At the end of the day, Ivanka Trump only cares about her bottom line


In the last stumbling, bumbling, unhinged and depressing hours of the Trump campaign, it feels good to take stock of some of the things that went right during the election cycle. For one, the Trump family’s businesses will never be the same. Trump hotels are losing business everywhere, and the Trump kids’ side businesses are faltering too. Ivanka works for her father, but she also has her own company, which is clothing and accessories along with her working-mom-newsletter crap. One could argue that Ivanka is the smartest one in the Trump family, and she’s obviously her father’s favorite. So it speaks volumes that Ivanka started to pull away from her father’s campaign in the last month… mostly because she’s worried about her own bottom line.

As a poised businesswoman who can ostensibly speak to the concerns of female voters, Ivanka Trump has become an important part of Donald Trump’s presidential campaign. Her high-profile participation has brought some unwanted attention to her clothing and accessories line, from revelations about the company’s embarrassingly bad maternal-leave policy to its unpaid interns. Then there’s the #GrabYourWallet campaign, where women have been tweeting about boycotting Ivanka Trump’s line.

The New York Times feature, “Inside Donald Trump’s Last Stand: An Anxious Nominee Seeks Assurance,” is full of confidential nuggets about the Republican nominee’s campaign, but one detail that stands out in particular is about Ivanka appearing in a campaign ad for her father: “His polished older daughter, Ivanka, sat for a commercial intended to appeal to suburban women who have recoiled from her father’s incendiary language. But she discouraged the campaign from promoting the ad in news releases, fearing that her high-profile association with the campaign would damage the businesses that bear her name.”

The Times also reports that Trump’s spokesperson, Hope Hicks, “denied that Ms. Trump had misgivings about promoting the ad in which she appeared. ‘That’s simply not true,’ Ms. Hicks said. ‘Ivanka is totally supportive.’”

On Good Morning America last week, Ivanka defended the success of her brand and her father, noting, “Well, the beauty of America is people can do what they like, but I prefer to talk to the millions, tens of millions of American women who are inspired by the brand and the message that I’ve created … My advocacy, trying to empower women in all aspects of their life, started long before this presidential campaign did. I’ve never politicized that message. People who are seeking to politicize it because they may disagree with the politics of my father, there’s nothing I can do to change that.”

[From NY Magazine]

I’ve been thinking back and trying to remember when Ivanka began to peel off from her father’s campaign. The beginning of the end seemed to be when he had that meltdown in August, and Ivanka just left the country and went on vacation with her family, presumably leaving her father to deal with the mess he had made. Then she came back to the fold and tried to lie her way through the next month, then the p-ssy tape came out and that was pretty much it. She was still making appearances on behalf of the campaign and she’s still trying to put a pleasant face on her father’s incendiary rhetoric, but you can tell that she really only gives a sh-t about her own stuff and how much this will affect her bottom line. Something tells me her dad is going to remember her disloyalty too.

Photos courtesy of Fame/Flynet, Getty.

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111 Responses to “At the end of the day, Ivanka Trump only cares about her bottom line”

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  1. QQ says:

    F*ck this chick for putting a well groomed pretty pic and lipstick on what her dad is spouting

    • Belle Epoch says:

      Yay, QQ! Exactly. She is his clone, right down to being on the Apprentice and having her combustible scarves made in Chiy-na. The only difference is she pops kids out of her p—y. And those shoes are hideous.

    • cindy says:

      It is hard to sympathize, thats for sure. No, its not her fault she got stuck with him for a father, but she has gone along with him and profited mightily. She seems to have inherited his horrible ethics, but not his temperament, so it kinda makes sense that she sees the writing on the wall and wants to save her own skin.

      I can’t believe the election is tomorrow.

      • Megan says:

        She is a chip off the old block through and through. I don’t feel sorry for Trump and his vile children. Their greed and dishonesty is sickening.

