Donald Trump wrote a horrific tweet about the death of Dwyane Wade’s cousin


Saturday morning, one of the top sports/crime/celebrity headlines was the extraordinarily sad story about the death of a young woman in Chicago. A woman named Nykea Aldridge was shot and killed on a Chicago street while she pushed her baby in a stroller. Aldridge was the victim of crossfire – two men were shooting at each other, and Aldridge was the collateral damage. One of the reasons why this was such a major headline – beyond the tragic detail that Aldridge was pushing a stroller – was because Aldridge was Dwyane Wade’s cousin. Wade is one of the biggest basketball players in the world, born and raised in Chicago, and he announced last month that he would be returning to Chicago this year as he joined the Chicago Bulls. Wade is also one of the major basketball players doing prominent work on civil rights, police violence and violence in the African-American community.

In any case, when I read the story first thing on Saturday, I had no plan to write about this family’s tragedy. They should be able to mourn in peace. It was my belief that everyone would feel the same way. Wade did tweet about it:

As you can see, Wade didn’t politicize his cousin’s death in any way. He, like so many people, is just sick of seeing a parade of gun violence on a daily basis. That’s not political, that’s factual. So why did I choose to write about this tragedy? Because Donald Trump is a terrible person. Trump tweeted:

That’s actually the second tweet from Trump on this subject. The first was deleted… because he misspelled Dwyane Wade’s name. He deleted the original tweet, corrected the spelling of Wade’s name and left everything else unchanged. When people are like, “Ha, Donald Trump is sort of sociopath,” I’m always like, “No, he’s mostly just stupid as hell.” But is he a sociopath? In what world is it appropriate for a presidential candidate to say a woman died in Chicago, therefore black folks are going to vote for him? At some point, he’s literally using this poor victim as a prop in his campaign.

Naturally, Twitter went crazy. Some said Trump was an “absolute disgrace” and that he should be ashamed of himself. My favorite was Don Cheadle telling Trump to “die in a grease fire.”


Photos courtesy of WENN.

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121 Responses to “Donald Trump wrote a horrific tweet about the death of Dwyane Wade’s cousin”

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  1. QQ says:

    I Hope Don Cheadle Wishes come true.. F*ck this scuzzbucket, Also the GOP really really needs to follow suit! This is The Dog their Dogwhistles finally called, the fact they’ve let this unhinged vulture continue to cook without any stopgap is Unforgivable, and we as voters need never EVER EVER forget this election cycle

    • greenmonster says:

      A few weeks ago I said, I wouldn’t wish death on anyone. I’m not proud of it, but I changed my mind.

      • B n A fn says:

        I have come to the realization that to keep my sanity whenever I see the orange clown or his surrogates on tv I go to mute or change the channel. There is nothing he can say that I am interested in. I have been following him for about 30 years and I already know he is at the bottom of the barrel as a person. I know Hillary has her faults but imo she is a million times better than this thing as a human being.

        Btw, when is 3rd wife going to hold her news conference to tell us how she got in this country and how did she get her green card. Another thing, when we see his taxes. I want to know if I’m paying more taxes than he is paying, also, how much millions does he owes Russia and China?

      • Melly says:

        Without a doubt you are paying for more in taxes than Donald Trump. He has said before that he works hard to pay as little in taxes as he can. It’s also a decent bet that you give more to charity than he does. If he gives to charities at all, it’s for the tax write off.

      • LoveIsBlynd says:

        Please help me here. OF COURSE this man in unfit for POTUS, however, the Bernie people on FB continue to claim HRC is also a devil and will therefore “write in” Bernie. Is this a vote for the trump? I’m asking a legitimate question.

      • Cran says:

        @BnAfn I’ve been reading about Drumplethinskin for the same 30 years & have never understood his appeal. I think about Marla Maples confronting Ivana Trump on the ski slopes re being his mistress. Drumplethinskin tried to slink off & Ivana, champion skier that she is, skied backwards IIRC, giving him a piece of her mind. His now adoring children put out a statement to the media that said they would be living with their mother because they were so hurt by his behavior. He is just a black hole of a human being and I cannot for the life of me see how anyone thinks he is in any way fit to be POTUS. I shudder to think what his inaugural speech would be not to mention his first state dinner of State of the Union address.

      • Rayya Kirt says:

        Its a natural impulse by now. I wish him a loong life in a cell.

