Donald Trump’s Boy Scouts speech turned into an unhinged political rally

There are long-standing questions about whether Donald Trump’s speechwriters know what the hell they’re doing, or whether those speechwriters give Trump a fairly mundane speech and he decides to spice it up by Trumpifying it. I tend to believe that he’s given regular, normal speeches and then he goes off-script in horrifying ways. Over the weekend, he turned a speech in front of a military crowd into a campaign rally, wherein the commander in chief ordered soldiers to contact their congressmen about healthcare. That was pretty bad. But not as bad as what happened on Monday.

Trump spoke at the Boy Scouts’ National Jamboree on Monday. These are children. Apolitical children. Boy Scouts!!! Literally, Boy Scouts. And Trump turned it into a political rally. He whined about “fake news.” He called Washington a “cesspool.” He bragged about his electoral numbers, saying: “You remember that incredible night with the maps? That map was so red it was unbelievable and they didn’t know what to say. We won Florida, and we won, South Carolina, we won North Carolina, we won Pennsylvania, we won and won.” He slammed Barack Obama for not attending the Jamboree and he got the crowd to boo when he said Obama’s name. He mocked Hillary Clinton for not working hard enough to win the election. Here’s the full speech, but I’ll completely understand if you can’t watch the whole thing, so I’m including a highlight reel too.

This is a mess. It actually came after one of the messiest days for the Bigly White House in recent memory, and that’s saying a lot. People are really upset about this, that Trump used a speech for children to demand “loyalty” and mock his political opponents.

Here are some reactions to the Boy Scouts speech:

Photos courtesy of Getty.

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159 Responses to “Donald Trump’s Boy Scouts speech turned into an unhinged political rally”

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  1. RebeccaJane says:

    What were the Boy Scouts of America thinking when they agreed to this event?

    • Esmom says:

      I’m no fan of the organization although I know many fine young men who are/were Scouts. However, like the rest of us, I’m sure they couldn’t even begin to fathom what he would actually say. The question for me now is will they denounce his despicable behavior?

      • Becks says:

        This is an annual event and I think its pretty typical that the president goes. So I’m sure there may have been some trepidation but BSA prob thought it would look worse to NOT invite him. Whoops.

      • Megan says:

        POTUS is the honorary president of the Boy Scouts. I think there is a standing invitation and Trump took it because, let’s face it, no other nonpartisan group has extended an invite. I watched some of his speech but had to turn it off when he started talking about his electoral college win. His grotesquely inappropriate behavior really upsets me.

    • Larelyn says:

      It’s tradition. The president is the Honarary president of the BSA and is asked to speak at every Jamboree.

      As a scout mom (boy, girl, and cub), I am disgusted by his speech. Not only did he use adult curses (this is a G-rated event), but he warped the values the scouts stand for – loyalty the most.

      As for disparaging the former President, many scout fathers I know drink heavily from trump’s koolaid. I would expect many of the boys have already been indoctrinated into the “trump youth” patrol.

      • Esmom says:

        Ugh, that’s depressing. On the flip side, I know a young Eagle Scout who’s headed to college in DC to major in public policy, inspired largely by the election of Trump and the resistance.

      • FLORC says:

        This makes me sick. Where is the outrage that snowballs his ass out of the oval?

      • Disco Dancer says:

        Is trump trying to turn the Boy Scouts into his own Hitler Youth group?

      • vava says:

        It’s all disgusting.

    • RebeccaJane says:

      Thanks for the clarification, makes sense if POTUS is honorary president of the BSA. He’s just incapable of behaving in a respectful manner, even when the occasion requires it.

      I was a Brownie in the US, then a Girl Guide. It all seemed so innocent then looking back on it.

      In the U.K. guides we had to make an oath to the Queen, that was as political as it got.

    • jwoolman says:

      They must have known what he was like. He has routinely inappropriately politicized events before. Inviting him to speak was a political act. Unless the organization issues a real apology, the Boy Scouts have been taken over by Trumpsters. Parents need to start looking more closely at who exactly is leading the local troops and what exactly they are teaching the kids.

      It was not only deranged to babble on about the election and his pet political maneuvers and his vendetta against Hillary. It was so out of line to diss President Obama and to get children to join in. There is simply no excuse for that and it seems very contrary to principles that the Boy Scouts supposedly stands for. I’m only surprised he didn’t lead the kids in a chant of “lock her up”. I have never seen a President act this way before Trump.