      • Annetommy says:

        All that facial work just to look like Maria Sharapova’s plainer sister…that’s bitchy but this family make me feel bitchy. Crash and burn, Donnie.

    • adeline says:

      None of these people care about anyone but themselves regardless who is in W.H.. Business will go on as usual. Trump has dirty mouth, so do every other politician, how many have been caught screwing, cheating n spewing garbage,many more in private. I don’t care for Trump but in disliking him people are putting Hillary on a pedastal that she doesn’t deserve. Her whole political careerr is full of racist,criminal and lies. A thirst for war and an obsession with Russia,ugh. Making war with other countries is our way and I for 1 am sick of it. Worst candidates to choose from, I’ve heard too many topics on how NYPD is sick of Hillary, how people are banning Trump products. Why? How many have banned Nike? One of the worst child labor s and all athletes taking millions, all hypocrites.

      • NeoCleo says:

        Hmm, indeed!

      • Jaded says:

        Oh please.

      • Bridget says:

        And your point is?

      • doofus says:

        speaking of an obsession with Russia…

        …how goes it, Comrade?

      • laura says:

        Ivanka has been on many states recently defending her father recently and has not stopped…She is a wonderful human being, poised, intelligent and hard working. On of my friend was in the same class as her here in California, she was in a private school…and was not arrogant, always polite and quiet.
        I might not vote for Trump but going as far as criticizing without KNOWING her id going way too far. Even Mrs Rosie O’Donell met Ivanka in New york recently and stated how nice and genuine she was with her.
        Please get your informations right….

      • adeline says:

        Doofus. People who know something about Geo political matters are sick and tired of having Russia blamed for all by certain american politicians . In the thousands they are killing Christians in Syria, those extremists are beheading us and you don’t see it on any of our news networks. Syrian gov. Has seen more help by Russia in months than Obamas administration has in years. I’ve seen it on news in Italy, Greece, Spain and they actually show news not the crap CNN shows. I for one don’t want to go to war with any country, our next Pontus should focus on that instead of a hit list. Funny they are only our enemy n never the rest of the world. Keep being brainwashed as if its the cold war.

    • Jess says:

      Totally! #grabyourwallet because I’ll never buy anything she sells ever again!

    • BooBooLaRue says:

      QQ, I love you.

    • Agapanthus says:

      Do you think psychopaths breed psychopaths? I think it’s likely…

  2. milla says:

    She is very pretty. I really cannot trash her cos you cannot choose yoyr parents. Other than that i feel nothing. She represents nothing. Just my two cents

    • KB says:

      You can’t choose your parents, but you’re also not obligated to defend their actions and words. She was perfectly happy to be up front and center during the convention, and she knew that she was an asset that his campaign desperately needed. She chose to be a face of his campaign and now she’s suffering the consequences. She should have taken the Tiffany approach, keep your distance while quietly showing support for your father.

      • HH says:

        THANK YOU!! Everyone is trying to give her a pass. Being someone’s daughter is different than campaigning for them. Tiffany has come out when she was absolutely needed and it was a family affair (e.g. the RNC and debates).

      • AngelaH says:

        Exactly. She supported his campaign, his platform. She defended him and his attitude towards women. She’s been with him all the way and her customer base is deciding they don’t like it. That’s how it works. Hopefully people don’t forget.

      • SM says:

        I am righ there with you KB. While it must be hard it is possible to separate your self from your parents political views. We have here a proliberal mother politician and her son – a sraight up conservative and they carry themselves with dignity and while they do not agree on any issue they refrain from comments about each other and praise the diversity of political views within their family. Of course it this case you have to believe in thatever your political values are. And this bothers me the most – she spld her self as a young progressive working mother when she probably is just as racist, sexist, xenophobic as her father is

      • Bubbles says:

        A perfect example of NOT supporting your father as (Would Be) POTUS is Patti Davis…She was/IS a liberal who stood up for her beliefs and yet still managed to love her dad, Ronald Reagan, at the same time.
        There’s NO excuse for Ivanka who was a registered DEM until daddy ran on right wing ticket.

