“Does anyone enjoy Rihanna’s Little House on the Prairie dress?” links


GFY loves Rihanna in this Vetements dress. I do not. [Go Fug Yourself]
Bradley Cooper & Irina Shayk love Roger Federer. [Moe Jackson]
Rachel McAdams has a boyfriend: screenwriter Jamie Linden. [LaineyGossip]
EJ Johnson’s boots are amazing! [Dlisted]
If Jaws is ever remade, who should star in the remake? [Pajiba]
Another horrific story about a cop killing an unarmed man. [Jezebel]
Theories for what will happen on Season 7 of Game of Thrones. [Mashable]
Frank Ocean is back! (With an underwear commercial.) [OMG Blog]
Does Jessica Biel’s jacket have big shoulder pads? [Popoholic]
Who is Zara Holland & why is she wearing this? [Celebslam]
Talking about Teresa Giudice will get you attention. [Reality Tea]


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56 Responses to ““Does anyone enjoy Rihanna’s Little House on the Prairie dress?” links”

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  1. Kate says:

    No. Her “style” is garbage these days.

  2. detritus says:

    Is Vetements basically a joke on rich people?
    It sure looks that way because Rihanna can pull off anything… Except this horrible colour/print/cut.
    There is zero about this outfit that is nice.

    • LoveIsBlynd says:

      It’s unreal how Rhi can pull off any look. I think it’s the facial expression- so bored so does not care. I think I had this RBF in high school for about five minutes when I had zero sense of future and perfect t*ts.

    • Fee says:

      Lol, good one. A joke on rich people. Love it

  3. kay says:

    Oh wow, am I alone in seeing early pregnancy in these photos?

    • Sue says:

      That or she has gained weight. I know I wear baggy when I’m heavy

    • Ali says:

      She does look pregnant. Also, she cancelled that music festival headlining gig in South America. o_O

      But yeah, she will probably be in a bikini this weekend. Lol

    • swak says:

      My thought, especially the second picture. That dress would not look good on anyone.

    • Luca76 says:

      I’ve actually been thinking that her last few photos hmmm

  4. Lynnie says:

    Maybe if it was longer? Idk, I like the color and the print. Don’t know what that says about my taste lol. On another note…

    Philando Castile, Alton Sterling, Eric Garner, Tamir Rice, Trayvon Martin…

    There should not be a list.

    A four year old should not have to see her dad dying in front of her.

    A girlfriend should not have to be live recording her boyfriend’s death, because she fears the cop/police department will try to slander her boyfriend’s name and make it seem like he “deserved” it.

    I shouldn’t have to worry about my younger brothers hanging out with their friends and hoping that they’ll come back afterwards.

    If you take an oath to protect EVERYONE in your community, and you can’t because you’re afraid of, racist towards, or are just power hungry what are you even doing being a cop?

    • Brittney B. says:

      Thank you for this comment.

      So many children and adults live in constant fear — that they’ll lose someone they love, or get killed themselves — and yet, now that heartbreaking examples are finally being publicized, so many are rushing to deny or justify or cover up instead of WAKING UP and getting angry.

      Those who are paid to carry guns should be more accountable, not less. Those who didn’t understand the problem before — and the problem includes state-sanctioned, cold-blooded murder — should be outraged now that they’re finally seeing it, not *less* sympathetic to the victims and their communities.

      Heart is broken and boiling at once.

      • Lynnie says:

        I’m really hoping this is the catalyst to something. I also hope the cop faces the consequences, but cops have gotten away with more (see Rodney King incident).

        I just hope these killings don’t become the new mass murders in which everybody becomes desensitized to it, and just hope for the best.

    • jmacky says:

      thank you. there should not be a list.

    • kri says:

      @Lynnie-You are so right. My god, what have we done. I just turned on the news this a.m. and what I thought was one of those re-enactments they sometimes do on a news show was actually happening. I have to say I almost fainted. But that video from that young woman is going down in history. How brave she was in the face of true horror. I can only pray that the young man’s MURDER will not go unpunished. I am a supporter and very grateful to all first responders, but our police must CHANGE. God help us all.