    • Tiffany says:

      BSA knew exactly what they were doing. This is the final nail to let boys who are not white, Christian, straight, cis that they are not welcomed and will not be made to feel so if they join.

      • Megan says:

        Starting with FDR, every president (or his surrogate) has addressed the BSA Jamboree. Not inviting Trump would have been inappropriate. All they could do was cross their fingers and hope for the best.

      • kevin says:

        Tiffany: exactly.

  2. Incredulous says:

    It’s like Jerry Springer without the funny.

  3. darkladi says:

    Jesus, take the wheel. FFS. Or call him home. Whatever you decide is good.


  4. Nicole says:

    Hitler’s Youth = Trumps Youth

    • Birdix says:

      He’s yelling at a bunch of people too young to vote that they elected him. In our current bizarro world that seems oddly appropriate.

    • frisbee says:

      Yes I thought exactly the same thing at first but Hitler was ruthlessly organised for years, he seized his moment when Germany was deeply weakened economically and politically and very susceptible to his claims. Trump is a blatant liar but he’s chaotic and there are – thankfully – very many people in the US who can see through him and oppose him. I have no doubt he has the desire to be a tinpot dictator but he’s in a country where very many people still have a deep belief in democracy so he’s not worrying me that much, not yet anyways…

      • Nicole says:

        You should be worried. Because the people that are supposed to protect us from this kind of behavior won’t. So all this “belief” in democracy is not really happening

      • frisbee says:

        I have more faith, I think that belief is there and that sooner or later this s*it storm will come to a screeching halt. That said I’ve been horribly wrong before, I never believed he would get voted into office and, like many of you US posters on this site have come to believe it would never have happened without interference/cheating somewhere along the line.

      • Nicole says:

        Well have some extra faith for me. My faith in America pretty much ended after Ferguson.

      • Sixer says:

        My heart is with frisbee but my head is with Nicole.

        I keep thinking of the Brexit “will of the people” rhetoric we are hearing in the UK. As though democracy is embodied by a single vote on a single day, after a campaign in which every influencer, on both sides, told nothing but lies. Obviously, democracy is derided and not embodied by this, but people are swept along so easily.

      • frisbee says:

        Yes, I think we just agree on Brexit. BUT Theresa May was supposed to win a Landslide election and instead the left came from nowhere and she lost her majority. That wasn’t supposed to happen at all but it did, there are decent people in this world (there are also total bastwards) but sometimes they have to be pushed into a corner before they’ll do something about the huge injustices they see all around them. I think that’s what happened in our last election that and a lot of young people were galvanised into taking action (prompted by a clever use of Social Media) and actually voted, and I think (pray) that’s what may well happen in the next US Congressional elections, Nil Desperandum and all that!

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Congress is supposed to be the check on Trump’s abuse of power, but the GOP majority has done nothing. When the Mueller investigation releases their conclusion, I think GOP members will finally turn against him, but by then it may be too late. They are putting the love of $$ over the love of country.

      • frisbee says:

        They certainly are Tiffany but the point I was trying to make is that things can change and sometimes when you least expect them to they do. 🤞

    • Hazel says:

      I was thinking the same thing. Chilling.

    • Holly hobby says:

      Trumps youth = mao’s red guards. Google that. Bunch of kids practically doing illegal acts in the name of the leader. It’s we’ll know. Children are brainwashed to do evil pol’s bidding.

  5. Squirrel4Ever says:

    One of the top reasons MY boy scout did not go to jamboree this year. Why? He’s a smart kid and he hates Trump, too. He’d rather stand beside me at a protest. This is disgusting.

    • Larelyn says:

      Same here. I try to remain impartial in front of my children, but my scout can recognize a walking human rights violations when he sees one.

      • nona says:

        Give your sons a hug for me. Tell them there are a lot of people out there who are very proud of them.

      • Squirrel4Ever says:

        I’m so furious and disgusted. I guess it’s time for the National Scouts to start getting the same treatment my senate representatives get from me. Phone calls and letters. It makes me feel so much better than stewing quietly! I’m proud of my son. He’s 14, and doesn’t understand everything that goes on, but he has such a strong sense of right and wrong. He’s a young man who doesn’t see disability and color. So he’s old enough to understand that he is everything that Trump isn’t.

      • lala says:

        sounds like you’re raising awesome young men who are not afraid to take a stand! this makes me feel a bit better about the future

    • Beth says:

      I’m so glad your son is so smart. I couldn’t believe when I saw so many there cheering Trumps name.

    • AnnaKist says:

      Fist-pump your boys for me! 👊🤜 Good lads!

