Ivanka Trump cried after her father’s p-ssy-grabbing tape came out

The Duchess of Cambridge visits Farms for City Children

Sometimes I really do have to sit here and contemplate what it would be like to be in Ivanka Trump’s position and what I would do if I found myself in similar circumstances. To be your father’s favorite child, to have to make such terrible, gross comments regularly, and to see him elevated to the highest position in the country, if not the world… what would you do? I’m not trying to be sympathetic towards Precious Ivanka at all, that’s not what I’m saying. I guess I just wonder about what it costs Ivanka on a deeper level to be so complicit, to be her father’s accomplice. So, there’s a story about Precious Ivanka’s reaction to her dad’s grab-them-by-the-p-ssy tape. Precious Ivanka cried!

Ivanka Trump pleaded with her father to issue a heartfelt apology in October after the leaked Access Hollywood tape was released showing him boasting about grabbing women by their private parts, The New York Times reports. Donald Trump, then the GOP nominee, at first denied making the comments after an aide rushed into his Trump Tower office to reveal that The Washington Post was about to break the story. With his daughter by his side, the soon-to-be president and members of his team eventually watched a video of the 2005 episode that quickly proved him wrong.

“Mr. Trump’s reaction was grudging: He agreed to say he was sorry if anyone was offended,” The Times reports, citing several sources who were present as the crisis unfolded. Advisers warned Trump that would not be enough, and Ivanka “made an emphatic case for a full-throated apology,” The Times writes.

“As she spoke, Mr. Trump remained unyielding. His daughter’s eyes welled with tears, her face reddened, and she hurried out in frustration.”

Trump was widely criticized for the “apology” he issued later that day, in which he dismissed his comment — “When you’re a star, they let you do it. You can do anything. Grab ’em by the p—y. You can do anything.” — as “locker room banter.”

Facing extraordinary backlash, including from Republican leaders, Trump released a videotaped apology hours later, saying, “Anyone who knows me knows these words don’t reflect who I am. I said it, I was wrong, and I apologize.”

[From People]

Did Ivanka cry because she was frustrated because her dad wasn’t listening to her, which must have been a moment she rarely faces? Did she cry because she thought her father would never win the presidency if those comments floated out there without apology? Or did she cry because somewhere deep in her soul she realized that her father was admitting to sexual assault, and she perhaps had a moment of genuine empathy towards all of her father’s victims? One thing I do know is that Precious Ivanka wants you to know that she cried. This is part of her strategy, and I believe that when it comes down to the line, Ivanka will always chose her own interests above her father’s interests or the nation’s interests.

Ivanka also told the NYT: “I’m his daughter. I’ve known him my entire life. He trusts me. I don’t have a hidden agenda. I’m not looking to hit him to help myself.” That’s an interesting way to phrase that. “I’m not looking to hit him to help myself.” Because right now, helping daddy is helping herself. When helping daddy stops helping Precious, then you better believe she’ll hit him.

The Duchess of Cambridge visits Farms for City Children

Photos courtesy of Getty.

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106 Responses to “Ivanka Trump cried after her father’s p-ssy-grabbing tape came out”

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  1. Sarah says:

    “Poor” Ivanka is so fake, I can’t stand her.

    • Natalia says:


    • HadToChangeMyName says:

      Why the sudden rash of stories trying to humanize her this week? Is she going to be appointed to a higher/more important post? It’s curious …

    • Megan says:

      Bi$ch, please. Save your crocodile tears for someone who cares. She was crying because sexual assault is bad for the brand.

      • Pumpkin Pie says:

        Bad for her brand and I would add 1. for his chances to win the elections and 2. for her (future) presidency. I am pretty sure Nagini the Corrupt convinced him to run and she might have presidential ambitions herself. I apologize in advance for putting pictures in your mind, but can y’all imagine her candidature announcement with J the snake and all offsprings by her side? If the country will survive until then. Or is she going to have her children sing in Korean to KJ-un and save the world from a nuclear disaster?
        She is such a disgusting creature. So fake. I guess it’s hard for her to take criticism because she was spoiled by Drumpf since birth and she was in a position of authority and power throughout her adult life.

