NY Mag: Ivanka Trump ‘made a study of keeping her father fully engaged with her’

Did you notice Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner’s absence last week? By “absence,” I mean “absence from the narrative.” Ivanka and Jared want credit for everything good that happens in Washington, from the House passing a Trumpcare bill to Jared being in charge of the military and Middle East Peace and Everything Else now. But when Donald Trump fired James Comey less than a week ago, Jared and Ivanka were in the wind. From what I’ve read, they were both actually IN Washington, so I have no idea why they faded so thoroughly into the background as Trump grew more and more unhinged and impeachable. Personally, I tend to think that Ivanka has learned the hard way that it’s more difficult for her to “control” her father these days.

Which brings me to this must-read long-read piece in New York Magazine. Caitlyn Flanagan wrote an amazing article called “The People’s Princess: Ivanka Trump is hard at work in Washington, but for whom?” You can read the piece here, it’s one of the better analyses of the complex father-daughter dynamic and why Ivanka is really not a Princess Diana figure. Here are some of the best parts:

Ivanka still believes her father is the bigliest & strongest man ever: It’s not unusual for a 6-year-old child to see her father as perfect, the measure of a man. What is unusual is for those sentiments to withstand adolescence, young adulthood, independence, and the beginning of married and family life. Malia Obama has been seen giving her father the occasional eye roll. Chelsea Clinton looked like the oldest 18-year-old in history when she walked her disgraced parents across the White House lawn to Marine One. Julie Nixon looks like Sylvia Plath compared to Ivanka Trump.

The fundamental truth of Ivanka: What we have in this embattled, increasingly embittered, and endlessly resourceful First Daughter is someone who made a pact with herself long ago that she would never, ever, lose her father’s attention. After [her parents’] divorce, Ivanka made a study of keeping her father fully engaged with her, and now she remains the one woman in the world with whom Donald Trump hasn’t slowly fallen out of love. Up to now, that’s been a deal that has yielded only golden results. Successful careers in modeling, television, construction, hotel management, fashion — all have been the rich rewards of being her father’s favorite child, his favorite person. Only now, by placing herself at the center of his grotesque campaign and presidency, has the cost of this unblemished devotion seemed higher than its potential rewards.

Ivanka’s tightrope: She’s provided an unending hymn of praise to the man who has single-handedly revived and unified even the most far-flung and previously marginalized factions of the feminist left in a galvanizing shared hatred of him. The old tricks — the ravishing smile, the glowing Instagram account, the spot-on television performances — fail to enchant. Manhattan, the city of her birth, voted against her father by a margin of nine to one. Washington, her new home, spurned him at a rate of 23 to one. She has traded a deep reservoir of goodwill (she was respected and even loved in the circles she traveled in before the campaign, from Choate to Penn to the New York of her adulthood) for a daily punishing blast of derision, taunts, and hatred.

Her father “delights” in her: The president doesn’t see his daughter in only sexual terms, of course. He has genuine respect and pride for her intellect and business skill, her smooth ability to mix with people of all social classes at rallies, meetings, and the mansions of the superrich… It’s Ivanka — her thrillingly low voice and her father’s delight in her — who lingers. This is the person he will always listen to; this is the person whose ideas are always based in the sentimental education of her own upbringing.

Bigly words: But the real weirdness is the actual nature of their impenetrable bond, which is too vivid to be marital and too enduring to be erotic, despite his big talk. At her father’s side, Ivanka is a sort of human luxury brand, with her pale makeup and sleek golden hair, her expensive clothes and stiletto heels, her understated jewelry and her stilted, careful way of speaking. Her father stammers away, trying to find the right word and then giving up: “Jared is terrific, he’s … he’s … Jared is terrific!” Daughter pauses, scrolls through her private lexicon, and comes up with a slightly pumped-up version of the right word. She is never “aware” of something; she is “cognizant” of it. Nothing is “unusual”; it is always “unique.” Imagine how impressive this broad command of big-league words would seem to you if you could never manage to locate and deploy the right one yourself. To him, she is a kind of miracle.

