Brandi Glanville is ‘a real typical type of basic chick, she’s very mediocre’


E! has a new sort-of dating/reality show called Famously Single. It premiered last night. Basically, E! stuck eight barely “famous” celebrities in a house together and filmed their dysfunction and cat-fights. Brandi Glanville is one of the eight. Other cast members include: Aubrey O’Day, Somaya Reece (from Love & Hip Hop: Atlanta), Pauly D, a dude from The Bachelorette, Calum Best and others. Guess who caused the most problems? Yeah. Brandi. I wasn’t even really aware of this show until I glanced through these absolutely hilarious quotes from People:

It wasn’t love at first sight for Brandi Glanville and her Famously Single cast mates. In an exclusive sneak peek at Tuesday’s premiere of the new E! series, the Real Housewives of Beverly Hills alum instantly alienates a few of her housemates with her signature brassiness.

After Glanville mentions that she brought along sex toys for the two-week experience, former Love and Hip Hop: Atlanta star Somaya Reece gives her snap judgment in an interview: “Brandi, she’s a real typical type of basic chick. She’s very mediocre.”

Dumblonde singer Aubrey O’Day adds in a separate interview: “I met Brandi about a month ago. It was probably the most painful 45 minutes that I’ve had in a long time. I had to, like, reduce my mind a lot to converse with her.”

Several cast members revealed at a recent party for the series that things will start off rocky and get even more heated as the show progresses.

“We didn’t quite mesh with her,” O’Day, 32, told PEOPLE at the event. Explained Reece, 32: “We’re strong. We went head to head. The first episode is explosive.”

Glanville herself confirmed that she and Reece “almost got into a physical fight on day one” – though the former model, 43, is pointing a finger in another direction: “It was kind of Aubrey getting into everyone’s heads and manipulating and saying, ‘We don’t like Brandi.’ And I was like, ‘Is this Housewives again? This is so stupid.’ Finally I was like, ‘You guys! No one’s getting voted off, we’re not on Survivor. No one’s winning a million dollars. We’re here for ourselves, stop!’ And it took a little while, but it did stop. And once it stopped, and all the walls came down, we all became really close.”

[From People]

Is it possible to sort of like Brandi AND agree that “she’s a real typical type of basic chick. She’s very mediocre”? Because that’s how I feel too. I sort of like her in spite of everything and I think she’s the most basic Becky ever. As for Aubrey O’Day saying that she had to “like, reduce my mind a lot to converse with her”??? OMG. I’m not even sure that works as a burn. It’s a self-burn to say that you have to “reduce your mind” to speak to someone.


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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52 Responses to “Brandi Glanville is ‘a real typical type of basic chick, she’s very mediocre’”

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  1. Snazzy says:

    I don’t understand that green dress with the white .. bra? padding? What is that?

    • amilu says:

      I don’t either! But her face in that second photo pretty much sums up my opinion of it.

  2. Kitten says:

    JFC. All these shows setting women back decades.

    I’m kidding (kind of) but do we really need more shows featuring women fake-fighting, pulling hair, calling each other nasty names, and acting like huge d*ckheads?
    Eh whatever. I refuse to watch this sh*t anyway.

    Something nice: Brandi looks good here.

    • GoodNamesAllTaken says:

      She does look better than she has in a while. Not so puffy. And I would watch this only at gunpoint.

    • Wren says:

      She does look very nice.

      And I agree. These ridiculous shows aren’t helping anyone. I know I’m not stoked on women always being portrayed as catty jerks who embody every terrible stereotype of women ever. Let’s see: slavish devotion to appearance, cat fights, backstabbing, not very bright, talk about nothing yet never shut up, all they want is money, men are toys, sex is funny, and pass the wine coolers while we cackle with glee over the latest malicious gossip. I’m sure there’s more but it’s making me too disgusted to think.

      • Kitten says:

        That’s exactly it, Wren. It’s a gross stereotype and this caricature is so far from reality. I don’t know one woman who behaves like this. I’m sure they’re out there, but certainly not in my circle of friends.