      Holy sheet. tRump’s idiocy, obsession and utter vileness know no bounds. This is beyond belief, beyond inappropriate, beyond unacceptable, beyond disgusting . When will this madness end?

  6. Mermaid says:

    Just disgusted. Anyone else catch that Paul Ryan defended Bob Mueller yesterday? As in, Paul Ryan might be sucking up because there’s dirt on him too? Can’t the Supreme Court declare election invalid due to hacking? How much more can we take?

    • Birdix says:

      I’m with you. Isn’t there anyone who can stop this train? No way was that election valid.

      • jwoolman says:

        Neither was the election in 2000 (the Supreme Court stopped the recount that actually gave Gore Florida and the Presidency when unofficially continued) and 2004 (too many signs the machines were hacked in certain key places like Ohio, we’ll never know if Kerry actually won). Exit polls and (don’t laugh…) the Nickelodeon kids election stopped matching the official results. Obama very likely just managed to win big enough in 2008 and 2012 to outrun the hackers. Hillary came close to doing the same, but not by big enough a margin for the electoral vote even though she won the popular vote by a large margin. Because of the electoral vote system especially, hacking can be focused on just a few precincts to be effective.

        Basically, our elections have not been reliable since those machines popped up everywhere after the first stolen election in 2000, so hand recounts became virtually impossible. They will continue to be uncertain unless every machine generates a paper backup that voters can check before leaving the booth and hand recounts become standard practice as a double check. That’s the most effective way to thwart vote manipulators, domestic and foreign, at all levels.

        Mandatory hand recounts of paper backups also will pick up on machine errors. Trump won the electoral vote by about 80,000 votes spread over a few states. That’s well within machine error. But without enough machines equipped with paper backup, recounts in 2016 were futile even if they had been allowed to proceed. Trump’s lawyers skipperdeed into court right away to block recounts in three states where such recounts were paid for by donors all over the country. That has to stop. Nobody should be able to block a recount. And donors should not be needed, the double check should be automatic and part of the normal cost of running the election.

      • Miss Melissa says:

        Yes, yes, yes and yes jwoolman.

        Everyone should watch the HBO documentary “Hacking Democracy.” It’s from the early 2000s and is terrifying. There are clips on YouTube now.

        Obama must have actually won HUGE numbers to beat it. Or McCain and Romney stopped the GOP machine from cheating.

      • mayamae says:

        @Miss Melissa, I saw a documentary on the polling machines, I wonder if its the one you’re referring to. The machines were made through an organization that had some sort of connection to Conservatives. They demonstrated how a vote cast for Gore not only went to Dubya, but also SUBTRACTED a vote from Gore. The poll volunteers were crying as they witnessed the demonstration, because they were sure the system was ethical.

    • littlemissnaughty says:

      Paul Ryan is quickly becoming the worst opportunist I have seen in my lifetime. What a despicable excuse for a man. Also, I think his face is melting. Probably the inner rot slowly rising to the surface.

    • Escaped Convent says:

      I’ve been asking this since the election. Can’t it be ruled null and void? Do we have to live with the results of a corrupt election? That is a dictatorship.

  7. KJA says:

    Man, my future grandchildren will never believe this shit was real when I tell them about it. Hell, I don’t believe it’s real and I’m living it.

    • Esmom says:

      I know. I KNOW.

    • frankly says:

      Right? My powers of denial are strong. If someone asked me who the president is I might honestly answer, “I don’t know.” I can know it, but the logic brain pushes back, “THAT CAN NOT BE TRUE. WAIT IT OUT.”

    • CynicalAnn says:

      Yeah-I hope we’re all around to have grandchildren.

  8. Mike says:

    Despicable human being. This a scene out of 1930s Germany

    • anna says:

      i hate nazi-hyperbole, but yeah. you’re right. at this point, can we assume the similarities are on purpose? he’s clearly advertising a dictatorship now. my executive power should not be questioned or limited, he says. it’s better than democracy, he says. and the children cheer. the people who actually experienced fascism in europe are dying off and it seems americans have forgotten how it was. i want to cry.

    • Tate says:

      This is one of the most disturbing things this pile of garbage has done and he has done a lot of disturbing things.

  9. Jenns says:

    Why would we expect anything else at this point?

    If you check out the Scout’s Facebook page, people are making their opinions known.

    • Esmom says:

      I hear you. But I think many people suffer from the same affliction I seem to have — still, despite all evidence to the contrary, assuming that somehow he might be innocuous or vaguely presidential.

