Donald Trump’s staffers took away his Twitter privileges, because of course

One more day, peeps. In less than 40 hours, we’ll hopefully have a new president and she won’t be an orange monster. Someone on CNN said this morning that over the weekend, Donald Trump returned to his crazy roots – after spending much of the last week on-message and on-teleprompter – by going off-script and whining endlessly about everything being rigged, etc. So, let’s get to some of the (hopefully) last Trump-campaign stories of this election cycle.

Trump was pulled off-stage by Secret Service. It was a false alarm. A protester walked into the pro-Trump crowd with an anti-Trump poster and the crowd jumped on the guy and started beating on him. Then someone yelled “gun!” and Secret Service agents rushed Trump off-stage.

Trump’s campaign took away his Twitter. I mean, it’s an obvious one and GOP officials have been begging his campaign staffers to do it months ago. But it says a lot about the candidate, right? He’s such a f—king child that his staffers had to take away his Twitter privileges lest he go on an obscene tweeting binge in the last days of the campaign. Pres. Obama mentioned it on the campaign trail too, saying: “If somebody can’t handle a Twitter account, they can’t handle the nuclear codes.”

Sarah Palin made a word salad. She’s campaigning for Trump in Michigan, where she was told that Clinton is probably going to win the state by five points. She was asked if she thinks Trump can win the state and she said: “There’s no reason why he wouldn’t. Like I’ve said before, polls are only good for strippers and cross-country skiers. What matters is that two days from now, you know, the gettin’ out the vote effort and making sure these Regan Democrats and independents and Michigan Republicans get out their vote. I just don’t put a whole lot of faith in polls, especially two days out.”

Trump hates curse words. He was SUPER offended that Jay-Z sang some rap songs which included the n-word and the f-word. You never would hear that kind of language from Donald “Grab Them By the P-ssy” Trump, nor would you hear that kind of language from his surrogates. Surrogates like Ted Nugent, who openly called for the assassination of Democrats. The same Nugent who appeared on stage with Trump and used some curse words too over the weekend.
By Sunday Trump was still so beside himself that he failed to realize someone invited Ted Nugent – who’s threatened to kill President Obama and Hillary Clinton on numerous occasions – to a Trump rally. And Ted Nugent said some curse words too. Because Murica!

Eric Trump is heavily armed. The story is that he trades guns online, which breaks a lot of laws. But the real story to me is that the Trumps are armed to the teeth.

And lastly, people think Pope Francis is weighing in a little bit on the American election. He didn’t name-check anyone but he had harsh words for how the politics of fear makes people cruel, and that “walls” are merely false security. Um, Pope Francis is #WithHer.

Photos courtesy of Getty.

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137 Responses to “Donald Trump’s staffers took away his Twitter privileges, because of course”

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  1. marshmellow says:

    Can’t be trusted with Twitter, then shouldn’t be trusted with nuclear codes….

    • marshmellow says:

      Damn it, I got ninjad by Obama. I should’ve read the article first…

    • Christin says:

      Well, it does sum things up.

      Temperament is mentioned by his longtime employee/manager, his ghostwriter — people who have been with him extended periods of time. Add that to ZERO elected office / public service experience.

      • Becky says:

        And yet people still want to vote for him, because in their view he’s not the political establishment, despite all the red flags.

      • Trashaddict says:

        Unfortunately I think many of them want to vote for him because even a competent female candidate is anathema compared to a blustering orange Cheetoh. If you think the women’s equality movement doesn’t have far to go, this is your context.

    • Moxie Remon says:

      That reminds me of the portrayal of Kim Jong Un on The Interview. Same guy.

    • Olenna says:

      You are so right, marshmellow!

  2. Nicole says:

    They are about 1.5 years and a million tweets too late. This election is such a mess I’m embarrassed to be American.

    On the bright side there was a CUTE af picture of Bill and George (HW) this weekend that gave me all the adorable grandpa feelings. Adorable really.
    And all the Bushes except for Jeb are voting for HRC. So that should make for an awkward thanksgiving for Jeb.

    • Seraphina says:

      Nicole I too am embarrassed to be an American during this election. I can’t wait for this election to be over.

