There’s more trouble for Carrie Prejean – the Miss USA runner-up might be stripped of her Miss California crown because of violations to her pageant contract. And it’s not just about the racy photos, or Carrie’s subsequent sanctimonious statement about how taking her top off for cameras is okay for good Christians. Apparently, the California pageant committee has pretty strict rules about what their Miss California can and cannot do, and Carrie Prejean has made some serious violations.
The two directors of the Miss California USA pageant committee – Shanna Moakler and Keith Lewis – met Tuesday to discuss whether Carrie should be stripped of the crown. The pageant committee has to give the Miss California permission to do interviews, public appearances, and any kind of endorsement deals. So far, since the Miss USA pageant, Carrie has violated the terms of her contract several times over:
The directors of the Miss California USA pageant — who met early Tuesday to determine whether Carrie Prejean violated her contract by working with a national group opposed to gay marriage and by posing semi-nude when she was a teenage model — have yet to decide if Prejean should be stripped of her crown.
Pageant spokesman Roger Neal told that pageant directors Keith Lewis and Shanna Moakler have been in closed-door meetings all day regarding this issue.
Neal said Tuesday that Prejean had run afoul of several parts of the 12-page contract that all prospective contestants were required to sign before competing in the November state contest.The detailed document — which gives pageant officials nearly unlimited control of the title holder’s activities — prohibits Miss California from making personal appearances, giving interviews or making commercials without permission from pageant officials, Us confirms.
In the last two weeks, Prejean, 21, has made televised appearances at her local church in San Diego and on behalf of the National Organization for Marriage, a group opposed to same-sex marriage.
The contract also contains a clause asking participants to acknowledge whether they have conducted themselves “in accordance with the highest ethical and moral standards.” As an example, it asks if they have ever been photographed nude or partially nude.
On Monday, racy photos of Prejean — wearing nothing but pink underwear and covering her breast with her back turned — were leaked on the Internet.
“As you can see from the contract, she violated multiple items,” Neal said in a statement to the Associated Press.
Prejean, however, insisted the pics were just modeling shots and that she was only 17 years old — a minor — when they were taken.
“I am a Christian, and I am a model,” she said in a statement Tuesday. “Models pose for pictures, including lingerie and swimwear photos.”
She objected to the photo’s release, claiming it was an attempt to humiliate her because of her religious faith and conservative views.
“My comments defending traditional marriage have led to intimidation tactics that seek to undermine my reputation and somehow silence me and my beliefs, as if opinion is only a one-way street,” Prejean said.
[From US Weekly]
I’m sure many people will bill this as “Carrie Prejean might get dumped for nudie photos” but it’s a lot more than that. It is a contractual violation that involves much more than topless photos. Carrie Prejean’s biggest mistake might have been trying to launch her career as a conservative poster girl, rather than those photos.
But speaking of the photos, the whole “I was underage” argument is little weak. If she was only seventeen when the “racy” photos were taken, why in the world did she pose like that? For someone underage, a professional photographer would need to get all sorts of releases and perhaps even her parents consent to take those kinds of pictures. She really might have been 17 years old, but Carrie’s argument is basically “don’t judge me, be tolerant”, when she has shown profound intolerance towards homosexuals.
‘I am a Christian and I am a model’ is my new mantra.
There are several issues here. First of all, from the description, the photos don’t sound like much of anything. You refer to them as “nudie” pics, but by description, they aren’t (I haven’t seen them, so I don’t know first hand). Quite frankly, the pose you describe—underwear, back turned so that the breasts are not actually visible, is a very common pose you can see in pretty much any fashion magazine. Unless there are other photos than the one described in this article, I would say that this is a lot of noise about nothing; probably being overblown in the media because she has an unpopular opinion about homosexuality and gay marriage. I suspect that if she had not made those comments, no one would bat an eye over the picture.
And really—is Shanna Moakler really the right person to judge anyone else’s behavior? I mean, come on!
Now, she may be in violation of her contract with the beauty pageant by giving the interviews that she did, and if so, then they are within their rights to take her title; after all, she should know what the terms of the contract are, and if she is unwilling to abide by them, then yes-they have every right to take away her crown.
I do not agree with her opinions, but I really wonder if she had said the opposite during those interviews if she would be threatened the way she is now. I actually think she would have been applauded, instead being accused of violating her contract by giving an unauthorized interview.
Is she being punished for voicing an unpopular opinion, or is she being punished for violating her contract? It does make me wonder.
Mind you, I am not agreeing with her point of view. My personal opinion is that if you are both adults and are in love, more power to you. It’s not really any of my business who you love. But I do think perhaps she is being punished for having an unpopular opinion, rather than for violating her contract.
