Us Weekly believes they have some gossip about Meghan Markle and Prince Harry’s wedding. Do they? I don’t know. I’m enjoying the fact that American tabloid media is pretty excited about an “American princess” but I still don’t know if legit royal sources would speak to Us Weekly. People Magazine? Sure. E! News? Absolutely. So just read these highlights from Us Weekly’s cover story with the idea that this is probably just royal fan-fiction.
She’s already chosen her wedding dress designer: Apparently, her favorites were “J. Mendel, Elie Saab and Costarellos.” A source says: “The wedding dress designer has been chosen.”
Meghan gets her way: Though the Buckingham Palace events team is “helping with logistics and security,” says a source, and Markle’s close pal, stylist Jessica Mulroney, is offering input, the former Suits star has a “huge say” in every detail, says the source.
Clean & simple: Markle has made decisions on decor — it will be clean and simple with “subtle touches of color,” says the source, as both she and Harry, 33, feel the beauty of the castle’s St. George’s Chapel shouldn’t be hidden — and food. The menu, says a source, will be “less British” than the lamb, potatoes and veggies Kate and Prince William served.
Whether Harry’s exes will be invited: “Both [Meghan & Harry] will be going through the list carefully. Don’t expect to see Cressida Bonas invited —the two didn’t remain friends— but do not be surprised if Chelsy [Davy] shows up with a date. The two have remained friends long after ending their relationship and still keep in touch to this day,” a source told Us. “She congratulated him the minute the engagement news was announced. Meghan would have no problem with her being there and Chelsy was on the preliminary list of friends to invite.”
I could see that too, that Chelsy gets an invite. They were so close and they had so many break-up and make-up cycles over the years. I thought Cressida and Harry remained somewhat friendly though? He went to see her in a play months after they broke up, although that’s not a guarantee that she’ll get invited. Kate did the same thing for her 2011 wedding – she refused to invite one of William’s ex-girlfriends in particular (Isabella Calthorpe, who is actually Cressida’s sister).
As for the wedding dress designer… there’s a rumor going around that Meghan has already chosen… VERA WANG! Which would be interesting, I guess.
Cover courtesy of Us Weekly, additional photos courtesy of PCN and WENN.
I would feel ambivalent about my fiancé’s ex girlfriend(s) being present at my wedding. That’s kind of weird. How is Chelsy Davy going to feel seeing her ex bf walking down the isle with some else? She should be the one at Prince Harry’s arm, not that American girl.
Would you oppose any woman who is not British or do you just oppose “American girls”?
Sorry to burst your bubble, but he chose “that American girl.” 😆😆😆
I don’t mind Meghan, but I always hoped that he would get back together with Chelsy.
They were adorable kids. But she would never listen to the protocol. She’s a party gal and i can see her being his friend.
It is possible to stay friends with someone you grew up with. You don’t share romantic emotions, but you love that person. Also, why wouldn’t Chelsea be friends with Meghan?
It’s amazing that anyone still believes the made up narrative that Chelsy was a party gal.
Various news editors have admitted setting up that narrative to play her off the pristine Kate. The same Kate who was out at clubs 4 times a week, drinking something called a crackdaddy and teasing Harry about her ability to drink him under the table, but who somehow came out of it smelling of roses.
Meanwhile the ‘party gal’ studying for Economics AND Law degrees in 2 different countries, and if you pay attention to the pictures used to paint her as a ‘party gal’, you’ll notice that they are from few events / nights out.
Harry rolled with a hard partying crowd in general.
Bridget: Not disputing that when they go out they party hard like most people in that young adult age bracket do, but the specific Chelsy and Harry party couple narrative is a media fiction. It’s on record that it is a fiction in how it was sold to the public.
To extent that when William publicly admitted to partying harder than Harry in an interview with Matt Lauer, no one believed him.
There are frequent stories of William drinking to excess and being a nuisance in various establishments during the same time frame whilst Harry is diligently getting on with Sandhurst.
Long after he had reduced his alcohol intake and or partying in public, the party prince articles were being published even if the accompanying pictures didn’t match upto the articles.
Indeed, Both Wales boys rolled with a hard partying crowd – and I am thinking way beyond just their romantic partners. But they were also in their early 20s, it’s not like they were ditching spouses, kids, and jobs, to go out and hit the clubs.
William’s partying was under reported by the media but in no way was Harry’s partying exaggerated. The dude was wild. The two facts aren’t mutually exclusive.
Enough Already: When various news editors of mainstream newspapers confirm on camera that they did indeed exaggerate the ‘Wild Harry’ stories and used the pictures taken from the same event in months of made up articles or simply implied party antics in perfectly innocent pap pics taken out of context in order to perpetuate the ‘Wild Harry, party prince’ narrative they had created, i’m going to believe them.
They are not saying that Harry was a saint, but they are admitting to exaggerating the information they had to extent that they fabricated stories. Ditto Chelsy.
Harry was thrown under the bus to make his brother look more serious. But one was as bad as the other. And Kate was papped coming out of a pub much more than Chelsy. Chelsey studied law and even articled for a firm. She has now started her own jewelry line.
I wasn’t comparing Davy to Kate. And party girl is not offensive in my world. I have two University degrees and i was able to go to a party and take exam and pass with flying colors. Chelsea wasn’t a girl who wanted to be like Kate. To wait for the ring and sit around, not to mention to change her lifestyle. And she wasn’t the one to hide her feelings, her fights with Harry weren’t discreet.
Chelsea still parties. And yes, even the biggest party animals can get the highest education.
It is pretty clear that all of them drink, Kate and her sis included.
LAK provided links to fascinating documentaries about the practice of making Harry look bad and the behind the scenes maneuvers of tabloids and their agendas. Even the problematic man who was once in charge of public relations for Charles.
Billy has to look good. There would be a meltdown if anyone knew the truth about William.
