Eric Trump allegedly bragged about Russians funding Trump golf courses

Donald Trump opens Trump Turnberry Golf Course

You know what I need? I need journalists to stop acting like every newly-discovered connection between the Trump family and Russia is the first time anyone has ever heard about any of this. While Emperor Bigly likes to spread his fake news/alternative facts about how he’s never even met anyone who has ever heard of Russia, there is a long, long, LONG history of Trump “courting” Russian investors and doing business (or trying to do business) in Russia, with Russian money, and with Russian politicians and oligarchs. There was the dossier compiled by MI6 that detailed the Trump-Russia connection. There was the g–damn 2016 election where Russia weaponized Wikileaks to damage Hillary Clinton’s campaign. There was Carter Page, Michael Flynn, Jeff Sessions, Paul Manafort and, let’s face it, Rex Tillerson. There is literally a mountain of evidence detailing the extent of the Trump-Russia connections. But sure, let’s act like we have to rely on a guy remembering a conversation he had with Eric Trump in 2014.

President Trump’s son, Eric, once told a golf writer that funding for Trump golf courses come from Russia, that writer recounted in a new interview. James Dodson during an interview Friday with Boston’s WBUR described meeting Donald Trump in 2014 and being invited to play golf at the Trump National Golf Club Charlotte.

He said asked Donald Trump how he was paying for his courses, and the now-president “sort of tossed off that he had access to $100 million,” Dodson said in the interview.

Dodson said he then questioned Eric Trump, who was along for the day.

“I said, ‘Eric, who’s funding? I know no banks — because of the recession, the Great Recession — have touched a golf course. You know, no one’s funding any kind of golf construction. It’s dead in the water the last four or five years,’” the writers told WBUR. “And this is what he said. He said, ‘Well, we don’t rely on American banks. We have all the funding we need out of Russia.’ I said, ‘Really?’ And he said, ‘Oh, yeah. We’ve got some guys that really, really love golf, and they’re really invested in our programs. We just go there all the time.’”

[From The Hill]

Again: this is not new information. I mean, some of the details are newish, in that I personally didn’t know that Russian investors put money into Trump’s golf courses, but the idea of it doesn’t surprise me in the least. There are quotes from Eric, Don Jr. and Emperor Bigly himself over the years, bragging about doing business with the Russians. And just because he won’t release his tax returns, doesn’t mean the story will go away.

Speaking of Trump’s amazing and bigly Russian golf courses, our emperor made his twentieth trip to one of his own golf courses this weekend. He went to his Trump National Golf Club in Bedminster, New Jersey. This is the fourteenth consecutive weekend that Bigly has spent at one of his properties. While the White House press pool travels with Bigly during his travels, the WH Communications Office basically cuts off access to the emperor every weekend. Bigly’s people won’t even confirm if the emperor is playing golf (which he does every single weekend). Obviously, Bigly managed to find time to tweet too.

Donald J Trump Watch Party Caucus

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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134 Responses to “Eric Trump allegedly bragged about Russians funding Trump golf courses”

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  1. isakka says:

    Eric is so ugly, it’s amazing (I know, how shallow from me).

    • RussianBlueCat says:

      The way he does his hair brings more attention to his face. In most cases that is a good thing. In Eric’s case, maybe not…..

    • DazLondon says:

      You’re not shallow. You just have eyes.

    • bre says:

      Because the Trump men don’t get plastic surgery….just the women. I don’t think Trump would allow an unattractive daughter to stand with him.

      • Merritt says:

        This. People often ignore that Ivanka had a lot of plastic surgery. I’m pretty sure Tiffany also had some work done.

      • Jessica says:

        Watch the doc Rich Kids. Ivanka looks only vaguely similar to how she did when that was filmed.

    • Tate says:

      He certainly is unique looking.

    • detritus says:

      He looks like a poorly bleached arsehole.

    • doofus says:

      he is Beavis personified.

      and how funny that SNL’s take on him being the idiot who blurts (secret) things out is actually accurate.

      • NtSoSclBtrfly says:

        Yes! Forevermore he is jukebox & cheerios trump, belching out sensitive (Russian) information.

