People: Johnny Depp ‘has been an emotional mess, he is still very upset’


These photos – of Johnny Depp performing with the Hollywood Vampires in Europe – are making me sick. The bloat, the necklaces, the scarves, the rings, the eye liner, the glassy eyes. Even if we didn’t already know too much about Depp’s private life, does this guy look like someone you would want to spend any time with? Which is the point of this story in the New York Post over the weekend – go here to read. While there’s no new information, Page Six compiled a laundry list of quotes and stories about Depp’s history of bad behavior, his violence, his drug and alcohol abuse. While it always seemed like his time with Vanessa Paradis was relatively clean and uneventful, I’m starting to think that he was just the same person and he just got better at hiding it. Speaking of, People Magazine published this story last Friday:

Johnny Depp has been rocked hard by his ugly divorce and domestic violence allegations made by his estranged wife Amber Heard.

“Johnny has been an emotional mess,” a source tells PEOPLE. The actor, 52, has been traveling around Europe with his band the Hollywood Vampires for the last week, making stops in various places including Sweden and Denmark. The band is set to take the stage in Romania on Monday for the last performance on their European tour. “The concerts and the tour are good for him,” says the source. “He doesn’t want to let his fans down. It’s the best distraction.”

But while the actor – whose mother, Betty Sue Palmer, died May 20 after a long illness – is doing his best to keep his head high, focusing on his music hasn’t been enough to keep his mind off his personal life.

“He is still very upset about his mom and about all the Amber drama,” adds the source. Depp has been spotted partying with locals after his concerts and staying out until nearly 4 a.m., but the source says it’s just typical celebration.

“His team is keeping a close eye on him,” says the source. “He has been drinking, but hasn’t been out of control.”

As for the future, Depp is planning to spend the summer with his two kids, Lily-Rose, 17, and Jack, 14.

“He talks about his kids a lot and misses them. He is making plans with the kids this summer. They are planning a trip to France.”

[From People]

I guess this is a pro-Depp piece, in that we’re supposed to feel sympathy for him? He’s an emotional mess. He’s drinking, but not too much because he’s got a team of people monitoring his behavior. He’s upset and partying like crazy, but it’s nothing new. But if this is “typical Depp,” isn’t that the point? He hasn’t hit rock-bottom yet. But he’s definitely on a downward spiral.

A few more stories – Depp’s “mystery blonde” spoke to E! News, and you can read her story here. They met in Denmark while Depp was drinking and partying until the wee hours of the morning. Even though she’s trying to make him sound like a nice guy, she makes him sound like he was drunk off his ass and like his bodyguards/handlers were trying to get him to go back to the hotel for hours.

People Magazine also did some analysis on whether the abuse allegations will have any long-term effect on his career. The analyst basically said that if Depp wants to get through this, he needs to sit down with a serious interviewer and explain his side. I think there’s a reason why Depp hasn’t done that yet, though – he was caught flat-footed when Amber dropped some of the evidence she’s collected over the past two years. I think Depp and his team are still waiting to see the extent of the damage before they get their stories straight.



Photos courtesy of WENN.

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342 Responses to “People: Johnny Depp ‘has been an emotional mess, he is still very upset’”

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  1. Tate says:

    That first pic is extremely alarming.

    • lilacflowers says:

      Night of the Living Dead

      • Megan says:

        Seriously. He looks like he has one foot in the grave.

      • Starkiller says:

        That statement may be truer than you think. I had a close relative who was an alcoholic. When he was in end-stage liver failure, his skin was about the same shade as Johnny’s here.

      • Little Darling says:

        @starkiller my thought was sepsis or liver shock because of his pallor.

      • joan says:

        I never got why people were so crazy about him, so you just imagine how much he turns me off NOW.

      • Nicole says:

        He will hit bottom and his bottom may be death

      • Jib says:

        His number’s going to be up soon if he doesn’t get his butt into rehab and get sober. He doesn’t look like he has years left. Doesn’t anyone love him enough to do an intervention? It’s Amy Winehouse all over again.

      • Tarsha says:

        Starkiller I thought their skin went yellowy green. Not grey.

    • Snazzy says:

      Honestly like a corpse with a bad make up job

      • Saks says:


      • JenniferJustice says:

        I swear they purposely look for the most God-awful pictures of him they can find. He looks like a bloated Edward Scissorhands.

        Have to say that quote “His team is keeping a close eye on him,” says the source. “He has been drinking, but hasn’t been out of control” says it all, doesn’t it? So, it’s fine that he’s still drinking so long as he isn’t blacking out…in front of them. Makes no friggin’ sense. Quite drinking Johnny! You aren’t capable of moderation….OBVIOUSLY!!!

    • Pinky says:

      He’s a real-life, Tim Burton freakshow, undead zombie.


    • CornyBlue says:

      That is what a Hollywood Vampire looks like dude.

    • Kate says:

      He has become Edward scissorhands.

    • easi says:

      He’s so gross and embarrassing.

      • JenYfromTheBlok says:

        Well, the punk rock thing is for the very young. That ship sails and apres thirty, let’s hope we got all that out of our system cuz it does’nt age well. I look like a zombie 1st think in the morning, and don’t need goth make up to enhance the decrepit.

    • Tulip says:

      If Amber can be flawed, but still a victim of dv who needs support, then Johnny can be flawed and in need of medical help.

      He truly looks ill there and while I don’t like what he’s done, I don’t want him dead. Someone needs to get him to a doctor, asap

      • Kate says:

        He definitely is not well. And he will not live long like this

      • Trillion says:

        For the longest time, he was one of those celebrities who seemed to defy age. Obv. that is no longer the case. I know this didn’t happen overnight, but it feels like it.

      • Flowerchild says:

        Fact is Johnny himself doesn’t think he needs help. He also surrounds himself with yes people, paid people and users. People that lie for him and cover up for him, none of those people are ever going to be honest with him and get him the help he needs.

        If he would go to rehab now it would be a PR move that would not help him in the long run.

      • Lucy says:

        I was looking at some old interview quotes and he’s been on and off the wagon for years. He said his family have staged interventions for him in the past, and that at times he’s gotten sober and stayed sober for as long as 2 years. But he’s been a regular drugs user since he was 14 and has talked about his abusive childhood and how he uses substances to dull the pain as a form of “self-medication.” Unless he gets real help on rehab I don’t see much hope.

      • Imqrious2 says:

        Lucy, in another article he’s quoted as also being a “cutter”, saying the physical pain could take away the emotional pain. Seems he’s never stopped trying to dull it; you’d think somewhere in the last 40 yrs he’d figure the booze and drugs didn’t work, and his family would’ve have tried to talk him into therapy at least once.

      • JenniferJustice says:

        He is more than flawed at this point. He’s making a choice and has been for years. He’s choosing to continue to drink by choosing not to go to rehab. He continues to deny he can’t handle it and he continues to surround himself with sychophants who will never tell him what he needs to hear v. what he wants to hear. Those are all choices….selfish choices. I’m having a hard time feeling sympathy for him. I don’t want him dead, but he isn’t a victim in the sense that Amber or any other woman he’s abused is/was.

        I find all the talk about his past, childhood abuse, self-medicating, rejected interventions, cutting, etc. all ploys to deem himself a continual victim rather than owning he has become a predator. I don’t want to hear it. Either he goes to rehab or he can suck it!

      • Melanie says:

        What @JenniferJustice just said. My dad, a recovering alcoholic of 30 plus years, laughs out loud when he hears other addicts crying about their bad childhoods. My dad had one of the worst childhoods I’ve ever heard, wouldn’t wish it on his worst enemy. So when he hears these types of cries or excuses, his answer is always suck it up and stop being a victim. He says drink yourself to death for whatever reason, but don’t blame it on your victim status. Not saying I understand exactly where my dad is coming from, but just wanted to throw that opinion out there.

        My belief is that addicts do not get help until they’ve hit rock bottom. Bottom looks different to every person. Even though it may look to outsiders that he MUST be ready to admit there’s a problem, he could be a very long way from feeling that himself.

    • Rhiley says:

      Pete Doherty at his worst.

    • MorningCoffee says:

      That photo is Fat Elvis level alarming.

    • Wren says:

      No kidding. He looks like zombie, mechanically going through the motions but with his mind far away. It’s disturbing to look at, really. His problems are catching up to him in a big way and it shows.

    • Stella says:

      Indeed. I know the lighting is harsh, but he looks like death.

    • ladysussex says:

      That’s what I just don’t get. There have been many stories over the years about how bad he smells, his poor hygiene, his rotten teeth. He dresses like a member of Aerosmith circa 1985. SO what was it that made Amber fall in love with him? His charming personality and chivalrous ways? It seems not, with all the stories coming out and the abuse before they were even married. So what on earth could have compelled a beautiful young starlet, who could probably be with almost anyone she wanted (celebrities, athletes, or even billionaires) to marry him?

    • Kristin says:

      I can’t believe he was ever hot. He looks like an extra from “The Walking Dead”.

  2. lilacflowers says:

    Oh, boo hoo. Not.

    • Pinky says:

      “Boo” is right. He’s scary looking.


    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Yes, exactly. “All of the Amber drama” could have been easily avoided had he not chosen to get wasted and use her for a punching bag. Boo fing hoo.

      • detritus says:

        I love how it’s ‘all the Amber drama’. Just a touch minimizing? The wording helps support his platform that this is just a horrible ex-wife lying and that it will be over soon.

      • Bejkie says:

        I’m going to echo the boo f***ing hoo. I wasn’t going to comment further because the way he’s written as a victim and “all the Amber stuff” reference makes me sick & I’m almost emotionally worn out from reading this crap everyday (not CB’s coverage, nor most commentors here, just all the other ugly all over the internet about this), but I’m going to add a superficial comment. He really looks like hell. My dad died from cirrhosis of the liver from decades of drug and alcohol abuse. Before he became bedridden, that’s what he looked like. It’s a scary but familiar look to me. Even though I’m firmly against his behaviour and believe Amber 100%, I also hope he gets some help. Sadly I doubt it though. A week before my dad died, & I was at his hospital bedside, he had a lucid moment & used it to beg me to get him a bottle of vodka. Not even death hanging over him could deter that addiction.

      • MoochieMom says:

        @GNAT – THIS. Thank you for getting it.

      • tigerlily says:

        Exactly. “Amber drama”?? Minimizing the abuse and making him the victim. He really makes me sick. As do the “kneepads” media outlets.