I know for a fact that he was a heavy social drug user. He was in tight with the coke crowd. I know it because someone who was connected to that circle told me he had a nose like a hose and yet they made Harry go to a rehab when the story was taken out of context and largely a lie. About Harry. William, on the other hand, was drinking to excess, cheating on Kate, she was hard partying and not working because SHE was the party girl, not Chelsy by a long margin.
I am not shocked and know rich kids party like that. Some do anyway. He was close with Tara Palmer Tomkinson. Very close. Not Harry.
In my mind, he was young and spoiled, but nothing he did warranted pearl-clutching, yet the public would not see it that way.
This is why the BRF shrugged to his choice of wife. He has earned his opportunity by taking it for the team over and over. Now that they are adults I don’t think Harry wants to play that anymore. He was always closer to the family. Always friendlier with the Yorkies and his cousins. He is the one who was a soldier and was good at it. He still does things for veterans. Underreported. But that is to be expected. He was called stupid even though he was dyslexic when William wasn’t lighting academia on fire and was more like his mother.
Harry isn’t perfect and has his problems, but so much of what is believed as fact is pure myth. I wouldn’t be surprised if Chelsy just didn’t want to have her character assassinated for life or that Harry understood that. He was acutely aware of keeping Meghan hidden for as long as possible.
As you can see by the vitriol, he was correct to do it.
Milla: i understand the point you are making in your second comment, and i am not one to say that partying and gaining qualifications are mutually exclusive.
However, my point was that in a media driven narrative that pitted her against Kate, that label was specifically used against Chelsey in a way that was unfair, inaccurate and made out that she did nothing else.
As we know the reality of these 2 ladies was opposite.
Me too, I always rooted for them and I like that she remained friends with him and other members of the family. Even though their relationship is long over, I still think it would be weird if Chelsy Davy actually goes to the wedding. Maybe sit this one out!
@ LAK, I think it was called a crack baby. I remember because when I read what was in it, I was like, yeah, I’d drink that.
Chelsy Davy is Zimbabwean. Why should Harry have married his first girlfriend?
Yes but she is white! Why don’t these racist assholes just say what they mean? Oh yeah, because they are huge cowards.
Thank you Nello.
I get sick of their fragile feelings and shock and dismay when they are called on it. WE SEE YOU! Like we are the meanies when we hold up a mirror to their own racism when the problem IS their racism.
#Time is up for bigots too.
Regarding Chelsy Davy; Let. It. Go!!
Thank you. So much.
A-freaking-men. It seems pretty obvious that Meghan’s foreignness to many of those asking why he couldn’t have chosen an English bride isn’t so much about her being an American as it is about race.
I do not think necessarily that those who like Chelsy are racist. I have always been Team Chelsy. And there was nothing racist about that.
I too let go since the engagement was announced. I should root for people who make each other happy and better themselves together 🙂
@LAK. — no kidding! I am with you. I like Chelsy, but she decided she didn’t want the life, right? Nothing wrong with that; it shows self-awareness, logic and wisdom. Not everyone marries their “first love” anyway! This isn’t a 1950s musical. Luckily, Harry found someone to love who is up for the work and so far is doing well with the scrutiny.
Ps/ many people like to “party” at that time of single life and beyond, in any city or town. But not many “party girls” obtain law degrees, work in law firms, then start their own jewelry companies, eh?
This isn’t Jane Austen’s day when suitable brides must be at home mending church kneelers or trimming hats, folks. Chelsy is fine. Cressida was fine. Meghan is fine. Love works out as it’s meant to.
She isn’t English and for real African and there is irony in their somewhere I am sure.
What do you mean this isn’t a 50s musical? If La La Land could be a thing then Beyond Borders; The Very True Love Story of Harry and Meghan can also be a thing. What have you against Broadway and the West End? Eh? Musicals are the manna of life.
Oh oh and you besmirch the good name of Jane Austen too?
I thought I knew you Libby. I thought I did.
*single tear streams down my cheek*
@magnoliarose, I observe very strict rules about the musicality of any given situation. While some may wish to impose a Tommy and Zaneeta kind of high school first love forever a la The Music Man upon Harry and Chelsy, and while I can buy into the Sadder But Wiser Girl For Me theme from the same musical to promote the utter rightness of this current match, I am wary of the whole Phantom of the Opera tinge some may see as the prince of naughtiness luring an innocent into his treacherous sideshow.
Additionally, while I can accept that we have been traipsing through some Austen country (observes moment of silence in respect) with regard to the Miss Bingley-like machinations of our own Mrs Middleshanks, and can equate Elizabeth And Meghan in regard to quickness of mind, and high spirits,
I have to remind you there are some Flying Elvis promises to consider for Sixer.
So…….. we are on new romantic turf, I think. 🙂
I always thought Chelsy just didn’t want the job and restrictions that would come along with marrying Harry. It’s not surprising that they are still friends
I think Kate may realize by now that she doesn’t really want the job herself, but she’s stuck. Her mother might have wanted a royal in the family, but it’s quite possible Kate really just liked and loved the guy. Women have done stupider things when in love… But she’s more of an introvert and uncomfortable with public speaking and talking with strangers. That doesn’t make her a bad person, but it’s a problem when the wife of a prince is assumed to be a twofer and people keep yelling at her reluctance to “work” at what for her is a difficult and miserable job even though it looks easy to outsiders. She may not have realized how mismatched she was for the job until she was in it. The whole twofer idea for the Prince’s wife, like the FLOTUS idea for the US President’s wife, is sexist to the core and needs to be tossed. Women should not be expected to be an appendage to their husband’s career.
Meghan should do much better. She’s an actor and has experience with public speaking and doing interviews and talking with gobs of strangers, so she has the experience to know if she’s suited for the job that comes along with marrying Harry and the confidence to mold the job to her own preferences.. They both also were older when they met, which helps quite a bit.
