Here are some photos of Jaden Smith and the Smith family at this weekend’s 26th Annual Environmental Media Awards. When I think of the Smith family, I don’t necessarily think of environmentalism, although Jaden in particular does have an association with JUST Water, an anti-plastic-water-bottle campaign and paper-bottle company. The Smiths look nice in these photos and is it wrong to think that when all is said and done, Jaden and Willow actually do have “model good looks”? Like, I’m not even mad at this point that they’re getting modeling contracts. I think it’s completely justified.
As for Jaden, did you know he used to be a vampire? Literally. He told Numero magazine:
“During a period of my life, I was Gothic… I was only wearing black and I was hiding from the sun because I was a vampire. I was a vampire, for real. I could not expose myself to the sun and I was only wearing black trench coats. Now I’m not a vampire, I’m out of this phase… I open myself up to wear more colorful things, to go out in daylight. I share much more mixed energy.”
Well, many of us go through goth stages when we’re younger. I never went so far as to self-identify as a vampire, although I did read vampire stories (Anne Rice, not Stephenie Meyer) and wear all-black and love all things goth. But to go so far as to not go out in daylight because you’ve convinced yourself that you’re a vampire? That’s some high-level pretending. These Smith kids… they’re so much fun. I’m honestly charmed by the fact that Jaden thought he was a vampire.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
Has anyone else only recently/not yet realised that the kids are named after their parents i.e. Will/Willow – Jada/Jaden??!!
I’m probably extremely late to this party but…MIND. BLOWN.
OMG! I have never thought of that. Can we go to the party together so that it’s less embarrassing to be late?
Oh thank god – and definitely! We can have pre-drinks at my place to minimise our embarrassment.
Wow. I never noticed either! Lol!
Can I come to the party too? I’m completely unobservant obviously!
Mind blown here as well!! LOL
I guess we are all in good company because I also didn’t notice this!! Good catch!
Brilliant catch, Amy!! That’s some serious banana-town behaviour. I can’t believe you cracked the code after all these years. *Clink* Cheers!
my invite must have been lost in the mail, but i’m crashing that party late now!
OMG! All these years and it never crossed my mind.
I’m not the best company for this, because I was 20+ when I realized the Count from Sesame Street counting was a play on words and that he wasn’t just a European royal who was a fan of numbers… But I’m here for this late party too! 🎉🎈🎉
I didn’t realize this until you just said it.
good catch! kaboom.
I’ll bring the chips and salsa to your party because if you hadn’t just mentioned that I would never have put it together.
Yes I always knew that. I thought everyone did? Well now you know lol.
LOL they talked about it in SO MANY interviews..>I am very surprised people on this site didn’t know
Realized it a long time ago. I kind of like the names, although “Jaden” and its rhyming brothers like Brayden are waaaaay over-used. And the names are the most interesting things about those idiots.
Oh wow!! Add me to the guest list , I never realized it either…
😀 I realized that about a year or two ago, but yeah — same reaction. MIND. BLOWN.
(Rapidly followed by, “Oh, how silly. But at least they’re nice names anyway.”)
What a bunch of wankers. Am I a vampire because I don’t like the feel of the sun on my skin. NO!!! I am an Australian, and I don’t like the feel of direct sun on my skin. Period. Did that young man suck blood through fangs? No. He is not Blade. He is a tosser.
Can we stop with the Smith children?
Being delusional is not cute.
I agree. Average looking kids who’d be worrying over making Bs in high school had they been born to any other parents. I don’t find them charming or talented.
I disagree with you. Stunning kids…. both of them. I find them Gorgeous.
Not to mention most parents wouldn’t have the patience to indulge that behavior. “I can’t go to school the sun is out!” Then their daughter saying “I am going to start my own ‘underground quantum physics lessons’ program because I spent 20 minutes with a physicist once.” They would be lucky to be making B’s.
Gotta agree with xpresson — average looking? They’re inhumanly beautiful kids!
And I find their magical thinking and bullet-proof confidence quite charming. I’m sure they’ll grow out of (some of) the ditziness as they become adults; most people do.
Those two kids are stunning looking. They may be a bit deluded or even not that smart, but the camera loves them both, and I love seeing pictures of them.
Yep – normal kids in every other town in America (well until they open their mouths) – in LA they are edgy with expensive clothes and grace the covers of magazines.