    • Snazzy says:

      pfft, he’s only upset as he sees all that money he could still have earned from those bloody Pirates movies being flushed down the drain. Loser.

      • nicegirl says:

        detritus – You are SO RIGHT. It’s really ‘all the Johnny drama’.

      • JenniferJustice says:

        I actually think it’s more about the public’s perception of him now. Something he tried to hide and protect is now out in the open and people aren’t looking at him the same as they used to. For a selfish person, that’s the lowest point. But he only has himself to blame as far as I’m concerned. People have been trying to help him for decades but to no avail. So, he can go ahead and wallow in the mess he created. He isn’t a victim as he tries to make it out. He is a victimizer. Blaming it on drugs and alcohol is a cop out. He’s the one doing the drugs and drinking the alcohol, and there doesn’t seem to be any plans for rehab unless his popularity and movies go bust. That’s isn’t a reason to go to rehab. You go to rehab so you stop hurting yourself and other people. He has no desire to get sober…..unless his wallet is hurting.

    • Birdy says:

      I agree! he looks like a bloated zombie with bad eye liner! oh poor thing! he makes me wanna barf!

  3. escondista says:

    God bad lighting but he looks like a corpse!

  4. Lucy says:

    Cry me a river Johnny…

    • Riemc526 says:

      Exactly!! The “sad little boy” is an emotional mess, mostly of his own doing. I understand being distraught over a parent’s death, but I have no sympathy for him in the other regard.

  5. Patricia says:

    What does that even mean that he will “explain his side” in an interview? What’s his side when he has abused his wife? There’s no explanation needed.
    The only thing he should do is get help for his rage and substance abuse, take the blame he deserves, get sober and live a better life. And apologize profusely.

    • Lisa says:

      i want to hear him explain himself instead of throwing accusations of lying, gold digging thru his friends, pr team

      • Kitten says:

        You know that they’ll arrange for a highly-controlled, softball interview though.

        It’s too bad because it would be awesome to have a (preferably female) journalist grill the guy.

      • CornyBlue says:

        Please it will be a highly PR interview if it does happen.

      • JenniferJustice says:

        He will no doubt talk up his own victimization….I was abused as a child, I dont’ like myself, I have demons, I only do drugs and drink to numb my pain, I cut because it feels better than everything else…..blah blah blah.

        You aint no victim Johnny! You’re making decisions – clear cut decisions! You were a victim when you were a child, but that was 30+ years ago. Now, you’re just another victimizer who plays on people’s sympathy to do what you want to do w/no regard for others.

    • JenYfromTheBlok says:

      right out of the abuser 101 playbook. “let me have a chance to re-write history and convince the masses how my victim -ahem wife- was really on LSD and made it all up…”

    • Mich says:

      If he is like most abusers, his ‘side’ will boil down to: She made me do it.

      • Wren says:

        Or simply, “she’s lying”.

        Perhaps he’ll go the Cosby gobbledygook nonsense route and expound on nothing until he thinks he’s fleeced us. Maybe wave his hands around like Jack Sparrow, turn on the charm a little, and babble on about “what’s really important” until the interview is over.

      • JenniferJustice says:

        His side will boil down to “I am a damaged and hurt person myself. I didn’t mean to hurt anybody. I would never intentionally hurt anybody.”

        THAT is what they say and my response to that would be “every time you pick up a glass of booze or do drugs, you are making a clear decision that you know will hurt somebody, so yes, you do intentionally hurt people.”

      • isabelle says:

        ….or he will end up apologizing, “I’m not myself when I’m drunk” “I was grieving my mother,so i wasn’t myself”. Another tactic of abusers, they will often apologize, while playing the card that really wasn’t me. Only to do the same thing all over again.

    • AnnaKist says:

      “And apologize profusely.” And mean it.

    • MoochieMom says:

      It is going to be horrible to see if the courts send him to mandated classes or rehab. It will set a standard of “money talks.” BTW an abuser can apologize profusely – which starts the cycle of abuse again. He can explain his side in court and that she given a PROTECTIVE order vs a restraining order says a lot. That (where I live) is way above a restraining order. It means you step over that 100yd mark, you are arrested if you get caught. Oh and he can kiss his kids goodbye. They are likely to be included because courts may decide he could be abusive to them. They don’t live here, but if I were their mom, his ass would be on restrictions and supervision (maybe not court ordered but he’d get the point).

  6. Argirl says:

    He looks like death warmed over.

  7. Shijel says:

    Shouldn’t have kicked your wife, JD. I’m a binge-drinking alcoholic with anger issues too. Alcohol is never an excuse, and you don’t get to throw yourself a pity-party, you work on yourself. It’s you, you, and only you who, in the end, is responsible.

    Though I suppose it’s difficult to gauge the severity of your issues and behaviour when you surround yourself with enablers and sycophants. Regardless.

    • Brittney B. says:

      Shijel, exactly. Abuse has no excuse.

      I’ve gone through some dark, substance-fueled, emotional periods in my own life too. But when other people started getting hurt — not physically, thank god — and when I couldn’t even remember or relate to what I did to them, I knew immediately that I had to get help. And I was in my mid-20s; I wasn’t a middle-aged man with a family and a spouse.

      There’s just no “side” of this story that can explain what he did to her, or what he continues to do to her on a public stage. None whatsoever.

    • Tara says:

      Exactly. If you know you get like that when you drink, you shouldn’t drink. The problem is he has too many yes people around him because he doesn’t want anyone to question him and tell him to get help. It’s creepy the way he’s used this young woman as a toy for him to control and harm.

  8. BunnyBear says:

    Much edgy, so lost, how angst.

  9. Erinn says:

    Oh you miss your kids Johnny? Shame you don’t have the resources to go see them, considering they’re suffering because of all the shit you’re putting them through.

    Piece of work, this one.

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      He plans to spend the summer with them the way Tom Cruise planned to visit Suri.

      • Erinn says:

        Mmm – exactly. Promises from an abusive alcoholic aren’t something that carries much weight. Likely, he’s going to continue letting those kids down.

      • Who ARE these people? says:

        And they’re teenagers. The older one is dating. Do they really want to spend that much time with their embarrassing dad? I mean, most dads are embarrassing for teens even when they’re sober, showered and sane.

      • JenniferJustice says:

        Funny we never heard him talking about his kids until all this abuse came to light. What a coincidence!!!

      • Ennie says:

        He is oh, so private… it seems that his team was cleverly protecting hi real image to come out to the public.

    • tschic says:

      The one thing he can do is to go to rehab.
      Say sorry to Amber. Be honest. Take responsibility.

      • Erinn says:

        Really, it’s the only logical step for him at this point. But when you’re a paranoid jerk who’s surrounded themselves with yes-men, I suppose it’s hard to accept that any of this is your fault.

      • Trillion says:

        best option for everyone involved, and I’m thinking of his children, esp. his son who needs to take some kind of behavior modeling from this that’s not horrible.

      • Who ARE these people? says:

        And give her an uncontested divorce, some money, and tell your pals to help her out in Hollywood. If you’re really such a nice guy, that would be the way to go.

      • Luca76 says:

        Yeah and it would be so easy and because of the misogyny in our culture all he would be forgiven for 95.5% of it because he had a problem. But nope he’s not interested.

      • Tara says:

        Yeah I think if he apologized, the public would actually be quick to forgive him just because they want to like Johnny Depp. Give it up already. Stop fighting Amber. She’s not backing down and has so much evidence.

    • Flowerchild says:

      The biggest highlight for me in this article if Johnny plans to spend the summer in France.

      It seems that just like Tom, Johnny doesn’t plans to return to the U.S. any time soon.

  10. Cdoggy says:

    He looks like he’s just one step away from taking his last hit at the Viper Room. You would think he’d know better.

    • Sea Dragon says:

      You’d think he’d know better than to not batter a woman too, but clearly, he doesn’t care about anyone, including himself.

  11. CornyBlue says:

    What is there to explain in his side ? He was drunk on power and thought he could get away with battering a woman but then she did not disappear when he wanted to.

  12. Lahdidahbaby says:

    He’s going to spend the summer with his kids? Oh my God. Poor kids. I’m serious. Those poor kids.

    I hope Vanessa will be around to protect them from his excesses. And I hope someone else, large and strong, will be around to protect Vanessa.

    • Eleonor says:

      Oh I think Vanessa is perfectly capable to protect herself.

      • Lahdidahbaby says:

        I always thought I was, too.

        No offense, Eleonor, but to say what you just said implies that Amber Heard is weak and somehow responsible for what Depp did to her. Responsible for not being “capable” of preventing it.

      • Gretchen says:

        I bet Amber thought that in the beginning too

      • SilkyMalice says:

        Not to pile on Eleanor further, but men always have the advantage over women when it comes to physical abuse. They are larger and stronger mostly due to testosterone. Don’t forget he was more than capable of pinning Amber down and holding a pillow over her head. And Amber is 5’8″ with a medium athletic build. Vanessa is 5’3″ with a tiny build.

        So yeah. No.

      • Eleonor says:

        @Lahdidahbaby : no offense I think Vanessa has moved on with her life, romantically and professionally, I think she is far away from Johnny.
        In their last years together she looked miserable, but after the split she looked better.
        We can’t know if he was a violent drunk with her, or simply a drunk mess.

      • Wren says:

        Emotionally, she probably is. And at this point I rather doubt she’s going to allow herself to be in a position where he could hurt her. She seems like she’s not laboring under any delusions and she’s moved on.

        Spending the summer in France is not the same as staying in Vanessa’s guest room.

      • MoochieMom says:

        It may not be his or her choice. I don’t know how it works inter-state or nationally but there is no way he’d see those kids without supervision. If I was Vanessa, I’d never let him near my child.

    • SilkyMalice says:

      Her own people, not his “Boss, please.” sorry excuse for a body guard.

    • siri says:

      Vanessa is on his side. She made it clear:

      “Johnny Depp is the father of my two children, he is a sensitive, loving and loved person, and I believe with all my heart that these recent allegations being made are outrageous, in all the years I have known Johnny, he has never been physically abusive with me, and this looks nothing like the man I lived with for 14 wonderful years.”

      I don’t think this was a wise idea, and I doubt it’s honest. She must know his temper and his moods when he gets loaded. After all, they split.

      • MoochieMom says:

        Stay out of family court is huge in this statement.

