Game of Thrones’ second trailer: ‘The Lone Wolf…[massive spoiler]’


For a few months now, I keep getting the feeling that something is missing from the gossip/entertainment world. Part of it is just normal work anxiety: “am I missing some huge story?” and “is there something else I should be covering?” And whenever I hear something about Game of Thrones, I’m always like “Derp, that’s what’s missing.” This time of year, we’re usually balls-deep in GoT coverage, with weekly summaries and theorizing and interviews and all of that. THAT is what has been missing this year. And we still have so many weeks to wait! Game of Thrones’ Season 7 doesn’t premiere until July 16th (incidentally, that’s the same day as the Wimbledon Men’s Final). UGH. So many feels about how long they’re making us wait. And we’re only getting six episodes, remember? That being said, apparently these episodes are super-long. Like, 90 minutes or more each.

Anyway, the second full-length trailer for Season 7 was released and there are even more feels. This feels like a gigantic spoiler, but Sansa’s voiceover at the end says “The Lone Wolf dies…but the pack survives” and now I’m like FFS JON SNOW CANNOT DIE. Here’s the trailer:

Random thoughts:

I am still enjoying Dany’s “Khaleesi Tweed Collection” clothes. Khaleesi Tweed: when you’re the Mother of Dragons but Winter is Coming, so you need to stay warm.

It took me multiple viewings to realize that was Littlefinger with his head against the wall, looking like he is now deranged.

I hope Tyrion has more to do this season than just wandering around clifftops, looking concerned.

DRAGONS! They’re so big! I feel like I should be an honorary Dragon Auntie. Dragon Dia?

The Hound is still around, but who is he fighting for? I hope it’s Jon Snow.

The music is still rocking my world. I feel like the music really reached next-level status last season, and the music in this trailer is amazing.

I still don’t give a crap about Cersei. Sorry, I just don’t. I only hate-watch her storyline to figure out how she will die.

Arya, get your ass to Winterfell, for the love of God.

I’m glad Pod and Brienne are still rolling around Westeros together.


Photos courtesy of HBO/Game of Thrones.

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72 Responses to “Game of Thrones’ second trailer: ‘The Lone Wolf…[massive spoiler]’”

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  1. SolitaryAngel says:

    Can. Not. WAIT!!!

    You’re absolutely right about the score–I feel like they finally got it right, and it has made the whole season better. Glad to hear the trailers sound Just as amazing too.

    • Lucky says:

      The score is fantastic. If you can go back and watch last season’s finale and really listen to the music. It’s chilling and very appropriate.

  2. lightpurple says:


    But where is A Man? A woman must know these things. July 16 can’t come fast enough. Will Brienne and Pod find Gendry? Where did Bran get a wheelchair? Will Arya finally find the others? And will we ever learn the fate of her direwolf Nymeria? And WHERE IS A MAN!!

    BTW, I f**king hate Thenns still.

    • Amy says:

      You don’t need to censor it. In this context, it’s spelled “fooking”.

    • Rachel says:

      Beric! With Thoros’ flaming sword!

      I’m choosing to believe that the death of the lone wolf is a symbolic reference to people finding out that Jon Snow is now no longer a wolf, but instead a dragon. And possibly the death of Ghost, also symbolic of the death of Jon’s belief that he’s a Stark… which seriously that will throw me into a massive depression. I’ve been dreading this. Maybe he’ll find out and not have an existential crisis?? And Ghost won’t die? A girl can hope.

      • HadToChangeMyName says:

        I read it as they will all join forces and finally get what’s rightfully theirs (one wolf alone dies, while the pack thrives).

      • Em' says:

        I agree. I think Sansa is talking to Littlefinger basically telling him he can s@d off, there is no way she is betraying Jon

      • lightpurple says:

        @HadtoChangeMyName, that’s how i read it too. And especially because Sansa is saying it. Littlefinger is encouraging her to stand alone and go against Jon but she’s been through so much and learned that alone, she is vulnerable, but with her pack, they are all strong – and her pack is coming back together.