      • Carol says:

        This is exactly why I stopped watching the Real Housewives franchise. These type of shows just make women look emotionally unstable and immature. Why can’t we see more shows that show women as positive figures?

    • Bettyrose says:

      No joke, Kitten, they really are dredging up horrible, outdated stereotypes. Also, I don’t get it. Maybe it’s an introvert thing but I can’t be bothered enough by other people to start drama with them. Am I BFFs with all my coworkers? No. But I can make polite small talk for a few minutes in the lunchroom. Why make someone else’s day suck by being bitchy? (And believe me, I default to bitchy pretty quickly, but what’s the point?)

      • Kitten says:

        Introvert here as well and I’m the same as you in that way.

        Drama has ZERO place in my life. I don’t enjoy it, I don’t court it, and I make sure that it’s not a part of my world.
        I mean really, who has the time and inclination for that sh*t?? I guess this is my answer, huh?

    • Bridget says:

      These are professional reality TV personalities. They’re paid to be odious.

      • Kitten says:

        Of course but that doesn’t change the fact that they’re representing themselves as “real” women.

  3. Melody says:

    Dark complexioned woman wears white bra under translucent dress calls another woman basic…🙄

    • Aysla says:

      …Sorry, what? Did you really just use her ‘dark complexion’ as an insult? What does her skin color have to do with anything?

      • Christin says:

        Just a guess, but I think the poster meant not matching the undergarment color closer to one’s skin tone. Plus, white underwear being ‘basic’.

      • Aysla says:

        Ah, that makes sense. If so, my apologies Melody.

      • Melody says:

        Christin had my intentions. She has lovely skin, but it was wasted by that odd and distracting undergarment choice.

  4. Jayna says:

    Mediocre and incredibly immature.

  5. Sharon Lea says:

    I watched the episode of Famously Single last night and Brandi was the nice person, sticking up for a guy who approached their table. There is a cliffhanger to see if he is 1 of 2 people they had mingle at the club that is actually their dating coaches. Pauly D & Somaya were really rude to the poor guy.

    • Kitten says:

      CHOCOCAT!!!! ♥ ♥
      (Sorry but I have to reply to you with this every time I see your Gravatar)

    • skipper says:

      I saw the episode too and this is true. Brandi was actually being the nice one. The other woman and Pauly D. were being really mean to a guy (not a cast member) for no reason other than to be mean. Brandi was sticking up for him. Pauly D. seemed like he kind of felt bad about it but the other woman was unapologetic.

      I feel no shame about watching these shows. Reality shows are my guilty pleasure.

      • Sharon Lea says:

        It didn’t seem like Pauly D got how intense he was, but maybe watching it back, he will. I’m with you, these reality shows are my guilty pleasure too.

    • Samtha says:

      I caught part of it by accident and thought Brandi was probably the least annoying. The others seemed needlessly catty toward her.

  6. Crystal says:

    Why are you calling her a Becky? Does that term now apply to any white woman?

    • Lindsay says:

      Yes. It has for quite a while.

      • Crystal says:

        It’s disappointing to see it used within an article on this site where people are generally written about in a”respectfully snarky” way if such a thing exists. Previously I had only seen the term used on this site in relation to beyonce’s song and commenters discussing the term generally. It’s just disappointing to see it adopted in an article this way. Seems pretty tasteless to me.

      • Guest says:

        Well the author uses it a lot. I found it odd too,.

      • Christin says:

        Not fond of it, either.

  7. Bichon says:

    She’s a silly vain woman with limited intelligence.

    • Nana says:

      Yet she’s hustling her ass off, 2 reality shows, Famously Single & Cooking show, a part in a movie she just did, another TV show she will be doing herself (STBA). Her wine, which is now winning awards, that is now licensed to be sold in stores thruout the US, thats not including the online sales, which is doing great, she also has a barware thats coming out soon to several stores. She’s doing this while raising two boys, and doing it for those boys.

  8. Sullivan says:

    Is she mediocre? God, I hope not. That’s setting the bar really low.

