Hillary Clinton on Kim Kardashian: ‘I felt really bad for her… it’s horrible’


Hillary Clinton has been doing events this week with actress and reproductive-rights activist Elizabeth Banks. They make a pretty good team, but I’m just saying that because I really like Banks. Banks’ presence on the campaign trail also attracted the entertainment media, and so Hillary and Elizabeth sat down for an interview with Extra this week. While Hillary talked about serious stuff – college loans, the need for millennials to become more involved in our political system – there were obviously some pop-culture questions too. They asked HRC about Kim Kardashian! HRC knows Kim – they met at a fundraiser and Kim endorsed Hillary just a few weeks ago. Some assorted quotes from HRC:

On Kim’s robbery: “I felt really bad for her. Oh, I did. She’s back now, right?” she asked. After being informed that the E! reality star was indeed safe and in New York City with Kanye West, Hillary praised the rapper for rushing to Kim’s aid in her time of need. “And her husband…he was in the middle of the concert and he ran offstage. Bless his heart. It’s horrible. I’m just glad nobody was hurt.”

On SNL’s debate spoof: “I saw it on delay, but I did see it. I’ll tell you when Kate McKinnon came out with the walker, I thought I was going to fall off my chair. She makes me laugh anyway, she is so funny just naturally. Oh, my gosh, she was amazing. I wish I could do the jumps, the splits, the somersault…I’ve been working on it.”

On Alec Baldwin’s Trump impression: “Perfect. I can’t wait to see what else they’re going to do. His look, his scowling, his staring down then muttering his response, he was perfect. I don’t know who is going to show up at the next debate Sunday night.”

Whether she’ll do another cameo on SNL: “We have a lot of ground to cover in the next 35 days, but I’m always up for standing around the bar.”

[From Extra]

I like that Hillary’s first reaction was, you know, to feel sympathy or empathy. She didn’t go to the “it’s her fault for being a famous woman!” argument, probably because Hillary has been a famous woman for decades and she knows well the kinds of threats that come with simply being a woman in the public sphere. When asked for comment, I’m sure Donald Trump said something about Kim having a fat ass.


Photos courtesy of WENN, Kim’s social media.

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17 Responses to “Hillary Clinton on Kim Kardashian: ‘I felt really bad for her… it’s horrible’”

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  1. doofus says:

    well, I’m no fan of KK and I felt bad for her, too. it must have been terribly frightening for her.

  2. kay says:

    Anonymous is saying it is insurance fraud and Kanye is behind it.

  3. Melly says:

    Trump’s response to Kim getting robbed in Paris:
    “People are saying that the muslims are robbing Americans overseas. Have you heard about Kim Kardashian getting robbed at gunpoint in Paris? It’s insane. Obama can not keep American citizens safe. Paris is a MESS because of Hillary Clinton’s policies. Just think about what would have happened if Kim had a gun. The situation would have been very different, believe me.”

    • LizLemonGotMarried says:

      What’s disturbing is I don’t know if you’re joking. I’ve been buried under EOQ financial shit, and I haven’t SEEN him comment on the KK mess, and…this is something that could be his legit response…
      Now I have to go do internet research about my two least favorite subjects.

      • Melly says:

        Hahaha i made it up. Sorry for the confusion, but your reaction was what I was looking for. Trump is such a loon that he very easily could have said this.

  4. LinaLamont says:

    Scott won’t extend voter registration!

    Didn’t know where else to put this. Fucking Florida. Fucking Republican POSs.

    • Neelyo says:

      Yeah that infuriates me. He is really a piece of feces.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I will never understand the actions of those who try to keep people from voting. It is so undemocratic and unpatriotic.

      • SusanneToo says:

        Very understandable – power lust!

      • doofus says:

        it’s the only way the GOP can win, by suppressing the vote/low voter turnout.

        when voter turnout is good, blue usually wins.

        but I totally agree…you should want EVERYONE to be able to vote, not try to prevent people from voting.

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      All the Fs for him. Slight silver lining: Miami-Dade, Broward County relatively spared & lots of Dem. voters there.

  5. Sasha says:

    What now? Even presidential candidates are asked about Kardashians?
    Too bad they didn’t ask me. I would tell them what Hillary should have told them – it is disgusting that there are people who have 5 million dollar rings while not doing anything productive, not trying to help anyone, instead revealing in their own excess not even realizing how wrong it is.

    I think even Marie-Antoinette was far more self-aware than any of the Kardashians.

  6. Neelyo says:

    Is this part of HRC’s millennial outreach strategy?

  7. Kitten says:

    Why the HELL are we asking a presidential candidate about this? Good God this country has gone to shit.

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      Not disputing your 2nd sentence but it was on an entertainment ‘news’ show.

    • Lolalulu says:

      I actually think it was very smart that she was prepared to talk about this (while even knowing specifics, like Kayne rushing off stage). It appeals to younger voters (particularly Kim’s fans) and it humanizes her.

  8. DSA says:

    Well, HRC kind of has to say that, doesn’t she? Accumulation of wealth (through honest means) is part of that “American dream”, she can’t just go victim-blaming like some others (even if she secretly thinks Kim’s flaunting was reckless). At least Kim’s making her money honestly, and in a somewhat-more-ethical manner compared to Trump (and I will keep reminding everyone to watch the “Vice 4” episode about him owning a development in UEA/Dubai that exploits migrant workers, it’s almost slavery).

    I get that lots of people refuse to acknowledge her business/social media PR skillz, but I do have some level of respect for what she does (still like Kanye’s business style better, though, just because I can actually consume Kanye’s work whereas I think if I followed Kim on Instagram/subscribed to her app, I’d be quite fed up after a week or so. LOL).

    Kanye and Kim remind me of Bobby/Lara Axelrod on “Billions”, and I find it romantic how they support each other through actions rather than meaningless gushy words. Walking out of a concert is a relationship best practice and properly expected, but leaking those receipts on Snapchat to defend her long-vilified husband was the sweetest, most romantic thing in the world IMO. I respect that a lot about her!