      • bleu_moon says:

        Yeah, those were “we could lose money” tears.

      • Original T.C. says:

        Exactly. She was on celebrity apprentice when her dad was making inappropriate sexual comments to the women he found hot. And let’s not mention the pageant dressing room antics. She defended him on all those charges saying she never saw her Dad being sexually creepy, that he had displayed nothing but respect to women. She is always around her Dad as his mini-me of course she knows what a slime ball he is but she’s greedy.

        She cried because there was finally hard evidence and they might not win if he didn’t apologize.

      • Christin says:

        Crying for the brand — exactly!

        Can’t muster sympathy for someone who had many other choices in life.

    • Lahdidahbaby says:

      Excuse the hell out of me, Ivanka, but as I understand it, your own mother accused your revered father in the divorce papers of having forcibly raped her when she was in the process of leaving him! Only considerably later, after negotiations (and no doubt an increased financial settlement and possibly to spare you and your sibs from the fallout) did your mom Ivana agree to delete those charges from her court filing. So, in all sincerity, how can you expect us to buy this teary-eyed, innocence-dashed scenario? You know what your father is — there is no way you can’t have known. But you are a business woman married to a businessman, and this presidency is the business opportunity of a lifetime. If there were tears when you heard about your dad’s pussy-grabbing boasts, perhaps they were at the specter of dashed possibility? The fear that your father would never be elected now? Ah, but you vastly underestimated the gullibility and/or cynicism of the American electorate! Let’s just keep it clear, though, without the sentimentality of girlish tears of shock or shame at your esteemed father’s boasts of pussy grabbing, his proud claims of his right to do whatever he wanted with women because he was a “star.”

      Just remember this: even “stars” can fall or burn out.

    • Bubbles says:

      Is it terrible that I fantasize Ivanka screaming & crying as they handcuff both her & Jared at their rented home in DC??

      • olcranky says:

        that’s my fantasy too and, no, it’s not terrible at all

      • Disco Dancer says:

        I’m a much more terrible person than you: I hope someone beats the living shit out of Ivanka and Jared.

    • LoveShoes says:

      She should be crying real tears for her fathers behaviour and his presidency. I would disown a man like that.

    • Sarah says:

      Maybe she cried cause she was jealous that Daddy liked other women more than he likes her?
      OK, I’m being terrible. It is just that Ivanka was, at the least, emotionally sexually abused by her father and she is still his biggest enabler and supporter. It is a horribly destructive relationship, yet Ivanka, an adult, is his biggest cheerleader. Her mother accused her father of choking and raping her, and Ivanka is his cheerleader.
      There is something really rotten in Denmark.

    • Jezza says:

      Yup! Agree, Sarah. She’s sooooo fake with that baby voice and “what’s complicit???”

  2. detritus says:

    Do we care?
    It’s all self serving, evening leaking this story. And I agree,, Ivanka picks Ivanka when it comes to anything tough. She’s on your side when it’s convenient.

    • Otaku Fairy says:

      Part of me thinks she might have experienced a teensy bit of empathy and genuine and realized “Oh my god, my father (who has already been accused of sexual assault and sexual harassment multiple times over the years by several different women) just admitted to and bragged about sexually assaulting women.” But I really think it’s more selfish than that and she was worried about what going down in history as the daughter of the presidential candidate who talked about sexually assaulting women like that would do to her brand and her image.

      • detritus says:

        I’d like to think so, that shes growing a conscience, but I think you are right, its more along the lines of
        ‘oh shit, he’s really going to get in trouble for this and its going to make me look bad’

        I think she’s so deeply entrenched she probably agrees with him more than she lets on too.

