Everyone agrees: Donald Trump fired Comey because of the Russia investigation

What do all of the men in this photo have in common? They all work for Vladimir Putin. Yesterday, the only thing on Emperor Baby Fists’ public schedule was a meeting with Russia’s Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov and Russian Ambassador to the United States Sergei Kislyak. For some reason, the White House only allowed Russian photographers into the Oval Office for the photo-op. I’m being completely f–king serious. When the White House pool photographers were allowed into the Oval, they were expecting to take their own photos of the Putin Fan Club, only when they got into the Oval, it was just Trump and… Henry Kissinger. You can’t make this up.

Anyway, we’re still t-ts deep in the scandal around James Comey’s firing on Tuesday night. There are literally millions of stories of who said what and why he did this and not that and what the real reasoning was behind some of it. Here are some of the biggest headlines.

The two reasons. CNN reports that a source very close to Comey says there are two big reasons why Comey was fired: “Comey never provided the President with any assurance of personal loyalty;” and “The fact that the FBI’s investigation into possible Trump team collusion with Russia in the 2016 election was accelerating.”

Comey asked for more resources. Just days before his firing, Comey asked the Department of Justice for more people and more money for the Trump-Russia investigation. Currently, the DOJ is denying this. But FBI sources say it’s true. Watch this story closely – there’s now a civil war within DOJ, as well as a war between the FBI and DOJ.

Trump was fuming about the Russia investigation. Like, it was all he could talk about, all he could think about, and he made his staffers tell him over and over that the FBI had nothing, that the FBI is sad and full of bad guys. Trump was mad that Comey wouldn’t just tell people that Obama wiretapped him.

When did Trump decide to fire Comey? Originally, we heard that Trump made the decision within the last week, and most sources claimed that Trump was looking for a reason to fire him just after Comey testified before the Senate late last week. The new Trumpland explanation is that Trump has wanted to fire Comey for months though. You know what? I actually halfway believe that. Of course, I also believe that Trump wanted to give Comey a “chance” to show his personal loyalty to the (mob) boss and when Comey would not, that’s when Trump fired him.

Jeff Sessions’ role. The racist elf played a huge role in Comey’s firing, despite the fact that Sessions had recused himself from both the Hillary Clinton investigation and the Russian/election investigation. Trump basically called up Sessions and told him that Comey needed to be gone and Sessions should find a reason to fire him.

Trump loves firing people. Not shocking in the least, but there’s a fundamental truth here: Trump literally has no idea how to be a public servant. He literally has no idea what checks and balances are, he’s clueless about the balance of power. That too is central to why he thought it was a good idea to fire Comey.

Trump was still calling Michael Flynn. Even after Flynn was fired, Trump was still calling him to chat (and conspire?). White House counsel had to WARN THE PRESIDENT to not speak to someone who could truly be considered his co-conspirator.

Photos courtesy of Getty.

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229 Responses to “Everyone agrees: Donald Trump fired Comey because of the Russia investigation”

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  1. astrid says:

    Nice summary, thanks

    • Rice says:

      Also, I can’t wait for further investigations into BigLie’s (credit to one of yesterday’s posters) financial dealings with Russia. Apparently, FinCEN is now getting involved, as in documents are being requested from the agency. If he was mad about Comey’s “lack of loyalty”, he’ll show tremendous orangey rage when that stuff comes out.

    • Rachel says:

      Let’s add in that Trump and his minions have been lying for the last TWO days, stating REPEATEDLY that Rosenstein took it upon himself to investigate Comey. And yet today, we find out Rosenstein threatened to resign because he wrote that memo only BECAUSE Trump asked him to. And yet Trump supporters still don’t care about his blatant lies. I just can’t.

      • swak says:

        But that is Trump’s MO. He never takes responsibility for the actions that he does and always finds someone else to blame.

    • DeniseMich says:

      But I don’t believe this will lead to an impeachment of Trump in 2017. By firing Comey, Trump and the Republican team believe they have bought themselves time. This is probably true.
      I truly believe the goal is to give trump time to put in place all the god awful republican policies while they control both houses. But in late 2018, he can be impeached. It gives the republicans enough time to get their ducks in a row for the presidential election in 2020.

      • Rachel says:

        That’s the thing though. If Trump is impeached and found guilty, Pence becomes president. Republicans don’t lose their ability to pass all their god awful legislation. Hell, they’d probably be more effective at it. And if they, as a group, take a stand against Trump and leak all his sh*t, they can turn the tide of public opinion against him (because Trump supporters don’t think for themselves, they just believe whatever crap is fed to them), so they won’t even lose face.

      • Triple Cardinal says:

        But Pence has been lying, too. Not repeating misinformation, but lying.

        So if HE goes down for the count, our country is handed over to….Paul Ryan. And then Orrin Hatch.

        Any way you look at it, we’re f#*!@ked.


      • Turtle says:

        Yeah, the issue with impeachment and corruption charges is that once you start pulling that thread, we’ll find ALL of them are tangled up in it. We’ll end up with the White House Chef as the president. (I’d pay good money for THAT movie.)

      • Lightpurple says:

        I know I do this on almost every thread it seems but that line of succession only comes into play if they are all wiped out at the same time, like a plague hits or they’re all in the same car crash, without time for successors to be nominated and approved by Congress. Example: Vice President Spiro Agnew resigned because he was facing tax charges. Speaker of the House )I think it was Abe Fortas) did not move up to VP. Nixon named Gerald Ford & Congress approved. Nixon resigned. Ford moved up. Again, Fortas stayed put and Ford named Rockefeller. So, no, Ryan does not move up to President unless Trump & Pence go simultaneously and Ryan never becomes VP.

      • DeniseMich says:

        If Trump is impeached whoever succeeds him will be a lame duck president. No one will vote for legislation not real change legislation after his impeachment until the next elected President. Why would anyone align further with legislation from an impeached President? That is suicide.

        Therefore whoever finishes Trump’s term would be a lame duck president and the republicans don’t want that.

      • Megan says:

        Republicans are never going to impeach one of their own. Maybe it will get so ugly Democrats will have a wave election in 2018, but I doubt it. If anything forces Trump from office, I think it will be his health. He has gained a lot of weight since the inauguration and the constant stress is really showing.

      • bluhare says:

        I agree, Megan. Impeachment will only happen if Democrats can get a majority. So I don’t see anything happening before the midterm elections.

    • MMRB says:

      and impeachment in 5…..4…3…..2…..1…….

      • CityGirl says:

        Wishful thinking….But I am sitting here with my fingers crossed and saying Please Please Please!!!

    • Cynthia says:

      The main question is do they really think they will get away with this? He has pissed off too many people , too many people have seen the information. It is now just a matter of time.

    • Rose says:

      Just a reminder from Watergate. Remember Deep Throat? The guy who leaked to the Washinton Post? Years later it was revealed, he was the Assistant Director at the FBI. The #2 guy.

    • Lilly says:

      Yes, great summary. I just read that the WH is mad that TASS, the Russian new agency, published photos. WTH!?! You only allow Russian press, what did they expect. To paraphrase this piece, your boss is gonna do what he wants baby-fisted twitter fingers.

  2. sarri says:

    Trump and his people will be the reason I end up being on meds. His presidency is so exhausting.

