Donald Trump feels ‘increasingly isolated & agitated,’ because no one is praising him

On Friday morning, Donald Trump went on a tweeting binge that left his staffers openly screaming “Jesus Christ” to reporters. As in, “Jesus Christ, I cannot believe this orange buffoon is president.” Facing what it is now clearly a constitutional crisis in which America becomes a banana republic led by a petty, baby-fisted and demented dictator, Trump decided that he was the only one in the country who REALLY knows what’s happening. First he complained about all of the lies coming out of his communications office: “As a very active President with lots of things happening, it is not possible for my surrogates to stand at podium with perfect accuracy!….” As in, people are lying because he’s lying and then everybody keeps getting caught in lies. Then Trump threatened to withhold the press’s daily briefing, which… ?? At this point, the briefing is just material for the SNL skits. But this tweet was the pièce de résistance:

As in, Trump seems to be saying that he has tapes of James Comey. In the White House. Because Trump is taping conversations in the White House?? Comey reportedly “isn’t worried” about any tapes, if they exist. And when Sean Spicer was asked about the “tapes,” Spicer said: “The president has nothing further to add on that.” As in, no confirmation or denial. At this point, anything is f–king possible.

Anyway, here are some other political headlines:

CNN: “Isolated and agitated, Trump rattles White House from within.” Basically, White House staffers feel “dejected” and VP Pence is “a little rattled” by how crazy this past week has been. Even Emperor Baby Fists has been feeling dejected – he is reportedly feeling “increasingly isolated and agitated” because he had to go one “full week without hearing the applause and adulation that often brightens his mood.” He’s a f–king child and a psychopath.

NY Mag: “Trump Has Sparked the Biggest Political Crisis Since Watergate.” This is basically a cogent analysis of everything that has happened in the past week and how crazy it is that we have a president who admits to obstruction of justice in the middle of an NBC interview.

Politico: “Trump blasts ‘chorus of critics’ in commencement address.” Baby Fists whined about his “critics” during Liberty University’s commencement address. He also said words about how Americans “worship God, not the government.”

CNN: “Sources: Rosenstein sees no need for special prosecutor in Russia probe.” Rod Rosenstein is the same Deputy AG who wrote the letter about the need for James Comey to go. He has the authority to unilaterally (?) appoint a special prosecutor. But he’s not going to… yet. According to sources, Rosenstein wants the current DOJ/FBI investigation to continue doing its thing.

CNN: “Jared and Ivanka stay out of the spotlight amid Comey fallout.” Precious Ivanka and her husband have been in the wind all week. When the going gets tough in Trumpland, Jared and Ivanka go home and and hide out until the controversy blows over. Dear American people: do not let Precious Ivanka baby-whisper her way out of treason charges.

Photos courtesy of Getty.

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108 Responses to “Donald Trump feels ‘increasingly isolated & agitated,’ because no one is praising him”

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  1. cedar falls says:

    OK, so DT wants to be praised, but presumably by any mechanism that doesn’t involve him actually doing something praiseworthy?


    And this in a political climate with a bar set SO LOW that his state of the union address was lauded simply for not being a total f***-up…

    • Esmom says:

      The bar is unbelievably low and the knee jerk partisanship is what’s got me more worried than ever that Trump’s not going anywhere anytime soon. I read a long thread on FB that an acquaintance posted about Trump’s firing of Comey, basically trashing “the left” for its “hypocrisy.” I found it deeply disturbing how seemingly reasonable people are defending him, think the left are unreasonably “obsessed with Russia” and who still seem to believe that Hillary was a worse choice. These aren’t alt right lunatics or trolls, these people walk among us.

    • LaBlah says:

      It’s what he’s used to. His entire adult life he’s been praised for being some genius businessman when’s in actuality he’s been woeful. Had he merely invested in indexed funds, like your conservative frugal grandma does, he’d be considerably richer than he is now and that’s if you take him at his word as to what he’s really worth which isn’t exactly a safe assumption.

      His career has been one failure after another but he’s cushioned by inherited wealth and the ability to pay decent lawyers.

    • Betsy says:

      Is it even a bar for him? It’s more like a piece of masking tape on the floor and he’s managing not to clear even that.