      • Saras says:

        It’s going to be like the Bush/ Gore election. As awful as Trump is they paint Hillary in a bad light. She is not perfect but she is not an openly racist/ misogynist candidate like Trump! Bernie babies are mad but I am voting Hillary because truly the fear of Trump and especially Pence is sufficient. I am still of child bearing age and the idea that I would be forced to pay for burial/ cremation for a miscarriage or not be allowed to terminate a birth defected child is so scary with zika around is awful. Look up these facts about Mike Pence as he is way worse than Trump!

    • Megan says:

      It’s amazing to me that Republicans continue to stand with this monster.

      • Naya says:

        Funnily enough that tweet isnt aimed at black voters or Chicago residents or his openly racist supporters. Its aimed at white moderate republicans. Those guys who are disturbed by the racism thats enveloped their party are supposed to come away thinking a Trump presidency may actually benefit black people too. And that would certainly ease the conscience at the ballot box. He is just going to keep doing more of this until election day.

      • Exactly Naya, 1% of the black core vote and I think 14% of the Latino vote? Saying how he’ll reach blacks from the whitest neighborhoods?

        Dude isn’t ‘reaching’ for any of us. He’s putting on a ill barely planned show he can’t even pretend to be making an effort at.

      • Why would it be?

        Just on math Republicans on a good day were never going to score the minority vote. They’ve been the ‘all white’ party for a very long time. Why would they distance themselves now from the only guy who *might* has their intended base locked down?

        Not like POC and women will believe them of they woke up Tommorrow and went,

        “Hey, haha, you guys will never believe this but all those obsessive restrictions on all sexual health care for women and all the blaming of everything on minorities was just a joke! Just a 70 yr running joke! This guy is awful right? We’re NOTHING like him.”

      • Snappyfish says:

        I agree. I want to know what he owes Russia & China (I know the people’s bank of China hold the note on Trump Tower) I want to know if he pays taxes. I already know I pay a higher tax rate w/nowhere near the same bottom line. I know he doesn’t have all the money he claims to have & most of his “wealth” is tied to real estate holdings. I want to know if his 3rd wife legally entered this country since he seems so interested in legal immigration.

        I also will never vote for him (he has NO qualifications, NONE for the position he is seeking) when my toilets are broken never would I say “get me someone OTHER than a plumber to fix it”. I also will never forgive anyone who (politician) supports & attempts to defend this indefensible cad.

      • Sarah says:

        @Naya, yes, but Hillary is wrong on this. Most Republicans ARE racist – probably way more than 1/2. Every republican in my family hates some minority – every one. Trump,is just saying out loud what they’ve been saying in homes and on talk radio for years. The chickens finally came home to roost.

      • LoveIsBlynd says:

        I have to admit my brother loves the trump and is also deeply bigoted. Of course he has associates from the full spectrum of humanity but it’s “guilty til proven innocent”. That’s the republican voter in a nutshell= trump can do no wrong because he is their voice of ignorance.

      • EscapedConvent says:

        @LoveIsBlynd—-It kills me to say it, but I think that yes, a write-in vote for Bernie will turn into a vote for Trumpo the Clown. If hard-core Bernie supporters are so pigheaded and delusional about a Sanders win (when he is no longer even a candidate) and they elect Trump, they deserve everything they get. But everyone in America will suffer along with them.

        It says a great deal that Bernie himself has asked his supporters to throw their support to Hilary. They should listen to him. This election is not just about electing a President, it’s about preventing a very disturbed, very ignorant man from taking over the country.

    • silverunicorn says:

      + one million of millions of millions……

    • nicole says:

      Agree with Don Cheedle, he is a pathetic, lowlife who will say and do anything to help himself, he has no empathy whatsoever, and it will be a sad day if he ever gets to be president.

    • Mary Mary says:

      This: “the family should be allowed to mourn in peace.”

      So, out of respect one allows other’s to mourn, but not the orange-man by exploiting a family’s tragedy to feed ego, political gain and media attention.

      Wishing the election was over, tired of seeing orange face white eye rings plastered all over the media 🙂

    • Darkladi says:

      I love you, Don Cheadle! 😂😂😂

      • Rene Besette says:

        So do I, support from the Canadian here. That man is so repulsive and I kept wondering why anyone would support him. The comment that Trump made is so disgusting, vile and psychotic , that, I do not understand why they published it at all. Dwayne Wade’s family should be allowed to mourn their loss in private.

