Chloe Moretz’s new animated film is a gigantic body-shaming mess

This is an ad for the new film Red Shoes & the 7 Dwarfs. It’s a retelling (with a twist) of Snow White, obviously. It’s an animated film and Chloë Grace Moretz does the voice of Snow White. The tagline for the movie – as you can see on the billboard – is: “What if Snow White was no longer beautiful and the 7 Dwarfs not so short?” As you can see, there are two Snow Whites, one heavier and one slim. Or something. The point of the billboard is that everyone knows heavier women can NEVER be considered beautiful. EVER. Only cartoon women with ridiculous Playboy-bunny proportions can be considered beautiful. Beautiful = thin. Not thin = not beautiful.

Plus-sized activist/advocate Tess Holliday ended up tweeting the image to Chloe Moretz, calling her out publicly for her involvement:

Chloe waited for a bit to see if people picked up the story, and when they did, she responded:

I mean, I get that. She’s not in charge of marketing. She probably didn’t see the tagline. But it does seem strange that everyone at this production company thought the tagline was A-OK. That it’s totally cool to tell kids and adults that they should always remember that only thin people are beautiful.

Also: apparently the trailer was really f–king sketchy too, like it involved the dwarves behaving like peeping Toms and assaulting Snow White while she slept. The trailer has been taken down, but there is this clip. I can’t believe this is being marketed to kids. And after watching this, I do wonder… like, did Chloe Moretz even read the whole script?!?

TIFF 2016 -  Brain on Fire - Premiere

Photos courtesy of WENN.

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113 Responses to “Chloe Moretz’s new animated film is a gigantic body-shaming mess”

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  1. KitKat says:

    It’s the first time I’m seeing this trailer.

    1) It’s a horrible message to young kids

    2) It’s not a movie for children, it’s a bit too sexual

    • Tata says:

      It is an Asian (Korean) movie script, and unfortunately this seems to reflect some of their feelings about women? Not all South Koreans I don’t think, and I hope the slice of family I have is just really bad, but I have seen how people will comment someone is unbelievably (ugly, haggard, fat, round or puffy faced?!?) to their face. In Japan I heard cell phones are easily used for stalking (upskirt videos on elevators).

      My friend was a 6 foot male who was 155 pounds/70 kg and his mom chastised his chubby face and weight gain when he grew during puberty.

      I also believe my south Asian relation absolutely triggered anorexia in her daughter by saying things like “my fat daughter and I need two different departments right?” And “where are the fat children clothes?” And comparing her two daughters’ sizes all the time.

      And of course, “I cannot believe you are eating that” and getting other relatives to pile on when her daughter ate anything.

      Kids sometimes have puppy fat until puberty is over and they have grown, and public health messages are trying to reflect that after obesity prevention programs triggered eating disorders or were found to be ineffective. Message cannot get out soon enough IMO.

      All that to say – This movie would be feminist to many of my old school relatives, who think nothing of judging women by their looks and dress size and women’s beauty and thinness as a way to gain capital and status.

      • littlemissnaughty says:

        Yikes. I’ve hear here and there that Korean culture especially is just not into body fat. Period. But this is terrible. Is it really that bad?

        This movie looks awful, as does the poster. Whatever the plot or message, it looks horrible.

      • Tata says:

        I think it is that bad, and I will also add I have heard stories from people traveling around or having family from Vietnam, China, Singapore, and India getting awful comments on their size, shaming a woman who has body hair, colorism etc. My family says it (blunt commenting, size and weight shaming) is “just their culture” but it is clearly harmful. But it seems present in so many other cultures too?

        And yes, this movie looks SO awful!! I want to remake these fairy tales to be current too, but not like this.

      • KWM says:

        Oh it is every culture. My best friend called me yesterday to ask if I think her 8 year old is overweight. Because her husband who grew up in a very wealthy family made a comment that she is feeding him too much. He is not over weight, he is normal. But it is very much the you cannot be too thin or too wealthy culture. She learned very early on that women never take seconds when eating.