Great kids. They actually seem well grounded. Not a hint of drugs or dangerous behaviors. Willow dresses in clothes appropriate for her age, having said she just wants to be a kid and hang out with her friends. Haven’t heard anything about Jaden getting into trouble either.
I think they’re super good looking but they say the most inane sh-t and seem so proud of it.
They’re genetically blessed……SUPER annoying, but genetically blessed.
So long as they never, ever leave the fishbowl that is their life and the people around them continue to coddle them and encourage them to continue to live from delusion to delusion because it’s ‘artsy’ and can make them a buck … they’re delusions will remain ‘charming’.
THIS!! I’m sure the Co$ has a great deal to do with their delusion. It’s nice to be children of the extremely rich & famous & get away with such shenanigans. I read up thread there are those who just now realized the kids were named for the opposite sex parent. Seriously? No one noticed the obvious? Or am I just old & didn’t get the joke 🙂
The delusion is called Scientology (they are members) and enabling parenting.
I find it funny how these kids can say the most ridiculous things, and it’s ‘charming’. But there are some celebs who say things HALF this ridiculous and they’re completely jumped upon.
Honestly – I think something is really off with them. They’re cute kids – they lucked out genetically. But they just seem SO deluded. To the point where it’s concerning – does nobody tell them that they sound so ridiculous? Because I know that if I was rambling on the way they do, my parents would have reined that in – at least a bit.
He’s 18. EIGHTEEN. There are kids his age going into a military career, or starting college. He sounds like someone who’s 12-14 max the way he talks – I can’t tell if it’s just delusional, or if they’re just honestly not bright.
To me they seem to be smart, handsome kids, with a normal degree of teenage angsty self-involvement, who have unfortunately been indulged to the point that they are ignorant and immature for their respective ages. In other words: typical Hollywood kids!
Not sure what is so ridiculous about them – they seem a lot more grounded than other hollywood kids who are into drugs, falling out of cars half-naked, and wearing little clothing. they’re gorgeous and eccentric and sure maybe a bit self-absorbed and pretentious but welcome to the majority of celebrity land. also i read his being a vampire as his mood – i actually feel like a vampire myself when i go to SoCal, having lived in NoCal fog for so long.
“Not sure what is so ridiculous about them”
Oh, I don’t know. “I was a vampire, for real. I could not expose myself to the sun and I was only wearing black trench coats.”
Or ‘I mean, time for me, I can make it go slow or fast, however I please, and that’s how I know it doesn’t exist,’ said Willow.
Or how babies “would be the most intelligent beings on earth if they could speak”.
I don’t know, call me crazy, but those kids ARE ridiculous. Just because they’re not walking around on multiple drugs, and barely dress does not mean they’re grounded. Are we really setting the bar THAT low, here?
I get a sort of allergic reaction to the sun. I break out in hives. I noticed this when I was around 16. I didn’t declare that I was “a vampire for real”, I sucked it up, slathered on some hydro-cortisone and limited my exposure.
These kids are sheltered to the point of delusion. I can’t imagine them having to function in the real world – they’re uneducated and they’re indulged to the point where they genuinely believe that everything out of their mouth is some sort of edgy truth that other people just don’t get because nobody is as aware as they are.
Honestly, I don’t see what about them makes someone think they’re smart. They said they don’t read novels. They only like the things they write and then read them over. They don’t believe in school. They are like a walking advertisement for Scientology.
I have to agree with Erinn. Willow not so much, but Jaden really shows the damage that “hands off” parenting can do. He doesn’t sound “quirky” to me, he sounds delusional and mentally ill. The fact that what he says is reported in the media doesn’t show him how ridiculous he sounds, it just makes him think he’s “profound”. He’s not. He needs help. He’s never had any and apparently he never will if it’s up to his parents.
@Erinn- I’ll join you on that crazy train.
At least they seem relatively harmless and also kind. I think they do have a thirst for knowledge but have been deprived of the tools and the experiences that would challenge them. That’s their parents’ fault. Also they should be kept away from interviews, that seems downright abusive. But with social media, today it’s hard to keep kids from pontificating to the world rather than just family and friends. I am so glad we couldn’t do that when I was a kid. It would have been distracting and time-consuming, in addition to ultimately embarrassing.
100% agree! I don’t think being completely ignorant and delusional is charming. I feel bad that they have missed out on getting actual educations and I hope they are able to adapt to the real world as adults.
“I get a sort of allergic reaction to the sun. I break out in hives.”
