, or hooded, eyelids like Gisele and Renee Z. I also have hooded eyelids. In a society where round, wide eyes are the feminine ideal, it’s tough to not want that! I’ve been researching eye lifts and eyelid surgery (so I’m basically an expert lol), and yes, Munn definitely had work done. But after seeing the results of the Munn, Gisele, and Renee, I realize that their eyes were uniquely beautiful and worked better with their faces. Maybe I won’t change anything after all.
I try and avoid eating dessert…..doesn’t mean I didn’t stuff my face last night.
I. Hate. Her. She’s really Megan Foxed herself too. She used to look unique and now she’s so mediocre! Face matches her talent I guess.
She looks the same to me, just a lot thinner than she used to be, and thus her face is now thinner. I think she is beautiful.
You’d have to lose more than 12 lbs to lose fat from the jawline like that. With weight loss the face looks thinner and you can see less plumpness around the cheekbones, fat doesn’t get lost from the jawline (that’s genetic).
Something has definitely been done to her jawline, and her eyes have been done.
There is a change in weight from the teens to the 20’s – I look back at pics when I was a teenager and had a much fuller face even though I weighed less than I do now. I lost a load of puppy fat going into my 20’s as well as losing weight, but my jawline stayed pretty much the same.
I agree that she looks mostly the same. Her face is thinner and her eyes look bigger, less almond shaped. But I don’t see the massive overhaul that others claim she had done. Sometimes something small makes a huge change, see Jennifer Grey.
I agree, I think it’s the weight loss. She has “starvation” eyes.
I don’t see the huge changes either. It looks to me like she had the hooded-eyelid surgery. But that’s about it.
No, unless all her weight was in her nose, she’s had that narrowed, and her smile is different. I didn’t think weight loss changed that. Plus looking at the 2nd photo under the text, she’s got a droopy eye I never noticed before.
She looks like she wants to imitate Megan Fox.
I feel the same way. I just don’t see surgery at all.
I agree, I really don’t see any difference, except for maybe some brown spots that might be covered in makeup. Maybe, MAYBE, her eyes seem a little more open, but I don’t see what others are seeing. I don’t see wrinkles in 2010 that could have been zapped with botox. Brown spots aren’t treated with botox. You can treat that with vitamin c and/or retin A, I think.
The suggestion is her eyes and jawline have been treated with Botox, which isn’t just used for wrinkles (see masseter Botox, it’s what Betheny Frankel had done)
well I’ll be damned. I had no idea!
I have to say, it could be weight loss. I’ve lost weight, and my face went from roundish with a squarish jaw to oval. When I look at old pics it’s like I’m another person. Everything changed from losing fat in my face: eyes look bigger, nose slimmed, (from loss of cheek and eyelid fat)… It IS possible.
That said, she does look better with a little more weight in her face IMO.
Yes, but… And I’m asking rhetorically here since I would never ask you to report something so personal, you went from what to what? I’m assuming non-famous maybe plump to non-famous thin. She went from celebrity thin to celebrity thinner; until you get scary thin, there’s not like there’s a lot of fat on a celeb, you know?
The shape of the top of her eyes looks different. She looks like she has less eyelid skin.
I think she’s beautiful either way but I do like her fuller face a bit better.
Even I can see the difference. She looked better before!
Right? I don’t get why women like her (I’m looking at you, Megan Fox!) mess with their naturally beautiful faces.
She looked so beautiful before, much better! What kind of beauty surgeon talks women like Olivia and Megan Fox into surgerys? It’s a shame, because both looked much better before.
losing weight + eye lift + shaving off the jaw bones. that is not a botox.
I came here to say that she clearly had procedures in her eyes and jaw + weight loss.
I think she was prettier before.
Google masseter Botox. That is exactly what is looks like.
Yes, plus a nose job (noses don’t get narrower and pointier all by themselves, even with weight loss).
She looked SO much prettier before! Before, she was gorgeous and had a distinctive, cute look. Now her face just has the typical LA-scary-weird ‘what has she done to herself ?’ look.