      • Jenns says:

        The lone wolf speech is a from the book. It’s what Edd says to Arya. Here is the full context:

        “Let me tell you something about wolves, child. When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives. Summer is the time for squabbles. In winter, we must protect one another, keep each other warm, share our strengths. So if you must hate, Arya, hate those who would truly do us harm. Septa Mordane is a good woman, and Sansa… Sansa is your sister. You may be as different as the sun and the moon, but the same blood flows through both your hearts. You need her, as she needs you… and I need both of you, gods help me.”

        I think Sansa is referring to herself when she says this. No matter what, the Starks must stick together,

      • khaveman says:

        It’s just referring to Ned’s advice – when winter comes you must stick together (come together as Starks) to stay alive. Now if the show wants to use a more literal way of showing that, I’d say Benjen will sacrifice himself to save Jon/the Starks. Arya, ride fast to Winterfell! 🙂

      • Rachel says:

        Phew. Thanks guys. I don’t remember that speech. I was just thinking this morning that it’s been so long, I need to go back and re-read to catch all the nuances.

      • Dee Kay says:

        I am afraid that Sansa will somehow have to sacrifice herself to keep Littlefinger out of Jon’s way. I wonder if that’s what she means…she, the lone wolf, is willing to “die” (maybe figuratively — by marrying LF???) so that the “pack” (House Stark, led now by Jon) can survive…?

  3. third ginger says:

    I am worried about Little Finger’s whispers to Sansa. I cannot stand the idea that she would go against her family. I must have the remaining Stark children reunite at Winterfell [sentimental old lady.]

    • third ginger says:

      Everyone above answered my concern. Thanks.

    • emilybyrd says:

      Yes, Sansa allying with Littlefinger against her family is my greatest concern. Her father, her aunt, and her mother have all been brought down by his scheming. The question is whether she’s going to be his next victim. I’m hoping she uses some of the things she learned from surviving at court for so long to resist him and maybe ultimately bring him down. He deserves it.

  4. LadyMTL says:

    SO EXCITED!! ALL CAPS EXCITED!! Random thoughts:

    – I was stoked to see how enormous the dragons are, and that close up of those teeth…brr. I love me some dragons. Fire and blood, indeed.

    – I really do hope that we get a Stark reunion, even if it doesn’t last long. I mean, how many years has it been since Sansa and Arya were even in the same city? S1, I think. A Girl needs to hug her big sister; does she even know about Rickon? Also, it would be very awesome if Nymeria showed up too, just saying.

    – If that dude with the fire-sword is Beric Dondarrion, yay!

    – I wonder if we will finally see Cleganebowl, or is that just a pipe dream?

    – Down with Cersei! Will Jaime ever break free of his sister…maybe add Queenslayer to his list of titles? He already has Kingslayer, why not go for the matching set? 😛

    • lightpurple says:

      Jamie is the little brother that will destroy Cersei. She thinks it is Tyrion because she focuses on “little” as stature but forgets Jamie is her younger, little brother too.

      And yes, that dude is Beric.

      • third ginger says:

        I agree about Jamie destroying his sister\lover. It will be both gut wrenching and satisfying.

      • NotSoSocialButterfly says:

        Also, she assumes full loyalty from Jamie, and already thinks of Tyrion as a traitor. Perfect set up for Jamie to take her down.

      • Miss Melissa says:

        Jaime executed the mad king for PLANNING what Cersei actually did.

        She’s a goner, methinks.

        After all, he is the kingslayer.

      • ronaldinhio says:

        So so so so hot – sorry just had to mention that when discussing Jamie

    • isabelle says:

      Clegenbowl will happen because if they go beyond the wall to catch a wight to show to Cersi, the Hound will return to Kings landing.

