You could tell right away, at the beginning of the People’s Choice Awards, that Jennifer Lopez was going to be one of the first winners. She was seated near the front, the cameras kept cutting to her and hey, she showed up to the thing. I actually missed seeing her at the Golden Globes – she usually comes out to present and party, but not this year. This year she was too busy getting down with Drake, I suppose. As for J.Lo’s fashion statement last night… this gown is Reem Acra and it’s overkill for this event. It’s too matronly, right? Like, if Helen Mirren had worn this, I would have loved it (maybe). But on J.Lo, it’s too much. As for Jenny’s award, she took home the People’s Choice for Favorite TV Crime Drama Actress. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Priyanka Chopra won Favorite TV Dramatic Actress, her second in a row. She wore this pinkish Sally La Pointe dress which seemed to me like it could be an early-pregnancy maternity dress (my kingdom for a half-Indian Hiddlesbaby). It’s just the way the dress is cut on top. Really though, I just dislike this. I know Priyanka enjoys fashion, so my guess is that she just chose it because she wanted to twirl a little bit.
No shade: Ashley Greene in this purple Jeffrey Dodd number was one of my favorite looks of the night. You don’t need to wear a gown to the People’s Choice Awards and I love a good tea-length cocktail dress. The color is great on her too.
Jamie Chung in this lacy yellow Martha Medeiros is just… I don’t know? It feels too summery for a January awards show. The lace feels too antique-y and doily too, but you know me… I rarely like lace dresses.
Photos courtesy of WENN and Fame/Flynet.
‘Matronly’ is not a word I thought would ever be used to describe JLo! I actually think this is OK on her. Sure it’s a bit over-the-top but it’s not as desperate as the things she sometimes wears.
I think I’d love it in a different colour combination. Black and silver don’t suit her, look harsh. Gold bib with a grey solid might have worked.
It’s a very nice dress and the “matronly” vibe comes cause it’s way more demure than the tacky things she likes to wear.
It’s a lovely dress and she is wearing the hell out of it.
I like it, I think she’s working it.
The dress is weird and I know she’s had work done, but I think J Lo is freaking gorgeous.
Also, it’s great to see her posing with her mouth closed finally! She looks so pretty when she smiles.
I love it! Not matronly at all
I wouldn’t call JLo’s dress matronly exactly but I wouldn’t call it hot, either. It’s kind of a bizarre design. Her hair and makeup aren’t great either.
Priyanka looks lovely. Her dress is also a bit bizarre to me but she makes it work. I find the last two looks kinda meh.
See, I thought Priyanka looked matronly or pregnant in that gown.
JLo’s dress looks very old world, the dress looks like a period of history. It looks great on her and she is in her late 40s.
Does J. Lo. have a suspiciously smooth forehead?
Yes, she is botoxing like crazy. She has for awhile but it’s usually done so well that people just talk of her glow. Now she’s getting Nicole Kidman forehead freeze look.
I really like that her hair is dark here. I think she looks so much better with hair closer to her natural color than that peroxide chestnut color she always has.
I think JLo looks incredible!!! The dress is sexy without showing too much skin. I think she knocked it out of the park!
Ps I’ll never get over how Jamie Chung got her start on The Real World. She’s probably the most successful crossover reality star, right?
This! I love the dress and your right “sexy” is the exact word I thought of when I first saw it.
maybe Analeigh Tipton? Jacinda Barrett has maintained a solid career for many years.
I think I (unfortunately) have to give that award to Elisabeth Hasselback.
Jacinda from RW London has an acting career and Heather B from the first RW is on Sway’s popular radio show. But I wouldn’t considering any of the three to be household names. Hasselbeck unfortunately is 🙁
I love JLo dress. It has a gothic vibe. I would have gone with red lipstick since I have dark hair and do something with hairdo.
It’s amazing! Hardly “matronly”!!!
it’s to die for!If this is “matrimony” then I want to look matrimony like this .It’s elegant sensual and sexy and everything is on the target even her black painted nails
I agree, this dress on JLo is incredible. I usually don’t like the see-through trend, but this is done to perfection. And on that body, wow!
‘Favorite TV Crime Drama Actress’??? Hmm, i wonder if that’s an annual award or J Lo actually RSVPed yes and they had to give her something.
Oh PCA, never change and fail to disappoint me with your ridiculousness.
IKR? I don’t remember that category before. Hmm…
I remember that award last year so yeah it was already a thing
She looks fantastic! I’m not always a fan of her stylistic choices but this is awesome
Love JLo’s dress!!
OMG the Lopez dress is amazing!! There’s a little Cleopatra thing going on there imo. They all look so incredibly beautiful in their gowns. I can’t imagine what challenges designers must go through to outdo themselves with something different for these events yet suitable. Priyanka Chopra’s dress and the way it moves won my heart though.
That aint matronly.
JLo looks amazing. I love it. Sexy without trying to look too young/trendy. Ashley also flawless. Are we sure Priyanka is not pregnant? The side view definitely looks like a bit of a tummy.
I dunno. Each time I look at JLO’s dress it looks like she can’t breathe in there. Also the way that the sleeves are attached to the bejeweled bit looks odd. The hair is not great either. And she is over-dressed for this strange award show.