As stated above, Chelsy is from Zimbabwe. I don’t know how that makes her any better than an American girl. Also, SHE (Chelsy) broke up with Harry. I don’t know how people miss that part after YEARS of that story on repeat. It was she who realized it wasn’t the life for her. This is why Harry continued to stress that he needs to find someone he loves but also who is willing to take on the “job.” From the looks and sounds of everything, he and Meghan are made for each other. They look in love and when they are working they seem to make each other better.
Fanfiction. Chelsy got tired of the humiliation of being cheated on. She realized Harry was a great guy who does boneheaded things. She was his first love and they remained good friends. End of.
Psst…The OP doesn’t mean American, she means “Black”. Vile racist says what?
Haha! I do think there was a racist undertone, however, there was also some staight up ignorance. Assumption that Chelsy’s skin color made her British is someone who’s also ill-informed. Two, pushing Harry and Chelsy tells me that the OP had no clue why they broke up. Not only was it a very good reason, but it was Chelsy’s choice. It wasn’t this traditional (anti-feminist) story of a woman pining after her prince. Quite the opposite.
@Hh thank you for stating this,it rings very true.Black and dark skinned peoples can be citizens of northern/”white”countries and white/light skinned peoples can be African,middle eastern etc.Thanks for reminding us of how ignorant so many can be.I include myself in the sense that I would have missed the potential racial undertones to the OP comment.
Many people of color get this treatment. There was just a story in the news recently when Trump asked a Korean-American woman where she was from. He wouldn’t accept that she was from New York. It’s another way of “othering” people of color.
The Korean thing was cringe.
I have been the recipient of ignorance.
I have shocked people when they discover that I am Jewish. It isn’t something I advertise publicly, and for a long time, it was because I wasn’t sure what I believed. And I am very private. Usually getting any details from me in conversations in like pulling teeth until I trust someone and we become real friends, not social acquaintances. I have never been ashamed or anything, but just it isn’t my nature to divulge. My name wouldn’t be a clue either.
Because of it, the tone of their shock is sort of offensive. Like if you knew you would have treated me differently or OHHH you maybe would have watched your language. I can see on their face trying to recall if they ever said something bigoted to me.
I feel like they want to say BUT YOUR NOSE and YOUR HAIR and…or because I am somewhat frugal (fiscally responsible thank you very much) and not willing to spend on stupid stuff and am always a hard negotiator and business-minded, they want to say I KNEW IT!
So many people have those ideas of who is supposed to be what and where and they are often wrong.
I could never picture Chelsy Davy doing public engagements. She may be well educated but she is in the fortunate position to be able to ditch her law degree and become a ‘jewellery designer’, because she lives off her very wealthy parents.
I also read that Chelsy made some very indiscreet remarks.
Why do you think Harry should be with someone he obviously doesn’t want to be with? (Hint: if he wanted to be with her, he’d be with her. Contrary to what Tumblr believes, famous wealthy powerful men can’t be forced into marriage. If Harry’s marrying Meghan, it’s because he wants to be with her. Period.)
Chas was pushed into marrying! As in “you are over 30 and you need an heir”
Chas was/is a wuss. He could have/should have pushed back.
Not disagreeing with you Busybee
Yeah but that was a very long time ago (long before I was even born) and an heir to the throne has particular responsibilities unique to his position. And he was forced by his family to marry someone, not by Diana herself.
There’s no way anyone’s forcing Harry to get married against his will, as certain people are convinced.
The Tumblr narrative that every single hot male celeb on the planet is somehow being “forced” and manipulated into a relationship by their usually far less powerful, often non-famous SOs, is pure fantasy.
Re: Prince Charles and pressure to marry- that was 35 – 36 years ago aimed at the heir to the throne from parents who were/are influenced by Victorian & Edwardian principles and values. Prince Harry is the 2nd son and not truly in-line to inherit unless Prince William removes himself and his children out of the line of succession. Harry and Charles “live” with different constraints and in time periods, so to speak.
Wait. What? Who thinks Harry was being pushed into marrying Markle? And why? And how?
It’s rather simple, he decided to marry her. Is it gonna last? Is it match made in heaven? Is she gonna fit into royal life? Is she gonna wear offwhite or white or beige or whatever on her wedding day? Are they gonna have kids? Are they gonna have two kids? Three? Who knows, but he made a choice. He’s freaking Prince. She didn’t put the ring herself and said she was gonna marry him…
Diana’s grandmother was American, Frances Ellen Work. Do you have a problem with her too?
:-). I award you 20,000 bias-buster points.
You better stop with those facts if you value your life. lol
Chelsy isn’t British either.
@Lolo86lf: Seems you’re in the need of some gentle correction.
1. “That American girl” has a name – it is Meghan Markle.
2. Chelsea Davy broke things off with Harry due to a number of reasons, his hard partying and infidelities, the constant media intrusion into her life, and her desire to pursue a law degree instead of becoming a royal appendage. She is currently running her own locally-sourced and supportive jewelry business which helps sustain the local economy and focuses on giving women jobs.
3. Princess Anne’s son married Autumn Kelly, a Canadian. Would you refer to her as “that Canadian girl”?
Your observation is completely skewed in any number of ways so do some research before you make such a baseless comment.
Clearly both Harry and Chelsy decided they weren’t meant to be together. Why would she be upset that he is marrying someone else? And I’m akways amazed when people come out of woodwork saying they always wished Harry and Chelsy had stayed together. I used to follow the Royal Forums and other boards and the general consensus even then was that it was going love and it was never going to go the distance.
Yes, I remember reading the posts on royal message boards disparaging Chelsy. Ms Piggy was cheap, unrefined and not suited for royal life. Now, it’s she was perfect for Harry!
