Duchess Kate in yellow Chloe at Buckingham Palace: tedious or lovely?

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry host a Tea Party in the grounds of Buckingham Palace to honour the children of those who have died serving in the Armed Forces

Here are some photos of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge plus Prince Harry on Saturday. They organized an event at Buckingham Palace for the children of fallen soldiers. It was not a sad event though – it seems like Will, Kate and Harry wanted the kids to have a day of fun on the palace grounds, so there were slingshots, plate spinning, and… I would assume some nice snacks, at the very least. Kate in particular made it seem like she was having a great time – in most of the photos from the event, she’s the one laughing the hardest.

As for what she wore, I honestly thought this was a repeat but apparently it is not (update: it is a repeat! She wore this dress to that garden party at the British embassy in Canada last year, it must be her “garden party” dress). It’s a pale yellow dress by Chloe, at a cost of $460. Would you spend $500 on a lacy dress that looks a lot like about 20 other lacy, pale dresses you already own? While I think she was dressed on par with Harry and William – both of whom wore sport coats with no tie – it does feel like Kate was more “dressed up” than the occasion really called for. I’m not saying she needed to wear her favorite painted-on jeggings while she rolled around on the palace grounds. Of course not. But perhaps she could acknowledge that she didn’t need to wear high heels, a high-collared dress and loose, freshly-blown-out hair when she knew she was going to be interacting with kids all day? A smart pair of trousers and a functional ponytail would have been great here. But then she wouldn’t have looked like a “princess,” I guess.

In Prince Harry news, Vanity Fair reports that Harry is taking over as head of the Royal Marines. It’s the position that Prince Philip has held since 1953! And it was one of Philip’s favorite positions. It seems like a good fit for Harry too.

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry host a Tea Party in the grounds of Buckingham Palace to honour the children of those who have died serving in the Armed Forces

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry host a Tea Party in the grounds of Buckingham Palace to honour the children of those who have died serving in the Armed Forces

The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge and Prince Harry host a Tea Party in the grounds of Buckingham Palace to honour the children of those who have died serving in the Armed Forces

Photos courtesy of Pacific Coast News.

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130 Responses to “Duchess Kate in yellow Chloe at Buckingham Palace: tedious or lovely?”

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  1. Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

    FFS those awful wedges are back. I don’t mind the dress but considering there were lots of events, wearing a floaty skirt that meant photog’s could see right up your skirt wasn’t the brightest move, but then we all know she’s not the brightest spark in the fire and that she does love to flash the royal biscuit to the press. Fitted cigarette trousers or a maxi dress would have been better.

    Anyway, onto something more important and thats how Romania was robbed of Eurovision victory last night. That Portuguese entry was so boring and I hated the constipated performance – it could have been staged a bit better.

    • sensible says:

      Uurrrgghhh those effing wedges, so ten years ago. I need to see just one good outfit, one…it’s not a lot to ask.

    • sarah says:

      Re : cigarette trousers. Jackie Kennedy (not yet Onassis) perfected this look in her early New York City years. Khakis and a polo shirt with loafers for casual outings. The type of elegance that Kate does not seem to achieve much.

      • Bettyrose says:

        Khakis and loafers would have been perfect fot this type of event. It would also photograph as relaxed and fun, focused on the kids.

      • Zaratustra says:

        Kate’s proportions aren’t suited for khakis and a polo shirt. She has a long torso, her legs look short in comparison. In khakis that would become apparent.

        Kate wears skirts and dresses because that means she can raise her waistline enough to make her legs look longer.

        Ridiculous. In that pic in which she is kneeling she is lucky the photographer didn’t catch her at a more revealing angle. Or the pics were censored before they were published.

      • notasugarhere says:

        Her proportions are what they are, but fashion shouldn’t stop her from dressing properly for the day’s work. If she’s worried about her precious optical illusion, she could wear khakis with a long peasant blouse or tunic over them that covers/disguises the location of her waist.

        Rania has a similar long torso, shorter legs frame. Kate Middleton should look to her for day wear ideas.

    • Alix says:

      She should’ve tucked the dress behind her knees before kneeling. It’s as if she’s never worn one before!

