Kylie Jenner looked sort of like a blank blow-up doll at Coachella this year

Kylie Jenner At The Paper And Pretty Little Thing Party In Palm Springs.

It feels like this year’s Coachella got off to an inauspicious start. Radiohead performed on Day 1 and they ended up walking off-stage twice due to major technical issues. Add to that, it feels like this year’s Coachella is A) populated by a bunch of nobodies and C-listers and B) the festival is more corporate than ever before. Case in point: Kylie Jenner was the hostess or “big name” at the Day 1 party sponsored by Paper Magazine and PrettyLittleThing (a clothing line). Kylie actually wore one of PrettyLittleThing’s dresses and the result was… no bueno. Kylie just looks so blank in general though. It looks like someone brought their blow-up doll to Indio.

Kylie Jenner At The Paper And Pretty Little Thing Party In Palm Springs.

Because everything about Coachella is corporate these days, Victoria’s Secret used Coachella to launch a new line called Sexy Little Things. I guess VS was taking advantage of the fact that most of their models were going to be at Coachella anyway, might as well promote VS. They got Martha Hunt, Jasmine Tookes, Alessandra Ambrosio, Josephine Skriver and Romee Strijd to this launch.

Victoria's Secret Launch 'Sexy Little Things'

And here’s Alessandra Ambrosio looking like she’s in the middle of a Coachella-themed fashion shoot.

Coachella 2017 - Week 1 - Day 1 - Celebrity Sightings

Paris Hilton and her newish guy, Chris Zylka. He looks way too young for her, right?

Coachella 2017 - Week 1 - Day 1 - Celebrity Sightings

Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner. I can’t believe they’re still happening! Oh well. I hope they’re having fun.

Joe Jonas and Sophie Turner at the Neon Carnival at Coachella

Nick Jonas was giving everyone Blue Steel. Nice shorts.

Nick Jonas at the Neon Carnival at Coachella

Here’s The Weeknd on Day 2.

Coachella 2017 - Weekend 1 - Day 2 - Gucci Mane

Lady Gaga performing on stage – Gaga replaced Beyonce a few months ago. Bey had to cancel because of her pregnancy.

Lady Gaga performing at Coachella Weekend 1 - Day 2

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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96 Responses to “Kylie Jenner looked sort of like a blank blow-up doll at Coachella this year”

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  1. rahrahrooey says:

    Is Kylie allowed to smile?

    • doofus says:

      no, smiling causes wrinkles, dontchaknow.

      she looks terrible, and these pics show how much she alters her insta pics. in both of the ones here, she looks (as one of my old friends used to say) “like she just smelled something bad”. she looks much “harsher” than she does in the pics she posts.

    • Beth says:

      With all the work she’s had done to her face, it’s probably to stiff to make any expression. If she’s not careful with a fork, her lips will probably pop and explode

    • Jenni says:

      I can’t believe HOW OLD she looks. Like some overdone woman in her late 30’s.

  2. Lora says:

    Its not a festival anymore, sad!

  3. greenmonster says:

    Paris Hilton – a 36 year old rainbow butterfly on the outside, a 11 year old elementary school girl on the inside.

  4. Nicole says:

    What no pictures of Selena loved up with her bf The Weeknd? They are instagram official now!
    Kylie always looks dead behind the eyes. It’s so sad.
    Is Chris that young? I feel like he’s been around on tv and teen shows for a minute now.
    I’m not a Coachella fan at all and reading about the people that run the festival just guarantees they will never see my money.

    • Heather says:

      Those pictures were so cute. I like them together!

      Kylie looks like she sculpted her body to cartoonish proportions. Her Instagram pictures show her gigantic fake ass.

    • bonobchick says:

      @Nicole … Chris is 31 according to Wikipedia.

  5. OriginallyBlue says:

    She always looks like that. Her surgeries/enhancements look more obvious when she moves her face.

  6. RussianBlueCat says:

    It was reported on the entertainment portion of the news, that someone on Twitter posted that Kylie’s hair looks like a”used highlighter”!

