Carrie Prejean thinks racy photo release was attempt to ‘silence’ her

Miss Californias show off their beauty

Earlier today, CB reported on the scandal surrounding the “racy” photos of Carrie Prejean (Miss California). There wasn’t really hardcore nudity, it just seemed like Carrie has done a few photo shoots as an underwear or swimsuit model, which happens. If you consider the Victoria’s Secret catalogue soft-core pornography, you might be offended by the picture released of Carrie Prejean. Otherwise, CB didn’t think it was a huge deal, and I tend to agree.

Instead of letting a minor scandal blow over, Carrie has released a rather sanctimonious statement about the incident. As you would expect, Carrie is blaming whoever released the photos, and saying she can’t be blamed for anything because she’s a Christian. Something like that. I’ll give her some credit – she certainly knows how to keep her name in the news and milk every tabloid story for all the publicity she can get. It’s really no joke – Carrie Prejean is going to have a pretty solid career built on one rambling, incoherent answer to a question about gay marriage during a beauty pageant.

Racy photos of Miss California Carrie Prejean have popped up on the Internet — and she says it’s an attempt to humiliate her because of her anti-gay marriage views.

“On April 19, I chose to answer a question during the 2009 Miss USA pageant in an honest and personal manner that expressed my views of the long-established definition of marriage as being between a man and a woman,” Prejean, 21, said in a statement Tuesday. “Yet my comments defending traditional marriage have led to intimidation tactics that seek to undermine my reputation and somehow silence me and my beliefs, as if opinion is only a one-way street.”

One leaked shot shows Prejean wearing nothing but undies and covering her breast. Prejean insisted the pics are just modeling shots.

“I am a Christian, and I am a model,” she said. “Models pose for pictures, including lingerie and swimwear photos.”

She added that the shots, taken of her as a teenager, were “released surreptitiously to a tabloid Web site that openly mocks me for my Christian faith.”

“I am not perfect, and I will never claim to be,” she went on. “But these attacks on me and others who speak in defense of traditional marriage are intolerant and offensive. While we may not agree on every issue, we should show respect for others’ opinions and not try to silence them through vicious and mean-spirited attacks.”

Despite the controversy, she said she “will continue to support and defend marriage as the honorable institution it is. I will continue to stand with the overwhelming majority of the American people and the voters of my home state of California.”

“If this whole experience has taught me anything,” she concluded, “it is our precious right to speak freely, and how we as Americans can never allow anyone or any group to intimidate or threaten us to keep silent.”

It remains to be seen whether the shots could affect her status as a spokeswoman for conservative causes or her future involvement with the Miss California pageant. (In 1984, Vanessa Williams had to resign her Miss America crown after revealing photos she had posed for in 1982 were leaked to reporters.)

[From US Weekly]

Ugh, she brought up gay marriage. What do these “racy” photos have to do with that? This is about her boob job and her nudie photos, combined with her proclamation of “traditional” Christian values. She can claim that she’s being mocked for her faith, but all of us doing the mocking didn’t make her get the boob job and take off her clothes for the camera. At this point, it’s not even about her answer to the gay marriage question. It’s about those old, ancient culture wars, and I’m not sure Carrie Prejean is really the poster girl the conservatives want or need.

Miss Californias show off their beauty

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41 Responses to “Carrie Prejean thinks racy photo release was attempt to ‘silence’ her”

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  1. HashBrowns says:

    She keeps going back to her talking points because she has nothing else to say and this shows her complete lack of public speaking skills. The poor girl can’t think of anything to say besides what she’s already said along with a statement written for her by NOM (probably).

    ‘”I am a Christian, and I am a model,” she said. “Models pose for pictures, including lingerie and swimwear photos.”’

    So if you’re a Christian and a model and there is nothing wrong with the pictures, why would someone releasing them be an attempt to “silence [you] through vicious and mean-spirited attacks.” And why would you see their release as “intimidation tactics that seek to undermine my reputation and somehow silence me and my beliefs”?

    If there isn’t anything wrong with them, she wouldn’t feel the need to say those things.

  2. Kayleigh says:

    In those pictures she has a pretty big rack, wouldn’t that mean those were taken after her boob job? As in… recently….

  3. Hieronymus Grexx says:

    Why are we STILL paying any attention to this blond idiot? She should have had the media lifespan of a mayfly!

  4. Annie says:

    Yes, seeing as how she’s already Miss California.

    She got the boob job BEFORE winning Miss CA.