I should have scrolled down. I agree with you!
I think she also got some filler on her lips.
I don’t know how she can deny her having a drastically different face. She went from looking like herself to looking like Megan Fox, especially in the first picture under 2016. I refuse to believe that 12 pounds of weight loss made that much of a difference to her face. She looks virtually the same size in both sets of pictures to me. She is clearly loving this attention though.
It’s odd…usually I can tell what was done. Here it’s really subtle. But definitely something. Her face looks more sculpted. In the old photo it’s quite full. Weird.Anyone have any ideas?
I think she had a lot of smaller tweaks. I’m guessing rhinoplasty to the tip of her nose, removal of the buccal fat in her cheeks, an upper eyelid lift, light Botox at the corners of her eyes, and maybe a little Juvederm in her top lip. No cheek fillers.
Oh God, I just googled “buccal fat removal”. Whoa.
Cannot. Unsee.
Starting to think she had Botox around her eyes rather than an eye job. Look at that–she has the Botox eye wonk.
The wonk gives it away every time. I would freak if that happened to me- it’s all I would be able to see (if i could see at all out of my wonk eye) in the mirror. NOt worth it.
Yep. The Paris Hilton wonk.
Yup! The wonk-eye tells all.
Whatever she’s had done she hasn’t dramatically altered her face, and it does look good, so why not just own up to it? It’s not like she’s fooling anyone.
What causes wonky eye? I’ve had Botox before and never gotten a wonky eye.
Some people just have wonky eyes. I do, and I suppose I’ve technically had a cosmetic procedure done (as a baby, but nothing since then), but I’m not sure that’s what caused my wonky eye.
Should also add that I’ve never had Botox. Still have a wonky eye.
I get botox twice a year (I’d like three times, but at almost $600 a pop in Boston, it’s crazy pricey)–what they call “baby botox”–just between my brows so I don’t furrow my brows like crazy, so maybe I wouldn’t get it anyway with such a small dose, but I have never looked unnatural or had any sort of wonky anything with it. I love it. I’m sure celebrities quite overdo it, though. Botox can look really good and natural, but you need a good doctor with a conservative hand.
Yes, i wish i could afford to get botox again. But i didn’t pay anything near $600, that’s crazy expensive.
$600 for just in between your brows!? Wow that is expensive. I’m in Canada and pay $8 a unit. I only get 20 units and he can do my whole forehead. I absolutely LOVE it.
Yikes, that’s expensive! I pay $150 for exactly what you just described.
I really hope so, just because I hope some of this work is reversible.
Weight loss doesn’t change the size of your jaw. Whatever she did, it’s tragic. Unlike Bethenny Frenkel, she looked SO MUCH better before.
Is she mixed ? Because I lived in Japan for two years and never saw someone who looked anything like her
Her father is white and her mother is Vietnamese.
I could use a little lift in the eyebrow area .. I’m going to order myself some grape seed oil right now!
I follow a celebrity plastic surgery on instgram and there’s so much he can do that no one ever gets asked about. He uses lasers, ultrasounds, some kind of acid injection, and fillers.
I don’t believe anything any celebrity says about using certain products or getting lots of sleep.
And proactive made my skin worse.
If you don’t mind, what’s the name of the plastic surgeon on Instagram? I wouldn’t mind checking it out.
His name is simonourianmd1
His page is very it interesting! He does work on the kardashians.
Thanks Isa!
I justed checked out his insta. Some of the results are really amazing and look quite natural.
Now she’s a Megan Fox clone. She was so cute before – the freckles, the little crooked front tooth. Her eyes seemed even more tilted before she had all the work done; now you can barely see it.
Just throwing this out there, but when I first saw the “after” photos, I immediately thought that she may have struggled with an ED. As someone that struggled with one for years, I can tell you that the change in your face after recovery is astounding. During it, my face was puffy and round and now it’s much thinner and I can actually see a defined jawline. Just something to think about.
I agree, Helen. People here don’t seem to be aware of “bulemia jaw” and the ways EDs seriously change your face.