  2. Chaucer says:

    I hope we all see what Pence is doing. Keeping quiet, staying out of the way so he doesn’t get roped in with Trump’s treason charges. Let’s not forget about him!

    • Birdix says:

      Yep, he’s got his head down and eye on the prize.

    • Cherise says:

      Pence basically just shows up for the signing of the Executive Orders that spur their base and then sends out sources to declare that he is “uncomfortable” about whatever latest scandal. He is basically brushing up against the “good” stuff and distancing from the bad, and Trump is too stupid to see it until SNL puts in in a bunch of skits.

    • Lolo86lf says:

      Whenever I go to the toilet and I have a bowel movement #2 I remember Trump, so don’t worry Mr. President I can never forget about you.

    • Original T.C. says:

      Actually Pence was visible on Capital Hill defending Trump’s firing of Comey based on the letter Trump wrote. He said the firing had nothing to do with Russia. Then Trump threw him under the bus during his interview with Lester Holt. So now VP Mike Pence looks either like a big fat liar or a clueless stooge who Trump rolled. This is now the second time. The first time was Pence swearing Michael Flynn was not working for Russia.

      Fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me…If you watch the news programs, Pence’s lies are included in the conversation. Trump is going to dirty him until both of them are removed from office. He makes everyone dirty when they decide to work with him. There will be a pile of careers draining down the toilet when Trump leaves the WH. The new assistant AG with a spotless record was used by Trump to initially justify the firing of Comey. That guy is next on the list to lose all his credibility. Watch for it.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        To work on Trump’s team is to one day be thrown under the bus. They all will be a sacrificial lamb to be used by Trump to excuse his own mistakes at some point.

      • jwoolman says:

        Also remember that Pence repeatedly lied in the VP debate. Kaine would directly quote Trump, and then Pence would insist that Trump never said that even though I clearly remember seeing and hearing Trump say precisely that. We have video! It was as though Pence had never listened to Trump at all…. or thought he could get away with lying about it.

        So Pence may not be quite the innocent in this, even though I also can see that Trump would keep him out of the loop. Some Christian type needs to remind Pence that there are Ten Commandments, not just nine. And that he needs to fact check everybody around him.

  3. Rapunzel says:

    I think this isolation and desire for praise explains him bringing in the Russians. They’re probably kissing his butt, telling him everything he wants to hear.

  4. Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

    Trumps constant need for attention and an audience to perform to is going to be his downfall – he will continue to behave erratically and stupidly to get that attention to reinforce his ego. He’s digging his own grave, lets leave him to keep digging and focus on those around him and what GOP are doing while everyone is being distracted by the performing orange ape.

    He truly believes his life is like a reality TV show and he’s the star. He’s treating the Presidency as an episode of the Apprentice.

    • Esmom says:

      Yes, I listened to a podcast yesterday and someone jokingly suggested that Trump should just be filmed for 12 hours an broadcast on every channel because that’s what he really wants…and eventually he’ll just crack. Doesn’t seem so farfetched.

      • Humbug says:

        Interesting that you say say that. One theory is that he ran in order to get his own tv network. Determined scum of a gun, huh?..

      • Belle Epoch says:

        Did you see that he sent out a tweet that simply said “We”? It stayed for awhile until someone took it down. The thing is, it received HUNDREDS of “likes” and “retweets” even though it didn’t say anything!!! Talk about sheeple!

      • Erica_V says:

        @Humbug – that’s been my theory since early 2016. He never wanted to win just wanted the popularity to launch his own TV channel.

  5. Eric says:

    I’m taking this story with a grain of salt for now, but Claude Taylor twitter is breaking what he says is a massive story.

    I have my praying hands working overtime!

    Happy Mother’s Day

    • Nic919 says:

      If you mean that there are sealed indictments against Trump et al then he has already posted that.

    • Tanguerita says:

      “Separate sources with links to the intelligence and justice communities have stated that a sealed indictment has been granted against Donald Trump”.
      Please, please, please, please.

      • jwoolman says:

        I wouldn’t get my hopes up, although if it’s true that Senator Orrin Hatch (4th in line for the Presidency) is now receiving security briefings in case he ends up as President – that’s very interesting but might be a normal precaution under the circumstances.