    • grabbyhands says:

      All of his sons have inherited their father’s extremely weak chin. They’re ugly now and will get worse as they age.

    • Cran says:

      All of the children seem to have been born bearing the most ungenerous features of each parent.

      On the plus side had Picasso been alive now we might never have witnessed the genius of cubism.

    • llc says:

      I am pettier than you. It gives me a great deal of satisfaction to say that Ivanka looked a lot like Eric before her surgeries. I recently saw clips from the movie, Rich Kids. I believe that Ivanka was 18 when she filmed her part, and she had Eric’s mouth/chin situation.

      • Jessica says:

        Apologies! I just posted that before I saw your Rich Kids post. Great minds and all! It’s true, though.

    • VegasSchmegas says:

      he looks like a deranged ferret.

  2. MunichGirl says:

    It’s really crazy that the Trumps can do what they want and nobody stops them.

  3. Megan says:

    I guess the media has to act like these stories are new because they did such a crap job reporting on Trump before the election.

    • Tanguerita says:


    • Nicole says:

      You nailed it. It’s so they can pretend they didn’t dig up everything on HRC while ignoring all of the shady trump business. You know like how Comey neglected to reveal for trump like he did for HRC

    • original kay says:


    • Alp says:

      They also downplay it so much. CNN keeps giving racists a platform too. 🙁

    • Betsy says:

      They really did, but by the same token, the info was out there. I hadn’t really discovered Palmer Report or Louise Mensch or Olga or RVAwonk or SheWhoVotes for myself till a few weeks ago and I knew of this stuff. People wanted to have their heads in the sand.

      Elle magazine had an interesting article about three seemingly normal Rumpy supporters; they all had the biggest blinders on. It was fascinating. And depressing.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      So true.

      And Trump just signed an Executive Order that targets funding for black colleges and other programs for minorities.

      He told us who he was, yet people still voted for him.

    • Tanya says:

      Public radio journalist here. Just popping in with my first Celebitchy comment evah (after years of lurking) to note that the interview this story is drawn from was on WBUR’s sports show “Only a Game” — not a straight up news program. Full interview here:

  4. Tanguerita says:

    God, Baby Fists really has exceptionally small hands. Barf.

    • Pumpkin Pie says:

      It looks like he’s got an exceptionally small brain as well. Double barf.

  5. Belle Epoch says:

    So his accusing Obama of wiretapping was not fake news? And all the times he said “something big is coming next week” and nothing happened? Bigly is the KING of fake news. As usual criticism is a self-portrait.

    • Rapunzel says:

      Did you read the rumor that Trump has all Federal Employees watching Fox instead of CNN? Like CNN is not allowed… It’s so insane. Fake News indeed.

    • Beth says:

      Trump is still standing by his “wire tapping ” sh*t. Just won’t grow up and let it go. He kicked the reporter out of the Oval Office when he reminded Trump it was found untrue

    • Trillion says:

      exactly. And let’s not forget that he accused our system of failing on a massive scale with millions of cases of voter fraud, giving HRC the popular vote. No facts to back it up. Why isn’t he in court for accusing Obama of wiretapping and why isn’t he investigating our electoral system for egregious fraud?

  6. Rapunzel says:

    I’m so ready for the impeachment to start.

    • Olga says:

      I don’t think that will happen and I have the bad feeling that the Republicans will also win the next election. Don’t think the Democrats manage to find a great candidate and change themselves until 2020.

      • Nina says:

        You think Trump will live long enough? I mean, the man’s 70, is a self-proclaimed bad eater, gets like 4 hours of sleep every night, and is wicked depressed by his new job.

      • Olga says:

        They have enough racists in the GOP who could take over.

      • SpunkyMama says:

        @Nina, true evil never dies.

    • Shambles says:

      Sally Yates testifies in front of a senate subcommittee today. I’m not saying he’ll be impeached, but get your popcorn and snacks. She’s got the dirt on Flynn, and Flynn seems to be the piece of yarn that’s going to unravel them all.