      • mary simon says:

        Vanessa is not exactly out there campaigning for Johnny. She was expected to make a statement in Johnny’s defense, which she did for the sake of her children. I personally find the note a bit terse and the final line about 14 wonderful years almost seems sarcastic. I think she means 14 f*cking years and she’s giving Johnny the finger. She’s basically saying “Ok bud, I’ll do this one time and one time, only – don’t try to suck me into this mess.” Then she promptly steps away, and no one has heard from her since. There is so much more to VanJohnny than we know.

      • Rianic says:

        Never PHYSICALLY abusive…

  13. farah says:

    I don’t mean to sound rude, but he’s over 50! And he’s somebody’s father. How pathetic. If Depp was a woman, I can’t imagine all the judgment that would be hurled his way (excluding the abuse). It’s not the 90’s anymore. Grow up.

    • pinetree13 says:

      What I want to know is…how does he get dressed? Like does he take out scarves and then go outside and roll them in the dirt so they look like that? And then say to himself, “Yeah, I’ll add a few more dirty scarves, that will REALLY make me look like a cool, rebel not conforming to societies standards!”
      But seriously, there are so many scarves, it would take time to put those on. Like wouldn’t taking that much time to try and look “cool” be the anti-thesis of cool?

      Off topic rant that was ! HA!

      • Dlo says:

        Love the scarves comments!

      • mary simon says:

        Whenever Johnny and his Mission Impossible security ninjas gas up the limo, Johnny has the mechanic give him a few rags out of the barrel.

  14. Cheyenne says:

    What a fall from grace. He’s always tried too hard to be cool though. Wanting to be a rock star like Keith Richards on one hand and trying to be like Marlon Brando on the other. He wanted to look like a Hollywood rebel, but just like another Brando wannabe Sean Penn, he’s more inside in Hollywood than he pretends to be with all this connections and press manipulations, so his outsider persona was always b.s.

    How long before he enters rehab?

    • Rebecca/Becky says:

      Hopefully soon, maybe he doesn’t realise he’s hit rock bottom yet.

    • Wren says:

      I thought he was succeeding until recently. Too much of his stuff is out in the open, and he obviously cares about it. There’s a limit on how much you can be seen to care about things if you want to look cool. Desperation is never cool, and neither is caring what people think. Johnny is exhibiting both, and that’s decidedly uncool. Add in the the clinging to youth and try-hard vibe, and it’s just embarrassing and sad.

    • it's like you know says:

      He did take a Marlon Brando trajectory, didn’t he? At least looks-wise.

      Man, to go from being so beautiful…to looking like a bloated, weeks old corpse that washed up on some beach.

      I guess his face and body are finally showing the ugliness within.

      • mary simon says:

        omg Not just looking like a bloated corpse, but one that “washed up on some beach!” I was thinking he looks worse than a corpse but couldn’t quite figure what could look worse than a corpse. I think you got it with the washing up on the beach thing. Looks like he’s still wet, too.

  15. Blackbetty says:

    Shouldnt he be going back to LA, to deal with lawyers etc? How has his new Alice sequel dling at the box office? Its getting bad reviews here in Oz.

    • Snazzy says:

      I think it totally tanked. I even read an opinion piece yesterday (in the Globe and Mail, I think) about how the author didn’t want to go see it because of all of this. I was quite happy to read it, although I made the mistake of then looking at the comments sections. People are assholes, but thankfully, not everyone

    • SilkyMalice says:

      Well, he is getting yanked into a Disney meeting pretty soon here. My guess is that they are going to come down on him pretty hard.

    • CornyBlue says:

      Horrible. Hopefully it wont even cover cost.

    • MoochieMom says:

      The Disney meeting is a great time and place to serve him.

  16. Honey says:

    Is he preparing for a stage production of his movie The Corpse Bride?! johnny would probably win a Tony, he looks perfect for the role.

  17. Eleonor says:

    I don’t think Vanessa calmed down Johnny, he was a mess in the ’90s, but at a certain point he wanted to get clean (sort of) and changed his life. He wanted to be clean.

    • SilkyMalice says:

      I agree 100% Vanessa had NOTHING to do with his getting relatively clean during their years together, it was all him. Plus she never agreed to marry him, so he never had the kind of control over her he feels he had over Amber.

      • Wren says:

        Maybe not actively, but I wouldn’t be surprised if her presence in his life was a motivating factor for him to attempt sobriety. Perhaps he wanted to be better for her and the kids, and for awhile he was.

        It’s not unusual for a person to wish to change for the sake of another. He was able to maintain for a time, but in the end the old demons won and he slipped back into addiction. It’s not Vanessa’s fault in any way, but I do think her existence affected Johnny’s desires and behavior.

  18. Guesto says:

    “..all the Amber drama…”

    All the Amber dama? Drama?? You can almost hear the eyeroll and head shake in that source’s comment.

    Depp really has some disgusting people in his corner.

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      Exactly. This opens such a window into the attitudes of powerful men toward women who “get in their way” or try to hold them accountable for their actions. Her self-respect was totally unexpected.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Yes, that was disgusting. Who created that “drama?” And who suffered for it? That just drew a line under it for me. He can go drink himself into hell for all I care, but someone better hold that jerk accountable for all the “drama.”

      • Who ARE these people? says:

        Really. One of them is visiting lawyers and otherwise avoiding cameras. The other is swilling champagne from the bottle out in the street in the wee hours, knowing there are cameras.

      • Lahdidahbaby says:

        Exactly. It trivializes her real pain and feelings of betrayal. How shitty to call what HE did “Amber drama.” Typical typical typical. It’s how the world “manages” DV stories because a victim is always so unappetizing, such a downer. Let’s not let her be the victim of his violence. Let’s make her a drama queen instead – then she’s to blame for what he did to her.

  19. Lucy2 says:

    Yikes, he looks like a corpse they pulled from the lake.

  20. Who ARE these people? says:

    All this article really says is that he is running away from his problems and blaming them on his latest ex. Nothing new.

    • Flowerchild says:

      Don’t forget he’s spending the summer with his kids because of course.

    • Lucrezia says:

      As a PR strategy, it plays better than the smear campaign though, don’t you think? I realise that is an incredibly low bar, but I’m trying to imagine what the general reaction would have been if they’d started off with “feel sorry for Johnny” pieces rather than nasty “hate Amber” pieces.

      I think they pushed a number of fence-sitters over into the pro-Amber camp with that mud-slinging nonsense.

      • Who ARE these people? says:

        Who knows? Time will tell. Though they’re still slinging mud with the “Amber drama” angle by blaming her for upsetting poor wittle Johnny.

        To me it comes across as sorry he got caught, not sorry he did it.

  21. kat says:

    Does his band have fans? His band’s music, I mean, obviously macabre freakshows have fans, which is basically how his acting career works.

    Anyway, rehab should be a more pressing concern for him than honouring the one person who is there for the music.

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      Prince had fans. Prince was an artist.

    • mary simon says:

      I’ll bet if you walk thru that crowd of 50 people, or how ever many people the Maybelline Vampires Mega-Tour usually gets for a gig, you’ll see that everyone in the audience has bad teeth.

  22. bughsy says:

    He looks bad. Really bad. I wonder how his liver’s doing these days… I’ve spent a bit of time around long term and end stage alcoholics and Johnny’s got the ‘look’. Pure speculation, obviously, but he has been f-king up his body for the past few decades. Alcohol/drug induced neurological issues might also go some way to accounting for (though not in any way excusing) his apparrant deteriation these past few year.

    And he should be upset. He’s a wife-beating, abusive man-child peace of shit. I hope to god Amber f-ks his reputation up so badly nobody on this planet has to ever sit through a mumbly, scarfy, eyeliney Johnny depp movie ever again.

  23. Giddy says:

    I enlarged the pictures (why do I do these things) and tried to count the scarves. I had to quit because they are so nasty looking. They are greasy and frayed and honestly look like they belong in a rag pile. In the top picture there is even some sort of furry thing. I suddenly realized that he is copying Steven Tyler’s style: tons of rings, scarves everywhere, some Native American necklaces. But Tyler’s scarves are clean and flowy! Depp’s look like rags from a mechanic’s back pocket.

    • Kitten says:

      The difference between Steve’s scarves and Johnny’s scarves is the difference between maintaining sobriety and the depths of alcoholism.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      You are so funny. “Why do I do these things?” Lol

    • J.Mo says:

      Lol! Steven’s scarves vs Johnny’s scarves. I want to see this as headline in a major daily!

    • Wren says:

      Lol I wondered why you did that too! But interesting assessment nonetheless.

      It all makes me wonder how much of Johnny’s whole thing since forever has been him copying others. Maybe that’s how he got into acting, the whole idea of assuming someone else’s life and style and problems. It’s a way for him to escape. Addiction is essentially about escape, and wouldn’t acting be too? He can escape to another person’s life and avoid thinking about his own utter mess of one.

      Maybe that’s the problem. He’s spent his whole life running away instead of cleaning up his messes and it’s finally catching up to him. I bet he’s emotional and upset; there’s likely a part of him that can’t believe what he’s become and is horrified. He can’t ignore it any more and it’s much worse than he imagined. I feel sorry for him, in a way. He seems damaged almost beyond repair, and it’s mostly his own doing. I hope he finally faces some consequences and isn’t allowed to run away again.

      • Mathilde says:

        I watched a couple of interviews with him on youtube and yes, he does say that he is uncomfortable in his own skin and likes to disappear into a role. Apparently he is also uncomfortable watching his own finished performances and avoids it completely. He also mentions his childhood and violent arguments between his parents, no details but it’s there. Also escaping into music so he would not have to listen, so there you have it. To me, his rock star play acting seems like a return to the days of his youth and his first very brief career. Acting was more of a fluke, but he has a real talent that he should focus on, get on stage maybe and play Hamlet like Marlon Brando advised him. But before that, grow up and own up and earn back peoples respect, especially Amber’s respect. Compensate her monetarily for the marriage, for the abuse and for the relentless media campaign and let her move on with her life. Hopefully with her acting career intact.

    • pinetree13 says:

      Ha! I just commented on this above before seeing this!

      Imagine getting dressed in the morning, “Hmmm just a couple more greasy scarves and I’m done! Wait, or should I add three more greasy scarves? This one looks to red, I better roll it in the dirt a little more..”

    • Mltpsych says:

      I enlarged too and looked at his mouth. He has blood on his teeth! Gross

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Why would you do that to yourself? Don’t you plan on eating at some point later in the day? 😉

      • mary simon says:

        The article on Page Six mentioned his bloody teeth. ew.

      • Shockadelica81 says:

        It’s not blood. It’s for Captain Jack. He filmed most of that role last year and a little more this year.But the rest of his teeth are still jacked up from decades of smoking and who knows what else?