        There are some things said on the site that I don’t believe are correct, in particular these two leaped out at me:

        – The site claims repeatedly that the firing of Comey was unconstitutional. No, the President can legally do it. It’s ethically yuck and politically explosive because he fired the guy who was investigating his people and maybe Trump himself. It might be what really takes him down but it’s not unconstitutional and it’s not illegal. Sorry.
        – Violation of the Logan act is repeatedly cited as a crime by Flynn and others. The Logan Act was enacted in response to certain specific concerns in the very early years of the Republic and has never been used. I doubt that it would stand up in court because it seems blatantly unconstitutional to me. There was nothing wrong with Flynn or anybody talking about sanctions with the Russian Ambassador any time, no matter who was President. It especially makes sense to mention the likely actions of the President-Elect once inaugurated and to advise wait and see in response to the sanctions. It would be draconian to limit freedom to speak about such matters (if it’s not illegal to talk about it publically, how the heck can it be illegal in private?!?), and it is not interference with the sitting President. The sanctions would stand at least until Jan 20 but after that, the new President could get rid of them unless Congress decided to pass relevant legislation and then overturn any Presidential veto. Trump made it very clear during the campaign that he disagreed with sanctions against Russia and intended to lift them.

        Oh, and good luck getting people to care about Trump and his minions lying their faces off repeatedly. The US Congress and the American people have had considerable tolerance for repeated and blatant lying by Presidents and other government officials, except under oath, and not always even then.

      • Betsy says:

        – it would be legal for him to fire him unless it was to obstruct, no? It has to be for cause, not for stopping an investigation into oneself.
        – I’m guessing the Logan Act would come into play if Flynn was one of those targeted in the FISA warrant and they heard him actually violating the law. There were many phone calls between him and the Russians the day Obama expelled the Russian “diplomats.”

    • cr says:

      Taylor claims a lot of things, he also claimed several weeks ago that Trump was considering resignation.
      Are there times when he, and tin-foil hatted Louise Mensch, are correct? Yes. Doesn’t mean what they write shouldn’t be taken with a very large grain of salt. I considering it very wishful thinking for now.

  6. SusanneToo says:

    Nobody likes you, donnie! Not your asskissers and even your spawn are waiting for you to croak. You’re a nasty piece if work.

  7. Alexandria says:

    I’m not even American but for all the constant call of patriotism and protecting democracy that defined Americans and American politics for as long as I’ve lived, DT is the single biggest threat to it and those Republicans are enabling this threat. Shame! The American government has lost it and for the sake of those sane Americans, hope your independent agencies can rise and TRUMP THE DUMP. And Ivanka, don’t run, you complicit Nagini princess. Disgusting.

    • Bettyrose says:

      Alexandra, if you’re interested, the book White Trash carefully details 400 years of grooming a white underclass in America to be foot soldiers to the wealthy, to respond to racism and jingoistic patriotism, to vote god & guns rather than schools and healthcare (which involve taxes, an inconvenience to the wealthy). 400 years of deliberately manipulating the votes of a white underclass, and this is what America has wrought.

      • Snowflake says:

        Oh, that book sounds interesting. Thanks

      • Alexandria says:

        Thank you Bettyrose. Indeed this is a sad development.

      • Sixer says:

        I’ve recently read a book called Rise of the Right, which documents similar for the British white underclass. Made me think. Will look out White Trash, so thanks Bettyrose…

        … the one by Nancy Isenberg, right?

      • Esmom says:

        Bettyrose, wow, sounds fascinating. And depressing. Thanks for mentioning it, I’m very curious to check it out.

      • bettyrose says:

        Sixer, just confirming, yes the Nancy Isenberg book.

      • Sixer says:

        Merci bien!

      • Sixer says:

        Just downloaded and might well read it tonight. Thanks again!

      • swak says:

        That may be my go to book to take with me when I go to Disney World. I have time on the plane ride and in the hotel at night, so I get to read uninterrupted.

      • Jessica says:

        BettyRose, I know it’s silly to get turned off by a review before a book is read, but this review did that for me for White Trash.
        It does sound fascinating, but living amongst a resurgence of “white rights” racists, I’d be more inclined to re-read Jim Crow or similar, where white poverty and class is addressed without glossing over the savage level of racism that exists within this class.

