Susan Boyle cancels performance over Pebbles the cat drama

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I must confess, I haven’t really been following the Susan Boyle drama, so I only remember some vague stories about how she’s turning out to be a real handfull on the Britain’s Got Talent tour, and she’s clearly having some stress and rest issues with her fame. From the little I’ve read about her, Susan doesn’t strike me as a diva, or that she’s trying to be difficult just for the sake of being difficult. I think this is probably the most stressful time in her whole life, and she’s really struggling.

Susan cancelled another performance last night – and this time the drama was over her cat, Pebbles. According to The Daily Mirror, Susan got into a “hysterical screaming fit” and was begging her handlers for her cat. Susan kept shouting “Where’s my cat? I need my cat!” They also claim Susan was “out of sorts” earlier in the day, and that she was “acting weird, scratching her belly with her top pulled up.”

Susan Boyle was dramatically axed from another Britain’s Got Talent concert last night after a hysterical screaming fit over her pet moggy.

The distressed star, 48, stood on the balcony of her eighth-floor hotel room overlooking the atrium and repeatedly bawled: “Where’s my cat?” It took half an hour for aides to sneak her out of the Liverpool hotel via a fire escape.

One witness said: “She kept shouting, ‘I want my cat! I need my cat!’ I think people felt sorry for her as she was clearly unhappy.” Susan – who lives in Blackburn, West Lothian, with pet Pebbles – seemed out of sorts when she checked in ahead of the gig at the city’s 11,000-seat Echo Arena. Another witness said: “She was acting weird, scratching her belly with her top pulled up.”

Susan missed a Manchester concert last week after doctors advised her to rest.

A Britain’s Got Talent spokesman insisted yesterday: “She’s just tired. She’s going back to London for a sleep and a bit of rest.”

Susan was taken to the Priory rehab centre after losing the TV talent final – and outside the clinic asked for Pebbles.

[From The Daily Mirror]

I’m not going to comment any further on Susan’s emotional or mental state, because I just feel badly for the woman. And I can relate to her cat being something of a security blanket – I adore my dog, and if I ever reached that level of fame that quickly, I’d need my dog close by too. Poor Susan.

Here’s Susan Boyle arriving at her hotel in Liverpool yesterday. Images thanks to .

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22 Responses to “Susan Boyle cancels performance over Pebbles the cat drama”

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  1. Orangejulius says:

    It strikes me that this whole thing may not have been in her best interests. She would probably have been much happier living in obscurity in familiar surroundings, despite the initial excitement.

  2. jeannified says:

    I love her, but she has got to get it together and Simon Cowell and Piers Morgan need to be a part of that process. She is an eccentric woman who is SO out of her element, despite her glorious voice! From now on, she needs a doctor with her and her cat close at hand. Poor Susan!

  3. gg says:

    I think it might be easier for everybody if she were allowed to be at home, away from so much stress, instead of all this pressure to perform.

  4. wow says:

    Oh boy, they are really hyping up the “crazy cat lady” angle aren’t they?

    It would seem as if she is turning into a diva, but I think she is just not use to all of the attention. Someone in another SB thread suggested that she just forget the touring and just record her songs and make bank. The public spotlight is not for everyone, especially those who are prone to panic attacks and such.

    She could be suffering from post tramatic stress from perhaps her Mother passing away. I hope everything works out for her though.

  5. CeeJay says:

    I agree with wow. This is a woman who clearly has some signs of panic disorder, if not something more serious. Whether she has a mild or major disorder is only her business but unfortunately it gets put out to the world because of this whole tour business.

    She should leave the tour and record in a studio under her own terms. Of course Simon Cowell loves the fact that her problems help to publicize Britain’s Got Talent and the Tour so he’s not going to do anything to squash the problem.

    I’m beginning to get really tired of the various networks, producers and promoters taking advantage of unstable people for the sake of ratings and money. Just take a look at what occurred on The Housewives of New Jersey last week. The episode ended with a wacko NJ housewife tipping a table at a formal dinner and then within SECONDS she’s kissing her husband and acting like life is peachy keen! Then there’s Danielle who was accused of several felonies and arrested. A trashy book was written about her past life, and she drags her adolescent kids into all of it (including the wacko table flipping) like it’s normal. Read today that the episode was the MOST WATCHED episode in the Housewives franchise and one of the most watched episodes in Bravo history. Bravo and the producers care nothing about these women, their kids, or the women and kids who are watching this at unprecedented numbers. Just because something like that is popular does not mean it is good TV.

    Sorry to ramble on here, just seeing an increasing trend here that is quite disturbing. Used to be the studios and networks covered this sort of stuff up and tried their hardest to keep negative things about their “stars” from the viewing public. Now the negative traits are the publicized used as publicity tools. Sad.