  9. Jane says:

    I’m sure Leann is watching this show like a hawk to find some way to further her attempts to SWF Brandi. Of course she dropped her EPIC news of getting a record deal in the UK the very same day Brandi’s show aired. I have no intention of watching the show, but I wish Brandi well.

    • Christin says:

      I’m not planning to watch, either. Yet the attention seeking from her Yodeling SWF should be EPIC.

      Ed is even looking more lively as he occasionally joins in (recent Bronco pap drive, etc.).

      • Jane says:

        Of course Leann is going to be seething with jealousy if Brandi’s show is a hit. Leann knows that her train-wreck on VH1 made her (and Eddie) a laughing stock.

        Perhaps Eddie is looking lively is Leann gave him an allowance to ensure she was happppyyyyyyyyy and to keep up the hubbylove act.

  10. Icantremember says:

    Who is that burnt woman in the vermillion trash bag?

  11. JenniferJustice says:

    “Basic” is not a word I would use to describe Brandi. I would say Emma Roberts is basic. Dakota Johnson is basic…as in plain, nothing noteworthy, average, etc.

    Brandi is simply trashy and that is not basic. Trashy means she has no class, no upbringing, no manners, no education, loud and beligerant, talks over people when they start making sense and prove her arguments wrong….that’s trashy – not basic.

  12. Roller74 says:

    WTF is going on with that green dress?? I couldn’t get past the pictures to read the story. That dress???!!!

  13. Kitty says:

    Aubrey was talking about being on Brandi’s podcast where Aubrey was completely stuck up and was answering questions with one word. It was only painful due to Aubrey not Brandi.

    She’s there to promote her career and Brandi was struggling to get anything out of her. Brandi even took a stance the opposite of Aubrey hoping to drag out a negative debate about a topic. Nothing.

    The other chick there was normal but Aubrey just ruined the whole interview. It was stupid and childish on her part, if Aubrey was a smart as she thinks she is. She would be able to carry on a conversation just fine and not disrespect her fans who tuned in to hear. Or attempt to gain new fans on Brandi’s podcast.

  14. Starkiller says:

    Who is Aubrey O’Day? The name rings a very muted bell in the far recesses of my mind, but I can’t be arsed to look it up.

    Anyway, the fact that she “had to, like, reduce [her] mind a lot to converse with [Brandi]” says a lot more about her than it does about Brandi.

  15. Kate says:

    All I have for this is a big “ya don’t say?”

  16. Cat says:

    This show literally made me laugh out loud. The way some of these people think they are celebrities was hilarious. As a surprise to myself, I actually liked Brandi because she doesn’t seem to take her ”celebrity” seriously and she really seems to be nice to people, regardless of who they are. She may be basic and not overly intelligent but being nice is far more important in my book.

  17. jferber says:

    Brandi looks ravishing. Her face is perfect. Whatever she’s doing, she should keep doing it. I can’t hate on any of these ladies. It’s all about paying the rent, I guess.

  18. Sarah says:

    I am no Brandi fan but who is Somaya? She is the very definition of basic.

  19. Caz says:

    The only story here is the level to which reality shows now stoop. People are being rewarded for bad behaviour. Thousands of people would love to be on these shows.

    To me Brandi is playing a character. It gets her paid gigs, publicity and a profile. She doesn’t offend me.

  20. Calico Cat says:

    Just looking at their pictures is making my IQ drop a few points!

  21. caitlinK says:

    It is NOT a “self burn” to say that one has to basically lower their own intelligence standards in order to converse with someone stupid. Also, I used to watch RHOBH (cringe, but yes) and Brandi is a vile, vulgar, vicious, selfish, vain, greedy, belligerent, jealous pathological liar. She has NO redeeming qualities, period. This is the woman who said she “wished she was molested” as a child (by some teacher) and who is currently nearing a legal trial she brought upon herself by publicly announcing that another woman’s genitals were “stinky.” (Joana Krupa being the other woman, a former housewife of RHOM.) I don’t see how anyone can have a positive opinion of Brandi.