  24. HK9 says:

    “Johhny Depp has been an emotional mess”….boo f-ing hoo.

  25. Samtha says:

    Right now, sadly, his appearance is probably more of a hindrance to his career than being accused of domestic violence by Amber. Hollywood has shown time and again that they’re willing to cover for and excuse abusers.

    I can’t imagine what he’d be cast in looking like that, though. That’s not normal aging. That’s alarming.

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      I’ll be entering my 60s in a while and these pictures are helping me feel better about it.

      • Kitten says:

        Aw don’t say that! I bet look you amazing 🙂

      • Who ARE these people? says:

        Aw thanks Kitten. To tell the truthiness, I only had to exaggerate a little bit because he looks so friggin’ gross. His advance team must cover all the mirrors in his hotel rooms before he arrives. If he didn’t look so sick, and weren’t accused of such heinous acts, there could be a great “Maybe he’s born with it…maybe it’s Maybelline” parody.

      • Kitten says:

        lol @ Maybelline parody…
        But yeah he is looking increasingly terrible. I have no doubt that if he doesn’t get help that he is not long for this earth.

    • Kitten says:

      This is Johnny six years ago:

      I mean…this is not normal wear-and-tear, this isn’t just aging…

      It does make me think that he was at least sober at some points when he was with Vanessa. Johnny has said in the past that he’s not the type who can only party on the weekend, that his addiction is one of extremes. Perhaps fatherhood and family life made it easier for him to control his vices…I don’t know…
      One thing is for sure though: he has taken a major nosedive in the past six years and he looks AWFUL.

      • SilkyMalice says:

        Wow. It’s amazing what letting your teeth go does to your appearance. I mean – I know he has replaced some or capped them with red and other weird stuff, but those two front ones that are still his have meth written all over them. God.

      • Samtha says:

        That is a crazy (and sad) difference.

        And I’d also like to post that pic whenever someone questions why Amber would have married him, as if he’s always looked the way he does now. When they first met on the Rum Diaries set, he was still hot as hell. It’s not a stretch that a young woman could fall in love with a handsome, charismatic and famous man–no ulterior motives needed.

      • siri says:

        This is heavily photoshopped, but yes, he did look better then.

      • Giddy says:

        Oh no, that picture. He needs to check in somewhere immediately! Get sober, take vitamins, eat healthy food, fix his teeth, bathe. And make things right with Amber. Apologize, take anger management courses, get counseling, give Amber a settlement she can live on, spend meaningful time with his children. Make a solemn vow to never abuse another person again; not physically, verbally or emotionally. Look how Robert Downey Jr turned himself around when he finally realized he was killing himself.

      • Jayna says:

        No way. Wow, what a difference.

      • isabelle says:

        His teeth look heavily photoshopped but he has definitely let himself go. He looks like an Alcoholic as the end stage of his addiction.

      • Shockadelica81 says:

        That pic was taken more than 6 years ago but the issue came out in 2010. It looks like it’s from the early 2000’s

    • mary simon says:

      It’s not normal aging and it happened over the last five years – seemingly overnight. He’s only 52 – that’s really not old, and if he took care of himself and didn’t do hard drugs and drink so heavily, he could still be a very attractive man.

      Damn, has he trashed himself and destroyed his mojo! If he is doing meth, then he and his clothes stink to high heaven. Meth is all chemicals and it oozes out of your pores and your breath – which is why your gums and your teeth rot. People have seen blood on his teeth – unless he’s burping up red wine (ha!) that could be a sign.

      • Samtha says:

        He has a red cap on one of his teeth–it could be that instead of blood. Otherwise, just…ew.

  26. Who ARE these people? says:

    This messaging is so like that in the text dialogue released last week…the “poor baby, boo hoo” tone might not be the smartest approach. It only reinforces the sense of narcissistic self-pity found often in abusers.

  27. Flowerchild says:

    (His team is keeping a close eye on him,” says the source. “He has been drinking, but hasn’t been out of control.”)

    That seems like damage control for the pictures of Johnny drinks outside the hotel on Friday and yes a 52 year old man needs his “team” to babysit him.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Reminds me of when I left my first husband. His brother asked me why, and I told him his brother was an unfaithful, abusive, alcohol and drug addicted mess. His brother, who had so many DUIs that he lost his license, said “I’ll keep and eye on him.” Yeah. You do that. Bye.

      • Who ARE these people? says:

        The inmates in charge of the asylum, eh? Well, at least you didn’t have to feel bad about leaving the whole family behind.

        There’s no way to control the uncontrollable.

    • siri says:

      And Vanessa sent her assistant to help him/calm him down.

  28. Emma - The JP Lover says:

    I hope Johnny Depp ‘does not’ give his side of things in a public forum. He seems to have a very good lawyer who has perhaps told him not to say a word about this in the press … which includes “People” magazine. Of course their analyst is going to recommend that he ‘help his image’ by giving a ‘sit down interview.’ I really do think both Depp and Heard would be better served to wait until they’re before a Judge to fully present their side of things.

    And for goodness sake, sibs … regardless of how we may feel about Johnny Depp’s relationship with Amber Heard, the man recently lost his mother, whom he was reportedly extremely close to. I for one can’t mock that pain.

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      She did go before a judge…and was granted a restraining order after presenting her “side of things.”

    • SilkyMalice says:

      How we “feel” about the fact that he hucked an iphone right at her face? This isn’t about the feels, thought Johnny’s team makes us want to think it is. This is about the cold hard facts of his abuse of Amber.

      And yes, what Who ARE these people said also.

      • MoochieMom says:

        My husband’s brother died in a tragic accident and so did his grandmother and he only hit me recently. Let’s not blame grief on everything. The abuse is directly attuned to the abuser and the person who will most absorb it without fear of anyone finding out. I won’t go into personal issues but it is never okay.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I haven’t seen anyone mocking him for feeling sad about his mother’s death. That’s a terrible event in the life of anyone close to their mother. But the way he has handled any kind of emotional pain in his life – by drinking, taking drugs, becoming violent against his wife – is completely inexcusable. We can’t help what happens to us in life, but we can control how we handle it. He has handled all of this like an irresponsible, addicted, narcissistic jerk. What about Amber’s feelings?

      • Emma - The JP Lover says:

        Then what in the heck are all the “Oh, boo hoo” responses to Depp reportedly being in emotional pain above all about? And I’m sorry, but what does Amber Heard have to do with whatever pain the man is feeling over the loss of his mother?

      • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

        Maybe I read it wrong, but I thought it said that he was upset about all of the “Amber drama” and the publicity from that. The article starts out saying he was “rocked hard by the seperation from his wife and allegations of domestic abuse.” It doesn’t even mention his mother until the third paragraph. I honestly think people are disgusted by the minimizing words chosen about the domestic abuse, not making fun of him for being sad about his mother.

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      What you do when you lose a parent to whom you are close: Grieve. That may involve crying (women and men), silent reflection, staying close to your loved ones or taking some time for yourself. Talking about the person you just lost, enjoying memories. Looking at pictures. Telling stories. Often to your kids – their grandkids. Usually not working for about a week and being protected from dealing with the “real world.”

      What you don’t do when you lose a parent to whom you are close: Stomp around the house in an alcoholic rage, throw hard metallic objects at your wife, grab her by the hair and threaten her, leave for concert tour on another continent with band comprising former alcoholics, booze it up in front of paparazzi, leave dirty work verbally attacking estranged wife to lawyers, PR people and sycophants.

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      In his own words, Johnny Depp had a deeply unstable and often violent childhood. I think he was quoted saying this in the Page Six story – he moved a lot and he was hit a lot. And if his parents split up when he was young, that means the moving and hitting were more likely to have been with his mother. We have a scenario in which perhaps there is some genetically based mood problem compounded by unprocessed rage and deep immaturity and obviously not managed – instead exacerbated – by alcohol and other drugs. And he never learned not to hit in a relationship. Who knows how he felt about losing his mother or whether he came to terms with the facts of his childhood with her and his father. All we have been made aware of is his continued ‘acting out’ with serious consequences for his wife. That’s one hell of a grief tantrum.

      He was never going to be a good partner or husband.

  29. Sayrah says:

    He looks terrible. I watched cry baby a couple of weeks ago and he was just beautiful.

    I can’t muster up any sympathy for him.

  30. LAK says:

    Invoking the kids……JD is a family man people. In case you forgot. He is not an abuser or druggie or drunk. A (implied wholesome) summer in France with his kids.

    Obvious PR is obvious.

    • Flowerchild says:

      Like I said above it seems that Johnny has no plans to return to the U.S. any time soon.

      • Who ARE these people? says:

        True question: If the DA decided to press charges, and Depp was not in the USA, would he have to be extradited – made to come back – or could he pull a Roman Polanski and stay away to avoid arraignment and trial? Where are our legal beagles?

      • Flowerchild says:

        The police can’t even question him or his bodyguard for the investigation.

    • mary simon says:

      He’s taking the kids to visit Uncle Roman (Polanski) who lives in France.

      • Starkiller says:

        @Who Are These People: Polanski is a French citizen. Unless Johnny has French citizenship, or citizenship of another EU or EEA country (and I can find nothing to suggest that he does), he has no EU protection and no right to freedom of movement. He cannot just show up in France and stay there as long as he pleases-he’ll be permitted three months visa-free, same as any other US passport holder. After that, he’ll need to be holding another type of visa, or he’ll promptly be extradited and thrown on the next flight back to LA.

      • Who ARE these people? says:

        Starkiller, thanks for the explanation. I don’t know French citizenship laws, but as he didn’t marry Paradis, that closed that avenue. Then it would be about residency perhaps, but with his mobility it would have been unlikely he could accrue that amount of time and claim France as his permanent home?

        So, should the DA press charges, he’ll have to face the music.

      • Samtha says:

        It’s not difficult to get around that. You only need to leave France for a short amount of time, and then you can return for another three months.

    • ClaireB says:

      Oh, yeah, and the alcoholic’s drinking is totally under control. Just look at how sober he is!

  31. Rapunzel says:

    I don’t even know what to say to this. He’s upset? Doesn’t like the “drama”? Wants to tell “his side”? Guess what, Johnny?

    1. Nobody cares if you’re upset….especially since the only thing you’re upset about is getting exposed, not what you actually did.

