Donald Trump basically admits that he fired Comey because of ‘the Russia thing’

President Donald Trump interview with Lester Holt as seen on NBC's 'Nightly News.'

I could conceivably write at least ten stories today with headlines like “Donald Trump says words, is completely insane,” and they would be completely different stories about all of the sh-t that’s gone down in just the past two days. Let’s start here, with the Emperor’s interview with Lester Holt of NBC News. The Emperor decided to do his own damage control on the controversy surrounding his firing of James Comey on Tuesday evening. While most FBI and DOJ sources had been claiming that Comey was fired because of the Trump-Russia investigation, the official line from the White House was that Trump merely fired Comey on the recommendation of the Deputy AG, and it was all because of how Comey handled the Hillary Clinton investigation. Well, in this NBC interview, Trump dismisses his own White House’s explanation for Comey’s firing. Trump basically says, sure, I fired Comey because of the Russia thing. And he keeps going and going. This interview, my God.

Keep in mind several things. One, Deputy AG Rod Rosenstein wrote that “Comey f–ked up the HRC investigation” letter at the White House’s request, and he’s not happy to be blamed for all of this. Two, everyone from Kellyanne Conway to VP Mike Pence were all sticking to the same story, which was that Comey was fired because DOJ and FBI people had lost faith in him and Trump had merely taken their recommendation. They have zero credibility now. Three, even the original explanation wasn’t correct in any sense – the new acting FBI Director Andrew McCabe testified before the Senate Intelligence Committee yesterday, saying that Comey “enjoyed broad support within the FBI.” Four, the fact that Trump can refer to Comey as a “showboat, a grandstander” without irony is amazing.

But the real headline is that Bigly is like, of course I fired Comey because of the Russia thing. The actual quote is: “when I decided to just do it, I said to myself, I said ‘you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story, it’s an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won’.” So there you go. Then Bigly digs the hole even deeper, when he goes on and on about how he had dinner with Comey and he asked Comey flat-out if he was being investigated and Comey said repeatedly that he (Trump) was not being investigated, which… you know, is not how it’s supposed to work. And it’s a lie anyway, because the NYT reports that Trump repeatedly asked for Comey’s loyalty and Comey repeatedly demurred.

Oh, and Trump lies about his business dealings in Russia too. As I said, I could write like ten stories today about all of this sh-t.

President Donald Trump interview with Lester Holt as seen on NBC's 'Nightly News.'

Photos courtesy of NBC/WENN.

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134 Responses to “Donald Trump basically admits that he fired Comey because of ‘the Russia thing’”

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  1. Nicole says:

    Let him keep talking because it’s all evidence anyways. The idiot doesn’t know how this is supposed to work and he will bury himself. What a moron

    • Christin says:

      He and his merry band of clowns (including KAC) should just keep talking on camera. The footage of what they say is undeniable evidence.

      Each day brings an opportunity for one more person to realize for themselves what is happening. My local news (in a red area) is doing occasional segments on what programs will lose funding under proposed fed budget cuts. It’s going to hit people and their communities, and has nothing to do with HRC or liberals.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      His words are already being used against him in the legal battles over the travel ban Executive Orders. If he was smart (which he’s not), he’d stop making public statements about these things.

    • DystopianDance says:

      I’ve said “enough” 100 days ago and more. WTF people. He had his russian bosses in the oval office yesterday FFS literally laughing at their orange lackey’s firing of the WH hit man Comey. This is a circus of the absurd. I barely sleep at night.

  2. ida says:

    they will ALL go down (Trump, Pence, Ryan, Sessions…) because of the Russians and I cannot wait:

    • Lightpurple says:

      The line of succession does not work that way. Very unlikely they would be able to take down all three simultaneously. Once the presidency is vacate, the VP moves up and appoints a new VP; the Speaker never becomes VP, although he would become President if the President dies before a new VP is approved by Congress.

      • Bootsie says:

        You must just have this paragraph waiting to be copied and pasted in each time a thread like this appears! 🙂

      • olcranky says:

        the question is who will Pence pardon once he ascends?

  3. Clare says:

    I really can’t tell if this man and his admin are completely incompetent, or some kind of evil geniuses.

  4. RBC says:

    What a mess. This will take years to clean up

    • ArchieGoodwin says:

      It really will. I can’t even begin to understand how he is getting away with all this. I hope the entire party goes down, for being complicit in this farce.

