The Queen didn’t say one word about Donald Trump’s visit to Great Britain, huh

Here’s a photo of Queen Elizabeth II opening Parliament today. She wore a hat which has been a conversation piece on Twitter this morning, because from some angles, it resembles the European Union flag. QEII was reportedly pro-Brexit, so if she is sending sartorial signals about being suddenly pro-Bremain, it’s too little, too late, I would think. Anyway, beyond the conversations about Brexit and Theresa May’s slim agenda, people are also talking about one subject which was not included in the Queen’s Speech: Donald Trump’s visit to the UK. We heard a few weeks ago that Trump’s people had put an indefinite hold on his trip to Britain because, sources claimed, Trump didn’t want to be met with widespread protests there. Like, he only wants to visit countries where he’ll receive shiny gold necklaces and be encouraged to touch glowing orbs. But face down criticism in a parliamentary democracy? No way. Well, the Queen never even mentioned his visit.

Donald Trump’s proposed state visit was among the biggest omissions from this year’s Queen’s Speech. A number of controversial Conservative manifesto policies were also scrapped from the speech, which Her Majesty delivered at Parliament on Wednesday. The Queen’s Speech, which sets out the Government’s vision for the next two years, normally mentions planned state visits.

However, the 2017 edition failed to mention a Trump state visit, and only referenced Spanish King Felipe’s and Queen Letizia’s trip to the UK in July. The omission of Mr Trump is just one in a series of embarrassments for Mrs May, who invited the US leader to the UK earlier this year – something that was with fierce opposition. Mr Trump himself has reportedly indicated that he is unwilling to visit the UK if he is likely to face protests.

This was denied by the White House, while Downing Street has refused to comment. Number 10 did insist, however, that the invitation to President Trump remains unchanged. At the time, the decision to accord a controversial president the honour of a state visit so soon after taking office was widely criticised. His frequent clashes with London Mayor Sadiq Khan has also failed to warm sentiment towards the US leader.

A Number 10 spokesman said: “The visit wasn’t mentioned in the Queen’s Speech because a date hasn’t been fixed yet.”

[From ITV]

I feel sorry for Britain that they have to deal with this conversation. I feel a pit in the bottom of my stomach whenever I realize that Emperor Bigly is in the White House, but I’m flat-out nauseous at the thought of him interacting with the Queen or anyone in Britain. If the trip happens before the Impeachment Party really gets going, it’s going to be an utter disaster. Thankfully, it seems like Downing Street and the White House are in agreement about that.

Photos courtesy of Getty.

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40 Responses to “The Queen didn’t say one word about Donald Trump’s visit to Great Britain, huh”

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  1. Clare says:

    Eh? Why would QE II even mention Trump’s visit in her speech?
    Even if he was coming? She normally tends to steer away from anything overtly ‘political’ or ‘controversial’. She has omitted plenty of other state visits in previous speeches – including the Chinese one, I believe.

    With everything else going on this country, that moron’s visit isn’t really worthy of mention in the Queen’s speech – which lays out policy/agenda for the next year (or two years in this case).

    Anyone notice how the repeal of the fox hunting ban has also disappeared from the agenda?

    • swak says:

      Just out of curiosity, why then would she mention the visit of Spanish King Felipe and Queen Latizia? Seems odd that she would mention that one and not Trump’s.

      • LaBlah says:

        Because the Spanish Royals are exactly that, royals not politicians.

      • Clare says:

        Less controversial, I suppose?

        She can’t (and doesn’t) include every policy or every visit – ever, so I don’t think this is a big deal, to be honest.

        I mean, I wish it was an intentional two fingers to Trump, but its really business as usual, I think.

      • Swak says:

        Thanks for the input.

      • Merritt says:

        It seems that the Spanish royals are actually visiting though. Since Trump’s visit is on hold and I would guess the Queen hopes it stays that way, why bother mentioning it.

    • Becky says:

      I would assume that the Spanish royals are a state visit (as Trump’s), this is why it’s mentioned in the speech to Parliament, as it’s a confirmed official visit.

      The US invite was also supposed to be a state visit (which was widely criticised as premature), but since it’s been postponed (hopefully indefinitely), it’s not mentioned in the speech.

    • Achoo! says:

      This is the second scheduled state visit for the Spanish Royals, the last one was cancelled by them about a year ago due to the Spanish political crisis (that was the excuse anyway) , it will be interesting to see if this one goes ahead, the UK government/palace was not well pleased by the last turn of events which was deemed as a bit of a political snub to the Queen and UK by a hostile Spain government. I think an Indian or Canadian State visit would be more useful at this point . The Queen’s speech is written by the government not by the Queen she just reads it out , which means Trumps visit is on hold for the moment, probably by mutal agreement.

  2. Soprana says:

    Ugh, my stomach turns at the thought of him interacting with George and Charlotte. Whatever the faults of their parents, those babies don’t deserve that.

    • Sam Vimes says:

      Not even their parents deserve that. As much as I detest William, he doesn’t deserve to have to put up with the Orange pervert who bombarded his mother and thought he could get her.