Honestly I thought that her face BEFORE was more interesting-beautiful in a slightly cooky-naughty way which is very sexy. Her 2016-face is the more boring-Hollywood-standard-oval-face-dainty-beauty, to be honest.
I don’t get why celebrities feel the need to deny botox use. It’s so ubiquitous now it’s more of a given that they’ve had it. Almost every female I know IRL has had botox, not in the Nicole Kidman way, but usually between the eyes or on the forehead. It’s not a big deal!
Hell, I have Botox! What’s the big deal? I’m like mid forties Pasadena mom of two. All my friends have it too. Sheesh!
Ultherapy and chemical peels
Don’t count
Ultherapy can seriously mess with your face!! I’m convinced Uma Thurman had it last year when everyone was trying to figure out why she looked different.
I see nothing indicating she has had anything done. I don’t know anything about this person, other than a friend of mine has a huge crush on her–but what is with the witch hunt of “so and so had botox and they’re lying about it!” I’m sure a ton of celebs lie about procedures all the time, but I have a hard time blaming them when they are constantly asked about things which are no one else’s business. You really can’t win. If you get it, you looked better before, you should set a better example for your fans. If you don’t, you are a liar and it’s so obvious you’re lying because it’s bad work, even when the person looks…. exactly the same. You will always find differences with photographs due to makeup, aging, lighting and angles.
Her face obviously looks different in the before/after pics above, more than can be attributed to weight loss, and she says its down to skincare and diet.
She comes across as disingenuous.
This is like a stereotype of the “planted” intern from the PR office response. Pretend you are a disinterested party. Then make some super specific talking points. Hit them all. Bonus!
Don’t you hate it when editors get the before and after pics backwar…. oh wait…
She may not have gotten Botox but there’s no denying that she got breast implants and probably other things done as well. Whatever. I have so much more respect for people who own what they’ve gotten done (for example-I’m not a Kaley Cuoco fan but I respect that she was honest about her implants). I get a little bit of Botox periodically and am open about it-I’m not going to pretend the wrinkles just disappeared on their own. The vast majority of celebs over 35 have done something even if it’s just getting laser treatments or Botox.
she is sooooo pretty now, of course, but I think her old face was even prettier.
She looks a lot like Megan Fox now.
I don’t get all the hullabaloo. She looks pretty much like exactly the same person to me.
She was so fresh-looking and cute before she had work done. Sad!
Well dam*, Olivia…someone snuck into your room while you were fast asleep and injected your face with a whole lot of Botox!!!
She’s a beautiful woman, before and after, but I can see the difference.
Her former eye shape was unique and made her stand out. You knew it was her because she looked different than the other starlets. Now she just looks like the rest. She Jennifer’ed Grayed her eyes and that will probably end up being a bad thing for her career.
It’s her face. She can whatever she likes to it.
Yes, she can. But the way she keeps lying about it and assuming we’re all idiots is what people can’t stand.
I am floored that some people don’t see a big change and think that if she did something, it was “subtle”. I think this is one of the most radical changes I’ve ever witnessed, age-related changes aside! Her jaw is twice as narrow as it used to be! I’m sorry, but you don’t lose weight in a jaw. It can become more chiseled with weight loss, sure, but it doesn’t go from square to pointy!
Her eye shape is also quite different.
She was so lovely, she’s still pretty, but I really can’t say she’s more pretty, so I truly don’t get why she’d go through all that just to be a slightly more European-looking version of her beautiful self.
I don’t see the difference, she looks the same to me.
Me too! Also, in one photo her face is tilted down and the other it’s tilted up- I wouldn’t doubt that could have a big impact on the appearance of her features.
Eye surgery and nose surgery for sure.
I’m binge watching House on Netflix and she doesn’t look anything like her former self
She looks the same to me! Just a better make-up job
I think it’s plausible. Google before and after pictures from Whole 30 diet and you can see similar results. Perhaps not as dramatic, but still..
She is a gorgeous girl, no doubt. I’ve had massater botox and I highly suspect that is what Olivia has had done too. My results are similar to hers.