  2. tifzlan says:

    Every time i think i can’t possibly be more repulsed by this creature, it proves me wrong. I’m so ragey right now.

    • EM says:

      Ragey is a good word for it – I cannot believe that this man still has a chance of winning. I am really ragey at Hillary too though – this Clinton Foundation stuff while not illegal just looks bad. This will get twisted further by the always lying Trump and is yet another liability.

      • B n A fn says:

        The Clintom foundation has saved 11 million lives around the world by bringing the price of life savings drugs to millions. Theirs is nothing “ragey” about it. The only thing they can come up with is: they should have been more careful because it may have the appearance of conflict of interest. However, no one can show where the law was broken.

        The orange one is a billionaire yet he has no foundation to show what he has done to help the poor in this country. What he has been doing is ripping the little guys off by paying the people who work for him pennies to the dollars to what was bargained for. He made his billions by cheating his workers and filing bankruptcy at least four times.

      • EM says:

        I am not “ragey” at the foundation but the perception that she did something wrong is there. Maybe if this were the only issue but put together with the emails, Bill bumping into Loretta, etc. Don’t get me wrong I’m still voting for her but grudgingly so. I sincerely wish that she cared more about the optics of some of the things that they do. Yes, the Clintons will always be under attack by why make it so easy sometimes.

  3. Louise177 says:

    And still Trump won’t lose support. I just don’t get it.

    • Racism.



      Get it.

      I am not saying this to be callous. I am saying that constantly trying to look at the emotions that made one group of people hang another from trees and pose and smile like they were holding up a prized caught fish isn’t something to be ‘understood’.

      It exists. It is real. It is behind many smiling faces, just thank God not enough to elect this bastard to power. Please people. Stop being shocked and start looking around.

      • vauvert says:

        The wort part is that they actually pretend that Trump would be good for the Black community, for the Latino community… if you try and read the NY Times and WaPo comments from his supporters your head will explode.

        They don’t have the guts to state their racism explicitly, instead they twist the truth. Yesterday there was a detailed article about the very public lawsuit against Trump and his father during the seventies for systematic discrimination in their rental practices. His supporters’ defences ranged from “everyone was discriminatory back then” (BS – they were breaking the law!!) to “it was his dad, not him” to “the Dems have done nothing to help, he will be way better! He wants to secure the border! More jobs for everyone!” (apparently he has a bunch of jobs in his pocket – mind you, they may be jobs that he won’t pay for, like he has done so many times before, but whatever…)

      • Nicole says:

        Eternal nails it. It has started to irk me when my white friends are SO SHOCKED that racism is still a thing. Really? Open a newspaper sometime. These people are not the minority they just stayed hidden. Trump made it possible for them to flaunt their hate for the world to see and mock.

        This country is built on racism. Stop pretending that it doesn’t exist. Time for people to take off the rose colored glasses

      • Little Darling says:

        I was scrolling fast reading on my
        Phone and I was like, this comment is AMAZING, so real, raw and powerful.

        Of course it’s Eternal. Always think pieces coming from her comments.

      • Almondjoy says:

        Yes you all are thinking what I’m thinking. This is not really in response to Louise but just a thought I have about people in general. I think that lots of people are so used to not being affected by racism and spend so much time and effort denying that it exists (especially when it’s subtle) that when the racism is outright and in your face its shocking and unbelievable to them. Yes racism exists and its everywhere. It’s your cashier at the local grocery store, your child’s teacher, the person who works in the cubicle next to you. Nothing shocking about it.

      • Soror Bro says:

        Look around indeed. I watched a disturbing episode of the ABC’s Foreign Corespondent last night titled “Yemen: The War on Children’ I’d urge everyone to check it out and draw your own conclusions.

      • Betsy says:

        @Nicole – the racists most definitely are in the minority. If they weren’t, Donald would be crushing Clinton in the polls.

        Although Eternal reminded me of something: I’ve long looked at the lynching pictures and the protests against Civil Rights, but at the white faces. Depending on the year of the picture, some of these people are still alive. And for the other ones, it’s not like this was ancient history. But for the descendants of the lynchers, it’s just disappeared history.