    2. What you call “drama” is legally termed “spousal abuse” or “assault”

    3. Your side of the story is never gonna make up for Amber’s side of the story.

  32. Dangles says:

    If I look half that good when I’m 150. I’ll be happy.

  33. Snowflake says:

    Sad part is, this picture is on daily mail and everyone there is supporting Johnny. ” He looks so much better since he got away from her,” stuff like that.

    • Insomniac says:

      He looks so much better!? Hope Johnny is paying for their eye doctor visits.

      • Amy says:

        That is how blind and delusional these supporters of his are. They can not be reasoned with because they will only see what they want to no matter how obvious the truth may be. Their reasoning ability has been swallowed by their blind devotion to what is basically a total stranger.

        And I have serious concerns about what will happen to them if he dies. This can not be overstated. Suicide or emotional breakdown is a very real risk among some of these posters and fans who refuse to see his problems until it is too late.

      • Beluga says:

        I don’t think they even particularly love Johnny over there. They just hate women.

      • mary simon says:

        Beluga – you got it – it’s not about their love for Johnny – they simply hate women. So many of those awful comments on other sites don’t support Johnny – they simply bash Amber.

    • CornyBlue says:

      Daily Mail is actual trash that does not even deserve to be shitted on.

    • I Choose Me says:

      Like Amy said, how frigging delusional do you have to be to type that sentence. “Looks better”. Mmhmm, okay then. Sure Jan.

  34. TeamAwesome says:

    How do you hit rock bottom when you have so many enablers keeping you afloat?

    I think when he referred to himself as a hillbilly, that about summed it up. I live in a very rural area next to a place most residents call Meth Mountain. I see those teeth and that face all the time.

    • PunkyMomma says:

      Yes. The teeth are a giveaway for meth users.

    • Keaton says:

      Yeah I was thinking that too. He has his “team” watching him. hah! He’s never going to change and get better if everyone around him is on his payroll or a sycophant Does he have anyone around him that truly cares about him? It doesn’t sound like that.
      This is sad all around.

      And yes at the Meth teeth. Damn.

    • Christin says:

      This looks like any random drug bust/robbery mugshot from our local news source. Actually, it’s worse than most of them (and most look lucky to be breathing).

  35. Skins says:

    Ladies, I give you, “The Sexiest Man Alive”

  36. SilkyMalice says:

    “His side of it”? Unless that includes acknowledging his huge drug and alcohol problem, along with a concrete plan of rehabilitation, I am not interested.

  37. SamiHami says:

    I’m not 100% convinced that he abused Amber. I’m also not convinced that he didn’t but I’m not ready to say I absolutely believe it-yet anyway. I think there is a possibility that she’s playing on his weaknesses to extract a much larger piece of his fortune than she really is entitled to.

    I fully accept that I may be wrong and that he could very well be guilty. I just think it’s too soon to be sure.

    What we do know is that he has long term substance abuse issues. I also think that Vanessa helped keep him together and that he completely unraveled when he lost her and he hasn’t been able to pull himself together since. I don’t think it’s outside the realm of possibility that Amber saw an opportunity to secure her own financial future and raise her profile. Bonus points for being the poor victim and a sympathetic figure.

    Thing is, she’s no naive kid. She knew who/what she was getting with him, yet she still chose to marry him. It’s not like she had no other options; she wasn’t going to starve without him to support her. And before her accusations, I’ve never read or heard of him being violent in any way. He’s a drunk, yes. And he’s a drug addict, yes. But he’s never been known for being abusive to women. It seems pretty unlikely that someone is going to suddenly change their nature in their fifites. It doesn’t make sense to me. And filing for divorce three days after his mother’s death seems particularly cold.

    So is it a case of the aging star losing it completely and getting violent with his wife? Or is is a case of a calculating woman seeing an opportunity to cash in? I just don’t know.

    I do sincerely hope that either way he gets the help he needs to turn himself around. He could easily pull a Robert Downey Jr and win back the hearts of his fans if he sincerely works at cleaning himself up. There is hope for him yet, but only if he puts the work into it.

    • CornyBlue says:

      If now with all the pictures and witnesses is too soon when will it be time ?

      • SamiHami says:

        Photos and witnesses can easily be faked. I’m not saying that’s what has happened here. I’m saying why be so quick to rush to judgement?

      • Flowerchild says:


        Please that exactly what you are saying is happening here. Hate to tell you this, but you are being quick to judge Ambrer. Your original post was all about Amber setting up Johnny, faking the abuse for money and his drinking and drug use being her fault.

    • Lucrezia says:

      How exactly does she cash in?

      Divorce doesn’t work that way. Judges don’t give you more money if you’re beaten. You get half of the earnings during the marriage (plus spousal or child support if applicable) regardless.

      And blackmail doesn’t work that way either. If you’re threatening to expose some dark secret, then once that secret is out, you lose your leverage. There’s nothing to blackmail them with any more.

      So where’s the money?

      • SamiHami says:

        Mods, please stop deleting my posts. I’m not positing anything inflammatory. I’m merely posting a different point of view. It’s hard to have a discussion when one side of the discussion is censored for no reason.

      • Flowerchild says:


      • Shockadelica81 says:

        👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾👏🏾 And if you wanted more money you’d stay married way longer than 15 months! SHE left him!

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      Nice recitation of nearly all of last week’s talking points, and you can find extended refutations of each after last week’s story posts. What’s more, just because you never heard of his history of violent behavior (including his own quoted self-reports), doesn’t mean it hasn’t been documented.

      I hope you never find yourself in an abusive relationship, because it can happen to anyone.

      • dagdag says:

        Not true, the last sentence.

        True, anyone can be abused. Not every abused person stays in an abusive relationship.

      • SamiHami says:

        I have, in fact, been in an abusive relationship. That doesn’t mean it isn’t possible that she is lying. She might be telling the truth. The thing is I don’t know. And neither do you.

      • Who ARE these people? says:

        How can my last sentence not be true yet it also be true that anyone can be abused?

        Yes, she stayed. So what? We learned from experts here that it takes an average of 8 attempts for a woman to extricate herself from an abusive relationship.

        I don’t think we can judge women who stay any more harshly than women who don’t stay.

        As for whether we can know or not know the truth, this is a matter of odds. The odds are very high that she is telling the truth given the evidence presented thus far, her narrative being so typical of that of other victims, the granting of a restraining order, his history of violence, his history of troubled relationships, his narrative of childhood abuse, his self-recounted history of jealousy and paranoia, his obvious physical deterioration, the nature of the smear campaign at arm’s length by people with low credibility, his responses through his ‘defenders’ being extremely typical of abusers, his ongoing drinking …

        But sure, we could all be wrong. But the odds are we’re not.

      • Izzy says:

        Yeah, it would seem that this week’s talking points are simply a softer version of last week’s talking points, meant to sound “skeptical” instead of outright accusatory. Whatevs.

    • detritus says:

      =( =( =(
      Did you read none of the previous comments on other articles?
      Or visit any of the many links posted as to why people stay with abusers?
      Or how being abusive with one person doesn’t necessarily mean you are abusive to others?
      How he does have a history of self-admitted violence? How he has a history of hurting the people that are close to him (also self-admitted?)
      It seems like you have made up your mind. To ignore all the contrary evidence.

      As for a redemption tour, I could forgive him.
      If he admitted complete fault. If he attended a long stint of anger management and drug addiction rehab. If he publicly apologized to Heard. If he donated a large chunk of his money to domestic violence. By large I mean like 50%. The damage hes done to Amber and domestic abuse victims in general is incalculable.

      The problem is not just that he is fighting for himself. It is so public his case is going to flavor the general public’s opinion of domestic abuse and domestic abuse victims for a very long time. I’m so dissapointed in Wasser. As a woman to push the narrative she is? Horrible. Indefensible. For money, just money, she is pushing a narrative that sets domestic abuse victims back by so much.

    • Flowerchild says:

      Really you’ve never heard of all the stories of Johnny trashing hotel rooms in a drunken rage and being arrested for it and having screaming matches with Kate Moss and the police being call because of that.

      In case you missed it that right there shows violent behavior and a pattern that when he drinks to much and does drugs he get violent.

      Funny how the tone of this comment is the same tone used in the People article, which is the same tone used in Johnny assistance text to Amber. Poor Johnny little boy who need people to keep him together instead of doing it hisself.

    • LAK says:

      Never heard of him being violent in any way????

      Let page six give you a refresher. Complete with Johnny’s own quotes.

    • joanne says:

      his history of rage and uncontrollable behaviour is in every interview he has given. he lays it out himself. if that is not enough, the way his friends describe him seals the deal. they say he was jealous, angry, unpredictable and substance abusing. you see photos of Amber and still have doubt? there is always escalating violence with nasty drunks.

      • dagdag says:

        @Who ARE these people? says:

        What are your talking about?
        I merely said , a woman who is abused by husband or boyfriend is not always staying in an abusive relationship.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I’m surprised that you think she would make all of these things up and coerce other people into backing her up. What would motivate THEM to lie? Some of them barely knew her, they were just her neighbors. And the texts and the photos? Really, you think she would doctor all that up? I don’t.
      As for him never being violent before, that’s simply untrue. He has a long history of violence. This may be the first time that we know of that he has abused another human being, but I’ve said this before – my first husband’s abuse did not start for about nine years, and as far as I know, he had never abused anyone else physically before me. I never told anybody but you guys on here. I was ashamed, for one thing, and for another, I knew no one would believe me.

      • Lahdidahbaby says:

        GNAT, yes, I was surprised the other day when you came *out* so to speak as a DV survivor, and then immediately I wondered why I was so surprised, since I know very well and very personally that it truly can happen to anyone, even someone who is as strong and funny and admirable as you. It bothered me that I was surprised, and I had to ask myself why it was that you would’ve been one of the very last CB posters I’d have guessed had been through that.

        I’m also interested to hear today that you’ve never told anyone until now, here. I told my mom, but none of my sibs, none of my girlfriends (not even my bff), and not a single one of our mutual “couple” friends. It wasn’t just that I was ashamed, though I was, but also I didn’t want to ruin him, and additionally I knew that if it came down to a choice between himself and me, he would come out swinging and slinging all kinds of lies about me. Then there was the public scandal it would have been..

        Years later, I finally told a group of near-strangers at an Ivy League school where I had a one-year residency. I was one of the lesser-known and less professionally accomplished women there, and I felt that difference pretty keenly, going in. It was our orientation day, and we were each describing our project for the year. I was writing a book in the voices of imagined women, each one different, but one of them had been battered by a man. It suddenly hit me as I described my project that I was still hiding my past from everyone in my life but my mother. I had no idea I was going to say anything that day – especially since all of these women in the room were strong professional women – feminists, all of them – and I got very shaky suddenly as I began talking about my project because I was holding the main thing back.