      You’d think, even though he has no natural dignity or intelligence, it wouldn’t be that hard to read words that someone else wrote for him.

      • Miss Melissa says:

        And that assumption is how our nation will be destroyed.

        We have to fight to keep what we have. It is NOT a given. Our complacency has squandered it.

  10. Lee says:

    I am a mother of a scout at the jamboree and this broke my heart.

  11. ArchieGoodwin says:

    Yet, it’s still not enough. There is no bottom, he just goes on sinking the ship and no one who can stop him, seems inclined in any way to do so.

    They knew what they were getting. They wanted the power and they got it, and they don’t give a frack what he does.

  12. Rice says:

    Do you see the look of awe and admiration in that little boy’s face when he shakes Obama’s hand? Drumpf will never get that.

    • frisbee says:

      Yes I noticed that, that gorgeous little boy will remember that for the rest of his life, the moment he met a decent man who was a decent President and worthy of the respect given to him. That moment is what Trump wants and will never get in a million years off normal, decent people, and that’s satisfying in itself.

      • Giddy says:

        I could cry. I follow Pete Souza on Instagram. He’s a genius about responding to current events with pictures of Obama at similar events or times. In comparison, Trump always looks like a gassy, bloviating fool still hung up on the Electoral College.

      • Tate says:

        I follow Pete Souza too. Gives me a little peace in these turbulent times.

      • Jerusha says:

        trump doesn’t want respect. He wants salivating worship.

    • Jerusha says:

      President Obama posseses intelligence, grace and humility, words that will never apply to Monster-in-Chief.

    • lizzie says:

      Pete Souza’s instagram is advanced professional defcon1 next level trolling. I so look forward to his posts.

      • teacakes says:

        same, I hope he never gives up. Not least because people need the reminder that they had a decent and non-embarrassing POTUS once.

  13. Lolo86lf says:

    He was showing those kids how to be a bully. That what he did. Trump can’t turn off the hatred he carries inside.

  14. Enough Already says:

    Just thank sweet baby Jesus he wasn’t allowed near the girl scouts.

    • Larelyn says:

      The Republicans and evangelicals are waging war against the Girl Scouts of America. No Republican would dare get caught in a photo op with them, no matter how attractive they might think the girls (ugh). And you can bet we leaders would never give them the opportunity!! (Grumble…grumble… mama bears have NOTHING on scout moms… grumble…)

      • LittlestRoman says:

        In my metro area, the Catholic diocese stopped allowing the local Girl Scout council to hold troop meetings or sell cookies on church premises because of ‘values’. I cannot get over the idea that a bunch of girls learning self-reliance and building confidence is a threat to the ‘values’ of an organization that has a widespread (earned) reputation for tolerating pedophiles.

      • burnsie says:

        Really? Why, what’s wrong with Girl Scouts?

      • lolamd says:

        I don’t understand what is wrong with Girl Scouts of America?

    • Escaped Convent says:

      Enough Already, that is an excellent point. He would turn that into a Beauty pageant. Why aren’t Americans asking themselves if it isn’t weird and disturbing that the President runs a beauty pageant? I remember being creeped out by that years ago, when he “bought” the pageant.

      He’s a disgusting, leering pervert, stuck permanently in childhood. Actually, he veers back and forth between a three-year-old tantrum-throwing toddler who has never been told NO, and a 14-year-old drooling over Playboy centerfolds.

      And why isn’t America sickened by his behavior and attitude towards women?

      I have no doubt that, were he to be in front of a crowd of Girl Scouts, he would make his not-funny quip about “…..I’ll be dating them in 10 years.”

      I have now made myself so furious I need a 💊.

    • Moon Beam says:

      My daughter is a Girl Scout, and thankfully, they are a totally different organization. Very inclusive and empowering. I wouldn’t want Trump anywhere near my children!

  15. Beth says:

    This guy needs to get a clue. Ranting and raving about everything we see him bitch about nonstop, is pathetic. Using a speech at a Boys Scouts jamboree as a way to whine about his tough life is ridiculously unhinged. The boys should see a president who’s responsible and cares about the country, not a spoiled brat.

  16. Jerusha says:

    I’m one of those leftwing bleeding hearts rightwingers like to make fun of. I’m a very soft touch, but any lingering sympathy I had for trump cultists who will be hammered by his policies has evaporated. Eat dirt with your koolaid, morons.