JLO’s dress is STUNNING. She looks fabulous.
One thing though, I am starting to see too much botox-filler face , it’s done well but it’s starting to show a bit.
She still looks gorgeous though.
I tend to love Jamie’s style, so this dissapointed me a little.
I actually love J Lo’s dress! Way better then the usual crap she wears.
So did they pay JLo To show up or what?? LOL @ that ridiculous ass made up sounding category… The PCA legit is like MTV Movie Awards Like: “Lets see who wants in and then make up categories accordingly!”
Also her dress and styling look preposterous but i cant quite work out why its giving dated 80s something something… The rest of these are middling at best, Jamie Chung is a walking Come Up!, from The Real World to proper movies!!
J’Lo’s dress looks like it’s on backwards. It seems like she had a hot dress in the 80’s, found it in the closet this year and decided to throw it on backward to freshen the look. I’m bored with everyone else
Ding Ding Ding!
Actually, if it was backwards that would do me just fine. I would be up for that backwards dress. That yellow underlay from my gram’s kitchen window has to exit, tho.
These awards are so FAKE. Totally arranged and manipulated.
I think JLo only looks matronly to you because she typically dresses like a much younger woman. I think her dress is simple but elegant, and appropriate for her age. I was pleasantly surprised she was not in something super tacky.
J Lo’s dress is classy and elegant, not matronly. The color of Ashley Greene’s dress is beautiful and flattering to her, but the shoes are just no. Jamie Chung’s yellow dress is pretty at first blush, but then starts to look like a rehabbed tablecloth at the bottom. Priyanka Chopra’s dress is unique because I think she is just about the only one who could wear it without looking ridiculous.
Love JLo’s dress, love Ashley’s dress, PRIYANKA – god that woman is just beautiful. Like her dress too. Jamie is gorgeous but don’t like the dress
I love J. Lo’s dress. I don’t like her hair.
JLO looks beautiful in a beautiful dress.
Priyanka Chopra is so beautiful but the dress confuses me. It reminds me of vagina curtains. ..or am I crazy?
I love JLO’s! Considering she usually dresses like a half naked Vegas ice dancer, this is a great look for her.
I like the purple dress too. Priyanka’s is not flattering.
I don’t think it’s matronly at all. She looks amazing in it and it’s a gorgeous gown. Just not the right awards show for it. It’s too good for the People’s Choice Awards.
Priyanka Chopra, gorgeous woman but her dress is awful. Awful styling, fit and color.
Ashley Greene, she’s very pretty and I like the dress and color on her, not crazy about the shoes or her hair.
Jamie Chung, beautiful! Her hair and makeup are spot on and the color of the dress looks great on her but I don’t like the dress itself and her shoes are hideous and she shouldn’t have worn lace up shoes with that dress. (ETA: I looked closer and the shoes are not hideous at all, but do not go with that dress.)
Ashley’s shoes don’t work with the dress. JLo looks fine. I really don’t like Priyanka’s dress.
I loved her dress and thought she was best dressed of the night.
While it may be a bit much for this kind of event, I love the dress on her!
Is it too much for the PCA? Sure. But I kinda love it, anyway.
Jamie Chung’s dress looks like a doily, but it’s amazing on her. Great color and she wears is really well.
I like everyone’s outfits, JLo’s is a bit over the top but I like it.
She looks beautiful, but she needs to lay off the ‘tox. The covered up look suits her well. Tired of seeing her in sheer body stockings.
I love it! Best dressed of the night BY FAR! You did not include the profile view where you can see her insane body. I know dozens of people have already said it but matronly? NEVAH!
Live Jamie’s dress altho it is a bit summery. It looks great on her tho. JLos dress has a rip in the back under her left arm. Check page six. Too small wa waaaaaah.
I can’t stand admitting that I like jLo’s dress, but there you are.
Priyanka’s looks like something I would just hate, but…I like it.
She looks classy.
I think if the embellishment on the neckline was on the back, it would have looked fab. JLo almost nailed the outfit. What the hell was the hair stylist think gelling the hairs on her side burns down like that? The make up doesn’t look great.
Priyanka could have done with a clutch, bracelet/bangles and earrings. I would love to have a twirl in a dress like that! It’s cute.
I adore Jamie Chung’s dress!! It’s gorgeous and summery. Can’t believe she is 33. I would have thought she was in her 20s.
i love Jennys look!
JLo’s dress is interesting. I don’t hate it but she looks over done and harsh. The rest of the dresses are just bad
JLo looks incredible… Love the second photo of her smiling.
JLo looked stunning in the dress. It’s about 90% similar to a dress designed by designer not well-known to the fashion industry in America, Ly Quy Khanh. I saw a white version of this dress a few months back. The designer is extremely unhappy on his FB. At first I didn’t want to believe that Reem Acra would copy someone else’s design, but seeing that posts after posts got deleted on their fb and Instagram …it’s a bit fishy. It’s been a few days already and their reps have not come forward to deny the allegations so I would say it’s possible that the design was stolen.
Totally agreed with you