Donald Trump lied about getting a complimentary call from the Boy Scouts

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I’ve been having a hell of a week – my WiFi/DSL went down for about 34 hours and I felt like I was the unwilling participant in a social experiment. I’m telling you guys this as an explanation for why I haven’t been so focused on Emperor Baby Fists this week. It’s because I was sitting in McDonalds for hours, being indoctrinated by the Fox News they were blasting. A few quick things to note: Donald Trump’s national approval rating is at an all-time low of 33%, which might explain why he’s trying to “pivot” and “get back to his base.” He was also “forced” to sign a veto-proof Russian sanctions bill, which happened yesterday, and it was clear that Bigly was NOT happy about it. Hahaha.

What I didn’t get a chance to cover was the stuff from Trump’s Wall Street Journal interview, which has been coming out in drips and drabs all week. I won’t bore everyone with every single lie Trump farted out to the WSJ, suffice to say that there were many, many lies, okay? Two lies specifically have gotten a lot of attention. First, Trump hit back at criticism that his “my friend has a big sex yacht” political rally speech to the Boy Scouts got a “mixed” reaction. Trump told the WSJ:

“There was no mix there. That was a standing ovation from the time I walked out to the time I left, and for five minutes after I had already gone. There was no mix. And I got a call from the head of the Boy Scouts saying it was the greatest speech that was ever made to them, and they were very thankful. So there was — there was no mix.”

[Via Politico]

Keep in mind that the Boy Scouts, as an organization, had to issue like three different statements over the course of a week, apologizing for Trump’s speech. The reaction wasn’t mixed – there was, in fact, widespread condemnation, much of it coming from inside the Boy Scouts. So… the Boy Scouts had to issue another statement, saying that no, they didn’t call Trump and they certainly didn’t tell him it was the “greatest speech that was ever made to them.”

The Boy Scouts of America said Wednesday the organization is not aware of any calls between its leaders and President Donald Trump, even though the president recently said he got a call praising his July 24 speech at the Scouting jamboree. President Randall Stephenson and Chief Scout Executive Mike Surbaugh are the Scouts’ top leaders, but neither has disclosed any communication with Trump or his administration.

The Boy Scouts of America said in a statement on Wednesday it did not know of any call from national leaders to the White House. The group also pointed to an apology letter Surbaugh wrote after Trump’s politically charged speech. Surbaugh said inviting presidents to the celebration is a long-standing Scout tradition and urged the Scouts to look past the divisive moment and toward emulating Scout values.

“In a time when differences seem to separate our country, we hope the true spirit of scouting will empower our next generation of leaders to bring people together to do good in the world,” Surbaugh wrote July 27. “While we live in a challenging time in a country divided along political lines, the focus of scouting remains the same today as every day.”

[From Politico]

In the same interview, Trump also claimed he had gotten a call from the Mexican president about border policies, and President Enrique Peña Nieto’s office said that the call didn’t happen. When pressed about it, Sarah Huckabee Sanders claimed: “They were actually direct — they were direct conversations, not actual phone calls.” When reporters were like “so, he lied,” she said, “I wouldn’t say he lied. That’s a pretty bold accusation.” NO IT IS NOT A BOLD ACCUSATION. HE LIED. The man lies about everything.

Ready for one more lie?

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113 Responses to “Donald Trump lied about getting a complimentary call from the Boy Scouts”

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  1. PunkyMomma says:

    I hope Wapo gives him ten Pinocchio’s – they drive him batty.

    • Matador says:

      They need to give him a hundred.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      They just released transcripts of his January phone calls with the President of Mexico and the PM of Australia. They are sooooooo cringe inducing. He is so focused on politics, not actual policy. He SAYS this flat out. How can anyone support such an incompetent President?

  2. Matador says:

    He’s seriously mentally unfit for the Presidency. He cannot open his mouth without puking out a lie. He lies about *every*thing.

    • Belle Epoch says:

      ABSOLUTELY unfit in EVERY aspect! It’s so embarrassing! Do you remember when he used to call news outlets and pretend he was someone else, talking about all the women who were after him? And the press knew perfectly well it was him? How could he have believed that would actually work?!

