“Was Kendall Jenner the worst-dressed person at Cannes?” links

Fashion for Relief - Arrivals

Was Kendall Jenner the worst-dressed person at Cannes? [Wonderwall]
Are Odell Beckham Jr. & Iggy Azalea a thing now? [Dlisted]
Texas wants to become the most transphobic state. [Jezebel]
Blake Lively got another job, this one sounds better. [LaineyGossip]
This is not the look, Diane Kruger. [Go Fug Yourself]
Melania Trump is not your feminist hero. [Pajiba]
More photos from Vanity Fair’s exclusive with the Star Wars cast. [OMG Blog]
What ever happened to Chuck Woolery? [Starcasm]
Justin Bieber forgot the Spanish-language lyrics. [The Blemish]
Kate Upton aimed for understated. She pulled it off. [Popoholic]
Teresa Giudice has a book coming out? Ugh. [Reality Tea]

Programming note: Unless there’s some huge breaking news, we likely won’t have any stories this weekend, and there will be some light posting on Monday, Memorial Day. We hope everyone enjoys their three-day weekend!

Fashion for Relief - Arrivals

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62 Responses to ““Was Kendall Jenner the worst-dressed person at Cannes?” links”

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  1. teacakes says:

    HOW is Kardboard a fashion model?

    Do designers just lie back, blank out her face and think of the social media follower count when they hire her, or are they legit blind to the fact that she makes everything she wears look cheap?

    I mean, if they want the likes that bad then why don’t they just hire Gigi instead?

    • Rosie says:

      Because she’s tall, very pretty and has a killer body? And she’s known by lots of people so she will get more attention than a no name model.
      But we can’t really pretend she’s not beautiful because she really is.
      And it’s not like being a model is some big imprortant thing!

      • teacakes says:

        I don’t find botoxed and dead-eyed faces “beautiful”, but to each his own. And that’s not even counting the orange spray tan.

        Being a model doesn’t require a genius IQ but when someone can’t even manage to photograph well, I think it’s fair to question why they’re a model at all.

        And like I said, there are other models who will get attention and take a decent pic.

      • Alleycat says:

        I guess beauty is in the eye of the beholder because I don’t find her attractive at all. Even before her enhancements, I found her average at best. Gigi used to be beautiful to me, even though I found her annoying, until she lost tons of weight.

      • Frigga says:

        Your opinion is subjective. It’s one thing to be a model, another to be considered a “supermodel” without earning the title. For those of us who love fashion, she is a terrible model.

      • Anilehcim says:

        Yes, she is attractive and tall. Like others have said, being attractive is subjective. And being attractive has nothing to do with being a high fashion model. She isn’t INTERESTING. She’s like prettiest girl in a small town “you should be a model someday” type of pretty. She has zero qualities or it factor that warrant her shooting to the top of the ranks and landing covers like Vogue. Kendall brings nothing to the table and I feel bad for the models who actually deserve to be where she is… because Kendall really only got there because of connections. There is nothing about Kendall that sets her apart from any other models except for who she knows.

      • lunchcoma says:

        She’s a pretty girl, but every time I see her, I realize that modeling does involve some skill, because she does not have that skill.

      • FLORC says:

        She is pretty. But, our perception is tainted. It’s not that we judge her without knowledge of personal life. It’s been said we perceive some people as 10% roughly more attractive or less from that.
        Based on just her body. Great legs. Right proportions. Yea.

        She can’t model well though. Doesn’t have that whoa that will translate through a lense.

      • Sara says:

        Kendull has no “it” factor…no charisma. I never thought Kate Moss was particularly pretty, but something made me want to look at her…she had “it”.
        I don’t think any of the Kardashians are interesting, personally- because they just aren’t charismatic. Has nothing to do with being pretty.

      • KB says:

        “Prettiest girl in a small town”

        That’s a great description for her. Like boring small town bland, and not ugly. I’d kill for her height and body though.

      • mary s says:

        I think she’s pretty in a way that any woman who is pretty is. In other words, she’s run-of-the-mill pretty. there is nothing interesting about her that would separate her from any other pretty twenty-something girl.

      • Jackie says:

        As others have mentioned, beauty is very much in the eye of the beholder. I don’t find her beautiful at all. I’d be stretching it a bit to even call her pretty. In my opinion she has very harsh features & a mean girl look about her. If not for KUWTK, and Kanye in particular, she’d probably be working at the mall at Forever 21 or Cinnabon.

    • Neners says:

      Kendall is a model because people click on articles about her every single time one is posted – even people that think she’s boring and overrated.

      You play to win the game.

    • Evylin says:

      Nepotism. Just like how many untalented kids get into the movie industry, the modelling industry is the same.

    • Tastes differ, you know. Kendall is a beautiful woman after all. Talent is another issue. By the definition of what is talent is still obscure. Who is gifted with talent or how it is measured is unknown. Most likely we judge about talent in terms of personal affirmation of who seems talented to us personally and who is not depending on the level of personal achievement. Beyond that, hardly can anyone see.