    • Norman Bates' Mother says:

      It’s just so horrible. I feel so sorry for anyone who loved those poor unfairly shot people and I hope that at least this time the policemen will get a real punishment they deserve.

      How can things like this continue to happen? I simply don’t understand how the country that is such a melting pot of different cultures, where most people’s ancestors were at one point immigrants (or slaves but the problem of racism is about white immigrants) can at the same time be the place with such a huge number of nationalists? I don’t want to go off-topic, but I’m currently reading a book about an unfair treatment of POC in the USA and it’s just unbelievable that it’s still not a closed chapter in history. The author of this (new) book interviewed the members of The Knights of Ku Klux Klan (policemen, doctors, journalists, soldiers etc) and other racists and the logic behind their actions is just… I have no words. I would never be able to imagine that this level of BS even exists if I haven’t read it. I don’t know if those policemen or the monsters like that George Zimmerman were raised like the members of the white-power type of organizations, but it sure seems like it. I mean, judging by the interviews with the Klansmen, basically 90% of them were raised to mindlessly hate POC by their KKK parents and they will raise their children to think like that. Most of them don’t even personally know any POC as they live in predominantly white areas, and some even admit that those POC they met were nice and smart, but they still hate them, because they were thaught to fear them and have the shoot-first-ask-questions-later mentality about dealing with black people. That hateful organization brainwashed them to think that Jesus was racist and wanted segregation! It’s a visious cycle. I don’t even know how that problem can ever be solved. I think the first thing should be delegalizing any nationalist organization and a better gun control, but we all know how unprobable that is. Sorry for the rant.

      • Lynnie says:

        Don’t apologize for the rant! I understand your frustration. Does your book mention anything about why the KKK is not labeled a terrorist organization? To me they’re on the same level as ISIS.

      • mickey says:

        The Police in the US should pledge allegiance to ISIS, They murder more Americans than ISIS could ever dream of. When will any of these people be held accountable?
        Only then will the impunity end, only then will they think twice before killing the ‘brown’ people. This is heartbreaking. It’s been going on forever, however now just about every citizen has a recording device-but still the killing continues. That IMPUNITY must be on steroids!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      • Norman Bates' Mother says:

        @Lynnie – Actually, it sort of does. Author asked the mayor of the town, in which the KKKK reside (Harrison, Arkansas), on why he allows this and why are they even legal and he said that he hates them, because they made people openly boycott his town, but his (and every other politician’s, including the POTUS’s) hands are tied because they outsmarted the system. They no longer have any hateful, terrorist language or “anti”-language in their rules and constitution. Instead of saying they are anti-other races, they say they are proud of their own race, they are officially not anti-other fates, they are pro-Christianity, pro-heterosexuality etc. And oficially – they no longer use violence. They organize protests and parades, but when a member is caught red-handed while committing a crime, they throw them under the bus and say they were doing it on their own. They are very careful to not cross the legal lines and since they have many lawyers in their ranks, they know the law very well. Of course the law is full of loop-holes. If someone tried to tattoo a swastika on their arm in Germany and many other countries,, they would face years of prison, while Klansmen tattoo all sorts of hateful symbols and get away with it in the name of their right to express themselves. They homeschool their children and teach them how to treat others who are not Aryan as subhumans and how to shoot them in the head when needed (i.e. when they walk the streets while black) than they do maths, but their children somehow pass the exams. And I doubt it will change as the majority screams socialism whenever someone tries to adjust the law in any way as seen with he gun control or even the free healthcare issue.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      My heart breaks when I hear these stories, REPEATEDLY. How and Why has it gotten to this point?

      When I see these videoS (sorry, I’m just outraged at the multiples), what I see is cops in FEAR and using horrible judgment because they do not have the training or discipline to know when it is appropriate to use deadly force. They all look like Keystone Cops, bumbling around with powers that they are not responsible enough to handle.

      • Pamela says:

        “what I see is cops in FEAR and using horrible judgment because they do not have the training or discipline ”

        This! I understand that cops are out there daily putting themselves in very scary situations and that adrenaline and fear and nerves…whatever are all a factor. *I* would be horrible at making decisions in those circumstances. (I am not even addressing the racism here- just the pure aspect of people getting killed because they reached for their license and a cop panics) But…I am not a cop.

