Michelle Obama wore Brandon Maxwell to WH state dinner: lovely or tragic?

A very proud moment for me and my team. ❤️

A photo posted by Brandon Maxwell (@brandonmaxwell) on

Since we only have a handful of months left with the Obamas, let’s enjoy them while we can. Wait, I spoke too soon, because I am not enjoying Michelle Obama’s dress AT ALL. Maybe it’s the way everything is styled though. Last night, the Obamas welcomed Singapore’s Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong, and his wife, Ho Ching, to the White House for a fancy state dinner. I saw Pres. Obama and the prime minister’s press conference earlier in the day on Tuesday, and I came away really liking the prime minister. Just as a sidenote or whatever, he seems like a cool guy.

Anyway, Michelle wore an American designer, which she usually does for big events. She wore Brandon Maxwell, who is closely associated with Lady Gaga. Maxwell often personally styles Gaga for big events and creates custom looks for Gaga with some regularity. I like the idea of this Maxwell dress on Michelle more than I like the execution of the dress. The bodice just looks too stiff and slightly oversized. The way Michelle’s hair is visually mimicking the bust of the dress is no bueno either. Maxwell told WWD: “She is the embodiment of the woman that inspires me to create, and a role model for women all over the world.” He also said it was a thrill and honor to dress “a woman that represents the good of this nation, and who has done so much for the young women that inhabit it.” Which is really nice and sweet. Too bad this was really not MObama’s best look.

Photos courtesy of social media.

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68 Responses to “Michelle Obama wore Brandon Maxwell to WH state dinner: lovely or tragic?”

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  1. Secret squirrel says:

    I can’t help thinking if the sash around the waist had been black, or red/dark pink, it would have really made the dress pop. Otherwise I like it.

    • lallyvee says:

      It looks horrible.

      • Bonster says:

        Sad, but true.

      • Eleonor says:

        Yep. She has amazing shoulders, nice silhouette, very athletic.. it takes a lot of work to make her look like that.
        On the other side Singapore’s first lady is beautiful!

      • LovelyDayz says:

        maybe this is payback because she’s plagiarizing Melania’s RNC white mess of a dress.

    • Prairiegirl says:

      I’m looking at the E! News tweet picture, with just the bodice, and I can’t help but think “Spa Towel.” She can do better!

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I wonder, if like Clinton, the white color is a nod to the National Women’s Party and the suffragist movement.

  2. LinaLamont says:

    It should work, but, it doesn’t.
    It’s okay from the side; hideous from the front. It looks like a uniform or long apron. The belt is wrong. The neckline (top) should be concave, rather than convex— makes her look like a linebacker.

    • Bros says:

      agree, and the hair is horrible. Michelle rules, but she can’t do strapless dresses very well. her neck is too short and she’s got defined trapezius muscles. but what’s ruining this is the awful hair. it looks like cafeteria worker in a hair net. What is going ON!?

      • mellie says:

        I agree. I covet her arm/back muscles, but this does not do those guns any justice.
        There are just some styles that people with certain body styles cannot wear. I’m 5 foot nothing…I can’t wear maxi dresses…I love them, but I look terrible in them. If you have not seen the picture of the sleeveless yellow dress that she wore earlier in the day, google that one…she looks amazing!

      • SKF says:

        I actually love the dress but yes her (trapezoid?) muscles don’t suit it. She needs to stand up ramrod straight with perfect posture for strapless gowns and also the hair would have been better with a high chignon/bun.

    • doofus says:

      yeah, my biggest issue with it is that it makes FLOTUS look BIG. she’s tall, but she’s not brawny.

      don’t like white as a color for ANY article of clothing, and that applies to this, too. would look much better in a jewel tone.

      • AtlLady says:

        Thanks, doofus. Brawny was the word I was searching for to describe this look. Mrs. Obama is a lovely woman but this dress and hair make her look a bit too fierce.

    • Sara says:

      yeah the neckline is wrong and the color is weird. It’s not really white, it’s like a dirty grey white. She usually looks great, this is disappointing.

  3. Kate says:

    I think the dress is lovely. Her hair could have been better, but I think she looks pretty!