How does an obviously not very bright runner-up – RUNNER-UP!! – in some beauty pageant who expressed an ill-informed but fairly commonplace opinion on gay marriage that should, rightly, have attracted no more than an eye-roll, warrant 2+ posts a day where her every move is being documented and dissected and reported like she’s running for office. Just curious. Are failed dumb-ass beauty pageant contestants really that important in America??
Pot calling kettle tramp here I believe!
Hello tramp, meet hypocracy.
Ok…So the under-age Christian girl, had these pic’s taken:
And a relese for them was forged, right?
Then she attempted to say that their relese is an attempt to assassinate her clean image and high morals, am I right so far?
So whats her defence for blatently wiping her christian butt on her contract…oooh wait, her honest and personal answer at the pagent was a trick question and its all Perez’s doing with smoke and mirrors… no, that couldn’t be it, it must be her high standard of ethics, that allows her to do as she pleases, because she’s a christian you know…
An embarressment is what she is.
Prejean’s politics aside, stuff like this is why a lot of people don’t speak out publicly on issues, or don’t run for office.
The supposition is that as soon as you open your mouth, your entire past is up for debate.
Most people’s lives do contain some misdeeds or contradictions – I know mine does.
Good point, Geronimo.
Agree with Geronimo & CandyKay.
@Geronimo; It’s not that important to this American, but I’m not counting clicks.
Just curious, did anyone remember when the pictures of Vanessa Williams with another woman came to light and she lost her crown?
Daisy, I suspected it might not be. 😉
Seriously, between this and Octomom and the Pitt/Jolie/Anniston coverage, I’m finding it hard to locate the original celebitchy site that I used to love.
Amen geronimo. It has been MIA for awhile now.
yes but candykay, you dont have a national platform on which to espouse your views. she has shown herself to be sanctimonious, excusing herself for all of her ‘mistakes’ or peccadilloes, while using her new found fame, courtesy of the miss america pagaent, to espouse her political beliefs. in a sense, she is a quasi-politician. she isnt setting policy per se, but she is a public figure with ostensible persuasive sway, as evidenced by the fact that NOM wanted her to be spokesperson. if she didnt have influence or notoriety, she wouldnt be tapped.
this is all clearly in violation of her title. she should be stripped of it because objectively, her behavior after the pageant has violated a whole bunch of the terms of contract, which is concerned with approving the organizations and causes for which Miss california/america 2nd place can go speak. and they are usually bland, non-divisive, non-political speaking engagements.
bottom line, she shouldnt be using her fame, which is 100% courtesy of the miss america pageant, to violate the terms of her miss america contract. if she wasnt runner-up, she’s be another dumb blond with a pretty face and conservative, ill-informed opinions.
This is definitely an increasingly ridiculous story, but I don’t fault Celebitchy for covering it. Gay marriage is a hot-button political issue right now, and her response probably would’ve been met with an eye roll or polite smile had anybody other than Perez Hilton asked that question (and then proceeded to open his fat trap and rant about it online). She’s a (minor) celebrity by association.
I’m more bothered that she’s spinning this situation into some conspiracy against her that’s been begun by evil liberals and gays. She may be a dim and inconsequential person, but I could definitely see her blatherings reinforcing the beliefs of a lot of ignorant and intolerant people.
Why does crap like this get people’s titles/crowns taken when far worse doesnt get MEN booted from OFFICE… is what ticks me off
Agree with barnesir. She’s being vilified for giving an honest opinion.
Honest opinions are no longer allowed. Say the “wrong” thing, and you will be destroyed. Watch your step people.
Interesting how many posters here are ignoring the contract she signed with the pagent. It doesn’t that it’s a standard modeling shot, it’s a contract violation. Are you folks saying she should not be held to its terms?
“As you can see from the contract, she violated multiple items,” [pagent spokesman]Neal said in a statement to the Associated Press.
It’s not about her politics. Her answer was artless and showed a lack of poise-important stuff in the pagent world. And she violated the terms of her contract.
no bob, its that she won’t stop taking her opinions to the next level, which is clearly in violation of her contract. real simple, do you want to be miss america runner up or spokesperson for an incendiary and politically charged organization called NOM?
She is not being vilified for having the “wrong” opinion.
She’s being vilified for violating her contract. Vanessa Williams had her crown taken away for nude photos. This chick has partially nude photos (yes, side boob counts as partial nudity, the indication being that she’s topless…which she is) AND is the spokesperson for a group not stipulated in her contract as an organization she can speak for or against.
Denying those facts is just silly. It is literally fact and written in her contract that she cannot speak for groups that are not specifically outlined in the contract and she can’t have posed for nude OR partially nude pictures.
That isn’t vilification for her opinions, it’s contract violation.
EDIT: zak822 and bros got there first 🙂 I agree with both of you.
Christians don’t have a break the rules and get out of trouble card.
Sin is sin.