Lolo86lf, you still there? [crickets]
LOL what? Do you have a problem with Americans? Why should Chelsy be at his side? They were young when they were together and she obviously didn’t want that kind of lifestyle. All signs point to it being CHELSY who moved on from Harry.
Wow, LAK, you act like such an expert on these people… people you’ve never met… and don’t know personally. Yeah…. unless you were personally friends with them in those years, you have no authority or place to determine whether or not Chelsy was a party girl or not. So what if she was? She was young, wealthy and dating a prince. If she wanted to party every night it was her choice.
I think the Posh English social scene is so small and incestuous that plenty of people have watched their ex’s walked down the aisle on the arm of someone else. If they didn’t invite ex’s, they’d have no friends at the event.
Harry in the olive(?) coat is the best he’s ever looked imo. She adds to his sex appeal.
I love his coat but can she let go of his sleeve? Ever?
It’s her fiancé, she can hold on to his sleeve if she wants to, for as long as she wants, and I doubt he’d mind.
@peeking in – Hi, Jessica! I have a suggestion for you too: can you lay off the Botox? :p
People other than Jessica think that the pearl-clutching over the sleeve-clutching is overblown.
Rhys – you think I’m Jessica? So basically Jessica has been posting on celebitchy since 2010? I just think this “clingy Megan” narrative is bull!
She’s been thrust into a role where she is being scrutinized every moment and people are waiting for her to fall whereas Harry has been doing this his whole life. If she’s clinging to his sleeve, I don’t blame her one bit. It could be an anxiety thing and he’s her ‘safety line’. I’d probably do the same to my man in that situation. So judgy.
I’m one of those who thinks Harry is fairly average looking, but I agree–he’s looking much better since he got engaged.
She does. She makes him look sexy and mature.
Us Weekly was sold to American Media, owned by David Pecker, ally of Donald Trump. Reporters were let go, and sources dried up. So, no.
Yes, I won’t be buying that rag.
Correct, I definitely wouldn’t take anything they write seriously. All of their sources as you stated have dried up.
I keep saying this every time an US Weekly story is cover here. Their cover now looks like In Touch. So unless these stories are coming People or E!, it’s all fiction from now on.
Isabella was invited to the church, BUT her then boyfriend Sam Branson was not. Considering all the Bransons were invited, it’s led to salacious gossip about why Sam was not. And it’s gossip about Willuam rather than Kate.
Here she is at the Abbey. Invited only for the church, but not the reception.
Sam broke the number one rule by speaking publicly about William’s wedding. He referred to the whole thing as “a sycophantic circus” and said more important things were going on in Haiti, Libya and Japan. William reportedly blew a fuse. Richard and Holly Branson were invited. Isabella was added back to the church portion of the invitee list, probably after William calmed down.
From what I gather, Sam’s statements were made AFTER being left off the guest list, not prior.
Rumour has it that public ribbing from Jemima Khan about Kate’s weight disinvited her from the wedding too.
Mind you, at the time, there was beef between Camilla and Annabel so i think that’s the reasons the Goldsmiths were left off the list.
Can you spill the Annabel tea?!
Maybe something went down non Isabella related? Interestingly, Harry didn’t attend Sam’s wedding although he and Sam were and presumably still are great friends. Was Harry truly busy? Did he want to avoid fanning the Harry/Cressy wedding flames? Did Cressy want the wedding kept low-key for her sister’s sake? Did she want Harry away from Natalie Imbruglia – one of Harry’s on and off fwb?
LAK – haha! Both William and Kate have had their share of (semi) public pettiness, haven’t they?
There’s something between William and Sam, and I don’t think it was over a girl. The wedding snub was really public, and Harry not attending Sam’s wedding, despite dating the bride’s sister at the time, speaks volumes.
It absolutely is over a girl. William wanted Isabella. Another story that was played down because you can’t have a jilted heir. William has his mother’s volatile personality and is beyond spoiled. His mother favored him, and he has her penchant for casting himself as a victim in every situation and using it as an excuse.
If you ever watch him in interviews with Harry, his behavior is always off, and there is a petty undertone to his interaction. More than an older brother but some jealousy. He can’t be happy with all HE has, but he should be able to live like Harry and keep all the perks of being the heir.
His behavior with the press is an example. How long can the press killed Diana be an excuse when Diana courted the press and used it for her purposes. They were aggressive, but she helped fuel the obsession.
He couldn’t have Jecca or Isabella. He couldn’t have women of his own class, and it isn’t because of the fishbowl entirely either. It is because of him. Yet he doesn’t think it could be his personality.
Sam has more money, and he got the girl.
@magnoliarose: I take all of that with a huge grain of salt – Isabella ran with it to make that her calling card to try to make her acting career happen (spoiler: it didn’t). I don’t doubt that he made a play for her and she declined, but I disagree that she was “the one that got away”. I’d say more “one of the ones that got away”. The women in that family have REALLY solid media connections, and you can see it in her media profile. Similar to Cressida, in fact. Because again: Harry didn’t go to Sam and Isabella’s wedding – something was up. Reportedly William and Sam used to butt heads a lot.
I absolutely think she was “one of the ones,” but had approval from the BRF. That is why I mention Jecca too.
But after thinking about it, I believe it is someone(s) unknown. He is a cheater, and we have never really known their names so who knows.
Inviting for the ceremony but not they reception seems fine to me, though I would’ve invited any of my fiancé’s exes. I wouldn’t invite any of mine either. What is the point? I find it strange to even think that your exes should be invited!
And yet William invited something like 6exes to the reception. Only Isabella was excluded from it.
I think unless people are truly still friends it’s a bit unusual,however the whole inviting the ex seems very much an aristo thing imo But to each their own.