Going way off topic here…@Erinn, for whatever reason, I seem to recall that you have fibromyalgia (apologies in advance if I’m wrong!). Fibro symptoms plus allergic reaction to sunlight just screams mast cell disorder to me (I have it, as do several family members). If you’re interested, Google ‘mast cell activation syndrome ‘. Don’t be scared off by the related, much worse but also much rarer disorder called mastocytosis – most people with a mast cell disorder have MCAS, not mastocytosis.
Now back to the Smith kids…
I have never been less charmed than by this kid. “Literally”.
Agreed. What is cute or amusing about these very “special snowflakes”, sharing their insipid, thoroughly adolescent, unoriginal thoughts w the media? A vampire—wow, how innovative, never heard THAT one before!!! Yawn: under all their carefully honed, self conscious “eccentricities,” the Smith kids are just profoundly boring.
They’re no more delusional than your other run of the mill kids of public figures. Only instead of pontificating about “having their tits out” he’s talking about being a goth kid. Save your nonsense for something more worthwhile.
So much 🙄🙄🙄
Eyes so rolled up I’m looking backwards.
I had an emo student (maybe he was goth) that supposedly read so much about black witchcraft that he had trouble sleeping and interfered with school. Jaden has money so it’s “cute”, he did it need to go to school, so he could afford to stay home.
Not cute for me.
Sorry ” didn’t need to go to school” , my mistake.
I’m going to have to just ignore all of that and just say he has very beautiful skin. It’s so glow-y.
He has a sweet face. Sort of reminds me of a fawn. I liked him in The Get Down.
That show is fun!
He’s a beautiful kid. So is his sister.
Yes, he’s “strobing”.
I don’t think he has “model good looks.”
Even if they are charmingly nonsensical odd balls, I thought it was undeniable they are some of the best looking (non surgically enhanced) celebspawn out there.
Willow compared to a Hadid or that Baldwin girl? Jaden compared to even the Beckham kids (who are also genetically blessed)?
Or he thought he could lose his melanin by staying inside. Colorism is still huge in our community and given all their kids confusion about everything,this would not surprise me. Right next to their kookiness.
I don’t think it’s that deep. I don’t think he’s that deep even though he tries. Colorism is definitely a huge problem but I think this child really thought he was a real vampire and vampires stay away from the sun.
Not in the least bit charmed, but then I’m a miserable old bag. Also, it’s half term here in Britland and, as per, I am overrun by the village yoof, which may be somewhat colouring my view of adolescent pretensions at the moment. One in this house today has announced that cheese is the food of the devil. Pfft.
I do think he is beautifully, ridiculously, gorgeously pretty, however.
Sixer…are you an author? You should write something-a novel, blog…anything!! You’re very entertaining and I find myself looking for your comments to read.
I haven’t an original thought in my head, so no, not an author. I just report on my life because it amuses me. Happy it also amuses you and glad to please!
(I had to make 7 separate omelettes rather than one big frittata due to the cheese thing. Cheese hate is real!)
You are very amusing and your household seems like a riot!!!
Until today, that is. I’m concerned for your Sixlet: cheese hate??!! But how?!! I didn’t realize one could hate cheese. Completely shocked. Off to eat some cheese as part of my recovery.
Not a Sixlet, thank heavens. One of their little friends.
I have just told them that I think delusions of vampirism are preferable to cheesephobia, but they remain unimpressed.
Also love Sixer stories over here! 🙋🏼 I’ve got definite images in my head of everyone, the house, the village! It all makes me so happy as an Anglophile. Your take on your life is so fun and funny!!
@sixer, you are a better person than I am. I would have found some way to make the frittata (and I have no idea how to make one and may be way off on this) with part of it with no cheese.
They are superbly beautiful children, to go with their superbly beautiful parents.
SO gloriously indulged, too. But they all really love each other, and how I wish my kids got along as well as those two do; how I wish I got along with my sibling as well as those two do.
Charlottecharlotte: You know the Sixers??! I knew they were gorgeous, lol.
Ginger: I have ideas and images about a lot of posters!!! Goodnamesalltaken, Kitten, Sixer, Eve, QQ, V4Real, Swak…It would be so bizarre to meet some in real life…it’d be like watching the movie after reading the book!
Whew! Good to hear, Amanduh. Hopefully Sixer doesn’t think I’m a creeper, in that case! 😉 There are some great personalities on this website.
Do you picture me as a kitten? Meow!