        Then suddenly I just began telling them, though I didn’t know I was going to. And although it scared me to be saying it out loud after carrying it around inside me for so long, I was in it then and just had to keep going, kind of like someone on a rickety bridge over dark waters. I left as soon as the orientation was over, feeling raw and shamed for having told.

        And then the oddest thing happened: Over the days that followed, seven of these powerful women – doctors, lawyers, political figures, artists, writers – came alone to my office at different times to say that they’d had a similar experience. I was shocked, I guess because they were such strong women, and that really gave me a kind of comfort because suddenly I no longer felt that he had shamed me – he’d only shamed himself.

        One of these women was a women’s advocate from the UK and she told me when she came to my office alone that day that she had taken all of her things that she could carry in her car and left everything else behind, and for several years had had to run constantly from him because he pursued her. You can’t believe how shocking it was to hear these words from her, the well-known defender of other women.

        If you see this, I just thought that maybe you’d like to know how many of us there are who kept silent for years as you have. I’d really like to understand our long silence better. I’m glad you’ve finally told the CB posters about it, because you’re such a strong and well-loved figure here that I think it could encourage others to see that their lives aren’t over after DV and that they have nothing to be ashamed of, nothing to hide. I think you may have changed some lives by telling. Just wanted to say so.

    • Emma - The JP Lover says:

      @SamiHami, who wrote: “And filing for divorce three days after his mother’s death seems particularly cold.”

      I agree with everything you wrote, but particularly this. Well said.

      • The Other Katherine says:

        It seems cold only if you ignore the evidence that Johnny assaulted Amber the day after his mother died. I’m sorry, Johnny, but when you assault your spouse and she then files for divorce? That’s on you, buddy. Dead mother notwithstanding.

    • EM says:

      Your comment is just another form of victim blaming. How would she have ‘known’ what she was getting into when they had a whirlwind marriage? Quite frequently, abusive people are on their best behaviour and begin to unravel as soon as domestic routine commences. Add any drug use into the equation and it all unravels sooner. It is easy for anyone like Depp to downplay previous media stories of many years ago, to say he has changed, and point to his 14 year relationship as an example. Many women would accept that.
      As for filing for divorce after his mother’s death, his mother’s health was in decline. Her death was most likely an expected outcome. Why doesn’t anyone point out the fact that Depp is touring and partying in Europe so soon after his mother’s death?

  38. Dani8 says:

    If don’t ever want to hear the phrase”, I don’t understand why abused women stay”, again.

    They stay because they are always drug through the mud when they come out against their abusers if not mudered. At a time when they are already emotionally weak. Domestic violence is still very much misunderstood by society. It is sad.

    Depp looks very ill in that first pic. Is it makeup for the act? The guy needs to get help big time though I doubt he will. He doesn’t even seem to think he has a problem.

    • NotSoSocialButterfly says:

      I think he knows he has a lethal problem and doesn’t care. He aims to drink himself to death.

  39. Mira says:

    I don’t think he was as bad all the way through and been hiding it.Once hes deep into it like hes been for the past few years it reflects in his behaviour and in his appearance in a very obvious way.
    I think he did cleaned up his act for many years.I know people who have had addiction issues and they get together with someone who gives them an ultimatum and the time is right they do manage to clean themselves up. Roberd Downey Jr has this with his wife, he freely admits she keeps him in line. I think Depp was looking for a different partnership when he met Vanessa then what he had with kate Moss( both heavy drinkers). He was probably ready after years of running around in hollywood.
    I have also not convinced he left Vanessa for Amber in the way many people are saying. I wouldn’t be surprised if Vanessa tired of his behaviour at some point. It seemed to me that in the last few years they were together he was starting to slip again from what i heard.

    • Keaton says:

      At the very least I wonder if Vanessa was a little relieved to be rid of him. He sounds like he might be exhausting, even at his best.

      • Shockadelica81 says:

        He’s talked about how hard he is to live with while he was with Vanessa and Amber.

  40. FF says:

    He’s partying and drinking pretty much non-stop but it’s because he’s in pain, guys.

    Apply that same sentence (and sentiment) to any woman – who is also a parent – and see how much sympathy she gets.

    He could try sobering up, but that would require accepting that there’s an actual problem – and clearly, in his mind, the problem is Amber.

    • Keaton says:

      “Apply that same sentence (and sentiment) to any woman – who is also a parent – and see how much sympathy she gets.”

      Damn good point The hate a mother would get would be off the charts.

      • pinetree13 says:

        Wow such a great point! A mother would be CRUCIFIED in the press. I never even noticed this double standard before.

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      Too true. And what if something happened to Paradis? Would he be awarded custody of his children? Extremely doubtful. To me, that would say it all.

      • The Other Katherine says:

        He wouldn’t need to be awarded custody of his children if Vanessa died — he’s their father. He automatically becomes their sole custodial parent if she dies unless his custodial rights are taken away by a government child protection agency where the children live. Not saying that makes him a suitable guardian, but if he were the only surviving parent of his kids, there’s no way a government agency would try to argue he was unfit and place those kids elsewhere based on the kind of evidence available so far (esp. given that Johnny has enormous resources to litigate such a thing).

    • imqrious2 says:

      People *did* do that to Brandi G., after her marriage was broken up, and she was crucified for being falling-down drunk.

  41. marmaduke45 says:

    Watching the wheels fall off in real time…

    That first photo in particular, it looks like Vince Vaughn playing Johnny Depp.

  42. cp says:

    He looks like g.g. allin in that first pic.

    • SamiHami says:

      Nobody looks as bad as g.g. allin ever did. Even if Depp is guilty that’s a low blow.

      • Ican't says:

        @ SamiHami

        What did you really just say il even if he did abuse Amber comparing his looks to g.g Allin is a low blow?

        I just can’t with this mess.

    • mary simon says:

      omg Johnny could eventually look like that if he doesn’t stop but he’s not there yet – but that g.g.allin guy is a swine! He’s subhuman. Johnny, please stop. Please don’t go there, to g.g. Allin hell. And don’t go to Shane MacGowan hell, either – that’s a very bad place, too. If you don’t clean up – this is what awaits you!

  43. SM says:

    I am appaled at how people still refuse to believe Amber. It is enough to look at his face to understand he is a mess drunk off his ass

    • imqrious2 says:

      I was at my sister’s earlier today, and was talking about this with her. My bro in law piped in that “Amber is a liar”, she said she’s “going to get him (Depp)”. To say that I just stared, with my jaw on the floor, at my otherwise sensitive bro in law, is putting it mildly. No matter what proof I showed/told him that Amber has, nope…strictly JD’s side. I am NOT a violent person, quick to anger, but honestly, I just wanted to smack him, hard, upside the head for this one! GRRRR!

  44. ClaireB says:

    I read that Page Six article this weekend and was appalled at some of Johnny’s own quotes about himself. He’s damn lucky he became a star in the 80s and 90s before the internet spread every interview, quote, and pap shot everywhere, because I don’t think he’d have nearly the number of fans from my generation.

    He seems to have been a repulsive human being his entire adult life, with perhaps a few years off during the Vanessa Paradis years, maybe. I thought that I could go back and at least enjoy his early work, like Gilbert Grape and Edward Scissorhands, but then I read that he bullied Leo DiCaprio during GG, so now even that’s gone. I’m not someone who can separate the art from the artist when the artist is an extreme douchebag.

  45. AnnaKist says:

    Thank you, all for your thought-provoking and intelligent comments on such an important issue, interspersed with some much-needed levity.

    Australians will know of the brave and wonderful Rosie Batty, our 2015 Australian of the Year. As our Prime Minister said (of domestic violence) when presenting the award: “..(DV) .requires a great advocate and Rosie has been able to do that in a way that I think nobody has done before.”

    If you’d like to know more about this amazing woman’s journey through domestic violence, here are two links:

    • siri says:

      That’s really hard to read, but thank you for putting this information up. When I read about her story, however, I started wondering why she would go back to a man who used to sneak into her bed to have sex with her while she was sleeping, and who tried to rape one of her friends. They were separated for 8 years…and then she seeks him out, starts a relationship with him again, and even gets pregnant. It’s very difficult to understand…

  46. Mirage says:

    I’m just thinking that je isn’t much difference between Johnny Depp and Chris Brown especially as they’re both unrepentant, but it is even worse in Depp’s case in that it took place for 2 years.
    Why is the backlash on him so gentle then, including on this platform?
    I always found the vitriol against Chris Brown extreme. And I now feel it has to be a race thing!

    • pinetree13 says:

      I Don’t know….I think people were VERY cruel to Rihanna during that time and many forgiving to Chris. I remember constant posts about how “She deserved it because he caught her cheating and she hit him first…” and all kinds of stupidity like that which wasn’t even true. His career hasn’t suffered at all and he’s been co-singer on a lot of new hits this year (like that one with Zendaya…erm, not totally sure on the name because I’m old). But you are probably right in that people do usually “rug-sweep” more with white men, but Chris Brown isn’t the best example since he hasn’t really suffered for it.

    • The Other Katherine says:

      I definitely think there is a race component in the respective reactions to Chris Brown vs. Johnny Depp, although I do not think the vitriol leveled at Chris Brown is extreme at all. The other big factor, I think, is the fact that Rihanna’s injuries were so much more severe — she looked like the victim of an attempted murder.

    • mary simon says:

      Chris Brown beat Rihanna’s face to a pulp with his fists. I’ve always wondered if she had to have reconstructive surgery, and how she even survived that beating. That photo is one of the most disturbing things I’ve ever seen in my life. He deserves every bit of shit he took for doing that. While the pictures of Amber’s injuries look painful, nothing compares to that horror of that photo of Rihanna.

    • Samtha says:

      Part of it is because Chris Brown didn’t have the reputation and fan base that Depp does. He was already known for being volatile, and he just hadn’t been around long enough to amass the kind of worldwide fandom that Depp has.