  3. kNY says:

    Nothing surprises me about him. Of course he would lie!

    We’re getting to a place with him that reminds me of something John Mulaney said about Michael Jackson – how by the end, any story seemed believable that even Michael Jackson wasn’t sure if he bought the Elephant Man’s bones.

    • sunnydaze says:

      I have nothing to add to the trump convo other than I feel numb to all the bs at this point, and it’s beyond depressing. BUT! I did want to thank you for dropping a reference to John Mulaney. Love him!

  4. Esmom says:

    “No mix” seems to be the new “No puppet.” He can’t stop himself from lying, can he?

    I like the last Boy Scout statement, it seems to be a veiled call to make sure a Trump administration never happens again.

  5. Beth says:

    This is an every day thing for Trump. He must forget that everything he says can be fact checked, and are because we can’t trust a word he says. All last week, we heard about that trashy speech that pissed off the world.

    Does he even realize he’s lying or is he hearing compliments in his messed up mind? He’s been know to be like this forever and I can’t believe his supporters ignore this dishonesty

    • Rachel says:

      I honestly think he’s pathological. He believes the sh*t coming out of his mouth. I mean, come on. The man is narcissistic and delusional. It doesn’t help he’s surrounded himself with sycophantic puppets.

      And I feel like the press has given up on fact checking him. Everything out of his mouth is a lie, so instead of pointing out all the lies, they just ignore it at this point. I would love to see news outlets with constant, hard hitting coverage of every lie that comes out of his mouth until all those people who voted for him are forced to admit he’s an effing liar who should have been impeached months ago. Trump is like an avalanche. He just dumps so much sh*t on you, you get so tired of trying to dig your way out, until you give up and just let it bury you. The press needs to turn it around and use the same MO on him and his supporters. Always be there, in his face, in his supporters’ faces, constantly pointing out all his lies and BS.

    • ORIGINAL T.C. says:

      His supporters have *always* ignored his lies, and his sexism, racism, etc. because they don’t care. They assume all politicians are liars. As long as he keeps his word on electing anti-choice Supreme Court judges, stops immigrants from Mexico, puts white People first, pushes Christanity as the religion of the U.S., is pro-gun, pro big business….they could care less about his sleazy behavior.

      It’s only Democrats that require their politicians to be pure. Most Republican voters just need you to give lip service to the idea of moral superiority. If caught being sleazy you call yourself a sinner and ask for forgiveness. It’s the ‘do as we say and not as we do’ rule.

      • LaBlah says:

        It’s nonsense to suggest that Democrats require politicians to be pure. If that was the case they wouldn’t have elected any Democrat President ever. Not one of them has been pure.

      • NeoCleo says:

        We DO however, require them to be intelligent with the ability to govern.

    • sunnydaze says:

      Everything you said. But, here’s my theory on the support:

      There is SO MUCH HAPPENING EVERY SECOND and, like Kaiser mentioned sitting in a fast food restaurant, many of his supporters aren’t seeking out alternative news sources. They’re sitting in restaurants, office waiting areas, whereever, and Fox always seems to be on (seriously, everywhere I go, what is that?! I was in a hospital waiting area and Fox was on. At the gym, Fox is on, Why is Fox the only channel that seems to get played?) So, aside from my rant, I think a lot of people are only getting their news from a few very biased places. What I see more of in my circle are people courting different sources to form a full opinion. For example, my husband took the hour or so to watch the Senate Judiciary Committee interview William Browder which went into detail about the Magnitsky Act. Very few people do things like that (not that I’m patting us on the back, I didn’t do it too much before this sh!tshow). But I think a lot of it is self-imposed insulating coupled with total mental inflexibility to admit fault with something that they have so much emotional investment in. I recently read an article about how rare it is for people to change their minds even when confronted with evidence that challenges those beliefs. His followers are almost religious in their faith despite evidence.

      • CynicalAnn says:

        Yes. Fox News is the worst thing that has ever happened to this country.