    • Emily says:

      Yes you do (maybe you don’t get it, viscerally. I don’t either). Racism. It’s horrifying to me how many racists are living in this country and my eyes have been opened. And they’ll support Trump no matter what.

    • isabelle says:

      Grand Ole White party is full of racist, bigots and theocrats. Look at his crowds. Its mostly older white people, over 50 that were raised in a america that at one time accepted their radical views. They got chunked into caves and now are resurfacing again. So sick of not saying what is true and trying to make excuses for them. They jsut keep proving it over and over again. Its hard to defend them when they retweet this stuff, say this stuff and cheer on deportation of all immigrants. F* them. Seriosuly, f*them.

  4. Ankhel says:

    Yes, if only she had a couple of guns in her stroller…#Less gun restrictions!

    • Melly says:

      Maybe if this country got SMART they would add gun holsters to baby strollers. Why wasn’t the baby carrying a gun? Only way to stop a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.

  5. Matador says:

    I could not believe when Trump mentioned this at the campaign event he even managed to verbally mangle the name: “Dwyane Rade.”

    He is seriously the worst.

  6. greenmonster says:

    Trump is so disgusting.

  7. lilacflowers says:

    NBA players heavily supported Barack Obama’s campaigns. I know Wade needs to deal with his family’s tragic loss right now (also starting with a new team) but I hope other players are energized by Trump’s disgusting attempt to exploit this tragedy that has happened to one of their own to come out in full support of Clinton.

    • Melly says:

      At this point, every decent human being should be backing Hillary Clinton. There is no logical or decent reason to be supporting Trump.

      • Brandy Armstrong says:

        This times a million. The fact that the race is so close hurts my head & my heart.

  8. Giddy says:

    Donald Trump has no decency, no soul. That is the only explanation that I can come up with for his politicizing a young mother’s death. What an incredibly destructive ego the man has. He is horrible

  9. Syko says:

    1. Every tweet he tweets is horrific.

    2. Everything is always about him.

    3. Don Cheadle has some good ideas.

    • AmyB says:

      Yes I am loving that tweet from Don Cheadle too! Trump is an embarrassment to our country. I don’t think he is necessarily a sociopath, but he def suffers from narcissistic personality disorder with racist, misogynistic and prejudiced characteristics thrown in for good measure. I am mostly an Independent or Democratic voter, but I would be so ashamed to be part of the Republican party today with that POS representing my party in this general election come November.

      • Emma33 says:

        Agree…he’s not a sociopath, he’s a narcissist; to him the whole world is just a mirror reflection of himself and his needs. Everything that happens is about him (people supporting him/loving him or people bringing him down who need to be attacked). Even crying babies and gold star families are all about him.

        Viewed through the lense of narcissistic personality disorder, pretty much all of Trump’s actions make “sense”. That doesn’t mean they’re not abhorrent, just that they have an internal logic.

      • Onerous says:

        Emma – you’re absolutely correct. This is also why Trump refuses to believe polls – because he can only see what’s right in front of him. If he can draw a crowd of thousands, how can he be losing? He absolutely cannot see the big picture of anything.

      • kanyekardashian says:

        No, you are absolutely wrong. While he may be a narcissist, for sure, he is most definitely a sociopath. A sociopath plays by no rules but his own, and takes pleasure in tearing others down and destroying people’s lives. Think of all the times Trump has done this – all of the foreign Polish workers he exploited happily, all the small business contractors he put out of business by not paying them, the elderly woman he tried to kick out of her house so he could build a casino. All the lies he’s told and the lies he’s told about Hillary. He gets pleasure from doing these things to people. And don’t forget the charges that he raped a 13-year-old girl, an event that had a witness ready to testify. He is absolutely a sociopath.

    • Sarah says:

      “Believe me, 90% of minorities are going to vote for me after 4 years – ”

      I’m always amazed at how delusional he and his minions are. And how idiot reporters let lies and hate go. I’d do a better job.

  10. PrincessMe says:

    It’s sad that I was relieved when I read the tweet. The headline made my stomach knot up because I know just how disgusting this man is. Don’t get me wrong, it’s a horrible tweet and he’s a disgusting person. I’m just relieved that it’s not some outright racist shite.

    • Kitten says:

      Yeah I’ve learned to expect the worse with Trump, and this was just another example of his typical arrogant, classless nonsense. Still appalling but the bar is set so low for this shit stain, that I was expecting something even more horrific.

