Lady Gaga’s new Malibu neighbors hate her because she’s got a crazy rooster

Lady Gaga seen performing on the main stage at Coachella weekend 2 Day 2

If you follow me on Twitter, you’ve probably seen me tweet about the situation in my backyard. I live in a suburban area, but there’s some farm land, a golf course and unspoiled wilderness close by. As such, I often get animals in my yard. Groundhogs are constantly around. Right now, it’s deer season, and a family of deer have been hanging out permanently in my yard for weeks. Add to that the fact that I’ve got new neighbors, and they brought along a bunch of chickens and a rooster. The rooster missed his old place when he first moved in, and he cried night and day for several weeks. He’s chilled out a lot since then, so we’re simpatico now. The chickens though… they literally climb the fence and hang out in my yard for a day-trip. They were hanging out in the deer lounge the other day too. I feel like I’m in a Disney movie sometimes. It’s wild working from home.

All of this to say… I relate to Lady Gaga’s neighbors. Apparently, Gaga moved into a new Malibu estate and she’s turned part of it into a chicken farm. Her neighbors hate her rooster. I feel you, neighbors.

Lady Gaga bought her Malibu beach estate for $23 million in 2014, and since then the singer has turned part of it into a farm. Now, Life & Style has learned her neighbors are not too happy about it.

“Gaga’s roosters have been waking us up at the crack of dawn!” one complains to Life & Style. “We have a newborn baby, and he can’t get any sleep because that rooster is squawking away.”

The 6-acre property came with a two-lane bowling alley, a saltwater swimming pool and even an eight-stall horse stable.

“We don’t mind watching that beautiful white horse of hers walking around the yard,” the neighbor tells Life & Style, “but that rooster never shuts up. Who has chickens and roosters? She doesn’t live on a farm. This is a multimillion-dollar residential beach neighborhood in Malibu.”

[From Life & Style]

I feel like a rooster expert now that I’ve dealt with my rooster neighbor, so my guess is that Gaga’s rooster will calm down after a few weeks, when he becomes acclimatized to his new surroundings. I actually find that I enjoy his squawking now, when he does squawk. But yeah, those first few weeks were terrible. Then again, if I was living in a multi-million dollar Malibu property, I would be completely pissed off too. Only peasants should have to deal with COCKADOODLEDOO all day long.

Lady Gaga and Christian Carino go 4th of July shopping with her mom

Photos courtesy of WENN, Backgrid.

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45 Responses to “Lady Gaga’s new Malibu neighbors hate her because she’s got a crazy rooster”

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  1. HelloSunshine says:

    Kaiser- the chickens climb the fence and go into your yard?! Where I live, they’ll get snatched up by hawks or foxes for that kind of foolishness 😂

    I’m so sorry but the grocery store pictures are.. not flattering. I spent a solid minute looking because I didn’t think it was actually her. I need more coffee to be nicer about all of this I guess lol

    • Esmom says:

      I also think she looks unrecognizable in the grocery store photos, weird.

      Sounds like she should have moved to the actual country. Although six acres is huge! You’d think that would be big enough so that the neighbors wouldn’t be bothered.

      I love hearing stories of Kaiser’s menagerie on Twitter, always entertaining!

      • Belle Epoch says:

        Whoa! That tattoo looks like the worst varicose vein ever. Remember kids… what looks cute today will look like a melanoma in 20 years

      • Lady D says:

        Six acres is a massive amount of land. I can’t believe neighbours can hear the chickens/rooster.
        My neighbours got a rooster 2 years ago. For the first 3 weeks or so, I’d be woken bright and early and the song ‘Guess Who’s Coming to Dinner’ would be going through my head.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        This story doesn’t make sense. Malibu is VERY rural. Roosters aren’t uncommon (and horses, etc). I’ve frolicked with some baby goats in Malibu (they were so precious!).

        There are parts of Malibu that are more suburban than others, but if she has multiple horses, she’s not in that area.

    • poop says:

      Yeah…she’s grocery shopping. She doesn’t need to look good for anyone.

      • HelloSunshine says:

        Yea I’m not saying she needs to be all dressed up or anything. She literally looks like a completely different non-Gaga person. Like something is different about her face? Even without make up and stuff, I usually recognize her.

      • lisa says:

        I have stared at this for a long time and I just don’t think it’s her at the grocery store. Completely different face shape, cheeks, jawline, lips….I know the tattoos match, so I am super puzzled.

      • amilu says:

        It’s her.

      • Tania says:

        For me, I find that her face is constantly changing. Subtle changes. I don’t know what she’s doing to it but sometimes she looks like herself and other times she looks like a different person. I don’t understand.