      • pinetree13 says:

        One of my best friends is Korean and this is her parents exactly. They tell her she’s fat all the time and she is not in ANY way fat. She is super petite! It’s crazy. I would say North American standards of beauty are bad but it’s even worse in Korea.

      • bunny ears says:

        This is so, so true in a lot of Asian cultures. I’m Chinese, and it is rampant back in China when we visit relatives and even here. My sister’s stick thin and I’m ‘chubby’ (I have a round face and I’m short while my sister is willowy and super skinny). For most of my childhood I had relatives call me fat to my face. It’s a horrible way to treat a child, and I ended up developing a eating disorder in my late teens. The only reason why the shaming stopped was because my paediatrician ripped my father a new one and told him to shut up. She literally saved my life.

      • Jessica says:

        Please look up feminist, if anything this movie is anti-feminist by portraying that only beauty is what women should be valued for.

    • noway says:

      Yeah, this movie seems absolutely disgusting. The second trailer that was taken down is in this video at the 1:15 mark. And yes, it’s really bad. Skip to the 2:18 mark.

    • DystopianDance says:

      I find pornographic cartoons to be disturbing on a level beyond verbal description. Not only the sexuality is shocking, but that she walks in uber thin and then becomes full bodied? What is wrong with people? I’m assuming this entire film company, including marketing, is made of non-parents??

      • Wilf says:

        Well…to be fair, I’m a “non-parent” and there is not one part of me that thinks this is acceptable. Not being a parent doesn’t mean that I’m necessarily lacking an awareness of the negative narrative that this film perpetuates. But I see your point 🙂

      • applepie says:

        Erm no. I don’t have kids and it’s insulting to assume that being childless is equivalent to being stupid!

      • PoliteTeaSipper says:

        So by your logic, only people who have children can make morally correct decisions?

  2. Dtab says:

    In no way ever is my daughter seeing this movie…it is all kinds of HELL NO

    • DystopianDance says:

      I’ve been trying to school my son on Feminism in a gentle child centered way- no way is my male child going to see this either!!

      • shannon says:

        Good for you! I have a young teenage boy and he is such a feminist and will point things out to me that he sees as wrong. We won’t see this movie (obviously) but I think I will show him the trailer to get his impression. It is a beautiful thing to hear a kid that age preach how wrong this kind of crap is.

  3. MousyB says:

    Oh my god that trailer AND poster is appauling. Theres no way she didnt know what she was getting into. The script alone would have given that away. Wtf???

    • Megan says:

      I’m sure the plot line is how the fat girl learns to love herself. Apparently Chloe thinks that is beautiful.

      • Cherise says:

        The plot line is probably about how Snow White feels compelled to keep up a pretence to appease societys idea of beauty. I actually think this is a good message for girls and grown women who slather themselves with makeup, fake hair and damage their spines with ridiculous high heels just because they believe that that is how to “be beautiful”. The dwarfs will probably represent the bros who help perpetuate these “beauty ideals” and will probably become more woke as the story proceeds.

        Trailers are prepared by marketing companies and usually completed before the actual movie is. The marketers may have missed the point of the movie and the final decision probably went to the studio rather than the conceptual producers.

        Chloe herself has a much derided body type. Short neck, broad shoulders and tendency to thickness by Hollywood standards, I find it very hard believe that she would sign up to what you guys are speculating.

      • Naddie says:

        The thing is, probably after being ridiculed and pointed as ulgy the whole film. I might be wrong, but that’s what the trailer suggests.

      • Persistent Cat says:


        Please don’t imply that women wear heels or makeup because that’s what we think makes us beautiful and it’s done for men. I wear makeup and heels and I do it for me. Don’t belittle women and their choices at the expense of others.

  4. justcrimmles says:

    Dwarfs? They couldn’t even use the proper word for more than one dwarf.

    • cr says:

      Both dwarfs or dwarves are acceptable. My US English spellchecker thinks that dwarves is incorrect.

      • justcrimmles says:

        Didn’t know that! (Obviously, heh 😉) I’m curious to know the ending of this movie, what lesson is there, if any. Because as everyone else so far has stated, the trailer doesn’t exactly look great. Not curious enough to pay for it, though. I’ll wait for the synopsis to hit Wikipedia.