      And do we want a president who has to have his twitter priveldges taken away because he talks like he suffers from Turrets? (that was rhetorical).

      But I can’t think right now, my brain hurts from reading Sarah Palin’s comments on polls.

      • Lindsay says:

        I thought it was actually pretty good for her. She didn’t stray to far and I only had to read it once to understand what she was saying. Doesn’t make it relevant or true but at least it is semi-cohesive and semi-coherent thought. She very rarely has those.

      • It'sJustBlanche says:

        My very smart and polite teenager has mild Tourette’s please don’t do that.

      • Trashaddict says:

        IJB, apologies for that. I always hope the Celebitchy is a safe and welcoming place and you shouldn’t have to deal with that. I hope Seraphina will realize she mis-stepped badly.

    • Clare says:

      wish Bush 1 and Bush 2 had been more vocal about their support for Hilary. They are still revered in some republican circles, so it would have made a big difference.

      • Lindsay says:

        They really can’t with out it being a huge slap in the face to the donors and party that got them elected. Party loyalty and all. Plus, either way they will be fine. Low stakes for them. However, Jeb! blows my mind. Trump seemed to especially enjoy tormenting him and that contract was not legally binding. There is no way Trump would have followed through on his gold sharpie marker signed pledge.

      • Elle R says:

        I’ve actually wondered what the Bushes are doing behind the scenes. They would never do anything publicly, but friends and I have speculated about what they might be saying to their donor network privately.

      • Kori says:

        But they’re reviled in many Democratic circles–circles that would lean more towards Bernie in views and who Hillary is attempting to appeal to. I don’t think having W out there campaigning with her would’ve been a plus for her. My Bernie or Bust friends hate her for the very reason that to them she basically IS George W. And tons of revered Republican figures have come out for her–it just seems to egg the Trumpians on.

    • lightpurple says:

      Who is JEB voting for? His son George P is voting Trump but I understood he was breaking from JEB to do so.

    • BubbaMagnet says:

      You know, I’m not really embarrassed to be American. I think Republicans should be embarrassed–but I didn’t contribute to this ass-hat being their nominee. I maintain that a good 35-40% of Americans are willfully ignorant and this election cycle has certainly exposed those folks, but I’m not responsible for them. I DO wish our education system incorporated critical thinking from the early grades on. If we had a thinking electorate, at lot of the absurdity could have been avoided.

      • LinaLamont says:


      • Kori says:

        Thank you. I’m living in Europe right now too and they have some scary figures of their own (see Austria’s imminent President) and, unlike Trump, they are better at hiding the crazy. Trump at least puts his vileness right out there in an unappealing figure.

      • Kate says:


        As a teacher in a middle school, let me assure you that many teachers in the US are trying desperately to teach critical thinking skills (how I weep for the future). It’s the home life of our students and their uneducated, stubborn parents who refuse to read, be intelligently informed, and/or use their brains to adult (I’m using that as a verb) that’s ruining a lot of the good groundwork education is trying to lay.

        God help us all.

      • Trashaddict says:

        However the journalists (wait never mind, the so-called writers who rehash the news feeds with no exercise in critical thinking whatsoever), fail to point out some of the absurdities of candidate statements. Things they seemingly promise with no discussion that the legislature just might be a part of that decision. I’m also willing to bet they are unconsciously biased in their reporting on Hillary, I sense more indefinite words sneak in when her campaign is described and more definitive statements about the Trump campaign, without any indication that they are repeating opinion and not fact (I would love to see a study on this). They are dangerously assuming everyone can understand subtext. Dangerous assumption. I am glad that Bill Maher and other comic news geniuses expected more from us.

    • QQ says:

      WAIT WAIT WAIT “PLEASE CLAP YOU GUYS” JEB! is Voting Trump Still??!?!? Yo The Vichy Republicans relly have lost every bit of scruples and Pride ( Looking at Your Fupa Christie!)

    • Tiffany :) says:

      If you really want a positive space to cuddle up in, I recommend the Pantsuit Nation group on Facebook. It is private, no trolls are allowed, and it is filled with lots of positivity.

      Also…I am wearing a “pantsuit” on Tuesday. I only have black, but I figure it will work!