  3. Nicole says:

    I don’t care. She’s still awful just like the rest of this heinous family

  4. Pumpkin Pie says:

    She probably cried because the tape came out. Not because he offended women. He’s vulgarity personified, among other things.

    • Jan says:

      Yes, like it reflected badly on her and her brand to be associated with that sick and creepy scumbag. And yet she’s still there, just down the hall from the Oval Office, making deals using her and the Orange Menace’s position. She would probably call it “making lemonade out of lemons.” She’s just as bad as him beacuse she enables him to a shocking extent. She’s a sellout and needs to hand in her feminist card. SMDH

      • tmot says:

        If she even has a feminist card, she made it on a copy machine or stole it off one of her workers. Bah.

    • Esmom says:

      Ha, that was my thought exactly. She cried because she, like most of us, thought this would be the nail in the coffin of his appalling campaign and the White House that was so close would slip out of reach of their greedy clutches.

      How effing naive we all were.

    • krAkken says:

      She probably cried because she was triggered and flashing back to all the lap sitting days of her teenage years. She probably ran off to shower.

  5. eXo says:

    Are we supposed to feel sorry for her or what?

  6. Tate says:

    If she was crying it was because this was going to affect her life in a negative way. It is not because there was video evidence that daddy dearest sexually assaults women.

  7. Prince says:

    Oh, honey.

    Fvck off.

  8. rachel says:

    She didn’t discovered that he was garbage when the tape coming out, she knew that already. She just felt uncomfortable

  9. Jem says:

    Chip off the old block; that’s why she’s his favorite. She may not sexually harass men. But I’m sure she has some awful equivalent somewhere in her life.

    • Lindsey says:

      She is reportedly a nightmare to work for in her own way. She keeps her staff mistreatment at just this side legal.

      Plus, apropos of nothing she uses sweatshop labor for her fashion line. Why is this no longer an ordeal I remember when I was little Kathy Lee Gifford was all but burnt at the stake when the press learned she had connections with sweatshops. Have we just accepted we hypocrites who just want more, more, more at the lowest possible rate so we’ll overlook the suffering the people who make our stuff?

      • Lynnie says:

        “Have we just accepted we hypocrites who just want more, more, more at the lowest possible rate so we’ll overlook the suffering the people who make our stuff?”

        Yup. Especially with the rise of big box stores, fast fashion, and online shopping convenience trumps morality for a lot of people (myself included). I have been looking into paring down my consumerism and sustainable shopping though, but I’m privileged enough to do so. It’s a complicated issue which is enough for Ivanka to use as a cover and skate by.

  10. MunichGirl says:

    This alien like looking woman is just like her father.

    • minx says:

      Really, so plastic. You can see everything that was done to her face…no subtlety.

    • Beth says:

      Lol. With her very obviously fake teeth, incredibly long neck , and that plastic face, she looks like a creepy alien

    • Pumpkin Pie says:

      All that work on her face gives another meaning to “beauty” surgery.

    • Tiffany says:

      And she was trying so hard with the surgery for the opposite.

  11. QueenB says:

    People is obviously always a mouth piece for the powerful so this is coming directly from Ivanka.

  12. ctgirl says:

    Wow. People here lack empathy. Any daughter faced with their father being so dismissive of women would be upset. If that were my father it would break my heart.

    • Karen says:

      It’s not new information for her. I believe it was her mother who wrote in her book that Donald forced himself on her when she asked for a divorce, and his lawyer says its impossible to rape a spouse. Surely her mother’s story would have stayed with her but she picked her father to rally behind.

      • Pumpkin Pie says:

        Thankfully, legal systems have evolved. Unfortunately, some time ago, in some legal systems, there was no such thing as spousal rape. That was both horrible and horrifying. Patriarchy at its worst.
        Iicr those were legal systems in Catholic countries and in countries in Central and Eastern Europe.