    • Chinoiserie says:

      Dwarfs is the original spelling but Tolkien changed it to Dwarves since he is linguistic professor and wanted it sound better. But that’s why modern fantasy Dwarfs are usually Dwarves and real short people Dwarfs. Since get faritytale (and the Disney film) are prior Tolkien influencing the spelling officially it’s used here for fantasy dwarfs. But both are correct.

  5. isakka says:

    What’s the point of this movie?

    It’s interesting that they chose the “fat” girl to let herself go at the end of the trailer and not the “pretty thin” one.

    • bluerunning says:

      This whole concept feels like something dreamed up by A-hole dudes who make jokes about girls who wear make-up and wear push-up bras- “It’s all lies bruh! Without her bra and makeup she’s barely a 4! They’re jus lying to us sweet innocent men!!” “She should just keep the make-up on the time, am I right, bruh?”

  6. Lenn says:

    I find this extremely offensive. What a message to send to young girls. Just unbelievable

    • ArchieGoodwin says:

      and young boys. Let’s not forget we need to educate boys as well, about body image, how to treat girls, what is and is not acceptable. We need both sides to stop the thinking women are commodities.

      This movies is disgusting.

  7. Megan says:

    Does her agent hate her?

    • Mia4s says:

      I am beginning to think he or she does. Although at 20 she’s at a rough age for transitioning child stars. Very limited roles when you’re starting to compete with the more experienced and established 24 year olds, etc. Still, it hasn’t been going great.

      Now in the midst of all this I’m sure her contract includes a promotional clause. And guess what every interview is going to be about! Won’t that be fun?…yikes…not worth the money.

  8. mkyarwood says:

    This is insane. How did we go from Shrek to here? Thinness isn’t synonymous to beauty, and wasn’t even when some of these stories were written! Predatory behavior is something I don’t show my kids. We haven’t even seen Sleeping Beauty together, even though I love the art. They see the more modern Disney girls, with Cinderella being the most ‘backward’. The thing is, when I watched Cinderella as a kid, I didn’t take away that I was supposed to get married, but that I was supposed to do what I wanted anyway, even if my mean ol mom said no. I got the ‘you have to get married’ message from commercials. Successful people with cool, important stuff have spouses.

    • Nameless says:

      Anyone who has been to a museum knows that women’s body types have gone in and out of style. Thin women don’t figure in much before the 20th century, in European art at least. Before the modern era, plumpness signified health because it meant you weren’t sick or malnourished and therefore could labor and have children.

      • slowsnow says:

        I go to museums all the time and only yesterday was at the Scottish National Gallery where there is a painting with Venus, Mars and her little boy. He is startled by the dog and she is apeasing him. Behind her, Mars is oblivious to that and holds her in a lascivious way. Apparently he was painted into the scene later so he is in the darkness whereas she is lit, with a gorgeous porcelain skin. So is the baby.
        It was a Veronese painting, so a beautufilly rendered scene that shook me up completely. It looked, to use a common word “rapey”. It felt incredibly upsetting, made to please rich men. Did I mention Mars his wearing his full arnour and she is barely covered by a shawl?
        Sorry, all this to say that if history teaches you anything is not to conform to established narratives and fight the good fight for inclusion and “eye” education.

      • Millie says:

        I am not surprised that two Roman gods are depicted in a ‘rapey manner’. Read Livy’s founding myths of Rome and you will see lots of rape. Rape played a fundamental part of how they saw themselves when they connected it with many of the Roman virtues, most especially Dignitas and Auctoritas. And Mars was their most honored of the gods.

        Western society culture holds Roman society on a pedestal but having studied Ancient Rome for many years I have come to the conclusion that many people who idolize the culture do not actually understand it. They do not understand how the narratives of Rome cannot just be transported and replicated when we do not have the same world views, yet that is what Western society has done with so many of Ancient Rome’s institutions.

        I feel as that conformity is a given until people start to actually understand the true nature of what it is they are idolizing and trying to uphold.

  9. justsaying says:

    I saw the trailer last month and I would never watch this movie with a child. Alone the voyeurism part is weird.