@LAK, for some reason I feel that Kate has always had the patience on an elephant and knew when to pick her battles. The girl waited them out for years, seeing her boyfriend on occasion once every few months. That says a lot about her. Maybe, she’s decided that they’d walk down the aisle and have a good party. Once the ring was on her finger, she deleted every ex of his from Willy’s phone book. And changed the locks in their apartment in Kensington 🙂
Spicecake38: i once knew a girl in highschool who dated the same group of boys who were outwardly very good friends and always hangout together. One after the other. And managed to remain friends with all of them. It always boggled my mind.
Rhys: You are touching on a truth. Have we seen Kate near any of William’s exes AFTER the royal wedding? Heck, she stopped attending the parties and gatherings after she got the ring. Job done. No need to continue to pretend to like them or the situation. Throw them a bone to the wedding and afterwards, basta!!! 😁
It’s possible for someone to tolerate a partners’ friends and that doesn’t make you a phony or opportunist. If William’s friends were rude or snobby to her when they were dating that’s all the more reason to purge them from your circle once you’re married and focused on your own family. Kate and William both have a small, tight circle of friends, some of whom overlap. I see nothing here to criticize.
LAK – here’s one for you: I knew a girl who dated five brothers over the course of four years and married one. They are still married, two kids, happy. Everyone moved nicely on. All married, all tight friends.
I shared a house during my last two my university years and one post U year of grad classes with three other girls and five guys, and there was some switcheroo dating among us but no tears or fights; everyone remained friends and had each other’s back. Whatever works for the people involved. I have gone to the weddings of two exes, it was fine and I was delighted for them.
That Isabella is gorgeous. Is she an actress?
Fun fact: She’s not the only actress in the family. Their most successful acting sibling is Gabrielle Wilde who plays Caroline Penvenen on Poldark.
Seriously? She’s gorgeous.
Yes she is very beautiful, and Isabella could have been the future Queen if she wanted to. William definitely wanted her over Kate. I also believe that Kate was not keen on Cressida as Harry’s partner because Isabella would have come closer into the picture, and the York sisters were trying to set Cressida up with Harry.
Royals seem to have no issues inviting exes. It is a reward worth a great deal of social gold payable upon having proved your discretion and not sold your story to the media. Chelsy seems a lovely person and has been friends with Harry for over a decade. I never cared for Cressida’s antics so no big deal if her invite gets lost in the mail.
For the most part, they date within their social circle, so they have interacted with their exes a lot over the years, and their parents’ families would be part of the larger social circles of the older royals.
True. The interconnectivity is vast/deep.
What antics?
A bunch of fan fiction. I don’t think Chelsy will be there and neither that she is prospecting for dresses at David’s Bridal.
David’s Bridal lol!
And whatever happens with exes, it will be Harry’s decision. I really dislike the “controlling fiancée” angle that blames the women for everything.
She will wear British designer. I’m 100 percent sure.
I’m with you. All their public outings so far have her in English, Canadian, and Welsh designers and stores. There is no way on the day she becomes Princess of the Realm she’s going to pick an American designer. She’ll pick a British designer for every bit of it.
I agree. She knows that it would create unnecessary controversy if she didn’t pick a British designer. Her choice of clothing at the Wales visit shows she is conscious of these issues already.
She might as well pick a British designer, it would be a nice gesture. And let’s face it, there are only so many ways the bride will look in a royal wedding–long sleeve, short sleeve, fitted, ball gown, fit and flare, etc.etc. Meghan’s not going to be wearing a braless Carolyn Bessette slip dress or some bombshell low cut dress. I hope she wears something pretty and flattering even if it doesn’t please everyone.
Or Canadian one as a nod to the Commonwealth. Perhaps Australian, where they might honeymoon.
If the engagement gown was any indication, the wedding gown will be of epically princess proportions. If it’s not Vera wang or Elie Saab, it will be a british designer who can truly do princess right… quite possibly Ralph & Russo again.
If Meghan were to choose Vera Wang I would be so disappointed. Peak 90s Town & Country magazine with Carolyne Roehm and Lucy de la Falaise features inside lol.
Agree. I love the idea of Ellie Saab. Something more fashion forward and less “done” than Vera Wang, please.
Agreed. Please let it be Saab.
I think this is Vera Wang’s PR people. She isn’t quite a thing anymore.
i really want meghan to wear an american designer. i know she’s marrying into the BRF but we americans have gotten very little from her in terms of fashion. she keeps wearing canadian brands. i would love for her to wear american with a tiara – blending of old and new worlds.
However, vera wang is a bit… uninspired to me. everyone with a little bit of money in their pocket wears vera wang. i want a carolyn kennedy bessette/narciso rodriguez thing to happen.
I totally feel the same about a Vera Wang choice. Uninspired is the perfect word. She makes beautiful wedding gowns, but if you have the money to go for something/someone a little more unique, then do it.
I will never forget Carolyn Bessette in that lovely Narciso Rodriguez gown–it was so graceful, and drop-dead simple. She was a vision.
Why would Americans expect anything ‘from her’? Let’s not forget it’s the British tax per that supports the BRF’s lifestyle, and their job is to support and further British culture and business – this now includes Megan.
Ya, I don’t care. She’s American. Wear American. It would be cool. She has the rest of her life to wear British things.
Seriously! This is a bizarre line of thinking. She’s not a US ambassador, and this isn’t a Hallmark movie about an ‘American princess’. She’s marrying into a role as much as a marriage, and that role is to represent Britain/the BRF.
Being popular in the US never hurts their standing on the world stage. All that PR and heightened profile is a good thing.
… I don’t think anyone is saying otherwise? There’s a difference between being popular in America and being beholden to America’s expectations for ‘their’ princess.
Meghan wearing an American designer wedding gown would be the biggest mistake she could make. She may be American now but her job is to be British and to support all things UK.
Unless she wears American to the ceremony and British to the after party. Sort of the metamorphosis of American to British citizen/patron.
I am sure that there will be some American touches to the wedding, not sure if it will be the dress though.
