Eminem confirms that the Bruno MTV stunt was staged & he was acting

The ever charming rapper Eminem flashes hello to photographers as he leave BBC radio studios in London
Eminem has granted a interview to Rap Radar in which he clears up the rumors about the much talked about Bruno stunt at the MTV Movie Awards on Sunday. The whole thing was rehearsed and Eminem says he knew about it ahead of time, thought it was funny, and wasn’t offended. He claims to have returned to his hotel room afterwards and to have “laughed for 3 hours.” As for the story that $60k worth of stuff was robbed from his hotel room that very night, he says that’s not true at all and he just lost a watch:

RR: Can you clear up the Bruno stunt at the MTV Awards? Was it staged or planned?
Eminem: Sacha called me when we were in Europe and he had an idea to do something outrageous at the Movie Awards. I’m a big fan of his work so I agreed to get involved with the gag.

If it wasn’t planned the way you agreed to, do you hold MTV or Sacha responsible and will you take any kind of action?
I’m thrilled that we pulled this off better than we rehearsed it. It had so many people going “nuts” so to speak. Everyone was blowing me up about it.

After you left the ceremony, where did you go?
After the ceremony I went back to my hotel and laughed uncontrollably for about 3 hours. Especially after I saw it on air.

There is a rumor that you hotel room was robbed and theives got 60K and your laptop while you were at ceremony. Is that true and if so what would someone find on your computer?
The only thing was that I lost a Nike watch that we were looking for. The rest it is made-up like half the other stuff out there.

How do you think the show with Jay went and how did it feel performing “Renegade” again?
I love performing with Jay. Its the third time we’ve done the song together live and its always fun. It was an honor to share the stage with him again and to work with his band.

[From Rap Radar]

A few of you pointed out that Eminem can act. I enjoyed 8 Mile and found him pretty convincing. He was playing himself, but I guess he was also doing that here and just acting offended. I’m still not completely buying it, but maybe we’ll never know if it was a prank gone too far or if he was punking us. This is the guy who name dropped a bunch of celebrities and their scandals in his comeback single. He knows how to get us to talk about him and it’s working like a charm.

The ever charming rapper Eminem flashes hello to photographers as he leave BBC radio studios in London

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11 Responses to “Eminem confirms that the Bruno MTV stunt was staged & he was acting”

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  1. Ling says:

    [The movie was called 8 mile.]

    I had a feeling he was acting. I loved every second of it. I normally consider myself a sophisticated person, but accidental balls-in-face and subsequent panic is something that elicits hysterical laughter out of me with very little effort.

  2. Katt says:

    Hmm. I don’t know if I completely buy that. Why would he have left right in the middle of the award show then? He could have atleast hid in the back then sat back down after a commercial break or something.

  3. Gloaming says:

    I don’t think he was in on it.
    I think he just want’s to save face, since he came across as a bit of a tool stomping off in a huff.

  4. Celebitchy says:

    Thanks Ling, sometimes I write too fast, I’ll fix it!

  5. Candi says:

    Wow,I think I just lost a little bit of respect for Eminem.

    Was he really that desperate to promote his new album,that he would have some
    dude put his bare ass in his face?

    Honestly,it looked real,so it just goes to show you that Eminem has potential to be a good actor.

    However,I don’t see how that publicity stunt will sell him more records.

    ‘Crack the bottle’ is a horrible song,and it sounds like he was cracking a bottle of oxy’s while writing this album.

    ‘You made me’,same deal,too novelty sounding.

    Disappointed fan here,in terms of his new music,and his desperation.

  6. ash says:

    why is everyone so hesitant to believe it was staged? He sounds truthful to me? Either way he still gets good press from this, joke or no joke. He has nothing to lose.

  7. Jen says:

    Good god, what is there to ‘doubt’ here? You really think Eminem would have stayed in his seat while ‘Bruno’ was slowly lowered down onto him if he wasn’t in on the joke? He left the theater to amp up the drama, which was the point – because it was a JOKE. (A pretty funny one too, if you ask me.)

  8. cheekemunkey says:

    Have to agree with Katt. I mean, what else is he going to say at this point? This is the only way he can save face (so to speak).

  9. HashBrowns says:

    I’m with Jen on this one, what is there left to doubt?

    If it had just been Eminem saying it then yea, it’d be hard to believe, but the HEAD WRITER for the show said that it was staged and rehearsed exactly as it played on air.

    Seriously, what is there to doubt? I think some people just take a sick pleasure in other people being genuinely pranked and want to believe it so badly that they eschew actual facts in place of doubts.

  10. Annabelle says:

    Ok. but what is up with Eminem’s face?? WHAT IS UP??

    Ever since his comeback he looks… different.

  11. winnie says:

    He does look different…did he get some botox or Restalyne around his eyes…looks awful