      I’m also just relieved that the majority of PoC can’t stand this dude.

      • B n A fn says:

        @emma, The orange one believes in the polls when he’s winning. When he’s not winning he will say they are wrong or rigged.

      • Melly says:

        I don’t want to come off as condescending because I’m a white lady, but how could ANY PoC support Trump? I don’t know how any decent person could support him, but with everything he’s said about PoC it just seems like those groups should be especially offended and turned off by him. The polls show something like 14% of hispanics support Trump, and that number seems way too high.

  11. minx says:

    I’m in Chicago and I really don’t want to hear anything from Trump about anything.

  12. Dinah says:

    A sociopath can be egocentric while making you feel it is all about you. A narcissist can be egocentric while constantly reminding you it is all about him. Trump’s saving grace is he can only be himself and that is Trumped.

    • Size Does Matter says:

      I was just thinking the same thing. Classic narcissist.

      I worked with a lawyer once who, when a potential client asked if there was anything he could do to help after the lawyer’s wife’s father’s died, the lawyer said “send me a case.” Somehow everything is always about them.

    • Sb says:

      Many people with personality disorders have more than one. Trump is the dark triad and it’s terrifying.

      • Dinah says:

        I agree about The Dark Triad (Shrub Bush’s new Axis of Evil). Many psychiatrists cannot agree on the 3 personality disorder clusters and their subtypes. No doubt nearly every politician likely has some sociopathic traits to even get elected. The problem I see with Trump is his self-adoration and constant bragging on himself prevent him from perfecting the perfect con act (the perfect false face) that is so lethal and comes so easily to those with predominantly sociopathic traits. Few seem to remember he was once an atheist (and likely still is). It is conveniently lost to the ages for now, but he was the one who remarked if there really was a God after all, the first thing He would say to him is: “Donald Trump, I’m honored to meet you.” He has also referred to the majority of US voters as nothing more than stupid idiots. Many rational, compassionate people have described how disturbing it was Hitler, Edmund Kemper, Danny Rohling, Jeffrey MacDonald, Ted Bundy, Jim Jones and Charlie Manson (!) were so easily likable and appealing one on one (when they were wearing their false masks to impress). They are born mimics and they mirror back everything you want to be but fail to see in yourself. If Trump had these awesome social skills, he would be terrifying because right now he’d be credibly saying everything gays, women, Latinos and African Americans love believing while simultaneously credibly telling his fanatical core what they love hearing. Sociopaths who are skilled can truly soothe and charm you like a surprise kiss in gentle rain. There is nothing soothing, remotely charming or kissable about Trump. Even when he tries to put on the false mask that no one can resist, he has to rip it off so his real one (his only one) can bask in all his demented glory. People who have personally known Trump have said, on the other hand, to know the man is to quite honestly hate him without any hesitation for doubt.

  13. LA says:

    Sociopath, narcissist, idiot… Whatever he is, he’s the worst.

  14. Kay Dozier says:

    What a disgusting piece of human garbage.

  15. naomipaige says:

    People still out there that want to vote for this animal?

    • SusanneToo says:

      Unfortunately, there are. You have to wonder what’s in their minds or their souls, if they even have a soul.

      • Esmom says:

        I know people on FB, old grade school classmates, who I thought were decent people…but they wholeheartedly support Trump. Invariably when someone calls them out on it they claim Hillary is worse, that it’s good that he’s outside the political establishment, blah, blah, blah. They just repeat talking points. The only explanation I can think of is they’ve watched too much Fox News that their perspectives are permanently warped.

      • naomipaige says:

        It’s pretty scary. What is this world coming to? We’re all screwed!

      • kanyekardashian says:

        Esmom: I made the decision to cut all Trump supporters out of my life. I’ve happily let go of friends who are not Dems, because I just can’t be around that kind of Republican/Trump mentality. I have no respect for Trump supporters because they are simply low IQ bigots, and from now on, if someone’s values are not in line with my Dem values, I will not let that person into my life. It will make life a bit harder, especially since I live in such a conservative area, but in the long run, I’d rather be alone with my two cats than spend a minute talking to a Trump drone.

  16. Jayna says:

    That tweet blew my mind. There is no humanity in him. He’s an empty orange vessel.