      • Susie says:

        Alix, its not that she doesn’t know how to wear a dress properly, its down to the fact that she doesn’t care. She knows that if it gets ruined, it can easily be discarded & replaced with a new one! She’s shallow.

    • Kali says:

      Couldn’t help myself, had a soft spot for the Croatian guy. That’s Eurovision kitsch.

    • dodgy says:

      Yes, that Portuguese song sounded like a second rate lala land song. YUCK.

      • Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

        Yes it did and I didn’t like his pretentious speech he gave saying his victory was a victory for ‘music that means something’ – this is Eurovision, the biggest festival of cheesy and fun music; get over yourself mate. I think the press around his ill health played a big part in his win, he got the sympathy vote and I do hope that he gets better but lets be honest it got him votes.

      • LAK says:

        Betti: what?! Music that does what?! Did he forget he was at Eurovision? That’s hilarious.

      • Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

        @LAK yes it is. It was disrespectful to the rest of the competitors to the spirit of the competition. Even in his interviews he came across as a pretentious twit. He’s not John Mayer.

        Am going to go off an watch the Montenegro act again who got booted in the semi’s – he was just amazing.

    • KiddVicious says:

      Not that I like the shoes, but wedges are perfect for garden parties if one must wear heels, which apparently she does. They don’t get stuck in the grass like pointy heels do. So while the shoe was somewhat appropriate, the dress certainly wasn’t.

      The color combination of the pale yellow dress with gray-ish shoe reminded me of over cooked hard boiled eggs. You know how you get that gray line around the pale yolk?

    • PrincessK says:

      She is probably wearing wedges for comfort, high heels sinking into grass while talking to children and trying to get involved in games is not very practical. It is important to be practical with clothing doing royal duties. But I admit I would not have chosen that dress but it seems as though a large section of the public , especially children have a fairytale idea of what a princess should look like so Kate did not want to disappoint by wearing chinos or something boyish. I remember when she went to a school in the US the kids were disappointed because they thought that she was going to look like the Princess in Frozen.

      • notasugarhere says:

        She could have worn one of the longer, printed dresses from the India tour and been more appropriate for the day’s events. A white lace dress is off-putting, and sends out the signal that she isn’t to be touched in case she gets dirty.

      • Zaratustra says:

        Problem is that it doesn’t matter what Kate wears. She rarely ever looks like a princess.

    • Lahdidahbaby says:

      I do have to agree with you, Digital–although sometimes I think people are unnecessarily hard on Kate for her wardrobe choices, it seems as if every time she’s gone out recently she has ended up sitting on her heels with her skirt wide open in front to the Biscuit of Cambridge.

    • Where'sMyTiara says:

      There needs to be a new palace rule: She’s not allowed out of the house unless she’s wearing a gorram slip. Weepin’ Sassenach on the cross… she’s still ignoring Her Maj’s edicts on dress!

      And you’re absolutely right, some British patriot needs to confiscate all her wedges and light them on fire, perhaps as a piece of performance art on the Thames…

    • vespernite says:

      FFS this whole outfit!! Really lady this is the best you can do with all the money at your disposal? She looks like a 70s Stepford wife…am i right?

  2. Chaucer says:

    What a terrible dress. Yikes. Have we ever seen her in trousers? Or just jeggings? A pair of white leg trousers and a nice blouse would have been great here.

    • Paris says:


    • zinjojo says:

      It’s a horrible outfit — the dress is so prim and boring and the wedges are awful and don’t go with it. I look at this and think “what would Letizia do?” And we know she would wear terrific pants as part of an outfit that looks good and is appropriate for the situation.

    • AnnaKist says:

      I agree, Chaucer. Some nice wide-legged pants, a modern, loose-ish blouse, and a pair of low, block-heeled shoes that are popular right now. As Kaiser said, though – “not princessy enough”. Look, what do I know? I live in black jeans, black pants and black leggings with comfortable shoes, but for a duchess, she’s pretty daggy.

  3. Jennifer says:

    It is a repeat. She wore it at the no-touch kids party in Canada.

  4. sarri says:

    Those are some ugly wedges.

    • Citresse says:

      Forget the wedges. It looks like Kate is launching a wad of used bubblegum. And yes I haven’t yet read the story, but don’t worry Kaiser, I will.