    • jwoolman says:

      Expect more rage-filled tweets from President Tweeter. James Clapper, former Director of National Intelligence, who is frequently cited by Trump as saying he was not aware of any evidence for Russian-Trump campaign collusion, just said today on CNN:

      “I think in many ways our institutions are under assault both externally — and that’s the big news here is the Russian interference in our election system — and I think as well our institutions are under assault internally,” Clapper said on CNN’s “State of the Union.”
      Pressed by anchor Jake Tapper if he meant US institutions were under assault inter nally from the President, Clapper responded, “Exactly.”

      • Nic919 says:

        This tells me Clapper knows there is significant stuff against cheeto supreme and does not care …. I.e. Cheeto will be toast soon.

  8. Alix says:

    My question is, why aren’t Drumpf voters hanging their heads in shame already? What the hell does it take?

    • SusanneToo says:

      This is one explanation for the Deplorables attitude. That and sheer meanness.

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      Many are hopeless. America has always been home to a fair number of racist, authoritarian white people. They haven’t usually been allowed to run the entire country. We have to help everyone else vote.

      • Betsy says:

        I call shenanigans on that “hopeless” meme they keep trying to force on us. I know many, many Trump voters. It’s a love of authoritarianism and a case of Stockholm Syndrome. It’s meanness. It’s hatred for women, for minorities of all stripes, a jealousy of them. It’s a knee jerk deranged hatred of liberals.

        I get that there are some people without hope. They didn’t actually vote for hope, which, if they had bothered to go to Hillary’s website they would have seen hope. They voted for keeping others down.

    • SusanneToo says:

      “For them, Donald Trump is a big, white middle finger to the world they’ve grown to believe has oppressed them.”

    • I'mScaredAsHell says:

      They are all too busy supporting Trump and declaring what “a great job he’s doing” making America Great Again. People can wear horse blinders and behave like chattel if they believe it’s in their own best interest. And in the case of Trump supporters it is not, but they don’t get that.

    • Merritt says:

      They don’t care what he does. Most of them are too motivated by hate and prejudice.

    • Anastasia says:

      The only reason they voted for him is that they are racist. Period. It’s a massive backlash to Obama. They don’t care about any of his other positions–he’s clearly racist and so are they.

  9. virginfangirl2 says:

    Sometimes I think this is some kind of great experiment, and Trump will eventually reveal the whole charade and tell us he is just as shocked as many that people continued to support him. That he tried to be as awful as possible but was baffled that people continued to support him. Similar to that movie “How to lose a guy in 10 days”. Wishful thinking.

    • jwoolman says:

      Alas, this is pretty much normal behavior for the Trumpster. It’s just that instead of playing Lord of the Manor just within his own companies and home, he is playing the role on a much grander scale. Chaos has always been normal for him and he’s always been a vengeful liar with deep-seated prejudices.

  10. RBC says:

    The disorganization, infighting, leaks, bad press, etc and he has not been in office six months! Granted every administration has its low points and gaffes, but this is just unreal. Everyday it seems more gasoline is poured on this dumpster fire.

  11. Lightpurple says:

    Princess Nagini the Corrupt of the Most Horcruxed Vagina has been trying to distract by posting pictures of herself with Marines and military families all week. Because, you know, she cares so much about military families and by posting pictures with her, they should all forget how her dad is gutting their benefit programs.

    Paul Eddie Munster Ryan said on Friday that he pays no attention to Trump’s tweets so he won’t be taking any action any time soon. Republican town halls this past week have consisted of lots of screaming and shouting over health care and Russia but Ryan still won’t pay attention.

    • Humbug says:

      I’m so gleeful…democrats have started going to no show republican townhalls to draaaag them!

  12. swak says:

    The is umbelievable. Sean Hannity is encouraging Trump to cut off the daily briefings and to tweet his “accomplishments” (which Trump has threatened). He once again, at the commencement, talked about the bigly numbers that came out to watch his commencement speech. For those who don’t know, Jerry Falwell Jr is the president of Liberty University and contributed heavily to Trumps campaign. And that he wants a new head of the FBI chosen by the end of the week. I think this: “As a very active President with lots of things happening, it is not possible for my surrogates to stand at podium with perfect accuracy!….” is his excusing them from the lies they all tell. They can’t possibly keep it all straight because he is SO busy and doing SO many things.