    • swak says:

      Thank you HelloSunshine. My daughter has chickens (not allowed to have a rooster) and we have a top on the coop and run because of the hawks and owls.

      • HelloSunshine says:

        I hope their owner wises up! My friend has chickens but, like you and your daughter, they have a top to the coop, mostly because of the crafty foxes that run around our area.

      • AnnaKist says:

        In my suburban area, the council will not allow roosters. My previous next-door neighbours were wildlife rescuers, so we were used to hearing all manner of animal noises from sick, injured or orphaned wildlife. Then they got some chickens, and I suspect, a very young rooster. We’d often hear his lame attempts at cockadoodledoo-ing, and eventually, he got it going full-throttle. It didn’t really bother us, since we were either very heavy sleepers or very early risers. However, someone complained to the council, as we have very strict noise-pollution laws, and suddenly, no more rooster. Then we got new neighbours, also pwildlife rescuers and herpetologists. All was fairly quiet until they had children a few years ago. I like children, but kind of wish the rooster was back…

      • LInabear says:

        @AnnaKist LOL! 🙂

  2. Kat says:

    – got
    + is

  3. Snowflake says:

    I’d be pissed too if I lived next to Gaga. Wtf? She’s not old McDonald, and she’s not on a farm. I hate noisy neighbors

  4. Babs says:

    Your place sounds like heaven.
    I love animals but roosters are the worst.

  5. Franklymydear... says:

    OMG! Neighborhood roosters are the worst!!! When we lived in LA, our neighbors had a rooster and several chickens and they were noisy little beasts. All. Day. Long. They would fly over the fence and hang out in our backyard. Our little black dachshund would chase them all over the yard until I opened the fence and shooed them out with a broom. Classy. And I lived in a decent neighborhood but nowhere near Malibu…I’d be furious too!

  6. Linabear says:

    Can you tweet/ post some pics Kaiser? That sounds so cute to watch.

  7. poop says:

    Moving into a house in 2014 isn’t just moving in.

  8. Beth says:

    No neighbors of mine have roosters, but there are sandhill cranes slowly walking or just standing in streets and yards here in Florida. If my bedroom window is open, I wake up with one of them peeping in and loudly honking at me every morning. No need for an alarm clock. HONK,HONK! Time to get up

    • amilu says:

      When we first moved here (a little rural town in TN), a couple of guineas took up residence in our yard for a few days. I’d never even seen or heard a guinea cock before, but I assure you I would take a rooster ANY DAY over that sound!

      It was literally non-stop and right outside my window for days.

  9. emma33 says:

    I’m a really light sleeper and have spent a few years living in Indonesia, so I feel their rooster pain. During the day I don’t mind, but it’s when they start up up 3.30am that I go bonkers. The problem is that at that time of night everything else is really quiet, so the crowing just cuts throught the air like a knife!

    That is a fairly large property though,so you’d think that the noise level wouldn’t be TOO high. My solution was to wear ear-plugs and then seal them up totally using blue-tac! Works pretty well. Gotta love blu-tac.

  10. Ninks says:

    So I read this headline as she has a crazy roster and I thought that meant she was coming and going at all hours and keeping them awake at night playing loud music or something. This is not the story I was expecting.

  11. Patricia says:

    This is kind of hilarious. My sister once lived in a valley on a Caribbean island (yes amazing), and across the valley was a family farm. The acoustics of the valley made it sound like the farm was right next door.

    Every morning at the crack of dawn the goddam rooster would start. Every time it would crow, the ten other livestock animals would respond. It would sound like “covkadoodledoo” and then all together “baaaah meeeeh moooo grunt”. It was so crazy and annoying. The only consolation: once you got up and made your coffee you could go sit on the porch and look out across the Caribbean Sea from the valley. So… I’d take it haha.

  12. Sleepy says:

    The neighbors are fooling themselves. “Residential” in Malibu isn’t like LA — Malibu is basically the country, or at least as country as you can get in CA. Sitting on six acres she’s definitely zoned to have animals and she’s definitely not the only person in Malibu with chickens.

  13. Jordan says:

    My love for her has come back around. I just finished AHS Hotel while on vacation with my family and I’m so mad I didn’t watch it before. She was perfect 😭
    My tangent for the day <3

  14. justcrimmles says:

    Aww, I miss having a family of deer roaming my yard! About a decade ago, we lived way out in the country, and there was frequently a doe and her two fawns that would come and play in our yard. So cute. And our cats would watch from the windows, these two baby deer playing around. It really was like something out of a Disney movie 😍

    One of the neighbors had cows, and they would occasionally run through the yard, too. The cats were much less thrilled about them. My baby cat (who actually was a kitten at the time) would get so riled up, watching these cows running through the yard. This little pipsqueak, on her hind legs at the screen door, watching the mini stampede and hissing, spitting, going to complete fuzz. And the cows, completely oblivious to her complaints.