      One of my friends waited 6 1/2 hours in line to vote yesterday. He said no one in the line around him left. People are committed!

    • LoveIsBlynd says:

      It’s eerily quiet without hearing the donald bust a trump piñata all over social media. I have an ex – of the trump ilk- I refer to as “my darling borderline” who used to send rage-full emails. Same spin as the donald, whatever he was I was, and I became the equivalent of the “crooked Hillary” even though the courts reduced all of his parenting time. Sigh. When my darling borderline’s social media was cut-off (at my request UGH I was weary from word bombs dropped at random intervals) well- I can say I missed knowing his crazy strategy. Same with trump- but I can tell you (and it’s not beautiful) the trump is perverting 1960s slogans such as “revolution” and “join the movement” for “freedom”, etc. This should be illegal. HE can’t approbate phrases from the civil rights when in reality he want to take us back to Jim Crow laws and or an antebellum culture of white privilege. Bleecch. Our National not so “darling borderline” (donny) has hi-jacked the ignorant with his BS approbation. Wednesday can’t get here soon enough!!!!

    • Cannibell says:

      No kidding. I’m a librarian, and have been posting a tweet a day from each candidate for the past two months. Two days ago he went from vitriolic to vanilla.

  3. Lindy79 says:

    Funny how there was no sign of all these “never would have happened if someone had a gun” morons when this happened just the same confusion and panic the rest of us would have. And you can bet some were carrying at a Drumpf rally.

    Obamas comment sum it up perfrctly. Im hoping Drumpf wrestles someone to the ground and retakes control of it and goes off. It must be killing him

    • doofus says:

      yeah, that was something I wondered too. I thought they all LIKED guns and wanted more of them in places like that?…

      but overall, that episode and what happened when Obama faced a heckler are, IMO, the epitome of the diff between the two parties right now. Drumpf, since the beginning of his campaign, has called for his supporters to beat up protesters. one guy stands there with a sign and gets literally beaten by Drumpf supporters until the cops “saved” him.

      Obama, on the other hand, stops his speech and tells his supporting crowd that the protester heckling him has the right to do and to stop booing him.

      • Kitten says:

        Yep. Class versus Trash

      • cindy says:

        I have to say I LOL’d when I saw Obama yelling at them. “sit down and be quiet!” like a dad turning around in the car at his kids, “don’t make pull over!” He was shaking his finger at them and everything. God I love Obama, I am gonna miss him so much.

    • pinetree13 says:

      That was my first thought too. Like, BUT WE’RE ALL SAFER IF EVERYONE HAS A GUN RIGHT?!?!

      The logic has always stunned me. So if someone with a gun shoots him, sure you can shoot the killer…after the fact. So how is EVERYONE having guns safer exactly????????

    • lucy2 says:

      Wow, that is an excellent point. I’d venture most of that crowd is very pro-NRA, and when it all went down, they all turned and started running. Hmm.

    • Trashaddict says:

      I wouldn’t be surprised if they were all searched when they entered the arena. I would think his security must be pretty tight. Just be glad no one DID shoot a gun off. I am relieved about that.

  4. Rice says:

    There was a tweet by the Catholic Herald that said, “It’s not a mortal sin to vote Democrat, says diocese.”

    • pi says:

      If the church in America wants to weigh in on politics then they need to pony up and start paying taxes.

    • jwoolman says:

      My uncle said that in his hometown in Pennsylvania, if you knocked on doors and asked you would find the Catholics all voted Democrat and the Protestants all voted Republican…. The American Catholic Chirch has always tended to lean Democrat. Social justice issues and support for unions are big with them. I can’t imagine Catholics going along with the anti-immigrant rhetoric of Trump, but I guess some must. The US Catholic school system was developed to properly educate Catholic immigrant kids who were thought to be inherently backward by the white Protestant teachers in the public schools. A lot of non-Catholic minority kids have ended up in Catholic schools in more recent times for similar reasons. It’s hard to get a decent education if nothing is expected of you.

      Years ago, I mentioned to a friend and fellow troublemaker how another peace group in one town in our state had a couple of Republican members and they always put the Republicans out front and center with media. She laughed and said she was a Republican, too, but she thought it was obligatory because she was Episcopalian!

