“Jason Priestley once punched Harvey Weinstein in the face” links

Raising The Bar To End Parkinson's

Jason Priestley once punched Harvey Weinstein in the face. [Dlisted]
As I get older, I appreciate Dave Grohl more and more. [Pajiba]
Laura Dern’s leather skirt reminds me of Janet Jackson’s Rhythm Nation. [LaineyGossip]
Diane Kruger does look great here. [Go Fug Yourself]
This UPS story is awful. [The Blemish]
Is Carter Oosterhouse a sex predator? [Starcasm]
This is a great Real Housewife headline. [Reality Tea]
Selena Gomez & Justin Bieber had a gross & sugary date night. [Wonderwall]
This husky is not getting into the spirit of Christmas. [OMG Blog]
I mean… didn’t we already know that the Pentagon spent money looking into all of those UFO sightings and such? [Jezebel]

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35 Responses to ““Jason Priestley once punched Harvey Weinstein in the face” links”

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  1. Chaine says:

    Jason Priestly, apropos of … nothing … kind of sounds like he got into a drunken tussle — nothing to do with any sexual harassment or anything, why does he think we care?

    • Happy21 says:

      LOL, I only care because it’s the only physical attack against Weinstein that we’ve got!

      • The Other Katherine says:

        Right?! A punch in a serial sexual predator’s face is still a punch in a serial sexual predator’s face, regardless of motivation. Imma take it.

        Downside is I now feel obligated to go watch something with Jason Priestley in it.

      • milla says:

        Same. Brandon Walsh saved this day. Any enemy of HW is a friend of mine

      • QueenB says:

        But he didnt punch Wankstain for being a predator. This was a typical douche bro fight over nothing.

    • Luca76 says:

      I think it’s appropriate to note he didn’t open up about this issue. A friend of his surmised he was blacklisted because he’d punched HW in the face but didn’t give details. JP just provided the circumstances and details.

      • Amy Tennant says:

        To Chaine’s point, yeah, sounds like it’s not relevant to Harvey being a sex offender. To Luca’s point, I agree with you, and it sounds like it’s to JP’s credit that he’s providing context so the story doesn’t make him out to be some kind of crusading knight that he isn’t. To Happy’s point, yeah, I’m happy to hear about anybody punching the jerk.

      • Esmom says:

        Even with the context he provided, I still feel like I don’t get the full picture of what really happened. But yeah, it’s great that he punched him.

      • Addison says:

        If this is why his career did not take off that is a shame. I never really watched 90210 so I don’t know if he is a good actor. I’m sure Jason is the the first person whose career is sidelined because of some powerful executive.

        Sexual predators have to go but Bullies should be right behind. No grown man or woman should be a bully. If they are they need a time out from whatever career they are in until they think about what they’ve done.

        And it’s nice that HW was punched in the face. The reason does not matter.

    • tealily says:

      No, nothing to do with sexual harassment, but speaks to HW being an a**hole.

      • QueenB says:

        of course he was always publicly a bully but that doesnt mean Priestley should get any props for getting violent.

      • whatWHAT? says:

        he “got violent” because HW grabbed him and suggested they “step outside”…which usually means “let’s fight bro”.

        he was trying to leave, after being TOLD to leave by HW when HW stopped him, physically. and gripped him more tightly when he tried again to leave.

        sounds like he had a right to “get violent”. You never hear anything bad about JP, do you? makes you wonder why someone who’s rarely in the gossip pages and known as being a nice guy “got violent”, doesn’t it?

    • QueenB says:

      Yeah this does make me think less of him. It wasnt that he stood up for someone. He got into a stupid fight about nothing and then sucker punched him. How does that make him cool? He is a violent drunk.

      Thats like punching Trump because he took your parking spot. Doesnt make you a hero, just an aggressive douche.

    • Raina says:

      I care because that bitch got hit in the face by Brenda Walsh’s twin brother. I care very much and feel very good about this.
      They could’ve been arguing over Canada’s penchant for mayonnaise. All the same to me if the end result is a rapist getting a fist in his face. And why judge someone over responding to a question anyway. I mean, I get being sensitive in life. I don’t get self righteous hyperbole. Let’s no go to the other extreme.
      And ANY reason Trump is punched works for me.