Funny how some can make little of a underage kid posing nude. What about the pedophiles who love to look at that stuff? What she did feeds that nasty world.
Do any one remember Jimmy Swaggart?
How about him speeding down the road with a prostitute and porn magazines in the car going to a hotel?
Bet that cop should not have pulled him over.
Christians should have to follow the rules like any one else.
I remember when Vanessa Williams was removed years ago now Carrie Prejean should be removed for breaking the rules.
I agree with Carrie Prejean views on gay marriage but she broke the contract rules and she needs to go.
There are already 11 threads on her on this site alone.
I just skimmed through those threads and past comments. The vast majority of comments had nothing to do with her violating her Miss CA contract as in some of the comments above, until today.
Saying that was the reason now for trashing her is BS at best. Look back on the comments, most of them are arguing about religion/being a hypocrite.
daisy, probably because not all the threads are about her association with NOM, which happened only recently and has been under review since. i’d trash her views and idiocy regardless, but she ramped it up to another level by willfully violating the terms of her contract when it can to NOM. that was an idiotic move. she’s entitled to defend her opinions, which she was doing, and which was getting her press and getting her coverage and comments on this site. spokeswoman is something else entirely. its very obvious.
The stuff about violating her contract is new, in this thread for the first time. That’s why it hasn’t been discussed until now.
It looks extremely clear-cut to me. If you get the crown of Miss California, your every public appearance etc has to be approved by them first, because you are suddenly a spokesperson for them anytime you open your mouth.
She’s been opening her mouth in a number of ways and in a number of venues that were not approved, and that violates the contract she SIGNED.
How is that hard to understand? Of course she’s going to say that she’s being VICTIMIZED! And that they’re trying to SILENCE! her. But that’s what the contract says, she can read it if she needs to understand this.
She just wants her 15 minutes. They’ll probably take the title for violation of the contract then we’ll REALLY see her mug all over the place, crying that she was decrowned for being Christian or some other stupid untrue reason. And she’ll ride that 15 minutes as hard as she can.
She is a pathetic excuse for a human being. She is a joke !! I love it !! How embarrasing for the right wing holier than thou christians.. why do they think they are the laughing stock of america at this point and why only 21% of people identify as Republican?? It is this judgemental better than you attitude that is SOOOOOOOOO FAR FROM THE TRUTH !! They say the other pics are worse but she is saying she was 17 when they were taken and so they can’t be released. Newscasters on CNN last night were saying, SHE DID not look 17, and they compared pics when she was 17 to those and she was much heavier at 17, and she is just using that as an excuse. SO chalk up A HUGE LIAR to all the other things she is.. mostly.. PATHETIC, CREEPY and PITIFUL !!
She is a full on liar now. She is trying to say the pictures were taken when she was 17 so they can’t be released being that she would have been under age. But that is BS…. it has been confirmed that she took them only months ago, and that proves she is trying to manipulate people to get her way, thats why she is gonna lose her crown. Because she is a liar.
As far as being a total idiot bigot, ya, America is gonna continue to take her apart for that, but not because she is important in anyway. Because bitches like her deserve to be publicly humiliated. If you don’t like readin about it, find something else to do. CAUSE Most of us are loving this right now.
everyone makes mistakes in life, and we all do stuff that years later we regret, but i think it’s how you deal with it. having topless photos leaked sucks, but what makes her a hypocrite is all her holier than thou talk about morals and christian values. and it isn’t as if these photos were taken 20 years ago, or even 10. she’s just another right wing hypocrite spouting “family values”, like jimmy swaggert (televangelist who went to hookers ,) newt gingrich – who served his 1st wife with divorce papers while she was in the hospital recovering from cancer, and rush limbaugh, who talked about how drug addicts should be in jail, and then got caught with a shitload of oxycondin. hopefully she will grow from this: live it, learn it.
Is she being punished for voicing an unpopular opinion, or is she being punished for violating her contract? It does make me wonder.
I would say that pageants have been pretty strict about certain things. And yea, I remember the Vanessa Williams stuff.
I think other girls have lost crowns for very reasons similar to the ones listed for Prejean, that just doesn’t get publicized. Pageants try very hard to maintain this particular image because of the fact that so many of us find them to be an archaic institution that exploits women and exalts beauty as the only redeemable quality. Remember, they’re not pageants, they’re scholarship competitions!
As anyone can tell you, I don’t like her and frankly, if she was smart, she would’ve just made her statement, let that stand for what it was and keep it at that. But she went on a media blitz and that was HER choice.
P.S. That’s sooo gonna be my new mantra too. I wonder if it’ll allow me to get away with a sex tape….
It was the contract. You don’t mess with your contract.