      • Beth says:

        Fox News is a big part of the problem. Every time I go to my parents house, my father sits there staring blank eyed at the TV which is always on Fox News. My parents were 200% democrats in Massachusetts, now they’re in red state Florida and believe all the Trump junk from Fox News. All their friends watch it, and like you, I see it on in the hospital, restaurants, and everywhere else I go. Our country has been brainwashed by this cable news channel

      • Who ARE These People? says:

        I am so glad to be living in Canada without those remorseless screens everywhere. It’s a shock to go the USA and find all those screens on, usually with FOX News, blaring away – ditto in people’s homes. It’s like the Nazi loudspeakers set up in town squares across Germany.

      • ORIGINAL T.C. says:

        So true about Fox News being everywhere. I think because they are more infotainment with gorgeous women wearing short shirts. It’s made to be lovely background and easy watching for everyone who is tired of too much serious news. It’s escapism.

    • Bellagio DuPont says:

      According to Louise C.K, re Trump: “He’s just a gross crook, dirty, rotten, lying sack of sh*t.”

      Accurate and to the point.

  6. third ginger says:

    Lying is a reflex for Trump, always including his “greatness.” The larger issue may be how he forces others to lie for him. It comes more naturally to some than to others. What I wonder is will there ever be someone who leaves the administration and admits this.

  7. rachel says:

    “There was no mix”.

    • Esmom says:

      I know, right? This is our President, ladies and gentlemen.

    • Wren33 says:

      WTF does that even mean?

      • RottenFlower says:

        No, seriously… what does it mean? I honestly don’t know.

      • Ashamed 2 b a FL Girl says:

        To Wren & RottenFlower – He means there was 100% approval from the attendees (I refuse to call it a crowd) of the Boy Scout Jamboree – ie. no “mixed” reaction, just pure, adulation for his wonderfulness.

        I could cry.

  8. grabbyhands says:

    This is our world now – a bold faced lie isn’t a lie and it is really rude to even suggest that it is.

    That he lied (AGAIN) isn’t a surprise to me at all. That people continue to believe him when he spouts the original lie and then again when he says he didn’t say what he clearly said isn’t a surprise either.

    What does kind of confound me (and it really shouldn’t by now) is how utterly incapable he is of just telling a SIMPLE lie, something that wouldn’t make his mouthpieces looks like such morons. But no, the BSA didn’t just call him to congratulate him on his speech, they said it was “THE GREATEST SPEECH EVER MADE TO THEM”. A lot of people didn’t watch his inauguration, it was the biggest crowd and biggest viewing numbers EVER. Period, He doesn’t just have good words, he has the BEST words. NO ONE appreciates women more than he does. Yadda, yadda, yadda.

    But what do I know? He’s probably going to see all four years of this benighted term and I’ll be trying to avoid an aneurysm from reading about it.

    • holly hobby says:

      Don’t forget his other favorite term “High quality person.” Ugh he sounds so dumb. Dumb enough that he wouldn’t even pass the English proficiency test on his stupid immigration bill.

  9. WendyNerd says:

    Hey guys, remember when dignity was a thing?

    He speaks like my nephews. They’re three. “He said it was the best speech they ever got EVAR!”

    • HK9 says:

      I have a feeling that your three year old nephews grasp of the English language is far greater than Trumps.

    • LaBlah says:

      My 3 year old nephew was breathlessly telling me about a party day at his kindergarten a few weeks ago. At one point I said “that sounds like the best day ever” he paused while thinking then said “not the best day ever but it was very fun”. I remember thinking at the time that he could teach Trump a thing or two about hyperbole and how not to use it.

  10. jwoolman says:

    What exactly is the difference between a “direct conversation” and a “phone call”? Is this the new “alternative facts”?

    And a “standing ovation” at an event with no chairs?!? I saw pics of the crowd. Didn’t look like a “standing ovation” to me. I saw plenty of complaints and threats to take boys out of Scouts, but nobody has said the boys were giving him a standing ovation or that it lasted for five minutes after he left. Where does he get this stuff?!?

    Didn’t he claim the same thing at his early visit to CIA headquarters, when he also brought along his own cheerleaders? He hadn’t told them that they could sit down after they rose in respect when he entered the room. They were still standing because of that, not giving him a standing ovation.