    • greenmonster says:

      In case you are American: it could be that having a dumbass president, is being considered as a pre-existing condition.

    • Esmom says:

      As someone who is already on meds for anxiety and depression, I can tell you they don’t work very well. The only thing that will restore my mental health is for Trump and his gang to exit Washington, the sooner the better.

      • Beth says:

        Been off my meds for anxiety attacks for 10 years. Back on them and going to therapy since Trumps campaign. Unfair

      • Nicole says:

        Same here. My therapist said my baseline has been higher for months now

      • Megan says:

        My GP said the number of visits for stress related ailments – stomach pain, back pain, headaches, etc – and new cases of hypertension have skyrocketed since the election. He thinks the Trump effect is verging on a public health crisis.

    • B n A fn says:

      Half of the country is on Meds to calm their nerves because of this president. The lying is taking a toll on people who are able to think clearly. I was reading an article yesterday saying that 1 out of 10 people have stopped talking to a friend who supports DT. Another 1/3 says they would get a divorce if their spouse supports DT. We already know that Comey was not fired because of the Hillary investigation. He was fired because Comey wanted to broaden his investigation in the Russian/Putin/trump input in our election last year. The fire was getting too hot for DT so he let the chief FBI agent go. However, Comey needs to watch his back because he knows a lot.

      • Rachel says:

        Only 1 in 10? I would have thought that number would be higher. I know I’ve had to cut off Trump supporters entirely. The purposeful ignorance, the complete refusal to acknowledge the lies right in front of them just make my blood boil. It’s not healthy for me.

      • ashipper says:

        I hate to admit it but I have stopped talking to a long-time (42 years!) friend because she supported Trump. She is well educated and a social worker and I can’t for the life of me deal with the fact that she thought he would do a good job. I mean she has a daughter who struggles with anorexia and she voted for someone who calls women fat pigs and worse!

      • jwoolman says:

        Comey needs to get all he knows spilled in front of Congress, in public and private sessions, asap before they find a way to gag him.

      • The Other Katherine says:

        ashipper, there’s a couple of people I haven’t cut off (because they wisely don’t talk politics with me these days), but whom I avoid seeing if I can, because I know they voted for Trump. I can’t get past it — can’t forget it or forgive it. I still appreciate their good qualities (which are many), and I wish them well, but I feel like they allowed the shadow side of their nature to seduce them into supporting our country’s destruction. I can’t blind myself to it. So I get it, and you are definitely not alone!

    • CityGirl says:

      Meds for me too please. I am exhausted all the time. Reading, Worrying, Reading, Worrying

  3. Scal says:

    There was a discussion on twitter from a ex-FBI agent and a former head of the CIA about the stupidity/arrogance of having a Russian government sponsored media team with all their electronics ALONE in the oval. They were pointing out you wouldn’t even have a foreign national alone in a random FBI office-and you let them in the Oval Office?!

    You’re that confident about your ability to catch Russian bugs? Because yea-that space is totally bugged to high heaven now. Idiot.

    • Ashamed 2 b a Fl girl says:

      baby fists probably showed them all the bigly and best places to hide their bugs.

      • third ginger says:

        Few here are old enough to remember, but all I could think of was the characters Boris and Natasha from the old ROCKY AND BULLWINKLE show. Russian spies as bungling as the Americans they were fooling.

    • INeedANap says:

      I don’t understand how this isn’t a bigger story. If there is anything to me that proves the Russia collusion it was this.

    • Miss V says:

      Seriously, I used to work for the government, with a TS clearance and everything. Their biggest concern was interference from a foreign country, and any influence a foreign entity could have on me. Basically the whole polygraph test was about my loyalty to the US. I was basically a minion, and that was the part of my life that was scrutinized the most. They did not F around with that. So, it absolutely blows my mind that this could happen in the Oval Office, and it not be the biggest red flag there could ever be. Like, a red flag the size of the White House. How is this getting swept under the rug?!

      • The Other Katherine says:

        Right? Right???!!! I mean, even being a dual national with your second nationality being a staunch ally of the US can be enough to eff up a high-level security clearance. And yet, THIS happens. If I needed further proof that a foreign agent is sitting in our nation’s highest elected office, this was it.

    • Kelsey says:

      Agreed. Even White House staff are supposed to either turn their phones off or hand them to security when they enter the Oval Office.

      The fact that Trump let a Russian photo agency just take pictures and walk around the Oval Office as if they owned it is just arrogance personified. He is under heavy investigation for his ties with Russia, he just fires Comey, and the day after he is smiling and laughing with Russian government officials.


    • Indiana Joanna says:

      One thing is very clear from the firing of Coney and yesterday’s optic of the Russian meeting with only Russian press is that Trump is very much a part of a Russian group that plans to exploit this presidency for every billion it can make. Trump even allowed the Russian minister to sharply criticise our country and political process Ain remarks after the meeting. And Kissinger was a lifeless prop.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      Scal, I didn’t think of that!!!!!! Holy crap!

  4. littlemissnaughty says:

    Is it over yet? No? Almost?

  5. Christin says:

    Gratitude to the print media and their sources. And to a certain orange circus leader’s sheer ignorance and ego. That trolling is going to Bigly backfire.

    • rachel says:

      I agree. The irony of the situation, it’s hilarious that the manchild who is so concerned about leaks is now going to be drown by them.

  6. Lightpurple says:

    The director of the FBI is not supposed to swear loyalty to anything but the Constitution of the United States. This is a YUGE problem going forward. That and the fact that every inch of the Oval Office is probably bugged for both audio and video.

  7. rachel says:

    Frankly, I was worried that Trump and his team could find a way out but not anymore. Declaring war on his own federal agency is the worst decision he ever took. The WaPo cover story has 30 SOURCES. Its unbelievable. No matter the times it takes, the man is going down.

  8. sauvage says:

    I find this man to be the perfect Exhibit A of how easily arrogance can turn into idiocy. Other than that, I have nothing.

    • Esmom says:

      To me, it’s a chicken-egg thing. I tend to think the idiocy came first and his enablers created the arrogance…but who knows.

    • Christin says:

      Adding lifelong wealth and lack of accountability to the mix just makes it worse.

    • sauvage says:

      I would argue that NPD comes with built-in arrogance, and things excalated from there. I agree with both of you however, insofar as the enablers don’t help his condition and neither does a bubble of wealth and resulting lack of accountability.

      @ Esmom: Now can I have those eggs to mercilessly throw at him, please? I’m an animal lover, so I would not throw the chicken.

      • SusanneToo says:

        Rotten tomatoes. Or rotten eggs. That stink lasts for days. It might even outstink trump himself.

    • mee says:

      or something like the dunning kruger effect – idiocy breeds arrogance. how can so much stupidity and crazy be packed into one orange package? these events are out of a sitcom – even crazier than Veep.

  9. Alix says:

    His impeachment, arrest, and execution for treason cannot come soon enough.

    • SusanneToo says:


    • Luca76 says:

      House of Representatives folks until we have it sh** is going to be bad.

    • addie says:

      Counting the days. And Ivanka and the rest led off in cuffs. And sent to the most dangerous prisons.

    • nicole says:

      I cant wait for that day to come.