Oh Kitten…personality-wise I picture you as a full-grown cat: you know what you want and don’t want, don’t take Sh!t from anyone and prefer some solitude as opposed to big groups.
You’re also pretty ripped, brunette (short-haired?), some tattoos (not visible when clothed) and rock a sick pair of kicks (hopefully Chuck Taylor’s, but maybe Adidas).
All with an endearing Boston accent.
Please don’t tell me otherwise!!! lol
Haha…that’s cute and not to far off, actually 😉
Cheese is the food of the devil? Exorcise him from your house immediately!
you find it charming that he “thought he was a vampire”? I find it really stupid to say that. We all know he just meant he was goth, but to say it like that… stupid.
Umm, yeah. Kid needs to look up “vampire” in the dictionary.
Both very good-looking kids. Model material, though? Eh.
You mean FOR REAL. I think the kid needs help. He’s practically screaming for boundaries. When will my parents tell me I look strange enough, have talked enough weird shit, have wasted my life of privilege on being utterly superficial? This poor kid is illiterate and all his peers are in school all day.
When people get very old they can parrot just enough conversation to sound like they don’t have dementia, but underneath they’ve lost the cognitive ability to actually understand what they said. (I can’t remember the word for this.) These kids are the same way. I do not think it’s adorable that they talk about string theory and so on but only know just enough to sound cool. Bad, bad parenting!
Belle Epoch…I agree! And this “kid” is 18 years old, not ten! Maybe, if a ten year old says, “I was a vampire, for real”, I might find it humourous! Not so much, from an 18 year old. I don’t get the passes that the Smith kids get. Any other celeb kids would be crucifed for being wierd. They are average looking kids, that seem to have some mental health issues, if you ask me! If Jaden was my son, I would be looking into getting him some psychotherapy. Oh, I forgot, Scientologists don’t believe in that…
He did say this was in the past…he might have been quite young.
I dont really see it with him, but I see it with her. She is stunning and defintely has model potential. Those eyes. I dont think either of them is tall enough, though.
They are however, very annoying. If daddy’s money ever ran out these two would be completely lost.
It’s the shape of her eyes and the icy stare she gives you like someone you don’t want to mess with. Kinda like Zendaya, but more intimidating.
Jaden is a teenager so I will give him a pass on his “deep thoughts and statements”( eye roll ) he makes. But I want to see what type of adult he will be ten years from now.
If the kids didn’t have their parents connections and money, they’d be lost in the crowd with the rest of us
Agree fully.
Can we talk about the fact that his father actually looks like a vampire in that he hasn’t aged in 20 years (bathing in the blood of innocents at the Scientology center?), and the fact that that mustache is a crime against humanity?
Really though. If they could bottle that and sell it, I’d definitely go that route.
I am still going through a phase where I am a werewolf. As soon as it gets below 70 degrees, my leg hair grows and it doesn’t get shaved. It ends in April of every year, sometimes May. I totally get what Jaden is going through!
Lmao. I, too, self identify as a werewolf in the colder months.
I’m a zombie. I haven’t slept in three days and if I don’t get my breakfast soon I’ll probably start eating people’s faces.
How fortunate for him that he didn’t have to go to school as he would have melted the second he stepped outside the house.
The job of parents is to raise their kids to be able to live and thrive independently in the world. Provided the Smith money never runs out due to mismanagement or senseless spending, the Smith kids seem ready to live in the sheltered world their father’s money has afforded.
If they can’t find honest people to maintain their bubble of wealth and unreality, I shudder to think of their fate. Modeling money doesn’t last.
Chloe Lattanzi (Olivia Newton-John’s) daughter is one who seems to be struggling with reality and with access to far too much of her parent’s money. Endless social media posts, no skills, no success in her music endeavours and pulls the “haters/bullies” card when people try to give her actual advice. This is Willow & Jaden’s futures.
The usual beneficiaries of nepotism. Very pretty, not very skilled. It’s cute when you’re 17, pathetic when you’re 27. We will see where this all ends up. I imagine at 22 he’ll decide he’s an elf for a year or so. 🙄
Actual LOL at elf.
Nup. Not impressed. I find him about as sharp as a marble. He’s young, so there’s still hope…
It’s hilarious how average these two teenagers are. They are expressing the same angsty “enlightenment” that all teenagers experience, yet because their parents are famous, the kids are edgy and cool.
There are hundreds of kids just like them in every high school in America. Without a famous name, they’d be just fish in the pond.