    • sendepause says:

      I fully expected their tongue to roll out and the eyes jump out of their heads.

    • WhichWitch says:

      It’s super creepy and disgusting. And she leans back like that to take off her dress? This sounds like the opening scene of some kind of weird animated porn film.

  10. Rice says:

    Good grief! The movie looks terrible! I thought that the dwarfs were supposed to be “not short”? Also, Curvy = ugly, thin = gorgeous? Horrendous message?

    • Original T.C. says:

      Yeah it’s a weird concept. Beautiful women come both thin and big. Same as ugly. In fact most bigger shaped women have a more prettier shaped face fully filled out/ more baby faced. Others who overdiet and are not naturally thin tend to have drawn out faces and need fillers to fill in the hollows in their face. But at the end of the day your body shape and face are not related.

      • Heather T says:

        “Yeah it’s a weird concept. Beautiful women come both thin and big. Same as ugly. In fact most bigger shaped women have a more prettier shaped face fully filled out/ more baby faced. Others who overdiet and are not naturally thin tend to have drawn out faces and need fillers to fill in the hollows in their face. But at the end of the day your body shape and face are not related.”

        Another “weird concept” is the way people will sit down in the middle of discussions such as these and start casually critiquing women’s bodies and faces – while they talk about what women “need” in order to meet some arbitrary standard of beauty.

        We can hear you.

        Knock it off.

      • LaBlah says:

        What Heather said.

  11. Lenn says:

    Omg I just watched the trailer! That is so wrong on so many levels. She knew what she was doing with this movie. I’m getting tired of all these celebs doing stupid stuff and then crying about it afterwards. Own your stupidity.

  12. rachel says:

    It might not be her fault, but she spend her time lecturing people on everything and pretending that she’s not like the rest of Hollywood. So …

    • Kata says:

      I don’t believe for a second she didn’t know. She may not have known about the poster, but she knew everything else. She’s either stupid or a hypocrite, just like the rest of them.

  13. Plibersek says:

    Chloe was a big Clinton supporter and even gave a speech at the DNC, so I doubt she’d be tin eared when it comes to these sorts of issues.

  14. Shijel says:

    Tess Holliday’s the last person I want to listen to when it comes to body image, hack of an activist and a raging hypocrite.
    Also, @justcrimmles, “dwarfs” is actually a legit way to refer to plural dwarves. Dwarves is a newer version, but dwarfs is older and legitimate.

    But this movie, it’s marketing, the message? F-ck. That. Not seeing it.

    • QueenB says:

      How is she a hypocrite? I dont follow her closely.

    • justcrimmles says:

      Noted 🙂

      I have mixed feelings re: Tess Holliday. As one in her target demographic, I don’t believe she’s the size she claims, and she seems like a ragingly unpleasant human. I want to like her, but she doesn’t make it easy to root for her.

      • Phaedra says:

        Yup, Tess is a liar and a thief.
        She sold a lot of shirts and took the money but never sent them , and also never donated the money from the sales to the charity she said she would .

    • dodgy says:

      This! Tess Holliday = invalid opinion. She is CANCELLED.

  15. Godwina says:

    Wow, that clip. NOPE.

  16. slowsnow says:

    WTF is going on?

    She is “no longer beautiful”?

    Did they mean “she is no longer “beautiful””?

    But even with the inverted quotes, godamn that’s a slippery slope right into the abyss of obnoxiousness.

  17. HK9 says:

    What the heck is wrong with these people?

  18. Lindy79 says:

    Wow, so if you’re bigger it’s because you’re chugging on whole ice cream tubs in your underwear when no one is looking…..

    Fuck everyone associated with this mess. I hate that I have a daughter who I’ll have to fight for so she’s not warped into thinking she’s ugly by all this crap

  19. QueenB says:

    Chloe acts like the poster was done by people not involved with the movie at all and totally misrepresenting it. From the trailer thats totally not the case. Way to throw other people under bus…Also people that simply did their job because the movie seems to be about exactly that!