      • Nicole says:

        The best way for that to happen to is vote in the midterms. Hopefully people aren’t complacent

      • Mamunia says:

        I agree. McConnell & Ryan are just as responsible at this point. They have said and done NOTHING. That is where the true evil resides. Trump is clinically insane and they stand by along with all of the other Republican scumbags and go along with the demolition of our democracy. VOTE IN THE MIDTERMS PEOPLE. VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE VOTE.

    • Beth says:

      A disaster! When he became president, he always was saying how Obama made everything “a mess” and he he had “inherited the country and the world that was a mess”. Good grief! Obama did great fixing the country now let’s see how the next president can fix the mess Trump has made in the past 4 months

  5. toni says:

    it’s an excuse by the Democrats for having lost an election that they should have won’.

    Holy shit. He doesn’t realize what he is REALLY telling here.

    • greenmonster says:

      great minds think alike 😉

    • Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

      Yep – he’s basically admitting that he (or should i say Putin) stole their win.

    • LadyMTL says:

      IKR?? It’s like…hang on there, Cheeto. Think about what you just said.

    • frisbee says:

      That jumped right out at me too, that and the second shot of him (on the video) makes him look totally stark raving bonkers. He’s not handling the pressure well which makes me think it’s only a matter of time before he makes an even more humongous slip up than this.

    • Lightpurple says:

      It also credits the Democrats with being able to predict the future and having control over the FBI since the investigation began in July.

  6. Stella in NH says:

    One cannot believe anything that this entire administration says. I would need to see proof in order to believe them.

    With their credibility gone, what does that mean to the credibility of the United States. We as a country needs to stop the bleeding and amputate now.

  7. Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

    He is truly deluded and really believes his own lies. He has gotten away with so much in his business career simply by bullying and firing people he thinks that he can do the same with gov – that he can make the ‘Russia thing’ go away by simply firing and bullying people. He really has no clue how gov works.

    He need to justify himself and make himself out to be the victim of Obama will be his undoing. He’s brazenly flaunting his Russian connections (the Russian only photo op) which only confirms that Putin owns his (and others in the administration) lard ass. He’s running scared because its not going away – I think its finally beginning to dawn on him that he could be impeached and prosecuted for his shady deals. At one point in the 90s no bank in Wall St would give him money, until the Russian oligarchs stepped in – he’s been laundering money for them since.

    • Megan says:

      +1 million. He can feel them getting closer and he is getting more and more erratic. I am currently overseas. It’s incredible to be watching this unfold in a foreign country. Everyone here is talking about it. I can only imagine what it is like at home.

  8. greenmonster says:

    “for having lost an election that they should have won” – so he agrees that Hillary should have won?

    • boredblond says:

      Oh he just formed a commission to uncover those 3 million illegal votes he’s he can hold more big ‘I’m the real winner’ rallies. I think my tense muscles will only recover when they’re zipping him into an orange jumpsuit..or straitjacket.

      • greenmonster says:

        orange jumpsuit, straightjacket, handcuffs, a shovel… whatever it needs to put him away! But he needs to take all of his disgusting allies and accomplices (?) with him.

      • Megan says:

        I think that commission is to legitimize Kobach for a bigger state office or a high level federal appointment. Kobach may be the most anti-voter official in America so his image needs a lot of burnishing.

  9. Aiobhan Targaryen says:

    This man is an unhinged narcissist who is going to be his own downfall. He probably got turned on by the line “he serves as the president’s leisure” or whatever the line is and thought that Comey was going to be his lab dog, which, as it turns out, was not true. He also basically admitted to attempting to obstruct justice.

    I wonder if this ever gets to court will the prosecutor handling the case use every interview that this jackass has ever given against him in court.

    I hope the raid that happened yesterday turns up good evidence of money laundering to Trump and the GOP. That firm was shady as hell. The firm has also worked with several GOP government officials in the past. Take em all down.

    • Kitten says:

      “Serves at the President’s PLEASURE” which is like the weirdest turn of phrase to describe that position right? I understand that this is a way to say that the position is a “fire-able” one by the POTUS, but keep in mind this has NEVER happened under any previous administration. Like much of what Orange does in the Oval Office, this is completely unprecedented.

      • Annetommy says:

        Bill Clinton fired the FBI head for ethical transgressions in the early 1970s I believe but it bears no comparison to this sh@itstorm.

  10. astrid says:

    I’m hoping I’ll have a good story to tell my grandchildren about the time when….