    • Who ARE these people? says:

      Press briefing shutdown just a matter of time, this was a pretext for it. Press will have to do their job. It was all lies anyway. But it is a bad symbol.

      Evangelicals help Trump win and he needs them.

      Next FBI chief will be an incompetent toady, can assume that.

      • jwoolman says:

        Fortunately the appointment of the FBI Director has to be confirmed by the Senate. Comey had been confirmed almost unanimously, he was well known from his prior work in the Department of Justice.

        I don’t expect that even the Republicans will go along with a Trump Toady. There are enough Republicans with serious concerns about the Russia investigation and the firing of Comey that it will not be slam-dunk for the Trumpster even with just the simple majority needed now. I doubt they will get the votes for anybody with a whiff of Trump loyalist about them, meaning the Congress guy he has on his short list is out and so are any of Trump’s buddies like Giuliani and Christie. The latter two may very well be under investigation themselves.

        The safest option for Trump would be to go with the guy who is acting director, but if he gets closer to the truth then he will be fired also unless some sane people manage to convince Trump otherwise.

        Anybody from the outside who is competent and independent would be stupid to take the job. It’s going to be a revolving door.

    • HappyMom says:

      Fundamental Christians of the Liberty University ilk have to be the most stupid people ever. That they would follow and cheer on this 3 time married, lying, sexual predator, who mocks Gold Star families, the disabled, cheats on his workers–they are idiots. If there really is a God, He is weeping over you right now.

      • SusanneToo says:

        This is one paragraph from the article I posted above. It explains very well trump’s appeal to these people.

        “It’s why this President is the Great White Hope they’ve been waiting for, because he has a similar gift: to have the deck stacked fully in his favor, to have been the recipient of every advantage the system offers, to be the beneficiary of every shortcut imaginable—and to still see himself as the victim, to still feel attacked. It is this paradoxical notion of the entitled underdog, that Trump has exploited, with a great deal of help from a White Church who’ve owned religion in America for decades—and yet still imagine themselves as persecuted while holding the bully pulpit. They’ve been cruel Goliath to the world, but see little David in the mirror.”

      • HappyMom says:

        @SusanneToo-yes, agreed. I also think millions of Republicans voted for him over one issue: abortion. They would follow the anti-Christ himself if he professed to be against choice and wanting to flip the Supreme Court.

    • why? says:

      There was a “big” turnout to watch Trump’s commencement speech because Liberty University made it a requirement to be there.

      • Betsy says:

        This. I have a mixture of scorn and sympathy for those Liberty students in attending that “school” at all, but they were threatened with a fine if they didn’t attend.

  13. Giddy says:

    My husband said this morning that he is going to try to focus on the positive, which is to focus on the mid-term elections. If the Republicans continue to enable Bigly, they are going to face an increasingly angry electorate. Hopefully that anger will carry over to the ballot box and the Democrats will win the House. Maybe then something can actually be done about impeachment. Meanwhile, I hope the White House chef uses heavy cream and butter in everything he serves the President. And I hope Bigly gets bigger as he soothes his agitation with ice cream.

    • Esmom says:

      Agree about focusing on midterm elections. And the only bright spot I heard/read this week was about the White House staff serving Bigly extra helpings of gravy and ice cream. I get a feeling they are trolling him, bigly.

  14. OSTONE says:

    The base is unmoving. Everyone that I know who voted for Donald Drumf is happy at everything he has done, and could care less about anything illicit going on in this administration. In other words, as long as the president has an R after his name, we are all good! Even better for them due to the fact he has given them a platform to spew their hideous hatred. He wont get impeached with a majority republican congress. Career GOPers are turning a blind eye to all of this and hoping for the best in 2018.

    • Snowflake says:

      Yes, that is my experience as well. They picked him and they’re sucking with him

    • Esmom says:

      Yes, I said something similar above. The narrative seems to be that “libtards” are spinning crazy Russia conspiracy theories because we’re sore losers. Just typing that sends me into a new round of despair.