  5. Bubbles says:

    A grown manchild that is running for President of the United States of America had his twitter privileges taken away b/c he is too immature to have one. Jesus. Christ. How did we get here?

    • SnazzyisAlive says:

      a grown manchild that is armed to that teeth. That part scares me

      Edit: Ok it all scares me, but this is a new level of fear on top of all the other ones that already existed

    • supposedtobeworking says:

      I wish they would have taken the temperament examples further than just the nuclear codes. It’s catchy, but I don’t think it is effective in the long run. I think they would gotten more legs out of pointing out that Trump:
      – makes decisions based on who he is mad and and who he perceives as an ally. If he’s sitting with a group of senators/congressmen who suddenly piss him off, he’s torpedoing any deal they are working on
      – he will make and break negotiations, aide support and visits with foreign diplomats based on any perceived insults – and will anyone want to bring their wife to the White House?
      – I cannot imagine him sitting through hours of briefings, decision room conversations, policy negotiations, etc. That will all be Pence.
      Trump will hold frequent press conferences and rose garden speeches instead of governing.

  6. ElleBee says:

    “polls are only good for strippers” That Palin is a gem 😀

    • LiterallyaShambles says:

      And Palins are only good for a front yard barbecue brawl.

    • Elle R says:

      I can’t believe I’m saying this, but I think I’m going to take Sarah’s advice. Given how much the polls have stressed me out, I am now going to wash my hands of them for the next 36 or so hours.

      Unless I go cross-country skiing.

    • lucy2 says:

      And that’s the person who could have been a heartbeat away from being POTUS, folks. Polls are for strippers. Classy to the bitter end, Palin.

  7. SusanneToo says:

    trump may be off twitter, but I’m not. Here’s one of his supporters.

    • moomoo says:

      Great (terrifying / sad) reminder that long after Trump loses all these hateful people will still be here.

    • Kitten says:

      The amusing part is that you know that dude went home and watched Fox News after the rally.

    • Christin says:

      Time to have some humor. Some guy (possibly just trolling) posted a photo of a very large crowd, and claimed it was a orange one’s rally in Philly. However, there were no campaign signs and everyone was in blue. The Willis Tower and other Chicago building landmarks were in the background.

      The OP kept saying it really was Philly, and that you could see the tower in Philly. Others started posting equally ridiculous photos in response. I still don’t know if the guy was just that ignorant or was trying to get his moment of Twitter attention.

      • Syko says:

        They keep doing that. There were pictures of Trump’s YUGE turnout in Jacksonville. I live in Jax, and did not recognize the rather large buildings in the picture. Turns out it was actually a pic of the celebration in Cleveland when the Cavs won.

  8. Jellybean says:

    I was watching the BBC who are painfully conscious of being even handed, but they did show a clip with Obama responding to an elderly gentleman holding up a trump banner at a rally for Clinton. Obama’s response was as you would expect: respectful of an elderly veteran, humorous and articulate. They then showed Trump talking about it, how Obama has shouted at the poor man and the camera had sensored the Trump supporter by keeping the camera on Obama (you know, the President) whilst he was talking. It was a beautiful illustration of just how detached from reality/truth Trump is.
    The perfect follow up was how Trump and his people dealt with the same scenario. Mr Republican Against Trump got his a** well and truely kicked, with a follow up of how Trump would not be bowed and their movement would not be silenced (by this lone protester with a deadly placard).

  9. LiterallyaShambles says:

    Donald Trump is Blanche DuBois

  10. Darkladi says:

    Dear Lucifer,

    Are you still looking for your orange pig-demon? He’s in NH. Please come pick him up.

  11. iralagi says:

    what I really dont understand is, how come republicans chose him as candidate. I’m not from USA, in fact I come from a country where muslims are majority of the population. I remember we have fond memory of Reagan administration (we call him, Mister Rigen the handsome movie star president) and even we had mostly positive views on George W Bush.
    As a teenager I always heard how smart Hillary Clinton was, a straight A student from Yale, who probably deserved to be a president more than her husband. I really want HRC to win, but this whole election has been really depressing. Even if HRC win, half of US population believes the election rigged. It’s really not fair for her.