    • Kitten says:

      ….democracy died?

      • Shambles says:

        And they were singin’
        Bye, bye miss American pie
        The president’s a hockey-playin’ Russian guy

    • wolfpup says:

      I despair, as all – after reading this morning’s comments, I was glued to CNN live all day. I get a little bit drunk on Friday nights. Thanks to Sessions, we aren’t going to be allowed to smoke marijuana, or tell our children to chose it rather than alcohol. Why are we taking drugs? The first mission of all humans is to care for their bodies, so they can then care for their children.

      Apparently, the US is flooded with heroin.

      In all of my 62 years, I’ve never been exposed to so much despair. I grew up in California in the days of hippies and San Francisco. Diversity was joyous!

      This is what I would recommend…turn on live feeds of our planet from outer space: increase love. If a person is not sharing, they live in poverty. I admire all the great women here, who notice everything. Be proud. Let’s be strong together. Educate! I will go to all rallies for the vulnerable and bullied. I will be joyous in this task. And then,

      I will die, so grateful for having been an American! I’ve lived around the world – my last lover was from the Middle East. I’m an atheist, but I believe most in the power of love and the joyousness that a small walk in nature will always and ever provide.

  11. Lightpurple says:

    And he didn’t think the news that Flynn could be blackmailed by Russia was a big deal and only fired him because he lied to Pence.

    His tweets yesterday about Russia were basically a giant middle finger to the American people.

    And I do hope some news organization files a FOIA for that idiot Sarah Huckabee Sanders’s email and telephone records to get all those messages from FBI agents telling her how happy they were that Comey was fired. Because you know dozens of FBI agents reached out to Sarah Huckabee Sanders for that.

    • PunkyMomma says:

      I find Sarah Huckabee Sanders as odious and insufferable as her father.

      Sanders referring to Comey’s actions as “atrocities” is another example of the lack of depth, knowledge and experience in Cheeto Mussolini’s administration.

      They all need to go – soon.

      • Giddy says:

        Yes, I’m sure that Sanders’ legions of FBI buddies were just thrilled when she spoke of the atrocities that Comey had committed. With that one word she created FBI enemies and showed how completely out of her depth she is. Bigly’s spokespeople are all incompetent idiots.

      • Lightpurple says:

        Words fail them. They have all the best words but they don’t know what any of those words mean and it is the fault of the words.

      • Christin says:

        The nepotism (and incompetence) is unbelievable.

        Let’s have multiple layers of press secretaries, but leave key positions unfilled.

      • SusanneToo says:

        I imagine most posters here know about her dog murdering brother, but in case you don’t, here it is. Such a good christian family. Aren’t lying and murdering sins in the christian faith? Lowlife lying hillbillies, all of them.

      • Who ARE These People? says:

        Applalachian Palins

      • Angela82 says:

        Ugh she is worse than Spicey IMHO. Who knew that was possible.

      • holly hobby says:

        I had wondered whether Sarah Huck was related to that Huck. Turns out she is. Sorry when she showed up the first thought that came to my mind was wow, Orangino lowered his standards. Doesn’t he want a model ready woman up there? She looks like she is talking for the PTA.

  12. Scal says:

    Following up on my comment from yesterday-did you guys see that the official kremlin twitter and other Russian government officials were tweeting TWEETING from the oval during a closed door meeting?! And the Russian ambassador was cracking jokes about the firing?! They are just flaunting it

  13. Giddy says:

    Bigly thinks that because he fired Comey the Russia investigation will come to an end. But the FBI and DOJ are filled with dedicated employees who will keep on the assignment of proving what a craven, incompetent fool of a criminal he is. And now he poked the FBI bear and made them mad. Those agents and investigators are going to enjoy taking him down, and I’m going to enjoy watching.

    • vava says:

      Ultimately though, it will fall on the Republicans to finally take him down. Goldwater did that with Nixon.

  14. Lolo86lf says:

    How much more of this bulls**t are we supposed to endure? How many more lies, deception and treason do we have to take from the horrible orange narcissistic lying scum that is Donald Trump. Several articles that I read point out he is not completely sane. Some people believe he is crazy.