  3. Indiana Joanna says:

    Yes, baby fists is our problem. Best not to inflict his virulent, oozing open wound of repulsiveness and ignorance on Britain or anywhere else.

    • BritAfrica says:

      Thank you. We are truly grateful…

    • Feebee says:

      Yes, England’s had enough trauma for now. I would assume at a state dinner type thing Mayor Khan would be on the list. Don’t really want to expose him to cheeto dust in the flesh.

      • Pumpkin Pie says:

        He would paint his pants brown at the thought of meeting the mayor on his home turf. Apologies if that sounds vulgar. His treatment of what appears to be a very dignified man is utterly out of order.

    • Justjj says:

      Why doesn’t every country just uninvite him? Ww need to keep the virus of Baby Fists contained.

  4. Lilly says:

    Theresa May is on borrowed time. Aligning herself with this monster so quickly was a huge mistake and having to align herself with DUP isn’t helping things (although it sounds like that deal is falling apart now too).

    I get that she had no choice but to hold his tiny hand with the EU not wanting to play, but a state visit was no necessary and now she has nothing. No respect, no majority, no support. She was ripped apart over Glenfall tower and there aren’t enough wheat fields to hide in.

    • dodgy says:

      I have no sympathy for Theresa May at all. She can reap the whirlwind. The only sadness is that the Tories are dragging us out of the EU. I wish Brexit would blow up in people’s faces, tbh.

    • BritAfrica says:

      LOL! Brilliant comment, couldn’t have put it better myself.

      I have never been so disappointed in a politician. Even John Major was better than this – at least he had empathy in spades.

      For self-profit, this woman moved so far to the right because she thought that was where she needed to be to win an election. From a supposed Remainer to the hardest, coldest of Brexiters in a flash.

      When her govt refused to guarantee the rights of EU citizens already living here, it was clear the nasty party was back in charge of the Tories. At least with Mrs T, you knew exactly where you stood.

      I haven’t enjoyed an election result as much as this since 1997. And now with the chaos of the DUP coalition-not coalition and Brexit et al to come!

      Good times….

      • Clare says:

        Right? Seeing her hateful shit blow up in her face has given me great joy – I know it is not good for the economy for there to be so much uncertainty right now, and that the DUP are the evils….but oh boy…I’m enjoying the ruckus.

    • Royalsparkle says:

      Yes. May needs to go away so GB gets back to stability in these times.

    • Bianca says:

      Theresa May clings to power in such a way that is disgusting. She needs to leave so we can have some stability.

  5. notasugarhere says:

    I don’t know if it is a pro-Europe hat. Can anyone tell what kind of flowers are in the pattern of her dress? She sometimes gives nods to things in the choice of floral designs.

  6. LooperFor says:

    We do not want this a-h0le to come. Never ever. EVER. There will riots in the streets if he does, mark my words. If these past few months have proved anything about the British is that we do not cave to anyone, no matter what they do. This man is a disgrace to humanity.

    • Tate says:

      I don’t blame you for not wanting him to come. He is an absolute disgrace. It has been hard over the last several months for me to take a good, hard look at my country and realize I share it with a large portion of people who were ok with voting for this vile and disgusting person. It has been an eye opener.

    • teacakes says:

      He’s not coming precisely BECAUSE he’s afraid of you guys , lol.

      Baby Fists is scared of Brits protesting him, not bad, UK.

    • Trashaddict says:

      Yes, LooperFor, and it’s one of the reasons I absolutely adore Brits.

  7. Rice says:

    Drumpf is always either very orange or very pasty. Is it the lighting or did he have a shower?

    • doofus says:

      pasty is his normal; the orange comes when he does the spray tan.

    • Merritt says:

      I’m pretty sure the orange is a combo of bad makeup and tanning.

    • B n A fn says:

      He looks like a sick man to me. I don’t believe he’s healthy mentally or physically. I also believe the stress is killing him slowly. I bet his inside is tight as a drum and that’s not good for anyone to live that way.

      • Merritt says:

        He is extremely unhealthy. Between the stress of the job, his poor diet, his lack of exercise; his body is in position for a major health crisis.

  8. Bobbysue says:

    They have experienced enough tragedy already this year without courting disaster.

  9. HoustonGrl says:

    I just came here to say that the Queen looks so lovely.

  10. Jaded says:

    In other happy news, North Korea has detonated another underground nuclear warhead. Trump and his band of blood-thirsty psychopaths are apparently considering a “preemptive” strike to try to shut down Kim Jong Un. I live on the southern tip of Vancouver Island, 20 miles from the US border. If, for example, N. Korea lobbed a nuclear warhead at the US, the target would be L.A. and the whole western coast up to and including Canada’s would be toast. The thought of the US getting us into a third world war makes me sick to the pit of my very soul and the thought that Theresa May wanted to open up the diplomatic gates to Trump makes me equally sick. The whole world needs to rally against him NOW before the four horsemen of the apocalypse show up.

  11. Hazel says:

    I live in Hawaii & I’m pretty worried about NK, too.

  12. Chanteloup says:

    If this visit ever does happen [no no no], I only hope there is endless coverage of him curtseying to the Queen, falling over and planting his doughy orange face.
    I’d watch that on a loop