    • holly hobby says:

      You got that right! I commented on Dan Rather’s FB (excellent news and viewpoint BTW) when the treason thing was heating up. One moron actually replied that Dan was a liar (Bush yes I remember that too) and shouldn’t he twist in the wind for it?

      I politely told that idiot that no one gets the death penalty for lying. You do get it for treason. There is a difference!

      I’m glad that moron never responded. It just boggles the mind these brainless followers try to take a page from KAC and divert attention to the issue with bringing up totally unrelated topics. Sorry doesn’t work for me. Treason gets the chair. He’s an enemy of the state.

  10. Pumpkin Pie says:

    “Personal loyalty” to Drumpf or any president? Phleaze. Loyalty to the country, PLEASE.
    Comey could spill the (stinky) beans, but who knows what the consequences would be. He must have a lot of information. I hope he can take him down. Somehow.

    • IlsaLund says:

      That’s what gets me. This 🤡 thinks people are supposed to swear loyalty to him, like he’s some Mafia Don. When you work for the government you take an oath to preserve, protect and uphold the Constitution of the U.S. against all enemies both foreign and domestic.

  11. RussianBlueCat says:

    I wonder how far back the Republician party knew about trump and his ties to Russia? Did they know when he became a Republician member or when he decided to run for President? I just can’t understand how someone with so much negative baggage( I am talking before the election scandal ) that donald has would be a good choice to represent their party. Seems so bizarre

    • Becky says:

      It looks like that as long as he’s doing what they want – like repealing the ACA – the Repubs seem to turn a blind eye to what he’s doing with the Russians.

      Once public opinion turns, then it will be a different story.

      • Merritt says:

        If several of the lose their seats in 2018, then we will hear a new set of lies. People are really angry about the house vote on healthcare. Several members of the GOP are in vulnerable districts.

    • Lightpurple says:

      I very much suspect, and have said so before, that Putin owns McConnell too.

      • RussianBlueCat says:

        If this investigation went further I would not be surprised to see quite a few more names tied to Russia. They are quietly trying to erase any connection to Putin

      • Mamunia says:

        McConnell is such a shady character who stays in the shadows on purpose. I suspect you may be right. He and Ryan are just as guilty for letting Trump ruin our democracy. I’d like to see all three in jail.

      • Lightpurple says:

        Yates and Clapper were both asked if any members of Congress were involved and they both said they couldn’t answer because it was classified. They didn’t deny any members of Congress were involved

      • jwoolman says:

        I wonder how deep Kushner is in. At first I bought his story that his security form had been accidentally sent in unfinished. But now I think it’s more likely he thought he could get away with not mentioning all his Russia connections and then someone wiser told him he couldn’t and he needed to make a correction immediately. I doubt that anybody would have sent in Jared’s form without his signature, and I doubt that Jared would have signed it without looking it over.

    • adastraperaspera says:

      His first trip to Russia was with first wife Ivanna in mid-1980s. Some reports believe this is when his handling began. He did come back from that trip considering a run for president, and Ivanna wanted him to do that. She is from Czechoslovakia, which at the time was a Soviet Republic.

      • cr says:

        Czechoslovakia was a Soviet satellite state, not a republic or actually part of the Soviet Union.

      • adastraperaspera says:

        Sorry I always get confused about Czechoslovakia and how it was or was not part of the Soviet Union. Thanks for the clarification!

    • jwoolman says:

      The Republicans had an unusually large number of people running in the primaries and Trump simply got more votes than any of the other candidates, who started dropping out one by one. It was kind of a fluke, but they really were stuck with him when he was the last man standing in the primaries. I don’t think Trump expected to win the primaries either. If you count up the total number of votes cast in the Republican primaries, the total actual number of votes for Trump isn’t so high overall. But they were spread out among a huge number of candidates.

      It was very unusual for so many top Republicans to say in public that they couldn’t support the winner of the primaries. But they were looking at trying to hold on to the House and Senate and many people apparently just take the easy route of voting a straight Party ticket. So they couldn’t be too loud about it ultimately or else they would lose the Congress. Cruz at the Republican Convention was trying to tell people to vote for everybody down ticket but to vote their conscience (meaning don’t vote for the Orange Maroon but do vote for other Republicans). Security had to escort his wife out of the building because the crowd of Trumpians was so threatening. Since Trump had won primaries, those people in the crowd were Trump loyalists and as we saw again and again, some of them were prone to violence and the Orange Maroon encouraged them to be that way.

      Now that Trump is in the White House, the Republicans see a chance to push through their agenda. Before, Obama would veto truly horrible bills. Now they can get Trump to sign anything if they flatter him and make sure they are the last ones to talk to hm about it. They haven’t really cared about any Russia connections as a result.

      There is also a possibility that some in Congress are either being bribed or blackmailed using info collected from their own hacked communications. Neither Comey nor Yates would say “no” when asked if Members of Congress were under investigation, they both said that information was classified. With this latest firing of Comey after he testified, we can pretty much start narrowing the list of suspects by looking at who is pushing for continued real and vigorous investigation and who is not. This means McConnell might be corrupted. We shall see what develops.

  12. Karen says:

    I think Stephen King put it best on twitter last night with these words. “Donald Trump: A remarkable combination of unhinged and dumb as dirt”

    • Beth says:

      That’s perfect

    • LittlestRoman says:

      Completely accurate! I could not believe the utter arrogance/stupidity of rolling out the red carpet for the Russian Foreign Minister and the Russian Ambassador ONE DAY after firing the FBI chief who was investigating his campaign’s ties with Russia. If Trump has the mental capacity to play poker, he must be the worst bluffer of all time.

  13. Indiana Joanna says:

    I agree with yesterday’s commenter that our democracy is in grave danger. Russia has it’s tetherhooks in our our soul. But I also believe that the Comey firing is the beginning of the end for baby fists. He will be found out to be supported and financed by Putin. I pray it’s sooner than later.

  14. Nicole says:

    There’s no such thing as personal loyalty in intelligence. It’s loyalty to your country. There’s so many issue with this firing also one you missed was that Sessions being involved would counter his “recusal” from the Russian investigation. Since he fired the person running it.
    Also lovely to see Russia in the Oval Office sans ANY American press. The photos that hit the web were from a Russian photo agency. So that’s completely stupid and lord knows if they planted something.
    The sad thing is everyone agreed they are guilty but top GOP are all “let’s let the Russia probe go” or “we shouldn’t question the president”. This is how Nixon went down except there were people in his party willing to impeach. I doubt there’s anyone willing to impeach trump. But they know they are going down hence why they are all worried.
    2018. Guys get everyone to the polls. I’ve vounteered to help people register.

  15. Esmom says:

    The Dems are calling for Sessions to resign on the grounds that his “recusal” on the Russian investigation didn’t exactly take if he recommended Comey’s firing. I concur, although I’m sure the chances of him resigning or being fired are slim at best.

  16. anniefannie says:

    On morning Joe it’s being reported what truly sent Trump over the edge is when Comey testified it made him “nauseous” that he’d inadvertently assisted in getting him elected.
    Aides said he ranted and raved over the weekend in Bedford and couldn’t be mollified ….

    • Christin says:

      I caught part of that, too. Instead of playing golf, he was supposedly repeatedly watching the testimony.