The coverage of Royals and their exes at weddings seems to be driven by two things. One, Charles inviting Camilla and how scandalous that whole scenario turned out. Two, the average individual’s conception of dating and exes. In the case of Charles, I get why people feel a little uneasy about exes being invited. However, his was a special case. He was in love with Camilla. He and Diana were married based upon expectations at that time. The Royal family has learned from that (boy, have they learned). In regards to the latter reason, Harry and William have a smaller social circle than people think. They know a lot of people, but form close relationships with a discrete few. Many have been their friends since school days. They dated within this circle as well. Many of their relationships—however short lived—were friendships prior to relationships and their exes were going to be around either way due to already being in the clique. So, these aren’t standard breakups of “I go back to my friends and you go back to yours.” I’m not sure if this eases breakups ir makes them worse, but I thought it was worth mentioning. This is why exes being invited to weddings, isn’t necessarily scandalous for William and Harry.
It’s simply out of desire for another angle to write about.
And Charles wasn’t pining for Camilla at that point. That was just a re-write.
Exactly Bridget.
Charles in love with Camilla at his wedding to Diana.😂😂😂😂😂😂😂
This is one of the best PR rewriting of history. Evah. It’s up there with Gloriana.
And the funniest bit about it is that the victim, Diana, is the one who created this BS story because of her obsession with Camilla to the exclusion of the other mistresses and women that Charles was dallying with.
It allowed Charles and Camilla to rewrite their history as thwarted true love’s affair, and i guess it helps that all parties that can contradict it are dead.
And by parties, i don’t just mean Diana.
For whatever reason, Diana seemed to detest Camilla in a way that she didn’t Charles’s other mistresses. And of course, Camilla and Charles turned out to be a genuinely compatible couple.
I was only made aware of Kanga and how Diana was friends with her in the last few years. It really puts a wrench in the public narrative of the Charles and Camilla love story. The PR did its job there.
And Charles and Camilla are sticking to the PR rewrite. No need to mess it up.
Kanga was also at Charles’ wedding.
I think exes should stay in the past.
Couldn’t agree more. Why the hell should the exes be invited to your celebration of a union with another person? So weird.
Yeah, me too! I don’t get why anyone would invite an ex to their wedding. Unless maybe you had kids with the ex and wanted to make kids happy. It’s just weird to me
My exes were ex for a reason, I didn’t like them anymore. That’s just me.
One of my bridesmaids was my husband’s ex. It certainly raised some eyebrows among the older guests, the thought of it still makes me chuckle! 🙂
Oh and my children’s step-mom was a guest at our wedding!
I am prepared to be underwhelmed by Meghan’s wedding dress, especially with Jessica Mulroney involved.
Yeah, Vera Wang is the least interesting way to go, if the report is right. Yawn.
I agree, I don’t want to see a basic dress. Loved her engagement one, hoping she goes glamorous!
haha, me too!!
pippa’s dress would have been beautiful on meghan, with the up and coming designer and little tiara to match. i loved that whole look. i like meghan but i’m not getting a good feeling by everything being leaked.
My expectations are low.
Same. I can’t wait until Meghan moves on from Jessica as her stylist.
Seriously, it’s like Kate with her assistant taking over as stylist (and she has zero taste!) with the stylist’s husband as their chief photographer). Nepotism much? Kate needs a PROFESSIONAL stylist who knows her business, not an ex-assistant who’s skills are sorely lacking. Some of her outfits could be amazing, with the right accessories/jewellery.
Agree. Hopefully that’s not the case, but Mulroney’s personal style is always fucking awful. Even with money and access, she always looks budget or day-shift-hooker-in-Reno.
P.S. I think a couture Vivienne Westwood would be fantastic 🙂
Can it be J. Mendel, Westwood, and Rodriguez?! No Vera.
Lol! I just hope no Stella. And yes, bored by Wang.
I would like to see a Valentino dress.
In the past, I would have agreed, but Valentino has been a tragedy lately.
Why would anyone want x relationships looking you in the face in your most Intimate moment of pledging your life to your partner!?! At least it was that feeling for us. We remain civil with x’s but we didn’t want any of them there. I guess I don’t get it. Only exception I see is a x that you have children with and you want one big happy family. That wasn’t our situation though.
Why does everyone automatically assume that exes are in some way a threat? My exes are my exes for good reasons, but that doesn’t mean I hate them. My ex-husband would certainly be invited if my boyfriend and I decide to get married. He’s the father of my son, we’re friendly and occasionally he’s with us for holidays (he’s friends with my brother also). I don’t think it’s a big deal.
I would not feel threatened by exes, but that doesn’t mean I necessarily want them at my wedding. I don’t see why not wanting exes at your wedding means you are threatened.
Also, I think your situation is a little different. In a way, your ex is still very much part of your family.
But this situation is very different, all of you are just ‘ordinary people’. If Chelsy attends the wedding it will be all over the news on the day as she clearly has a fan base who feel that she of bottle blonde hair and blue eyes should have married the prince. I think both Chelsy and Cressida should be left off the guest list, they are no longer very close friends of Harry.
If Cressida isn’t there, it’s because HARRY doesn’t want her there. With the way things shaped after the fact, it would appear that she dated him in order to give herself a higher public profile to kick start her acting career (which has been about as successful as her sister Isabella’s) and he did NOT seem happy about that.
She still floats that narrative out there. She tries to milk it even now, but she lacks talent AND charisma.
Oh come now, you act like ‘The bye bye Man” wasn’t a triumph! /s
I i agree.
I think coming from these small aristo circles, like Harry does, you end up dating some of the people you essentially “grow up” with. I find it weird and incestuous but to each their own. My exes will by and large be left off the guest list at my wedding.