    (I’m ashamed that that’s my state :()

    As for her little “official statement”

    I agree with hashbrowns. I’m too lazy to reiterate the talking points lol so I’ll just let Hash handle.

  5. Ready says:

    Is it just me or does she have the crazy eyes (made famous by the “Runaway Bride” a few years back). It weirds me out when you can see the white all the way around someone’s eyes.

  6. Zoe (The Other One) says:

    Yuk, I hate this person.

  7. goaheadandyellatme... says:

    There is NO WAY she wrote those statements…this is a woman who can barely string a cohesive sentance together. That kind of angers me…that she is now a spokesperson who doesn’t even formulate her own opinions…and is going to end up a millinare for it. All on the backs of loving same sex couples…all in the name of fear and hate. YUCK>

  8. Samantha says:

    I am not 100% sure, but I am almost positive that the baby Jesus does not condone such actions, and I can guarantee that if there is one photo like this, there are probably 100 more to follow. Do what you want, no one cares Miss Cali, just remember those things before you decide to cast stones. 😉

  9. OXA says:

    Was she thinking that when she posed for them? Give it up and pose for Playboy already.

  10. OXA says:

    Racy photos of Miss California Carrie Prejean have popped up on the Internet because she posed for them and the value of her 15 minutes of fame is almost up.

  11. ! says:

    Half nudity makes baby Jesus cry, Carrie, don’t you know that?

  12. neelyo says:

    This isn’t a conspiracy, some photographer saw an opportunity to make money and sold the photos to the highest bidder.

    And she didn’t write any statement that contains the word ‘surreptitiously’. Ha Ha Ha!

  13. anon says:

    um, no one is trying to “silence” her. she can continue to go out and repeat her bigoted, nonsensical statements as often as she wants.

    all this did was expose her hypocrisy.

    HashBrowns (YUM!), well said.

    I’d also like to add that her dress in the pic above is absolutely skank-tastic.

    I’ve seen the same one several times on “Rock of Love”.

  14. JCS says:

    Hypocrite… i’m guessing taking nude pictures before marriage is okay, must have missed that verse… and none of the “models” in Victoria Secret jumped on the Jesus High Horse. I guess getting naked for all men to see helps out TONS in finding a good Christian man. Please take away her crown and give it to someone who can eloquently speak their truth, not what someone told them to say or standing up for ignorance. The part of the Bible she is “quoting” also says it’s a sin to eat lobster and shrimp… somebody ask her that one!!

  15. anastasiabeaverhausen says:

    I’m guessing she’s pretty thrilled about these pictures–great way to keep her ugly mug in the headlines. She just needs to go find some old sugar daddy to marry and stop subjecting the world to her stupidity.

  16. ash says:

    Gawd she is unattractive physically and intellectually. Don’t give yourself too much credit there toots.

  17. Kayleigh says:

    And the crazy eye thing you mentioned Ready is what you see on those blow up dolls, once again. Not a very good look.

  18. DeAnna says:

    She SUX!! Karma’s a b1tch! I am sure she will have children and they will be gay.

  19. Annie says:

    Uh. You shouldn’t wish something on someone as if it were a bad thing.

    Saying that, implies that having gay children is bad….and that is NOT okay.

  20. the original kate says:

    of course she posed for topless photos. of course she did.

  21. befairpeople says:

    Her topless photos are advertizing to her future husband that she has the equipment for breastfeeding.

    She does need to actually read the Bible she is trying to quote – “Love One Another” is a huge theme. The beam in her eye is a lot larger then the motes in the eyes of others.

  22. sally says:

    “it is our precious right to speak freely, and how we as Americans can never allow anyone or any group to intimidate or threaten us to keep silent.”

    But isn’t she attempting to do just that with her anti-gay marriage stance?

  23. Jill says:

    Annie, I don’t think Deanna was implying that having gay children per se would be a bad thing. Carrie Prejean having gay children might make her get her head out of her ass. But wow, would suck to be those kids.

  24. Vibius says:

    10 bucks she or her publicist released them. So far I haven’t seen any that are career threatening. She wouldn’t be the first celeb to release “scandalous” photos to get the attention back on her.

  25. Sauronsarmy says:

    Whats the big deal? I’ve seen pictures of Jesus posing in a loincloth!

  26. mel says:

    ***SHOCKING*** rolling eyes

  27. becca says:

    Oh dear lord. Nude/semi nude photos of pageant queens come out all of the time. *eyeroll* And all this does is show how utterly hypocritical she is.

    I hope some really incriminating photos of her come out. Incriminating enough to get her to lose any title she’s managed to gain. Because that’s happened to a ton of Pageant Queens who are a thousand times more classier than her (or at least were at the time). Like Vanessa Williams.

