Mandy Moore and Milo Ventimiglia discuss their ‘This is Us’ fight

Warning: this post contains spoilers for this week’s episode of This is Us

Well, after all of us This is Us fans were thinking Jack and Rebecca made the perfect couple, the first signs of trouble in paradise rear their ugly heads. In this week’s episode, “Jack Pearson’s Son,” the couple have a Valentine’s Day Eve fight, after Jack finds out that Rebecca once dated the band mate with whom she’s about to head out on a month-long tour. Jack becomes a green-eyed monster and completely discounts the sacrifices Rebecca has made over the course of their relationship. The episode ends with Jack spending the last few hours of the holiday alone in a restaurant with a cheeseburger…and a stiff drink. Uh-oh.

Stars Mandy Moore and Milo Ventimiglia (who finally, thankfully, lost the porn ‘stache and goatee) did a post-show interview on the show’s Facebook page during which they discussed the fight. Mandy had lots to say about the origins of the fight and how her character was impacted.

“These are issues that have been boiling for a while. And Milo and I talked a lot about it. I don’t think this is a couple that fights often at all. I think that they have a very open line of communication with one another.

And I believe that there is a lot of resentment that’s just been building for years, about, from my perspective as a woman, this is a woman who had a sort of trajectory that she was on, that she saw for herself, her life and career. She met Jack, fell in love, kind of tabled all of that, fundamentally, like a huge piece of who she was, as an artist and as a creative person.

[She] didn’t know whether or not she wanted to have kids, was sort of on the fence. That happened. Cut to 16 years later, the possibility of that entering her life again is so equal parts exciting and thrilling, but also terrifying. And, I think the fact that it’s been met with some sort of resentment from the beginning from Jack, that he couldn’t let her have that is really disheartening.”

[From the This is Us Facebook page]

Milo, coming to his character’s defense, said he felt Jack “doesn’t like change,” adding that “having a routine of so many years, of having the kids and just the possible repetitive nature of things, he enjoys it.” He went on to say that Jack, in what is really an irrational moment, I mean, I sure wouldn’t throw him over for a less attractive dude in a band (sorry, Ben), felt “what his wife wanted was to spend time with another man.” Mandy immediately snapped back with, “That’s not rational” and went on to say “They both needed to have a little bit of air.”

So, what about Jack’s first drink after being sober for 16 years? Mandy said she felt him going back to the bottle was a “self-destructive” move, but Milo said, “I don’t think going to the restaurant was a protest. Maybe having the drink was. [Like,] ‘You’re gonna go do this for you? I’m gonna go do this for me.’“ Just a theory here, but do you think the demon alcohol could be the cause, or at least a big contributor to, Jack’s demise? I’m not the only one thinking this, as it’s actually one of the top fan theories regarding the cause of Jack’s death.

Tuesday’s episode wasn’t all about Jack and Rebecca. Let’s talk about Randall. He’s not doing well. He’s still got a tremor in his hand and is having trouble focusing at work. It doesn’t help that Beth had to up and leave for D.C. to care for her Mom, who fell and broke her hip, leaving Randall to deal with William, who also isn’t doing well. Sterling K. Brown, who plays Randall, once again brings it, please give him all of the Emmys. He did win the award for best outstanding actor in a drama at the NAACP Image Awards last weekend, so he’s well on his way.

On the Kate and Toby front, Kate gets booted out of her weight loss camp after confronting awful Duke, whose parents happen to own the camp. Good riddance, Duke. Kate and Toby have an epiphany of sorts, realizing that they really don’t know as much about each other as they probably should, being that they’re engaged and all. The two share some fun facts – Kate had a childhood crush on Aladdin and his animated abs, Toby had a pet turtle named Shirley (“as in Laverne and”) and rocked some Z. Cavaricci pants – but when it came to discussing her father’s death, Kate shut down. Later, Toby told Kate he thought they were moving too fast and if she couldn’t talk about Jack’s death, they probably aren’t close enough yet to make it legal. I was on #TeamKoby, but I’m starting to have my doubts. The wedding postponement was kind of a jerk move, right? It feels a bit like emotional blackmail. Straighten up and fly right, Toby.