      • Rapunzel says:

        Shambles, he’s defense tweeting about Flynn and Yates this morning. He’s definitely scared.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        I have been waiting to hear what Sally Yates has to say for MONTHS. I can’t wait. I respect her work, and I am so curious about her perspective.

      • Cran says:

        Personally I don’t believe Sally Yates will reveal more than is already publicly known. What may prove intriguing will be the quality of the questions posed and what she chooses not to answer.

        I think the substantive part of this hearing will fall squarely in the genre of reading between the lines. Sally Yates seems professional not partisan and that is what I expect to see.

        Still popcorn.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        She might reveal information that is already “known”, but most importantly, this will go into congressional record. Very important. She will anchor the timing of events. If the Trump administration was notified that he might be compromised, and they didn’t fire him for 3 weeks, and during those 3 weeks they had him sitting in on Security Council meetings, that is a very big deal. This moves the information from innuendo to documented fact entered into record.

  7. Amy says:

    Whenever I need to block out time in my work calendar, I’m just going to put “MEETINGS!” from now on. Including the exclamation mark, naturally. I’m sure my colleagues will be understanding of my completely legitimate-sounding appointments.

    • smcollins says:

      I also love how he points out that staying in NJ is less expensive and disruptive than going to NY. Hey, Don, you know what’s even more less expensive and disruptive? STAYING IN DC! Gah! The level of hate I have for this “man” almost frightens me.

      • Lightpurple says:

        Or Camp David! And why does he pretty much clear out on Thursday afternoons? He works a 3 and a half day week. If one can consider watching hours of TV and tweeting “work”

      • swak says:

        I don’t understand how it is cheaper in NJ than in NYC. Security measures are already in place in NYC and not in NJ. So now they have to put in security so that IF he does hold meetings they have a secure place to hold them in (not that that matters to him) and they have to have a secure place to put the “nuclear football”. So he is costing the taxpayers MORE money than if he stayed in NYC. Here’s the other thing. If he makes this his “summer White House” then Melania doesn’t have to move out of the NYC home anytime soon because she will be closer to this summer White House than if she lived in DC.

      • Beth says:

        Him saying staying in NJ is cheaper than NYC is ridiculous. He can’t golf at Chump Tower. That’s why he’s in NJ instead.

      • Who ARE These People? says:

        What is he, on a HS band trip to the Big Apple that has to stay at a Ramada Inn across the GW Bridge?

      • Cran says:

        @Lightpurple I think if we include several hours per day watching Fox “News” and the Executive Order signing photo ops we’re probably down to maybe 1-1/2 days of pushing-the-red-button-to-order-cokes-from-the-butler.

    • Esmom says:

      Lol. Trump is such an effing tool.

      • antipodean says:

        Agree with you, @Esmom, except, as others before me have pointed out, tools are sometimes useful, unlike the Orange Peril!

  8. Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

    No surprise. And then there is the huff po article about Ken Dolls sister selling visas to Chinese property investors who ‘buy’ Kushner owned property. His family also runs a visa supply company. On phone at mo so can’t link to article.

  9. Nicole says:

    And the Kushners are hawking Visa programs that were just created the day before to China business people. When we say the administration is selling our democracy we REALLY mean it.
    And trump you stayed in NJ because NYC gave you the welcome you truly deserve.

    • boredblond says:

      So basically, you can’t immigrate here unless you shell out money to this soulless bunch. Reporters were banned at this event to sell access, but evidently pics of trump were used and it was ‘implied’ that he himself would make sure investors got visas. Dems should be screaming about every crooked deal every more kumbaya- we’re above it..that doesn’t work in the real world.

      • Nicole says:

        I have little faith in the Dems leading the resistance anymore but I have all the faith in the people that are on the ground daily. There were reporters there and apparently a few were threatened to delete photos and such from their phones. Too bad they didn’t learn from protesters to have all media immediately uploaded to a cloud upon completion.

    • Kitten says:

      I cannot begin to tell you how much pleasure it brings me to see how many NYCers hate this turd.
      Because I know he loves NY and I know that he seeks the adoration of every Manhattanite. What a f*cking loser of the highest order.