    • Original T.C. says:

      That’s because all this time, the delusional Orange one truly believed Comey had his back and that Comey works for him personally. Trump knows nothing about the constitution or our government. It came as a shock when he saw that Comey works independently of the WH and was actually chasing the truth of the Russian story.

  17. Div says:

    Even Jason F*cking Chaffetz, snake and all around trash, is calling for people to investigate Comey’s firing. I literally spit out my coffee when I read about it. The rats are starting to abandon Orange Mussolini’s ship.

    • Lisa says:

      A nice thought, Div but my cynical heart is thinking that Slippery Jason is probably covering his own butt at thing point.

    • Betsy says:

      I think Jason was one of the first the FBI has gotten to. He announcement not to seek reelection seems like part of a deal.

      • mee says:

        ahhh! i hope you’re right.

      • Lightpurple says:

        I think Chaffetz originally planned to run for Hatch’s Senate seat instead of re-election but that plan appears to have been scuttled and he just isn’t seeking reelection. There are rumors he won’t even finish this term. I do hope the FBI has something on him.

    • Kelsey says:

      Chaffetz is in trouble because he was the one who declassified Comey’s letter regarding the re-opening of the investigation into her e-mails last October. That was not supposed to get out to the public but Chaffetz took the classified labels off and leaked it to the press so Comey had no choice but to admit there was an investigation.

      My guess is the FBI or someone got to Chaffetz and told him to demand an investigation on Trump’s ties or else they would charge him for declassifying the information about Hillary and Huma’s e-mails.

      Chaffetz is also not running for re-election in 2018. Apparently there are rumors of an affair he had or is having.

      • jwoolman says:

        If Comey’s October letter was classified – how ironic. But definitely Comey is not the one to be angry with about that letter. It was Chaffetz’ decision to make it public, not Comey’s. If it really was classified, then Comey would assume it stayed private. I wouldn’t have made that assumption, but Comey might have. It would have been a moot point, since Giuliani and Trump obviously knew about it all (they were both giddy with glee before the story broke and dropping broad hints with wild abandon) and they were bursting to tell their “secret”. Clinton made it clear that she wasn’t afraid of the contents of the e-mails and wanted Comey to complete their check asap.

  18. Persian says:

    This is so stressful I think we are in the middle of one of the biggest stories of our lives!
    PS : I don’t like the Nixon comparisons, President Nixon was smart, got things done, has several achivements. His legacy is tarnished because of Watergate But comparing him to Trump is an insult to him
    Trump is a poor man’s idea of a politician

    • Lightpurple says:

      Nixon greatly expanded Medicaid into the program that we know today.

      Sessions is probably proud that he didn’t go the route of Elliott Richardson – he shouldn’t be; Richardson had ethics, loyalty to country, and showed courage – but he doesn’t realize he is going the route of John Mitchell, who went to prison. Now, we just need a present day Martha to take him down.

    • Annetommy says:

      I agree. Nixon was not in cahoots with a hostile foreign power. And he was in the fifth year of his presidency before Watergate, this sh@itstorm has taken a few months. It is also worth remembering that the famous question “what did the President know and when did he know it?” was being asked by a Republican, Howard Baker.

      As someone on CNN pointed out, one of the many ridiculous things we are meant to believe here is that Comey’s firing was triggered by a report from someone who had been in office for two weeks. In that time he had sussed out that Comey was no good, and had assessed that morale in the FBI – 35,000 people working in 56 centres apparently – was low. Yeah right. If I was him I would not be happy at being used as part of the pretext for firing Comey.

    • Lady D says:

      “Trump is a poor man’s idea of a politician ” No, poor people want no part of him or his policies. He’s the crooked, greedy, snakes (Bannon, Ryan, DeVos, etc.etc.) idea of a politician.

    • Persian says:

      You guys are absolutely right back then Republicans really did put the country before party
      now we have someone who has made it barely after the first 100 days and is ripping america apart and the world is in total panic ( except for Putin!)
      I can’t wait for the day that he and his team are in prison!

    • cindy says:

      I agree. Nixon was corrupt, but he was smart and did do some constructive things while president. Trump is Walmart’s version of a president. Truly and deeply humiliating for our country and our democracy.

    • holly hobby says:

      Yes Nixon did a lot of positive things. His term was tarnished by Watergate. From what I read in college, Watergate happened because Nixon was deeply insecure and paranoid about his chances of winning reelection. The irony was that he won handily and he didn’t need to do Watergate.

      Nixon is bright. Orangino is just a dumb schmuck who was installed there by the Russians.

  19. B n A news says:

    That photo of the Russians in the header was taken by Russian news. He banned the American news yesterday from being present in the meeting. Also, no American photographer were allowed in, no American press was there. That photo of DT and the Russians spies ^^^ was put out by the Russian press yesterday. As Comey said, the man is “crazy and outside the realm of Norman”. Who believes the Russians went into the White House yesterday with all that equipments and did not bug that place. IMO, a Russian spy in the whitehouse, jmo.

    • Betsy says:

      Tass was there, though. Un effing believeable.

      • Christin says:

        It seems like arrogant trolling at this point. Or incredible stupidity.

        Plus he brings a nearly 94 year old Nixon era figure into the photo opps yesterday.

    • JulP says:

      @Christin, yes I think it’s trolling. He’s thumbing his nose at the “fake liberal news media” and all of his detractors. And he’s doing it so blatantly because he can, because the rethuglicans in Congress will never initiate impeachment proceedings. We are truly screwed. Our nation has been handed over to Putin.

      • Christin says:

        Looks like photos from yesterday being made public was a surprise to the inner circus (in this case, it’s not an inner circle). So they are admitting covert meetings and were surprised their foreign buddies misled them and publicized the photos?

    • jwoolman says:

      No American media were there, but I imagine Secret Service was. Those people have hawk-like eyes… My cousin was SS and he just couldn’t turn off the behavior. He quickly scanned the room when he entered even on family visits. You had to be watching for it, he was so quick and discreet.

      The official White House photographer was there, dunno if he or she stayed. Anyway, unless we find out Trump really did shoo everybody but the Russians out of the room, I wouldn’t worry. Actually, I don’t think I would worry even then. Would be nice to have a record of what Trump is saying and doing in the Oval Office, considering what he’s saying and doing in public.

  20. third ginger says:

    I wonder, perhaps in vain, which, if any, Republican or White House staff member will resign in protest and take the whole thing down. It’s not Watergate times. Now politicians and their staff and supporters can stay within a bubble in which Fox and various internet sites can keep telling them they are on the right side. I think it is harder to see what is right, or easier to ignore what is right.

  21. Beth says:

    Trump gets more embarrassing every day! Himself, the people who can impeach him but aren’t,his voters, and ALL Americans have become the laughingstock of the world. Thanks Trump!!

  22. teehee says:

    A president wants loyalty from FBI? As in, cover for me, lie for me, kill for me, or else? WTF
    Fine and dandy if hes not up to anything illegal— no problem. But a dishonest and criminal president, yeah FBI has got to go!
    As many pointed out, there is no loyalty to anything but the law here…… so yeah. Clear clash of interests between Trump and Comey 😉

    • ArchieGoodwin says:

      Same with Sally Yates. I read an article that said they, the WH, didn’t know whether or not to take her warnings seriously, because she was from the Obama admin, and not a trump supporter, more or less.