And then there’s Kevin, who is having major insecurities about making his stage debut as a “serious actor” and not just The Manny. He has a dream in which Katie Couric calls him “a vapid, pretty boy who made his mark pretending to breastfeed an infant from his own pectoral.” Ouch. He shares his concern with Sophie, who he’s now “cautiously dating”, Randall (who is obviously dealing with his own issues) and, when unable to talk to his Mom, Miguel, who offers Kevin some sage (?) advice, “you are your father’s son, remember that and think about what he would do.” If Jack would ditch the opening night performance of his play after getting a call from Randall, firmly in the grip of a panic attack, and rushing to be by his side, then Kevin is truly “Jack Pearson’s son.” I get the “family first” thing, but poor Sloane. That play was her baby and, on opening night, with New York Times critics in the crowd, her leading man (who also recently slept with and subsequently dumped her) bails. And…scene.

This show is something else, isn’t it? Am I a glutton for punishment for allowing my heart to get ripped out of my chest and stomped on every week? (I know I’m not the only one.) I don’t know, but I can’t look away. What did you guys think of this week’s episode? Check out photos of the cast at the NAACP Image Awards last weekend, supporting the amazing Sterling K. Brown, in the gallery.

48th NAACP Image Awards Non-Televised Awards Dinner - Arrivals

48th NAACP Image Awards Arrivals - Arrivals

Photo credit:, Getty Images

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26 Responses to “Mandy Moore and Milo Ventimiglia discuss their ‘This is Us’ fight”

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  1. Nicole says:

    I love this show. Kevin’s character arc has been one of my favorite aside from Randall. I like that they are really digging into his relationship with his family esp his dad and brother. That last scene brought me to tears and was uncomfortably real for me as well.

    Also I still loathe Miguel (go away sir)

    • NastyWoman says:

      Each of the characters is so fine-tuned and layered; I love that about this show. And I’m glad that they’re moving off Kate’s SOLE storyline being her weight struggle. I’m probably also the only person who likes the fight – it shows Jack is human. So far, he was too perfect; a veritable martyr.

      When Miguel said something like “I still miss my best friend,” my husband – who doesn’t engage with any show – screamed “so much so that you’re sleeping with his wife!” This show gets to everyone. (And, yeah, people hate Miguel.)

      • Jess says:

        I only hate old Miguel, even though I know young Miguel eventually marries Rebecca I’m just not bothered by him at all. I think part of it is the horribly bad old Miguel make up and wig. I’m sure we’all get to see how their relationship came to be, maybe it’s not what we think?

    • Notsoanonymous says:

      Another Miguel loather here. He is just so gross, on so many levels. Can I wear the hat? Are you kidding me?

      • MamaHoneyBadger says:

        I dunno. This is a man who so desperately wanted what his best friend had, and he seems confused that marrying the widow didn’t automatically confer all those benefits to him. That’s a naive outlook, which isn’t so much gross as it is sad.

  2. Canadian Becks says:

    Kevin running out literally at the last second, before a packed audience of his family, NYT critic, et al, was so implausible. I mean, what he did was huge in terms of the negative repercussions. And for what? What he felt so compelled to do that he basically ruined his professional reputation, could have been accomplished by sending Kate, or his mom. Heck, he could have performed and then skipped the after-party to rush to Randall’s side. Short of knowing that Randall was standing on the edge ready to jump, it was unbelievable that anyone would abandon their obligations like that.

    I dislike shows which make me feel like I want to slap a character for how stupidly they behave.

    • Notsoanonymous says:

      I think there is history we don’t know about Randall’s mental health. I don’t think it was a coincidence that he talked his coworker out of suicide. It’s the only thing that makes Kevin leaving the play plausible to me. Although Kevin does have a horrible streak of self loathing and self destruction, so IDK.

      • NastyWoman says:

        At a minimum, he’s prone to panic attacks, which the teen-aged Kevin was happy to ignore (and maybe even took some joy in). I couldn’t tell whether his running out on the play was a self-sabotaging move in the guise of being there for Randall or genuine contrition for how he treated him before.