  17. grabbyhands says:

    At this point it doesn’t matter if it was written by speechwriters or him going off script-the end desired end result took place. He is trying to indoctrinate CHILDREN into this insanity and the fact that he got 30K children to boo Obama and Clinton should be making everyone feel like throwing up. But it doesn’t, or at least nowhere near enough.

    • Honey says:

      Unbelievable. When children see the POTUS act like the biggest bully in the world, that’s so disgusting. He should be an example of maturity and responsibility, not how to be an immature bully.

    • Larelyn says:

      It’s highly likely many of these boys come from homes where the parents openly support Trump. The BSA aligns closely with conservative values (they are strongly influenced by the Mormon Church). Many, many fathers I know in boy and cub scouts were too happy to see President Obama leave office.

      The boys are young, hopefully they will mature into reasonable young men. Too many of the fathers are hopeless causes.

      • swak says:

        I know one young man who does not support Trump. My SIL’s brother and nephew were at the Jamboree and does not support them at all.

  18. Mermaid says:

    As a mom and a former teacher, I’m praying they get him out soon because our kids need to see bullies never win.

  19. Giddy says:

    This is how our Commander in Chief decided to speak to children. I find that I’m learning new levels of disgust for this man. He is such an unhinged lunatic that I truly fear for our country. I’m hoping and praying that there are those in Washington who are researching ways to limit his damage. As for the Boy Scouts, 30 or 40 years from now they will tell the story of being there when the President tried to turn the Boy Scouts into the Hitler Youth. I’ve had to renew my migraine meds early. *ouch*

  20. Jenns says:

    Honestly, what is going to happen to him at this point? Nothing. He could’ve whipped his d**k out in front of those kids and Republicans would still remain silent and vote for his policies.

    • Esmom says:

      Sadly I think you’re right. It literally doesn’t matter what he says or does.

    • Addie says:

      Yeah, but be relieved that it would have been too small for anyone to see. This man is such a disgrace, as is his family and all those around him. Mueller needs to find something that sticks, and puts the fear of God into the rest of those weak, weak Republicans who can’t see beyond their own ambitions. They represent no-one but themselves.

  21. virginfangirl2 says:

    EVERY TIME this man tweets or speaks I’m left baffled, disgusted, sad… I hope the day never comes where I am so accustomed to his nonsense that I don’t react with feelings of disgust, because that is exactly what I should be feeling.

  22. Sullivan says:

    May he rot in hell.

  23. Nancy says:

    I don’t know why people are shocked when a maniac acts as such. John Boehner just said Republications would never repeal and replace Obamacare. From his mouth to God’s ears. Trump knows how “harrible” (that’s how he pronounces horrible)…anyway, his health care proposal is, so is perfectly content to just repeal the bill that the Republicans have promised to abolish and REPLACE for eight years. This is a shining moment for us if and when his bill fails. I believe even his staunchest supporters are beginning to see that this is not what one would call a normal man. Win at all costs, no matter who suffers, goes bankrupt, dies or all of the above. He is a disgrace and I wish above anything else he would simply cease to exist. *I can’t stoop to his level and wish death upon him, so I would be amused if he was impeached and went back to being a reality show host, even though he sucked at that too.*

    • Jerusha says:

      ” He is a disgrace and I wish above anything else he would simply cease to exist. ”

  24. RBC says:

    So does trump write his own speeches? Because I can’t understand how anyone would consider that an appropriate speech for a group of children. Scary

    • jwoolman says:

      It recently came out that Trump didn’t even decide who got fired on Celebrity Apprentice. They had a display disguised on his desk that fed the decision of the producers to him…

      So no, Trump doesn’t write his own speeches. That’s not actually a problem, most do use speech writers with varying degrees of input and final approval from the speaker. But he keeps going off script to rant incoherently.

    • Addie says:

      He is functionally illiterate, so no.

  25. Valois says:

    So POTUS basically brags about sex parties in front of children?

    • Embee says:

      That was my hot take as well. Holy crap he just referenced a convicted sex offender/pedophile to boy scouts! Hekd him up as an example of success?!?!?!?!

  26. Honey says:

    Mental illness is a serious thing, and it unfortunately looks like our president may have a problem. His behavior in front of the world and now in front of innocent kids at the jamboree, is scary

  27. Guest says:

    What a horrid person this small man trump is. How can anyone call this vindictive, coward the Commander in Chief, or the President.

  28. Jayna says:

    How does he get away with this? He’s the swamp. I’m disgusted.