  47. Tia says:

    A message to the people who say Amber is lying or the ‘neutrals’ (hint – if person A says something happened and person B says it didn’t, it isn’t neutral to say you won’t accept the event until X occurs in the future, it’s supporting person B). Say Amber did fake the pictures (she didn’t), say this was with the aim of getting more money than she was entitled to (it wasn’t), please explain the following:

    1. She visibly injured herself multiple times over several years to ‘set him up’. Did Johnny not notice his beloved wife who he would never lay a finger on in anger (and who I assume he saw in a state of undress on a regular basis since we haven’t had any ‘frigid bitch’ stories from Johnny’s mouthpieces) was coming home on multiple occasions looking like she’d been beaten up? Did he not ask what the hell was going on? Answer – no, because he knew exactly where the marks came from.
    2. Do you understand that she gets millions whether he assaulted her or not? My understanding (and I’m neither a family lawyer nor American so I could be wrong) is that there is no ‘bad behaviour bonus’ in California courts and she gets the same amount regardless.
    3. If she intended to blackmail him (Hi, Doug!) why didn’t she wait to apply for the restraining order? If she was genuinely not in fear and laughing up her sleeve, she could have made her demands to Johnny and his lawyers and used the fact he was out of the country to justify not applying for the restraining order until he got back (giving him several weeks/months to pay up and her a public reason to delay blowing the whistle if he didn’t). Could it be that she was well aware he had the money to come back from Europe any time he wanted and was terrified she’d find him in her house one day when she thought he was overseas?

    One of the most dangerous times for a battered woman is when she leaves her abuser and there’s precedent in Hollywood for an abuser getting away with murder (OJ). At least now Amber has gone spectacularly public, she should be reasonably physically safe.

    • joanne says:

      this is one of the best posts i’ve read about the situation. i wish more people thought like you. you expressed everything so eloquently.

    • Tourmaline says:

      Absolutely and especially #2 about the financial part

    • pinetree13 says:

      Excellent post Tia! I hope people scroll down this far to read it! These are all what I’ve thought as well…that the conspiracy theory makes NO SENSE AT ALL!

      I was also super annoyed when people were like “He’s in EUROPE! You don’t need a restraining order!” This man has access to private jets, he could come home any time he feels like it in just a few hours! Like give me a break! It’s not like he has to canoe across the atlantic and so won’t be able to get home for weeks.

      • CM says:

        I’d also like to chime in that a restraining order or criminal protective order not only apply to restricting physical contact, but also prohibit the abuser from using phone or electronic means (email, twitter, facebook etc) to communicate or ‘intimidate’ the victim.

        The reasons above is why I think Amber asked for the order even though JD is out of the country. Not because she was necessarily afraid he would show up on her doorstep, but she knew he could call or email, text etc at anytime, which he has been shown to do in the past. Look at the assistant text exchanges, where he texts that JD had already texted her his apologies but she wasn’t responding. This is classical abuser tactics and she isn’t playing that game anymore with the restraining order.

        This is why you see so many of ‘his people’ responding to the allegations because if JD tries to get in touch with her, violation of restraining order and he will go to jail or be charged with this violation.

      • Cirque28 says:

        @CM: I agree. And when your wealthy and controlling husband texts you at 4 AM, you better reply or there will be hell to pay. He probably went days and weeks without contacting her and then would freak out and ‘need reassurance’ at a moment’s notice.

    • Kitten says:

      This though.

      In a nutshell: you have to be willing to suspend disbelief and logic in order to believe Depp at this point. People keep saying that they’re “waiting for all the facts to come out” but so many facts have already come out confirm Amber’s version of events and point to Johnny’s abuse of Amber and that’s STILL not enough for them so….

      In short, I doubt any new details could sufficiently convince those people who still believe that Depp is innocent.

      • Tia says:

        Someone I work with was mentioning the ‘goldigger’ argument which I don’t get either. If she is, she’s really, really bad at it – I guess she needs remedial gold digging 101 since if she’d stuck for another year or two, she’d have made literally twice or three times as much from the marriage. Don’t forget, she left him, he didn’t kick her out for a younger model (I find it interesting Johnny’s plants haven’t tried to argue that he was just about to file which is why she had nothing to lose).

        Also, she hasn’t had a child support baby. I notice that actual gold diggers who tend not to be very interested in children tend to have one child per relationship to nail down 18 years of child support, i.e. Oksana, Heather Mills McCartney, various other trophy wives (Athina Onassis’ father from the recent Celebitchy thread demonstrates men can do this too).

        If she’s a gold digging bimbo who is making all this up, she’s let being eeevil (because that’s the level Johnny’s supporters have descended to – no verifiable explanation of why she might have left him, it’s just because she’s a terrible, terrible person) lead to her giving up an extra 20 or 30 million dollars. You can’t have it both ways. If she’s a bimbo gold digger who Johnny treated like a princess, she wouldn’t have given up all that money. If she just left on a whim for no reason (because Johnny would never hit his wife) then she clearly couldn’t care less about the money and isn’t a gold digger.

        The only way any of the slurs against her could possibly be accurate (and I don’t think it was as calculating as that – I think Johnny deliberately used his wealth and status to sweep her off her feet rather than Amber setting out to trap him) would be if something so awful had occurred in the relationship that a gold digging bimbo (remember, their description of her, not mine) would sacrifice millions to get away from him. Now what could be so bad as to cause her to do that? Any guesses?

      • Lahdidahbaby says:

        Exactly right, Kitten, but probably too reasoned and logical for those who simply want to believe Depp innocent or, worse, have some irrational need to find Heard at fault or guilty of lying.

        Tia, what a great post – but again, you’re being too fair and logical for those who are just out to get Heard or are defending their matinee idol at all costs. They won’t listen to reason, even when it’s as well expressed as yours.

        That’s what’s so scary about this debate that’s playing out in the press: it’s showing victims of DV what they face if they speak up for themselves. And worse, it’s showing abusers that a large segment of the world disdains a victim of DV and will go to great lengths to find her to blame for her own victimization and to justify the acts of the abuser as something his victim caused him to do.

      • Anna says:

        I think that people see the world through the lens of their own experiences. It’s perfectly normal if you or someone you know has been the victim of domestic violence to believe everything that the accuser says. Or for that matter, to know no one who has, because if we were in that person’s shoes, we would want to be believed.

        It’s also perfectly normal, if you or someone you know has been the target of false accusations, to be less likely to believe everything the accuser says and say to wait until all of the facts come out. Also for the same reason, if we were in that person’s shoes that’s what we would want for ourselves.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      Right. Remember when Brandi was so drunk her friends were helping her walk? She was a bad mother, gross, immature and all that. Great points, Tia, and I would add that her witnesses have no motivation to lie. Why would they mix themselves up in some big conspiracy to fake abuse?

    • Lahdidahbaby says:

      Great post.

  48. Kym says:

    Jesus , these pictures are alarming.
    I hope that someone in his life will go to the courts and demand that he gets help. Soon.

  49. Sofia says:

    He looks awful I wouldn’t want to be near him because he looks and probably behaves like shit to all people around him. I honestly don’t know what Amber saw in him, how could she be with him and I know that I probably sound so superficial because I am speaking about looks but honestly he doesn’t look healthy at all. Just to be clear I trust Amber 100% but I am just asking myself while looking and this pictures and all the other pictures of him from last couple of years – what she saw in him and his obvious midlife crisis? I hope that he finds help soon because the way he looks he will be dead soon. Years of drugs and alcohol are showing so much on him

  50. TreadStyle says:

    Omg I literally can’t even look at him anymore. It is painful. He could have aged very well if he had taken care of himself. Eww.

  51. Erandyn says:

    That Page Six article is quite a read…

    On attacking paparazzi in London in 1998 with a 2-foot-long piece of wood: “The beauty, the poetry of the fear in their eyes, in these filthy little maggots’ faces, was so worth it. I didn’t mind ­going to jail for, what, five, six hours?” (Premiere magazine, 1999)

    That sums up powerful abusers in a nutshell. Unlike normal people, who may get equally mad at other people but don’t end up beating the crap out of them, he a) has no problem actually doing so and b) knows he can get away with it, so there really is no point in changing himself.

    • wolfpup says:

      “the poetry of the fear in their eyes, in these filthy little maggot’s faces, was so worth it”. Can you imagine being in love with someone who assaults you in this manner? The cognitive dissonance would be traumatic. Could this heal?

      This is probably the wound that Johnny carries as well.

    • anon says:

      Pretty sure he was protecting Vanessa because she was pregnant and the paps shoved her and wouldn’t leave them alone.
      Also he did not beat the paps, he just swung the piece of wood to threaten them away and it ended up hitting him but it was not severe or harm the guy in any way.

  52. Kri says:

    Another Dorian Gray. The only way he can “get through this” is to come clean,beg forgiveness, make amends, and stay clean.My god…think about your KIDS you fool.

  53. crogirl says:

    I’ve been a long time lurker here but I never commented. Although I’ve been a Depp fan for years and never really liked Amber I believe her.
    What I find most disturbing in those texts between A. and his assistant is the mention of Tokyo. Those texts are apparently from 2014 and as far as I was able to find they ‘ve only made one trip to Tokyo before 2014 and that one was with his CHILDREN. I suppose the kids were taken care of by minders but it still breaks my heart to think what they might have heard or seen.

    Sorry if my way of writing is a bit weird, English is not my first language.

  54. holly hobby says:

    Wow he looks really bad here.

    • What was that says:

      I read he may also be addicted to meth…
      I am not sure what that is exactly but I understand it may be lethal..
      Not sure what others think..don’t understand why that…perhaps someone who understands could explain..why not heroin?..or cocaine?..he has the money to support a habit but I always got the impression that would a cheap hit..I don’t really understand the difference…..
      ..I would be grateful

      • Shockadelica81 says:

        According to tmz Amber claims he is addicted to cocaine+booze

      • Rose of Sharon says:

        As Shockadelicia81 responded, Ms. Heard says he is drinking and taking cocaine. I believe his teeth are in such bad shape because he doesn’t brush, floss, see the dentist, and eats lots of sweets. Poor hygiene, an unkempt appearance, and excessive drinking and/or drug taking are signs of his disease – frontotemporal dementia. He is attempting to bolster the depleted serotonin with alcohol and cocaine. I wonder if he eats a lot of bananas.

      • EM says:

        Teeth = crystal meth + smoking.

  55. Shockadelica81 says:

    So this source isn’t professing Depp’s innocence? The source should know this right? And a 52 year old man being watched by his enablers and ass-kissers isn’t helping him get better. I understand he’s sad about his mother passing but continuing to drink away pain is deadly.And the “Amber drama” was caused by him!