    • Triple Cardinal says:

      He thanked the Scouts at the Jamboree for having voted for him. Wanna talk voter fraud? These were kids who were mostly age 16 and younger!

      In all seriousness, I cannot tell if he’s got a gross character flaw or is truly mentally ill. Why CAN’T he tell that his lies are easily disproved? Who pulls a stunt like that?

  11. Mermaid says:

    It feels like the generals are babysitting him at this point. He’s incapable of telling the truth and will throw anyone under the bus to curry favor with his alt right, racist, homophobic, misogynist base. It seems like the base might be finally!!!!!! Starting to crack.

  12. Indiana Joanna says:

    Some polls show drump’s approval rating at 29%.

    Several of his former teachers recently were quoted as saying they remember drump as a pathological liar as a child. His time in a military school for wayward boys was just a proving ground for drump to practice and polish his lies. Eg, he was moved from a semi-leadership position because boys under his watch were being bullied. drump spinned it as a promotion when in fact it was to spare boys from his ineptitude. Some teachers noted he had a way of getting his way (he weazeled his way into leading some lame year-end parade) even though there were more deserving boys. Of course, the teachers enabled his special brand of blackmail and self agrandizement.

    He’s a liar rotting from the inside out with a sociopathological need to be admired. He is a liar, liar pants on fire maniac who destroys everything and everyone he touches because he can.

    • magnoliarose says:

      I didn’t know that about military school. Nowadays he would have been sent to a psychiatrist. Classic antisocial behavior from a young age.

    • Jag says:

      People with Narcissistic Personality Disorder are compulsive liars. One of my exes had it, and Trump is just like him.

  13. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    He makes me physically ill. He personifies every single negative (and beyond) I’ve taught my boys to avoid like the plague. His character defines who and what not to be. Every day I can’t believe this is our president and that I had the inclinations to complain of our plights during previous administrations. How sweet we had it.

    • Esmom says:

      I’m with you on every point. Your last one is something I’ve thought of often. Any fear, loathing, dislike I had for anyone previously absolutely pales in comparison. Trump has redefined what “awful” truly is.

    • Annetommy says:

      He is an absolutely appalling role model. The message he sends out to young boys is dreadful. Be a lying, bigoted, fraudulent, bullying pus@sygrabber, and you too can be POTUS. Be an experienced, intelligent and competent woman, and you will be pilloried and will not be successful.

  14. Nicole says:

    He lies about the dumbest sh*t that can be easily checked. The guy has no ability to tell any truth. It’s appalling.

    • Cdoggy says:

      He lies even when the truth is easier. It’s unreal.

    • Christin says:

      Last night, a biographer or reporter said that a former classmate told him that 13-year-old Boy Orange was playing baseball and greatly exaggerated a hit that his classmate and others just witnessed. He said he just hit the ball out of the park (which he clearly had not — it was quickly picked up and only got him to first base).

      This has apparently been a longtime pattern.

    • Beth says:

      He lies in one sentence and contradicts himself in the next sentence. Trump can’t keep track of what alternative facts and bullshit stories he tells

  15. Jerusha says:

    If a non-believer prays for something bad to happen to, oh IDK, whoever, are prayers answered? Asking for a friend.

    • Indiana Joanna says:

      Hello, Friend. I don’t know. But in some perverted sense it seems drump is trying to undo his presidency with his wild obscene behavior. A kind of massive toddler meltdown played out every day of his life. That has to have some sort of repercussion that will shorten ime in the WH.

    • magnoliarose says:

      Hmmm A transcendental crisis…Interesting.

    • Beth says:

      I’m a non-believer and can’t stop praying for that to happen.

      There’s no way he could make all these big time fuck ups every day unless he wants to be removed from office. He’s too egotistical to admit he can’t handle it, so being impeached is his only way out

  16. Green Is Good says:

    He keeps lying about stuff that is easily refuted.