  7. ElleBee says:

    Coachella outfits are super pretentious to me but Kylie still looks out of place. More night clubbish and Paris….oh dear…you’re 3…nvm

    • Esmom says:

      Coachella outfits drive me crazy because they’re so predicatble/costumey. I guess at last Kylie didn’t adhere to the cookie cutter style, which is good, although wha she did wear does seem inappropriate. The Weekend is the only person who doesn’t look like he’s wearing a costume.

  8. daisyfly says:

    Rihanna’s spangled bodysuit was LIFE!!

    • Polyphonic Pickles says:

      Agreed Daisyfly! I’m hoping that’s it’s own post since it wasn’t featured here.

  9. Lucy says:

    I’ve heard both Gaga and Radiohead (technicalities and all) killed it!! Also I’m happy about Joe and Sophie. They’re pretty lowkey and seem serious.

    • Ann says:

      Radiohead DID kill it! That encore was something else. They played Creep and Karma Police!!! Gaga wasn’t doing it for me really, but I went in hoping for 90 minutes of Mother Monster and only got about 5, so I set myself up to be disappointed. People were having fun at Gaga. I would have rather been at DJ Snake the whole time, should have stayed.

      And Kendrick was incredible!!!!!

  10. Erica says:

    Kylie looks a mess and I’m sick of her wannabe Kim clone. She has a reality show coming out about her life.I can’t understand how kids look up to someone who takes pictures all day while looking like a duck &dressing like a lady of the night.

    • Ohdear says:

      Well, today’s pool of idols is limited. They can’t even look up to the president these days..

    • Otaku Fairy says:

      Surely we can see a woman in an outfit that isn’t modest or elegant-looking without defaulting to ‘prostitute’ in this century. Besides, it’s not like there are only two types of women in the world- women in good-looking classy clothes and women offering to have sex, right?
      I’m kind of surprised she’s getting a show though. It seemed like Kardashian/Jenner exposure was about to die down.

  11. Mousyb says:

    Paris Hilton is seriously living in an early 2000s time capsule. Good Bless.

  12. grabbyhands says:

    I’ll give the Jonas Brothers and Sophie Turner this-they are some of the few people who look like they are actually there to watch bands and not just pose for the cameras.

    When does Kylie Jenner NOT look like up a blow up doll? She looks like a real life Bratz doll and just as dead behind the eyes.

  13. Beth says:

    Kylie looks scary. Such a dead blank face. Who would want hair to match that horrendous colored dress? Yikes!

    • Blaire Carter says:

      The dress is gold. It’s the lighting. I bought it and then saw these pics. Questioning my style…

  14. kNY says:

    It’s sort of nuts how hard people try with those outfits. Last year in the NY Post there was an article about women from NY in their 30’s who go all out for Coachella and it was beyond sad. I can’t help but think of that whenever there’s any Coachella news.

    Paris’ current boyfriend looks like she just picked him up from JV football practice. Plus, those are some ugly tats.

    • doofus says:

      yeah, so many stores now have a “festival fashion” line. stuff is UGGO.

      and lol at “JV football practice”. bravo.

  15. Neelyo says:

    Where’s Vanessa Hudgens? I feel like the only time of year she appears is at Coachella.

    • MissMerry says:

      She is also the only one who really dresses is festival outfits all year ’round. (which I think is great, compared to everyone else who just dress like this for music festival season lol)

  16. Mia4s says:

    Looked like a blank blow up doll? Soooo she looked like her usual self?

    I think the star factor is down in the audience because celebs who attend risk being grouped in with the Paris Hilton-level celebs. The ones who still go either want the attention regardless, or have a really good paid appearance deal.

  17. pru says:

    Paris Hilton is dating the guy from The Leftovers? There has got to be an end of the world joke in there somewhere.