    • cr says:

      Oh I have empathy. But I don’t have to have empathy for everyone and anyone. And she enables him. So while it probably does bother her on some level, she’s too wedded to the lifestyle to really call him out on it.

    • Erinn says:

      I mean, I hope she was upset because it was so disgusting. I really doubt he talks THAT openly crude/offensive/rapey in front of her. Not that I think he’s speaking kindly about women when she’s around – but it’s likely more of the every day levels of disgusting sh*t that women are subjected to constantly. It doesn’t make it okay AT ALL – but I doubt he’s talking about sexually assaulting a woman in front of her.

      Unfortunately, if this is why she was supposedly crying, it didn’t do a whole lot to inspire her to be better, or to disassociate herself from him. I get that she’s in a tough spot – favorite child, high expectations, and a father who would absolutely be vindictive enough to financially ruin her if she crossed him – but there’s still a certain amount she could do. She could really push to help causes that help women, she could donate a nice chunk of her money to something like education for women, or women’s shelters. There’s ways to do something positive even when on a short leash.

      • Lightpurple says:

        Based on the statements her brothers, particularly Donald Jr, made at the time, I suspect this was pretty standard conversation among the Trumps and in their workplace.

      • Pumpkin Pie says:

        I am not saying you’re wrong but I don’t understand how could Drumpf ruin her? Nagini the Corrupt of the Most Sacred Horcruxed Vagina (can I say that too?) and J the Snake are worth about 700mil?

    • Jan says:

      She would only get a bit of consideration if she openly and publically denounced her father and stepped away from using her name to enrich herself. Not gonna happen.

    • Esmom says:

      Yes. But people with integrity would stand up and denounce such appalling behavior, even from their father.

      I had a friend who, along with her siblings, was very close to her father. They found out, when they were teens, he was molesting two young kids they were fostering. Against their mother’s wishes, they reported him to authorities. It was the hardest thing they ever had to do, but it was the right thing to do. Ivanka has no such integrity.

      • sauvage says:

        @Esmom: I lack the words to express my awe for their courage and strength of character. I hope your friends and the two foster kids were able to heal and move on and live happy lives.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Wow. You failed to even acknowledge what the actual issue here is. She was not upset that her father had been exposed as admitting to sexual assault on numerous women. She was crying because he didn’t use the wording she wanted when he issued his statement. THAT is what hte Trump people themselves are saying. She didn’t get her way, that’s why she was upset, not because she learned some distressing thing about her father. I’ll save my empathy for those who need it, like his victims.

    • Kyra says:

      If that was my father I would also be utterly horrified and probably cry.

      I wouldn’t then repeatedly lie to anyone who would listen about how great a champion for women’s rights he was.

    • SusanneToo says:

      Lack empathy, my foot! If my father had been one tenth the monster trump is, I would have distanced myself from him. But not ivanka. No, she’s her father in a dress when it comes to lying, deflecting, and grifting. She’s always known what a pig he is. There’s the way he treated her mother(the rape, the physical abuse, the cheating with Marla among others). There’s the way he acted with her(google the pics-they’re skin crawlingly repulsive)from the time she was a preteen to the present. There’s been an onslaught recently to normalize, humanize ivanka & company-the CBS Morning Show interview, the NYT interview, the cookies for the neighbors, the treats for the SS agents handed out by jared and brood. Sorry, I’m intelligent and I don’t buy one bit of it. It’s nothing but a distraction from her toxic father and his behavior.

  13. Shambles says:

    Or did she cry because she was triggered? I mean that seriously. There are pictures of the two of them when she was very young that are distrurbing to look at. I, too, am not suggesting that we give her a pass, but there may be a deeper reason that she just won’t extricate herself from her father’s toxic orbit. Maybe an entire lifetime of grooming, gaslighting, and worse.

    • MellyMel says:

      Ah! My coworker and I were just talking about this yesterday! There could definitely be something deeper & it would explain some things, but you never know.