  17. Jayna says:

    The “real truth” is just a pesky inconvenience for this Orange Blowhard. He believes his lies. That’s all that counts. It’s like my ex-sister-in-law, who was a pathological liar, and she was offended when you didn’t believe her.

  18. Beth says:

    Trump has a pep rally in West Virginia tonight. He’ll tweet about how it was a record breaking crowd and everyone loves him. I think it’s depressing and a little funny to see fools cheering for him while he has the lowest approval rating in 70+ years

    • Jayna says:

      Trump would never last if he didn’t have his golf courses and country clubs to retreat to every weekend and if he didn’t set up pep rallies to keep his fragile ego afloat.

      His approval rating is at its all-time lowest. No pep rally with the deplorables is going to change that.

    • Triple Cardinal says:

      These fools are starting to wise up, albeit slowly. His base–the white, male, non-college voter–has started to erode. White voters are pulling away, also.

      Here’s the Quinnipiac site.

      • Chloe B says:

        Except the more “educated” Fox News crowd will never leave him as long as the Dow and their 401Ks are still doing well. I think my parents could actually lose all of their well-earned, upper middle class money and still make excuses for him, repeating whatever Rush and Hannity say and blame his downfall on the liberals and the liberal media. I just spent two days listening to them rant about Pelosi, the Democrats and how feminism was made up and it’s not even a real thing.

      • Who ARE These People? says:

        Yes, when the market is up it’s to Trump’s credit–and when it goes down it’ll be “cyclical” and “it was due.”

        Feminism is made up? That’s new. You poor thing.

      • Reef says:

        Lol way too many people think he’s smart according to that poll.

  19. Neelyo says:

    I read there were no chairs so they had no choice but to give him a standing ovation.

  20. ArchieGoodwin says:

    His tweets from just now make me cry, just plain wring my hands in horror.

    Blaming his own party, not Russia, for the breakdown of relations. But thank god if congress did one thing, they stopped trump from pandering to russia with this legislation at least. 🙁

    • IlsaLund says:

      So the sanctions mean Congress now believes that the Russia’s did interfere with the U.S. elections. So why is there all this spinning in Congress about “no one’s really sure what happened” and the dragging the feet on the congressional committees investigating Russian meddling?

      • Esmom says:

        I wondered about that, too. It’s like we have two parallel realities happening — one that acknowledges Russia’s interference and one that denies it — and some of the players seem to be able to be part of both. It’s crazy.

      • Algernon says:

        Because if they prove meddling it might call into question the validity of the election itself. Right now, Trump is a PR disaster but politically, they’re getting a lot of what they want on immigration, deregulation in various energy and financial sectors, destroying govt agencies like the EPA, etc. Even healthcare, if they can keep control long enough, they’ll eventually get some kind of repeal/change through. That’s why they’re dragging their feet, if they start proving conclusively that a foreign power interfered to get one specific candidate elected, we might have to invalidate the results and they’d lose executive control. Even without partisan issues, though, there is also just a huge amount of worry about how that would even work. Nothing like this has ever happened here, and no one is sure what would have to happen if we *did* invalidate the election.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        I feel like it is similar to a criminal investigation. The police call someone a “person of interest” until the moment they make the arrest. Behind the scenes they are a “suspect”, but they won’t make that publicly known.

        I don’t think we will see the most damning evidence until the hammer is ready to drop, and I don’t think the highest level congressional members who know about that evidence will take strong action until that moment. I think the Russian sanctions show that Congress is generally aware something is afoot, but can’t act strongly on it just yet.

        I also agree with Algernon. The GOP will try to get their wish list items rammed through before Mueller brings the business.

    • holly hobby says:

      This only makes Congress angrier. So Tweet away loser.

      I read this am that they are fast tracking the bill that would protect Mueller’s job and in extension, Keebler too (a necessary evil at this point because if Keebler is gone, the new person can fire Mueller).

    • pinetree13 says:

      I found that tweet shocking. IT’s so so so obvious he’s owned by putin. The prime minister of Russia called him weak and he responded by blasting congress.

      Just what DO they have on him???