  17. It'sJustBlanche says:

    The owners of my company are voting for trump because 1) they are republicans and 2) they aren’t really following the election closely enough to not vote for him. I do all our companies social media because they are the most uncool people ever and don’t understand it. I just followed Donald cheadle on our company Twitter page and starred all his comments about Trump. Because I’m passive aggressive. 🙂

    • Lynnie says:

      Haha it’s the little things

    • Emily says:

      We all have to do what we can!

    • Lyla says:

      My aunt is like this. She’s republican and doesn’t keep up with the news or issues. She always makes sure she votes in EVERY election but never takes time to learn about the issues. Whenever I try to tell her about stuff she figuratively puts fingers in her ears and go “la la la la.” It drives me bonkers!!!

    • Nic919 says:

      I don’t buy that trump supporters don’t know how bad he is. He has been covered by the media more than any other republican candidate in years and his acts are so outrageous that they are reported on by more than just political shows and news shows.

      People who still support Trump are just racist and are ok with being racist. I don’t even live in the US and I have heard about all his nonsense. There are a lot of racist white Americans out there and that actually scares the rest of the world. Trump is not fit to run a country and that has been demonstrated way too often. To still support him means that you like his racist ideas. It sure as hell isn’t because he has demonstrated competence.

      The fact that still a third of Americans support Trump means that there are a third of really racist ignorant Americans out there.

      • Emily says:

        I hate that I agree with you because I have family members (mostly in-laws, but still) that I love and thought were nice, caring, smart people. And this election has revealed A LOT about them.

      • Christin says:

        Even if people claim to not follow the news, the TV ads using his own spoken words are enough to catch any rational person’s attention.

      • annetommy says:

        Unfortunately I think you are right nic. it’s hard to imagine someone wouldn’t know how awful Trump is; but ignorance isn’t an excuse anyway, when one is voting, there’s an obligation to find out what you are voting for.

      • Esmom says:

        Yeah, they absolutely know how bad he is because (at least the Trump supporters in my FB circle) they were wholeheartedly against him during the primaries. Once he got the nomination they miraculously came around to him and are contorting themselves left and right to rationalize and defend their choice. I’m literally queasy just typing this.

  18. The Original Mia says:

    To quote Don Cheadle, “You really are a POS!” Summed up my feelings quite succinctly.

  19. Snowflake says:

    Good for you

  20. FingerBinger says:

    The irony is Trump spent 2 weeks saying Clinton is a bigot using african americans for votes. Then he uses a tragedy to pander for votes. It’s unbelievable.

    • ashipper says:

      I agree with everyone here, but I especially love this comment. Trump is too stupid to realize that he is doing exactly what he accuses Clinton of doing. How did we get to such a dark place as a country? He makes the phrase “scrapping the bottom of the barrel” sound like an improvement.

  21. ElleBee says:

    America, when you guys manage to get this Tangerine Radioactive Troll back under his bridge, please dynamite the bridge and then rocket the pieces to Mars.

    -Concerned Outsider

  22. Tiffany27 says:

    He’s such a vile piece of sh*t. Like, I can’t believe this is a human.

  23. Trump is a POS, there’s not enough words to convey the hatred I’ve grown to have for this man.

    Now onto the important part:

    Rip Nykea, I’m so sorry you were caught in the crossfire. It sounds like you were an amazing woman. Sympathies to Dwyane, bad enough to lose a family member without having someone else make their death into a mocking tweet aimed at his own pockets.

  24. Jenn4037 says:

    I’m not a Trump apologist, and plan to vote Democrat for the first time. But.

    I think Trump’s tweet was referencing the NRA’s favorite talking point. Orlando. Sandy Hook. Mass shootings make for big tv, bring the outrage, celebs, etc.

    And yet Chicago’s gun violence is out of control, and no one is outraged. (Per the NRA).

    Trump was rallying his troops.

    ETA: this doesn’t make it less gross, but in his mind – and others, just proves their point.

    • pf says:

      Being from Chicago, trust me…people are outraged by the violence on the South And West Sides. It seems worse this year (and I believe it is as gun deaths are higher than last year) but there are many factors at work here. Gangs, drugs, police, Rahm, gun loopholes, etc. It’s just that Chicago never becomes a national story, unless some random politician who usually knows nothing about the city starts talking about Chicago like it’s the worst place on Earth. Gun violence is the main headline in today’s Chicago Tribune so it is not an ignore story at all locally. Yet statistically speaking, there are actually 34 more violent cities than Chicago. That’s looking at homicide rates per 100,000 people. So you’re more likely to get shot in Newark or Detroit than Chicago.