  2. elle says:

    He looks like Russell Crowe in that pic.

    • KBeth says:

      My thoughts exactly & not in a good way.

      • Andrea says:

        Give the guy a break. He’s 50! I think he looks great. Also, he’s a really nice guy … I’m Canadian too … we all know each other up here!

      • Esmom says:

        I agree he looks great for his age, far better than many. I was a 90210 fan back during its original run when it was “must see TV” with my girlfriends, so I’ll always have a bit of a soft spot for him.

      • whatWHAT? says:

        Andrea, I’m with you.

        I STILL would, yes indeedy.

    • Cranberry says:

      I thought it was Russel Crowe too, although he seemed to be younger.

      Agree @Andrea, He may not look as pretty boy as he used to (while Crowe was never a pretty boy even at his best), but he looks good. His eyes are bright. His skin is radiant. He’s the best looking version of Russell Crowe I’ve ever seen.

      • whatWHAT? says:

        consider also that he’s not as pretty as he used to be because of his racing accident. I seem to remember he had some facial reconstruction.

        but still pretty to me.

  3. Jerusha says:

    Agree that Foo Fighters were the best thing about SNL, but jeez, I wish Colbert would continue Letterman’s habit of having Darlene Love do Christmas(Baby Come Home). Nobody does it like her.

    • lightpurple says:

      I looked forward to that Letterman Christmas show every year. The Jay Thomas Lone Ranger Story. The football toss at the Christmas Tree and then Darlene Love closing it all out with Christmas (Baby, please come home.) I agree that Colbert should carry on that tradition while living legend Darlene is still singing. I usually dig up all the old versions of her doing it on Letterman and post them on Facebook. The cast of musicians and back-up singers supporting her from year to year was amazing.

    • ravynrobyn says:

      OK, I HATE to admit I know this, but…for the last three years Darlene Love has been singing her glorious ‘Christmas (Baby Please Come Home)’ on The View. Fantasia joined in last Friday, it was AH-MAZING and was the only thing that put holiday spirit in my disillusioned and broken heart.

    • Jerusha says:

      My plea was sort of just answered-Fallon just showed a filmed segment with Darlene Love singing Christmas! Yay!

  4. Megan says:

    Someone needs to make a movie and cast all of the people whose careers were destroyed by Weinstein.

  5. Amy Tennant says:

    I adore Laura’s skirt. I would wear that skirt on a regular basis. Also I would rock the heck out of her hair, makeup, and dress in Star Wars: TLJ on a regular basis. She was fantastic.

  6. sunnydaze says:

    Maybe I’m soured because of all the cheating and drama around Kevin Hart, but I really took issue with his opening monologue. Something about talking about his reluctance to have another child with his wife (He said something to the effect of, “I have 2, a daughter and son, the best of both worlds, and I told my wife those are your children too”) really annoyed me, but maybe I”m feeling protective of his 1st wife – no, Eniko, those are not your babies, and it’s perfectly ok for a step-parent to want biological children of their own. Also, not super thrilled with this idea of dads as the “fun” parent, and moms aren’t/can’t be fun. But aside from that, I found the Foo Fighters to be the best part…although there was one joke in the Shaq bit about “Look at you with that long body and little arms…you look like the letter F just came to life!” For some reason, I lost it laughing!

  7. Pandora says:

    His face is so swollen… reminds me of alcohol bloat a bit.

    • AppleTartin says:

      his face is swollen due to the fact he went face first into a wall racing years ago. He never got his perfect face back. I’m a big 90210 fan and I read his book. Which was a snoozefest. He should of added this story to be interesting.

  8. foofs says:

    Diane’s dress looks like a bathrobe. Not impressed with the hair, either.

  9. All_Damn_Day says:

    Our kids made us watch the Xmas Light Fight or whatever (hosted by Carter) and my husband was like “who is this dude? He looks like a weirdo…”. Then again,he says that about most tv hosts 🙂