      I mean it has to be more than the pee-pee tape

      • Bellagio DuPont says:

        @ Pinetree13, I’m glad you’re seeing this too. It’s very, very obvious to me that Russia/Putin has trump severely compromised over something. What that thing is, I hope we find out over time. His unhinged over-reactions to the tiniest provocations only have a limit when they hit Russia. Can someone, ANYONE, tell me even 1 critical thing he has ever said about Russia or Putin? (I mean that seriously, I’ve looked and found bupkis).

        In fact, I’m going to go into my own little conspiracy theory here and say that I’ve started to wonder if Trumps wild and unhinged attacks weren’t directed from Russia…..he was very complimentary of Obama in 2009….

        ……and then seemingly overnight, his praise turned to absolute vitriol. At the time, his attacks were so sudden and personal that I thought it was likely he was perhaps reacting to a snub (or perceived snub of some sort) from 44.

        Now, I wonder if this was just Putin’s way of attacking Obama’s legitimacy from within, using his willing Puppet/stooge, Donald J Trump.

        In any case, I think America is in trouble on this one…..a real life Manchurian candidate.

        🙁 🙁

      • LaBlah says:

        It’s not the piss tapes. It’s money. Trump inherited enough money that if he’d left it in indexed funds he’d be a very rich man today. Instead because he’s a rampant narcissist at best, he believed he could become this YUGE billionaire with his genius business skills. He didn’t. He failed time after time after time. For many years that just meant that employees and contractors didn’t get paid and he’d skite off to the next deal. Eventually that shit stops working. The man and his company are not cranking out money. He is not rich. He is deeply deeply indebted to Russian oligarchs. Russian oligarchs who still have money are those in good favour with Putin. Trump is massively and completely financially compromised by people who tend to kill you if you become a problem.

  21. Zip says:

    1) Why is he still POTUS?
    2) Who still approves of this guy?

    • tmbg says:

      Plenty if you look at comments on Facebook. Maybe it’s a few people with a bunch of sock puppet accounts, but I keep seeing people say how they love their president, he’s done more in a few months than Obama did in eight years, Trump is a victim of fake news, and on and on. It’s scary to know there are people among us who voted for and like this turd.

      • holly hobby says:

        Did anyone catch Lara Trump’s Facebook videos outlining all the “great things” (lies) Orangino did but the press refused to publish it? He created his own marketing outlet. Lara Honey, stop kissing up because by the time that jerk leaves, the estate will be bankrupt.

        I didn’t watch it because I was afraid I’d get violently ill from the lies spewing out of her mouth.

  22. snowflake says:

    Did you guys hear about how the Justice Department is going to look into affirmative action and how it may have resulted in discrimination against whites people? No I am not kidding. Saw the story on the DM

    • Triple Cardinal says:

      I was going to write along the lines of “Wait till the Supreme Court gets a hold of this case,” when I remembered that we now have Gorsuch on the Court.

    • snowflake says:

      Ok now I can’t find it. But I saw it last night and someone else commented about that on another post.

    • Esmom says:

      Yes, it was allover the news yesterday. Appalling. It hit home to me that this is one big reason people you’d otherwise not expect to voted for Trump.

      As for college admissions, there’s a bit of cognitive dissonance going on from the right, too. One on hadn’t they complain that people of color are taking the spots they’ve supposedly rightfully earned. But on the other hand they’re dismissing higher education, saying that universities are liberal indoctrination centers. Sigh.

      • holly hobby says:

        Well Harvard should be ashamed of themselves because they let that little boy, Jared Kushner, in. He has the mental capacity of a teenager.

      • pinetree13 says:

        I’d say the bigger cognitive dissonance is whining about how it should only be on merit, mean-while every single one of them bought their way in and could NEVER have made it in on merit alone

    • Tiffany :) says:

      This is one more step in Sessions attack on minorities. He is so vile.

      What really upsets me is that the SCOTUS has already weighed in on this issue, multiple times. There is no need to go back and beat the same dead horse.

  23. IlsaLund says:

    At 70 years old and with unhealthy habits, and in one of the most stressful jobs in the world that ages you beyond belief (look at before & after pictures of real Presidents like Obama and Clinton), you have to wonder how much longer his body will last. Surely, the rage and hatred he spews is also having an effect. Should we be counting the days? Or is he truly Dorian Gray?