      • swak says:

        That, and every time I get into a discussion with one of my brothers FB friends (I also know him) the first words out of his mouth to put down what I say is “more liberal bullshit”. Told him he really needs to stop with that argument because I could also be using the words “more conservative bullshit” but don’t because it contributes nothing to the discussion.

    • aquarius64 says:

      Those voters will care when Trump’s decisions directly impact them negatively. But I’m also of a mind some of those voters see the horror unfolding and they don’t want to admit they made a mistake on Election Day.

    • grabbyhands says:

      Republicans are expecting to have everything either gerrymandered to their exclusive and permanent benefit by the mid term elections or they are going to do everything they can to push 45’s latest EO about the voter fraud that never actually happened so if the mid terms don’t turn out they way they want, all he has to do is scream VOTER FRAUD and have everything invalidated.

      • adastraperaspera says:

        Yes. Kobach is a dangerous person, who kills voting rights. And what he and Brownback have shown in Kansas is that the base will stick with them no matter what. Dems have to stop playing nice and go for the throat, or else the 2018 election will be a farce.

  15. Bettyrose says:

    Gawd, is he molting? The presidency ages a person but Geezus.

  16. Dragonlady Sakura says:

    It’s his own fault for thinking the presidency would be easy and he would face no criticism at all

  17. Dragonlady Sakura says:

    It’s his own fault for thinking the presidency would be easy and he would face no criticism at all. This egotistical misogynistic dummy deserves everything he gets and I’m counting down to his impeachment!

    • I'mScaredAsHell says:

      He probably thought, how hard could the job be if a black man was doing it? Trump is such such a racist, ignorant piece of sh-t.

  18. HappyMom says:

    Dear god, what is it going to take to get him out??? This has been the longest presidency of my life-and we’re only 4 months in. The Republicans, with rare exception, need to grow a pair. If you guys can-call Rep. Justin Amash’s office and thank him for standing up for America over his party. I don’t agree with him on many issues, but he’s one of the few Republicans to ask for an independent investigation, and speak out against Trump.

    • aquarius64 says:

      The Republicans won’t act until the defense of Trump will cost them politically.

    • AnnaKist says:

      Happy Mom: I’m not American, but my friend and I were discussing that very thing yesterday: what will it take to get him out? If our prime minister had carried on like this – four months or four years in – he’d have been turfed out on his arse, quick sticks, and probably jailed.

      We only get to hear the “big reports” here, so I’ve spent hours reading all the posts and links on this article. Thank you everyone for the enlightening information – all the antics of the background players, the “feel” of the electorate, the covert machinations etc.

      • HappyMom says:

        AnnaKist-it’s so disheartening. For all the talk of Republicans being “flag and country” they are being so unbelievably UNpatriotic with regards to Trump.

  19. LinaLamont says:

    “’Jared and Ivanka stay out of the spotlight amid Comey fallout.’”

    Yeah. It’s been suggested that’s because J&I are more involved in treasonous Russian dealings than many others. That they’re going after the small fish (Flynn, Manafort, Stone) first…hoping they’ll spill. They’ll work their way up to the bigger and, finally, biggest one.

  20. Justwastingtime says:

    Good. That’s all I got.

  21. Lightpurple says:

    Clapper just issued a warning that our institutions are under assault externally from Russia and internally from Trump.

  22. aquarius64 says:

    What angers me as an American is that the Orange Menace has turned America into a joke. Foreign leaders are snickering at us; and I have no doubt that leaders who were quick to embrace Trump publicly are regretting that decision privately. He is now conducting the hire of the new FBI director like an episode of the Apprentice. He’s meeting world leaders next week with staff and supporters praying he doesn’t say or do anything that starts World War III. God help America.

    • Nic919 says:

      I am sorry to say that is true. The rest of the world may not have liked Dubya, but he wasn’t making the US a corrupt dictatorship with no moral authority. Cheeto supreme has destroyed the US reputation in less than 100 days. Countries are going to make trade deals without the US. Tourists will go elsewhere to avoid being harassed by customs. This is going to cost the country billions. It just hasn’t been long enough for the full effects to show.

      It is unfortunate because Obama was a smart man and was morally sound and had fixed a lot of the fallout from the unnecessary Iraq war.