  15. Jessica says:

    Will the 72% of white male and 53% of white female voters ever admit that they shot themselves (and everyone else including the planet and all animals) in the face when they voted for this man. I don’t think they ever will. They’re so convinced that every POC voter who voted for PBO did it because he wasn’t white and not because he’s an exceptional human being. Someone you would want to represent your country in front of the entire planet even if you don’t agree with all of his policies. This election has truly damaged my psyche; every time I meet a new white person I wonder if they voted for Trump.

    • SusanneToo says:

      One of the cows who voted for trump was asked outright if it was proven that Russia had elected trump would that make a difference? Her reply, “No, he’s doing a great job.” She looked as if she barely had a pot to pee in.

    • IlsaLund says:

      I feel you Jessica. I can never look at my fellow Americans the same knowing so many of them voted this piece of sh-t into the Oval Office and refuse to see reality.

    • mermaid says:

      Never. A lot didn’t admit they were going to vote for him, they’re sure as hell not taking any blame now.

    • EsS says:

      ‘Every time I meet a new white person, I wonder if they voted for trump’. Me too, and I’m a middle aged white woman. What is truly terrifying to me is his core is unwavering in their support. I wish it was a matter of ego, but it isn’t. Where is their line?
      This administration is devastating on so many fronts. Trump and his GOP are a consistent lesson for my kids how NOT to conduct yourself in life.

    • Margo S. says:

      That made me lol jessica. I can just picture being in the same situation, trying to read the person to figure out if they voted or support trump.

  16. SusanneToo says:

    POS-in-Chief lied about the meeting with Comey. trump asked for the meeting, not Comey. Comey did not beg for his job, trump demanded a loyalty pledge from him. #A$$hole. #Dumba$$, #Putin’s Bitch, #PleaseDie.

  17. littlemissnaughty says:

    Impeachment? Yes? Come on.

    I wonder whether he thinks lying to the public falls under the 1st Amendment? Has anyone told him that it doesn’t exactly work like that? Does he listen? God, why am I trying to make sense of this.

  18. Jenns says:

    We’ll feel the damage of this “administration” for years to come. I don’t know how we as a nation come back from this.

    I will never, ever, trust someone who supported Trump.

  19. Lightpurple says:

    And in this morning’s tweet storm, he’s threatening to cancel all press briefings and just issue a written account. Of course, that doesn’t address both Pence and Kellyanne giving explanations that differed from his. Moron also doesn’t get that his “surrogates,” as he calls them in this morning’s tweet, were trying to protect his treasonous ass and his own explanations expose him for what he truly is – a TRAITOR

  20. Beth says:

    Trump,Pence,Spicer,Sanders, and Conway should’ve had a meeting to get the story straight. Every time one is questioned, they each tell different stories. Ridiculous. I can’t wait to see Trump thrown out on his @ss

    • Jan says:

      A pre-planned organized statement seems to be beyond these people. They just seem to go from sh*tstorm to sh*tstorm and never seem to learn anything from the previous disaster. What imbeciles! Bannon the Bridge Dweller must be rubbing his hands together with glee at the chaos.

  21. Eric says:

    EZ-D can’t claim executive privilege on his discussions with Comey either! What a MAROON!

    And when President Orrin Hatch is sworn in, he will have to get the CIA and FBI to debug the WH.


  22. rachel says:

    Oh my god! This is just unbelievable the fucking moron is threatening Comey on twitter.

    • Eric says:

      Rachel! Just saw that too!

      Now he’s done!!!

      Impeachment imminent.

      • rachel says:

        Seriously! He’s out of his damn mind!

      • cr says:

        Highly unlikely that impeachment is imminent. All of the ducks must be in a row. And there are a lot of ducks. They’re not finished with the investigations.
        And, the Republicans control Congress. They won’t even think about drawing up the articles of impeachment unless they feel their election/reelection chances would be helped by impeachment.

      • LinaLamont says:


      • Sarah says:

        With this GOP-controlled Congress, there will be no impeachment. That party has utterly sold its soul to this devil to gain power. Instead of impeachment, they will double-down on voter suppression, fear-mongering, and false narratives to make sure they win the 2018 midterms. Our only hope for getting out of this mess is to get out the vote massively in those elections and vote Democrat! It will truly be the most patriotic thing any of us will ever get to do in our lives.

      • Who ARE These People? says:

        They want that 2nd Supreme Court seat, tho of course they could get it under any other Republican president, especially Pence or Ryan.

      • Shopping & Hookups says:

        Wishful thinking.The Republican controlled congress is never going vote in favour of impeaching a Republican President.