  5. Aiobhan Targaryen says:

    I like this trailer better than the first one.

    I have felt since last season when Jon was talking with Mel that they may be setting up Jon to die again and stay dead. The talk where he was like, I am poorly paraphrasing here,” if I die again, don’t bring me back”. Then the voiceover comes up and now I am even more convinced that he is Nissa Nissa in this version and not Dany like most Jon fans/Dany haters want her to be.

    Beric’s flaming sword is so badass even I have to admit it.

    LF is such a cartoon villain now with the smirk and him lurking in corners, it is getting to be too much.

    I will never not be excited for Dany landing on Dragonstone and for Arya and Bran to reunite with their worthless siblings. Dany has always wanted a home and place to call her own, settling on her birth place is a strong start. My one wish is for her to talk about the red door and the lemon tree just once on this show. It is a small throw away thought of hers in one of her chapters, but it added another layer to her that made me like her even more.

    Still don’t really care for the Starks, but I do strongly love the idea of a family long divided being brought back together. It is Ned’s fault that they got in this position but they should not be held responsible because Ned refused to put his family first.

    • lightpurple says:

      Actually, I blame Catelyn for falling for LIttlefinger’s tricks and sending Ned off to avenge Jon Arran’s death and then stupidly kidnapping Tyrion and going off to the Eyrie when she should have been tending to her comatose son. That started this whole mess for the Starks.

      • Aiobhan Targaryen says:

        I will give you that Catelyn is the reason that he took the Hand of the King job the second time he was offered. I will also even give you that Catelyn was irresponsibly impulsive, but Ned’s decisions are still his. I cannot remember if this happened in the books or on the show or both, but she asked him to stay after Bran was hurt and he decided to keep to the original plan.
        He was a grown ass man who supposedly understood responsibility to family and the North; he preached about it enough. He had plenty of chances to leave once he realized that he was in over his head. it got so bad that he quit his job because he did not want to be a part of killing Dany and her child, then he pulls a George Costanza and the pretends as if the reason he originally quit the job didn’t matter. What sealed his fate was him threatening Cersei, choosing Stannis over Renly, and him choosing to believe a man that told him straight to his face not to trust him.

        He put his version of honor above everything else: his family, the city and everyone that lived there, to protect three small children and the memory of his friend. Not the gross drunken bastard he became but the man he remembered. He didn’t once consider any other options than the one he planned in his head.

      • ronaldinhio says:

        Catelyn actually made 101 rubbish decisions. She also set Jamie Lannister free thus losing the bargaining chip Rob had and turning his bannermen against him

    • Snappyfish says:

      I ADORE you mentioned the red door & the little lemon tree. I am & always have been , Team Mother of Dragons!! I want one of my own!!

  6. Jenns says:

    That was the great GOT trailer ever. The music! I’m pretty sure I’ve watched it 25 times now.

    The best part was when Beric Dondarrion’s motherf**king sword lights up!

    Bran and Pod in Stark clothing!

    And finally some White Walker action!

    I’ll admit that I read the leaks about this season(no regrets) and it looks like everything is true. So we are in for one helluva ride.

    • phlyfiremama says:

      Where did you find the leaks? The Watchers on the Wall site keeps mentioning them but I haven’t found them yet!!

  7. Hoopjumper says:

    Since this is a female-driven website, I must object to the male-centric term “balls deep”.

    Can we perhaps say “engulfing”? Or brainstorm some other, lady-oriented synonym? 😉

  8. smcollins says:

    July 16th CANNOT get here fast enough! Guess I better start binge-watching from the beginning to refresh myself on all that’s happened (that’s my excuse, anyway).

    • Lady D says:

      HBO is rerunning GoT. It started a few weeks ago. I am watching it for the first time, and started season 5 last night. I have a couple of questions. 1. Is it Ed or Ned Stark? 2. How did Theon Greyjoy end up being so badly tortured by Ramsey Bolton in the first place and why doesn’t Ramsey’s dad put a stop to it?
      As an aside, I want to see Stannis’s priestess burn. She’s a sick, evil woman.

