Winona Ryder covers the November issue of Marie Claire UK. It’s lovely to see her back on magazine covers, isn’t it? Winona is promoting the second season of Stranger Things, which comes back on October 27th. CB mentioned that when she saw IT, it felt like a pale imitation of Stranger Things, so IT basically worked to hype the second season. This profile is pretty nice to her, and she comes across well – more of a quirky loner than an affected weird girl. It helps that – in my opinion – Winona’s quirkiness is genuine. She really IS weird. And it’s great. You can read the Marie Claire UK piece here. Some highlights:
Her parents: “We didn’t have a lot of money. But the love compensation was amazing. My dad would make little things exciting, like bringing home Rolos. There’s that saying, “you find your family,” but I would have chosen them even if they weren’t my parents. They’re my best friends.’
On her life outside of Hollywood: “I’m not in any way comparing myself to Daniel Day-Lewis [who recently announced his retirement from acting], but you do become interested in other things.’ So, Ryder became immersed in the study of constitutional law, sitting in on lectures at Berkeley College – ‘There were a lot of laws that I disagreed with’ – and for a few days even joined environmental activist Julia Butterfly Hill, who was spending two years living in a redwood tree.
She worries about the child actors on ‘Stranger Things’: “I’m grateful that I got to start at the time I did. As much as I love it, I don’t know if I would even have become an actor [if I was starting out now]. I wouldn’t know how to [handle it]. I do worry about the massive exposure at that age. Millie [Bobby Brown, who plays the enigmatic Eleven] teases me. I’m like the old grandma.’ She adopts a wobbly voice: ‘What are you kids doing?’ She laughs, thinking of the occasion she mistook the Snapchat messaging app for some kind of snack: ‘“Snack chat? Give me a piece of that!” I’m like the confused older person [on the set].’
She’s a fashion non-conformist. ‘I think it’s ridiculous that you can get in trouble for wearing the same dress again. I wear things over and over because I like them. Look at the economy. Should we really be out there saying that you’re not allowed to re-wear something?’
Where she’ll be in 20 years: ‘I honestly don’t know if the world is going to exist then. Everything is changing so fast. I’ve never been very strategic. I think if you try to be strategic, you just end up failing.’
She’s still not interested in social media: ‘People who I really respect talk about “relevance” but I’m like, “I don’t care, leave me alone.”’
I worry about the kids on Stranger Things too, but not in the way Winona is worrying… at least publicly. She knows what it’s like to be extremely famous at a young age and she barely made it through those years. Imagine what it’s like for Millie Bobby Brown right now, not just with social media, but with stage parents, being the family breadwinner, being pushed to do so much now that she’s a star. It makes me uncomfortable. I want Winona to take Millie under her wing, but that would probably be inappropriate.
As for the rest of it… “I honestly don’t know if the world is going to exist then.” Me too, Winona. I’ve stopped making plans.
Cover courtesy of Marie Claire UK, photo courtesy of Getty.
That cover looks NOTHING like her!
I was just about to say! Is it the smile or just bad Photoshopping?
I would not have known who that was, ever.
Thought it was Angie Harmon. Or the Rachel woman from she’s all that, that Freddie Prinze jr. Movie.
Hahaha…came here to say the exact same thing. Come on now!!
she is a gorgeous woman there is absolutely NO NEED to change her beautiful face!
Wait. That *ain’t* Angie Harmon on the cover? 😏
Somebody’s had, uh, some work done. Or lots of photoshopping.
Definitely photoshop to make her look like a telenovela actress. With the work she’s had done you can still recognize that it’s Winona.
Yes, it’s ‘shopped beyond recognition!
Yep came by to say that! It’s been photoshopped to death! The photo below this article is the real her!
Wow that looks nothing like her. I thought the lady on the cover was a actress I see in LifeTime Network movies.
I love her as acting. STANGER THINGS,
Yeah that is… not her face.
I see Jennifer Beals.
+1 — I’d be pissed if I were her. This cover looks like a cgi avitar version of WR, and a bad one at that!
I am a sucker for velvet and now I want to see the dress she’s wearing in all its glory lol
The phuck did they do to her face?
She looks like a holligram.
Okay but what about her new face?
yep. saw the header pic and was all “who on earth is that?”
What did they do to her face????
Glad to see Winona on a magazine cover but there is way too much retouching going on with that cover. Eek.
+1, great that she is back on a cover. She is a beautiful woman and shame on Marie Claire for seeing a need to photoshop her into oblivion.
She looks like Lara Flynn Boyle on the cover before she effed up her face. There’s also a crazily photoshopped picture of her in Entertainment Weekly. Unrecognizable. She’s so beautiful there’s just no need for it. And she seems to be aging naturally, which is so rare in HW these days (if she has done anything it’s very very subtle) it should be celebrated not erased.
I’m really looking forward to that movie she recently filmed with Keanu, although there’s no release date, nor much else on its imdb page.
That cover though – I wonder who has been (re-) inventing what at Marie Claire to greenlight that.
It looks like they used the Kardashian make-up on her.
I have always loved her – she has great style which i can’t replicate 🙁 Same goes for Helena Bonham Carter – great quirky style.
please let this be airbrushing/photoshop etc and not fillers.
I remember when I first moved to America I discovered that it was an incredibly embarrassing thing to wear the same outfit two days in the row. I thought that was ridiculous, it’s just clothes and yet, it’s true.
The whole fashion industry would collapse if people realized that they are manipulated into buying more new clothes. Of course the greedy manufacturers would continue convincing us that we MUST update our wardrobe every season. In reality, only some of us like constant change and variety. Most are happy with good staples that they would wear for many years. And the fashion victims who buy clothes on CREDIT? It’s just sad.
They made her look like Mandy Moore?
Just watched The Age of Innocence again and Winona is so pretty (and still is gorgeous) and Michelle too.
I love her, hopefully we’ll get to see more of her after Stranger Things. Also, what did they do to her face in the cover?
Oof that 20 years comment feels very true. About a month after the election I told my sister how I felt like years in the future aliens will look back on Nov 8th as the beginning of the end for Earth.
Winona still looks very beautiful. Why shop her into looking like Olivia Munn? Olivia is pretty but Winona is Winona. 🙂
That’s not Winona Ryder.
YIKES, that is some bad photoshop. I didn’t recognize her either.
Also, same about not knowing where you’ll be in 20 years. I think she sounds pretty fun and grounded for someone who has been in the business forever.
WOW. I actually did not recognize her AT ALL on the cover. Even after I realized who it was *supposed* to be, I stared and stared and I still don’t see her there. I have no idea why they photoshopped her like that.
she does strike me as little bit, how to say in gentle manner – as u said “she is weird, which is great”. But i feel her weirdness comes from the fact that her mind is (rather) closed? Would you agree? There is only as far your past learnings can take you. If I am correct, I fear that as she gets older it will-be quite difficult for her to comprehend the world even more, leading to isolation and loneliness and potentially bitterness. Hope she will open up and accept the world for it’s beauty too. Or! I am getting her completely wrong because she keeps her cards close to her chest as a true intorvert and childstar jaded by the world and the press.