  56. Izzy says:

    Um. WTF. He plans to stay in France all summer? Really?! Because IIRC his LAWYER, one “Disso Queen” Laura Wasser, has a habit of wanting to settle cases quickly. How happy do you think she’ll be that her client plans to avoid, avoid, avoid for months on end? She needs to fire him as a client. He’s doing her, and her reputation, no favors.

    • Guesto says:

      I hope this case acts as a sober lesson to people like Wasser, who seem to be so happy to go blindly with the power and the money because they assume, complacently, that the power and the money will always be able to control the narrative and come out on top, regardless of the facts.

  57. laura says:

    I don’t know about the abuse I do know the devastation of losing a parent, He needs to go home and mourn and then party like a rock star I feel for him and hope he will be okay without his mother rip

    • Ican't says:

      He’s a person with the drinking and drugs problem the last thing he needs to do is Party Like a Rockstar.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      I am very close to my mother and when she dies I will be devasted, but your post is just so out of touch. He’s not a child, he’s a grown man. A grown man who is addicted to alcohol and cocaine. I hardly think partying like a rock star is what he needs. He needs to admit that he abused his wife and take responsibility for his actions. He needs treatment for his addiction. He needs to grow up.

      • Lahdidahbaby says:

        Very true, GNAT. not that there’s much chance he’ll actually do any of that. I honestly think he’ll die before very long, a victim of his own mythology and addictions.

  58. mmm says:

    If only his people were willing to spend the same effort on help him instead of trying to destroy his wife, Johnny would be on rehab by now

  59. Grant says:

    Between this and that rapist douche-canoe Stanford swimmer, I just want to crawl back into bed.

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      Right, what a disgusting story – the father who said his son’s short punishment is too much for “20 minutes of activity.” Wonder where the son got his sense of entitlement about rape.

      • marymoon says:

        The father said “20 minutes of action” … so gross and ignorant. And proud papa’s mention of “the dangers of alcohol consumption and sexual promiscuity” reads like a slam of the victim, imo – not of his precious snowflake.
        You’re right, the apple sure didn’t fall far from the tree there.

  60. Rebecca says:

    It kind of looks like he might have tried some fillers or is that puffiness? Despite all that has happened, I do hope he gets some help and gets it together.

  61. mmm says:

    i think he’s only playing the victim card for public support
    he doesn’t seem really upset

  62. Shockadelica81 says:

    I was thinking about all of the people calling Depp a sweet,gentle,kind,nice… Person and came to this conclusion:The people that are nice and sweet in public have to be that way in order to overcompensate for their horrible behavior behind the scenes. Because everybody who meets/works with Depp all talk about what a great guy he is. Which I believe is true in public but is he and some other too nice and sweet people overcompensating?

    • EM says:

      Addicts have two faces. One for the public, one in private. The person I don’t believe is Vanessa Paradis. But I think as the mother of his children, she is trying to shield them from the fact their father is a violent drunk and a on/off drug addict of Sheen proportions. Even so, it only shows the level of dysfunction in the family.

  63. Nymeria says:

    I didn’t believe Amber, but it’s becoming increasingly clear she is telling the truth. To be honest, I never suspected Johnny Depp as being the kind of person who would beat his partner, but looking back on the press on this guy over the past twenty-plus years, it fits. It makes sense, and it explains something “off” about him that I noticed even when I was a kid. I don’t mean “off” as in how he dresses, but as in emotional problems. I can totally believe he did this BS with all of his previous partners.

  64. vicki says:

    There is a new story out about Amber having to hide in the bathroom of Johnny’s jet during a trip to Tokyo, Japan. He was drinking and raging on the trip to promote Lone Ranger in 2013.
    She mentioned Tokyo in those texts, remember?

    ” The source told the Mirror: “Johnny took his family with him on the trip, on a private jet paid for by the studio. During the flight, Johnny was drinking and smoking loads.

    “His behaviour became unpredictable, and Amber didn’t want to be around him. But there was nowhere to go on the jet except the bathroom, so she hid in there.”

    “Row with Johnny Depp left Amber Heard cowering in bathroom of private jet’, claims source” Mirror UK

    • Shockadelica81 says:

      Is The Mirror really a reliable source? I don’t read it so I’m not sure.Does that mean his kids saw him raging on the plane too? I’m sure Vanessa and his kids have never seen that side of him before🙄🙄 BTW in 2013 right before The Lone Ranger came out,he told Rolling Stone that he hadn’t had booze in a year and a half. But once TLR came out to horrible reviews and bad box office,did he relapse and get even worse this time?

      • maili says:

        It probably is in this case, because it’s her team leaking the stories to the tabloids. Like the one they leaked to Page Six about him trying to suffocate her, that was then confirmed in the papers they filed to sue Doug.

      • Ican't says:

        If anything he was boozing before TLR came out. The movie was already getting bad reviews before then, it was also criticize while filming, called racist and was way over budget. Remember this movie was Johnny’s pet project from Disney, that was blowing up in his face, so I’m calling BS on his Rolling Stone quote. He has shown time and time again that when the pressure on he turns to booz/drugs.

    • EM says:

      Anyone involved with an addict experiences some form of abuse. Whether it’s physical or psychological (or both), it’s always something.
      Remember back when Mickey Rourke was out of control and married to Carre Otis? Similar to what is happening with Depp/Heard.
      Being the target of an alcoholic or any type of addict is a traumatic experience.
      More than 20 years on, I’ll never forget an ex who became a housemate of mine being a total arse to me for the course of a year. It skewed my view of relationships and friendships with men. My other two (male) housemates knew he had a problem with alcohol, yet did nothing. The catalyst for me leaving (I was 19), was him having a tantrum with me at a shopping mall, for being late in returning a shopping cart, and – out of his anger – kicking me in the thigh [ like a martial art type kick] in the parking lot. I had a bruise the size of a football on the side of my thigh, felt like an idiot for even going to the mall with him and somehow blamed myself for triggering his anger. It was only after I got angry at myself for tolerating his crap, then later at him like a delayed response, that I woke up to it all, packed up and left [but after two other events involving him].
      Imagine all the ‘yes’ people around Depp who defend him and pretend like he doesn’t have a problem? How alone Heard must have felt. I bet she had moments where she second guessed herself, not to mention felt stupid for tolerating his crap out of some view of affection or whatever else. I don’t think people knowingly tolerate abuse, which can have fatal consequences, for money.

  65. K_de says:

    Anyone seen the movie Secret Window? I feel like a lot of the roles he portrays is very much his true self…

  66. Nicole says:

    My father is an alcoholic and drug addict and has beat me, I hit back. I hope he gets the help he needs before he dies and I hope she has a good support system too. It is heartbreaking.

  67. Birdy says:

    the thing is like my friend Ryan said the longer he is quiet the more guilty he looks

  68. EM says:

    His skin and the state of his teeth indicate he is on crystal meth or something similar, which is why I’m not surprised by the domestic violence issues – having come across similar issues during my encounters with family law clients where one partner is out of control.

  69. Birdy says:

    I’m so sick of the ” I was abused has a child I had a violent childhood” bullshit!!!! I know a lot of people who where abused has a child including my mom who don’t do drugs and drink!
    he just wants people to forget what his sorry ass did! I stand with Amber

  70. maili says:

    Amber had the text messages analyzed by a forensic expert who looked at her iCloud backup and confirms they are authentic:

    “On Sunday, June 5, 2016, I was asked to examine iPhone backups of Amber Heard. It was her normal routine to sync her iPhone on the computer,” Kevin Cohen, the tech specialist, says in the signed document. “I forensically imaged and examined the device containing Ms. Heard’s iPhone backups, and I conclude that the backups are authentic.”

    • Lahdidahbaby says:

      Whoa, that’s big news, and very good news. I was so worried that she would have no way of authenticating them. Thanks for the update!

      The liars can keep lying for Depp, but now they’ll be seen for what they are. And each lie will only confirm the truth that he’s hiding and they’re helping him to hide.

  71. Shockadelica81 says:

    More proof:

    Also, People magazine obtained a signed statement by a computer forensic consultant, stating that the Amber/Stephen text messages from May 25, 2014 are completely accurate and that none of its contents have been altered:

    “On Sunday, June 5, 2016, I was asked to examine iPhone backups of Amber Heard. It was her normal routine to sync her iPhone on the computer,” Kevin Cohen, the tech specialist, says in the signed document. “I forensically imaged and examined the device containing Ms. Heard’s iPhone backups, and I conclude that the backups are authentic.”

    In addition to the earlier released texts, People claims to have seen more texts, some of which include Stephen talking about flying out a L.A. addiction specialist to Boston (where Johnny was filming Black Mass at the time).

    • Rebecca says:

      I bet you that now TMZ is going to find their own forensics expert to confirm the texts were doctored. Even though they don’t have access to the supposed doctored texts, they’ll figure out some new way to say they are doctored.

      • Shockadelica81 says:

        Yep! Tmz is obviously pro Depp. I’m guessing that Harvey Levin who’s a lawyer has some type of friendship/connection with Depp’s lawyer.The latest story on Tmz is that a couple of concierges saw Amber days after the phone attack and they claim that she didn’t”appear” to have makeup on and they saw no bruises. That’s what got IO Tillet to tweet tonight and she even linked that story.Just because she didn’t have in heavy makeup doesn’t mean she didn’t have on any makeup! I’m guessing these concierges are male and wouldn’t know a damn thing about concealer. In the pic with Amanda De Cadenet,Amber clearly has on light makeup and is covering half of her face with her hair.

      • Sam says:

        @Shockadelica81: I think that’s giving the TMZ article too much credit. TMZ didn’t speak with the concierges; they spoke with a neighbor who spoke with the concierges. Which is to say, TMZ published a game of telephone.

      • Shockadelica81 says:

        Oh I know that Sam.

    • Rebecca says:

      I got a response on a pro-Depp site. They are saying that this doesn’t prove who the texts were from or to.

      It’s so frustrating. No amount of proof is going to be good enough.

  72. marymoon says:

    iO Tillett Wright tweets:

    BULL*HIT. I’ve had enough. I saw the bruises. Many times. And the fat lip. And the cut head…How much evidence does a woman need to present?! She has photos, texts, witnesses, and filed a restraining order.

    I was on the f—ing phone when he hit her. I HEARD HER SCREAM. I will testify. Here and in court. Under oath. WHAT ELSE DOES A WOMAN NEED?

    • Shockadelica81 says:

      Yes IO! She stayed quiet but couldn’t take the victim blaming anymore especially when she heard everything and has seen more bruises.

  73. Dlo says:

    Beatlejuice!! Oh, never mind, its johnny depp