      • milla says:

        Imo, feeling nothing is worse than hating someone. That was my op all about. I care more about ppl on this board than i do about her and everything around her.

        I still think she is pretty, i dont even know anything about her surgeries.

      • ol cranky says:

        she has been an active surrogate and has been busted for a few lies of her own to support the campaign – this is not a case of a little guilt by association

      • Kori says:

        @bubbles: Good point about Patti–and I’d say Ron Jr too. They never actively campaigned for their father–they were there for some photo ops ala Tiffany–but weren’t involved heavily. Patti had campaigned against nukes even before her father was elected President. Ron went his own way even if the majority of his outspoken liberalism occurred his father’s time in office. Even Maureen, the eldest and probably most involved, wasn’t afraid to differ publicly–she was pro-choice and spoke out against Oliver North. There’s loving your parent, not trashing them, but going your own way– and then there’s going out on the campaign trail to hard sell them despite your personal feelings about their politics. And the Reagans, to their credit, didn’t trash their children for their stances or try to strongarm them into falling in line either–even though it was known that Patti caused some serious heartburn en famille.

    • KB says:

      Edit: Double Post

    • CornyBlue says:

      I dont think people fault her for being Trump’s daughter because as you said one cannot choose their own parents. But she, as an adult with a fully formed world view, could have denounced this maniac and not supported him throughout his campaign.

      • milla says:

        Meh, daddy is a cash cow. Its like she was hired. Do i agree with my boss? Nope, and for much less money.

    • Timbuktu says:

      How is she even pretty? She has Trump’s lower half of the face, which everyone seems to hate and ridicule, but on Ivanka it’s suddenly pretty? She is thin and well-groomed, but other than that, she’s completely average. If she had yoga pants on and no make-up, I bet you’d never give her a second glance at a grocery store.

      • Jaded says:

        She’s a walking advert for the power of plastic surgery.

      • LoveIsBlynd says:

        I saw her as a child and she looks the same so I doubt much plastic surgery. Does anyone remember her short lived modeling/runway career? Oye. Poor thing. She was starving at the time and was all head like ET. So even tho I LOATHE this family I’m always relieved to see she’s grown up NOT anorexic (at least visibly). This clan grew up with the worst of 80s values-they never left the John Houston cruel smiled villain thing- each and every one of them.

    • minx says:

      You do know she had plastic surgery, right? Her nose, chin and cheekbones are different from when she was young. Her breasts, too.

  3. Millennial says:

    She has a really cute clothing and shoe line, but you better believe I’ll never be buying from it, and I doubt I’m the only one.

    • LadyMTL says:

      Oh, you’re not alone. Last week I was shopping for a new fall / winter wool coat and saw a really cute one at a decent price, but as soon as I spotted the Ivanka Trump label I backed right off. Anything with the Trump name on it will not get a dollar out of my pocket, and I say this as a Canadian.

    • VegasSchmagus says:

      ……..she allegedly steals “her” designs from real designers. She got sued for her shoe line, which was a direct pinch from another designer. Nothing about this family is earned with hard work, sweat or ingenuity.

      • pinetree13 says:

        Wow those first heels are identical. Definitely copied. Man, I couldn’t afford either. I can’t believe a stilletto could cost over $700. Man, oh man, i can’t even afford Ivanka’s knock-off version.

    • Lightpurple says:

      I decided against buying one of her dresses for my high school reunion

    • bluhare says:

      My mother got me a birthday present. A sweatery coat thing. It is Ivanka Trump. From Marshall’s. (My mother never pays full price.) It’s being returned. 😀

  4. Ariel says:

    She is the most dangerous trump of all.
    Nazi propaganda Barbie.