  18. MissMerry says:

    is it me or does it look like NONE of those people are having any fun?

    also, I think the genner/cardashian’s are a PERFECT example of how “perfection” isn’t a positive thing. Trying to have the perfect hairline, perfect skin, perfect lips, perfectly-shaped body…is gets so boring and so creepy so quickly.

    Also, I’m astounded how the music festival has pretty much ruined cutoff jean shorts…those VS model outfits…just, no. So tryhard and boring.

    • pru says:

      Perfect beauty looks fake. Being natural, even with imperfections, is what is really beautiful. The Kardashians don’t understand this.

    • Lama Bean says:

      The VS models don’t look hot to me at all. They kind of just look like stick figures trying really hard to look sexy. Also, who?

  19. TeresaMaria says:

    Can someone please explain to me why these celebrities always wear such hideous outfits for Coachella?

  20. can't even says:

    But can we talk about VS models? None of that is a good look

    • sunnydaze says:

      Without the spray tans, lighting, makeup and strategic posing this all looks….um….painful. I kind of want to adopt the one on the far left in the first pic. She looks like she needs a big hug, a hot shower and a warm bed.

      • slowsnow says:

        LOL at your adoption comment! I felt the same… So wrong!
        Yup. I was surprised no one mentioned them. They’re just so… cheap looking. And when Ambrosio is the ‘ plump’ one, you gotta wonder. These women are not allowed to eat properly – when they start working for VS they look great and then they just melt to their bones.

      • Pandy says:

        Is this the one in the silver shorts? OMG … they look a hot mess. I just passed a VS ad in the local mall today for the pyt line. A bra covered by a bit of ratty looking lace that goes up to your neckline like a pretend shirt. I’m so hoping I don’t see anyone wearing this as a top! Please tell me that’s not the idea.

    • GingerCrunch says:

      I can’t find the words for how that pic makes me feel. Completely turned off by its unactractiveness, maybe? Yeah, that’s it. I just want to look AWAY.

    • doofus says:

      yeah, agree, and ESP agree with sunnydaze about the model on the far left in the top shot.

      she looks malnourished.

    • MrsPanda says:

      Yes this struck me also! I think the harsh sunlight does them no favors – it highlights every rib and bony angle, they don’t look to be a healthy weight.

    • Bee says:

      They all look so hungry.

  21. Chaine says:

    Joe Jonas matching his snakeskin shirt print to his snakeskin print shoes — gross.

    • Pandy says:

      Yeah, shorts and a puffer coat. Always a good look. Seriously, someone commented that the Weeknd looked like the only person dressed for a festival. And they were right.

    • raincoaster says:

      He looks like the most pretentious guy at a Canadian nightclub in that outfit. And I’ve seen a few Canadian nightclubs, believe me.

  22. Daisy says:

    Sophie Turner looks so normal, so out of place for Coachella.

  23. Bettyrose says:

    I really hope Sophie Turner remembers to wear sunblock.

  24. Lizzie says:

    Isn’t Alessandra Ambrosio a little old to be walking around at Coachella looking like a free people catalog threw up on her?

  25. Esmom says:

    I love Chris Zylka on The Leftovers and it’s been painful, just painful, to see him with Paris.

    • QQ says:

      Absolutely 100% THIS and Yes he seems too young for her but I totally see Paris Trying to lock it down

  26. QQ says:


    Also surprised at how Openly cuddly Abel and Selena were this weekend.. Good For em I guess… I’m surprised they aren’t more dramatic personally

    • pru says:

      I want to see a picture of Rihanna’s suit glowing in the dark. I bet it looks amazing.

    • sendepause says:


    • Erica_V says:

      My only complaint is the look is 100% off the runway – she’s always a little more original than that. I wish she had switched out the shirt or the shorts.

      • WhichWitch says:

        Yes! I thought it was her/her stylist cutting up the Gucci tee, but no 🙁

        Still slayed everyone on the West Coast tho

  27. Aerohead21 says:

    Anybody talking about how SCRAWNY those VS girls look?? I thought they were recognized as one of the companies that actually liked their girls to look healthy? There are plenty of healthy girls who are also very thin. These girls do not look healthy.