    I do feel for Gaga’s neighbors. My parents have a neighbor with a rooster (much closer than six acres away) and he is confused about how to rooster possibly. Crows whenever he feels like it. Which is basically all the time. Country life tho 😏

  15. Julaho says:

    I also have a rooster and I give my neighbors eggs to apologize. I hate him though, he’s mean and crows all day. I’m conflicted because most people would kill him but I can’t bring myself to kill an animal for being an animal. :/
    And before you jump me about getting a rooster, he was suppose to be a pullet- his name was Mama June until he started crowing 😫

  16. MC2 says:

    My city has a no rooster policy. You can have chickens any where & I have had to stop my car & shoo chickens back into their yards but no roosters. I am very glad right now about that ordinance. Chickens- yea! Roosters in a city to wake the kids and I am buying an air horn to visit your house at 5am. 6 acres is much different from our .11 acre lots in top of each other though.

  17. Wren says:

    6 acres is pretty big. There are usually rules about how far away animals must be kept from property lines and what types of animals you are allowed to have, for the express purpose of dealing with this situation. I’d think the Malibu area would have pretty strict ordinances about noise pollution and animal keeping, but that might depend on the zoning. Roosters are usually not allowed.

    I live in the country in a very rural area. There are livestock all over the place. My livestock make a racket at morning feeding time and I’m glad I don’t have close neighbors, especially city folk. A fancy new development is going up near a couple family owned dairies, and the complaints on the smell and the noise the cows make are pretty funny. Well, you DID buy a house next to a dairy, what did you expect? It’s always amusing to me how grumpy people get about agriculture, like nobody has to eat.

  18. nicegirl says:

    We have chickens in the neighborhood. It’s Portland. But sometimes I forget.

    A few weeks ago I had a major senior moment when I looked into the backyard from the upstairs window early in the morning and saw a rooster bobbing along out there. It was so unexpected, I totally freaked out. I started yelling to the kids and the man, “OMG, there’s a fricking ROOSTER IN THE YARD!! OMG you have got to see this, get up here!” all crazy like, so they all run up. The youngest looks at the eldest and says, “I guess this is Mom’s first time seeing a rooster outside of the zoo.”


  19. adastraperaspera says:

    The deer in our yard hang out with the turkeys. It’s very sweet to watch them commune. We can have two chickens per household, but roosters are not allowed. As for noise, I once had a neighbor with peacocks, and they go around making a noise akin to a human screaming when being murdered. It drove me crazy!

    • amilu says:

      The farm on the backside of our 13–acre property has peacocks, and I LOVE to hear them from that distance. I don’t think I could handle it any closer, though!

  20. Shirurusu says:

    Haha, give me a rooster over a techno-playing neighbour any day! My former neighbour was an out of her mind techno beast, her boyfriend was twice her age and on heavy drugs, and they’d put bags of trash outside of their apartment for days, stinking up the whole building. My current neighbour is a little lady in a wheelchair and I am so happy! Would not mind if she had a rooster to boot lol! Hated living beneath a techno freak, the baseline travels through the floor and makes everything rattle.

  21. PMNichols says:

    I thought everyone in California woke up early to eat bark smoothies and go hiking. Get over it Malibu.

  22. Hazel says:

    Chickens are all over Oahu. No natural predators. I found a nice, quiet neighborhood in Honolulu to live in, and I’ve got roosters crowing at night in the park across the street.

  23. magnoliarose says:

    My brother lives near Malibu in rural Topanga Canyon which has similar terrain but hilly without the beach and more trees. It is much more rugged and it impossible to know what the nearest neighbor is doing because it is isolated. You truly can’t hear anything except coyotes at night
    But where she lives is flat and more populated but with added acoustics and no barriers. A person moving to Malibu where she lives is not expecting roosters to be an issue.

  24. Nic919 says:

    Your tweets when the rooster first moved in were hilarious. (Even though I know it wasn’t for you as you were living that). I wasn’t sure if the rooster would make it out alive so I am glad that he has calmed down and that you guys are cool.

  25. paranormalgirl says:

    We have chickens and a bratty rooster in the Bahamas, as well as goats. They’re all noisy little curs. But you get used to it and having the fresh eggs and milk (and cheese) is so worth it.

  26. Erica_V says:

    I wonder where they are on the property that even with 6 acres they are close enough for the neighbors to hear him…