      • LaBlah says:

        Most of the world laughed plenty at Bush Jnr and didn’t think he had any moral authority. Outside the US it was widely acknowledged that he stole his first election and that he instigated a war that killed millions of innocent people, threw an entire region into chaos (which in turn led to the predictable vacuum and emergence of ISIS) whicy cost US taxpayers trillions of dollars and thousands of dead service men and women. That war (and the outrageous Patriot Act) was continued by Obama who bombed more civilians with drones than even Bush did.

        US moral authority has been pretty shaky outside the US since the Monroe Doctrine was vomited into existence.

        Yes, Trump is absolutely laughed at more but it’s just a question of degree. As of yet the Trump administration hasn’t caused anywhere near as much carnage outside US borders than previous administrations (Democrat included). He certainly has time to do so but hasn’t yet.

  23. grabbyhands says:

    Not in the tiniest bit shocked that his precious daughter and her husband have been MIA this week- not only are they probably knee deep in treason themselves, family devotion is only going to go so far. Among the many ugly things she learned at her father’s knee no doubt, is that you always look out for number one. I have no problem believing that they would willingly throw him to the wolves if it meant furthering their own cause or saving themselves. No one in that family is going down for anyone else.

    It only gives me a tiny bit of pleasure to see him become increasingly unhinged. It’s funny, but it is also dangerous-people in that state lash out and make foolish, dangerous decisions. He’s going to push the button just to spite people and prove that he can – just like a bratty five year old throwing a tantrum.

    • jwoolman says:

      As things heat up for the Trumpster, would not be surprised if Jared and Ivanka decide they have to resign to take care of their businesses and family. They have probably gotten as much benefit out of the Presidency as they can, Donald is going to be busy trying to stay afloat and out of jail from now on. If they have any involvement in the Russia dealings, they need to find an excuse to relocate out of country fast. Jared is a prime suspect because of all his connections with Russia that he oops forgot to mention on his security clearance form. He might especially be involved in money laundering, which I suspect is going to be a big part of this.

  24. SusanneToo says:

    The Paranoid Pig must feel the noose tightening. Look in the mirror, donnie, out of the whole sorry scumsucking crew, YOU’RE the worst.

  25. Marcy says:

    This orange blasphemy anti-American Faux Potus has already done numerous things that are impeachable from obstruction of justice, impeding an investigation to intimidation of a federal witness which Comey is and threatening to whole slew of others. This has gone past being funny and the GOP are just as treasonous and complicit as he is, and I know deep in my gut it is because they are knee thick hiding their own scandals we forget the elephant in the room Putin when he had the DNC hacked he also had the GOP hacked that is why they will NOT do anything ever. Even the people involved with Watergate have stated it is oddly strange they are quiet when Trump out did Nixon by colluding with a foreign threat. We are stuck and in lots of hardship unless someone whistle blows this or prosecutors or someone patriotic stops this stain on OUR country!

    • SusanneToo says:

      He’s angered the CIA, the FBI, the Press. Surely there’s a Deep Throat 2.0 gathering info, waiting for the right time.🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻🤞🏻

    • Annetommy says:

      I don’t understand why elderly republicans who were so virulently anti Russian, cheering on Reagan’s “let’s bomb Russia”, now don’t seem to give a damn about Russia interfering in the election. I can understand them denying trump colluded with that: but where is the GOP outrage about that hostile repressive regime effing about with a US election? And maybe a united approach could come up with some ideas about how to stop it happening again? It’s not like there’s any pressure to re run the election. It seems trump’s ego is more important to him and his lemming supporters than Putin’s minions interference. What happened to patriotism? Surreal.

  26. Marcy says:

    Bannon is one to watch out for if Trump fires him he will reveal where all the dead bodies are buried Trump craps on anyone and don’t count out Trump to start war with North Korea to deflect attention.

  27. Disco Dancer says:

    All the Trumps with the exception of the minor aged children deserve the Romanovs
    Treatment/ execution by the incoming political regime. But luckily for the Trumps that won’t happen as we have something called Democracy and the rule of law- the same rules that Trump proudly flouts and expects applause for.