  5. Naptime says:

    If it’s Chloe, even the cheap line, it was more than $460. Maybe that’s the price tag on the belt alone?

    • dodgy says:

      @Naptime – the dress would be from the Chloe see line, which is a diffusion line.

  6. Sarah says:

    Don’t think a white outfit ist the best choice for a gardenparty with kids.

    • Zaratustra says:

      Well, in those Jane Austen novels the girls who got their prince did usually wear simple white dresses when they would go for a walk.
      I think that that is Waity’s source of inspiration. I doubt any aristo would wear white for an outdoor thing with activities with kids. Even when the Queen “inspects” her horses she wears some sensible colours. Waity is probably a constant source of amusement to the aristos.

      • Erica says:

        I have often wondered what the aristos think of her and her family behind closed doors and how they are suddenly more royal then the windsor clan.

      • Where'sMyTiara says:

        I suspect the aristo set ask the same questions we do: ie, “How many times did she have to take the Turing test before she passed?”

      • Starlight says:

        Didn’t one of Pippas ex boyfriends parents say they were not their sort of people – whatever that implies – it was in a gossip page in the DM

    • Ree says:

      The children were at the Buckingham Palace Garden party with a princess (duchess), and if i were a kid I would want to see a princess dress like a princess too at her garden party . 😀 She can go with her jeggings in sporty events or a blouse in more casual events but I think it was a nice gesture.

  7. Aligoat says:

    Wear trousers! How is that a difficult concept?

    • Nic919 says:

      Sadly for her it is. Risk flashing with skirts or skin tight jeggings showing thigh gap. Not thing in between with her it seems. And she’s been photographed for years now.

    • Hazel says:

      Right, and if you look at the female guests, you can see there was a suggested dress code, because they’re all casually dressed. Only Kate didn’t get–or read–the memo.

      • CeeCee says:

        The invitation was published, and it said something like “Even though it’s at the palace, please don’t worry about dressing up.”

  8. MunichGirl says:

    I don’t like the top of that dress – but I don’t have to wear it.

  9. Indira says:

    The first pic.. sorry to say but all three look older than they really are/don’t age gracefully.

    • Susannah says:

      They’re going to look older than the Queen soon!
      It’s funny but I think the expression on Kate’s face in the last photo looks exactly like the one on Charlotte’s face in the photo Kate took a couple weeks ago.

      • amy says:

        The Queen looks really good for her age. Sometimes Charles looks even older than his mother.

  10. Prince says:

    Lacy Kate.

  11. Citresse says:

    The three Musketeers?

  12. cindyp says:

    She just can never dress occasion appropriate. Why would anyone wear a high neck dress in the spring with wedges or to a children’s party? She looks ridiculous.

    • Zardi123 says:

      So agree why she cant dress appropriately its because she likes to show off having a skinny waist and also loves to flash her legs and thighs and her knickers …she is an exhibitionist in extreme form and only knows how to interact with children as she is a child herself
      this i a debarcle and cannot get any worse.. you cannot take the vulgar out of this girl child she is awful…

  13. manda says:

    She just has awful taste/style. This is just blah. The coat dresses make it look like she’s ready to leave. She has the world practically at her fingertips, and is so disappointing

  14. Seraphina says:

    She looks good as far as relaxed and having fun. This evening shoes are an eye sore with that dress. And I agree, pants and a pony tail would have been great. Ugh this girl makes me drink.

    And it is a perfect fit for Harry! Wise choice.
    Could it have gone to Wills???? Because if it could have that speaks volumes on Phillip giving it to Harry instead.

  15. Capepopsie says:

    Maybe it was chilly?
    Anyway, I like the dress.

    • Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

      It was also quite windy in London yesterday (still is today), she could have easily flashed some poor bereaved child traumatising them further.

      • Seraphina says:

        Can you imagine??? Poor child repeating over and over: I. Saw. Under. The. Princess’. Dress! As they develop a nervous tick.

      • PrincessK says:

        @Seraphina…..I almost wet myself laughing at your comment.

      • Kaz says:

        Best comment ever! Haha! Does Kate or anyone around her THINK about the fearful scenarios of combining flared skirts, no weights, no slip, wind, photographers and children (requiring kneeling down positions)???