      • Evie says:

        @Lady D: His full name is “Eddard” Stark aka Ned…

        As for Theon Greyjoy, he had the misfortune to be captured by Ramsey Bolton; Ramsey’s dad Roos Bolton never fully realized what a sick, twisted, evil being, his “Bastard” was UNTIL, Ramsey staged a coup by committing patricide.

        Cersei and Melasandra (sp?) need to burn together. And here’s hoping Littlefinger gets his comeuppance this season.

        Fingers crossed that Ghost survives and Nymeria shows up.
        Also on my wish list: Arya and Brienne teaming up and Brienne and Tormund having a fling.
        And dragons, more of the dragons. They are as big as 747 jumbo jets now. Yay!

      • Lady D says:

        Thanks for the answer. Cercei got thrown in prison last night by the High Sparrow. I laughed a lot, that was awesome. She should never have had Marjorie tossed in. I feel sorry for Tommen, poor kid doesn’t stand a chance. I will really be surprised if he stays king for long.

      • isabelle says:

        Watched episode 1 last night and had forgot so many of the details. Definitely worth a rewatch.

  9. Olenna says:

    I like going into every episode with hands wringing, anticipating the unknown, so I’m not watching the trailer. But, Lord of Light, I’m getting a hellava charge off of everyone’s excitement! Hurry up, July 16!

  10. Cynical says:

    I think (hope) Sansa’s voice over meant that she’s telling Littlefinger to eff off and that alone the Stark’s can’t do anything, but together, they will survive – so the Stark siblings are sticking together – and then hopefully we get Jon, Sansa, Arya and Bran together and everyone else is in trouble. *FINGERS CROSSED*

  11. Heat says:

    I’m hoping that the lone wolf is Jon…who did die, already…but came back.

    Right??? Right!!!! Please?!?!

  12. Dids says:

    Im pretty sure Sansa means that in tough times, or in winter, people who stand alone die and people who sitck together survive. That is not a spoiler….

  13. Skins says:

    Been so long since this was on I can’t even remember what was happening. Didn’t really miss it either

  14. Shijel says:

    I am so not looking forward to Jon and Daenerys hooking up. Or Arya’s plotline.

    The confirmed spoilers that leaked for this season a while back finally convinced me to not really bother with this season anymore, it’s just too much full of outrageously stupid stuff.

  15. Natalie Davis says:

    How to make a GoT Season 7 Bundt Cake (serves 6….unfortunately):

    -3 Dragons
    -1 Jon Snow
    -a bushel of Starks (these can be hard to find)
    -a tall handsome red haired man
    -a tall, beautiful, bada** blonde haired lady
    -1 overly protective, friend-zoned Jorah
    -388,450,392,881,717 White Walkers
    -1 Gendery (ok to substitute w/ 1 Podrick in a pinch)
    -3 Lannisiters
    -1 Targareyn
    -1 Samwell (comes w/ a Gilly +1)
    -some amazing muiscal scores
    -1 creepy uncle **side eyes Little Finger**
    -A Man (plz Lord!)

    Mix all together, bake on high for 9 hrs and enjoy! Best eaten as soon as its out of the oven as it will spoil….fast!!

    **can add Bronns, Greyjoys, Unsulleds, snow, ravens, direwolves, Ramseys, etc for garnishment**

    • Penfold says:

      needs a dash of Davos…

      • third ginger says:

        Gosh, I love Sir Davos. I am always delighted to see all these wonderful actors who have been around for decades. Liam Cunningham, Iain Glenn, Aiden Gillen.

  16. Diana B says:

    It is still SO far away! 😭 I need Cersei and Little Finger dealt with once and for all. And the Starks reunited. And Danny meeting Jon. That’s it. Is it July 16 already???