All this “inside information” on the royals never ceases to amaze me. Where do you all get it from. 😁
I’d feel a little weird about having an ex (either mine or the man I was marrying) unless we were all friends. I’m not saying I’d flat-out forbid it, but I’d like to at least get to know the person on a friendly level first. But that’s just me, different strokes for different folks.
I’m the same way, I wouldn’t want my exes or his exes (and we didn’t) but I know of other people who didn’t mind.
I wouldn’t either. But they are inviting 800 people (I think) so they might not mind that much.
I wouldn’t want an ex I had or he had once been in love with and had romantic memories with, attending our wedding. I also wouldn’t want to go to the wedding of an ex. That would be so uncomfortable
No inviting the exes. It looks weird and these exes would be tagged Camilla 2.0.
The rest of the guests:
No Middletons except Pippa and James and only at the reception. “Incontinent” Uncle Gary is a no go.
Meghan’s exes especially the husband trying to sell a TV show about a guy whose ex wife marries a British prince and they share custody of their son. Meghan does not have a child from the previous marriage, but claiming the show is not about her? Sure.
Meghan’s backstabbing half siblings and “friends” who sold her out to the media for quick cash. Enough said.
Trump – definitely not. The wedding is not a state occasion and Harry is not in line to be King. One year after Trump’s inauguration and people still march against him. The queen is not going to want such scenes around St. George’s Chapel. And the UK government needs to stop pushing Harry and Meghan to keep Obama off the guest list.
The British govt is stuck between a rock and a hard place on the Trump vs Obama because Trump is strangely and viscerally obsessed with Obama. He is determined to undo anything Obama touched even if it cuts off his own nose to spite his face.
Therefore the Obamas being weddings guests would be read by Trump as a slight regardless of the many logical reasons it is not. And that would be bad business for Britain.
Of course if we had better politicians who would stand in their conviction to tell Trump to eff off and sod the consequences, the question of wedding invite to the Obamas wouldn’t be conversation at all. It would simply be an invitation to friends.
I am willing to bet that if Harry invited all the former presidential couples still living to his wedding and excluded the Obamas, and perhaps the Clintons, Trump would be fine with it.
@LAK, agreed. Trump will definitely not be invited. I’m convinced that both the Obamas will be invited and Michelle will go, but Barack will gracefully decline citing some prior commitment and/or security concerns. That will save everyone’s face, as far as possible.
I’m sure they will invite the Middletons. Just the parents and the siblings. It’s close enough family to Will and Meghan will probably get to see them now often as well,so it would be strange if they won’t be there.
I have one ex I’d want to invite to my wedding (If I ever get married) and we only dated 4 months. I don’t understand the big deal. It is not like he is going to cheat with an ex if he is marrying you.
@LAK – kissing up to Trump makes the UK government look weak IMO. Cowering over a guy who bailed on the US embassy dedication because he’s afraid he’ll be booed and picketed? Besides there is no guarantee he will honor any trade deal between the UK and the UK. I think Trump knows he’s not invited to the wedding and Obama is (May gave him the bad news) and that’s why he blamed Obama for the “bad deal” for the embassy sale. Some reporter asked May the other day if Trump should be invited to the wedding and she said she’s not responsible for the guest list. She knows who’s on it because the government advises but the final decision is left to Harry, Meghan and Buckingham Palace.
I was invited to my ex-boyfriend’s wedding and it was fine and warm all around. We had already had double dated with our respective fiancees. My family did their flowers (from their well known 100 yr business) and I was at her house beforehand. She asked me to keep the photographer at bay at the house, I helped her arrange her rose crown, stuff like that. I was truly happy that he had found his person. But I also left soon into the reception, simply by choice.
(Ex’s and wedding invites-my story). I had a long time boyfriend but we were very young. Both at same Uni(same high school too) .I wanted more freedom so it ended. We were just too young it was very sad and reality hurt on both sides. I truly loved him. I guess I hoped that we’d reconnect when we were older. That wasn’t to be.
We kept in minimal contact (to this day 30+ years later I get a happy Birthday email/card) – when it came to his wedding, I joked about where my invite went. He said , He couldn’t make it down the aisle if you (me) were there. Made me very sad for bride and very sad about my youthful decision.
I am glad Harry found the right one for him- they appear to know it’s love and partnership that makes it work. Kate played the long game and won a life few would want (I would take Pippa’s life over Kate’s). I stayed single for a long, long time – i wasn’t going to settle for someone that wasn’t as great as my first. #YouthIsHard
Yeah, my husband’s exes had no business at my wedding. I’m not threatened by them and I don’t bear any animosity toward them, but they just didn’t need to be there. That seems strange to me.
Here where I live if you split you are as good as dead even if you have children so no invites at all for sure, lol.
I, on the other hand, don’t want to see some faces at my special day. They are ex for a reason and I wasn’t friends with some of them beforehand so when it was done it was done. Also, If my future husband is going to invite some ex I better get to know her beforehand. I have seen to much stories going wrong because someone hasn’t let completely go of someone and has made excuses to keep them in their life. I like to have some control around me and I am not even the jealous type. Just don’t want to be played with.
For this kind of weddings I can understand where they come from if they invite each other. Truth is they are a very small tight circle. Of course they will date within. They are to rich and high rank to date let’s say a waitress or cook or a normal working class so they date who they meet and sometimes they are forced to meet again and again. It happens in every circle. Even where I work there have been a lot of hooking up, some ended with marriage but most didn’t so we live with gossip and with our exes. Besides in a church with hundred of guests who cares if there are 10 people that you don’t have to even look at. Saves face and at the same time no big deal. If the wedding was of 100 people then ……..
I would not be surprised if exes are invited and if they are not, I think it would be because Meghan asked it to be so.