  29. kNY says:

    So disgusting. Anyone who supports him does so because they are racist. To act as if Obama’s 8 years were such a plight, and yet to see trump behave so wildly inappropriately in front of young boys…it’s racism. He is such a piece of garbage.

  30. Tig says:

    Good grief- the Repubs and Cretin in Chief should pray every night that Hilary doesn’t get hit by a bus. What/who else could they drag out for boo fodder? Sure, Obama, but remember, he actually WAS president-he’s a winner.
    I had to do the Cub Scout route years ago, and was very happy my sons decided it was not for them. But this? Joking about “yacht parties” to kids?? Wonder if Barron is a Scout?LOL!

    • jwoolman says:

      Kind of doubt that Barron is a boy scout. Otherwise I would expect Trump to be parading him around in his uniform. Melania has never mentioned it either.

  31. Svea says:

    Shades of the Hitler Youth rallies.

    • jwoolman says:

      According to one of his ex-wives, Trump kept a book of translated speeches by Adolf Hitler by the bed. It was a gift from his father, the guy who marched with the KKK. Maybe he kept it simply because his father gave it to him. But maybe he actually managed to read it.

      Trump has openly admired “strong leaders” Saddam Hussein, Kim Jong-un, and Vladimir Putin. He may be aware enough not to publicly add Hitler to the list, but considering his upbringing – I would guess he does admire the way Hitler operated. He certainly has followed Hitler’s path in many key ways: promoting fear and hatred of others, blaming certain groups of people for the country’s problems, “making America (Germany) great again”, demonizing political opponents, demanding personal loyalty inappropriately, and now aiming to enlist children in his personality cult.

      • Annetommy says:

        And the dreadful pair in Turkey and The Phiilipines.

      • Giddy says:

        Bigly is so open in his admiration of dictators. Now that he’s had a taste of the power of the Presidency, I think he wants more, like his dictator friends. He wants an oath of loyalty from the FBI director. He’s furious if a judge rules against him, and he wants Congress to give him what he wants, never mind if it’s what is best for the country. That would equal living in a dictatorship. I am so grateful for legislators, judges, and a justice department that will stand against this megalomaniac. The few Republicans who stand up against him will end up being admired. History will not be kind to the rest.

    • Heat says:

      Yep – that was my first thought as well…especially in the black & white photos.

      I mean, look at his outstretched (tiny) hand!

  32. Simpatico says:

    “Unhinged political rally”….absolutely the best headline of the day for this event!

  33. snowflake says:

    I can’t believe this clown got elected. That was just unbelievable. And then the way he talks shit about Obama and Hillary is just disgusting. Hillary has worked in public service for years . Having to put up with all the sexism that entails. She doesn’t deserve that. And Obama? That’s nothing but flat-out racism against him. The way the Republican party just lets him do all this stuff is just crazy. I used to have a little respect for the Republican party before but now zero. They keep letting him do all this unbelievable stuff just so they can Advance their agenda.

    I had faith in America before but this election really change that. Never in a million years did I think America would like a racist sexist piece of s***. Boy was I wrong.

  34. Nic919 says:

    Someone needs to invoke the 25th Amendment now. It’s wasn’t just that the speech was inappropriate for kids, it also made no damn sense. That stuff about Levitt was bizarre.

    It’s a disgrace for such a horrible hateful thing to have been elected.

    • Addie says:

      I agree. Trump’s actions go way beyond narcissism and learning disabilities. While Republicans back him, America has absolutely no hope.

  35. Wolfie says:

    Those poor kids. I was so proud when my daughter voted for president for the first time at 25 (a late bloomer) and voted for HRC.

  36. Annetommy says:

    The “17 years of Obama care” speech seemed to have been made in front of a bunch of worried looking kids, during which he bellowed “Obama care is death”. Deranged.

  37. Indiana Joanna says:

    That photo of the young Scout and President Obama is just gorgeous.

    • Pinetree13 says:

      His sweet face is priceless

    • teacakes says:

      I love the consistent shade Pete Souza has been throwing at Cheeto-in-Chief ,starting from his inauguration. And also the reminders that the US once had a leader who wasn’t a damn clown embarrassment to the nation.

  38. Lightpurple says:

    My heart goes out to the Jewish, Sikh, Muslim, and other non-Christian Boy Scouts in attendance who had to hear their president brag about how he is going to force them to say “merry Christmas”

  39. Heat says:

    Uhhhmmm…I don’t know about anyone else, but when I saw the black and whites photos, my brain immediately yelled: “Hitler Youth Rally”

  40. Tyrant Destroyed says:

    I watched the first photo and had a throwback Tuesday moment… Who invites that wacko to speak to the youth?