    • Maria says:

      I like the dress. Ir’s feminine and suits her. But I would have preferred her in a nice pair of elegant pants. does she have any?

      • notasugarhere says:

        She did have regular, non-painted on trousers during the Decade O Dating. She also had slips during that time; when she didn’t weight her hems in in those days she was flashing her slip.

  16. Tulip Garden says:

    I see that the love fest for Kate has begun. I get it but “out of proportion” comes to mind.

  17. Joy says:

    Hmmm a kid’s event where I’ll be kneeling and squatting? Geeves bring me something floaty that makes no sense whatsoever in this setting!

  18. HappyMom says:

    There are such great pants and cute blouse options she could have worn. With her up in a pony tail. Why, oh why, despite spending so much money on her clothes must she look so blah?? Duchess Meghan is going to look so much better and dress circles around her. Maybe then, because she’s so competitive, she will up her game.

  19. Lainey says:

    Wearing a short cream dress around kids is just a big no. This dress wasn’t suitable last year when she wore it in Canada wasn’t yesterday either. And for God’s sake girl tie your hair up.
    It was so obvious yesterday this event was all Harry with the Cambridges just jumping aboard. He went so beyond-writing letters to the kids, doing a speech etc.

    • Hazel says:

      That was my thought, too. Harry developed the event, and W&K horned in on it.

      • PrincessK says:

        Yes, that is what it appears like. This event seems closely linked to the Invictus events, I think Harry noticed that servicemen and their families get much more respect in the US and wanted to do something for British servicemen and their families. Good on yer Harry!!! Pity William, unlike Charles and Harry, still has to find something he is truly passionate about.

  20. FLORC says:

    She has trousers. She’s worn them once. Few years ago. I forgot the event, but we here were all floored.
    Even jeggins would work for this. Ponytail. Simple styling.
    And yea the smiles… she has an underbite. Plus veneers. Plus an ott laugh. She lacks selfawareness.

    But, she’s doing something Harry cares about and William found the time for so whatever. hope the children had fun.

    • LAK says:

      I recently watched a video of one of her events, it’s quite clear that those veneers are too big such that as soon as she opens her mouth, no matter how small, she immediately looks like she’s smiling wide at people because the entire set of veneers on her upper teeth is glaring, coupled with her top lip that can’t quite cover the exposed teeth. Rather like Ross from friends.

      When she really opens her mouth wide, the effect is similar to that female Italian-American celeb chef with too many teeth in her mouth.

      Since watching the video, i’m not convinced anymore that she is deliberately baring her teeth at people as you see in the pictures-Giada something.

      Kate’s veneers are really big, coupled with thin lips and all the usual ticks of her mouth as she speaks, and the effect is rather startling.

      • bluhare says:

        Giardia somebody or another, and I agree!

      • Hazel says:

        LAK–You’re thinking Giada de Laurentiis (Bluhare: giardia is something you get when you drink out of a stream–not good!). Look, people have different jaw shapes & sizes, different tooth shapes & sizes; I’ve seen people with Giada’s smile–every tooth on display. It’s not an affectation, it is what it is.

        As for Kate–I agree with folks who say her veneers are too big. It seems with both women, they have all 32 teeth, and with Kate, her jaw size can’t accommodate the increased size in all those front teeth, which were pretty good-sized to start with. (As a contrast, I only have 24 teeth, due to four being removed before braces & four (the wisdom teeth) being removed after braces.)

      • LAK says:

        Hazel: i’ve never really considered what you are saying. You learn something new everyday.

        It was fascinating watching the video. Not sure why i’d never noticed before. Every single time she opened her mouth, those giant veneers popped out. Yet, there was no corresponding movement of her mouth to indicate that she had opened it particularly wide to show that many teeth. Even when she talked, the big teeth led the way which gave the impression she had a perma-grin. Talking, not talking, listening. Same result.

      • FLORC says:

        It’s another addition to the looong list of cosmetic procedures people get that look… off. Unnatural in a subconscious way. Ultimately, our minds process it as a false image and something we should be wary of.

        Remember the fake smiles quiz we all took here via a BBC link? Yea. That.

        She was fine before.