  6. BlueSkies says:

    This all sounds like someone suffering from alcoholism. She’s emptying out the mini-bar in her hotel rooms I bet.

  7. Helen says:

    She is reported to have a brain injury acquired at birth…she`s a little slow. Let`s have a little patience. She won`t last in the industry, but in the meantime, let`s have patience.AND her PR team should have made sure she is properly dressed, ( ummmm, her pants should be hemmed).

  8. Diana says:

    I would certainly agree with the use of negativity in marketing. I refuse to watch and become engaged.

    Whatever Susan’s issues are I hope she is getting whatever help she needs.

  9. j. ferber says:

    I think there’s a real danger she’s being exploited, just like the Gosselin children and the octo-children are being exploited. Yes, she’s an adult, but she seems like a fragile person and though I do believe Simon Cowell has a heart, he’ll need to put Susan first and cut her loose from these public engagements. How much more money does Simon need anyway? I’m sure he has enough and with his private fortune could probably pay for all our stimulus programs.

  10. jaudicemachine says:

    CeeJay – Well put. I definitely get the sense that all this media attention is a bit much for her and she’s starting to freak out. She seems really sweet and likable, but very naiive.

    And I can’t begrudge anyone with a strong bond to furry/feathery/scaly friend. After a freak accident last week (on my birthday, to be exact), I was worried I’d have to euthanize my little buddy. Turns out after an expensive surgery, the little guy will be fine in a week or two. Still, I can relate to going into hysterics over a damn cat. 😉

  11. clare says:

    Too bad she doesn’t have some companions (humans and her cat!) to stay with her.

  12. Magsy says:

    It’s turned out that discovering her talent was the worst thing that ever happened to her. Clearly if she’s having health or mental issues she needs to stop and go back to being a good voice in a karoke bar. Why is she inflicting all this on herself when she’s not cut out for it.

  13. dubdub2000 says:

    This poor woman is clearly not right in her head and being completely exploited.

    Now how hard is it to get a carrier for her damn cat so it can travel with her? what’s the big deal? I’m starting to wonder if the cat actually exists because if it did why not travel with the darn thing. It’s not an elephant, it’s a cat.

  14. Thenakeddog says:

    I think she is an ‘imperfect’ human being who is struggling with the sudden fame. Who wouldn’t? Especialy if you were from a small town with a quiet life & your cat. We humans all act a little mental when thrown into such circumstances. I think very little of us who care to admit to it.
    Walk a mile in another mans shoes and all that…….

  15. KCjersey says:

    OT for a moment; why does she have a Bill Clinton bobblehead on her right shoulder in the first picture? Just wondering.

  16. boo says:

    KCjersey- LOL

  17. Jag says:

    They really need to start bringing her cat with her.

  18. jennifer says:

    I feel so sad after reading this. I’m very attached to my pets and I have an anxiety disorder – when I get really upset or stressed there’s nothing I want more than my furballs. They need to get Susan out of this. Maybe, MAYBE have her cut an album, at a reasonable schedule that’s appropriate for HER, but leave out the touring & all the media blitz. I know you’re supposed to tour to promote an album, but I think enough people would buy her album regardless. They don’t need more money, they don’t need to turn her into a machine (look what happened to Britney, after all 😉

    I wish her all the best, and I hope she gets to spend many more years with Pebbles 🙂

  19. BlueSkies says:

    Someone with a panic disorder doesn’t make it through the initial auditions. The old footage of her doesn’t jibe with a brain injury. Hard to say but I think she’s been hitting the bottle to steady her nerves and then is just hungover.

  20. om santi says:

    Well, look at the man holding Susan so tightly in one photo: who is he? He doesn’t seem to be a kind-hearted one, is he a Susan’s relative,being so brave to hold her like a spouse?
    Could it be that some impure men’s advances to her as a spinster/as having-no-male-relatives-near her (she COULD BE a RICH woman someday, don’t forget it as something attractive?) could disturb her mentally very much, IF she ever would like someone whom she later knows is married or doesn’t love her with good intentions?
    I mean someone exploiting her through an egoistic relationship?

  21. Colleen says:

    Well, I will say this for Susan Boyle…The woman will never have to wonder “what if…” That must be a freeing knowledge…

  22. Ling says:

    It’s so strange that she went to a rehab clinic after losing. That strikes me as the fishiest. She took it like a champ onstage, better than other runners up have in the past, runners up who didn’t get packed off to a clinic. Was that a facade? I don’t get it.

    I hate to diagnose her, but unfortunately it’s fun. Gambling is also fun. $20 on bipolar disorder.