But again i bring up that sin of pride the christians babble about. Isn’t modeling therefore a sin? And I’m sick of the “I was underage” excuse too.
yah this victimization crap is getting old. suck it up prejean-you wanted some awesome shots of yourself with your new fake, unnatural boobies. vanity. i think its a deadly sin. apparently it might be deadly to her career in this case.
I am shocked at these shared thoughts. I have never seen such cold, calculating cruelty from what is supposed to be the greatest countrymen in the world. Who are you people?
We’ve all known this for a long time especially in beauty pagents. I’m sure we all remember what happened to Vanessa Williams? Whatever you do in your past is going to come back. This whole “oh no the liberals hug up this pic because of my views” is hogwash. If she hadn’t said the anti-gay marriage comment and won the crown they still would have dug up the pics and in that instance her beloved Christian right would have been on her case.
They’re trying everything to get rid of her.
SHe answered a question honestly and should have let it drop but she is going public for the church declaring war on same sex marriages and she is not allowed to do tajt according to her contract plus, she has nude photos out there and lied about them too..take her crown adn elt her do what she does best..get naked and bitch about gays .She is just another airhead.
She’s trash.
she’s being punished for not answering the correct way. they are seeking to embarrass her by digging up any dirt they can. her answer was not hateful or rude, it was the truth that she subscribed to. sorry to say that these pageant want a mindless doll who they can make do and say anything…if that’s what it takes to get a crown she is better without it.
I feel bad for her, she’s been called all sorts of horrible names for espousing an unpopular viewpoint. I don’t particularly like her, but damn, people are going way too far in punishing her.
As for the pictures, she will have to take that up with the god that she believes in. Yes, it is a sin, but I don’t feel that it is my place to berate her for it. If she did violate the contract then she does deserve to lose her crown.
As far as I’ve read she hasn’t said anything extremely intolerant towards homosexuals. If saying that you believe that marriage is between a man and a woman and that homosexuality is a choice is intolerant, I would hate to see your reactions to the more cruel things said about homosexuals.
And no, before I get accused – I’m a bisexual woman. She has every right to her opinion.
I have never seen such cold, calculating cruelty from what is supposed to be the greatest countrymen in the world.
LOL. Say what?
Calculating cruelty?
For what? Stating the obvious?
Besides, get off it guys. She’s not so special that she’s been the only beauty queen whose past has been dug up. It’s happened to so many.
I dont believe they should take crowns based on any kind of pictures taken in the past. However, in all fairness, since Vanessa Williams lost hers, then yes she should.
And she has clearly broken her contract several times over anyway. This woman just annoys the snot out of me. Her self righteous, better than you attitude is exactly what gives Christians a bad name.
funny how the gays and lesbians that demand tolerance from others will not extend any to someone who disagrees with them. who is the most hateful group in America? on average I think there is a disproportionate amount of hateful gays as compared to most non-gays that don’t hate gay people with whom they disagree. I guess when you know your right you don’t need to resort to name calling and hatred. Start the name calling now, you high-minded and tolerant piece of work. I still love you.
As if pacing round in bikinis for men to judge is any better than having racy photos.
sorry, Miss C, but I think that espousing the belief that one’s sexuality is a “choice” IS intolerant.
that viewpoint is what (in their mind) allows a “christian” to discriminate against homosexuals or, in other words, be intolerant of their “lifestyle”. essentially, it allows them to think “well, you CHOSE this immoral lifestyle, so you deserve whatever you get”.
as opposed to eye color, skin color, etc…
ask a straight person when it was that they “chose” to be straight, see what kind of answer you get.
I can see your point; however I would be more inclined to believe in your opinion if she was calling for homosexuals to be hurt, or other such things. She merely said that she doesn’t believe they should get married and that it is her opinion that it is a choice. To me this is very small stuff compared to things such as what happened to Matthew Shepards, and other hate crimes. I dunno, I just like to prioritize things, and in my scale of things – this is nothing to get upset about. My question is, why is her opinion getting people all upset? If you believe that homosexuality is right, then her opinion really doesn’t matter all that much. There have been a few states that have legalized gay marriage, so obviously there is a growing acceptance towards homosexuals.
And no, not all Christians believe that is a way to discriminate and be intolerant of homosexuals.. My mother believes that marriage is between a man and a woman and that homosexuality is a choice with many people. She has never bashed me, told me I couldn’t bring my girlfriends around, etc. I know many other Christians who believe that it is a choice yet they are tolerant (and I am friends with many Christians). And I have been very upfront with my Christian friends about my attraction for women, none of them have thrown stones at me even if they made it clear that they don’t agree, but they love me anyways. I think we are unfairly lumping Christians in a small group.
I’m not doubting that homosexuality isn’t a choice, but I believe that people have the right to disagree with that without me resorting to character assasination. Which unfortunately, I’ve seen on many sites that I’ve visited. Although I will commend Celebitchy because it has been kept very tame compared to other sites.