Paris Jackson: Growing up, ‘I was the princess, I was perfect in my dad’s eyes’

2017 Vanity Fair Oscar Party Hosted By Graydon Carter

A year ago, whenever I saw photos of Paris Jackson, I always thought she looked like Frances Bean Cobain. I can still see that a little bit, but in this Harper’s Bazaar cover editorial, Paris looks more like Vintage Madonna with a touch of someone else. Who is it? I can’t put my finger on it. Anyway, yes, Paris Jackson covers Bazaar. She’s not really a model or a musician or a businesswoman or even a famous-for-social-media celebrity. She’s famous for being Michael Jackson’s daughter and that’s why she’s gotten the cover of Rolling Stone and Harper’s Bazaar in the past two months. You can see the full Bazaar feature here. Some highlights from her interview:

She was her daddy’s favorite:“I wasn’t around a lot of other girls. When I was a kid, I was with my dad and my two brothers. Growing up, I was treated as the favorite because I was the only girl. I was the princess; I was perfect in my dad’s eyes.”

The real world: “Once I got introduced into the real world, I was shocked. It blew me away. Not just because it was sexist, but misogynist and racist and cruel. It was scary as hell. And it still is really scary…The first 12 years of my life I was homeschooled. Which means that the only interactions I’d ever had were with family members or other adults.” When she was 12 years old, Paris says she “didn’t have social skills. I had to force myself to learn so fast.” Even today she lives a pretty solitary life. “For the past six years, I’ve been learning how to communicate. And I think I’ve gotten pretty good at it.”

The interviews she does: “All anyone wants to talk about is my father, and it makes me sad.”

So why is she doing interviews? “It’s a complicated answer. It’s a feeling of doing something important, that actually matters, that’s going to impact people. Plenty of times I’ve thought about not doing anything in the public eye and having my own private life. Then I started seeing how everything in the world is going. And I feel like each year it’s getting worse… If there were to be a suggestion of an idea that women would be controlling what men do with their bodies, it would be World War III…I know there are a lot of people who would feel very blessed to be in my position, so I want to use it for important things. I have a couple of ideas. I have a lot of ideas, but I’m still trying to figure out the right way to do it. I mean, I’m 18. I can’t have it all together, but I do have a plan.”

Whether she wants kids: “Eventually, I guess. It’s just the thought of bringing more life into the world we’re current living in—are you kidding me? I’ll spare them all the tears and drama.”

On living in the spotlight and dealing with the haters: “You’re on their mind—how is that a bad thing? Doesn’t matter if they’re saying good or bad things about you. They’re thinking about you enough to write about you. You just can’t care… Not everybody is going to be happy with what you do. If you’re not happy with what you’re doing, that’s a problem. If you’re happy, who gives a f*ck?”

[From Harper’s Bazaar]

I have to think… what would I do at the age of 18, with all of that money, fame and media-interest? In many ways, Paris is doing a lot better than most of would in her position. She doesn’t seem to be partying. She seems quiet and sensitive. She also seems like a typical 18-year-old in a lot of ways. My hope for her is that maybe she goes to college, gets away from LA for a bit, makes some real friends, enjoys her youth and figures out what she wants to do and be long-term. I doubt that will happen. Still, I’m not worried about her… yet.

2017 Vanity Fair Oscar Party Hosted By Graydon Carter

Photos courtesy of Jean-Paul Goude/Harper’s Bazaar.

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76 Responses to “Paris Jackson: Growing up, ‘I was the princess, I was perfect in my dad’s eyes’”

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  1. Spark says:

    Vintage Madonna with a touch of Miley..?

  2. Cherrypie says:

    She is being shoved down our throats for some reason….oh wait, she is MJ’s daughter

    • jerkface says:

      She is a celebrity lozenge and you must take your medicine. Its flu season. lol just kidding.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I think her eyes are interesting, but they always look so flat and blank on camera. I don’t find her as intriguing as the hype suggests. She seems like a typical teen. No harm in that, but I am rolling my eyes at the machine that is pushing her out there.

  3. MellyMel says:

    Vintage Madonna + younger Courtney Cox. Someone said this on Instagram last night and that’s all I see now.

    • minx says:


      • Amy Tennant says:

        I came on here to say Courtney Cox too, especially in this picture. Sometimes from some angles she looks like fellow-music-god-scion Riley Keough (weirdly I guess they would be sort-of stepsisters except Paris was born after Michael’s marriage to Lisa Marie ended– that just sort of broke my brain putting that together). But definitely definitely young Madonna + young Courtney Cox

    • tealily says:

      I totally see the Courtney Cox now that you say it!!!

    • Lucy2 says:

      Definitely! Like 75% Madonna 25% Courteney.