      • Jenn4037 says:

        Thanks for the input PF. You’re right about it not being national news. My father is a card-carrying member of the NRA, and this has been their latest irritation, “yes, but what about Chicago’s gun violence?”

        That’s why it didn’t surprise me to see this coming from Trump.

      • Jwoolman says:

        The neighborhood must have felt safe enough for a mother to be walking her children to school with her baby in a stroller. So the incident can’t be an everyday occurrence where she was walking.

    • lilacflowers says:

      That has been a NRA talking point for a while. Whenever anyone brings up the subject of trying to control the weapons that were used in mass shootings, divert to Chicago. It is infuriating. It is an exploitation of those lost in Chicago. There are two very, very different sets of problems at play. Yes, Chicago is experiencing gun violence but Chicago is not seeing dozens of people killed by a single shooter using a legal purchased, high-powered weapon that should have been restricted to military use. Chicago is seeing lots of murders of one or two at a time by individuals using handguns, often illegally obtained. Solving the problems Chicago is experiencing will not put an end to the Orlandos or Sandy Hooks. Solving the problems that resulted in the mass killings in Sandy Hook, Orlando, and elsewhere will not put an end to the problems Chicago is experiencing. They are two different sets of problems; they require two different sets of solutions and the NRA and the politicians bought by the NRA are not offering solutions to either set of problems.

      • Jaded says:

        Great comment lilacflowers. Thanks!

        And being baked to death slowly while trapped in a tanning bed would also be a fitting end for this disgusting POS.

  25. Kat says:

    It’s a bit shocking that he hasn’t even the taste or nous to pretend to offer condolences to the family. I mean, imagine someone like that representing you all over the world. No notion of how normal people behave.

    • Nic919 says:

      His campaign sent a tweet actually naming the victim and offering condolences hours after these tweets went out. Not exactly sincere.
      There is a way to check if he is sending tweets or if it his campaign people. If it is sent through Android it is him and the iPhone tweets are his campaign.

  26. kri says:

    I am so sorry that this young woman lost her life, and her babies now…god, what if her baby had got hit as well?! I am so sad for this country and what we are being “offered” in the way of presidential candidates. What a twisted joke of an election.

  27. Keats says:

    Ok but…I legitimately don’t understand this tweet. What has he been saying? What does this senseless tragedy have to do with literally anything he’s said ever in his life? I can’t even be mad. Is he polticizing her death? Is he actually this bad at trying to politicize things??

    • B n A fn says:

      What the people were angry about is: he never send his condolences, he never mentioned the victim by her name. He said because she died people WILL vote for him.

      After he was called out for being insensitive to her and family, he sent another tweet about four hours LATER giving his condolences to the family.

      • Keats says:

        Gotcha. Thanks. I feel like I might have finally reached the point where my reaction to his words/tweets/what have you is measured since it’s…you know, Trump. Which is of course not right since some things, like this, are just objectively wrong and exploitative and turning a family’s very profound tragedy into retweets. So thanks for setting me straight.

    • B n A fn says:

      What the people were angry about is: he never send his condolences, he never mentioned the victim by her name. He said because she died people WILL vote for him.

      After he was called out for being insensitive to her and family, he sent another tweet about four hours LATER giving his condolences to the family.

    • Carmen says:

      He is using the dead body of a young woman as campaign bait to win black votes, which he desperately needs to win this election, and his supporters don’t seem to have the slightest clue why black people aren’t buying it.

      • Tate says:

        It is amazing how his supporters don’t get it. Not only this ugly incident but also the way he has been addressing the AA community in general is so condescending and out of touch.

      • Keats says:

        Oh don’t worry Tate! I’m not here to support Trump. I still feel like a whole sentence is missing in this tweet. But maybe I should be thanking my lucky stars that his weird racist false equivalency isn’t as explicit as I want it to be.

  28. Heather B says:

    RIP Nykea. My heart goes out to your babies and family. I am Canadian and have been horrified by the hate speech Trump has gotten away with. I hope that people wake up and see what he is made of.