  17. Reece says:

    “The Lone Wolf dies…but the pack survives”
    Could be spoken metaphorically.

  18. Sayrah says:

    I can’t wait

  19. chlo says:

    I love Littlefinger. He brings the deranged. And the hot creepiness.

  20. khaleesi says:


    I really really think Sansa will die.

    Why? Because the Stark kids’ arcs follow the fate of their direwolves.

    Robb and Grey Wind both died at the Red Wedding; Arya’s Nymeria runs off and is separated from everyone else early on, much like Arya herself; Bran and Summer died (I can’t remember how the latter passed); and Jon’s ghost is a runt and white-haired (prophesying his eventual ostensible reveal as a Targaryen). Sansa’a Lady was beheaded by Ned at the bequest of Cersei. You could read that as metaphorical end to Sansa’s spirit- crushed by the Lannisters at King’s Landing – but I’m pretty sure she’s going to meet a similar end.

    Time will tell. STOKED.

    • Rachel says:

      You mean Rickon and Shaggydog. Summer did die (the only episode I have not watched more than once because it was too damn sad), but Bran is still alive. Although it could be argued that Bran Stark is no more because he transformed into the Three eyed Raven.

      • Penfold says:

        Question- did Bran have any visions or anything before he fell from the tower? Or did that all start after he was paralyzed?

  21. Cleo says:

    BRING BACK GENDRY! #justiceforbastards

  22. laur says:

    I just wanna see Gendry 😂 lol

    I’m a stickler for the books so am interested now that we’re in “unchartered territory” so to speak. I wonder if this will influence the seventh book at all (if we ever get to tea it) or vice versa.

  23. InVain says:

    ALL OF THE THRILLS + CHILLS. That trailer was epic. The first one – why bother? Whoa. Can’t wait!

  24. justcrimmles says:

    This is probably a stretch, but my theory is Littlefinger is the lone wolf that will meet his end. He only looks out for himself. His machinations will be his undoing.

    Aside from the metaphorical meanings mentioned above, anyway 😉

  25. Catherinethegoodenough says:

    I have been waiting since season 1 for Nymeria and Syrio Forel to come back! (I think/hope Syrio and Jaqen H’Ghar are one and the same.)

  26. mayamae says:

    I love this show and cannot wait for it to come back. I must admit I don’t get the obsession with Gendry. He was sweet and it’s awesome that Joffrey wasn’t able to kill him. But I can’t see any purpose in his returning.

    But more than that, I do not understand the stanning for Jaqen. He’s a creepy assassin who looks more like a slender, delicate woman than a man to sigh over. And though he saved Arya, he only did it to appease his god. Arya basically told him to fu*k off after he ordered her death, so I don’t see a purpose for him.

    But then I used to not understand Davos’ appeal. All that Stannis worshipping and constantly announcing “the one true king”, etc. But gifting the stag to Shireen, and his reaction to her death won me over. Then his act of protecting Jon’s corpse and teaming up with him, followed by his heartbreak at discovering Shireen’s COD – he’s definitely a fave now. This show has been amazing at casting hot older men. Why don’t any of them have women?

    • Janetdr says:

      Because they haven’t met Meeeeeee! Although technically I have a Tormund lookalike so I’m good – haha

  27. Lindy says:


    Possible SPOILER below… (or not?)

    Have not been following spoilers posted about, but did see a picture of Harry Lloyd (Viserys Targaryen from Season 1) at the set for this season’s filming. Does anyone know if he was just visiting or will we see the fey prince in a flashback? I would love to see Viserys again! (My mate who sent me the pic thinks he’s playing Rhaegar, but that would be absurd…)

  28. tekla says:

    I want Brienne and the redhead wildling guy to hook up ASAP! 😀

  29. Nibbi says:

    it feels borderline cruel to make us wait this long and tease us so much

  30. Aubrey says:

    Not a fan, but a very compelling trailer indeed.