      • Canadian Becks says:

        Feeling the need to make up for past wrong-doings is well and good, but you righted one wrong and in the process screwed up so many other people.

        What about Sloane? What about the producers? The audience who paid money & made arrangements to be there for several hours? Literally disappearing on everyone at the last possible second, the timing of it is unforgivable.

        A bone-headed teenager would do that, not a grown man in his 30’s.

    • me says:

      He was never there for his brother when they were young. He felt guilty and he knew his brother needed him.

  3. Lisa says:

    Every week I tell myself it’s just a show and every week I bawl my eyes out. This week it happened when those tears rushed down Randall’s face after he talked to Kevin. And then seeing Kevin run down the street to be with his bro… awww. Not so big on the Jack relapsing story line, but we’ll see where it goes.

  4. Cool Character says:

    Kevin made the episode.

    Seeing him give up his opening night and stepping up was amazing.

    Family first indeed and honestly their are other opening nights. I bet this helps his career.

  5. smcollins says:

    I’m so in love with this show! I love how it keeps evolving, slowly peeling back the layers of the Pearson family’s story. I do, however, disagree that Toby is emotionally blackmailing Kate by postponing the wedding. The point of their conversation was to “go deep” and really let the other person in. Kate failed to do that. When she asked Toby about his low point of being suicidal after his divorce he didn’t shut down. He opened up to her about his battles with Depression, being in therapy, and finally being in a good place. As soon as he turned the tables and asked her about her father’s death she completely shut him out. That’s what brought him to the conclusion that they weren’t ready (yet) for marriage. But, yes, this show is amazing. Please keep covering it!

    • Notsoanonymous says:

      I see your point. The issue that I have with their relationship is that Toby (who can be a little jerk-ish in his approach at times) is far more secure and ahead of the game than Kate. It’s obvious she has major issues to wrestle with and I don’t think it’s going to get better before it gets worse. What I dislike about their dynamic the most is that he keep derailing her weight loss. It seems to be the way he keeps her to himself, afraid that if she loses the weight she will leave.

      I did love that she told him she likes his flashy clothes though. Most of us would not have supported that jacket.

      • NastyWoman says:

        That jacket was heinous, so it shows she loves him as is, which is perhaps not something we can say for Toby. I agree, he seems to want to prevent her from losing weight at any cost.

  6. Jess says:

    I completely agree about Toby, I even said to my husband, “well that was a jerk move” when he said they should postpone the wedding, that was crappy. Yes she needs to open up about the death, and I have a feeling it involves her in some big way, but you don’t force someone to talk about things in such a manipulative way if you truly love or understand them.

    I’m gonna be really pissed if Jack dies on Valentine’s Day from drunk driving, that just doesn’t fit him, but I know life happens and things don’t always end in a “perfect” way.

  7. minx says:

    I came late to this show but I’ve caught up–I really enjoy it.

  8. Gayla Randall says:

    Best show on TV

  9. serena says:

    I love this show too much, I fear the moment of Jack’s death.

  10. Sunnydaze says:

    I don’t watch the show (not a drama fan) but I was happy to see mandy Moore again so my bizarre obsession with how incredible her skin is could be resurrected. Seriously, how does she “glow”??? Even in candids…it’s mezmerizing

  11. Grant says:

    Am I the only person who prefers Milo with the facial hair?

  12. Carol says:

    I have the unpopular opinion of loving Toby and Miguel. I didn’t think Toby was manipulative at all. When she was struggling to open up he didn’t push and told her he would wait until she was ready. When he wanted to postpone he was clear that he still wants to marry her; he just wants to wait until they are both comfortable enough to be open with each other. Most mature he’s been.

    I think Miguel has been a saint, and I know couples who were best friends and then the surviving husband and wife end up happily married. They have shared memories, already a deep friendship, and love for their deceased spouses in common. Miguel has put up with crap from her kids for love of Rebecca. He makes her happy, which frankly is all that her kids should want for her.

  13. Kelly says:

    Carol, your comment mirrors mine so I will just say how much Randle’s situation reminds me of Jack. Of all the kids he is the most like him, adoption not withstanding.