    • Rachel says:

      It’s definitely the hair for me. The structure of the dress shows off her amazingly sculpted upper body, but the hair is a no. I think a softer look with the hair would have complemented the dress more.

    • Onerous says:

      The dress in video looks lovely – it looks not as great in stills. But I thought she looked stunning walking out for photos.

    • QQ says:

      Same here I actually have NO problems with the Dress, The Hair Tho?!?!? No

      • Timbuktu says:

        I’m with you, ladies. Love the dress, but hate the hair.

      • I Choose Me says:

        I don’t hate the dress, the bodice to me is a little off but otherwise she pulls it off. The hair is NOT flattering.

        I love Mrs. Ho Ching’s outfit tho.

  4. Aiobhan says:

    The dress is not the issue for me, the makeup and hair is throwing the look off for me. It looks too subtle for this type of dress. She looks tall and regal and awesome from the neck down. Maybe a dramatic eye or darker lip would have worked better. The hair is too severe as well.

    • JustCrimmles says:

      There’s some really strong contouring going on, and I think that’s the weak spot in an otherwise fine makeup job. Love the earrings. The dress is merely ok. Overall, not terrible, but not great.

  5. Locke Lamora says:

    Michelle Obama is by all accounts an amazing woman, but her sense of style is bad. She has way more misses than hits.

    • Brittney B. says:

      Wow, really?!

      I know very little about fashion, but I’ve never heard this criticism before. I can only think of one other time that I didn’t LOVE how she looked. Shows how much I know.

      • Kate says:

        I know. I kind of thought she had pretty good style. She always seems to know who she is when she dresses. I haven’t ever felt like her clothes were wearing her.

    • HH says:

      I think she has great fashion sense. She takes risks, which is bound to give a few misses. IMO, she hits the marks so much, that when she takes a bad risk, that’s what people remember.

    • LinaLamont says:

      @Locke Lamora
      I agree. IMO.
      Often, she just misses… something slightly off….when she gets it right, however, she’s stunning.

    • K says:

      Michelle has incredible style and is unbelievable fashionable. She is an icon that changed the industry. I like the dress the hair last night was not great and hurt the overall look.

    • Robin says:

      I agree, although her style has improved over the years. I don’t recall seeing any belted cardigans recently.

  6. Astrid says:

    She was absolutely gorgeous at the Democratic Convention. This one not so much

  7. Brittney B. says:

    “The way Michelle’s hair is visually mimicking the bust of the dress is no bueno either.”

    You nailed it. Kate and Aiobhan too. It’s the hair that’s ruining this look for me.

    • Esmom says:

      Yes, I’m in this camp, too.

      I really like what the designer said, very sweet and gracious.

  8. tracking says:

    The dress looks stunning in the video, much less so in the still photographs for some reason. I loved it, and the moment where BO pointed at her then gave the thumbs up to indicate he thought she looked gorgeous. The only thing is that she looked a little uncomfortable in the dress.

    • Onerous says:

      Ha! Just said almost exactly the same up thread. And totally agree… she was striking in the video on the news this morning.

  9. Erin says:

    The dress is lovely. The hair is a tragedy. Had it been styled differently, (I’m thinking updo) this would have been Mucho Bueno.

    • OhDear says:

      Yeah, I agree. Maybe if she wore her hair down?

      She looks a little bit uncomfortable in it, too, which also may influence the look.

  10. JenB says:

    I am not a fan of this styling for our beautiful FLOTUS. It’s just not flattering, and the hair and the dress seem to exacerbate the poor styling of each other.
    I think I like when hair hair is softly styled down the best.

  11. MissMerry says:

    she looks like shes popping out of a white cake or something.

    the dress is too stiff, to high up on her chest, the hair is doing her no favors.

    I agree that softer hair and a less-rigid fabric on the dress would have made this a tad better.

    • PunkyMomma says:

      Yes about the color – I think this might have been stunning in a deep tangerine or deep lime green.