  28. Originaltessa says:

    Why is Chris Zylcha too young for Paris Hilton? He’s 31, soon to be32 years old. I’m so confused.

    • swak says:

      He looks younger. Maybe that’s why people think that way.

    • Al says:

      Agreed… she is only 5 years older than him. I am 5 years older than my husband. No one ever says anything when a woman dates a man 5 years older.

  29. Livealot says:

    I liked gagas hair. That’s about it.

    • raincoaster says:

      Those support hose look like they’re about to explode! I don’t even understand how anyone can perform in them. But the boots I’d kill for.

  30. tw says:

    These photos are a cringe fest. I feel like I would need a hazmat suit to be within 2 meters of Kylie. I mean, what are the long term effects of this constant, pervasive chemical exposure on a young woman? From the cosmetics, bronzers, tanners, injectables, fragrances, hair straighteners, implants, dyes – it’s just insane. And the model photos – it would be so refreshing if even 1 of these ladies was standing or walking in a way that actually occurs in natural life. These are the times we lives in, when not a single photo is taken without consideration to angles and appearing thinner than reality. Look at their legs. These are terribly thin women contorting their bodies to look even thinner. I would love to see one natural stance and smile. One candid moment. And Sophie – GIRL, you could do better.

    • Bee says:

      He must have something impressive happening in the trouser department, because he is so basic. I wouldn’t look twice on the street.

  31. Ann says:

    This year’s coverage is a lot less judgmental. As someone who loves Coachella I appreciate that. It’s a really great time with some excellent music and really wonderful people. Pretty much everyone is happy to be where they are at all weekend. The fashion and the celebs are just a fun extra.

  32. Anilehcim says:

    I feel very sorry for Kylie, but I have to admit I was really happy to see that most of the people on social media were remarking about how tragic she has become and how plastic she looks. I really think this kid gets work done on the regular and at not even 20, it’s just so depressing. Her ass is 3 times the size it was about a month ago, and her face constantly looks like she’s getting new fillers or some other crap injected into it.

    • KLO says:

      Kylie should stop with the work NOW. Her body was perfect before all the surgeries and she looks nice right now. Please, stop!

      BTW, I happen to love her wig and dress, it looks different.

  33. Coop says:

    Palm Springs local here, trying to survive the faux-bohemian invasion that is Coachella. Where it is actually impossible to exist as a young person here, go to the grocery store, and not get asked “so are you here for Coachella?”


  34. CatJ says:

    She is wearing the shorter version of the same dress that Kim wore to pose at the opening of the Armenian film, with her sister and Cher.
    It looks terrible on both Kysmee and Dim.

  35. Dex and Destruction says:

    What’s hanging between Kylie’s legs in the second picture? It looks like the string is from a snag in the fabric but it’s hard to say.

  36. TIFFANY says:

    Looks blank

  37. minx says:

    Kylie has a sad fortyish stripper look.
    My daughter is a year and a half younger than her, going to her senior prom this week, looking forward to college, having fun with her friends and her first real boyfriend. The comparison with Kylie is just…sad. For Kylie.

  38. Berg says:

    She looks like an umpaloompa, all orange with that awful hair🙊

  39. Jaana says:

    Those Victoria Secret girls look horrible!

  40. Claudia says:

    Has anyone ever seen Kylie in person? There’s photos floating around on Instagram that were supposedly taken by people at Coachella and supposedly not photoshopped. Kylie’s boobs didn’t look as fake, her rear end looked flatter, and she had no hips. If that’s truly what she looks like in real life, how in the world does she manage to photoshop 99% of the photos made available to the public?!

  41. Otaku Fairy says:

    When I saw this picture this morning on the kindle with its smaller screen and didn’t read the title, I thought Kylie was Nicki Minaj for a second.

  42. M.A.F. says:

    I just see a bunch of assholes dressed like assholes. Every year it gets worse and worse.