      • Nicole says:

        Yea we don’t love him. I was at a protest when he came through and it was pretty big. And NYC overwhelmingly voted for HRC and I think trump won ONE section of the city which had like 15 voters or something. NYC has loathe the name trump for ages (even removed his name from a group of condos)

      • Pumpkin Pie says:

        @Nicole: hope you don’t mind me saying that turds are above Drumpf’s level.

  10. bleu_moon says:

    Telephone, telegraph, tele-Eric. “Eric, ix-nay on the ussian-ray unding-fay? Okay?” “WHAT? DON”T TALK ABOUT RUSSIAN FUNDING?”

  11. teacakes says:

    What’s the point of all the Russia leaks and one damning reveal after another if the Republicans have a choke hold on the executive and the legislature?

    They won’t do a thing to investigate it beyond what public pressure forces them to, and won’t act on the results.

    And I really really hope this turd with the combover doesn’t end up re-elected. After Bush, I don’t trust stupidity to see itself out of office in one term.

  12. Lightpurple says:

    He golfed Saturday and Sunday. That is why he went to New Jersey. And his Russian contact was in New Jersey this weekend too.

    Surprised the family is still talking to Eric. He’s the one that let the press know Ivanka was sharing national security secrets with him and that she was responsible for the Syria attack.

    • Rapunzel says:

      Lp- and it’s his own golf course that he can make money off of by charging the government. Don’t forget that.

      Is the Russian contact you mentioned the same oligarch who was following him during the campaign?

      • Lightpurple says:

        Yes. He makes the Secret Service pay him for the golf carts.

        And yes. Can’t remember the dude’s name.

      • Beth says:

        Definitely a sleezy business man. I’ve heard people say it was fine if he stayed at his resorts every weekend because he owns them so it’s free. WTF! When I tell them about the government actually having to pay for the Secret Service to stay,eat,and rent golf carts, they wake up a bit.

  13. Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

    There is an interesting article in the guardian about the Mercers, Bannon and data mining companies and how they were used to influence the Brexit vote.

    It’s a compelling piece. It’s not just the Russians up to no good with democracy.

    • Salmonpuff says:

      I read that yesterday — a must-read. As much as I hope Team Trump goes down, it would be nice if we could also toss in a few of these guys too. They’ve now got a well oiled machine in place to use in future elections, which is terrifying.

    • Bootsie says:

      Yhe piece argues that the Russians are also closely involved with, and used, Cambridge Analytica too. It’s a really interesting piece. The journalist behind it has been doing some great investigative reporting on the connections between the US and British far-right.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Moron either doesn’t realize there are different ethics rules for business or government or thinks nobody else knows there are different ethics rules for business and government. Government ethics are much stricter than business ethics.

      • Giddy says:

        Ethics you say? These people have none, government ethics or otherwise. They are grifters to the core. And yes, Eric is a moron. He seems to be the stupid one out of a group of not very bright, but very devious people.

      • Christin says:

        I’m glad there is a blabbing brother/son. Bigly glad!

        Keep talking, ignored one.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Moron also doesn’t seem to realize that government ethics go beyond him exploiting the position for profit but extends to family exploiting the position for profit. And ignorance is never a defense

  14. Rapunzel says:

    And Bigly’s Monday morning tweetstorm is starting. He’s whining that the fake media hasn’t focused on the fact that Flynn was hired by Obama. And accusing Sally Yates of leaking classified intel to the press.

    • original kay says:

      and fired by Obama, I read. and then rehired and not vetted again, by trump.

      so who is the fool?

      • swak says:

        Even if he wasn’t fired by Obama, when the Trump administration hired Flynn they should have done their own vetting and not relied on a past report. Things change over the year(s).

      • original kay says:

        Just read: Obama warned trump about Flynn and trump hired him anyway.

        just, what a f–king ass trump is. just can’t listen, for once, about anything, especially something as serious as this.

    • Giddy says:

      So very depressing. France and Canada get major cuteness, we get Bigly with his tiny hands and giant combover.

      • SusanneToo says:

        And Mexico, hot, too!!