  29. JudyK says:

    I watch CNN all day and Trump wrote another tweet several hours after the first one with a totally different message…this, of course, was after all the critical fallout from his first tweet.

    I don’t know how his surrogates continue to support him. Watched Pence on CNN this morning…he’s good looking and that is ALL he has going for him…couldn’t even answer the questions put before him. Quit defending Trump…he’s a narcissistic, manipulative MORON.

    • The Original Mia says:

      Social media detectives have discovered that tweets from an Android are Trump’s and those from iPad/iPhone are from his staff. So the 2nd tweet, which spelled DWade’s name correctly came from his staff.

      • JudyK says:

        Yes, it’s perfectly obvious which ones are his and which ones are his staff’s. I was not speaking of the second email in which the misspelled name was corrected, but of the third email, obviously written by the staff, where the entire message was reworded and the original email deleted.

  30. Soror Bro says:

    “I got a call from a friend in Washington who knows more about political polling than anyone in America. He was almost breathless with excitement.”

    “It’s gonna be a landslide,” he said.

    “In which direction?” I joked.

    “Hillary’s going to win in places we haven’t won in years—Georgia, Nevada, Arizona. She’ll take the entire West, the whole East Coast. Trump is sinking like a stone.”

    “So do we get the Senate back?”


    “You bet.”

    “Sixty votes?”

    “No, but a nice majority.”

    “And the House?”

    “We won’t win it back, but Democrats will get 14 of the 30 they need. So still a Republican majority, but far weakened.”

    “And what about the states?”

    He paused. “The states?”

    “Will we take back the states?”

    “No. The GOP will remain in control in most states.”

    “So the only part of government that will change hands is the U.S. Senate, and not even by enough to overcome a filibuster?”

    “Yes,” he said, as if I had taken the air out of his balloon.

    “And what about all the people who’ll be voting for Trump?”

    “What about them?” he asked, cautiously.

    “After Trump loses, they’ll still be out there, right?”

    “Of course.”

    “And they’ll be madder than hell, poisoned with Trump’s venom. They’ll be a ready-made constituency for the next demagogue.”

    “Bob?” he asked.


    “Remind me never to phone you again.”

    “Sorry,” I said.

  31. Rayya Kirt says:

    Let’s not let Trump make us lose the point. Rest in peace. Bless your soul and your children. Amen.

  32. JK3 says:

    So What is happening over at the AP with their headlines/images? They oversold the Clinton Foundation story and with this their headline was “Dwyane Wade and Donald Trump speak out about Cousin’s death”. They even put up an electoral vote calculator and the image used was one with Trump and Clinton at 233 EVs (them giving Trump FL and OH, even though he’s down in the polls.)

    • Jwoolman says:

      Associated Press has a history of distortion and it seems to be always in favor of right wing Republican views since I’ve been paying attention.. Back when I was pushing information about US wars in Central America, the AP routinely sent out stories about Nicaragua with a very misleading first paragraph, painting the Sandinista Administration (that Reagan was arming and training mercenaries against) in the worst possible light. If you read the rest of the story, you could see that what the Sandinistas were doing was actually quite reasonable and contrary to the spin of the first paragraph. But local newspapers around the country typically only print the first paragraph of AP international news items, together with their own headlines to fit the space that are constructed from the first paragraph. So both the headline and the only part of the story printed was wrong, but they had deniability. They’re still doing that.

      The tweet they sent out for their curious Clinton Foundation story was the equivalent of their standard “first paragraph” trick. The full article didn’t bother to give a list of the individuals’ names who contacted the State Department, but more astute people have pointed out that from what we know, either they were unsuccessful meeting with the Secretary of State or it would have been quite reasonable for her to do so in the course of her duties. Citing them as Foundation donors was a tad of a stretch in many cases, since it could be the organizations they worked for that donated for the international projects. Other Secretaries of State have met with such people also, such as with the Prince from Balrain. The overwhelming majority of people that met with Secretary Clinton were government officials (US and foreign). The Foundation’s books are open, it has low overhead (11%), and has an A rating among charities. There is every reason to believe it does what it is supposed to do, and does it well. Trump’s claims are baseless.

  33. holly hobby says:

    Ah Don Cheadle’s response was perfect! Really Orangino’s tweet was tasteless. I thought his new team is controlling his spastic twitter tendencies.