    • cindy says:

      We don’t get it either. Half of America is stone cold nuts. That’s my best analysis I’m afraid.

      • Lady D says:

        I’m unwilling to believe that half of the States is sc nuts. I’d like to think that it’s more like 13% of the population, tops.
        signed, Optimistic Canadian.

      • VegasSchmagus says:

        I agree with Lady D – it’s the small VOCAL minority……..with the big mouths………and the pickup trucks…….and the guns.

      • Whyme says:

        In the state of NJ, in an affluent mostly white neighborhood, the Trump supporters are very rich, highly educated, own multiple homes, Trump signs on their lawns and Trump bumper stickers on their Jaguars, Audis, Mercedes’, BMWs etc.

        I wish people would stop assuming that his supporters are either poor, uneducated and/or strictly in the South. My neighbors are normally lovely people but they were apparently closet misogynistic, racist, prejudiced people.

        ETA: my neighbors are couples of all ages and families with either young children or older children. It’s an assortment.

      • Trashaddict says:

        This relates to the mistaken assumption that having money makes you smart. Donald has money (except what he lost in the various bankruptcies), so the Republicans who put him up think how could he be dumb or maybe he’ll bankroll the rest of us. Maybe some of them owed him favors. Then there are rich people who fear minorities because somewhere deep down they know that they didn’t come by their gains entirely fairly and are anxious about karma.

      • jwoolman says:

        The average income of a Trump supporter is higher than anything I’ve made even in my best year. Maybe the very rich are pulling that up, so the median would be more useful. But poorer people are more likely to vote Democrat in general, although I suppose there are cultural reasons that can change that. It’s very common for people to switch to Republican as they go higher in income. So I was wondering where these allegedly poverty-stricken Trumpers were coming from.

  12. Melly says:

    That orange POS is trying to turn Virginia blue! No way. Not happening. We’ve worked too hard to take VA from a red state, to a purple state, and now it’s a light shade shade of blue.
    I might be going a bit crazy. I need HRC to win or I seriously think I’ll have a mental breakdown.

  13. Ninks says:

    Do you think his staff really want him to be president, or are they secretly hoping that he won’t win. Because they, more than anybody, must see the real Trump and know how volatile, immature, needy, paranoid and vindictive he is.

    Imagine a conversation between Palin and Trump. Imagine how many words they would say and how little sense the would make.

    • Lama Bean says:

      I think a lot of his campaign staff is helping him as a way to torture Hillary for some longstanding hatred. Bannon and Bussie (Clinton Cash dude) hate her and have for 2 decades. Giuliani hates her for taking his NU Senate seat. Kellyanne hates her bc she made Kellyanne’s husband’sjob difficult 20 years ago.

      They are just using Trump to exact revenge.

    • Giddy says:

      All those blonde Trump surrogates with double names; Scottie Nell, Kayleigh, Kellyanne, make me have rage fits. My husband says that if he hears me yelling “bitch!” he knows that one of them is on. They all seem to absolutely hate both Clintons. I pray that not only does HRC win, but that the vicious blondes, Giuliani, and Landowski scuttle away like roaches when the lights are turned on.

      • nicole says:

        Giddy, I feel the exact same way, when those women are on CNN, they drive me nuts with the lies and excuses they always have, I just cant wait till HRC wins, and see what they have to say then, as for Corey what his name, he is a complete pain in the … , .

      • VegasSchmagus says:

        These women are all paid hired guns. They support whomever is paying for them. After the election, they’ll go underground for a while, and will be back, supporting the next person with the open wallets. That’s how they make their money. Souls are optional when you work in politics.

      • EM says:

        In many ways they offend me more than Trump does. They know he’s lying, that his plans are bogus and that he is a sexist perv with thin skin BUT they don’t care and seem to be enjoying the BS.

    • NotSoSocialButterfly says:

      Certainly they want him to win. They want jobs in other campaigns!

      • boredblond says:

        I always thought of his staff as highly paid nannies, who put up with his childish rants and used ignorance of the system as an excuse for bad behavior. The ‘no more twitter for you!’ just confirms it.