Like some already mentioned, that is a tight and small circle. Cressida is sister of Isabella, the girl William allegedly pined for. Cressida is still tight with Harry’s closest friends. Chelsy was part of that circle, she went to school in the UK and befriended them all. Beatrice and Eugenie are friends with her, they even go to vacations together. I believe they are friends with Cressida too. All of these people, they constantly hang out together, they date each other and then one marries another, they attend their weddings.
It sounds a bit weird to me, but it works for them.
They can still run in the same circles after the wedding, Meghan don’t know then, so why would she care if they come or not. She said Harry introduced her to the people that are important to him.
When children come into the picture, most lose touch with best friends if they don’t have children also.
Beatrice and Eugenie can be friends with whomever, not depending on Harry to chose their friends.
Yep, they are all close. Chelsy seems to be very close to Isabelle and Cressida’s brother, Jacobi. I wouldn’t be surprised if Cressida went to the wedding. Does anyone know why Harry and Cressida broke up?
I don’t think the gossip ever decided why Harry and Cressida broke up. At one point, C felt that H was rushing her into a commitment but that she (it sounded like it came from C’s PR — and she and her family have PR and media connections ) said she didn’t want the life, but a few weeks later she was ready to commit. Suddenly the relationship ended in drama surrounding the Pelly wedding. Harry denied that he found her needy and attended several of her plays (often with the Pellys) but there was never any confirmation about why they called it quits.
They seem to be people better off with other people. C has gone back to her first love and H has M.
I’m embarrassed that I know all of that.
I don’t think the Middletons will be invited en masse.
I didn’t invite my sibling’s in-laws to my wedding. That is strange since Harry is not friends with them. Why would he invite them?
The church seats 800, the Royal family, the European royals plus Diana’s family, and that is 400 already.
He is doing a viewing of the wedding for his Charties, at Kensington Place,so that tells you the guest list is finished.
Harry and Meghan went to Pips wedding; I’m sure they’re invited to his.
Meghan only went to the reception. So Meghan can return the favor.
I always found Chelsy to be really cool so after reading 1st paragraph of this article I went on google to read more on their past relationship. I also came across multiple articles on Cressida x Harry. And from several sources that I read… honestly, Harry might simply be an a**hole – that has learned to hide it better the older he gets. I don’t know when his PR kicked it up a notch to make him seem kind, etc, but hmmm.. I have a weird feeling about him. Let’s just say I do not envy any of these three woman at all. Harry to me is not a catch – tbh this whole royal situation feels like a trap, and if I were Meghan I’d feel so suffocated. But then again, I’m not Meghan. Her tolerance levels are probably way higher than mine.
I guess we’ll see what happens. I hope he treats Meghan well and gives her the space for her be herself and not be absorbed completely by her new “royal Harry’s American wife” identity.
@Bikki, I just don’t think they will last. Meghan might not have been a huge star but she had a very nice life she had made HERSELF on her own terms and I think she’ll quickly realize what she had given up. I really cannot imagine how someone like her, young, independent, doing ok financially and professionally (not spectacularly but well enough to enjoy life), would move to the UK and marry into the royal family. It’s an incredibly constraining lifestyle.
@Donna, you are jumping to a lot of conclusions regarding a person you don’t know. It’s always nice to hear both sides of the story before forming any opinions. Meghan’s ex friend told her side of the story through the tabloids, Meghan’s side has never been told, what makes you so sure the tabloids version is the whole truth and nothing else? There’s always 3 sides to a story, he said, she said and the truth. Right now there’s been only one side so…just sayin.
From the little I know about Meghan (all we all know is what she’s shared with her fans), I can safely say that her side will be full. If most of the suits cast is rumored to be among those watching from Kensington palace, that tells you her side will be full.
@Rhys, the heart is not so smart, is it? Meghan seems to have truly fallen for Harry and she feels her love for this guy transcends everything else. I know a girl from a wealthy Canadian family, who went to my country (I’m from Uganda) for a practicum semester, met a young Ugandan doctor (guy had just graduated from med school) they fell in love and married. Now you’d expect a young Ugandan doctor from a not so wealthy family to move to Canada etc etc. Nope, guy had no desire nor intentions to live or work anywhere but his country and, this Canadian girl gave up everything, her family, her friends, the govt. job she had been promised post graduation, she gave up all that to live in a third world country with a young man she fell in love with. Today, this young woman and her hubby have been married for 10 years and they still counting. They have 3kids all born and raised in Uganda and the lady has never regretted her decision. Love is strange indeed.
Weird to invite exes but since he’s inviting all his exes she can invite the chef and the hockey player as well.
Her side of the church wouldn’t be empty she has friends and her former co-stars and some of the crew who worked on Suits and her mother side of the family, that horrible markle side isn’t the only side.
Once media folks get wind that his exes are there if they are indeed invited it will be Charles 2.0. A poor lad wasting his life married to a horrid woman while pining away for his one true love Chelsy *plays the world smallest violin*
I find the debate about whether some people are bothered by Meghan’s race or nationality interesting. I am really interested in whether it is a race thing that bothers people more or a nationality issue.
My own thoughts on it are that it’s much more to do with nationality. I understand that Americans in particular will feel it has to be due to her race because they have a different experience but speaking as a British person, I think that British people, even without realising have this inbuilt sense of the former British Empire and countries who the British Royal Family have always had close ties with. If she were a woman of colour but from the UK, I’m sure there would be a lot less people who would be bothered. There will always be racists everywhere but I bet less people would be bothered by Meghan if she were British. I think if she were from any of the commonwealth countries, it wouldn’t be an issue to many either. I suspect that the fact she is American is the main issue, simply because of history.
British people seem have this sense that Americans are their loud cousins who left them to go and do their own thing and the idea that an American could marry into the British Royal Family, is like letting them get a foot back in the door. British are stubborn.
All of this English Tea for breakfast…is MARVELOUS!
Meghan is such a beautiful woman, with very happy eyes! I cannot wait to see her wedding dress! So many great events from the royal this year 😄