    • Liberty says:

      She’s a pretty girl, and she is trying, but she’ s at best a mass catalogue model. Nothing wrong with that. But, it is what it is. She has dead-ish eyes, isn’t emoting, can’t move somehow. Her name is her skill.

    • Petee says:

      I agree with most of these posts.I personally don’t think she is pretty.She would be a nobody without Kim and her Sex tape.And she is no Super Model at all.The 90’s owned that.

  2. Beth says:

    That outfit is terrible

    • Lahdidahbaby says:

      Yes! And if the outfit weren’t horrible enough, there’s that openmouthed faux-sexy facial expression that doesn’t even reach her deadeyed gaze. I think she is goodlooking, often well-dressed, and she certainly has the body to be a runway model. But her face is so expressionless (even off the runway where expressionlessness is de rigueur) that she would never make a great photographic model. No animation in that face, ever. I don’t see her ever getting past runway modeling, where a blank face is an asset.

      And if her expressionlessness is related to the use of Botox, could someone explain to me why someone so young uses/needs it? I don’t understand what the benefits are/could possibly be…?

      • jwoolman says:

        Kendall has had dead eyes for quite a while. Kylie is the same. They may have loads of money, but look at how they were raised. Would you wish Mama Ten Percent on any kid? I think they were at the very least emotionally deprived. They both act damaged and stunted. Kylie doesn’t seem happy at all and Kendall is hard to read but I don’t see joy there. Just compare them with emotionally healthy young people you know of the same age.

        The worst thing for them was being pulled out of school to “work” as the solution when they complained about falling behind in school. At least at school they had a chance to be around kids with more emotional advantages and adults who might actually have cared.

      • Lahdidahbaby says:

        Great reply, jwoolman. Makes sense, sadly.

    • jwoolman says:

      I am still baffled by the fact that ragged clothing is now considered fashionable. Is this some “let’s pretend we’re poor” game rich people play? I always thought one of the perks of being rich was that you didn’t have to wear clothing that is on its way to disintegrating in the wash.

  3. Bridget says:

    Her face has changed a TON, right?

  4. Susie says:

    Yes!!! Yes!! A thousand times yes!!!

  5. Jenns says:

    I’m getting a Hunger Games vibe from some of those Star Wars pictures. Lauren Dern reminds me of Effie.

    However, HELLO THERE, Benicio.

  6. Cynical Ann says:

    I loved Chuck Woolery-so disappointed to see what a right wing douche he actually is.

  7. Pumpkin Pie says:

    That outfit is a JOKE

    • Cran says:

      Kate Moss, Naomi Campbell or Rihanna would have worn the hell out of that outfit.

      • Anilehcim says:

        Agreed…. and Kendall’s biggest mistake is thinking that she’s in line with them. She isn’t. I feel like the fashion world is going through a bizarre phase where they’re all just going along with pretending these girls are so special and different and interesting, and that they’re the next great thing. I find Bella and Gigi Hadid to be worlds above Kendall in terms of being interesting.

    • boredblond says:

      And it made me laugh..so thanks whoozit K! Honestly, this silliness on anyone would’ve cracked me up.

  8. SM says:

    I don’t want to appear like a bitch, but why is Blake Lively is still getting jobs? I never watch her films because I have seen her so-called acting on Gossip Girl. She mumbles words, permanently has the same look on her face and could basically out anyone watching her into a coma. She is not much of an acctress is what I am saying. When there are lots of capable actors compeating for female roles in movies, how come she gets role istead of well…anyone else?

    • Bridget says:

      To give her credit, apparently she is really charming in person. And she will hustle her boobs off to sell any project she’s a part of.

    • Miles says:

      Because Hollywood is a business and her last couple of films have been profitable for studios. If her films had flopped/weren’t well received, she wouldn’t be cast. But money talks and in the end, she’s a low risk, high reward actress. Doesn’t demand a high pay check which makes it easier for her films to be profitable. It’s really not that hard to understand. Plus from what I have heard, she is extremely charming in person, which really helps.

    • Lee says:

      I agree with you.

    • sarah says:

      I saw her in the Ben Affleck movie “The Town” a few years ago and I thought she did a good job in her supporting role. No fuss, no muss, got the job done as a somewhat unlikeable character. I was impressed.

  9. KiddVicious says:

    Black or white cutoffs would have looked better. Not good, but better. I do like the top though. If it were paired with a long straight skirt it would be a pretty outfit.

  10. Mar says:

    Why do I not mind her outfit lol?
    Personally I love her face her body is not too good not into stick figures

  11. pinetree13 says:

    I actually don’t hate this. It really draws attention to her legs which look great.

    I also like how her feet are noticeably veiny because that’s how my feet always look in heels LOL!!!!!!!!!!!! I thought it was just cause I’m old so that makes me feel better hahahaahahahaha

    I actually think this is one of her better looks. Hair is a little flat though.

    • Bridget says:

      Really? I was just thinking that her legs aren’t great at all. Eye of the beholder, I guess.

      • Doc says:

        Yeah, me too. I’ll take Beyonce’s legs over hers any day. K’s are just skinny. I prefer more shape-ful legs.