  14. Adele Dazeem says:

    Why. On. Earth. Did it take this long to take away his twitter? While I shudder at this thought, if Trump had better handlers and staffers (that were willing to secretly medicate him) he probably could have….done a lot better. Not to say I was ever a Trump fan, but I never realized what a racist misogynist bigot he was until this election. I guess I took him for what he was–a dramatic reality show celebrity not to be taken seriously.

    • Melly says:

      I don’t understand why Trump just didn’t make an anonymous Twitter account that he could post all of his stupid ramblings on. No one would know it was him so he could be as crazy as he liked.

      • LiterallyaShambles says:

        Oh, my lovely Melly.
        Oooh no no. HE has to have the ideas. He has all the best ideas. Yuuuuge ideas that are HIS. His ideas that are the best. Everyone says so.

      • Kitten says:

        Tremendous ideas.

      • cindy says:

        Do you think he’s wears his hair piece at 3am while he is in his robe tweeting? Or is he totally bald on top with the crazy dried orange hair sticking out. Does he tip toe out of his room past the handler/Kellyanne sleeping on the floor by his bed?

    • LinaLamont says:

      @Adele Dazeem
      I miss his tweets (I relish the holes he digs for himself) and I love your name.

  15. SusanneToo says:

    Kellyanne is off her meds. On CBS this morning she described trump as “a very gracious gentleman.”

    • JudyK says:

      And on TODAY this morning, she said that it was untrue that The Orange One’s Twitter account had been taken away, and, then, with her plastic smile, went on to deflect. The best thing about this election being over will be that I will no longer have to look at or listen to Kellyanne Conway.

    • Melly says:

      She always comes off as semi-drunk and aggressive. I saw her on Anderson Cooper last night and she does not directly answer any question about Trump. I can’t stand her. Every time i see her face i want to scream at my tv.

    • LiterallyaShambles says:

      That woman has no soul and could not form an articulate, complete sentence with actual facts to save her life.

    • Elle R says:

      I still can’t believe she actually suggested that the protestor in Reno deserved the beating.

    • Lama Bean says:

      Give it up for Tennessee!!!

    • Melly says:

      Sigh. On behalf of all white people, I’m really really sorry. Every time I see something like this I just feel like its my responsibility to apologize. Black lives matter, you don’t have to prove it to me.

  16. OSTONE says:

    1 more day folks. I pray we are not the new “Brexit”.

  17. Lama Bean says:

    After reading the NYT article I just feel sorry for him. There are so many insecurities on display it’s unreal. At this point his crazy actions are an attempt to hold his elaborate lie of a life together. His desire for more and more power, recognition, and admiration will result in him having nothing. I’m truly amazed at the walking psychiatric case study he is. Knowing this is all due to his father’s attitude toward him makes me feel terrible for him.

    • Kay says:

      Nope, I cannot bring myself to feel an ounce of sympathy for him. Whatever his issues are, his candidacy and campaign have legitimized racism, misogyny, biogtry, extremism and violence and released all of the creepy crawly trolls from under their bridges and rocks (basements) and into the mainstream. Not a single ounce of sympathy. He must go down in history as an example of the worst in our society, and this election must stand as the American people decidedly rejecting all that he promotes.

    • LiterallyaShambles says:

      I know what you mean. I’m realizing that, come Wednesday, we all still have to live in the same country. And I’m starting to feel compassion for Trump and his Supporters (gasp, I know). I think they’re amoral and ridiculous, but I still have to love them like everbody else. You can’t be that hateful and be happy. I wish them happiness, somehow.

    • BubbaMagnet says:

      In my better moments I can feel sorry for him too. But I can’t give him a pass. Yes, he had a cruel father and obviously has narcissistic personality disorder, and he is ALSO an unmitigated asshole. After a privileged lifetime with every opportunity afforded him, Trump has not availed himself of any psychiatry–no therapy, no introspection of any stripe. Rather than bettering himself in any way, he persists in being one of the worst examples of a human being I’ve ever had the “privilege” of seeing on display. He is a despicable excuse for a human–much less a presidential candidate.

    • Chicken says:

      Even if he does get elected, there’s no way he stays in office for four years. He’s screwed up everything he’s ever done and his life really is a big lie. He’ll f–k up enough to have to step down within, like, year one.