      How insulting for her.

      • Jan says:

        They didn’t know to take her warnings seriously because she was an Obama appointee and yet, they didn’t bother vetting Flynn or arranging an advanced security clearance for him while he was in the presence of highly classified information in the White House? Sound like a giant cop-out to me. They knew about Flynn and all his conflicts of interest, being a foreign agent and an a**hole but gave him that National Security Advisor job anyway. Sally Yates comes out of this smelling like a rose despite how the Trump White House acted because she acted impeccably and professionally throughout this whole fiasco. She did her job in a non-partisan fashion and she’ll be remembered as such when this is all over. She belongs on the Supreme Court IMO.

      • Lightpurple says:

        Spicer actually admitted that.

      • ArchieGoodwin says:

        Thank you, yes, it was Spicer who said it. What a complete moron.

  23. smcollins says:

    I’ve never really been able to wrap my head around anything having to do with this administration, but this is just astounding to me. I’m truly incapable of processing these events in a way that makes sense. The level of corruption and incompetence is just so….I can’t find the words! And the fact that they’re so in our faces with it, acting like they’re above the law and completely untouchable. The only thing that keeps me from losing my mind is the hope that all of these traitors & criminals with go down, not in flames, but in a giant explosion that will rock the world to its core. Sooner rather than later, please (and before that explosion is literal as opposed to metaphorical).

    • Lightpurple says:

      There is no way to process any of this in a way that makes sense because none of this will ever make sense.

    • Kitten says:

      This is where I’m at, too. It’s like nothing that is happening is surprising to me, yet I still cannot believe this is happening.

      (if that makes any sense)

      We are living in an America that I never thought could ever exist, even in my worst nightmares.

    • Lady D says:

      I don’t understand why the country isn’t going absolutely nuts today about Russian “photographers” alone in the Oval Office. Really, nobody is going to make Trump answer for yesterday? Nobody?
      Any chance the FBI can go in and absolutely gut the Oval Office because of security breaches? Remove everything from the floorboards up?

      • Christin says:

        If we can see ‘breaking news’ about a firing letter delivered by orange’s personal bodyguard (while said fired person was across the country), then hopefully we’ll see a scene like you describe.

        But we have Jeffy Beau in the mix, who is clearly loyal to a person and not the law/country. And I guess he would have to approve such action. It’s just a mess.

  24. SusanneToo says:

    For anyone who believes AG Cornpone has removed his greasy fingers from anything, I’ve got a swamp on one side of my property and I’ll take offers.

  25. grabbyhands says:

    Unfortunately it doesn’t matter how much everyone agrees. You don’t get to just have an independent investigation and right now since the people who will get to green light such a thing are probably knee deep in collusion themselves, there’s going to have to be a situation where they personally stand to lose big before movement is made.

    It is frustrating to know that at the end of it , if it does goes through, either 45 or a whole bunch of other people are going to walk free because there are going to be a lot of deals being made.

  26. Eric says:

    Sorry if this is a repost but Dep AG Rosenstein threatened to quit on Monday also.

    It truly is Nixonian!

    Also 6 FISA warrants issued, one is a RICO (racketeering), up to 25 sealed indictments, and a 36% approval rating. These are MY kind of numbers!!!!!

    • B n A fn says:

      He should have grown some balls and quit, not threatened. I have no confidence in anyone working for DT White House. I also believe Pence, Ryan, McC are all compromised . We have to resist, and vote 2018.

      • Annetommy says:

        I am not sure McCain is compromised. He and a couple of other Republicans voted against one of Trump’s anti environment bills the other day, and it did not pass. He has been critical of this firing, as has senior GOP-er Burr. I am hoping that there are a few decent Republicans out there who won’t put up with this shite indefinitely, though far too many of them are putting power above patriotism.

      • Kitten says:

        I think OP meant Mitch McConnell not John McCain, Annetommy.

        But yes ITA with what you said.

      • B n A fn says:

        @thanks kitten, I was talking about McConnell, you were right. However, @annetommy, I also believe McCain is mostly all talk no show. DT treated him like a dog during the primaries and he ended up voteing for him and backed him many times since then.

      • Annetommy says:

        Thanks B n A fn, it is hard to retain much optimism about GOP vertebrae!

      • Betsy says:

        More important, we need to find out if the November 2016 vote was hacked. If they hacked it once, they’ll do it again.

        This guy’s has some evidence it may have been: https://mobile.twitter.com/mikefarb1

    • mee says:

      Awesome. thanks for sharing. I called the DOJ/Rosenstein’s office yesterday and asked for appointment of a special prosecutor. The guy taking my message was very nice.

      • Christin says:

        Can he really do anything without approval from Jeffy Beau (aka Cornpone)?

        As for why the assistant AG didn’t quit — Maybe he thinks it’s better to stay put and watch what’s going on, rather than resign. And then leak it as needed.

  27. adastraperaspera says:

    To see the Russian spies that Obama kicked out of our country in December, after they corrupted our election, back in the people’s White House smiling and glad handing Tr*mp yesterday makes me feel even more rage than I felt on 9/11. Why? Because at least the 9/11 attackers were not invited in!!! And on top of it, our American free press was shut out of the room!!! Tr*mp is an active agent of a hostile foreign power. This is not just a Constitutional crisis. It is war.

    • Louisa says:

      I don’t understand. The Russians who we know for a fact hacked our election are being welcomed with open arms into the Oval office WITH TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT and no US press were allowed in??? Why is this not the only thing anyone is talking about? Why has every republican not finally woken up and realized what is going on and demanding Trump’s immediate removal. There is no way in hell we can assume that there were no bugs left in that office. THE OVAL OFFICE!! I’m sorry, I just can’t wrap my head around this.
      No matter what you think about Trump colluding with Russia, it’s a fact they hacked the election. That alone is reason why they should never ever be anywhere near the WH. Let alone with equipment. How is this happening?!

    • Betsy says:

      And worse, it is a war on two fronts: foreign and civil.

  28. Rapunzel says:

    Russian only media in the oval office should be against the law. American media should always have access and no foreign media should ever be alone in the WH. At all.

    Trump really doesn’t care about optics does he? Sad.

    • SusanneToo says:

      I wish the American Press would say, “Fvck this” and storm into the room. Get arrested if that’s what it takes. They are now war correspondents as far as I am concerned.

  29. Embee says:

    Look how bad he looks, stuffed into that white shirt and suit. This makes me happy. Everything else makes me want vodka. Scratch that! French wine. They have decency.

    • doofus says:

      there’s a picture in that series taken from a side angle and you can really see the weight he’s put on. his chest/belly starts to stick out from just under the knot of his tie.

      • SusanneToo says:

        Closer and closer to a coronary. Hope it’s painful and fatal.🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

      • Kelsey says:

        There are rumors he has put on 30 pounds since the election. I believe it.

        This is a man who does not exercise (other than playing golf), eats poorly (he loves Mickey D’s and KFC) and spends his time on twitter being angry. He is a heart attack or stroke waiting to happen.