    • jwoolman says:

      Oh, gosh. Killing the old rulers and their families never ends well… Besides, what a Trumpian thought. Remember when Donald said it would be fine and dandy to go after families of terrorists? Let’s try valiantly to avoid violent solutions, please. “Don’t be a Trump” needs to be our guideline.

      • aquarius64 says:

        Trump could be put on trial for treason if the evidence supports it. Treason in punishable by death in the US.

      • Disco Dancer says:

        You’re a better person than I am, Jwoolman. I think that Trump and his vile and corrupt family deserve no less. But like I said, they should be thanking democracy, the same democracy that they are actively trying to dismantle in order to better torture and torment Americans, for saving their butts.

  28. VegasSchmagus says:

    The Grifter-in-Chief and his entire Grifting offspring need to go. They think about their “brand” (which is totally circling the drain right now) first, and never think about the country, or what they signed on for. Lining their pocket are their utmost concern. 45 thought that he would get the immediate adulation that Obama got, which in fact, he earned. Melania is the brilliant one out of this whole mess – she’s staying as far away from this mess as she can. I doubt she even has a cashmere sweater hanging in the private residence at the WH. I do think she’ll get taken down, as well, tho – they’ll all get caught up in RICO charges, at the least.

  29. why? says:

    Trump thinks that cancelling the press briefings would hurt us? The only people hurt by the ending of the press briefings would be Kelly Odonnell, Kristen Welker, Hallee Jackson, Peter Alexander, Pete Williams, and all those other reporters who put a positive spin on Trump because they are too afraid of losing their seats in the press room. These briefings with Spicer, Kellyanne, and Sarah are very unproductive because they are created for an audience of one(Trump) and all these 3 do is lie. If Trump told Spicer to say that the Sun revolves around the earth, Spicer would do it. The only reason Trump is talking about canceling the briefings is because the press are calling Spicer, Kellyanne, and Sarah out on their lies and how they continue to defend Trump and his lies even when it makes them look ridiculous and incompetent.

    I don’t understand how the GOP can continue to be so complicit. Trump went on tv and gladly bragged that he fired Comey because of Russia, went to twitter to threaten him, and had a meeting with 2 Russian government officials the next day after firing Comey and still the GOP stay silent and insist that an independent investigation is not needed? Lindsey Graham keeps flip flopping. One minute he wants records of Trump’s finances and the next he is Trump’s BFF and Trump calls him all hours of the day. When Lindsey Graham was grilling Sally Yates and Clapper last week about leaks and unmasking and then spent the hours after the hearing pushing that there was no collusion between Russia and Trump and that Trump and his people were surveilled, I thought that it was because he had gotten orders from Trump. Today during his round of interviews we find out that Trump calls Lindsey Graham all day and every day. How can Lindsey Graham be unbiased in the hearings he is leading, when he is in constant contact with Trump? The GOP is failing us. How long are they going to continue to put party before the people? It makes you wonder just what the Russians have on them.

    They even had Kelly Odonnell spinning for them. In her opinion a independent investigation isn’t needed because they would have to start all over and it would take a long time. Trump is hijacking all of the investigations, from the FBI to the House and Kelly Odonnell seems to think that starting over is worse than sitting back and letting Trump stall the investigations? Trump is putting in place people who will stop the investigations. Lindsey Graham(Trump threatened him with lawyers for requesting information on his finances and now Lindsey Grahams seems to think that Trump is the victim), Burr(had been refusing to sign paperwork requesting witnesses), Rod Rosenstein(claims there is no need for an independent investigation even though Trump and Sessions who are subjects in the investigation are trying to find someone to replace Comey), McCabe(has a history of leaking information to Trump and he claimed that Comey didn’t request funds even though 2 people from the hearings claimed that Comey did), Devin Nunes(who had to step down because of all of the interference he was running). The investigations are over and it’s all because the GOP refuse to hold Trump accountable for his actions.

  30. Kayleigh says:

    Wasn’t the son-in-law outed recently for his connections with Russia? Ever since then those two disappeared from the grandness of being the first family.

  31. K says:

    Trevor Noah nailed it – Trump is terrifying yet hilarious, and it’s almost impossible to accept the extent of each as they’re fundamentally incompatible emotions. He said it’s like knowing there’s a meteor headed for the earth, but also knowing that that meteor is shaped like a penis.