They’d be the fish that end up working at 7-11, and maybe owning their own comic book store one day if they were very industrious, though. Most teen fish have parents and/or social circumstances that eventually nudge them to grow up, those that don’t usually don’t make it very far.
I’m so, *so* happy that nobody interviewed me when I was 17 and published my “profound” thoughts and “very informed” opinions online for the the world to read.
I am too… but at the same time, I was never as delusional as these kids seem to be.
I actually was interviewed by a local newspaper when I was 14, so I have that to look back on. And while I may be a tad embarrassed by the slightly overenthusiastic optimism of my aspirations at the time (ah, the hopefulness of youth!), I can honestly say that my goals were at least grounded in reality. With no vampire references!
I’m a high school teacher, so I’m very much NOT charmed by this. Yes, he’s 17, but I know 17 year olds, tons of them, and they usually aren’t quite this delusional.
I went to college in the 90s with a bunch of white middle class kids who loved Anne Rice and thought they were vampires. So I don’t think this is a big deal just normal obviously self indulgent teenager stuff. No biggie.
Im Here for these cute Black kids in their own kooky lane, also Quite a Coat!
Weird beautiful but harmless IMO.
Ugh go away, more privileged uneducated children of rich and famous people trying to be relevant. They are just as bad as the Hiltons, the Willis kids and all the kids of housewives
They’re both so stupid. If Jaden made an announcement that his head was filled with vanilla pudding rather than a brain, I’d probably believe him.
They really ARE stupid kids, come to think of it, not just insufferably pretentious…Even young as they are, they come off sounding even younger, especially juvenile….As for their modeling, yeah, they are as average looking as that Baldwin girl, Bella Hadid, and Kendall Jenner…I wouldn’t give either of them a second glance if I saw them in public:. Nepotism is all these kids have going for them.
So…was he drinking blood? And now he’s not? Being a vampire is so much more than just staying out of the sun, as years of watching the CW has taught me.
I’ll never understand the virulent dislike some people here have for these kids… is it jealousy, envy or undercover racism? I don’t know.. They are harmless.
They don’t do drugs or many other negative things Hollywood kids do…
Ah well.. I like them, they are beautiful and curious and yes, a little bit kooky but basically harmless..
I’ll continue honking for them all the way in South Africa
I don’t think it’s jealousy, envy or racism, they say stupid things and people call them out. To me it seems like education hasn’t been something they have focused on. We call them out the same way we call out Justin Bieber, Miley Cyrus or any other rich kid who says stupid stuff.
Jade, the individuals you mentioned have done incredibly dumb things that you can’t compare to the Smith kids… Comparing Willow and Jaden to them doesn’t even make sense
Thank you @Jade
@Gugu Jayden once tweeted “if everyone in the world would have dropped out of school we would have a much more intelligent society”, that’s pretty dumb to me.
I think it’s really anger with their parents, who have deliberately kept them ignorant but also pushed them into things long before they showed real talent for it and basically stole their childhood. It’s one thing to encourage your kids, but quite another to manipulate their dreams. All that money, they could have provided so much that would have helped the kids on their way to independent adulthood. Instead, we legitimately wonder how the kids would manage if their parents go broke. They seem destined for a lifetime of dependence.
I’m not jealous, nor am I reacting to them with racism, how ludicrous.
I just think it’s super obvious these are very uneducated children who are growing up in a bubble of extreme privilege and thus they can say and do things that to the outside world look pretty silly and deluded.
Like someone said above, I hope that bubble has staying power and doesn’t pop, or they’ll find themselves with a rude jolt of reality.
Above all, I just find the kid annoying.
Bless his heart!
These kids are average at best. Without mom & dad’s money and fame they would be working at Walmart and struggling to earn a C average in high school…..assuming they haven’t dropped out.
He thought he was a real vampire? I think this is breaking from reality. Something is very wrong with this family? Call the FBI on them!
We talk so much about “white privilege” on this sight, these two suffer from “celebrity privilege”! They’re in such a pampered little bubble that they never need to worry about any repercussions from their thoughts or their actions, or their beliefs. I don’t really mind them but let’s not give any validity to their delusions. Some of the things they’ve said would have most of our relatives putting us in a psyche ward
Delusional, completely delusional. However, both kids are beautiful and they do make interesting models. I hope they get an education outside of the crap they’ve learned from Scientology.
I am 19 and never talked sh!t like that, my parents made sure of that . this guy however is freaking idiot. Vampire? really? dude do you have hypothyroidism or what?