  4. ChubCucumber says:

    Maybe Lori Petty circa Tank Girl? That’s who she reminds me of.

  5. robyn says:

    She DOES look like the perfect princess. I know what she means though. There is nothing as heartfelt as the unconditional love, respect and admiration we receive from what’s the best in most parents.

  6. the_blonde_one says:

    Madonna and a young Carol Alt (the eyes).

  7. T-Bone says:

    Vintage Madonna + Young Sharon Stone?

  8. Mousyb says:

    Even though clearly MJ wasnt a perfect parent and sheltered his kids to the extreme degree, I feel like he was doing it for a good reason. She seems fine now but lets not forget the emotional problems she had a few short years ago after being in the spotlight. Its one thing if you have a clear talent/career like acting, writing, etc. Its another to be in the spotlight just to spread of vague message of positivity (even though it truly seems to be coming from a genuine place). She is still learning and will change, hell in your 20s I feel like you change every 6 months – thats amplified when youre 18. Going through all that in the spotlight without a career to fall back on is dangerous imo…

  9. Babs says:

    Vintage Madonna + about anyone but MJ.

  10. Nicki says:

    I see Vintage Madonna and Cindy Lauper. <3

  11. Sway says:

    I thought it was Gwen Stefani.

  12. magz says:

    My guess is a little of young Sharron stone.

  13. Originaltessa says:

    Courtney Cox

  14. kimbers says:

    Someone please let me understand how doing interviews is important? Her words. She doesnt tell the world anything new about her father. There are plenty of info about her dad out there. She’s promoting herself, even though she doesnt actually have a job to promote. She seems lazy and lost by doing the self promo thing. Zero purpose. She could use direction bc it’s sad to watch her =[

    • tealily says:

      It sounds like she’s putting herself out there now in preparation of something yet to come. She indicates she has “a plan.” I guess we’ll see…

  15. QQ says:

    I feel like every time I see her I wanna eyeroll because it’s not necessary that she be famous, right? I get the curiosity, she seems to be a charismatic kid… Yet every time i read what this baby ( and let’s be clear she is a KID still in my eyes) I come away impressed that she seems to have her sh!t together, she comes off Idealistic yet thoughtful.. I hope she stays mostly away from her messy ass relatives… Jacksons: As Thisrty as Houstons with Actual Talent unlike the Lohans

    • Erinn says:

      This is where I am with her, too, QQ.

      Like – she’s kind of unnecessary in most celebrity ways – but I find her likable anyway. I’d really like to see her get involved in some charities, or being a spokesperson for something meaningful – I think she feels happy being in the public eye – but probably on a more small scale way than a lot of young ‘starlet’ types.

      I feel bad for her in a lot of ways. She lost her dad who was one of the few people she really interacted with growing up. I mean, that kind of sheltering seemed to be done with good intentions, but it was incredibly hard for her to be flung out of that bubble once he died.

    • tealily says:

      It’s almost like she’s putting herself out there as a way to find herself. Maybe she’s hoping to come in to her own thing a be less attached to her family. I can’t help but like her. I hope she does good things, whatever those things may be.

  16. Nev says:

    Love her.

  17. Madpoe says:

    Yeah I’m seeing a channeling of Madonna’s “Who’s That Girl” meets Frances Cobain.
    Not a drop of MJ jeans tho’.

  18. Lm says:

    Vintage Madonna + Linda Evangelista came to mind

    I see the Courtney Cox comparison too

  19. Bluevelvet says:

    Love the black dress…her tats are interesting. I’m not a tattoo person, but hers look cool/artsy. She hit the genetic jackpot.

  20. Pandy says:

    I just can’t with the St Michael. The man was a pedophile.

    • Geekychick says:

      This. I’m sorry, but a parent who was a drugged-up mess most of the time and who openly carried his drug-induced paranoia over to his children (in the last interview, she said she believes he was killed and that he said himself people are out to get him-typical for a drug addict), isolated them and hasn’t thought for a minute about their future without him(come on, to put them under the Jacksons??!?!)…is just not a good parent. He was a bad, selfish parent.
      And a pedophile. And no matter how sprry I am for his children, I think about how all the children MJ hurt feel reading the St. michael narrative the media likes to spew.

  21. perplexed says:

    She seems like a nice enough person, but right now she also seems….too young?…to really be interesting enough to read about. She’s sad people ask about her dad all the time, but unless she has a gift at something I’m still not aware of, her connection to her father is the most interesting thing about her.

    She is pretty though, so there’s that, I guess?

  22. sage says:

    What is her talent?

  23. HappyMom says:

    She’s a beautiful girl but I cannot with those tattoos. And it’s really too bad she has no adult supervision or direction.