      • Beth says:

        We went from a handsome gentleman like Obama, to this ugly orange simpleton. Yuck. Unfair

      • Kitten says:

        Right. If we’re going to have fascist piece of kleptocratic shit for a POTUS, the least we deserve is a decent face to look at. Ugh. He’s so repulsive inside and out.

  15. original kay says:

    So I read something interesting, about why trump is still holding rallies. apparently, the day he took office, he declared his candidacy for 2020, which means he can now campaign like he already has been.
    meaning, the rules are different with his rallies, he has campaign rules and not president rules. apparently they differ greatly.

    It’s disturbing. I read it means he never had any intention to unite the country, obviously, but reading he took steps top actively divide the country kind of shocked me. sorry if this has been covered, I literally just read this yesterday, on Guardian I believe.

    • swak says:

      I did not know that information about the rallies. So thanks.

    • Beth says:

      It’s disturbing that there are still Donnie Dumbass supporters who go to these rallies! During his “Thank you ” tour after the election, he could’ve been learning what a president is supposed to do instead of having pat on the back rallies

    • Christin says:

      I have read/heard the same thing regarding the rallies.

    • original kay says:

      It also means he can attack any opponents, without really specifying what defines opponents. Also, it means he can get away with saying things on his twitter, which was always used as a campaign tool, without worry because it never uses it as president. The precedent was set during the campaign.

      I hope that makes sense. Bannon must have thought of the idea, trump doesn’t have that level of intelligence.

  16. Eric says:


    • Christin says:


      Oh, what a productive day this will be at the WH.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I can’t wait. I keep looking at the news sites to see if she has spoken yet.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      Ok, so I looked up the time and she is testifying at 2:30pm EST. So 11:30am PST for me.

  17. smcollins says:

    For anyone who hasn’t seen this yet (you may want to keep a bucket handy in case you need to vomit):
    Check out this video on YouTube:

  18. SusanneToo says:

    For those keeping score(and I am)BHO averaged 3.46 rounds of golf per month during his presidency. trump has averaged 5.71 rounds/month so far. When the Deplorables go, But, Obama …., show them the figures,

    • Rapunzel says:

      And Obama didn’t have to fly to his own courses. He generally stayed near the WH.

      But the Trumpsters don’t care. They see the figures and just claim Trump is working while golfing (holding meetings). Unlike Obama, who used his golfing as a vacation.

  19. Eric says:

    Keep bragging Eric tRump! We would ALL love to hear more info from your twisted mouth!

    Yates is going to avenge all women today and Emperor Zero is going to tweet during the session.
    Popcorn ready!!!!

  20. Louisa says:

    I’ve probably been binge watching Black Mirror too much but it really is beginning to feel like this administration and what’s happening in the country in general is an elaborate experiment to see how quickly a democracy can become a dictatorship. Or how many rules / laws can be broken and rights taken away before people take to the streets.
    As someone said above, Trump just does whatever he wants and gets away with it. It’s infuriating.

  21. Marcy says:

    I lost faith in Congress Trump and them have made us a living joke and I am happy Macron won. Yates will get treated like a dog by the Republicans they ask cap questions focus on Obama Democrats need to cut to the point ask all thevquestions. They’ve broken how many ethics and the GOP give them a pass on tax evasion, colluding, profiting from foreign countries and perjury so on SHAME SHAME on Congress we are in hell! I need Trudeau cuddles. America has been failed long 8 years of torture.

  22. robyn says:

    I am waiting for the more and more seemingly corrupt Trump regime to step down. There seems to be more conflicts of interests with this bunch than there are stars in HW, most of whom were smart enough NOT to give Trump their vote.

  23. Ruyana says:

    Eric looks exactly like Odo – the shapechanger from Deep Space Nine.

  24. Neener says:

    I can’t believe this is our reality. When are they going to impeach this nightmare already?

  25. Shambles says:

    John Cornyn, R-Texas, is a f*cking asshole and I am enraged. His line of questioning for Sally Yates involved him interrupting her multiple times, condescending to her, patronizing her, and lecturing her about her decision not to defend the travel ban. He didn’t dare speak to Jake Clapper that way. F*cking disgusting and hard to watch. Good job, Cornyn, you killed two birds with one stone. You proved that republicans have no interest in finding the truth about Trump and Russia, and that you’re a bunch of sexist assholes.