  5. Mousyb says:

    I dont know…if she was ever as “business savvy” or smart as everyone says she is, she would never have signed on to campaign with him to begin with. Her demographic is smart college educated feminists who can afford her overpriced ann taylor knock offs – the majority of which will not be voting for trump or what he stands for. Her company/brand will never recover from this. It was a stupid move on her part if she really cares about business…the demographic her father appeals to simply dont care about issues she promotes, cant afford her clothes/shoes, and will bring down its value as a luxury brand.

    I’d almost feel bad for her if she was being forced or something, which maybe she is.. BIGLY – but shes a grown woman and if she had a conscience she would walk away. She married wealthy and doesn’t need to live off her dad


    • Bridget says:

      Her business savvy is the same as her dad’s – just slap her name on stuff. There’s no substance, she just says what she thinks will appeal to her chosen audience. No thanks.

  6. HollyG says:

    What came out of this entire Trump smouldering dumpster fire of an election is that Ivanka is unlikeable on her own (de)merits, and same with her two brothers and stepmother. The current stepmother, that is–Marla Maples had the good sense to stay far away from all of this.

    None of them have really stood up to the kind of scrutiny that is routine for a First Family. Losing tomorrow will be the best thing possible for all the Trumps.

    • Christin says:

      Marla just launched a lifestyle website (as in, November 1).

      Her ex’s ghostwriter predicts it will take years to deal with the family brand’s damage. Yet the real problem he predicts is that Daddy will be an outcast in the social circles he so loves. Maybe he can go to one of the red states and feel some love.

      • chaine says:

        Yep, I’m sure he’ll be welcome at Ted Nugent’s next pig pickin’ and hayride extravaganza.

      • LoveIsBlynd says:

        They’ll chase trump with pitchforks after he calls them all “2s” and “losers”. Mr sociopathic spin dr claims democrats court POC and leave them disenchanted apres election. We will so NOT see the love of donny post election to his “non investment class” republican base. Unless he makes a Jerry Springer network that does only reality shows…hmm…maybe that was the plan all along??

  7. M says:

    The whole Jew-S-A thing is not new. Baffles me how she can support a claim to the throne and look the other way, especially when her father refuses to condemn these bigots (because he is one himself). The first anti-semetic chant at his rally and he should have shut that sh-t down but of course he did not. Ivanka’s life should be very conflicting but you know what? I don’t think it is. I think she wants money and power and fame, however she can get it. Ariel is right, she’s the most dangerous one. She’s the one that everyone thinks better of for some mysterious reason.

  8. Jasmine says:

    Isn’t that how she was raised though? Protect your bottom line. No matter what, no matter who. She’s a Trump. If anything, he should be proud. She’s daddies little girl. Gross.

    • KB says:

      I don’t think he’d be proud. “Protect your bottom line unless it requires contradicting me” is more his creed.

      The best thing for her would be to distance herself from the campaign and leak a few stories about how she had to do so because she didn’t approve of his behavior. And she only got involved because she loves her father and wanted to support him. That’d make her a more sympathetic figure, just an innocent daughter dragged through the mud because of his behavior. Unfortunately, Trump is so narcissistic that he’d never forgive that kind of slight from his favorite child.

  9. ElleBee says:

    Toss her on the trash heap with Tomi Lahren and Kelly Ann Conway.

    She had a hand in letting that idiotic orange horse bolt out of the stable. I didn’t mind her before (didn’t care enough) but she has lowered so much in my estimation since this election.

    Her clothes may be cute be her personality is ugly. People aren’t fooled anymore

    • KB says:

      I’ll forgive Kellyanne Conway if she writes a tell all book about the Oompa Loompa.

      • ElleBee says:

        Surely that HAS to be her end game. I can’t fathom her devotion, otherwise

      • Vaya says:

        I imagine HBO is already working on the movie as we speak. They are just waiting for an ending….and so am I.