        Shouldn’t cops be better at this than ME? I work an office job and would be terrified to hold a gun. There have been SO many publicized stories lately where people are KILLED because a cop made a bad decision. Too many.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        I was listening to an officer on a podcast, and he said that the amount of training they have for how to deescalate a situation, how to prevent traffic stops from turning violent, was tiny. I can’t remember the exact amount of time, but I think it was only a few days at most. That is not enough time to train your body to handle that stress and decision making at the same time.

        What I thought was really striking, was how the girlfriend was able to hold it together in such a situation. Seriously, I think she would make a great cop. Being rational when your adrenaline is pumping is a special skill.

    • doofus says:

      the TRULY sad thing is that this has been going on for DECADES and we are only now finding out about them because of the availability of cameras and social media.

      that cop that shot the kid and then placed the taser next to him, as he was lying on the ground, so he could say the kid stole his taser and was trying to use it on him?…EVERYONE would have believed the cop’s story if not for that person who recorded what actually happened. THAT cop was charged but how many others do similar thing but AREN’T caught in the act?

      And Tiffany, you bring up a very important point. these cops are not being trained on how to handle situations like this and they then panic when put into them. the latest one in MN…the cop asked the guy for his ID and, while he’s reaching for his wallet, the cop opens fire? because he was “in a stressful situation”?! if you can’t handle the stress of a guy trying to show you his ID AFTER YOU ASKED FOR IT, you need to find a new job. cops should be held to a HIGHER standard than the general public, NOT a lower one.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        I agree, doofus!

        I always think back to the 2014 video of the (black) gentleman getting out of his truck. A cop pulls up and asks him for his license. He says ok, and turns around to get his ID from the truck, and the cop fires at him 4 times hitting him in the hip. The injured man says “Why did you shoot me? You asked for my license, I was getting it!”. In the video, you can tell the cop is just terrified and bouncing around with this gun flailing about. Timid people with guns can be very dangerous when they afraid.

      • Veronica says:

        We always knew it was going on. We just chose to ignore it and write it out of history books. The rioting sparked during the Civil Rights was partly in response to police brutality. Black men were murdered, black women were systematically raped. The history of institutional policing in the United States is closely tied to the regulation of slavery. It’s not shocking to anyone who knows their history that it continued to be utilized as a weapon of oppression.

    • QQ says:

      Personally im sick and tired and drained mentally emotionally this makes two days this week I drive to work borderline weeping and this isnt even the first time nor am I one of the Emotional people.

      I’m s*ck of this sh*t Im also sick of the silent consent fairly implied from my white friends/relatives that go on about their days impervious to this sh*t or silent and posting fun memes all day today yesterday, Before and the time before that too

      Lavish Diamond Reynolds is a f*cking brave brave woman for doing what she did, this is the last year and last time I gave Police forces the benefit of the doubt/respect in public (I make a point now in public of being in my Ps and Qs having my phone near me and wearing glasses/staring straight ahead if i so much as have a stoplight with a sheriffs car by me

      Aaannd these ranty thoughts are my cue Im gonna be out the internet and watching silly tv and listening to music and making sure i sleep and eat well til wednesday, Bye yall, Handle the Oatmeal Lively the Afflops Quasi divorce and The Blandest Couple in the world Amazing Race publicitymance on your own til then

      F*ck this country today and come at me and say anything IDGAF I’m at my quitting point

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Hugs to you. My heart weeps.

      • doofus says:

        QQ, I fully understand. when I saw the video from MN this morning, I put my phone down and cried. I have so many friends who could be Philando Castile and I can’t imagine the fear/anxiety they must feel anytime they get pulled over, etc.

        what Tiffany said…hugs to you.

      • Almondjoy says:


        The tears won’t stop flowing.

      • Lynnie says:

        😢 Feel better QQ

      • Tiffany says:

        I am with you QQ. I ended a friendship with someone because they continue to undermine how I feel with being a black woman in America and watching fellow members of my race getting killed, I was going to say almost everyday, but no, it is every day. I am tired, exhausted and if you pull some condescending kumbaya shit with me, I will take you down a peg.