    • Christin says:

      Terrible, but he’ll likely claim one of his lackeys messed up that tweet and throw them under the bus. —- Per the Time article, he asks his social media person if they have posted his tweet(s) yet.

      Even Junior is tweeting about how it’s sad that the left wants Daddy/America to fail rather than succeed. ??????

    • JulP says:

      I just saw that! My jaw dropped to the floor! I didn’t think things could get much worse, but they have. He is threatening to blackmail the former FBI director! If this doesn’t jolt rethuglicans in Congress to action, I don’t know what will. He’ll come after them next. He’ll come after anyone who doesn’t pledge fealty to The Supreme Leader.

      • swak says:

        I think McCabe is next because he is refuting what Trump says about the FBI losing confidence in Comey and that the Russian probe is a minor concern to the FBI. Don’t think he’ll last long with those type of comments.

      • holly hobby says:

        If they are smart they will lie low and leave McCabe alone. McCabe is actually highly regarded. His name came up in the press in the past. I can’t recall about what but I remembered he got really good press.

        However, let them do it. It brings us closer to impeachment. Sooner or later the Congress has to act. You can’t keep firing the staff.

    • Kitten says:

      Did he delete it?? All I found was a CNN write-up about it from 48 min ago…

    • Beth says:

      This crazy asswipe tweets every dumb thought he has before thinking twice. The world has now seen these threats. Now he’s shown he’s nervous about what a tape could prove.

    • Original T.C. says:

      I doubt Comey is going to lose sleep over Trump’s empty threat. We all know there are no tapes or recordings like like his evidence than Obama wire-tapped him. By simply claiming to have asked Comey if he is the subject of investigation, he has lost his right to executive privilege. I bet Comey is like “Bring it asswipe, let’s go to court and see who ends up being guilty of perjury”.

      • holly hobby says:

        Unlike Orangino, Comey Yates and all those other people are smart. They know how to play their cards. He should just shut up or else they will really come for him.

  23. IlsaLund says:

    I pray this nightmare doesn’t come true:

    Trump Will Likely Win Re-election In 2020

    • abby says:

      I hope it’s not true as well but imo the DNC is a mess. Republicans, regardless of what we think of them, show up at the polls for every election. Dems are fickle when it comes to midterms and local/state elections.
      Will the current outrage compel Dems to the polls in 2018 only for identity politics and purity tests to hand the GOP the majority in Congress again? The left needs to come together. And not just be anti-Trump but have a over-arching purpose. yeah, I know we won’t agree on everything but right now, we’re shooting ourselves (and the US) in the foot when we cannot see the big picture.

  24. B n A fn says:

    DT just tweet “James Comey better hope that there are no “tapes” of our conversation before he starts leaking to the press”. This sounds like DT is trying to blackmail the former FBI director from telling us what he knows. I can see the sh&&$t hitting the soon.

    • IlsaLund says:

      The bullying is strong with this one. That clown thinks he’s a mafia don

    • JulP says:

      Also isn’t it illegal to record someone without their consent? He just admitted to two crimes in one tweet, blackmail and illegal wiretapping. Seriously if this doesn’t get him impeached I don’t know what will.

      • Kristen820 says:

        Depends on the state. Some only require a single party involved in the conversation to be aware that it’s being recorded. Most states do require *all* parties involved be informed, though.

      • swak says:

        My state is a one party consent state. Only one party must know that the conversation is being taped.

      • Lightpurple says:

        D.C. is a one Party consent jurisdiction, however, and this is significant, this is not a situation of a normal person doing something. This is the President of the United States. This is GOVERNMENT ACTION, not the act of a private citizen so different laws apply. Got a warrant for that surveillance, Donny?

  25. mermaid says:

    If he is convicted of treason, is the punishment execution? I feel like saying, “Of course that would never happen ” but never happen and surreal are the norm these days.

    • holly hobby says:

      Well he can ask the Rosenbergs how that went. They were the last people executed for treason. I say life in jail is too good for him because we’d be feeding his lard ass. A clean execution is better for the bottom line.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Treason does carry the punishment of death. But lesser sentences can be ordered. No, the death penalty does NOT save money. And he’s 70 years old. He would not last long in a prison environment, not even in Club Fed.

      • Who ARE These People? says:

        No extra scoops of ice cream behind bars.

      • holly hobby says:

        He disrespects judges so he no longer needs to appeal a death penalty. They can just haul him out and terminate him in the back yard. Just like how his buddies the Russians do it!