    Ted Cruz just did the same shit. I am SCREAMING. But Sally Yates is taking no prisoners. If they had balls she’d be handing them to these dicks. Go, Sally, go.

    • original kay says:

      Yes. I was ragey watching it, and she handled it like the pro she is. I was so proud of her, she knew exactly what to say. She was magnificent. And she got on record why she opposed it, and he had no reply.

      And Clapper! At one point I was shouting “say it! say it!” and he DID! I was so proud of him! and yet now that I’ve calmed, I can’t remember what it is I wanted him to just say- something about trump. and it was bad, and against trump, and he said it. But after 2 hours 45 minutes I am tapped out. I hope I remember what it was he said.

  26. why? says:

    What is wrong with the GOP and Lindsey Graham? Today’s hearing, just like their votes on Trump Ryan nocare bill last week, just emphasized how they put party above the people. All the GOP focused on during the hearing was leaks, unmasking(which they were told several times, is not a crime and that Susan Rice didn’t do anything wrong), Hilliary, Susan Rice, and the Muslim Ban. Lindsey Graham is now doing what Nunes was doing, claiming that Trump and his officials were illegally unmasked. Will Lindsey Graham follow in Nunes footsteps? Lindsey Graham keeps asking how does unmasking work, even though they have been informed thousands of times about how it works. Trump, Spicer, and now Lindsey Graham keep trying to make unmasking into something bad and they shouldn’t be allowed to get away with it. At some point the GOP has to stop trying to reverse manufacture proof for Trump’s lie about being wiretapped by Obama. Lindsey Graham did exactly what his boss, Trump tweeted. It’s clear that the Democrats can be unbiased, but based on what we have seen so far, the GOP are not interested in addressing anything about Russia, which makes you wonder how many of them have been compromised.

    The GOP keep asking who outted Flynn and gave the information about him to the WaPo. Trump’s administration is fractured. There are 2 possibilities as to who leaked info about Flynn to WaPo: either it was Jared and Ivanka(thinking they can get rid of Flynn so that Jared can take his place) or Bannon. Who leaked the information about how Bannon had been demoted? Ivanka. Who leaked the information about Paul Ryan? Bannon. So it’s clear that some people in the WH are leaking stuff about each other to advance themselves.

    Sally Yates was great, but Clapper, I’m not sure what his agenda is. He seemed lost.

  27. why? says:

    Lindsey Graham did the job that Trump told him to do. Lindsey Graham used the hearing and the interviews he did after the hearing to spread misinformation about unmasking and leaks to WaPo, and now Trump is on twitter posting about being surveilled and how Clapper agrees with him about there being no evidence that Trump and Russia are in cahoots. It’s clear that Graham is following orders from Trump. Lindsey Graham is walking in Devin Nunes footsteps and he needs to step down because he can not be unbiased. Lindsey Graham just helped Trump reverse engineer support for his wiretapping lie. This didn’t end well when Trump had Nunes do it, why does Lindsey Graham think that he can get away with doing it?

    Lindsey Graham keeps going on about who leaked information to WaPo about Flynn. Doesn’t Trump have a direct line to WaPo through Bob Costa? When Ryan and Trump were competing on who made the choice to drop the first version of TrumpRyannocare, Trump called Bob Costa from the WaPo. So its becoming more and more likely that it was one of the Trumps(Ivanka and Jared) who leaked the information about Mike Flynn to Wapo because as we learned, Trump has WaPo on speed dial. Today Bob Costa was trying to distance himself from Trump, when he was asked questions about Trump, he was acting like he didn’t even know Trump even though Trump called him to give an interview.

    Someone also posted that Trump and his people were contacting many of the GOP senators asking them to cancel the hearing with Sally Yates. Now we know why the GOP spent the hearing trying to distract and deflect with questions about leaks, unmasking, Susan Rice, Hillary, and Muslim Ban. They were instructed to do so by Trump.