[From NY Magazine]

This is one of the best pieces I’ve ever read about the Ivanka-Donald bond and why she should always be regarded with suspicion, if not outright hostility. Her life’s work is getting attention from daddy. She chose a husband who would get along with her daddy. She dresses to please her daddy. She works for daddy and she’s his bigliest supporter, surrogate and confidante. While we already knew that Ivanka was not “for the people,” this is good reminder of why she does what she does.

Photos courtesy of Getty.

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36 Responses to “NY Mag: Ivanka Trump ‘made a study of keeping her father fully engaged with her’”

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  1. Melly says:

    Ivanka, just like all of the Trumps, is a worthless POS whose only objective is to enhance her own business interests. She brings nothing of value to the table. She is unqualified for the position she holds. She does not have the kind of influence over her father she’d like to make us believe. I can’t stand any of them.

    Is it shocking that she is desperate to keep her father’s affection? You look at the pics they take together and the way he says/does creepy things to her, and she NEVER responds. She doesn’t say it’s gross or tell her dad to stop. She got a boat load of plastic surgery to look “beautiful” and I assume (by the age she was when she had the surgeries done) it was paid for by daddy. This family is gross. I think that’s why Tiffany stays the hell away.

    • Leelee says:


    • Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

      I think Marla is the reason Tiffany was kept away – she deliberately raised her daughter away from the Trumps.

      I think that the future will paint Tiffany and Barron as the only ‘normal’ Trump children – their mothers seem to protect them from their father and maybe even older siblings.

    • Stacey Dresden says:

      For sure. I was once shown private photos of her before and after surgeries around age 20 .

    • Original T.C. says:

      Although she lies to us all, she is honest with herself that her father is responsible for her wealth and status. She was given an education thanks to her dad. Wasn’t qualified for her first job and all other positions throughout her adult life without her Dad placing her in those positions. She values status and position over ethics just like her Dad. Her brothers were not as good with the kissing up.

      A vanity fair article talked about Tiffany calling Ivanka about not having money and Ivanka schooled her on how to ask their Dad for a limitless credit card. Her advise was never about working hard at school or getting a part time job, everything was about how to get Daddy Trump to get you things. It was eye opening and now I’m starting to worry about Tiffany being under the tutelage of Ivanka the corrupt!

      Update: found the original article

      • fritanga says:

        Sorry; no article explaining what Ivanka is or how she got that way will ever make me give her a pass, or forget that she and her husband and his family are working overtime to enrich themselves through Tr**p’s regime. She’s as much a grifter as her disgusting father, and the sooner all of them are out of the White House the better it will be for this country.

    • BTownGirl says:

      You know, I felt badly for Ivanka at times during the campaign, because a couple of my friends went to Choate with her and I heard all the stories about Ivanka The Most Down-To-Earth and Ivanka The Most Caring and Kind. Now I really wonder if all that was the beginning of a long con.

      • fritanga says:

        Of course it is. She’s as reprehensible as her father, only it’s “harder” to see through the false “feminist” cliches, the mantle of Precious Motherhood, and that breathy fake Jackie Kennedy voice. She’s a user and has no morals (Google her Chinese factories), just like her brothers (not Barron) and her idiot father.

      • BTownGirl says:

        I couldn’t put my finger on what voice she was trying to do, but you nailed it!! Good luck to her trying to go back to fancy-shmancy society in NY now, because she and her idiot husband are done there and a total laughingstock, from what I understand. I mean, they’ll take the tax breaks if they can get them, but the two of them are now considered a joke. *DJ Khaled Voice* Congratulations, girl, you played yourself.

  2. Lightpurple says:

    Princess Nagini the Corrupt of the Most Sacred Horcruxed Vagina sees absolutely nothing wrong with anything Daddy Voldemort does. She is not prone to individual flights of madness and cruelty like Kellyanne Bellatrix LaStrange Conway. She may be softspoken and not make much sense when she takes human form, unless you speak Parseltongue, but she is unwavering in her suport, her unconditional love. No, Princess Nagini is always steadfast, calm, and deadly. Daddy is pulling down the government around him? Here, look at some pictures of me with Marines last month and have you seen this one of Teddy barfing?

    Neville! Neville! Bring out the Sword of Gryfyndor!

  3. Cherise says:

    Her father wanted her to be a runway model and she was. He wanted her to host his beauty pageants and so at 16, she did. He wanted her to be tabloid famous for being a pretty debutante, so she was. Then he decided he wanted to boast about her combining beauty with brains, so she quit her entertainment focus to go to school. Then he wanted her by his side at work, so she joined him. Then he wanted her on his reality show and along she went. At some point he decided he wanted to build a cross generational dynasty, so she married the real estate prince from Jersey. Ivanka does what HE wants, not the other way around.

    • Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

      I thinks its both – she does what she thinks/knows will please him.

    • Kyra says:

      I remember her catwalk modelling days and the fash pack rather cruelly comparing her to “a Teletubbie”. I wonder if the subsequent surgery was more her idea or his…

    • Bettyrose says:

      Ohgawd, I just googled young ivanka. Ohgawdwhy??? STOP TOUCHING HER! It is gross and unhealthy. Even if that one line was never crossed, the absolute control he clearly intends to exert over her.. So fking creepy.

  4. Clare says:

    ‘Ivanka still believes her father is the bigliest & strongest man ever:’

    This is all I need to know about this POS.
    People need to stop trying to make this American Princess narrative happen. Gross. If you guys want a Princess so badly, you can have Kate fing Middleton.

    • Melly says:

      How about we give the princess title to a woman or women who actually deserve it? Someone who works hard to actually enhance our country. HRH Princess Michelle Obama, for example.

      • Liz says:

        I think that the term ‘princess’ absolutely implies “no ‘deserving’ happened here”, so I say we give it to no one. It’s un-American.

  5. kNY says:

    Every time I look at her I turn into Madeline Kahn: “Flames. Flames…on the side of my face.”

  6. minx says:

    When I look at her I just can’t see beyond her surgeries, implants and dental work. She seems to preen and think she’s so fabulously attractive, but IMO it’s all so glaringly fake.

    • LA Elle says:

      I like that she’s creating a trend: women changing their hair to not have her straight, blonde helmet.

  7. Pumpkin Pie says:

    “Her father “delights” in her: The president doesn’t see his daughter in only sexual terms, of course.”
    What in the world does that mean? Did she imply it’s ok? Because that’s what it looks like. Eff it. That’s unacceptable.

  8. I read a great piece prior to the election explaining how Trump narcissistically sees Ivanka as a perfected version of himself. She is everything he wants to be, but isn’t. However, because she is his daughter, she is a part of him and thus is him, only perfect.

    Through his eyes she’s beautiful, smart, likable, thin, fit, always says the right thing, a great businesswoman, etc. She is what he wishes he was (or how he sees himself despite what the rest of us see).

    I want to say it was a Vanity Fair article, but I remember thinking when I read it that it was probably the closest thing to the reality of his “love” for her I’d seen. I put the word “love” in quotes, because narcissists like Trump don’t really know how to love. If Ivanka ever disappointed him, she would cease to exist in his world. All of his children would.

    • Emma33 says:

      I think this is a good analysis. As a narcissist, Trump is essentially empty inside; all of his self-worth and self-perception is just a reflection of what he sees around him. So, Ivanka makes him feel good about himself because he sees her as beautiful/intelligent etc.

      I read once that children of narcissists often make the big break with the parent in their 30’s…they grow up enough to perceive reality as it is (not as the narcissist parent tells them it is), and they have to decide whether to make the break.

      Trump’s money, business and influence has made it difficult for his kids to absolutely break with him, and if they don’t do it in their 30’s they might never do it. It really is sad in some way (well…it would be if this bonkers family wasn’t leading the free world).

      • LaBlah says:

        Female children of narcissists tend to take longer than male ones to make the break. It also takes longer if the narcissist parent is able to get the validation and attention they view as their due so Ivanka is likely to hang on longer than your average 9-5 bill paying parent. However at some point, likely accelerated by the election win I will never believe he truly wanted, he will come crashing down and then, all hell will break loose and even the one perfect child (a common thing amongst narcissists) will be thrown to the wolves. Can’t wait till it happens. They’re both terrible, vile people in every possible sense.

  9. Bethy says:

    Speaking as the daughter of a rich narcissist father, I get Ivanka’s motives as a child and teenager. I too wanted to be my father’s favorite, and was, until I developed my own thoughts and dreams that diverged from the path my father had picked out for me (med school). After years of therapy, when I finally grew a clue and did what I wanted to do, my father cut me off and picked a new favorite (granddaughter) and tried to mold her. She also rebeled in her mid-20’s and broke free too, and now my dad is surrounded by people who are only after his money, not the people who really cared for him. My mom says, “you reap what you sow.”

    So, I understand to an extent how much Ivanka wants to please her father, children of narcissists have trouble separating from that figure, but here’s where I draw the line with the First Daughter. My father can’t start WWIII, he isn’t under investigation for ties to Russia nor has he filled his Cabinet with racist cronies. At some point you have to start seeing your parent for who they truly are. At this point, I doubt Ivanka ever will, so I have little sympathy for her. Although I think to save her own skin, she’d throw Daddy Dearest under the bus in a heartbeat.

    • Christin says:

      I was thinking about how she’s playing a long game, and how she would likely not have anything to do with him if he were of poorer financial means. As someone I know said months ago, this is the type guy you avoid in real life, if it all possible.

      Is she a narcissist (or perhaps sociopath) playing up to another? Your story clearly shows how a more rational, empathetic person would normally react as an adult. She has repeatedly chosen to follow him instead of forging her own life.

  10. cindy says:

    I wonder if she feels the public scorn at all. Or is she so wrapped up in her way her father views the world, that she can’t even see it. Or maybe it just doesn’t matter to her, because in the banana republic trump wants and Republicans will allow, she will just be more able to insulate herself with wealth. She really is as evil as he is.

  11. LA Elle says:

    Unrelated, but I’ve been following the RICO rumors about Trump and the GOP since last week, and much as I hate Morning Joe, I’m cautiously optimistic that a MSM media outlet is now picking up that story.

    Oh, and if the rumors are true, I wonder what Ivanka was doing last summer with Wendy Deng, Putin’s GF and Murdoch’s ex-wife.

    • Dizzy says:

      She is godmother to one of Rupert and Wendy’s kids and monitors the trust fund too. No wondering what was going on and why they always meet outside the US. Also, I believe the queen of Jordan is in that group too.

      I would like to have her voice coach…

      • LA Elle says:

        Dizzy – I did not know that about Ivanka being a godmother, and I follow the news fairly closely. Where did you see that reported?

  12. adastraperaspera says:

    Tr*mp has complimented Ivana for raising the children for him. I think she is a factor in her daughter Ivanka’s careful attention to her father, and I think she has most likely helped her daughter become the favorite. Ivana aged out of the meal ticket but knew the kids (and especially the girl child) could keep them all in the money. By comparison, as someone has mentioned above, Marla moved to the west coast and got Tiffany away from him. (Not to say that she does not have a good settlement, but it is clear that Tiffany stays out of his orbit.)

  13. burnsie says:

    I know this is superficial, but I can’t get over how big her veneers are. They take up her entire mouth when she smiles, top to bottom