    • Wendy says:

      That would not fit the vitriol narrative involving anyone Trump or adjacent around here.

  14. RussianBlueCat says:

    Has Ivana Trump been seen in public lately? She was such a major force on the NYC social scene for many years, I am surprised with her ex husband as President and now her daughter working in the White House, no media outlet has reached out to her for an interview?
    She may not be able to talk freely about donald but I can’t understand the silence. Ivana was not shy from what I remember

    • Goldie says:

      Ivana did some interviews during Trump’s campaign. She made some gross comments about immigration, basically saying that she agreed with Trump’s view on Mexican immigrants. She also stated that some legal immigrants should be allowed into the US because she needs someone to clean her toilet It was very condescending coming from someone who is an immigrant herself.

    • dodgy says:

      Her book is out, so she’s trying to promote it with all these stories but not promote it by staying out of the way

      • Who ARE these people? says:

        I think the question was about Ivana the mother not Ivanka the daughter.

  15. Lightpurple says:

    Oh boo hoo! Poor precious Princess Nagini the Corrupt of the Most Sacred Horcruxed Vagina!

    She cried because of potential damage to her own brand of “Greatest Advocate of the Empowerment of Women Named Ivanka Trump”

  16. Who ARE these people? says:

    “Ew gross, daddy, now I might never get that White House sleepover! You promised!”

  17. Nancy says:

    Crocodile tears. One has to have emotion to cry. She is an ice princess. Don’t believe her.

  18. lizzie says:

    good…i hope she cries every night.

  19. Eric says:

    I laughed when the recording came out. Then I cried on November 8.

  20. SusanneToo says:

    Has Plastic Barbie spoken up in defense of this woman? Her shocking crime? Laughing during confirmation hearings for AG Cornpone. Arrested and charged by the DOJ.

    • Jan says:

      Of course she hasn’t. It doesn’t affect her brand. There’s nothing in it for her at all.
      Session the Racist Elf, though is in his element pushing people around, isn’t he? I cry for the America I used to know.

      • SusanneToo says:

        The DOJ is too busy prosecuting this woman to worry about the cops who shit Alton Sterling.

      • SusanneToo says:

        I see I made a typo above, but it pretty much means the same.

    • Bootsie says:

      She’s been convicted hasn’t she? She could get up to a year in jail…for laughing.

  21. Beth says:

    I’d humiliated if my father said or acted anything like Tump. She’s defended him and told the world how great and caring he is, so she doesn’t get even a bit of pity from me. Suck it up princess buttercup!

  22. SusanneToo says:

    Just in case anyone’s forgotten, here’s what the “softer” face of ivanka helped to bring about.

  23. Leslie says:

    For some reason, I don’t believe her.
    If my father was running for president and said that, I would have done anything to stay out of the media and not be involved

  24. swak says:

    Decided to just comment (and not read other comments) because this angers me so much. Would it be hard, emotionally, to pull away from her father – probably (although I don’t think he was in their lives much as children). But if she does distant herself from her father she would not be destitute and have to live on the streets. They have their own money and life would be easy. No sympathy for her what so ever!

  25. Margo S. says:

    We all know she cried because bigly wasn’t listening to her.

  26. Tess says:

    I’ll just say I don’t believe the story, that’s it.

  27. D says:

    She just did! Way too little wayyy too late. So she got welled up. Big friggin deal you’re still 100% Ugly Complicit Ivanka (sorry Precioua doesn’t deserve this kind of abuse! I refuse.)

  28. Nibbi says:

    Poor little flower.

    Just kidding. F* her and the horse she rode in on.

  29. MissMarierose says:

    I don’t believe she cried. This is all just PR to make her look like the reasonable one. She’s just trying to save her brand.
    It’s all BS. She’s just as heinous as her father.

  30. Anastasia says:

    I’m not even sure I believe she got all upset and teary. If she did, it was only because her daddy might not be president and then she couldn’t get all the extra fringe benefits to shill her shit in other countries.