  12. yvrjanice says:

    In that one shot with her mouth open she’s giving me Ali McGraw vibes. Sorry Ali!!

  13. sundaydriver says:

    Maybe, maybe not. But there’s no question she was easily the biggest hose-beast there.

  14. KBeth says:

    This outfit is very, very ugly and very, very try-hard.

    • jwoolman says:

      It doesn’t look like something you could wear anywhere. It looks uncomfortable. And how do you juggle it in a restroom stall? (I always wonder about how these folks manage to use toilets. Do they have elephantine bladders or what?)

  15. Ankhel says:

    Nah, nothing beats that godawful “sheer pantyhose catsuit + Dynasty drapes exploding out of her butt” THING Emily Ratatoffskij wore the other day. Nice try though.

  16. Evylin says:

    Sigh. I am sick of all these untalented rich kids only getting into the modelling or the movie industry because of who their parents/siblings/uncles/aunts are.
    One of my friends saw Malia Obama at a private movie screening this week with Harvey Weinstien at NYC, and they said she was very snobbish. Seriously, like Kendull, would that girl be attending movie screening and working at Weinstien company if it wasn’t for her family?
    When are we gonna see the underdogs make it?

    • jwoolman says:

      People at all income levels have been getting jobs through family connections probably since the species first crawled out of the ooze. It often makes some sense – people like to help friends and family and also it’s a kind of vetting if you know the kid’s parents. We were technically below poverty level and my mother wanted to use her rather limited influence to get my brother an interview for some low-paying summer job. Parents want to use any edge they have to help their kids stand out from the crowd, and rich people are no different. They just operate on a grander scale.

      The biggest edge rich kids have is that they seem familiar because of publicity they have received due to their parents. That’s Kendall’s real attraction to the fashion industry. She brings automatic recognition and social media followers, real or fake, and automatic media interest. The fact that she’s mediocre at best doesn’t matter because she has added value to offer due to the family business.

      Kendall doesn’t seem that skilled as a model and like the whole Kardashian Krew, doesn’t seem interested in working hard and learning her craft. Without the family fame, I doubt she would have gotten modeling jobs in the first place back when her “I want to be a model, mom” plotline began on the show. Kanye’s inexplicable pull with the fashion folk really pulled her from catalogs to the runway. She’s a nice-looking girl but doesn’t have the drive and unique look that non-famous people would have to have to get anywhere in the industry. Models tend to have notoriously short careers unless they have something really special, though, so her time in the spotlight as a working model might be shorter than she realizes. She’ll still be rich but will just have more time to do the usual rich person things she is now doing without the interruption of occasional “work”.

      And Kendall doesn’t seem to realize that she has all these advantages and is just extremely lucky, not especially skilled, which is annoying but doesn’t mean she’s an awful person. . Those jobs dropped in her lap and unlike other young models, she has the luxury of only working when she feels like it because she assumes the job offers will never stop. That’s rich kid thinking, they all seem to assume that the way it is now for them is the way it will always be. There is simply nothing in their background to make them feel any different. Kids who have had to put in the work have a very different view of it because they had the reality of TANSTAAFL shoved in their faces at every step. Doesn’t mean anything about their character, it just means they grew up in a different world.

    • Evylin says:

      Its one thing getting a part-time summer job. Its another thing when you are handed modelling gigs or fancy internships at prestigious film studios without proving any hard work or talent.
      I think its fair to point out their privilege and family background. Because like you said, if Kendull wasn’t a Kartrashian, would any modelling agenecy even look at her?
      Or what about Malia Obama? She most likely would be pitching fries at McDonalds rather then working for a rich, white Hollywood producer if it wasn’t for her father. I doubt she has any talent or skills either.

      • teacakes says:

        At least Malia Obama is doing an internship, which suggests she’s interested in acquiring skills and experience in a field.

        This one, though? jwoolman is correct – she doesn’t appear to have any interest in getting good at modelling or developing such skills as it requires, and totally lacking the self-awareness to know she wouldn’t book anything outside a catalogue if it wasn’t for Kanye and the publicity associated with her family (no surprise she never booked a single high fashion job until after he married Kim).

  17. Christin says:

    Well, it’s been awhile since a Friday of a holiday weekend split announcement, but one has arrived. Stiller & Taylor (always think of her as Marcia in the Brady movie). A bit of a surprise, after 18 years.

  18. Michael says:

    She has the plainest face I’ve ever seen. Seeing photos of her could put a person to sleep. I’m with everyone who says “why is she a model?” Because I’m not seeing it either.

    • sarah says:

      As a model, she is average (tall, thin, long hair, pretty face). I think she is totally lacking in the “presence” area – she doesn’t stand out when photographed. BUT as with all in her family, she excels at self-promotion and that unfortunately is a big part of being a model today (IMO).

  19. Annetommy says:

    For Cannes? In the immortal words of JP McEnroe, “You CANNOT be serious”.

  20. Vaya says:

    Blind gossip has an item that suggests Norman Reedus is already cheating on Diane Kruger.