    • brincalhona says:

      Go Seal Team 6

  26. Lightpurple says:

    Vladimir Putin’s quote on Trump’s firing of Comey: “President Trump is acting in accordance with his competence.” So, the puppetmaster just admitted the puppet is incompetent.

  27. IlsaLund says:

    This won’t end until indictments are handed down and folks start going to jail. Ryan & McConnell are hell bent on using Trump to pass their legislative agenda (tax cuts for the wealthy and healthcare for no one). They want to have Orangino signature on all this destructive legislation, not President Pence. The GOP has no intention of rising up against Orangino until they’ve done their damage to the country.

    I do hope that the international community will listen and act upon Keith Olbermanns plea for help

    Keith Olbermann Pleads With World To Leak Intel On Trump

  28. Alp says:

    What’s crazy is that his supporters are even more fired up than before. He’s currently on an insane twitter spree right now, and the DT stans are showing their crazy and defending him to the nines. How are they still supporting him?

    • Who ARE These People? says:

      Some of them will be Russian bots and others will simply be deluded stupid hateful people.

    • why? says:

      I think it’s Russian bots. It’s interesting watching it. At first you will that the majority of the comments are negative and then out of nowhere it’s suddenly flooded with positive comments. Someone testified during the Senate investigation that the Russian use these bots to try to sway the conversation.

  29. Lindy79 says:


    It’s all ok now

    • PunkyMomma says:

      Maybe Denny Crane is representing him –

      Denny Crane: “Most of the Democrats voted for this war. John Kerry voted for it. Hillary Clinton voted for it. And now, suddenly, it becomes unpopular… Say what you will, about Republicans. We stick to our convictions, even when we know we’re dead wrong.”


    • Lightpurple says:

      I, as an attorney, can’t even begin to guess what that is supposed to mean. The prestige of your law firm has no bearing on the merits of your case. Why have you hired outside counsel? A certified letter? Really, what is that? Other than a method of postal delivery? Certified as to what? Did he sign it under pains and penalties of perjury? Does he mean “notarized?” All that means is that he verified his identity to a notary who witnessed his signature.

      • JurisGal says:

        Come on lightpurple, where did you go to law school?! Don’t you remember the class on certified letters? It was mandatory at my law school and it was on the bar exam! Pennoyer v Neff, the Erie Doctrine, Civil Rights and Certified Letters. I think you went to a “failing ” law school. And, not just anybody can send a letter via certified mail ya know, that is reserved for the “very prestigious and tremendous” .

        Are you a prosecutor? Remember all those being investigated should be given
        “all sorts of documents” alerting them that they are under investigation ( did you catch that gem from the trump/Holt interview?!) or your case won’t stick.

        He is off the rails, this needs to end soon. I have a headache and sore shoulders from all the eye rolling and throwing up of my hands. I can’t take this much longer. I find I laugh hysterically when I see him or hear him but not a happy laughter. Coping mechanism.

    • Sarah says:

      That law firm was named the “Russia Law Firm of the Year” in 2016. No joke.

  30. Kitten says:

    Meanwhile while we’re all distracted with Russia, Evil Keebler just did this:

    • Olenna says:

      Yeah, I saw that. Gotta keep those prisons full so they can turn a profit for his corporate cronies. On a lighter note (which I need bigly), Melissa McCarthy, dressed as Sean Spicer, was seen riding down 58th Street in NYC on that motorized lectern.

    • Original T.C. says:

      Saw that but unfortunately the way to get rid of Sessions is the same way to get rid of Trump: Russia. The Democrats should have pressed the issue of Sessions lying about his Russian ties during his confirmation testimony. He should have been fired. His involvement with the plan to get rid of Comey is also grounds to challenge his position.

  31. KiddVicious says:

    A lot of people who voted for Trump didn’t actually vote FOR Trump but voted for Republicans, because apparently Democrats are the devil. Anything to not have a Democrat president, I guess. There are people on my FB saying they didn’t think it would be this bad, they thought people would have better control over Trump, or that he couldn’t possibly be this stupid.

    But I’ve also seen people twist everything so that it does look like Trump is on top of things and “winning”. It’s very bizarre.