  24. Chelly says:

    MJ would’ve hated all of this for them. He did everything he could to shield them from the spotlight & media. They’re “adults” now & as such are finding their own path, but it’s definitely in the direction their father never wanted them to go. Maybe they need that taste for it right now though, & like you said, hopefully bow out from it & go to college & form real relationships with real people

  25. gobo says:

    Wow. Serious Madonna vibes.

  26. Lisa says:

    Whoa, Madonna and a touch of Cindy Crawford! I’m also seeing Sherilyn Fenn and Cyndi Lauper in her Vibes era.

    It’s too bad that she’s embraced the “any attention is good attention” mindset. I thought she would’ve learned from her dad that that’s not true. It’s enough to say you don’t give a fuck.

  27. Patty says:

    Seriously I wish the media would quit shoving this child down our throats. Please. Just let her go away and live her life. The only thing I’d be curious to know about Paris is her biological father is, cause she doesn’t have a drop of Jackson in her. SMH.

    • bed says:

      Debbie Rowe is not her real mother, either. Jackson played matchmaker with eggs & sperm donated by people who didn’t even know each other. Rowe was just a surrogate.

  28. jinni says:

    Well maybe she should have waited until she had some kind of product to promo before doing interviews and then the interviewers would have had something other then her father to ask about. You don’t see Lily-Rose Depp, Willow Smith being only or mainly asked about their parents because they had movies, fashion brands, and/or music to promote and talked about that. Sure people mention their parents and they have made a few comments about their parents but they are actually trying to carve out an image outside of being their famous parents kids.

    Paris should have waited until her debut on the show “Star” to really start talking then she’d have something other then being MJ’s daughter going for her.

    • Aren says:

      Will Smith & Johnny Depp are not MJ though. She’s like some sort of Lisa-Marie, just being the daughter of a legend is enough for many people.

      • Eleonor says:

        I think Lisa Marie is the only person who can really understand this girl, and even if Will Smith and Johnny Depp are famous, they are not even near to MJ stardum level, plus their children have a mother too. Paris and her brothers are alone. Or with the Jackson family….

  29. saywot says:

    Madonna + a young Courtney Cox

  30. TyrantDestroyed says:

    Madonna and Sharon Stone is all I see. Also, who asks an 18 year old if she wants to have kids? She is just starting her adult life! I didn’t even know if I wanted to have kids until a couple of months ago and I am 33. Let her enjoy her life.

    • Cookiejar says:

      If you’re a woman, every magazine. Apparently women should breed as soon as they reach legal age, if they’re celebrities.

      (…according the the magazines, that it, not by myself)

  31. Gail says:

    A touch of Courtney Cox in the early Friends days.

  32. Emily says:

    She looks like Courtney Cox!

  33. phatypopo says:


  34. NatalieS says:

    She’s strikingly beautiful.

    Personality-wise: Drew Barrymore part deux with hopefully the same trajectory in terms of maturity.

  35. Aren says:

    I find her gorgeous, I loved the pics, and I love her style.
    I don’t see anything wrong with her giving interviews or being in the spotlight, these days we’re flooded with nasty kids whose parents use their wealth or fame to push them down our throats.

    She seems like a nice and intelligent person who is not willing to live in a bubble of privilege, I think that should be enough to positively set her apart from most celebrities.

  36. aenflex says:

    She looks AWESOME.

  37. Naddie says:

    I just wish her well. I might roll my eyes at the reason she’s famous and doing interviews, but I’ll wait for her plan, maybe it’s something really good.

  38. Joanie says:

    Definitely some Sherilyn Fenn in that face, circa Twin Peaks.

  39. StormsMama says:

    She’s SO gorgeous and compelling. I LOVE her face. Her Madonna (papa don’t preach) and Courtney cox (dancing in the dark) with a touch of Debbie harry look is giving me hope in this sad storm of politics and corruption. She has that magic “it” quality. That cover is GORGEOUS.

  40. Lucy2 says:

    Her “why interviews ” answer was better than I expected, but I still can’t help feeling like it would be healthier for her to stay out of the spotlight.
    Since that doesn’t seem to interest her, I hope she uses this attention wisely.

  41. Bread and Circuses says:

    I think she’s incredibly pretty; such striking eyes and flawless skin!

  42. Princess says:

    She is a beautiful girl. I noticed her beauty when the poor little girl was pulled on stage and pushed forward with a microphone by Aunty Janet, and told to speak into it, at a concert shortly after her father died. I think MJ would be rolling in his grave if he knew what she was doing now. Her two brothers seem to be getting quietly on with their lives. I wonder if she still maintains a good relationship with her mother?

  43. Temia says:

    Madonna Courtney cox and KRISTEN Stewart (twilight)

  44. Mary says:

    She will eventually find herself.

  45. Notes says:

    Madonna definitely on the cover, the second picture reminds me of Cyndi Lauper though