  21. aquarius64 says:

    The dress in ok, but too formal for an event involving kids. I think the boring clothes Kate wears reflects the lack of confidence in herself. Kate is a future queen and she needs to step up.

    • Kaz says:

      She was all dressy-dressed up for several events on the NZ/Oz tour involving children and casual events and parties. It drives even more of a wedge between her and the public. She seems incapable of doing smart casual at all.

  22. Zut alors says:

    Is she not allowed to walk with her hands swinging freely by her sides? Must she always clasp them together like that? It looks so unnatural.

    • Darling says:

      She does it to disguise where her real waist starts because she has a super long torso. 

      She’s taller than William when they’re sitting down.  You can see it in their Taj Mahal photos.

  23. Bliss 51 says:

    So she loves wearing doilies.

  24. PrincessK says:

    I thought it was cream, but its OK if she likes it because she is wearing it.

  25. Amelie says:

    That’s yellow? Unless I’m color blind it’s more off white or cream?

  26. PettyRiperton says:

    Again SMFH nice dress, wrong occasion. Some nice jeans rolled up at the cuff and like a nice shirt or blouse with sneakers would’ve been cute.

  27. Joannie says:

    Not a big fan of the dress but its appropriate as the children want to meet a “princess”. I’m sure its a day those children will remember all of their lives. What a fantastic way to pay tribute to the soldiers and their wives and children. I really like what these three are doing. It’s obvious they are enjoying themselves as well.

  28. Citresse says:

    Yeah Kate and the usual mediocrity…. I’m surprised there is no CB coverage of James Hewitt aka the “cad” currently at death’s door is he not? Yes, another PR caper. If death has warmed over I hope he doesn’t decide to reveal more info for cash, we get enough of that already from too many others.

  29. NikoleN says:

    All I can see – fake, very fake people from BRF, fake smiles, fake laughing and it won’t stops.

  30. Penelope says:

    She usually does better at casual events. This is just a no.

  31. Egla says:

    I was at a wedding once in Brussels. It was the 28-th of May. I had a bridesmaids gown on and super high hills. After the ceremony (not a religious one) we went to the restaurant. That damn place had a huge garden that was designed for open air cocktails and guess what? There was a cocktail there and because the sun decided to shine high and mighty EVERYBODY got rid of their high heels and fancy clothes. It turned in a picnic for a while more than a wedding. Anyway I had no change of clothes BUT I had flats with me, not because of the picnic part but because I can’t stay in heels to long.
    Long story short it was a Godsend as it was nearly impossible to walk in the grass and remain dignified hence the wedges of this lady. Yes they are ugly but….. As for the dress, well all I say is IF you don;t know how to move or stay around in a dress don’t put it on. Trousers would have been a more sensible choice given that she is taking part in the games. I can understand TQ wearing always dresses as she only greets people. I am sure if she was to play she and her smart stylist would have come up with something appropriate to wear. So in the end she needs someone to help her dress herself for a while at least.

    • msthang says:

      Egla, but trousers would make her look fat!! So no can do! She must always be the skinniest person in the room or on the field or anywhere, so for her it is jeggings or skinny dresses that emphasize her small waist!!

  32. vava says:

    Kate really doesn’t have a clue.
    The dress is ugly.
    The shoes are as well.
    The behavior is certainly not dignified – can’t she smile and have some fun without looking like an absolute Looney Tune? Guess not!

    • Ree says:

      Kate has a clue, she just has different style than you (or me). And that is alright.
      I don’t have any problem with the dress or the shoes.

      • HappyMom says:

        They don’t go together for starters. And it was totally inappropriate for the event.

      • Ree says:

        We think differently and that is alright 🙂 We have right to our opinions 🙂

  33. paddyjr says:

    Whenever I see Kate, I just want to take her into her closet, go through all of her clothes and make a major donation to a charity shop. Maybe the EACH charity shop she spent 5 minutes at a few years ago?

    Seriously, if she spent a fraction of the energy on her role as Duchess as she did chasing after William, she would be amazing.

    • HappyMom says:

      The crazy thing is she clearly spends a lot of money on her clothes. She needs a stylist to help her. A real stylist.

      • Citresse says:

        Her stylist was seen in India at her finest. Kate likes to recycle. It’s good for the environment I guess.

  34. Stephanie says:

    Still bad, the second time around.