  41. Radley says:

    He’s so so so so unfit to hold office. Any office. Every day is a new disgrace. I can’t stand this man-beast.

  42. Lisa says:

    This makes me so sad. That’s all I can say.

  43. why? says:

    What happened at the Boy Scouts was a scene right out of 1984( 2 Minute Hate). The Boy Scouts could have easily be renamed Spies and Youth League.

    And who is to blame for the King of Lies and Fake News’ unhinged behavior at the Boy Scouts yesterday? The GOP because they keep turning a blind eye to every offense he commits, they make excuses for his bad behavior(he is new and doesn’t any better)or shift the blame to Obama, Hilliary, and the Democrats. The press because they keep showing up to the WH press briefings no matter how rudely the King of Lies and Fake News, Sarah, and Scaramucci treats him or how many lies they tell. Any organization that invites The King of Lies and Fake News to speak because by now they know what type of person he is.

    The GOP and The King of Lies and Fake News are destroying this country.

    Once again, The King of Lies and Fake News whines that the press is fake news and then he gets on twitter or does a speech in which he spreads fake news.

    What is up with Stephanie Ruhle? It seems like she is doing everything to defend The King of Lies and Fake News just to get into Scaramucci’s good graces.

    • why? says:

      Tom Price was also at the Boy Scouts, what happened to the investigation against him? Tom Price owes The King of Fake News a favor because The King of Lies and Fake News fired Preet B who was pursuing a case against Tom Price. The King of Lies and Fake News pushes Tom Price to get the nohealthcarebill passed when Tom Price was voting on laws and regulations that would make his stock in a medical company do well. This is the state of our country. The GOP and our own president are only looking out for themselves.

  44. Meg says:

    I have a narcassist brother who talks like this to his step kids. When I first witnessed it I was in shock. Bragging to one of them about how much money he had. She wanted a kid who wasn’t old enough to wrap her brain around large amounts of money but he didn’t know how to connect with her in a real way and wanted to impress her so he bragged. He ended up bragging to me a lot too. Narcassists want to control how u think of them because they’re terrified you won’t be impressed by them. It’s to distract you from seeing who they really are

  45. why? says:

    The GOP are such a disgrace. Grassley decided to hijack the Trump Russian investigation(he had the testimony of by launching an investigation into the dossier. The Senate JC is speaking to the someone connected to the dossier. The King of Lies and Fake News said that the GOP aren’t doing enough to support him.

  46. Doodle says:

    I am a Girl Scout leader in Austin Texas. We hd a small troop this year, and we try to stay away from politics, but we made it known we were going to the women’s march and when asked we explained the reasons why. The Girl Scout mantra is basically the epitome of girl power/female empowerment, and everything anti-trump.

    I was planning on putting my son in Boy Scouts this year but I am really second guessing that choice now, since I won’t be a leader.

  47. why? says:

    People were praising McCain last week and offering him their support and he repays them by trying to take away people’s healthcare and putting the lives of others at risk. What is wrong with these GOP senators? They also need to be held accountable for how they are creating chaos. Mitch McConnell went so far as to threaten those senators who want to vote no. As usual Rand Paul has flipped flopped saying he would vote for the bill. The GOP can’t keep arguing that they are doing this for their constituents because their constiuents want to keep Obamacare. The crazy thing is how the press keeps allowing The King of Lies and Fake News and the GOP to say that Obamacare is in a death spiral and failing. As Anthem pointed out, the reason why they decided to leave was because The King of Lies and Fake News was creating uncertainty with his comments about how he was going to withhold funds to purposely sabotage Obamacare. Putin is sitting back and laughing us because his plan is working perfectly. We have the dumbest president in the history of this country, he has the GOP so afraid of the dirt that they collected on them that they won’t do anything to stop The King of Lies and Fake News, and people like Scaramucci, Sarah, and Kellyanne spend their days putting out ridiculous lies because they are trying to make The King of Lies and Fake News feel better about himself.

    Scaramucci said that he was going crack down on leaks, yet Ivanka and Jared keep leaking things about Sessions to WaPo. The King of Lies and Fake News got on twitter and released classified information.

    • AmunetMaat says:

      Which is why I remained silent during that lovefest. It’s as if people forgot who McCain’s master is just because he received a jacked diagnosis. I called it last week, that this man has access to some of the best healthcare but he will screw over the American people.