  32. adastraperaspera says:

    As many have said, “watch what Tr*mp does, not what he says.” So, this week he axed Comey, chilling and slowing down the investigation and pushing Yates off the front page. Then he met with his global mob buddies from Russia to share messages (remember, he loves to work via courier and in-person messages–main reason why American press could not be in the Oval Office with them). And finally, he activated his “voting fraud” commission, headed by the corrupt Kobach. What I am seeing is that he and his team of Dr. Evils don’t give a damn about the fallout. They are pushing forward to 1) buy time for him in office, 2) suppress the vote and 3) consolidate global power. If we do not get him out of there somehow soon, the 2018 election will not be a real election. He gives these damn interviews and put out tweets to keep the media and all of us talking about every word. He’s creating a pointless outrage machine. He is starting fires and laughing as we run to put them out. The words mean nothing! They are just a smokescreen. Pay no attention to them. We are in a red alert situation here, folks. Call your reps again, demanding a special prosecutor and independent investigation. It does matter. It will help depose him and his cronies.

  33. Shopping & Hookups says:

    Meh. Another storm in a teacup that Donny will absorb. Comey should think himself lucky that Donny didn’t get his Russian mates to whack him.

  34. why? says:

    When is enough going to be enough for the GOP?

    Trump is threatening Comey, the same way he threatened Sally Yates.

    Bragging about how he taped his conversation with Comey.

    Admitted in his interview with Lester Holt that he fired Comey because he was trying to stop the Trump Russian investigation. Originally I thought it was a bad idea for Lestor Holt to do this interview with Trump, but seeing all of the craziness that came from it, I have changed my mind.

    Interfered in the HIC investigation by having Devin Nunes use the NSA to reverse manufacture proof for his lie about being wiretapped by Trump.

    Meeting with the Russians just a day after he fired Comey and had Kellyanne and Sarah state that Comey’s firing had nothing to do with Russia.

    When confronted about his meeting with the Russians, Trump then claims that it was an order from Putin, which he couldn’t disobey.

    This is just the 5th month. Imagine what state we are going to be in by the end of the year. The GOP needs to stop putting party before the people. The GOP enables Trump and now it has become the tagline for their opponents. When is enough is enough? Both Pence and Trump need to be removed from their positions.

    Trump is so stupid. Wasn’t he whining just months ago because somehow his conversations with the leaders of other countries were being leaked? According to what Trump implied today, he is secretly taping his conversations with everyone so doesn’t he understand that his recent tweet once again destroys his comments about being wiretapped by Obama? Based on his own logic, the conversations he had with other leaders were leaked because he, not Obama, was taping them!

    • adastraperaspera says:

      To me, the only explanation for the GOP House and Senate silence is 1) collusion/payoffs or 2) they are being blackmailed. I guess a third explanation may be that a few Republicans (perhaps like Susan Collins?) seem to cling to the belief that we live in a world where men are honorable just because they say so, though all evidence may be to the contrary. Well, we are going to find out the truth soon, either by subverting the Tr*mp coup or living the rest of our lives in the Handmaid’s Tale.

  35. why? says:

    Rosenstein just showed his loyalty to Trump, opting not to request an independent investigation. Now it’s Mc Cabe’s turn to show is loyalty to Trump, so how long before he tries to end the Trump Russian investigation?

    So there was one reporter who was willing to call Sarah Huckabee out on her lies. She said that countless FBI agents thanked Trump for firing Comey and the reporter challenged her by asking how many. She couldn’t answer. Everyone sitting that room with Spicer, Trump, Kellyanne, and Sarah need to learn to do this. Every word out of their mouth is a lie.

  36. LuvHotGuyFri says:

    WTF. What will it take to get him out of there and who will do it?? I keep thinking of the saying ‘things will only get as bad as you allow them to get’…how much worse will they get before someone with the power to begin to hold him accountable, does?
    Regarding Trump voters-I know one person that voted for him because they are so anti Democrat and anti Obama, and said they will never NOT vote Republican. Another person that voted for him is very focused on what ‘America used to be’ and feels that immigrants are taking from Americans and thinks Trump will fix it. And yes, they both still support him. It truly sickens me.

  37. robyn says:

    “Nothing is easier or more pathetic than being a critic,” said critic-in-chief and basher of all who do not bow to his whim, so-called president Trump. The screaming irony of his words has left me almost speechless …….

  38. virginfangirl2 says:

    Trump has me so scared. I hope people start speaking out against him on the inside.

  39. Eric says:

    Claude Taylor has MASSIVE breaking news for celebitches worldwide!

    Look up his twitter account.