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      It may give us insight but in the end, he’s a bully. There’s been some re-thinking about the whole “bullies are really insecure people” thing. Some psychologists now say “bullies are just bullies.” Trump had some choice about how to respond to his upbringing. The NY Times goes too far sometimes with its pseudo-psychologizing.

      I feel a lot more sorry for all the women he attacked, the young woman he is alleged to have raped, and all his business victims. I feel sorry for all the taxpayers who have paid more so that he could pay less. I feel sorry for all the people in all the groups that he has insulted. I feel especially sorry for the Khan family over the loss of their son, and the insensitive way he approached them.

      • Christin says:

        Plus the hard working people who ended up not being paid as agreed (which was basically admitted in a debate), those sued just to make their lives harder, and so many other awful things.

    • HK9 says:

      I have empathy for him, but what he needed to do was to take himself to the nearest psychiatrist to sort himself out rather than vomit his racism, misogony & lack of impulse control on the American psyche.

  18. Franny says:

    Obama nailed it. Trump is so unstable that he can’t be trusted with Twitter.

    Also, he’s Michael Moore in orangeface (sorry Michael!!)

  19. Margo S. says:

    This election is such an embarrassing mess. I’m obviously #withher but the fact that so many people aren’t is just sad. She is literally up against the worst type of candidate and still may not win. Is this even real?!?!

    • Nanster says:

      I agree, Margo – I have felt I’ve been living in an alternate universe for quite awhile now.

    • Trashaddict says:

      Margo, you have hit on the thought which keeps making me feel like I’m literally going to go crazy. Signed, Queen of the Alternate Universe.

  20. mazzie says:

    Good luck, American Celebitches. May the best woman win.

  21. Lisa says:

    THAT bodes well…

  22. Jaded says:

    There’s something very Dr. Strangelove-ian about this whole election – the batsh*t crazy commander, the ease in which he manages to shut down the base and unleash nuclear annihilation on the world…”We’ll meet again…don’t know where…don’t know when…”

    In any event I’ve been wanting to wish all my American Celebitches best of luck with the outcome and I do believe it will be Hillary for the win!

  23. MellyMel says:

    How ironic that a group of gun nuts freaked out about someone “maybe” having a gun at that rally! I’m surprised Trump didn’t bring him on stage and start going on about the 2nd amendment and how Hillary is trying to take away your guns people! Ridiculous!

  24. Jerkface says:

    If the space aliens don’t step In To get rid of this son of the devil there is still a chance that Ivanka will snap and smother him in his sleep with some oversized boobie implants while shouting “Are these perky enough daddy!”
    I fell asleep watching Lifetime channel last night and I haven’t felt right since. I’m just saying Melania and Ivanka could be heros…

    • Trashaddict says:

      Oh Jerkface, I love you and all Celebitchies. That vivid imagery, the poetry of it…..

  25. VegasSchmagus says:

    Remember when House of Cards was so scandalous, and we all thought “none of that would ever happen in real life”? Yeah, all of that looks like kindergarten compared to what we’ve got going on now…………..Life imitating art? Emmmmmmmmm, good luck, Kevin Spacey!

    • Jerkface says:

      What’s that movie? wag the dog I think it’s called? Made me question everything. Granted I’m an oldie who’s done a lot of “fun” stuff that could make me paranoid but I’m just saying, something in the milk ain’t clean. I’m questioning every single thing.


      Also, on a separate note, it’s weird to me words like “handle” are not spelled “Handel”. It just seems weird lol ok I will shut up now

      • ls_boston says:

        >> Also, on a separate note, it’s weird to me words like “handle” are not spelled “Handel”.

        Oh but that’s because they’d be confused for one of the greatest musical composers of all time: “Music for the Royal Fireworks”, “Water Music”, “Zadok the Priest” …

        “Is it too much to Handel?” <– It is never too much to Handel! What sayest thou?!

        Handel is my great love. I make my pilgrimage to Handel House at a minimum once a year and sometimes oftener during my visits home.

  26. Whyme says:

    It’s a longish read but so worth it. It’s Republican Ana Navarro on why she is voting for Clinton: