Donald Trump unsurprisingly embarrassed America at the NATO summit

Yesterday was the worst. I realize that we live in a global society, and the rest of the world is paying attention to what happens within America, and of course I realized that the rest of the world was appalled by everything involving Emperor Bigly. But it’s one thing to know all of that intellectually, and then see our American Emperor berate our closest allies in the middle of a huge, international summit. I am appalled, embarrassed and ashamed. Donald Trump is disgusting. He is trash. So, here’s some of the sh-t that happened in the past 24 hours.

This is how Trump behaves, Part I. Trump’s NATO speech was, in a word, deplorable. The man whose finances and tax situation are wrapped in mystery and (likely) laundered Russian rubles decided to use his NATO speech to bitch and moan about how NATO countries weren’t paying their fair share. Congrats, Putin. This is what you wanted. You wanted NATO weakened, and you got Trump to do it. At least Emmanuel Macron openly laughed at Trump.

This is how Trump behaves, Part II. He shoved another NATO leader (the prime minister of Montenegro) so that he could get to the front of photo-op.

This is how Trump behaves, Part III. On his biggest world stage, in front of America’s allies, Trump never mentioned Article 5 of the NATO alliance, which is that NATO countries protect other NATO countries. If, say, Putin invaded a NATO-allied country, other NATO countries would rally to the defense of our ally. Trump didn’t say a word about it.

Angela Merkel is trying to talk sense into Trump. I doubt it will work, but she’s trying and bless her heart. She apparently showed Trump a Soviet-era map of Europe and told Trump that Putin wants THAT. She also came to the NATO meeting right after spending time with her friend Barack Obama in Berlin.

The Muslim Ban 2.0 is dead for now. Another federal appeals court said “no way, Jose” to Trump’s Muslim Ban 2.0. The catchphrase for the 2.0 version was “we revised the language to be a little bit less blatantly racist, we promise!” The federal courts still say the executive order is a dumpster fire of unconstitutionality. So now Jeff Sessions, the most racist of all of the woodland elves, says that they’ll take this all the way to the Supreme Court. Ugh.

Photos courtesy of Getty.

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267 Responses to “Donald Trump unsurprisingly embarrassed America at the NATO summit”

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  1. Feddupp says:

    He’s shoving Montenegro Prime Minister Dusko Markovic .

    It’s so embarrassing. Trump’s a smug a$$hole. Just look at the way he arrogantly straightens out his jacket after shoving Markovic; trying to establish his alpha male status.

    • Nicole says:

      Yep what a little @;&(&;&:
      I found that so embarrassing and appalling. I told a friend he looked like a kid that was pissed he wasn’t line leader every week. Just shoving up front
      Also Kaiser you didn’t mention the EPIC handshake between Trump and Macron yesterday. He looked so scared

      • Lightpurple says:

        And Macron made a point of hugging Angela Merkel before even acknowledging his existence.

        My apologies to Dusko Markovic.

      • Megan says:

        He had to show all those effete European leaders what a real man looks like.

        Now I think I will go look at funny cats on Instagram so I don’t lose my damn mind.

      • bluhare says:

        May I also suggest dogrates on twitter. It is one of the best palate cleansers out there.

      • Lady D says:

        That handshake was something else. Did you see Trump’s knuckles turning white with the pressure he was trying to apply? Not to mention the look on Macron’s face. He wasn’t giving in to the pressure.

      • Ghost says:

        I’m not sure it was just an alpha male thing. I doubt he would have done that to the president of France or Italy or Germany ( male or female). But an “insignificant” country like Montenegro? Why show respect?

      • Megan says:

        @bluhare Love it! Needed the laughs.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        JK Rowling said it perfectly:
        “You tiny, tiny, tiny little man.”

      • DystopianDance says:

        I’m ensconced in Poldark after 6pm so I don’t have pseudo fever dreams all night featuring America’s drunkOrangeUncle and enablers.

      • AnnaKist says:

        Nicole: That’s exactly what I said when I saw it on our (Australian) news. I’m a teacher, and he reminded me of the children, mostly boys, who muscle their way to the front of the line. Whenever this happened, I calmly sent them to the end of the line. Nothing unusual there, except that these young children never questioned why they were sent to to the end of the queue. They knew exactly why, and at least had a look of contrition. After a few times of being last, they stopped their bully-boy behaviour.

        Most people grow out of their egocentricity by the time they’re about ten, but Trump has gone through life mongreling everyone he feels is in his way. The thing that really stands out with this grub is that either he has absolutely no self-awareness of how embarrasing and pathetic he is, or just doesn’t care. Either way, on no level is he presidential material. Hopefully, the walls are closing in on him and his entire gang of corrupt accomplices.

      • Lynn says:

        Why should they pay for your wars? This organization is made by usa to run their own interests with other people’s money, security and future well-being sacrificed. If it weren’t for your stupid wars, there wouldn’t be so many displaced refugees, people suffering and unrest in Europe. But wait, you make money by waging wars…

    • Tate says:

      He is King Douchebag. Unfortunately he is the face of America right now. It is so f@cking embarrassing.

      • Janetdr says:

        I feel like I never want to leave the country again.

      • Tate says:

        @Janetdr I have been out of the country once since this travesty took office and I am pretty sure I physically cringed everytime someone asked me where I was from.

      • SilverUnicorn says:


        I was off on holiday too a while ago and we came across a huge American guy (in Rome) who was wearing a t-shirt with an American flag. Tourists of every nationality were turning their heads to look at him and then sniggering away after he had passed.
        To be honest I had never seen anything like that anywhere.

      • Va Va Kaboom says:

        The man is the embodiment of every negative American stereotype out there and “we” made him President. Arrogant, ignorant, aggressive, fame/praise hungry… need I go on? He’s an f*ing walking talking caricature. Smdh

      • jwoolman says:

        Tate – Canada! Say you’re from Canada! Americans have been doing that for decades. Stick a maple leaf on your shirt. Hum “O, Canada”.

      • Kitten says:

        I guess I’m the only one who thinks that 45 is a pretty accurate representation of a strong faction of Americans right now.
        You know, the type of American that votes for Trump?

        I mean truly, have you guys talked to a Trumpster? If you have, then you would know that for the most part, they are pompous, intolerant, self-interested, and incredibly juvenile–just like their leader.

      • aang says:

        @tate, I fly internationally from Toronto. So when I’m abroad and asked where I am from, that’s what I reply, Toronto. Technically not a lie and I’m so familiar with the city that I can chat about it easily. I can also converse comfortably about hockey and different grades of maple syrup. Right now Canada > U.S.A. so I feel no guilt about borrowing the identity.

      • Nanny to the Rescue says:

        @SilverUnicorn: That’s probably because Europeans rarely wear our own flags on T-shirts. This type of nationalism is strange to us (under which president this happens is irrelevant). There’s nothing wrong with being a patriot per se, mind you.
        (Oh, and I’m generalising by speaking for the whole Europe, but I do feel that is the case here.)

        @Tate and @Janetdr – Don’t worry about how YOU are being represented. Most of us know that while half of your people elected him, the other half is extremely sorry and embarrassed, more than you’ve ever been with any other president. And nobody believes Trump equals a typical American.

      • Lightpurple says:

        @jwoolman, you made me laugh! When I travel in Europe, people are surprised I’m not Canadian because I speak languages other than English, when many Americans don’t. But one of my aunts has a great story about traveling by herself through Switzerland in the 1980s during the Iran Contra hearings. She would begin polite conversations with people on the trains, as one does, but would soon find herself being lectured about Reagan’s bad economic policies and asked why he hadn’t been impeached for Iran Contra. She thought Reagan was the demented anti-Christ so she wanted no responsibility for him. She started telling people she was Canadian and got to enjoy more pleasant conversations

      • Cynical Ann says:

        He looked like Rodney Dangerfield after he shoved the Montenegro prime minister and then straightened his lapels. What a buffoon.

      • ElleC says:

        @jwoolman Please don’t claim you’re from Canada if you’re not – I get why you’d want to, but appropriating another national identity/culture for your own benefit/convenience is exactly the sort of imperialistic behaviour that earned the US a bad rap in the first place.

        Canada isn’t America’s hat, an accessory to be donned at will. We have our own problems, but we’ve earned our international goodwill. And it sucks that our rep gets tarnished abroad by Americans who pretend to be Canadians but still act like stereotypical US tourists. I’ve seen it in action and it makes my blood boil – these bingbongs even gleefully admit it when they find out you’re Canadian!

        How about Americans owning their identity and changing their reputation through good behaviour? Some people try to justify “Oh well, I’m not THAT kind of American, I’m more like you guys.” But if you ‘re cool with national/cultural appropriation, you’re EXACTLY that kind of American.

        PS not assuming you’re an American or one of these bingbongs (you may even be a very generous Canadian offering to share our identity!) Just making the point that this kind of thinking is problematic.

      • ElleC says:

        @aang Please don’t use my national identity for your convenience, and reduce it to inaccurate stereotypes (who even talks about syrup grades?!) Even if you’re exaggerating as a joke, it’s in poor taste.

        Would you claim you grew up in Japan and are culturally Japanese (even if you’re not ethically Japanese) because you eat sushi and stop over in Toyko sometimes? It doesn’t matter if you think you’re able to “pass” as Canadian. Would you put on an Aussie accent and claim it as your own just because you can do it convincingly?

        @Lightpurple It must suck for your aunt and others like her to be held responsible for wingnut countrymen. It also sucks for Canadians to be held responsible the Americans who pretend to be us. Lots of good people in the US and they should be proud to show a better side of their nation to the world 🙂

      • tiepin says:

        @ElleC – fellow Canadian here. + 1,000,000 to everything you’ve said.

      • wolfpup says:

        Canadian friend: the Donald is a jerk, obvious to all – but he won’t be in office if we can All get rid of him. In the meantime, do not diss your American friends who wish to hide their heads in shame – remember he is the military of the world. I wish this weren’t so. – But you all depend on us, don’t you? This is a great embarrassment, but then why are you counting on our tax dollars to fund global wars, and then comes Putin to raise his testosterone might! Please, forgive us for this shame. He is taking from our poor to increase this military presence in the world. Let individuals hide in your skirts, now and then.

      • d says:

        See, the thing about using the Canadian badge on travel luggage, is that as a Canadian, that’s kind of embarrassing to do. To me, anyway…the idea of travelling around with a Canadian badge on my backpack is kind of mortifying and I typically prefer to travel incognito, polite and communicative and leave it at that. In Canada, it`s ok to be proud and loud, but abroad, I dunno…I can`t do it. It seems rather rude. Weird, I know, but there it is. If someone asks, then I`ll tell them, but otherwise…I`d rather be `International` until asked.
        On topic: Trump`s antics at the summit were appalling, just awful. I cannot believe he would even think it`s the slightest bit ok. But Macron and the others seem to be handling themselves just fine regardless, so meh, things will probably shake out ok anyway. I love that other leaders have his number, so to speak; that`s good for a giggle.

      • JackieJormpJomp says:

        @tate—I know you feel no guilt, but as a Canadian, it really irritates me that Americans pretend to be Canadian for their benefit. You’re not Canadian, and you don’t get to be just because it will make people like you more. …That really bugs me…

      • FLORC says:

        I’m good friends with a trumpster. She’s a smart, educated mother of 3. A sweet woman. Just scared and getting her information from the wrong sources. And even she is now starting to question some things. But at the core she has been listening to that hateful rush Limbaugh. She believes him. I’m cracking away at her, but I suspect she represents many Trump supporters. They’re just scared and fearful of groups vs. Seeing the evil done as individuals.

      • Godwina says:

        I was in Europe for 6 weeks earlier this year and for the first time was super conscious of my accent as a Canadian (because, as everyone knows, we get mistaken for USian alla time when we’re over the pond). Pre-Baby, it was no bigs. Now I’m embarrassed and in fact noticed being treated way differently by locals who I guess couldn’t help silently judging…

        I’m lucky in France and Germany I can speak the languages, but in Denmark and Slovenia I had no choice but to mostly speak English (apologies to locals!) and it was torture every time. I got so self-conscious.

        Yep, this is what Orange wrought. On top of everything else: severe bystander humiliation! 😛

      • ElleC says:

        @wolfpup – I have no problem with Americans wanting to “hide” their identity – you don’t have to share where you are from. I DO have a problem with people appropriating my nationality. It’s not yours to take!

        Whatever deals Canada and the US may have economically, militarily or otherwise, I’m pretty sure there’s no clause that gives you guys carte blanche to take whatever you want from us – any more than our supposed “dependence” on you would make it cool for Americans to take our natural resources, disrespect our laws or our borders.

        Have you considered the message are you spreading to the world about your country by 1) lying about your identity, 2) stealing another nationality and 3) justifying that behavior with threats about our “dependence” on you? I think you’re doing a disservice to the honest, brave and humble Americans I know.

        Telling Canadians to “let individuals hide in our skirts,” suggests that Canadians have any say in the matter, when obviously we don’t. You can’t give something that’s taken from you? How about you take some personal responsibility for your country’s reputation and future, both in the big ways (activism, voting etc) but also the small ways (like respecting other people’s sovereignty over their own identities)?

      • ElleC says:

        @tiepin @JackieJormpJomp Good to hear I’m not the only person bothered by this!

        @d Agreed- ! don’t wear a flag travelling because it seems too nationalistic and well, not very Canadian. And I’ve felt unsafe to wear it since about a decade ago when I first encountered Americans wearing the Canadian flag but acting like jerks… I’d rather just let my behaviour, not my flag, speak for itself.

        @Godwina I know right? Like Americans can escape the shame by pretending to be us, but how do we escape the shame of being mistaken for them?

      • Zombie Shortcake says:

        Canadian here: I don’t give a rat’s ass who pretends to be from my country. I take it as a compliment.

      • Michelle says:

        As a Canadian, I think it’s flattering. Plus I’m thrilled to be Canadian right now and can only imagine how mortifying it would have to admit to living in a place that elected Trump.

      • mazzie says:

        @jwoolman Please don’t, thanks. ~ A Canadian.

    • robyn says:

      Is Trump embarrassing to America? Seems to me America overlooked his disgusting behaviors from the beginning and his toying with treasonous acts regarding Russia. They overlooked the Montana man who beat up a reporter and then lied about it. Is America embarrassed? Seems to me they should be proud. Trump is America’s choice and the Republicans are still defending every single thing he does.

      • I just can't says:

        Well I’d say yes a segment is certainly proud. But celebitchy comments section is a safe space for us Americans that are appalled. Want the other part? Check out the comments section of a local paper ( is a great example. 🙁

      • Kitten says:

        Yes exactly what you said, robyn. This is our country–HE is our country. This is who we are now and it is f*cking disgusting.

      • third ginger says:

        It’s bad, but most of us did not vote for him, and many more did not even bother to vote. Our local paper [rural Virginia] is not only solid Trump, it’s still fighting the Civil War and the war on Christmas!!

      • Megan says:

        @robyn A majority of Americans did not vote for Trump and a majority of Americans disapprove of the job he is doing. Also, more votes were cast for Democrats than Republicans in Congressional races. Arcane election laws and gerrymandering have put Republicans in control. Please educate yourself about the American electoral process before casting aspersions.

      • robyn says:

        Megan, Thanks for your response. I know about gerrymandering. And although I’ve no doubt got lots yet to learn in this world, the so-called “red” states have a lot more to learn imo. There was/is no excuse for voting for Trump or for the Montana man who beat up a journalist. These people disqualified themselves in such a way that should speak to every human being with an ounce of decency. The fact that they won is very disturbing and there is no excuse. People are still making excuses and/or overlooking their behaviors. It’s disturbing. It’s sad. I literally want to cry but I come here instead.

      • Beth says:

        What’s very embarrassing is that people who knew how unqualified, awful and wrong these guys are,but still voted for them just because they’re Republicans . Millions more voted for Hillary not Trump. Wè noticed what a ridiculous person Trump is.

        I agree with everyone who says celebitchy is the only safe place to be when commenting how we feel about Trump. I’m unfairly jumped on and attacked for my opinions everywhere else

      • KWM says:

        Pajiba takes him to task daily and the comments there are some of the best anywhere. I post in 2 comment sections here and Pajiba.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        I agree with your points for the most part. I thought that insulting John McCain’s POW status would be over the line for so many republicans, but they shrugged it off.

        The only thing I disagree with is this: “They overlooked the Montana man who beat up a reporter and then lied about it.”

        I don’t think the Montana vote really reflects how Montanans feel about the assault. The majority of voters had already cast early mail-in ballots before the assault happened, and you can’t change a vote-early ballot.

      • DystopianDance says:

        The drunkOrangeUncle is a source of pride for 40% of deplorable ‘Merica. People were -laughing- when that Montana congressmen made his “apology” speech for assault. Yes, the Natives were in America first, but some invasive species are more destructive than others. Remember- those “deplorables” are the offspring from our entire planet- so seeded hatred is a global problem!! SOS

      • BegoneOrangeCheeto says:

        Not all of America overlooked his awfulness. I’m pretty conservative (used to be a Republican) and, from the very beginning, I flat out refused to support the man. I knew he was going to be trouble. It caused a bit of conflict in my family because a lot of them are hard core Republicans. But I knew he was going to be a huge problem and I couldn’t, in good conscience, vote for him. Plus, over 3 million voted for Hillary – he did lose the popular vote.

      • Anna says:

        Yes, a vast majority did not vote for him and additionally Hillary won the popular vote by a landslide as well as the Russians rigging the election. So at the end of the day, those of us who grew up in countries with coups can see this for what it is: a government coup and increasingly becoming a military coup. Just like George W. Bush’s grandfather and group of wealthy businessmen tried to stage in the early 1900s, we have a coup by factions of what are basically organized crime in the form of politicians holding the government hostage. It’s sad for the majority of people in this country who have been struggling against facism for so long and now this installment will cause widespread death and have ramifications for decades if not centuries to come. But this country was founded by people just like him and his crew on the willful genocide of Indigenous peoples and enslavement of Africans so everything that comes from it will always be poisoned.

      • wolfpup says:

        From where do you hail, Robyn? You are speaking to a country 350 million strong. Does our democracy have weaknesses(?), well, certainly, but we can frame them quickly to give focus on those without a voice, (yet one precious vote), without the need for tyranny.

        Perhaps you might focus yourself, your own country, and your own vision of peace before you attack Americans whose focus is on liberty and justice to all. How does your country stack up?

        Anna, I see your point. However, this is the best that human society has provided for the individual, so far.

        By the way, this is our time ladies, because we are living like kings and queens of yore (without the hassle). We can try and try, try, try, but the Paris agreement is vital to our young. Meanwhile, we lived a privileged life here on Planet Earth. Do you understand the privilege and beauty of our life?

      • robyn says:

        Wolfpup, I have deep ties and love for America. What you take as harsh criticism is simply truth. There really was no excuse to vote for either Trump, an obvious conman, bully and liar or someone who beats up a reporter. Voters make mistakes … they are not sacrosanct … many are closet racists feeling threatened and some are uneducated about the broader world that the US mightily effects. With power there is responsibility. US politics impacts the world and everyone has a right to speak about it. Currently you have a leader who seems hell bent on helping Russia break apart the European Union. When the Ukraine edged closer to the European Union, it felt the wrath and manipulation of Russia. Trump and his cohorts seem hell bent on working to achieve Russia’s goals … together they confuse and corrupt. But Trump would be powerless without his misguided followers. There are many mini Trumps in America. Together they have shown that democracy is fragile and authoritarian figures can rise even in modern societies. Even a privileged and beautiful life such yours and mine can be squashed.

      • Tina says:

        “The best that human society has provided for the individual, so far”? I can name about 17 countries I’d prefer to live in than the US, great country though it is. Take your blinkers off, and learn about the greatness elsewhere in the world.

      • FLORC says:

        The trumpsters I know say if Trump did leak info it would be treason. And he’d be out. So, the depth of loyalty may not be as much to him as the sources they get their news from.
        To admit that they blindly followed 1 stream of news feed would be tough.
        So, yea… they’re not as much overlooking it. Their heads are just firmly in the sand.

    • sarri says:

      He’s ridiculous.

      And May doesn’t look happy, I guess they won’t be holding hands anymore LOL.

      • dodgy says:

        May is no better, tbh. But she’s getting pelters for the cuts she administered to the police forces back in 2015. And this information getting out undermines her ‘strong and steady’ (more like wet and wobbly) image she wants to give out.

    • Blue says:

      I think he was joking. It’s not the first time his humor has gone over the heads of most. But I’ve always found him good for a few laughs. Other people can’t dig it but what are you gonna do? Can’t wait til he’s been in the job for over a year and really starts to loosen up and be himself. It’ll be hilarious.

      • I just can't says:

        What Was he joking about again?

      • Kitten says:

        Um yeah no. Thanks for playing though.

      • Blue says:

        The shove. Just like the other day when he raised his hand at some guy like he was going to slap him across the back of the head. Or the time he was sitting at a table for a meeting and reeled of a speech about how it’s important to be accurate and then introduced some guy and got his name wrong. All jokes.

        @Kitten: still here I see. Don’t worry. My less tongue in cheek commentary is further down the thread.

      • doofus says:

        hahahahaha, yeah it’s SO hilarious that our allies are all starting to hate us!

        A real knee-slapper. Good one!

        to add, jokes like that might play ok when you’re a reality TV host, but when you’re the CIC of “the greatest country in the world?…not so much.

      • hmmm says:

        This is the last resort of the abuser: ‘It was only a joke’. Drumpf and his apologists use it whenever they run out of excuses.

      • Beth says:

        Yeah. He sure is a barrel of laughs. I’m always cracking up with giggles of joy and laugh my ass off when Trump pulls these hilarious stunts. The whole world is laughing too. Fun times. Fun times.
        I really hope you’re not serious @Blue. The only funny thing is to laugh at Trumpsters who believed this orange baboon had a clue about anything a president does

      • can't even says:

        @blue so you’re saying him pushing the guy and then puffing his chest to be at the front of the picture was a joke? nah not buying what you’re selling.

        Was he joking about Obama not being american too? THAT was hilarious

      • Lightpurple says:

        He did not pretend to shove the Prime Minister of Montenegro out of the way, he came up behind him with a cruel facial expression, grabbed him by the arm, forcefully pulled him back, stepped his obese self forward and strutted like a rooster. The facial expressions of the others showed shock and disgust with his rude, boorish behavior. Normal people who need to pass someone else say “excuse me,” they don’t physically accost the person in front.

      • Blue says:

        Hey don’t get me wrong people, I’m laughing through the tears but I have my moments of utter despair too. Here’s something I posted on another forum:

        “Give up man. The world is doomed. People don’t give a f*ck. As long as they’re deluded enough to think that they or their kids live in a world where they can become rich and powerful and enjoy all the perks that go with it. They don’t care about environmental degradation and the ravages of American imperialism. I used to be a staunch Greens supporter. Even helped them on election campaigns and have raised my gay sons to be progressive. I am a social worker who has dedicated his working life to helping the marginalized, disadvantaged and homeless. But what of it? I am a single father, who sees his kids three nights a week and I spend all my other nights alone feeling like a loser no matter who I’ve helped during the day. While the Trumps of the world wisely knew that the name of the game was to own your shallowness, accept it and strive to surround yourself with beautiful things no matter what people said about your methods of obtaining it. Just keep going no matter what. The Trumps of the world have everything. I feel I have nothing. I can’t even go to work today because I am literally so sick and tired of this f*cking world and my place in it. I wish Trump had been my father. At least he would’ve protected me from being indoctrinated with all that idealistic bullshit that has led me to despair. You see Trump understands the world and how it works and he’s been clever enough to succeed at the game.”

      • wolfpup says:

        Blue – who are you? I would definitely determine that you are a whiner! You gave so much and are so disappointed with your return. What did you expect from the poorest of the poor – a gold medal? What about the gifts that we give ourselves, for not being shallow, for investing in our young, and joy in the trail of beauty we leave behind us, because the sanctuary is our own minds, and real beauty exist by wind and stars, and that is the gift we should wish to leave our children – that which endures…left behind with the greatest love of all – endurance and gratitudes.

        You can always change your mind if you have invested in the wrong thing called bullshit. Possibly, you are troll saying nothing, other than making innocents/us question our deepest assumptions, that obviously are a black hole to you. Are you a Russian agent – sent to destroy the reasons that we love?

        If you were a real person, you would be rejoicing because of the children that you are privileged to interact with. You are not a simple woman crying in her coffee in the morning light because all her kids are crying at the same time.

      • robyn says:

        Blue, Trump is not a successful achiever in my book but a destroyer … I think you should thank your lucky stars, jump up and down for joy that he is NOT your father. You might not have his cash or hobnob with his corrupt group of fiends but you have a wonderful gift of expressing yourself that Trump sorely lacks.

    • cindy says:

      No no no. He didn’t just just do that. I couldn’t finish his “speech”. Between that violent idiot elected in Montana, the horrible LA fitness elderly abuse creature and this….I feel sick. What country is this? No no no no no. I don’t know what else to say.

    • Heather says:

      All the racists alpha males have their wish in this president. What a great argument in favor of inclusivity and meritocracy; The Trump White House.

  2. detritus says:

    There was the small funny part where Macron made fish sticks out of his lil fingies.

    My dreams have now expanded from just Trudeau to include Macron AND Trudeau. Can they kiss? French people kiss when they meet right?

    • third ginger says:

      My guess is Trump was trying to squeeze the charm out of Macron with that handshake.

    • LadyMTL says:

      Hahahaha yep, the French here in Quebec often do a 2-cheek kiss when saying hello, though I don’t know if Macron and Trudeau will. If they do, I can almost read the fanfic now…Macreau forever! 😛

      • detritus says:

        My family is from Quebec waaay, way back. We’ve lost most of good stuff, but man my quebecois-descended family likes the lip kisses.
        I was hoping they could combine the Quebecois with the French and we’d get a hot man makeout sess. Too much to ask from world leaders?

    • Tina says:

      There are some really dreamy pics of Macron and Trudeau having a walk in a Sicilian garden. Macron even put a little video of it on twitter where they speak French. It was a total palate-cleanser after this utterly awful week.

  3. third ginger says:

    Hey, it was only Montenegro….must be one of them “loser” countries.

    On a serious note, what in hell is going to happen when we truly need our NATO allies?

    • SilverUnicorn says:

      Good question!!

    • ArchieGoodwin says:

      You know Canada will be there. We might not meed our “2%” exactly as trump says, but we always will help.

      It’s not in us to turn our backs. Because this will pass, as things do, and the ties go deeper than what trump can destroy.

      • Patricia says:

        Thank you Archie. Whenever I read people being truly loving and understanding toward Americans right now I well up with tears. I want to know that others see that most of us are struggling with this, are heartbroken and feel buried under the weight of a leader who we did not want and who is demolishing everything we hold dear.
        Thank you for seeing beyond this horrible time in our country. We are good people! Most of the people I know and interact with every day are good, hard working, caring people. And lately when I encounter bigots and mysoginists etc I feel much more comfortable calling them out and letting them know I disagree. Thank you for your support, we will rise again.

      • third ginger says:

        One of the wonderful young women I work with is from Canada [Thunder Bay] She recently married one of us and is becoming an American citizen. It hurts that this is the era in which that is happening. I can only hope our country can become worthy of her. Best to you.

      • vauvert says:

        ArchieGoodwin – btw LOVE your name!!! Huge fan of all the NW books here:-)

        You’re right, us Canadians will be there to help. Because we know that not everyone voted for the orange clown, we tear up reading articles like the one in WaPo yesterday from the mother of an autistic child who is worried sick about what the loss of Medicare will do to her family – they were already struggling and now how to live in absolute terror of what’s coming. I cannot imagine having to deal with that on a daily basis. And oh – we (and the rest of NATO) are working towards the 2%. There is a whole plan in place for the members to up their annual spending to reach that target, but contrary to the moron’s belief, none of that $ is going to the US. We don’t owe the US anything:-) But of course he doesn’t get that, just like he doesn’t understand that the one time all of NATO came to aid another country was 9/11.

        We still love Americans and their beautiful country. I used to live and work in the US. Almost moved permanently to Silicon Valley (except the dot com crash happened); I was devastated at the time, I loved the West Coast where I lived for many years… but now, I can’t even travel down south. We cancelled our hockey tournaments in the US this year, and it makes me sad when Twitter Trumpsters say “great, stay home”. They really don’t understand how much the US economy actually needs tourism. They bought the whole Trump spiel, they only see enemies and danger everywhere, just like him with that idiotic speech yesterday about German cars being sold in the US! I hope Justin encourages the German manufacturers to set up shop in Canada. The FX rate means that even if the US imposes tariffs they still come out ahead and they don’t have to worry about the hatred and intolerance.

        Sorry for the rant – and the many topics covered. Even though I an not American, everything happening in the US scares the hell out of me. Not only because that sorry excuse of a human being can end the world with nuclear weapons.. but because a US so indebted to the Saudis, for example, or weakened by Putin, does not bode well for any of us. It is so sad that his supporters can simultaneously think: 1. all Muslims are bad 2. Saudis are terrible and so is HRC for accepting donations to her charity from them. 3. But Saudis are so great because they buy our weapons. #MAGA so much winning 4. that the evil Obama did not sell to them to protect Yemeni civilians, so lame 5. a peaceful Muslim family in NJ is a threat because sharia something even though they left their country to live in freedom 6. but if Saudis pour $ into a fake Ivanka charity that is great and why should we care about sharia there, none of our problems…. and on and on. It is exhausting. every. single. day.

      • Esmom says:

        vauvert, no apologies for the “rant” (which it wasn’t), I enjoyed hearing your perspective and hearing the compassion from the Canadians here has given me hope in a week where I’ve been pretty much appalled, outraged, distressed and dejected at what’s happening thanks to Trump and the GOP and the base that supports them. It is exhausting and discouraging, I am operating at high levels of anxiety all the time, which is to say I’m not functioning very well. Thank goodness for all the thoughtful, intelligent and compassionate people here at Celebitchy!

      • Escaped Convent says:

        Archie, I hope and pray that the truth will out. There are—God knows how many— decent, caring people in this world who are horrified that we are stuck with a psychopath for a president. Of course they want to know “How did this happen?”

        After King Don’s coronation, I was talking to someone on the phone at Amazon. He lives in South Africa. He was up to date on our shocking election. This kind man said to me, “Don’t get discouraged. The rest of the world is praying for America. You will bounce back.”

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Oh, Archie. That was the most loving thing I have read in weeks. Thank you, thank you. It was like an internet hug from Canada.

    • littlemissnaughty says:

      The rest of us are going to step up, that’s what will happen. Because we have not yet elected a choleric toddler buffoon as head of government/state (although Turkey sure as hell is not inspiring confidence either). I don’t think you’ll have to worry though. Putin will step in, right? … Right? Or will he maybe lean back with a glass of vodka and laugh?

    • jwoolman says:

      Trump doesn’t know anything about NATO. The US is in it because it benefits us. The European countries are pretty much on schedule for bringing payments to the stipulated level. They do need to prepare to forget about the United States and toss out all those US soldiers who have been camping there since before I was born. Let the US find its own unoccupied island somewhere as a jump off for its military adventures. And Europe – don’t ever again get involved in those military adventures or let the US even fly over your countries to attack the next victim. Really, it’s not worth it. And if you think Trump is going to defend you against Putin – I have a bridge to sell you.

      Trump shows that relying on the US is very dangerous, never know when we will elect a Trump.

      All through this trip, Trump has been singing some very old songs about NATO and trade and whatever. People try to correct his false view of such things, but he pops back into those old tapes running in his head and forgets that his facts are just pulled out of the air. He just can’t learn new things. He’s stuck in whatever he made up for the campaign and thinks it’s real by now.

      Angela Merkel had to tell him 11 times when she was here that he can’t make a trade deal with Germany, he has to work with the EU. She thought he finally understood, but now it’s obvious that he doesn’t.

      • wolfpup says:

        We are not stuck with this jerk. Americans have many options, including changing representation in the house and senate, state by state.

        The best thing about America is not our wealth, but our freedom. This is not a country like North Korea or Russia. We have tools to promote ideas.

        We are not victims, and in such such a rich country, the uneducated can speak their truth. To learn and to teach individuals how to vote in their own special interests is the entire point of educating every individual. This country is one of freedom. There is no country in the world today that is so supporting of the joy of being alive. I caution, against taking from the poor to empower our military. Is blue’s discontent, so strong as this?

        I am a girl, but I would throw down a glove to blue.

      • Tina says:

        “To learn and to teach individuals how to vote in their own special interests is the entire point of educating every individual”? Do you have any idea what’s been happening to public education in the US? You have elected this moron precisely because millions of Americans have received substandard education and are no longer capable of critical thinking.

        And “There is no country in the world today that is so supporting of the joy of being alive”? Is this a joke? It’s a lot easier to have the “joy of being alive” if you are enabled to do so by a functioning social safety net, which just about every industrialised country manages to do better than the US.

    • Blue says:

      Oh that’s a no brainer. He’ll just use his nukes, especially if people tell him he shouldn’t.

      • wolfpup says:

        Is this story simply about guns and bridges? Quite honestly looking around the globe at humans that live to survive, why are you impaling yourself on grief, when we need you for a real fight? Perhaps, just perhaps, there is no future for the living, but imagine that billions of years of our planet dreaming, created this time, just for you and me.

        Ladies, what do I say? – do not be so dismayed! It took the earth 5 billion years to create Us. We crawled out of the ocean. The variety of life; you find the word that describes this. It is so important to look after your health. Sleep and eat well – look at stars, eat sunshine concentrated in meat or eggs, but eat the energy of the sun that is in green and red salads. It does no good at all to be sick – or live in shadows and fear.

  4. guest says:

    Watch @EmmanuelMacron shade trump …. Priceless!

    • Tate says:

      Yes, anyone that needs to brighten their day please watch this. I have watched it at least 20 times since yesterday. It is a brilliant and deliberate move on Macron’s part. 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

      • Louisa says:

        I’ve been watching it on a loop also. I love that 45’s hands were out to greet him and he was left hanging. Such fantastic shade from Macron who is rapidly becoming my number one (fake) boyfriend 😉

      • Tate says:

        Yes, that was well planned. He waited for Trump to put his hands out to greet him and then he made the swerve. I love it!!

    • SilverUnicorn says:


    • Lightpurple says:

      Love how he heads straight for him then swerves at the last minute and makes him wait.

    • Kitten says:

      OMG that was amazing. Need to watch that on a loop.

  5. IlsaLund says:

    Just looking at that Orange face makes me want to puke. He is an embarrassment and a disgrace. This overseas trip has removed all doubt about the insanity gripping the U.S, when a buffoon like Donald J. Trump holds our highest office. There’s nothing positive to be said of Trump, his family or his administration.

    Oh, and the GOP candidate who assaulted a reporter won the special congressional election in Montana “cause Trump still has coat tails there.” Only in Amurikka.

    • notasugarhere says:

      2/3 of the votes were cast by early voting before the event happened. Still that guy won, and his supporters were on camera supporting what he did to the reporter. Hoping for an immediate recall election.

      • jwoolman says:

        I don’t think he can be recalled, but what often happens is that the miscreant loses any good Committee assignments and if convicted, will be pressured by the Party to resign. Can’t imagine he won’t be convicted with three Fox News witnesses. He could end up in jail for six months (time off for good behavior would seriously reduce that). The fine is tiny but he could also get community service, which if there is any justice in Montana will not be a cushy fun job. Bet he’s ordered to anger management…. or therapy. Or rehab if he was at all drunk or drugged.

        Trump is probably the only one who thinks the guy won a tremendous victory. Trumpy probably just enjoyed the beatdown on a reporter and didn’t think past that. Most other Republicans know he’s just an embarrassment, even though they are relieved not to lose the seat, and are trying to ignore him. The Democrat did get several percentage points more than Dems have been pulling statewide, though, so it’s a bit of a warning shot for the Republicans.

      • wolfpup says:

        We have to do better than warning shots. We need to educate the electorate to vote in their personal interest, rather than religions, and political parties! A singular voice is the one crying out in the wilderness –

  6. guest says:

    *double post, sorry.

  7. Rice says:

    Macron (or someone who runs his twitter feed) posted a deliciously hilarious video of him seemingly approaching Drumpf then veering off to Merkel and other leaders at the last second. Brilliant!!

  8. Sixer says:

    I saw that speech live yesterday.

    I think the other nations were partially prepared for lukewarm support for Art 5. And for the moaning about the 2% contribution – shock, horror, not everyone wants to divert resources needed by their populations into ever-increasing GDP spend on the military industrial complex like wot the US (and the UK to an extent) do. So those parts were kind of a slight groan of low expectations met.

    But there was a whole section where he complained about NATO’s immigration policy. What the what? NATO is a military organisation. It doesn’t have an immigration policy. Presumably, he was muddling NATO and the EU. Which is bad enough. But the EU doesn’t have an immigration policy either! It has freedom of movement for member citizens but it’s up to each country to set its own immigration policy from non-EU countries. Bare-faced, unembarrassed ignorance.

    I just sat there open-mouthed.

    • IlsaLund says:

      The man lacks the understanding and intelligence to even know the difference. It’s embarrassing. And only the U.S. is stupid enough to pump money into its industrial war machine rather than take care of its citizens need. The U.S. could cut its military budget and fund its social programs with ease.

      • Megan says:

        The department of defense is a massive employer and the for profit defense industry is also a massive employer and tax payer. The US economy is so tied to the defense and aerospace industries that significant cuts would have a negative impact on the US as a whole..

      • Sixer says:

        I think this is something anti-interventionists (I’m one of them) often fail to acknowledge. Extricating economies isn’t a two-minute job, or an easy one. Same goes for other things that are wrong in leftist eyes with Western economies right now – financialisation, for example. You can’t just wave a magic wand and undo it.

      • jwoolman says:

        The trick is to have plans in place for shifting people to different jobs – even better, shifting the whole company to doing something nondestructive with the resources they already have. Convince them they can make a decent profit without making weapons of mass destruction.

        Even gradual shifts might be possible. Support people while they retrain. Make it a priority to make it possible for people to stay in their communities instead of relocating. That’s a much better use of our tax money than bombs and missiles.

        This is true for other situations also – instead of falsely promising coal jobs will come back, invest in those communities by providing grants that adults need to support their families while getting more education or training, and figure out what else the community can do with the human and other resources they have. A rising industry is renewable energy, for example. Or recycling plants.

        But the military industry is pretty much automated today. The main jobs are for scientists and engineers, not people with just a high school diploma. So they don’t tend to bring many jobs into a community but rather have to import well-educated specialized people from other places.

    • detritus says:

      Are you kidding? He’s so riled about immigration he just tosses it around with whatever acronym is handy.
      I’m so sorry Americans, but the good news is, I think he’s so bad no one believes he happened on purpose. Let’s laugh, because otherwise I will cry that this buffoon has so much power to evince change and a huge platform to spread information and good will, and he’s just shitting(pissing) the bed.

    • SilverUnicorn says:

      Sixer, as far as I know some countries are ‘forced’ to invest in military spending due to agreements after WWII? Italy comes to mind (a country which never repaid its debt to USA since 1945).

      Many in UK do not think that European countries have immigration policies, so in that case Trump is ignorant like many (inexcusable because he’s POTUS but one of the many who have no clue)

      • Sixer says:

        I think the UK only paid off its WWII debt to the US about fifteen years ago.

        Perhaps it’s not wilful ignorance. Perhaps he makes these speeches to the bottom feeders among the viewing public who are, as you say, this ignorant of simple facts. I could believe that of him.

        But he is the PRESIDENT OF THE UNITED STATES. Speaking to his allies, not his bloody fandom, you know?

        On the other hand, it’s entirely credible that the man just IS this level of ignorant.

      • SilverUnicorn says:

        You summed it pretty well, he probably thinks he is speaking to his fandom, like a celebrity!

        I think he’s been wilfully ignorant all his life, what’s the point of learning anything if you’re spoonfed from day one?

      • jwoolman says:

        The US goes into long-term debt for wars also. I haven’t kept up with the figures, but at least back in the late 1980s we were still paying for the Vietnam War. Every single war since then has continued to add debt for generations not involved.

        Trump defaults on his own loans often enough, he can’t complain.

      • wolfpup says:

        Sixer, there is this level of ignorance in states who fought the civil war. It seems to me that the war between the north and the south has not been resolved in the USA. The South tried for so long to copy your own countries (English) notions of rank, to the extent of enslaving a population because of skin color, and trump’s revenge is building a wall between all skin colors other than his whiteness. It isn’t even a matter of integrity or character.

        In my opinion, whites need a black whipping boy- just as the Republicans use that love for bloodshed to advance their agenda.

        I find it all disgusting. The man from the Middle
        East has a skin tone, still not lily-white enough for females, to fuc*, according to the reigning white male race. The regime of men, who control females.

      • wolfpup says:

        I think the story is about the military and guns, and the George Orwell’s story, “1984”. I am so impressed with the women who comment here, and Kaiser is rather fierce!

        Can you imagine living in a country where we would be arrested for admitting or sharing our point of view? There are Gandhi’s and Martin Luther King’s and the men and women who stand together, in an attempt to carry an election against Putin…who will live in our future and are among Us. Don’t give the orange thing anything more than a Very Good Fight – but never sleepless nights, your health, or this very beautiful summer. Perhaps war (the conversation) should be about health rather than destruction!

      • Tina says:

        Don’t you dare blame the UK for the south’s fixation on slavery. The UK abolished slavery long before the US Civil War. All countries have rank as part of their societies. There will always be elites.

    • midigo says:

      Merkel had to show him a map of Europe before 1989. And explain him that Putin wants THAT.

    • grabbyhands says:

      That was the thing, the total lack of understanding of how NATO works. Like, you’re the f**king PRESIDENT now (man, this idiot is making me use a lot of all caps) and there was no one who was able to give you a children’s primer cliff notes bullet point version about how it works? Or who knows, maybe they did and he just ignored it like he always does so he could swing his dick around because he’s too stupid to understand that people aren’t going to be impressed over there.

      Watching the little I was able to stomach, was sickening. I honestly wouldn’t have been surprised if he had said, “You know, if it wasn’t for us you’d all be speaking German right now, amirite?? Haw, haw, haw!!!”. Speaking of which, thanks for continuing to alienate our allies, jackass.

    • Lightpurple says:

      He’s just wrong about everything. As Merkel pointed out when she visited, he has no idea how the financing of NATO works. He also thinks terrorism is a an ideology when it is a method. And he wants countries to “drive them out!” Drive them out to where? Into other countries?

      And Angela Merkela is now Goddess of the Eyeroll. While the others were laughing, she remained composed but rolled her eyes in a stately manner.

      • Sixer says:

        I want to laugh but it’s not even funny. It’s like living in a kind of news/current affairs based Truman Show. I keep thinking the BBC will suddenly screen a message telling us that it’s all been a social experiment and normal service will now resume.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        I love Merkel. Apparently she showed Trump a map of 1980 Europe/Russia, to show him what Putin wants the borders to look like.

    • littlemissnaughty says:

      I mean, when in doubt, wikipedia that sh*t. I honestly felt secondhand embarrassment. He will go down in history as the dumbest president that country has ever had.

    • JackieJormpJomp says:

      Countries involved have until 2024 to meet the 2% contribution. People seem to like ignoring that fact.

  9. Ashamed 2 b a Fl girl says:

    That video of baby fists pushing aside the Prime Minister of Montenegro sums up everything about baby fists in a nut shell. He is a pig.

    • Pumpkin Pie says:

      I get where you are coming from but no, Drumpf is not a pig. Pigs are above Drumpf’s level. Pigs are useful animals. And according to some studies, pigs are, to a certain degree, intelligent creatures.

  10. Margo S. says:

    I just keep sighing. Every time i finish reading something about Putin’s puppet.

  11. Ushouldknow says:

    I don’t know whether to laugh or cry at the fact that he still has NO IDEA how NATO works. None. At. All.
    Also, I secretly believe that his advisors have to snap their fingers, whistle, and say, “Sir. Siiiirrrrr! Focus! We’re not done here yet,” at least once every 30 mins.

    • Beth says:

      I wonder if he even knows what NATO stands for. Does he just think it’s a word? During his campaign, he was saying how much NATO was a waste, but after elected, of course he changed his opinion

  12. IlsaLund says:

    And how pathetic does Orangina look when he has his “serious face” on. He looks like a pouty toddler. The rest of the world leaders are laughing at him and think he’s the idiot that he is. And old Donny thinks of himself as “king of the world.” After this trip, I’m sure European leaders know that they’ll have to exclude the U.S. until we’re able to get another grown up in charge.

  13. boredblond says:

    We were hoping he’d love Europe so much, he’d stay–like Lindsay Lohan…sadly, he only wants to be with repressive autocratic leaders for mutual butt-kissing sessions.

    • PunkyMomma says:

      I, too, was hoping Cheeto Mussolini and Co. would defect to Mother Russia. Really, Donnie – built your own gold plated dacha and eat Beluga caviar and Big Macs until you implode.

      (But we Americans who actually paid taxes want Air Foce One returned.)

      • Lindsey says:

        We are getting a new one. Let him have it. Him gone is worth one stripped airplane. I don’t think they would throw in the classified safety and defense instillations.

      • Lightpurple says:

        Just take the IT, defense & intelligence stuff out and he can keep the plane. There’s a new one on Order.

    • Giddy says:

      We all need our fantasies to get by, and I like yours, but they would never let him stay. Every country in Europe would take joy in expelling him., Especially Montenegro.

    • Kitten says:

      This would be a mean and cruel thing to do. It’s bad enough that we let him out in the first place. This whole trip has been like the human equivalent of letting our dog pee in our neighbors’ rose bushes.

    • Embee says:

      I was sort of hoping the intel folks would arrange for an accident to befall him while abroad/en route. I suppose there’s still hope for the return trip…

  14. Ayra. says:

    Macron did it yesterday.
    First, with the walk where he went directly towards Trump, who was prepared to give him a handshake, and swerved at the last minute towards Merkel. Then, their handshake where he squeezed the life out of Trump’s baby fingers and looked so proud doing it.

    • detritus says:

      Macron is excelling at the tiny social slights and maneuvering. The French are pretty damn good at machismo, war and social games. Etiquette and soldier are both French words, for an example of that nation’s strengths.
      I think 45 severely underestimated him, the cheese eating surrender monkey meme went to his head.

      • Sixer says:

        He seems to understand symbolism extremely well. After the bomb attack in Manchester earlier in the week, he made a point of *walking* to the British Embassy in Paris to pay his condolences to the ambassador. Sounds like nothing but was actually a break in security protocol to indicate solidarity was more important.

      • detritus says:

        Honestly, there are some politicians who GET it. Those nuances are incredibly important. People like people who break rules FOR the peoples benefit. They don’t like people who break the rules for THEMSELVES *cough 45 cough.
        Macron seems like he’s going to do very, very well.

      • Digital Unicorn (aka Betti) says:

        Why can’t the UK have candidates like Macron and Merkel, instead we get May and Corbyn (who is fast becoming the UK version of Trump).

    • can't even says:

      That was a boss move. Power play while Trump was expecting to be recognized first among the leaders. And instead, after hugging Merkel he shook hands with someone before Trump. And then they had that gross power struggle handshake. I loathe that pull in move that Trump does.

  15. Valois says:

    Don’t forget that he called Germans “very, very evil/bad*” and that Germany sells too many cars in America and he’ll stop that.
    Even though German car manufacturers have factories with thousands of employees in the US.

    *the German newspaper that first reported it said evil, others say he used his favourite word bad.

  16. ArchieGoodwin says:

    The only time Article 5 was invoked was 9/11. And he still could not mention it.

    • jeanne says:

      I wanted to mention it. The on and only time it was invoked, EU went to America’s help in Afganistan.

  17. Lolo86lf says:

    Oh my God, I can’t believe the way he literally shoved the Prime Minister of Montenegro out of the way so he could be in the foreground of the picture. He proves time and time again what a freaking a**hole he is. It is so embarrassing. And this is the man who was born with a silver spoon in his mouth. The man who was raised in palaces? Prime Minister of Montenegro please forgive us.The orange but**ole is crazy.

  18. midigo says:

    You know, the man is absolutely boorish. He didn’t even pay homage to Italy’s flag while arriving at the Presidential Palace in Rome. I mean, the bare minimum for a foreign Head of State is to stop a couple of seconds in front of the flag of the country he is visiting. He didn’t even bother to turn his head.

    • SilverUnicorn says:

      I know!! And the ridiculous outfits of his wife and his daughter? They were dressed like Sicilian widows in the 1930s.

      Italy, like Montenegro, must be one of those ‘loser’ countries (as someone said up thread) so OranCheeto cannot bother to stop for the stupid flag of a loser country.

      • sendepause says:

        To be fair, neither Italy nor Montenegro have a shiny orb to distract Trump from being an angry baby for a second.

      • Esmom says:

        I don’t think he necessarily thinks of certain countries as “losers,” he just literally has no idea what basic protocol is. None whatsoever. And worse, he seems to have zero desire to learn anything. He is truly the pinnacle of ignorance.

      • swak says:

        @Esmom – While I totally understand why someone (not just the president) may not know protocol is expected, I totally agree that the worse thing is he has no desire to find out about it. He, of course, knows everything and doesn’t need to learn anything. (rolling eyes).

  19. Aiobhan Targaryen says:

    If the Supreme Court can rule that what happened with the redistricting issue in North Carolina was racist and unconstitutional, then maybe they can also see through the racist scum that is the Muslim Ban. Gomer Pyle can certainly try but I really don’t see them making this thing into law.

  20. Radley says:

    I honestly was mortified. It’s obvious that he’s way out of his league and that he’s definitely Russia’s whore. He was like a dumb orange bull in a china shop. An absolute oaf.

  21. SBS says:

    That’s Jens Stoltenberg, the NATO Secretary General, next to Trump during his speech. He was Norway’s prime minister at the time of Breivik’s (nazi white supremacist) terror attack. It must be horrible for him to have to stand next to and listen to white supremacist Trump.

    • Pumpkin Pie says:

      I felt sorry for JS during the speech. But he held his composure so well.

  22. Giddy says:

    He’s an a$$hole. That shove and his satisfied smirk afterwards summed up everything about the man. He has absolutely no regard for others and no intellectual curiosity to learn about their countries. This is just one of many times he will embarrass us. The relatively good news is that he returns to legal problems, as does Jared. May Trump’s impeachment be swift.

    • robyn says:

      That ugly smirk and toothy grin of Trump’s is overkill for a man who rarely smiles. He’s been doing that grin lately … it seems to have started with the Russian spy he was entertaining in the oval office. Trump’s afraid his favoritism for Russia was exposed in those Russian media pictures and now he’s pretending that this is his “regular” smile everywhere he goes.

  23. RBC says:

    Is there anyone that trump has not insulted? Is he deliberately trying to isolate the United States from its friends and allies?

    • Giddy says:

      No. Yes. *sob*

    • third ginger says:

      He never insults anyone who gives him a big gold necklace!

    • robyn says:

      Isolate. Doesn’t a wife batterer do that? Trump and his cohorts, like the Montana Republican who doesn’t like to be questioned by reporters, love to isolate and then beat up on people not to their liking and people who are desperately trying to hold them accountable.

      • Kitten says:

        Reminds me of a brilliant Twitter comment that details the behavioral pattern of an abusive partner and then goes on to say that Americans are stuck in an abusive relationship with our President.

      • Triple Cardinal says:

        There’s a cure for an abusive relationship: it’s called divorce.
        And there’s a cure for an abusive president: it’s called impeachment.

        I hope all these myriad investigations result in impeachment and removal from office.

      • swak says:

        @Triple Cardinal – impeachment is not a cure because a president can be impeached but not necessarily removed from office.

      • wolfpup says:

        Stop Crying – Work, Try, Soldier On !!! We will succeed this crisis of faith if we continue to love.

        True, I might go down into the pit and wish to die forever – but does that mean we give Up?!

        Human progress may come from the females. We know suffering, and might we know power! We live so many lives stretching for our young. The male politicians do not know this. They have no idea of the great beauty that we surrender on the battlefield.

        Please, stop the men from their own testosterone, and glibness, develop new homes. Men believe that they have a priesthood. Women, to save the planet, call yourself a witch, a whore, a prostitute, a mother, a grandmother – and stop the hordes of destruction, because it is possible if one is able to stand up for herself, her children, and generations after. The men just call us trash and kill everybody.

  24. Indiana Joanna says:

    When your global peers and allies have to hold their noses to interact with you, a hideous troll of a president, you should know you are truly hated. His ignorance and horrible behavior is exactly who he is. He gets along with dictators and war criminals, though. Sadly, Merkel’s attempt to school him won’t accomplish anything. Putin has the goods on this piece of human waste.

    This end of this entire nightmare can’t come soon enough.

    • Esmom says:

      Amen. And how pathetic that Merkel even had to resort to what she did. I give her props for trying but I can’t think of anything more embarrassing than a leader who has ZERO grasp of history.

      • Indiana Joanna says:


        Merkel really is remarkable. But baby fists only wants to hang with Putin. He thinks murdering and imprisoning innocent people is the way to govern.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      I agree with both of your posts, Indiana and Esmom.

  25. TeamAwesome says:

    Someone pointed out that Putin has wanted Montenegro for years and that he was pissed that they made it into NATO because that made them untouchable. Now, do I think Bigly Boy knows where Montenegro is or even who he was pushing? Hell. No. But, it is an interesting spin.

    • robyn says:

      I think Trump did shove the Montenegro leader on purpose to give his boss Putin a thrill. It was also for Putin that Trump didn’t shake hands with Merkel earlier when she visited America. Trump really is Putin’s puppet.

    • sendepause says:

      Yeah, I´m on the coincidence side of this, but maybe Putin will send Trump a golden bell for around his neck anyways? He needs to train his orange pet somehow.

  26. BJ says:

    I saw some of the leaders whispering and laughing during his speech probably saying ,”This guy is a moron”.

    • jwoolman says:

      His staff must have written the speech, if he didn’t go off script too much. So who are the incompetents on his staff writing this stuff? They don’t know how to google either? I imagine the laughter was due to the simple-minded basic errors of fact he was spitting out, they could have been easily avoided as long as Trump didn’t start improvising.

  27. Blue says:

    Oh man. I haven’t been here for awhile but nothing’s changed. I don’t how you don’t grow weary of this election campaign level of anger. It’s sure to turn inward and become depression at some stage. The thing that caught my attention was Donny trying to shakedown the other NATO countries, on behalf on the weapon manufactures, to the the tune of one hundred and nineteen billion dollars. He claimed it was unfair for the American tax payer to carry the burden. But even if the other NATO countries did tip in another one hundred and nineteen billion dollars, I doubt the Trump administration would redirect that surplus tax revenue away from the weapon manufactures and into public services or tax cuts for people on low incomes.

    • Kitten says:

      “It’s sure to turn inward and become depression at some stage”

      Nope it’s turning outward and being channeled into the Resistance Movement, but thank you for your concern.

    • Lightpurple says:

      Not election campaign anger. Incumbent is a rude, bigoted moron who is wasting our money, embarrassing us internationally, imposing on our freedoms, dismantling our institutions, lining his own pockets at our expense, making us unsafe, and he might have committed treason.

    • Beth says:

      His campaign and his presidency has caused depression and anxiety. It’s a normal thing to have great anger towards someone who is flushing our country down the toilet, is taking our rights and has made us the biggest laughingstock of the world

    • B n A fun says:

      @blue, oh man, thanks for your concern about our mental health. I know I’m not depressed, I will never be depressed with #45 being in the White House. As a matter of fact I have been more alert to what’s happening in my country. You can continue being cavalier and stick your head in the sand because you are not affected with the White House cutting the taxes for the 1% while waking money from senior citizen, children, the poor to feed himself and his buddies. This morning his wife was photograph in a coat valued $50,000 more than millions of American makes in a year.

      #45 became a rich man after filing for bankruptcies, stealing money off the backs of the people who worked for him by not paying what he had bargened For. He made hundreds of millions from filing bankruptcies and leaving the banks to swallow the costs. He also screwed the students of Trump University. Keep pretending everything is ok. Some of us here are watching our backs, and yours too, because we will be alert every day as long as our
      national embarrassment is in the White House.

      • Beth says:

        When I saw her wearing that UGLY $51,000 coat, I wondered what Trumpsters would think of that. Everything I’ve read has them saying it was no big deal how she spent her own money. Jesus! I’ve never paid much attention to politics, but I can’t stop watching and reading about the Trump disaster. Lets hope his naive supporters take their heads out of the sand and become aware of what’s happening before it’s too late

      • B n A fn says:

        Beth, at one time he was almost broke, buying casinos in Atlantic and overspending building with those gaudy fixtures, ect. Losing money buying a football team that crashed and burned, more wasted money. #45 used bankrupties to get back on his feet. He owed the US banks so much money that they stopped lending him money. He then start borrow money from Russia and other foreign banks. I live in New York so I knew he was a snake oil salesman. Btw, he hid his money during his divorce to Ivana who worked her butt off the bring his business back to making money, he screwed her over. All these things were in the news every day for years, there is so much scandal about this man he make Bill C looks like an angel.

    • sendepause says:

      “He claimed it was unfair for the American tax payer to carry the burden. But even if the other NATO countries did tip in another one hundred and nineteen billion dollars, I doubt the Trump administration would redirect that surplus tax revenue away from the weapon manufactures and into public services or tax cuts for people on low incomes.”

      What? Each NATO-country decides for themselves HOW and HOW MUCH they spend their money. They don´t simply give to the US. Like, some NATO-Countries don´t even have armies?! Where are they supposed to invest the money? Put it in a shoe box for a rainy day?
      If Trump wants to lessen the tax burden on Americans, he needs to rework the US military budget, however, if he wants the bigly weapons, american tax payers have to pay for it.

      • jwoolman says:

        I think Trump has the mistaken impression that the NATO countries actually owe money to the US for NATO. This is why he keeps presenting “invoices” for payment. It makes no sense at all, but he really is that ignorant.

  28. third ginger says:

    If satire is helpful for you, as it is for me, please read the hilarious and painful “Eulogy for America” in the NEW YORKER online.

  29. adastraperaspera says:

    As a US citizen, it was sickening to watch. He is Putin’s boy all the way. His talking points are clearly aligned with Russian goals of destabilizing democracies. And the difference between his cheerful chatter with dictators from Turkey and the Phillipines contrasted shockingly with the dismissive sneers and condescending lectures he gave our allies on live television. People, he has to go by any means necessary. Democracies are in grave danger.

    • jwoolman says:

      The NATO people should have treated him as the President of just another country and not made any special arrangements for him at all . If he falls asleep when a talk goes on for more than two minutes, let him sleep. When he pushed someone aside to get to the front, several of them should have gently led him back to where he was. No cutsies, Donald. And apologize to that nice man you shoved or no cookies for you.

      • Blue says:

        I think they were too stunned by it to know what to do and then the moment had passed.

      • Esmom says:

        Agreed. No more special treatment — i.e. dumbing things down, FFS — for Trump. It’s sink or swim time.

  30. swak says:

    Even though this is from the Daily Mail, it is an interesting article on Trump’s body language:

    • jwoolman says:

      Definity worth a read. Goes into detail not only about Trump’s body language but also about his French nemesis, who might have watched that YouTube video by a martial arts instructor who showed how to deal with Trump’s idea of a handshake. Watch out for Secret Service if you try it.

  31. Bess says:

    I’d ask my fellow Americans to get involved in the political process. Show up and vote in every local, state and national election. Volunteer to work on a campaign. Donate money. Get involved in some way. The only way we will be able to get rid of Trump and the GOP is if we vote them out office.

  32. Anastasia says:

    Also, the UK has decided not to share intelligence with the US following the Manchester attack and because Trump shared that classified info from Israel with Russia.

    We are no longer trusted.

  33. Neener says:

    I’ve never been ashamed of our country, but I am now.

    And the fact that many Americas are thrilled with his behavior and the corrupt behavior of the GOP, that is slowly dismantling their rights and freedoms, is mind boggling.

  34. Zip says:

    I really wonder what real politicians think when they have to deal with Trump and his administration & staff.

  35. Tess says:

    He might have a point about NATO countries paying their dues but it’s really rich coming from someone who’s stiffed his own construction bills.

    • Beth says:

      Trumps also bragged that not paying his taxes makes him smart. A guy who doesn’t pay workers and ripped off people with Trump University, shouldn’t be the one to point a finger at other people. All countries should definitely pay their dues for NATO, but he himself needs to pay his dues to the people he scams and rips off

    • Cynical Ann says:

      Not only that-but it was NOT the time or place. Talk about making Putin’s day: show distance and disdain publicly for NATO. Ugh. He’s such an idiot.

    • Ange says:

      He doesn’t really. So far most countries are at their rate or hitting their goals to get there by their set date. Besides that who the hell is America to berate them even if they weren’t? NATO isn’t a protection racket and he’s not Al Capone. It’s an ALLIANCE, not the He Man Woman Haters Club.

  36. third ginger says:

    Interesting language from Hallie Jackson reporting from what I am calling The Golden Memories Tour. Her description was “visible discomfort among the NATO allies.” Our new diplomatic goals: visible discomfort.

  37. Who Says says:

    There are days you just can’t make this stuff up with Trump. If you could use the daily manure that he says and does on a TV shows like House of Cards, Veep, Madam Secretary or Homeland, you would think what great writing. I mean today it is all about Jared Kushner and his possible collusion with the Russians, Jeff Sessions failed to disclose his contacts with Russian Ambassador on his security application, FBI wont provide James Comey’s memos to Congress yet and Steve Bannon to head Trumps s legal team for Trump’s counter offensive against Russia collusion claims. HBO could get Joesph Gordon Leavitt to play Jared Kushner and make it a 3 part mini series and they would have all the material right there for the script.

    • Vesta says:

      But those TV shows are well written. Isn’t this all more like a season of The Apprentice – The Horror Edition? In which the most incompetent & unprofessional team – Team Bigly – marches on, but no one can fire them? The irony…

    • Giddy says:

      What I dream about is to wake up and find that Trump really was a television show. And that President Bartlett is in the White House, and all his other staff are in the West Wing.

    • Zaratustra says:

      Failing to admit that you have met Foreigners might be called “lying” and that is actually criminal in certain situations concerning offices of state. So Sessions might be guilty of lying. But if it is just lying about having met somebody then that is hardly considered a severe crime.

      But honestly, meeting foreign dignitaries is exactly what both future and incumbent politicians are supposed to do. And as long as Sessions didn’t sell the nuclear codes to the Russians or any other state secret I don’t see what the problem is except for some lying.

      • Lightpurple says:

        Lying under oath got Clinton impeached & that lying was about an extramarital BJ with a consenting adult. This lying is about meetings with Russian spies, and Sessions would have had some inkling as to who the spies were

      • jwoolman says:

        Lying under oath isn’t a good look for a guy angling for the job of US Attorney General. It’s called perjury and is not legal. People go to jail for lying under oath.

        Lying by commission or omission on a security clearance application is illegal. So by not disclosing their Russian contacts as required, an ordinary mortal would at least lose any chance for a security clearance and also could be charged.

        Similarly, lying to the FBI is illegal. You can refuse to answer their questions, just don’t lie.

        In any case, the suspicion that these jokers were doing something illegal with the Russians is actually fueled by their consistent lying about those contacts. If everything was normal, there would be no reason to lie about it. We’re not at war with Russia. The Logan Act would never hold up in court. It’s not illegal to discuss what the next President will do about sanctions with any Russian official. But my guess is that the intelligence people picked up whiffs of things that are clearly illegal when the Trump staffers were talking to Russians under surveillance. One of those things is likely money laundering schemes. But if there is any hint they cooperated with the Russians to sabotage our elections by illegal activity – they are in big trouble and rightly so. The Feds are also concerned that lying about foreign contacts and foreign money received can be used as blackmail, as Yates said when discussing the concerns about Flynn. That’s also why people have been concerned about Trump possibly being in hock to the Russians – that is another reason for him to do what Putin wants. Full disclosure about financial matters is important to avoid the possibility of such foreign pressures.

      • Zaratustra says:

        There is no evidence that Sessions met Russian spies. He met Russian officials and that is an activity to be expected because he was expected to hold an office under president Trump.

        Both Hillary Clinton as well as her husband met Russian and other officials before they (tried to) become president.

        As for lying under oath: although Sessions did probably “forget” to tell you can’t construct legal charges of treason from that meeting. He wasn’t even in office when he met Russians. There is no evidence he did commit any act of treason (telling state secrets). It is not even clear if he had to tell about meeting the Russians because he wasn’t in office when he met them. He has to tell about everything that is relevant for his office. But so far nobody knows what he talked about with the Russians. Seriously. Apparently accusations are sufficient to end a career. (yep, Sessions is disgusting but so is the pathetic legal procedure.)

        As for Trump allegedly telling secrets to the Russians: Trump and Lawrow talked in the Oval Office. Naturally they talked about sensitive and secret matters. That is what politicians do behind closed doors. And likely they tried to coordinate Russia’s and the US’ activities in Syria. And of course these things are later published and made transparent and Congress/Senate has a say, too. The first step of all contracts is talks and negotiations behind closed doors. Always. Sensible action, actually.
        But the real problem is this: some members of staff from the White House passed on secret information to the press about that talk. And there lies the real danger: some staff handing over secret information. But they weren’t charged, were they? There likely is a rat in the White House. But all people talk about is Trump’s alleged misbehaviour.

      • wolfpup says:

        I get the creepy-crawlies, because it is so noticeable that Zaratustra or blue, et al. are trolling us on this site. I believe that they think it is possible to fool a lot of people. I doubt that they believe in Russia, per se, but perhaps they are simply paid in coin.

      • Tina says:

        No one can tell the difference between Russian officials and Russian spies. They don’t wear a sign around their necks saying, “Spy.” Meeting with them isn’t the problem. Lying about meeting them is the problem. Neither of the Clintons lied on their security forms about who they met. No one says lying on the forms is treason, but it is illegal and it is illegal for a reason.

        And speaking as a person who is beyond pissed that US law enforcement has been leaking details of the Manchester investigation to the press: leaking is not the main problem. The main problem, in this case specifically, is that Trump passed on information about one of the Israelis’ most important and secret sources to Russia. That is not “natural.” The US and Russia are not aligned on Syria. Russia is allied with Iran, which is one of Israel’s greatest enemies. If Hillary Clinton had done this, in the Oval Office, you would be baying for her blood.

    • pinetree13 says:

      Ha if this was a show before this administration I would have said “what’s with the writing on this show? This isn’t realistic. No president would get away with acting like that!”

      hahaha truly truth is stranger than fiction

  38. Citresse says:

    If anyone doubted the narcissistic behavior, it wouldn’t be his wife for sure. The other leaders can walk away. Not so easy for Melania.

  39. SusanneToo says:

    I’veI been avoiding the news today. What fresh hell has he unleashed in the last twelve hours?

    I have to laugh remembering how, at the beginning of the week, some feared he would stay on script and look “presidential.” Never, ever gonna happen.

    • third ginger says:

      Let’s just say if a country does not have fancy horses and a sword dance in his honor, he will literally push their leader aside. I am calling it The Golden Memories Tour.

    • Joannie says:

      Wow! Brutal. I still cannot believe how much support he has. Esp after calling out the Manchester Bomber.

    • SusanneToo says:

      You would think Klaus Brinkbäumer was a faithful reader of Celebitchy because we have collectively said Every Single Thing in his astute and on the mark editorial.

  40. hogtowngooner says:

    Nevermind that the only time Article 5 has been invoked was in response to 9/11. Could you imagine if all those jumbo jets that landed in Gander, Newfoundland and our PM had said, “Sorry losers, Canada first. Find somewhere else.” This man’s attitude and behaviour is such an insult.

    That speech had Bannon’s fingerprints all over it. He despises international organizations and has wanted to say the things contained in that speech in front of NATO members to embarrass them for a LONG time. Instead it looked like the Ugly American comes to Europe to brag about themselves.

  41. third ginger says:

    On a much happier note. I just came across a picture of the spouses of the NATO leaders. Behind Malania[autocorrect Malaria] is the adorable Gauthier Destaney, husband of the leader of Luxembourg. They married in 2015 when marriage equality became the law of the land!

  42. Tina says:

    Wow. So in today’s news, all of the other G7 leaders walked from their group photo to their next stop. Trump? Took a golf cart.

  43. tw says:

    You forgot to mention the yellow combover holding on for dear life as it flapped in the breeze during his speech. Yes, we have a president who combs his hair all the way from the back of his head to the front and hairsprays it into a yellow mound at his forehead. Let that sink in.

  44. Tan says:

    Trump called the Germans bad bad people, for apparently exporting more (.. Cars) than importing from USA

    • jwoolman says:

      I thought the free market was supposed to make everything work?

      If Germans aren’t buying American cars, that just means the cars aren’t a good match for the German market. Americans buy German cars because there is something they like about them.

      Is Trump going to put a YUGE tariff on the clothing he and his daughter have made in China?

      • Keaton says:

        German car manufacturers buy parts from American companies. There are plants for German cars in the US that hire American workers. Trump cannot be so stupid to not realize some Americans benefit from “German” vehicles, could he? I know he’s a moron when it comes to foreign affairs, basic civics, the most mundane rules of proper social behavior but I thought “business” was his forte?
        President Dumbass.

      • Nanny to the Rescue says:

        AFAIK, and you can correct me if I’m wrong here, Americans have less strict safety regulations than Europeans. Many American cars can’t be driven in Europe without some modification, which makes American cars a pain in the butt to import.

      • sendepause says:

        Plus, American cars are bigger than most European cars which makes them less economical and impractical for the narrow streets, old inner city structures, and smaller parking spaces.

  45. BegoneOrangeCheeto says:

    Dear Rest of the World,

    On behalf of those of us with brains, I apologize for this massive embarrassment of a POTUS. We hope that, in time (and hopefully after removal from office), you can manage to forgive us such an enormous lapse in common sense and human decency.


    • Trashaddict says:

      And we fervently hope this clown continues to shoot himself in the foot until he hobbles right out of the Presi-dunce-y, for your sake and ours. If we survive, we will try to fix our education system in hopes of avoiding future nightmare scenarios.

  46. nicole says:

    Its true what they say, money cant buy you class.

  47. artistsnow says:

    omg! First SonInLaw is now under SERIOUS investigation for his secret Russian connection.

  48. sara says:

    You know, in light of the terrorist attack that just occurred, I think a little tough talk from trump is just fine. The terrorist’s (from Libya) parents came in as refugees. Im not saying this to evoke a big stance, its just the facts, and an important one. How do we fix the problem if we don’t study it? We cannot be afraid to discuss facts.

    • Beth says:

      The problem with Trump “tough talking ” is that he doesn’t know what the hell he’s talking about. I’m scared because he doesn’t think twice about how easily his tweets and nonsense words piss people off. Terrorist are the most dangerous, so he’d better be careful of what he says

      • sara says:

        Well, Britain is very careful of what they say, and Im pretty sure it didn’t help them at all. You cannot reason with a terrorist, or apologize yourself out of an attack.

    • Trashaddict says:

      Given your past experience observing Trump, do you really think he’s interesting in studying the problem, much less anything else that comes across his desk? Yes we need to study the problem. The only impact his blustering will have on this is to play into the hands of ISIS by reinforcing the “us vs. them” mentality. He will radicalize people who weren’t radicalized before.

    • lightpurple says:

      Trump was not discussing facts. He never discusses facts. He is rude and insulting and ignorant, even at a time that required giving comfort and compassion to those who suffered.

  49. khaveman says:

    Can’t wait for these old white dinosaurs who think they are in charge of it all to die off and the REAL leaders of tomorrow take their place and do good for the world. Peace!

  50. Rebecca says:

    I’m most embarassed about Trump telling Angela Merklel that she hasn’t done her fair share when she has taken in a million refugees, most of them because of the Syrian war. They had no other place to go and Germany took them, at their expense.

    The United States helped cause the Syrian war. Meanwhile our idiot racist president is trying to ban all Muslims.

    I live in Seattle and I’m really worried Trump is going to end us with his rudeness and bad decisions. He’s talking about a pre-emptive strike against North Korea. We do that and North Korea’s crazy ass dictator is going to Lob one of his Nukes our way. Those bombs can now reach Seattle.

    Please shut up, sit down, be humble for once Trump.

    • Zaratustra says:

      I think that Trump would like to end the war in Syria. But “they” won’t let him.

    • wolfpup says:

      I lived in Germany for three years and had the opportunity to understand their greatness as a people. I love Germany and their careful attention to the products they design and sell. I loved their way of life, XOX to Angela Merkel, whose million refugees should nearly qualify her as a saint.

    • sara says:

      well, im embarrassed Obama called ISIS the jv team when CLEARLY killing gays in Orlando and children at a concert is more than jv.

      • Beth says:

        I don’t live far from Pulse, and my neighbors grandson was unfortunately killed that night. It was proven that ISIS, claimed responsibility, but did not direct the attack. Mateen had pledged allegiance to ISIS and did the killing when the ISIS spokesman asked followers to kill during the holy month of Ramadan. The killer hated people like gays and Latinos. That night at the gay club was Latin Night.
        I’m embarrassed that Trumpsters believed it when he promised to end ISIS in his first month of being president. He again had no idea what he was talking about while shoveling out BS.

  51. virginfangirl2 says:

    I won’t sleep at night until Trump & all his friends are in jail.

  52. Amanda says:

    People around the world must think we’re real idiots for electing this guy. So embarrassing.

  53. Beth says:

    Nobody wants anything to do with the US now. So embarrassing