      • Beth says:

        It’s so noticeable in every picture. That’s why suits are sooo big and his ties is so long. He thinks it will cover up his big body

    • Shark Bait says:

      He looks a lot like my grandpa did before he had a heart attack. And my grandpa was 80, ten whole years older than Trump.
      Keep not exercising, not sleeping, drinking cans of Coke and eating Big Macs and KFC Trump. Please, please keep that up.

  30. BJ says:

    CBS News got an interview with Putin.He said Comey’s firing had nothing to do with Russia.
    So that’s that.The REAL President of the US has spoken.


    • Annetommy says:

      Putin was playing ice hockey when someone asked him about this. Because he’s so damn manly. He scored seven goals. Who’d have thunk it.

      • jwoolman says:

        Have you seen the Russian pop song music video “A man like Putin”? All about how every woman wants a man like Vlad… John Oliver shows it on one of his shows with subtitles, and then has a parody of it with a message for The Donald.

  31. Louisa says:

    I don’t understand. The Russians who we know for a fact hacked our election are being welcomed with open arms into the Oval office WITH TECHNICAL EQUIPMENT and no US press were allowed in??? Why is this not the only thing anyone is talking about? Why has every republican not finally woken up and realized what is going on and demanding Trump’s immediate removal. There is no way in hell we can assume that there were no bugs left in that office. THE OVAL OFFICE!! I’m sorry, I just can’t wrap my head around this.
    No matter what you think about Trump colluding with Russia, it’s a fact they hacked the election. That alone is reason why they should never ever be anywhere near the WH. Let alone with equipment. How is this happening?!

    • Betsy says:

      Because rank and file Republicans are spineless twits and the elected ones are compromised. I never want to hear that the people who supported this mess are just good people. I want to rage vomit on people for that.

    • Tate says:

      I think there are a lot more republicans involved in this than people originally thought. That is the only reason for this madness to continue. It can’t just be about legislation because Pence would sign off on anything they want.

      • Betsy says:

        I have sounded like a crazy conspiracy theorist on this for months, but there is literally no other explanation. I think the GOP has been compromised for a lot longer than any of us has known

      • Christin says:

        It’s about money, I have no doubt.

        If you or I were doing any shady business* with foreign individuals or entities, we’d already be in jail. *Such as selling a property (or two, or three) to a foreigner for several times its worth.

        There are people in federal prison right now who were convicted of corruption for taking event tickets and buying gift cards while employed by a public entity. Yet the emoluments violations don’t seem to matter at the moment, either.

      • JulP says:

        Agreed. Remember, the Russians hacked the email servers for both the RNC and the DNC, but they only leaked the DNC emails. I think the Russians have compromising information on most Republican members of Congress, which is why they aren’t doing anything.

      • The Other Katherine says:

        There’s a whole evangelical religious nexus going on too, it’s ideology as well as grift. One of Putin’s strongman themes is promoting “traditional” patriarchal, anti-gay, etc. “Christian” values, and Russian individuals (agents) have been insinuating themselves into various evangelical conferences and organizations for years. They’ve been doing similar things with the NRA, the leadership of which has a strong overlap with evangelical Christianity as well. I suspect there’s been quite a lot of Russian money (not necessarily just Kremlin-backed, may also be Putin’s oligarch pals) being funneled illegally via PACs, superPACs, and religious “charities” that MANY, many Republican politicians are involved up to their neck in. 6 months ago, as grossed out as I was by Trump, I could not bring myself to believe it, even though I had most of the puzzle pieces in front of me by that point. But I believe it now.

        If our country eventually gets through this with a functioning democracy and without a civil war, the Republican party may spend decades in the wilderness, or even cease to exist. I’m convinced at this point that the rabbit hole is terrifyingly deep.

  32. Betsy says:

    I’m telling you, he bought the vote!

    This is terrifying: https://mobile.twitter.com/NTarnopolsky/status/862622568712462337 Basically this twitterer quotes Israeli Intel as saying that the Russia Trump stuff is so much worse than we think. I think the GOP has been compromised for years.

    • Tate says:

      Wow, that is chilling. Things are going to get really ugly. I am sad for what has become of our country.

    • SusanneToo says:

      It may come to the Israeli, British and German Intelligence taking him down if the rethug co-conspirators continue to block investigations.

      • Betsy says:

        It won’t be just them, the countries that have shared intel include the Five Eyes (Canada, England, New Zealand, and Australia), Estonia, I want to say Portugal, plus the other two you mentioned…. this is a worldwide effort.

  33. MaybeTomorrow says:

    COmey may well have been one of the few human beings with a modicum of integrity in Washington. He pissed off the left and the right by NOT having loyalty to any party or person and doing his job. He wasn’t perfect (no one was) but no matter what, he’s got a target on his chest that all sides are aiming for, That tells me he did more right than wrong.

    • Betsy says:

      I wouldn’t necessarily take that as the takeaway, but it seems that the people who knew him really felt that he was a good, moral person. I think he knew that the NY FBI field office was compromised and that the non-news about Anthony Weiner and Hillary’s emails were going to be leaked, and I think he did was he did to try and make it less damaging. He didn’t leak it – Chaffetz did – and when asked about it, what was he going to say, “well, gee, see the NY office is crooked as a dog’s hind leg, so….”

      We can be annoyed at his actions, but sane people agree: the person being investigated has NO business firing him while the investigation is ongoing.

    • mee says:

      I think Comey may have thought he was trying to be as neutral and apolitical as possible (or so a NYT article reports) – although maybe he had a subconscious bias. I always felt as if he came out in Oct. to avoid any allegations of bias after the election because he thought Clinton would win. And Chaffetz was already going to talk about it. Regardless of all that, the firing was unbelievable third world dictator crap – or actually no, it was a legitimate government act sent with love from Putin.

  34. Shark Bait says:

    “Trump loves to fire people.”
    I’m telling you all, Trump thinks this is just like one big Apprentice episode. You know I used to be cynical and would give an ear to people saying the Democratic party is a mess, the Dems won’t win seats in 2018 and Trump will win again in 2020, however now I truly have hope that this will all implode. I truly think Trump is too stupid to pull this off. He could keep lots of things hidden in the business and entertainment worlds, but government and politics are a different realm. Everyone keep up the good resistance work and don’t lose hope.

    Plus it looks like he’s back using self tanner again. Yikes.

    • Beth says:

      Can’t wait until he’s finally told “you’re fired! !!”

    • Lightpurple says:

      He loves to fire people but he doesn’t know how to do it. That was one of the worst termination letters I’ve ever seen.

  35. LinaLamont says:

    Without Deep Throat, the investigations will die. Trump and his regime are in all the positions of power and oversight. I know…just stating the obvious. We have to hope SOMEONE is a patriot or SOMEONE (in the FBI) will be pissed off enough about Comey’s firing. No-ones going to spill for a plea deal if the pressure’s off due to a Trump-led committee.

    • Betsy says:

      Did you read Comey’s letter to his staff after he was crap canned? I think he’s letting them know that in this case, that place needs to leak like strategic sieve.

      • LinaLamont says:

        Not, yet (not the whole letter)…. gonna do so, now. I’d only read the first part.
        Honestly, not to sound melodramatic or hysterical, but, I fear for some of these people’s (Comey) lives….simply due to witness-tampering. I hope no-one takes a page out of Putin’s playbook. As I’ve said before, Watergate pales in comparison to this.
        Trump is too stupid and narcissistic to understand or care about the ramifications of what his regime is doing. He’s always gotten away with his scams in the past (very little consequences). All he cares about is money & celebrity. I think he thinks he’s teflon….and, so far, he’s right. Look where it’s gotten him…. he’s the f*cking potus!