    Famous women still have not understood that saying they are feminists comes with actions. Those questsions “Are you a feminist?” that every starlet was asked were dumb. They should have asked about actions and commitements to the cause not to just label themselves. Journalists should do that instead, ask about issues and what they do themselves for the cause. Askhermore, eh?

    • L84Tea says:

      Yeah, I’m not buying her complaint. Chloe, did you really not know what this movie was even about??

  20. Karen says:

    Just seems like a more offensive retelling of princess fiona from shrek. Shes “beautiful” in the shoes, but “ugly” (larger, shorter, with smaller eyes and lips) without them, but learns in the end shes actually beautiful as she really is (i assume bc the dwarves steal the shoes to be tall and the male beauty standard and she has to cope).

  21. Nicole says:

    To be fair actors have nothing to do with marketing. Unless you’re Tom Cruise level I doubt you’re involved at all with the marketing of the film.
    That being said this trailer looks terrible so that’s on her. Since the script is something you read beforehand

    • hogtowngooner says:

      I agree. She is one part of a huge production (albeit the most public face of it). I can’t blame her for the post-production marketing of the film. But yeah, that poster is awful. One step forward, two steps back, unfortunately.

    • Lucy2 says:

      Yeah I’m not really comfortable with this all be hung on someone who only did voice work for the movie. I can’t understand her making this selection at all, so there is the question of what she knew going in, but really let’s blame those in charge, the producer, the writers, the marketing team, etc.

  22. DavidBowie says:

    WTH?!?! There is no way in hell I would take my kids to watch this crap.

  23. Emily says:

    I watched this whole trailer with my jaw on the floor. First of all…those creepy dwarves?!?! This is a kid’s movie, if this scene absolutely had to be included (no way it did) close your eyes and pretend to be embarrassed, don’t act like you’re getting all turned on.

    They didn’t even try to make fat Snow White “ugly”. I mean, her face is fine, she’s proportionate, symmetrical. Nothing about her screams ugly except…she’s short and fat. That’s a GREAT message for little girls, little boys, and everyone. I guess it’s possible that Chloe thought they were going to try to really ugly her up? But even then, it’s not a message I’d approve of my kids hearing (if there’s something weird or different-looking about you, you’re too ugly for love).

    • Lindy79 says:

      Knowing a little about this process…she should have been shown images/sketches of what her character looks like before anything started, this is used to give the actors a reference to work with when getting into character. Granted there could have been changes made as voices are usually recorded before the animation process but if that was the case she should have been informed and I think she would have stated that. Actors usually have sketches in the recording booth with them of their character, some layout drawings etc.

      Also in the script, there almost certainly would have been notes describing what was going on in the scene, again to give them reference. She knew this would be a “she takes her shoes off and is “fat and plain”” movie. She can’t backtrack now because people are calling it what it is

    • Artemis says:

      This is not a kid’s movie in my eyes. Would never take a child to this crap at least, they’re brains would be poisoned/exposed from a way too young age about how superficial the world is. Research already concludes that this stuff happens as soon as they can talk sometimes, all encouraged by adults who even put babies on ‘diets’ sometimes!

      Anyway, Moretz should stick with action. That’s her niche. She’s not a bad actress but she’s not as deep as she thinks she is with her feminism and new movie roles. Funnily enough, she was more feminist as a child with her action roles and she didn’t fervently decide she was a feminist back then!

      • L84Tea says:

        Definitely not a kids movie. The first thing that entered my mind when she started unzipping was “Sausage Party”.

  24. L84Tea says:

    I’m so offended by that trailer/clip that I cannot even put it into words. What were these jackasses thinking??

  25. Shelllley says:

    She read up to the line in her contract that mentioned what she’d be paid and stopped there.

  26. Marine R says:

    Nope my mother is the body shaming mess…. 😥
    But thet film sounds terrible.

  27. minx says:

    Awful. What a mess!

  28. Margo S. says:

    I don’t understand what type of people are working on marketing teams these days?!?! Are they all misogynistic xenophobic brain dead morons?!?! How are these ads getting approved? Are they even aware of social media? This generation does not want THIS.