      • Christin says:

        There is another female surrogate named AJ who screeched and argued through a brief interview Saturday night. She made KellyAnne look angelic by comparison.

      • Lama Bean says:

        OMG AJ Delgado. Latina woman who is so rude and annoying. Every time I see her being interviewed I have an internal struggle as to whether I mute or watch her get eviscerated by person interviewing her. She’s gotten more combative in the past few weeks since the debates. Believe it or not, she has a Law degree from Harvard.

        I said this on another thread, but Kellyanne Conway hates Hillary for something having to do with Hill’s interaction with her husband way back in the day. Her actions are based on revenge more than anything. I would guess they have all signed NDAs so no tell-alls.

      • Cran says:

        Kellyanne Conway’s husband is a lawyer who was an advisor to Paula Jones when she sued Bill Clinton.

      • ol cranky says:

        Kellyanne Conway has a long-lived and deep-seated hatred for everything Clinton, she’s no angel just doing her job

      • Kori says:

        Nicolle Wallace always has my support ever since she was the once who exposed Palin when she was one of the main sources for Game Change. Undermining that dementor earns a lot of Brownie points.

      • LoveIsBlynd says:

        I believe KC is an hateful soul. She comes off as the smiler while twisting the knife; she gives me chills. I would be SHOCKED if she didn’t become the next ann coulter.

    • Rhiley says:

      If there is an HBO movie, I hope they tap Kristin Chenoweth to play Kellyanne Conway.

      • Lama Bean says:

        She would nail that breathy mousey wannabe Farrah Fawcett role. All she needs is to perfect her passive aggressiveness (aggression?). That is a brilliant casting suggestion, Rhiley!

      • Kori says:

        I’d go with Sarah Paulson–she already did Game Change and was great. 🙂 She can add another real-life character (following Nicolle Wallace and Marcia Clark) to her repetoire of Emmy nominated/winning roles. Kate MacKinnon does a good Kellyanne on SNL. 🙂

      • ElleBee says:

        Brilliant suggestion Rhiley

  10. Lisa says:

    How sad it is it that the US is considering electing someone who is essentially a brand and not a real person.

    • struthsayer says:

      hopefully a big wake-up call re the psychological assault that is “sales and marketing”

  11. Rhiley says:

    Does anyone believe that the Trump brand will really take a hit? I am not so sure. I just can’t picture Trump businesses closing up shop after the election is over. Has Ivanka’s brand taken a hit from all of this? Probably not. She caters to a very specific type of woman who likely will vote for Hillary Clinton, but who also likes Ivanka’s style. I can’t imagine that they all of a s sudden stop buying her clothes. The only business I can picture not doing so well is the hotel they built on Pennsylvania Avenue, but even still, I think it is going to do fine. And yes, there will be Trump TV and Ivanka is going to sit on the board of that mess.

    • Neelyo says:

      I think they’ll suffer. The Trump brand is allegedly representative of luxury. The majority of his supporters can’t afford to stay in a Trump Hotel and they buy their clothes at Walmart. Ivanka should talk to them about taking on her line.

      • Rhiley says:

        If the golf tournaments that are scheduled at Trump courses start pulling out then yeah, things may be going a little south. But so far, they’re still in it. Another think I am interested to see, is say Trump loses, who on his team is going to come out saying he stiffed them? I think when this is over, Kellyanne Conway better sleep with one eye open because if they lose Trump is going to put it on her. I don’t agree with a word that comes out of her mouth, but I think she is fantastic at her job. Trump would have been done after the first debate if not for her.

      • Lady D says:

        There was an article last week about Trump hotels being re-branded as Scion Hotels. They were losing business because of his foul mouth.

      • Izzy says:

        One major golf tournament has already pulled out. The PGA tournament that used to be held at the Trump Doral in Miami, FL has moved to – I kid you not – Mexico, in the wake of his nasty campaign.