    • Triple Cardinal says:

      Consider the possibility that he enjoys the effect he’s having on people and situations. He gets a buzz off it, feeds off it.

      • Christin says:

        People like this often outlive the decent people. They thrive on upsetting everyone else.

    • RottenFlower says:

      Let me be the first to say that it will massively inconsequential when his body gives out, and it can’t happen a moment too soon.

    • Bellagio DuPont says:

      @ Ilsalund:

      Don’t even think it for a minute! You’re judging him by your decent standards. People like this prosper where there’s hate, lies and controversy. The things you find distressing are the very things he thrives on. They nourish him.

      Sadly, I expect him to live a long, self-satisfied and happy** life

    • LaBlah says:

      It’s a stressful job if you actually do it. He goes golfing, holds ego boosting rallies and watches TV.

  24. lightpurple says:

    Big whopper of a lie this morning. He’s complaining that relations between the US & Russia are at a long time low and he blames Congress.

    I am taking great comfort in knowing that Mueller just hired an investigator whose expertise is foreign bribes. He’s coming for YOU, Princess Nagini! Who are you going to throw under the bus first, daddy or Jared? I’m guessing Jared.

    • IlsaLund says:

      Mueller has assembled a very impressive group of individuals who all seem to have a particular set of skills. And since the Trump Cabal still don’t seem to understand that their NY style bullying tactics won’t work against a full fledged government investigation, it will be interesting to see what happens. As I remind others, the Feds got Al Capone on tax evasion….not racketeering or any other criminal charge. You can bet Mueller’s team is working closely with the IRS & FINCen.

      • holly hobby says:

        Do you think Head of Treasury, Steve Mnuchin would stop the IRS from helping Mueller? After all Orangino did agree to let him marry in the “dump.”

      • IlsaLund says:

        @holly hobby. The IRS is/was an apolitical organization. The Treasury Secretary, Congress and the President are not supposed to have any involvement in running the agency. It’s apolitical status is supposed to shield it from the hypocrisy of changing administrations and congressional influence.

      • holly hobby says:

        @IlsaLund Yeah that may be true in the past but with these goons you never know right?

    • holly hobby says:

      Did anyone catch the news that NY is going after the Kushner family for their scheme of visas in exchange of foreigners investing in their failed real estate. That is the real news. Orangino can’t pardon any of this. This is a state case.

    • LaBlah says:

      She grew up with a narcissist parent. She will absolutely without a shadow of a doubt throw her teenager yet old man looking husband under the bus first.

  25. BJ says:

    Angela Rye talked about Presidents needing to undergo a mental evaluation yesterday.Most people thought she was trying to be shady or funny but I agree with her.I think Donald Trump is mentally ill.

    • Alexandria says:

      I feel that after DT, there should be stricter requirements for a candidate. An independent health report and tax releases should be mandatory. I mean a person who prepares fugu fish is subject to more rigorous examination than Covfefe and his entire admin of Death Eaters.

      • Esmom says:

        Yes. And I’d add maybe passing a basic civics/Constitution test?

      • Algernon says:

        This exactly. I don’t think there should be an age limit, but there should be some kind of mental capacity test, and releasing tax returns should be mandatory and you should have to release your complete returns, no picking and choosing which pages you release.

      • Who ARE These People? says:

        The basic civics test was the entire presidential campaign: Voters had ample opportunity to learn that Trump is ignorant or defiant of Constitutional law and enough of them still didn’t care.

  26. Rapunzel says:

    Don’t forget the RAISE act he wants to pass. Disgusting.

  27. CynicalAnn says:

    I don’t know how “Christian” Sarah Huckabee Sanders can stand there and lie for that amoral a-hole day after day. How do you sleep at night or teach your children right from wrong, Sarah?