  29. Moon says:

    The movie was made by a Korean studio, so I’m not surprised. Unfortunately casual body shaming is very prevalent in East Asian societies and is considered acceptable. Speaking as someone who grew up in that culture, I am thankful for people speaking up against it over here. Young girls don’t need to see stupid things like these.

    • Lindy79 says:

      Probably off topic but a friend of mine works in China, she’s currently pregnant and keeps being told she’s a whale and how big she’s gotten all over. She actually hasn’t she’s just not their body type. Like you say, it’s a cultural thing.

    • Char says:

      Interesting about the Korean aspect. I had a Korean roommate in college & I remember her saying that when her Dad came to the States, he was appalled by American women who wear clothes that “they shouldn’t.” Like short shorts if your not skinny. She didn’t say it in quite those words, but basically said in Korea, you don’t wear revealing clothes if your bigger. It was the only time she mentioned it, but now it makes sense in context with this movie.

      • jun says:

        oh geeze relax. It is true Korea is pretty much about what society dictates but not everyone is closed minded as old Korean man who probably haven’t experienced western sense of individualism. If the movie is really about loading off such huge social pressure people are under, I don’t see no reason for people to shame the attempt.

    • WhichWitch says:

      Aaah that explains it. I was wondering if the film had an East Asian orientation.

  30. Alexis says:

    Also, don’t besmirch “The Red Shoes” (from like…1946?) cuz that’s a great movie.

    • slowsnow says:

      Yes it is. Michael Powell is the king.

    • M.A.F. says:

      This made me think of this line from Chorus Line “See, I never heard about “The Red Shoes,” I never saw “The Red Shoes,” I didn’t give a fuck about “The Red Shoes.” I decided to be a Rockette”.

  31. Margo S. says:

    The eff did i just watch?! Ok I’m sorry but it’s clear that Chloe has had zero education. Why would this be a good idea?! Is this a joke?

  32. Tinkerbell says:

    Just wow!

  33. Zuzus Girl says:

    Well that trailer was creepy as hell in every way possible. It’s like a bunch of frat boys came up with the story line. The actress wanted a pay check. Period. She got it and she probably didn’t think the reaction against it would be so strong.

  34. QQ says:

    Jesus Xavier Christ in a Fresh Manger WTF is This !??! *the gassiest gasface available*

  35. Sam says:

    What the hell? I was already not going to let my kids see this after that horrible poster, but that trailer?!?!?!?! WTF? There is literally nothing redeeming, or child appropriate in that. What were they thinking? What year is this???

  36. WhichWitch says:

    Is this film supposed to be marketed to China? Just curious.

  37. Ayra. says:

    I really have to start trusting my gut more.
    All of the celebs that I had this unjustifiable dislike for, always prove me right sooner or later.

  38. Cee says:

    So, a young woman comes into her home and there are two pervs hiding under her coffee table while she undresses, looking up her skirt, basically? But her red shoes make her beautiful and sexually attractive to these two pervs, until she takes them off and then she’s no longer thin, therefore they act repulsed? Just great.

  39. princessbuttercup says:


  40. Ana says:

    I agree the marketing sucks and it gives a terrible message. Seems like some people still don’t fall in place with the new standards. However, shouldn’t we at least wait and see what the movie is actually about before making so many judgments and gut feelings and racist comments about south asians? I’ve learned by now not to judge a movie by its trailer, especially because it’s never done by the people who actually made the movie. Maybe this is a mess, or maybe it’s a positive story that fell in the wrong marketing hands, as it’s happened before. Certainly a lesson to be learned for the industry.

  41. Veronica says:

    My jaw dropped watching that. What the hell were they thinking? This movie could practically an illustrated advert for Why We Need Femenism between the Sexually Voyeuristic home intruders and rampant body shaming.

  42. Littlestar says:

    Wow that clip was an abomination.

  43. lee says:

    I just read this on buzzfeed

  44. LionOhhhh86 says:

    Maybe it’s about how she learns to love herself instead? Its funny no one has realized that’s pretty much the premise of that Barbie movie coming out with Amy Shumer. Ya know the Barbie who isn’t like other Barbies becaise shes not as thin and pretty as the other Barbies but she and they learn to love her just the way she is..