      • Snowflake says:

        QQ, if these people are your friends/family, talk to them, make them listen to you talk about it. Ask them if they heard about it, what do they think, whatever you want to say or ask. Sometimes, I think white people, they are afraid to talk about it, afraid you’ll be mad at them because they’re white or they don’t know what to say, they are afraid of saying the wrong thing. But it needs to be talked about and if these are your friends/family, they should at least listen to you when you bring it up. That’s my opinion, anyway.

    • teacakes says:

      I don’t even know what to say, it’s heartbreaking to think that these people are literally getting killed for being black, it’s frightening and awful and the killers need to be held accountable for it.

    • amunet ma'at says:

      Same, my hubby showed me the video last night and it was horrible. When I woke up I saw the whole thing and I cried. This is ridiculous and I am disappointed in the President’s speech on the issue.

  5. Nev says:


  6. Guesto says:

    I think it’s beautiful and not remotely ‘little house on the prairie’. She looks gorgeous.

    • Nancy says:

      I agree, It isn’t always the garment, but how the person wearing it carries themselves…….attitude! She can’t look bad to me.

      • Guesto says:

        Attitude of course helps but I truly love the vibrancy of the dress with the low-key hair and boots. She looks majestic.

  7. mary simon says:

    Not even Rihanna can make that grotesque creation look good. She does look pregnant in the bottom pic. Maybe that’s the motivation for wearing that bizarre and busy sack of a dress with the distracting sleeves and ties to draw attention away from the abdomen.

  8. Stephanie says:

    Me! I hate the boots though.

  9. kri says:

    That dress is saved only by the fact that it is on her person. Otherwise-dreadful.

  10. Elisa the I. says:

    she looks heavy and unhappy in these pics (and I’m a huge fan and I usually find her stunning). Don’t like the dress, styling, make-up at all.

  11. DrunkNachos says:

    Rih can normally elevate any outfit, but I think she’s met the one that is hopeless. That dress is badly designed and cut. Its just wads of twee fabric.

  12. Tiffany :) says:

    I think the cut is horrible on this dress. If they wanted it to look drapey and have a flow, they should have left out the big neck ties and streamlined the sleeves a bit. If they wanted to keep the neck ties, they should have made the cut even just a little bit more streamlined. As it is, this dress is just a mess of fabric. Her face is gorgeous, but this does not flatter her body at all.

    I think the idea could have worked (bright prairie print with edgy accessories), but it got sloppy in the execution.

  13. Kiki says:

    Did Rihanna raid Alicia Vikander’s closet?

  14. doofus says:

    Gunne Sax 4-EVAH!

  15. antipodean says:

    After taking the time to comment on fluff over at the Swiddles sites, I cannot let this horrendous occurrence pass without at least adding my outraged voice to this terrible shooting of an unarmed son, brother, boyfriend and father. When will this madness stop? Is it the result of poor training in the use of lethal force by the police? It has to stop! How can a civilised society countenance the murder of its own citizens by those who are supposed to protect and serve them?
    As the crazy NRA faction entrench their positions even further with money and influence, this seems to be the sad outcome.
    In the immortal words of Eddy Izzard, “Guns don’t kill people, people kill people….. but I think the guns help.”

    • doofus says:

      ” Is it the result of poor training in the use of lethal force by the police?”

      that’s part of it, for sure, but the thing is, there are incidents like this involving white people (actually, WORSE incidents…some where the white person is armed with a machete) where the cops DISARM the person, and no one winds up getting hurt, AT ALL. Hell, that kid who shot up that SC church and killed 9 black people? the cops stopped at Burger King for him!

      so, while they DO need better training, they also need to stop shooting black people for no reason.

    • Luca76 says:

      I am speechless on this its just so horrible and makes me so angry when will it stop?

    • Ange says:

      It’s racism and gun culture, plain and simple. Everyone’s terrified and on top of that the police are terrified that they’re going to face a barrage of bullets because black person.

  16. iheartgossip says:

    Is she hiding a ‘baby bump’?