  28. texasmom says:

    What is the “group” that wants to “keep [her] silent”?

    Are they the same people that forced her to pose topless?

  29. mamafogle says:

    befairpeople, Those plastic sweater puppies aren’t just showing how well she’s equipped to breast feed, they are showing that she has the milk hygienically *shrink-wrapped* as well, like any good God-fearing christian would do.

    Now THERE’S a stupid cow.

  30. sam says:

    I hate to be rude but I’m just going to put it out there….FUG.

    Body ok, face odd.

  31. Trillion says:

    Sauronsarmy- brilliant. Neelyo, as usual, dead-on. Photographers are constantly taking “sexy” shots of unknown girls, hoping one day there will be a reason for the public to give a sh*t about seeing so-and-so’s boobs. Didn’t Vanessa Williams lose her title/crown/whatever over the same thing years ago?

  32. Rachel says:

    actualy guys, y’all can thank Perez Hilton and his pushy self-righteous attitude for giving Prejean a “career” (it’ll burn out by June).

    Perez is dirt. To me Prejean does have pretense to believe it is a smear campaign. She said her opinions in a calm light and all the self-appointed people judged and condemned her for it, though she said *nothing* deragatory against those who said otherwise. Everyone is jumping on the bash Miss CA bandwagon to show how “open-minded” they are. What they look like are intolerant narrow-minded jerks.

    What happened to real liberalism, where we agreed to disagree and persuade people to our side rather than condemn them? I thought we left that to the Religious Right.

    And by the way, I couldn’t care less about gays marrying. Let’em…more receptions for me to go to 🙂

  33. Vibius says:

    ^ That only applies when you are in the minority.

  34. Karen says:

    Okay, so now I can’t tell. Are you bashing her because she’s a christian or because she is against gay marriage? I am actually for gay marriage. I’m also for freedom of speech without fear of bullying or intimidation. She gave her opinion because she was asked for it by scumbag Perez Hilton. He has called her the c word on his site. Can we please leave this poor girl alone and stop bashing her because of her beliefs? Last I heard this was America. He knew she was a Christian and that she went to a Christian college. That’s why he asked her the question. He was hoping for this answer. He’s all about getting more famous.

  35. Trillion says:

    She’s being bashed for a few reasons. I think her Christianity comes into it because A) She talks about it a lot and B) Maybe people think it’s hypocritical for her to use religion to support a belief that is seen by many as bigoted, on par with racism. I know that many Christians have no problem with gay people getting married. IMO, they’re the ones who should be the most pissed now that Prejean has suddenly become this sort of de facto standard bearer for American Christianity. I’d be interested to hear from those people.

  36. Kat says:

    Karma, meet Carrie.

  37. Kat says:

    blah, blah, blah…poor me. Go cry to your bartender.

  38. SixxKitty says:

    I know the pagent people have worked hard to make the pagent’s not a beauty contest, stating that its about being a well rounded woman blar blar blar. So when will these women have an IQ thats visible in anything other than their ability to state their names and measurements? I’m sorry if thats harsh, but c’mon! Some of the best contestants with actual educations and the ability to walk and chew gum at the same time never make it into the final five…whats that all about?
    As for Miss Californication and her comments above, they only have one reality, and thats where they are the princess and everyone else is beneath them. Full Stop. Christian values my a$$. One of her questions should have been to name six books in the old testament…FAIL.
    Can you tell I loathe this woman… no offence intended to other CB readers.

  39. cherryblossom says:

    Yes Carrie. Those evil homosexuals are releasing pictures of your naughty bits between bareback rides. *rolls eyes*

    I’m noticing that there’s never an intelligent, well liked person who is vocal about being anti gay marriage. I wonder why…

  40. becca says:

    Trillion: Yeah, Vanessa did lose the crown due to nude photos. And she played innocent at the time, “Oh, I had no idea what was going on! The photographer PROMISED these wouldn’t be let out.”

    Really, same old same old. But Vanessa is still MUCH classier than this wh*ore we’re talking about here.

  41. Bodhi says:

    What the hell do her religious beliefs have to do with her posing semi-nude?

    Nothing, absolutely nothing. The only reason whoever wrote that PR blurb tossed that in was to stir up more controversy. The “overwhelming majority of the American people” have far more important things to worry about than the semi-incoherent ramblings of a failed underwear model.

    By & large, most “anti-Christian” people aren’t anti-Christian at all; they are against intolerance & morally superior attitudes