    • Lightpurple says:

      I think there will be more leaks. I would not be surprised if we see the Golden Showers video surface.

      • LinaLamont says:

        As entertaining as “leaking Golden Showers” might be, no-one on his side cares. I want to see the real criminal, prosecutable, treasonous activity uncovered/leaked.

      • Louisa says:

        I agree LinaLamont. I don’t think the pee tape will do anything. His supporters will love it and just find it “Trump being Trump”.

      • Lightpurple says:

        Of course they will. But after denying it existed, he’ll have to deal with it in public. His wife will have to deal with it in public. Congress will have to deal with it and the fact that they can no longer deny he was compromised. And there’s probably audio. We have no idea what he was actually SAYING during all that.

      • LinaLamont says:

        I hope you’re right.

  36. Rapunzel says:

    WH spokesperson on the Russian media thing: “They tricked us!”.

    No joke- this was their actual claim. They say they weren’t told this was an official Russian State News photographer. Cause apparently they didn’t check his credentials.

    • Sigh... says:

      Okaaaaaay…and how do they think that explains away their shutting out of the already vetted & accredited American photogs/press?

      GOD, preschoolers do a better job of lying…

    • swak says:

      And apparently checking people out is not their forte. They didn’t vet Flynn, why should they check this outl

  37. Who ARE These People? says:

    Time has a story with this great detail on how Trump gets his own chunky salad dressing, extra chicken sauce, and an extra scoop of ice cream with his chocolate cream pie.

    So glad the chefs are indulging his every whim. He looks awful.


  38. robyn says:

    Any idiot could see Trump fired Comey over his Russia investigation but Trump’s supporters were all over the map lying about it. In a way, Russia has effectively created a civil war of sorts within America where GOP and Trump supporters are waging war against truth and Democrats who are trying to explain that democracy is fragile and that Russia is playing them all for fools.

    • Disco Dancer says:

      If Russia’s goal was to shred America from within, I’ll say it’s succeeding 🙁

      • jwoolman says:

        Oh, I think we are quite capable of shredding ourselves with no help from the Russians.

  39. IlsaLund says:

    Nothing about Comey’s firing passes the smell test. And I thought I saw something about the Russian investigation being centralized and all operations being moved to FBI headquarters in Washington. That is not a good sign if true.

  40. Karen says:

    Approval rate now 36% prior to Comney firing. He has lost 10 points amongst white uneducated men. Maybe it is sinking in finally-we can only hope.

    Need to work on 2018 race so Republicans lose bigly!

    • Christin says:

      Trying to mess with healthcare, Medicaid, etc., likely created that points loss. Slowly some will wake up to how they were misled and used.

  41. IlsaLund says:

    I think this sums up the GOP:

    Fusion’s Hamilton Nolan:

    Trump has treated the American people, broadly speaking, as shit-eating dumbasses, but his base of support there may not last; more specifically, he is treating Congress as shit-eating dumbasses, and even more specifically, he is treating Republicans in Congress as shit-eating dumbasses. He is acting in ways that are so obviously corrupt that they cannot be hidden, and then giving obviously false explanations for his behavior, on the assumption that the Republicans in Congress will back him up on anything as long as they can get some tax cuts out of it, and therefore he has no need to moderate his behavior. I hate the fact that I have been reduced to appealing to the morality and conscience of Republican congressmen, of all people, but: Come on. All of you are standing on stage in front of the entire world, shoveling shit into your mouths, putting down the spoon, and saying, “Yum, I love this sugar! Sure doesn’t taste like shit to me!”

    • robyn says:

      Lol … it would be funny if it weren’t so sad. Well said!! Nolan perfectly explained GOP reaction to the Trump situation ever since he glided down that escalator. Russia could not have succeeded without the GOP.

      • jwoolman says:

        Well, I knew at least one politically savvy American had to be advising the Russians. It’s not at all unusual for governments to spy on each other, which includes hacking any database they can get into. But it is very unusual to publicize the information. The info and timing suggested an American hand, knowing what could raise the most doubts. Likewise for what I suspect were some altered e-mails in the bunch. My money was on Manafort.

        But it is certainly unrealistic to assume that the Russians only hacked the Democrats. They only released info on the Democrats because obviously they didn’t want Hillary to win. She would not have lifted the sanctions and could not be manipulated by Putin. At some point they realized Trump could possibly win, which would be even better than using him for pro-Putin propaganda. Trump clearly intended to lift the sanctions as soon as he could. Putin must be spitting nails that it’s taking Trump so long to do that.

    • SusanneToo says:

      Appealing to the morality and conscience of republican congressmen is a fool’s pursuit. Only the spectre of losing their cushy positions will move them in any way.
      This is no longer the fiscally prudent, socially liberal Republican party. All of the current ones are tea partiers in their black souls.

      • Christin says:

        I genuinely hope there are a few (even one or two) who will have the guts to defy party.

        My GOP senator was invited to the gilded palace a few months ago, and did a lengthy interview shortly afterwards. He said that he disagreed with pretty much everything orange stood for (this was in February). He was quoted as saying the choice ends up being whether you openly confront him, or quietly work behind the scenes to influence those around him. I hope the ones who may be doing that will give up on the latter and just openly call him out.

  42. Sigh... says:

    “All of you are standing on stage in front of the entire world, shoveling shit into your mouths, putting down the spoon, and saying, ‘Yum, I love this sugar! Sure doesn’t taste like shit to me!'”

    A thing of tears-swelling, truth-filled beauty…

  43. swak says:

    OT, but Trump just signed an EO to set up a commission to investigate the voter fraud claim.

    • IlsaLund says:

      So his hand picked, loyal to him commission can issue a false report on voter fraud. And from that they’ll justify and implement more voter ID and restriction laws. Assholes.

    • Kelsey says:

      There was voter fraud the last election. In fact, three cases. But all three were Trump supporters who voted for him twice because they thought he was going to lose.

      But these handpicked lackeys are going to invent stories about voting fraud that don’t exist so they can craft legislation that will chip away at the voting rights of minorities, women, etc. They are running scared about 2018 and 2020 and they want something in place to deny people their voting rights before it happens.

      • Sigh... says:

        “But these handpicked lackeys are going to invent stories about voting fraud that don’t exist so they can craft legislation that will chip away at the voting rights of minorities, women, etc.”

        Yuuuuup! And then set about implementing borderline unconstitutional legislation in such a sloppy way that will make it near impossible to actually vote and/or gather an accurate count a la Gore’s Florida and the Notorious Case of the Missing Ballots.

  44. JennyJenny says:

    Curious ~ when Bigly goes, do the rest of the Grifters go with him?
    Or will Pence find a way to keep them (via orders from Bigly).

    • SusanneToo says:

      Pretty sure jarvanka, conjob, bannon, miller and many of the other scumsuckers will be gone.