    Everything about this family is about money. Everything.

  31. Allie B. says:

    I don’t understand this blind loyalty. This story means nothing about her humanity. She is just as awful as he is. A righteous person would’ve stepped down from “advising” him.

  32. Robin says:

    Yo daddy is nasty.

  33. Betsy says:

    Am I the only one who looks forward to how hard and fast she’d throw her father under a bus? What secrets we’d learn when she’s in a sufficiently tight legal spot.

    • Allie B. says:

      You are living in lala land. We need to stop placing her on a pedestal. She will never do anything to stop his racist, misogynistic, and homophobic reign of terror.

  34. loveotterly says:

    Is the consensus that the comments he made means he is confessing to sexual assault? I’m no fan of his but just thought he was running his mouth and being a dche

  35. Liz says:

    Boo F’ing Hoo.

    She was (and still is) trying to salvage her business. Like her father, she trades on her name and when it gets dragged through the mud, she loses value. Cry me a river.

    All I want for Mother’s Day, my birthday, Christmas . . . is for her and her father to crawl back into the rat hole they crawled out of.

    If I never have to see another puff piece about those lying sacks of garbage again, it will be too soon.

  36. why? says:

    Ivanka didn’t cry. This is just an attempt to normalize her and make people relate to her. See, she felt “emotion” ! She knew what type of man her father was when he said that they have *** in common and that he would be date her if she wasn’t his daughter. She is just as cruel and selfish as her father. If she cried, then she wouldn’t stand by as her father signs EO after EO to hurt women.

    Why are we being hit with daily fluffpieces making Ivanka out to be a good person?Ivanka’s need for adoration is just as worse as her father’s. She is using her job as “Assistant to President” to make people throw praises upon her. This is wrong. Why did the NYT even bother to do this interview with Ivanka in the first place? The press and NYT are doing a great disservice to us. Instead of focusing on Ivanka, they should have did a piece about how Trump’s EO are hurting women.

  37. Katebush says:

    All I can see now when I look at her is her disporopotionally small nose

  38. Kitten says:

    I feel nothing for this woman. I am just so angry right now. I can’t wait for Pod Saves America…those guys are gonna be on FIRE with the ACA repeal.

    What a dark time it is to be an American….

  39. Bunbun says:

    (Insert Sqidward sunglasses gif here).

  40. buzz says:

    conniving spoiled brat arrogant witch

  41. Shannon says:

    When I’m not in cynical bitch mood (rare) I do have moments of empathy for her. Like, maybe she just wanted to live her rich little business life in peace and didn’t expect this shit storm. But seriously, then, why get involved? I adore my daddy, but he’s definitely a republican and if he decided to run for office I clearly couldn’t stop him but I’d just have to let him do what he wanted and I’d keep on keeping on with my own life. So much weirdness with this administration.

    I like to hope she provides a voice of sanity. But even still – why even be there, in the white house, at all?

  42. fiorucci says:

    She looks a bit like Maria sharapova here! Because of her brows I think she should try a darker blonde. Her clothes are pleasant but they don’t inspire me. Likewise, Jessica Simpson is an even more successful retailer and her outfits aren’t pleasant

  43. Disco Dancer says:

    She knows things about her daddy that we do not. I suspect she’s at least smart enough to realize that her daddy is playing with Fire and could face impeachment or some other equally large form of humiliation and defeat. Ivanka is trying to protect herself with these fluff pieces meant to show her as the moral and sane one in the administration. In the event, Trump as President is over, Ivanka gets to distance herself and say “I was always against my father grabbing p***y”. And the event that Trump inexplicably manages to finish a full term, she is still enough in her daddy’s good books and gets to remain the Trumpig whisperer.

  44. Jessica says:

    Ivanka really played herself. She should have stayed in NYC and minded her own; she would have come out practically unscathed. I guess they’ll all go down together.