  45. Marianne says:

    Im sure the film does have the whole “Love yourself for who you are message” and its just a poor editing/marketing job.

  46. PennyLane says:

    Maybe it’s just because I’m old – but I’m sick and tired of all these princess movies. Enough is enough.

    Why does a female character have to be defined in terms of her relationship to a powerful man (i.e., a princess is the daughter of a king) in order to be considered worthy of being made the central character in a movie?

    Are there any Disney films featuring a smart and resourceful female orphan, or even a farmer’s daughter? I’m just sick of princesses and people pretending like princesses are automatically great because their fathers are rich and powerful.

    Sorry to bring politics into this rant, but Ivanka Trump is a perfect example of what I am talking about. She is the ultimate modern-day princess.

    • Slowsnow says:

      So agree with you.

    • Nibbi says:

      yeah. and in the odd disney or other fairytale, the occasional chick who is NOT born a princess becomes one by through various means marrying a prince and that’s her happy ending.

  47. Otaku Fairy says:

    I’m kind of on team ‘let’s see how the movie plays out first’ so we can see if it’s really a fat-shaming story or a body-positivity story. I don’t really have anything to say about Chloe for this until actually seeing it, but that trailer…..they really thought that was a good trailer to use for this kid’s movie?

  48. Shannon says:

    Um, yeah. I can’t blame her because probably the overall message probably ends up all body positive and shit. But terrible marketing and message in that clip. My son and I will skip this one.

  49. courtney says:

    it’s difficult for a child star to transition to good adult roles she only took this for the money and she doesn’t even get paid much per film maybe 700,000 at this point considering she only got 500,000 for the Equalizer 3 years ago and the sequel comes out next year

    • who are you kidding says:

      Er, $500K per film for a 16-year-old–her age in the Equalizer–is a ton of money. She was reported to be worth more than $4M several years ago. This notion she is scrounging for money is silly and kinda tacky.

  50. Ellis says:

    It’s too bad my son is grown. I would rush right out and see this if he was say, five, because it’s never too early to start teaching your young son to grow up to be a skeevy, lascivious, Peeping Tom with zero respect for a woman’s privacy. Or women. We are, after all, just put here on earth to be wanted by men, and to do whatever that takes. And teaching him to be misogynistic would be ok because he would get to know a real woman, and he would have an epiphany and change. Happens all the time. I think my favorite part was her walking through the door and keeping her heels on while she strips down to lingerie – so real! Who kicks their heels off as soon as they walk through the door? Moretz gets no pass. She needs to just stop digging the hole deeper-blaming marketing, praising the “powerful” story. The only lesson for this movie is to know what you are signing up for besides money. Maybe ask someone smarter?

  51. Angelique says:

    So I saw this mess yesterday on a different site, and when reading the comments, I was not only disgusted, but no longer surprised as to why/how this got made – the THOUSANDS of comments were majority men, and they were shocked at the idea that anyone would find a fat woman beautiful (as a fat woman whos husband is a serial groper, I can testify that this is in fact not true), but they also used alot of colorful language to describe said females, i.e. hambeast, oinker, pig roll, and other pearls of wit. Teaching your daughters to love themselves is great, but it seems we really need to teach our sons to be kind, compassionate, accepting – well, human.

  52. Ellen says:

    Telling someone that being ugly is ok too is NOT a compliment. Good grief….

  53. lee says:

    Trump is backing out of Paris Climate change deal and this is what ya’ll talking about

  54. Piggle says:

    Not sure if people realise this but the script actors read when they sign on is not the shooting script. Scripts often change massively during preprod and during filming itself, and can be changed hugely in editing and postprod. Especially with things like adr. I’m talking entire characters or plot lines added or deleted. So it’s very possible the script she read and agreed to do was not the one in cinemas.

  55. Nibbi says:

    what’s especially weird to me in the clip is when the shoes come off and she becomes, GASP, fat, she then proceeds to bust out a huge gross belch.
    because when you’re fat you’re also slobby/ gross, right?