      • Mermaid says:

        I’m so disappointed in John McCain. I was hoping he would revise his views and do the right thing and vote against this horrible legislation after his diagnosis. On another note, I saw on the Hill that Jared and Ivanka will have separate lawyers for the Russia investigation. Interesting…

      • jwoolman says:

        McCain should have had the decency to stay home. He had a good excuse. Instead he wants to stick a knife in the backs of other people with cancer and other expensive diseases.

  48. Escaped Convent says:

    I believe I see a Nazi salute in those pics. He does this all the time. He stands before a crowd, right arm raised in that familiar gesture. I don’t think I’ve heard anyone on any news network mention this.

    Why isn’t this shocking?

    • AmunetMaat says:

      Because they claim it’s not the Nazi salute. They try to gaslight you basically.

  49. JenB says:

    My older son is currently in cub scouts. It’s been a great experience for him. This is so disgraceful of Trump and yet I am not surprised. Nothing can be surprising from this man. A family member offered us tickets to see the commissioning Trump spoke at Saturday. In case the 100 degree temps weren’t bad enough, heeeeere’s POTUS!

  50. hogtowngooner says:

    I don’t understand people like him, who spend exponentially more energy trying to look like a bigshot than actually being a decent person.

  51. nicole says:

    I dont think there is anyone more hateful and despicable as that pig, he is the lowest there is, and he doesnt give two hoots about anyone but himself and his bank account.

  52. Guest says:

    Why can’t the press/news media stand to trump?? Not let him get away with the lies that are said about Obamacare, etc. we need some heroes in the press.

  53. why? says:

    Just imagine what could have happened if McCain had did the right thing, either stay home and let McConnell postpone whatever vote he is trying to acheive or vote “no” on the motion to proceed on debating MitchMcare(forcing Mitch M to work with the Democrats, focus groups, and medical community). McCain claims that he won’t vote for MitchMcare, but we all know what a flip flopper McCain is. What was the point in lecturing on bipartisanship if he was just going to vote to allow debate on the Mitchcare bill, which was created without the help of Democrats, focus groups, and the medical community, to proceed? MCCain is being praised for his speech, but actions speak louder than words. What a message McCain could have sent to Mitch M by voting no on the motion to proceed on the debate! What is wrong with these GOP? Will the press hold McCain to his promise not to vote for Mitchcare when he gives in and votes for it? MCCain would have been more effective had he released a statement , stayed home, and not showed up in DC.

    • why? says:

      I assumed that the vote to proceed was for MitchMcare, but according to the press, the GOP and McCain have absolutely no clue which version of the nohealthcare bill that they voted to debate on today. Will it be TrumpRyancare, Housecare, MitchMcare, or MitchMTedCruzcare? This is why McCain’s lecture about bipartisanship was a total con. McCain voted to proceed on debating a healthcare bill and he didn’t even know which bill he was voting to debate on.

  54. themummy says:

    I would have expected to see more about this on the news, but I have seen nothing except a short mention of it. Even then, all that was mentioned is that he gave a speech and a quick mention that he talked about the election. That was it. This should be all over the news. What the hell…?

  55. LADIABLA says:

    OMG, he said this to children. FFS, what is wrong these GOP senators?! And why isn’t the press all over this? We need this insufferable a**hole out NOW!!!

  56. robyn says:

    If there’s anyone who doesn’t hold the values of the Boy Scouts it would be Trump but there he was being his despicable self. And yet people support him. It is baffling and mind-numbing that Trump won the election in the first place. Anyone can see who he is. Sometimes I think him winning the election was a huger hoax than we yet realize.

  57. Jerusha says:

    Weird, Ils seems to have disappeared, like poof, but our responses remain.

  58. notasugarhere says:

    They’re moving ahead with debate and vote tonight on health care. McCain flew in special to vote to ALLOW it to happen, instead of being human and humane. Call your Republican Senators now, all night long, and make their lives hell.

  59. Baltimom says:

    Boy Scouts of America, soon to be renamed the Young Pioneers:

  60. robyn says:

    Why is anyone supporting this awful man! Trump seeds mixed-messages, exaggerations and outright lies and divisiveness wherever he goes. He displays all the bad traits we hope our children never exhibit. Yet there he is at a Boy Scouts event where the audience hoots and hollers like a bunch of idiots at whatever he says. Above all I blame Trump supporters and ignorers for putting this terribly unfit man in the highest office. America has lost its way.

  61. Casey says:

    are those clips from a Goebbels film? what the FFFFFFF is happening?