      • ol cranky says:

        @rhiley – there have already been multiple reports of his staff not getting paid

      • LoveIsBlynd says:

        I just figured out they intentionally courted the jerry springer marketing category for their new network. Out luxury- in with the hateful trash tv.

    • Bridget says:

      Was her brand really all that successful before this? She was usually only worth a minor mention when she talked about her kids, and her clothing/shoes always make it to markdowns. Was even the rest of the Trump brand all that successful? 6 bankruptcies doesn’t really scream ‘success’ to me.

    • KB says:

      It’s already been hurting his brand. There are petitions to get his name taken off of residential buildings. Some buildings have already taken his name off.

      He has struggled the most with college educated white voters. For those women, it’s a nonstarter, and the men support him less than any other Republican candidate in the past.

      College educated white people are the exact demographic that he has spent his life trying to cater to. His golf courses will probably be fine because rich white guys over the age of 60 support him much more than their younger counterparts.

      The Trump brand going forward though has been irrevocably damaged. He has forever changed his own legacy and the legacy of the Trump name.

      • minx says:

        Exactly. He doesn’t cater to the people who are his supporters. They couldn’t afford to stay at his hotels or buy what he is selling. Few wealthy people will go near him now.

    • Mltpsych says:

      Wrong. I own several pairs of her shoes that I now will not wear out of shame and I won’t even look at her clothes or shoes again. So yes her brand is damaged, I am her target demographic and I can’t be the only one.

      • Rhiley says:

        Why now though? What about the campaign makes the Trump brand especially repugnant now? Why did you continue to shop her brand after the whole birther mess, but now you won’t? Look, I hope the Trump brand does take a long term nosedive, but I just think, over the long term, it won’t. Again, I hope I am wrong, but just this Saturday, I received an invitation to an upcoming conference that is being hosted in a Trump hotel (no I will not be attending).

      • Fl girl says:

        + 1 more. But to be fair…I try to always buy made in the USA.

    • chaine says:

      We were in Nordstrom the other day and there was a big display of her shoe line. My mom, who is actually a Republican, was like “YUCK.” Plus, how many Trump supporters are going to be shopping at Nordstrom? If they are really mostly the low-income country folk that the media portrays, they won’t be able to afford her clothing or live near a store that has it.

    • Rhiley says:

      @Izzy: that is awesome news! That is a really good sign then. I knew there was a petition to have it moved I had not read that it had been moved until now.

    • Oya says:

      Its hard to tell now how much of a hit they will take. Most conventions and fundraisers can’t afford to back out of venues they likely booked well before Trump began campaigning. However, his hotels are being rebranded and some women seemed to be boycotting Ivanka’s brand. To answer your question about why Ivanka is only now getting side-eyed. She wasn’t front and center with the birther BS the way she has been with his campaign.

      But she’ll go on DWTS and people will forgive.

  12. Jayna says:

    We’ll, her husband is in tight with him.

    I will never buy any Trump-related product, including hers, nor stay at any of their properties.

    The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree as far as the three older chikdren.

  13. Vaya says:

    I just feel sorry for Ms. Hicks. Spokeswoman for Ivanka and managing the Trump Twitter-verse. God help her.

    • Lama Bean says:

      She can leave whenever she feels like it.

      • VegasSchmagus says:

        I have a feeling Ivanka (and the inbred sons) are on the Trump dole in a MAJOR way – that’s how he controls them and forces their support.

      • Lama Bean says:

        Oh i was referring to Hope Hicks. I totally believe the Trump kids are controlled by his “money” and being threatened with removal from the will. I’ve said that from the beginning.

      • Bridget says:

        As much as Ivanka’s education and savvy are touted, she’s absolutely beholden to dad for her payroll. And again: she is not nearly as successful as she’s selling. Basically she got out of school and was given a place at daddy’s company.