  45. Giddy says:

    To Cheeto Mussolini:
    How do I hate thee? Let me count the ways. I hate thee to the depth and breadth and height my soul can reach…..I hate thee freely as men strive for right; I hate thee purely, as they turn from praise. (apologies to E.B.B.)

  46. third ginger says:

    In testimony, acting FBI director McCabe has refuted the White House BS that Comey was disrespected and distrusted by rank and file members of the agency. The talking points are falling one by one. My latest “throw flip-flops at the TV” target: Sarah Huckabee Sanders. POS daughter of one of America’s biggest homophobes!

    • SusanneToo says:

      Sister of a dog murderer. Whole family is a bunch of loathsome bible thumping hillbillies.

  47. Rapunzel says:

    Cheeto interviewed by Lester Holt- claims Comey is a “showboat”. Wtf?

    And bragging again that Comey told him 3 times he wasn’t under investigation. And admitted that he’s the one who reached out and asked Comey. Of course.

    Moron doesn’t realize that a) innocent people don’t ask 3 times if they’re under investigation, and b) Comey’s denials mean nothing because he’s entitled to lie to a suspect.

    • B n A fn says:

      He’s not allowed to ask Comey any question about the investigation because he and his people are under investigation, that’s a conflict of interest. Also, he kicked a bitch when Bill C talked to Loretta Lynce on the Tarmac. I hope they call Comey to the senate hearing to swat away trump lies. I don’t believe anything coming out of the White House.

      Btw, he called Comey a show boat when he was interviewed by Lester Holt. All I can saw about that is, pot meet kettle. He’s jealous because Comey is handsome, young and smarter than he is.

  48. toni says:

    Shit is going down

    Earl Burrowes, Sr.‏

    Several sources say that a RICO case is being considered against the Republican party for laundering Russian money.


    Jayne Miller‏Verified account

    Developing: FBI confirms agents are executing a search warrant at the office of GOP Fundraiser/Consulting firm in Annapolis

    • Christin says:

      Oh my. Money laundering has always been my bet as to what starts the dominoes falling.

    • LittlestRoman says:

      Holy sh*t.

    • Giddy says:

      Praying to Dog right now.🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏🙏

    • robyn says:

      This might explain why the GOP dare not be too hard on Trump and why Trump is so soft on Russia. Is it possible the Trump campaign not only colluded with Russia but so did the GOP through some money laundering scheme. Lots and lots of questions.

  49. Eric says:

    Yes it’s on right this minute! US Marshals are being brought with the FBI and the Eastern District of Virginia with WARRANTS to Annapolis.
    So begins the downfall. Trump will be out either way by next week.

  50. Laura bb says:

    What do you think about the timing of this raid?

  51. Giddy says:

    Meanwhile CNN just reported that Bigly bought a crystal chandelier with his own money to spruce up the White House. Please, please let him be impeached before he tries to gild everything in sight. Wonder if this is why he fired the White House Head Usher.

    • SusanneToo says:

      I doubt the money came from his pocket. He likes to buy sh1t with his so called “charity” money.

  52. Rinny says:

    I’m Canadian, and this is a serious question – When can he be impeached? It seems like he’s done enough to me?!

    • LittlestRoman says:

      The House of Representatives would have to initiate the process and, if passed by a majority, an impeachment trial would take place in the Senate presided over by the Chief Justice of the Supreme Court. So, basically, it’s up to the Republicans in Congress to develop a spinal column.

    • jetlagged says:

      Simple majority in House, and then two-thirds of the Senate would have to vote to convict. Unless both houses vote to impeach, the president stays in office. After months of investigations and hearings, Nixon finally saw the writing on the wall and resigned before there was an official vote by either the House or the Senate. Clinton was formally impeached by the House but acquitted in the Senate.

      The only thing that could spur the Republicans to action now is if they start losing elections due to lack of public confidence. Otherwise, it ain’t gonna happen.

  53. why? says:

    According to Trump’s interview with Lester Holt, he was told 3 times by Comey and once by some committee(not sure what committee he was talking about) that he wasn’t under investigation. He said that Comey told him over dinner while they were discussing if Comey was going to stay on, which is weird because Comey’s position was for 10 years so he would have no reason to ask Trump if he was not going to stay on. Trump said that the other 2 times happened over phone calls, one he called Comey and the other is when Comey called him. Trump said that he flat out asked Comey if he was being investigated. I also wonder it was actually McCabe who had this conversation with Trump and not Comey. Now we need to hear from Comey.

    It is also being reported that Rosenstein threatened to quit because Trump, Kellyanne, and Sarah were putting the blame for Comey’s firing on him. Rosenstein must have had a deep impact because Trump spent today taking credit for firing Comey, but it also makes Kellyanne and Sarah look bad because according to their interviews, it was Rosestein’s idea.

    What is up with Pete Williams? Since the Comey firing broke, he has been going out of his way to defend Trump. Pete Williams is giving interviews claiming that Trump didn’t do anything wrong by asking Comey if he was under investigation.

    McCabe seems like he is falling in the steps of Devin Nunes, claiming that there is no truth the stories about Comey asking for more funds and resources because they have enough. He claims that he is going to keep the investigation going and notify them if he receives any interference from Trump. He refused to answer any questions about Trump’s claim that Comey told him that he wasn’t under investigation. Mc Cabe refused to answer because he was the one who most likely told Trump that he wasn’t under investigation.

    According to what Sarah Huckabee stated today, Trump really thought that firing Comey would make the investigation go away.

    • Rapunzel says:

      Trump was a moron if he really put any stock in what Comey said to him. Comey’s no fool- if he was investigating Trump, he wouldn’t tell him. He doesn’t legally have to.

  54. B n A fn says:

    @why, do you believe anything that DT has to say. I’ll wait until I hear from Comey.

  55. why? says:

    When is enough going to be enough? Trump formed a panel to investigate voter fraud. This seems more like an attempt to suppress voters and get a list of all the people who didn’t vote for him so that he can punish them.

    • Original T.C. says:

      Ignore it. It’s an attempt to distract and rally his base.

      Someone needs to sit Trump down and explain that firing the head of the FBI is not something you can distract the country and press from. Like he is honestly surrounded by morons in the WH who slept through US history and thought this would stop the Russian investigation. He just woke up the ghosts of Watergate and EVERYONE is shook. EVERYONE. This is historic. Like 20 years from now people will talk about where they were when they found out Comey was fired. I was legitimately scared for our democracy.

  56. toni says:

    Trump admitted firing Comey to stop the Russia investigation and talks to himself about himself in the third person. He is crazy.

    Philip Rucker‏Verified account @PhilipRucker 50m50 minutes ago

    Trump to NBC: “When I decided to [fire Comey], I said to myself, you know, this Russia thing with Trump and Russia is a made up story.”

    • Original T.C. says:

      Come and get your father (don’t you love when She and Jared disappear), he’s passed batty crazy.

  57. Ashley says:

    Please tell me you are all listening to Pod Save America. If not, do yourself a favor and do…

  58. Hazel says:

    My god, he keeps talking about the damn election! He is obsessed!

  59. Original T.C. says:

    He really stepped into it with the Lester Holt interview. The president of the United States has just admitted on National Tv to calling the Director of the FBI to ask if he is under investigation. **Mic drop**

    He better lawyer up with a school yard full of attorneys. Republicans do your job or flee the country.