  12. Melody says:

    I love it! And that’s not because I’m looking through teary eyes and thinking of how to remove term limits…

  13. Jade says:

    Sorry it’s a miss for me from the pictures. But I still love her! She’s more than a dress and more than her looks…brilliant woman.

  14. Jegede says:

    I love the aesthetic and cut of the dress.

    But it does not flatter her IMO.

  15. Jenns says:

    I don’t like this look on her at all. It makes her look much wider than she actually is.

    • Poisonous Lookalike says:

      I thought the yellow dress she wore the other day was even worse for making her appear wider than she is. It was a gorgeous color on her, but the cut didn’t flatter her body.

  16. Tiffany says:

    I am in true denial that they have to leave.

    THANKS FDR!!!!

    • Esmom says:

      Lol. I hear you, believe me, but I gotta imagine that 8 years was more than enough for them.

      • Kate says:

        Eight years in such a stressful and thankless job is probably enough for any family. They have some really fun years with their children ahead and I hope they get to enjoy the heck out of them!

  17. Embee says:

    If she’d worn her hair high, like Nefertiti, I think this would have slayed. She looks like a goddess but her facial expressions convey a little discomfort.

  18. Original T.C. says:

    Loved the dress not the hair. But I love how much Prez Obama is never shy about showing his love for his wife in public. He always looks at her with love and respect after years of marriage. Swoon.

  19. Manjit says:

    I like the dress in profile but straight on it’s not very flattering. Had it been in emerald or sapphire it would probably have been stunning on her.

  20. Tredd says:

    YIKES! NOT good. Makes her look like a linebacker. Or a gold medal swimmer, with those shoulders.

  21. cindyp says:

    Love her but this look is not flattering at all. She’s very statuesque; the dress emphasizes this; not in a good way.

  22. paranormalgirl says:

    The dress is wearing her. She’s a beautiful woman but this dress does nothing for her.

  23. KatM says:

    Michelle Obama is truly beautiful inside and out. 98 percent of the time she looks fantastic. Just my personal opinion on this dress…the top of the dress is not complimentary. She is very fit too. I do not think anyone would benefit from that roll of fabric that is at the top of the dress. Think about if that were gone…I think it would be very beautiful on her. It would also help if it were in a jewel tone and not white.

  24. Bohemianmartini says:

    Horrible dress. It does her no favors. Such a shame.

  25. Cerys says:

    Not a fan of this dress. It does nothing for her and makes her look huge. She usually has great style, just not this time.

  26. Dlo says:

    Not a fashion person at all, I either like something or not. Flotus is usually lovely IMO but not this time. She even seemed uncomfortable and stiff in this particular dress.

  27. jinglebellsmell says:

    Tragic. The top of the dress looks like icing on a Tastykake, and her hair…no.

  28. Robin says:

    That dress is one of her worst choices ever, and she’s had some bad ones, like the first inauguration dress that looked like it had toilet paper all over it. This dress makes her look like a football player and does nothing to flatter her arms, shoulders, or neck. And that hairstyle is appallingly bad. A jewel-toned column dress would have looked much better.

  29. Helen says:

    The dress is not too bad in isolation. It’s her hair and makeup that are really appalling here (and I love Michelle so it pains me to say it). Not to mention that there is something off about her posture in these photos too that makes the dress look even stiffer.

  30. Pandy says:

    She doesn’t like it, you can tell. Probably because the bodice looks like one of the slip covered chairs at the state dinner! Is this the only fabric/color this guy works in?

  31. CJW says:

    The POTUS and FLOTUS are the best of us. I like the others of you will never forget when he won the election. I was with my three sons and the love, hope and excitement was palpable. So happy to have been alive and share that moment with them.

    May we all survive this mess we’re in now. I want a better future for those three sons of mine and now two grandchildren and while Hillary is not perfect (who is?) . I’M WITH HER for hope.

  32. Peach says:

    She is a beautiful woman but I don’t think any FLOTUS should go strapless. Something about it is so pedestrian to me, but I know that’s a controversial opinion! I will miss seeing what MO wears though. I am voting for HRC (begrudgingly), and I would love it if she got a stylist and started bringing it. Just a pipe dream….