  14. Susan says:

    Her distance from heavy campaigning timeline was also around the same time additional Secret Service protection was added for her family. I keep thinking about Sasha and Malia growing up with all the vitriol, birther and constant bashing by Trump lobbed at the Obama family. Not so easy to take is it Ivanka.

    • RussianBlueCat says:

      I still remember the horrible things that were said about Chelsea Clinton when Bill Clinton was president. That was just disgusting

  15. JustJen says:

    While I think she’s a vapid, toxic person and I’d never want to work for her, I feel a little bit of sympathy (the tiniest speck, if you will) only because her upbringing guaranteed the most broken of normal meters. I remember when Marla Maples decided she had had enough of this secrecy crap and skied right up to the Trump family in Aspen. I can’t imagine being a child in that kind of family dynamic.

    • LoveIsBlynd says:

      They are all stuck in the 80s dynamics of greed- next investment,next spouse, next development…yuck I thought that died with dynasty episodes. This family is all retro.

  16. Jo 'Mama' Besser says:

    It evens out, if she was nothing without him does it make a difference if she’s nothing with him? What The Donald giveth, The Donald taketh away: deal with it, little girl.

  17. Apples says:

    She is NOT distancing herself from anything: she had recently tweeted a big thank you to New Hampshire, after talking to voters. NY mag is putting their wishful thinking on paper.

  18. Miss Melissa says:

    “People who are seeking to politicize it because they may disagree with the politics of my father, there’s nothing I can do to change that.”

    This tells you all you need to know. They are her father’s politics, not hers. Too bad she and her siblings haven’t had the balls to come out and say so. I respect Patti Reagan so much more now.

    Too little, too late, Sunshine. I for one dumped all my Ivanka shoes weeks ago.

  19. Krakken says:

    Here’s a real thing that happened to me: during the lead up to Halloween, while perusing a rack of clothing at value village in the interest of costume building… I happened across a pretty amazing red wool pantsuit. However I soon as I read the label “Ivanka Trump” back it went (with a slight shudder).
    When public revulsion because of the name Trump effects the bottom line of even resale clothing, I can only imagine how it impacts her directly

    • SMD says:

      Agreed! I think it will damage their brand enough to feel it. At least I can do my part and not buy any of their products. This Nasty woman doesn’t want ant part of Drumpf merchandise, hotels, TV programs, etc.

  20. Dinah says:

    Here’s to hoping the Trumps will hear in unison: “LOSAHS!” That’s what they are. That’s what they’ll always will be. Karma won’t be kind.

  21. Ladiabla says:

    Yep, and I hope Nordstrom’s taking note. I made sure I told the sales guy who tried to sell me a pair of her loafers that I absolutely am not trying to support anything that family does.

    Has anyone watched frontline’s The Choice 2016? Extremely interesting/chilling. I never knew that trump’s mentor was Roy Cohn (lawyer famous his part in the McCarthy hearings). Explained the whole birther thing to me. It’s crazy how history keeps repeating itself. Anyway, very informative.

  22. Bridget says:

    My boycotting means nothing, because I wouldn’t have bought anything branded Trump even before this whole election debacle. It’s embarrassingly tacky. Can you honestly imagine admitting to someone that you’re wearing something Trump branded?

  23. Rina says:

    Ivanka is actively campaigning for Trump. She spoke at various events. What is Melania on the campaign trail?

  24. Granger says:

    What I want to know is, what do Ivanka’s friends think about all of this? Her close circle is very likely comprised of wealthy, influential Manhattanites, most (if not all) of whom vote Dem. When the election is over, and Donald has lost (please god please god please god), will she just walk back into her old associations as though nothing happened, as though she didn’t just spend the last few months defending someone as reprehensible as her father? Or will her wealthy, influential friends stand back and wonder if their relationship with her can ever be the same? It might sound silly to speculate on, but NYC social circles are notoriously tight. And Ivanka is a social climber, and power hungry, to the nth degree. This gong show can’t be any better for her personal brand than it is for her business brand.