  35. suze says:

    She does seem a bit dressed up, but.

    The public – kids in particular – want a princess when they go to a Buck House garden party. She delivered ; ). And the wedges, while not my favorite, at least don’t dig divots into the lawn and are comfortable for a variety of activities.

    She isn’t a style icon in my eyes, but I get what she’s doing. I think she looks appropriate, comfortable and duchess -y.

  36. Marion says:

    Oh for heavens sake leave the woman alone! What she wears is HER choice. The way people carry about her reminds me of the terrible time Princess Diana had with the press and public and we all know how that turned out. She’s new to the Royal scene and will make mistakes on the way. But she doesn’t need everyone to point a finger just because they don’t agree with what she is wearing. It’s her taste and it’s her style, so live with it!

    • suze says:

      WEll, she’s not that new.

      But I agree that she gets too much grief about her clothes. She seems to have conquered the hem flying up issue, and has settled into a conventional groove. Maybe her outfits are not super stylish, but they are not enough to cause the controversy that they do, imo. She’s fine. I am not sure why this outfit would cause any consternation at all.

      • FLORC says:

        To add. There are many royal ladies that get slaughtered in the press for clothes. Assume you can’t win. And focus on the work. Kate has the easiest of all. Her clothes will be praised and she can slack on her charities that struggle along while she cannot return their pleas. After all. They shouldn’t expect her to show up every year. Am I right?

    • HappyMom says:

      Oh for god’s sake: she’s been married and royal duchess for SIX YEARS, not six months. It’s so ridiculous that people keep cutting her so much slack.

    • Zaratustra says:

      What Kate wears in private is her own thing.
      What she wears while doing taxpayer-funded work is up for discussion.

    • Darling says:

      Marion, please look at Kate’s expression at 1:52 of this video.


      Also, did you know that she finds mutilating children “interesting”?

    • CrystalBall says:

      She’s new to the royal scene? That is very inaccurate.

  37. fiorucci says:

    She looks fine to me, other than the crouching photo that looks awkward. God forbid anyone doesn’t have the exact right length legs right? Her torso looks totally normal, I think it’s a reach to concern troll that she is dressing to disguise her proportions. Also since she has no problem wearing heels she wouldn’t look wide, frumpy or anything like that in trousers. For gods sake she can’t weigh much more than 110 of that. Maybe William doesn’t like trousers? She just doesn’t care for them? Or maybe she’s saving trousers. Like she saved her prettiness. Until recently she looked less pretty due to the eyeliner. Maybe she’s saving trousers for the future to get some praise when she needs it more!

    • notasugarhere says:

      Go look up the Katepedia article from Vogue. They wrote about how she dresses to trick the eye about proportions. The fact that she alters waistlines is clear, when you look at the originals vs the version she wears.

  38. Mildred Fierce says:

    I know we sometimes over-criticize Katie Keen here, but in this case I think it’s justified. She paid $460 for my grandmother’s crocheted doily collection in dress form.

  39. YupYepYam says:

    For a gossip site (and its regular commenters) who doesn’t seem to like Kate very much, you guys sure writes and commented a lot about her.

  40. KatM says:

    It does not look terribly comfortable honestly for this type of event. She would probably look good in a casual suit/pants but I do not think I have ever seen her wear anything but jeggings or dresses. I am not a expert on fashion, it is just my opinion.

  41. Your Mom says:

    That neckline is tragic. This woman is a nothing burger.

  42. Cerys says:

    This seems to be her dress for children’s parties. it’s not my favourite but it’s not her worst outfit either. To me, trousers would have been more appropriate but I accept what others have been saying in that the children might have been expecting someone dressed like a princess. The wedges are yuk, as usual, but a more sensible choice than her usual 4 inch heels.
    I think this was an event set up by Harry and the Dolittles tagged along to generate some good publicity.
    They all seemed to enjoy themselves although some of Kate’s grins could rival The Joker.

  43. carolind says:

    I normally quite like what Kate wears but although it’s not important I don’t like this. Fair enough if she likes it though. At the moment, women of Kate’s age in the UK are just not wearing traditional trousers unless for formal work occasions. I find trousers too formal most of the time and I am old enough to be Kate’s mother.