  28. why? says:

    The most disturbing thing about that poll was that 56% think that The King of Lies and Fake News is intelligent. How? This is one reason you know that the Russian bots are messing with the polls. No one thinks that The King of Lies and Fake News is intelligent, especially after his numerous spelling errors(remember the time that he deleted and reposted a comment 3 times because he was struggling to spell hereby?); bragging about how he doesn’t need to read books because he is smart and knows words; comments about Frederick Douglas, The Civil War, Andrew Jackson, Hitler and the Russians, and Napolean; and his revelation about healthcare being complicated. I wish the press would stop feeding us this nonsense about The King of Lies and Fake News’ base still being loyal and staying steady because when you see numbers that don’t match up with the facts, that’s when you should suspect that someone is messing around with the poll. I’m not surprised that his approval rating is at 33%, what did the press think was going to happen as a result of the Russian sanctions?

    I don’t understand why the WH reporters continue to show up for the press briefings because every word out of Sarah’s mouth is a lie, she doesn’t even hide the fact that she is lying. Yesterday in the middle of one of her lies, she lost her train of thought. The disturbing thing is how the WH reporters just sit there and accept her lies. At what point will one of them just stand up against this nonsense? The WH briefings is catering to an audience of one, The King of Lies and Fake News.

  29. JenB says:

    I wonder if Trump is a narcissistic fraud or a narcissistic sociopath? I’m not very educated in psychology but audio-read an interesting book about sociopaths.

    I see he’s teasing the media about a big announcement tonight. I wish we could all just ignore him but somehow this person is the leader of the free world.

    (Sure hope your internet woes are over Kaiser!)

    • B n A fn says:

      I hope his big announcement is, ‘I’m resigning’. I don’t have the smarts to hold this job.

    • Angela82 says:

      I think Dump’s announcement is the governor of WV is switching to a Republican. I have doubts he was a Democrat to begin with since its WV (no offense intended lol). But that has been obliterated by the Mueller news. 😉

      • Jerusha says:

        MSNBC just interviewed some WV trump voters on how they see him now. Gotta say, some stupid people in WV.
        (Don’t hate me-I’m in Alabama and I can match your stupid people one for one.)

      • adastraperaspera says:

        Yeah, most likely it’s this. And that governor was a Republican up until 2015, so it’s not even surprising.

      • Christin says:

        There isn’t much he could say tonight to ‘trump’ the grand jury news. The rumors are turning out to be true, one by one.

      • Bellagio DuPont says:

        May I just say, to all our American sisters on this site, (at the risk of sounding hysterical)…… please, please, please for the love of gawd, do not underestimate the fight in front of you. You are not dealing with just Trump and his low IQ. You are actually in a fight against Putin and the Kremlin.

        Regardless of what they put out in the press, you have to remember that they (Trump + Putin) are still allies in this particular scandal. So you are going to see extremely dirty tactics here…..remember Putin has DECADES (not years) of experience in political manipulation, lies, bribery, blackmail and even murder. The experts carrying out the investigations under Mueller are still people with pasts, so we can only guess at how incorruptible they are, or will remain once they meet the might of the kremlin.

        If I had to place a bet on it, I would say that Trump and his band of bandits will walk away free at the end of this.

        The only way out in my (tiny) mind would be to do what the republicans normally do and continue to make a massive stink out of this. Put an unholy amount of political pressure on your reps, at the house, the senate, at the state level, the media and even the judiciary (if possible) to make it impossible for this whole stink to be swept under the carpet at the end of the day.

  30. why? says:

    The WH brought out Kristen Welker to do more damage control. Now she is saying that John Kelly has been such a positive influence on the WH and The King of Lies and Fake News that he has been tame on twitter. While he hasn’t verbally attacked Mueller or Sessions, he has been very actively tweeting. He was trashing talking Congress; bragging about getting rid of regulations that will help the businesses of his friends do well on the stock market(that big boost in the stock market yesterday was because of Apple and remember that the King of Lies and Fake News announced weeks ago that he made a deal with Apple to put a factory in Wisconsin?); MAGA; and stories that Fox News posted and covered; the “merit based immigration” plan.

  31. neil says:

    We should be grateful to Trump. I expect he will forever be a favourite teaching aid when describing narcissism. He is a caricature of toxicity.