Perez Hilton has recorded an 11 minute account of his alleged argument with and subsequent attack by the manager of the Black Eyed Peas. If this wasn’t my job, there is no way I would sit through the entire video. Perez pouts like a small child and gets all worked up. He says that he had a verbal altercation with at a club after the musician told him not to write about his band on his website. Perez then called a “fag” multiple times but adds “I didn’t want to get into a fight with this person.” He sounds truly indignant and upset that he finally got a beat down outside the club by the manager of the Black Eyed Peas:
“I’ve been doing this for five years now and nothing like this has ever happened to me.”
“ made a video and he lied. is a coward and a disgusting human being for lying.”
“I have 10 million plus people that visit my website every day. I don’t need press, I don’t need publicity. I don’t need or want this. I didn’t ask for this. I didn’t deserve this. I like writing about other people’s drama, I don’t want drama in my own life… [according to Perez] “I need you to never write about my band on your website again…”
“He’s like ‘you need to respect me…'”
“‘You know what, no… I don’t respect you.’
“That’s when I made the split second decision that I was going to say the worst possible thing that thug would ever want to hear. I was standing my ground without being violent or physical which I would never do.
“I told him, ‘you know what, I don’t need to respect you, and you’re a fag. You’re gay and stop being such a faggot.’
“I knew it was going to set him off but I didn’t want to get into a fight with this person.
“We leave the club. As soon as we leave, there’s again outside the club. He followed us outside.
“Then his manager, Polo.. from behind comes up to me, clocks me in the eye right here and punches me two or three times…
“I am in shock… I touch my eye and it was bleeding. I think my eye might be falling out of my head…
“Nothing like this has ever happened before. It is unacceptable and talk about unprofessional…
“ f’ck you, you f’cking lied, you f’cking motherf’cker.
[Roughly transcribed from video posted on Perez Hilton’s site]
Violence is never the answer and no one deserves to get hit. That said, it’s ripe hearing Perez call people unprofessional and getting all upset that someone punched him. He’s been trash talking people for years and this kind of seems inevitable. I love how he claims he thought his eyeball was going to fall out.’s video, in contrast, has him saying calmly that it didn’t go down that way:
“This dude twists it and says that I assaulted him, when I was the one who came to him with respect and he was the one that called me a faggot outside the club.
“I hit you Perez? Come on dude I didn’t hit you…
“Apparently you were bleeding outside the club. I was like next you to by a tree waiting for my car. instead of calling the police you twitted that I assaulted you.
“Sounds like somebody wants mad attention and is not really concerned about his health. I didn’t hit you and this is very wrong that you are twitting that I did that. Once again disrespecting me and everything I stand for…
“Shame on you… that’s just messed up.”
[Transcribed from’s video posted on Dipdive via TMZ]
Team all the way. He is telling the truth – he didn’t hit Perez. Maybe he doesn’t even know his manager is the one who did.
Here are a bunch of screenshots from Perez’s video.
Why is it okay for him to call someone a “fag”? Because he is gay? Ridiculous. If this had been a straight person saying it gays would be ALL OVER IT.
Normally, I don’t support violence against anyone, but in this case? Team all the way.
I’m mightily surprised as well that more people haven’t punched this idiot. I never go on his site, I don’t want to give him any traffic at all. I hate the way he tries to out people. Their lives, Perez- their business.
I hope he gets punched again soon.
Have to disagree, CB. Perez deserves to get hit over and over and over and over and over and over again. Hard.
I love how he totally admits that he wanted to call him the most insulting thing but that he didn’t want to fight with him. Nice lack of foresight.
I really doubt Will wouldn’t know it if one of his entourage did the punching. I can’t stand Perez, but I agree that he doesn’t really have any reason to lie about this. I have to say I believe his side, especially since he admitted what he called Will to provoke an assault, and also because he got the police involved.
I don’t like the guy, think he is pathetic, but I think it’s really lame to hit someone, even if they provoke you. It’s just lame and I think is trying to cover up for his friend who did the hitting.
Wait. He’s gay and he’s using a homophobic racial slur directed towards with the intention of getting him upset?
How backwards is that?
Granted, Will can’t stop Perez from writing about them in his blog, but Perez should know that when he writes about people in his vile way, that eventually he is going to catch a beat-down. Not all people can brush stuff off or see him for the twat that he is and move on. Some will beat his a$$ down like this guy Polo. It doesn’t make it right, but Perez should know that not everyone is a fan, and not everyone is sane. Some people are violent and capable of this.
If he didn’t know before, he knows it now.
And how disrespectful to gay people for a gay person to use a slur like that on someone else and go into KNOWING he wanted to inflict some type of response from the other side. He does gay people more of a disservice than anything that Carrie girl did.
I agree with geronimo. Next time, a crow bar to the cranium would probably be more efficient. Just saying …
Calling him a gay faggot is really bizzare, wtf?!
geez, I thought people tended to look BETTER when they lost weight…
persistent cat, you got it right. he purposely called him the thing that would offend him the most but didn’t want to fight?
sorry, you can’t control other people and if you provoke them you have to consider that they may actually GET provoked and retaliate in a way you don’t expect.
Too bad they didn’t punch his teeth out and break his hands a la Sopranos.
Perez Hiltin is the ugliest man alive. He is really, really, really ugly isn’t he!!! It would be impossible to punch the ugly out of his face, but we thank you for trying!!
I’d love to live in a world where physical violence wasn’t the answer and people didn’t deserve to get hit.
I have nothing but contempt for Perez and Geronimo summed it up, he deserves to be hit. IMO just because he didn’t utter the words “hit me” doesn’t mean he wasn’t blatantly asking for it. He is the exception to the generality that no-one ever asks for it.
This disgusting slob is delusional. He intentionally said the most provocative thing he could but didn’t want to fight? What he means is he didn’t want to get his ass beat.
Can’t stand this man.
Wait. He’s gay and he’s using a homophobic racial slur directed towards with the intention of getting him upset?
How backwards is that?
Agreed 100%!!!!! (Except for the “racial” part. I don’t think race was involved with this one.) Way to set things back Hilton. The moron just gave more ammo to the homophobes. Good job.
I’ve been sick of Perez for a while now and I truely believe that his readership is going down. I’m sorry but people go on to gossip sites to read actual gossip. Not watch video clips posted by the writer about their feelings or opinions, or just to brag you’re so cool. Perez is out to out people, and he needs his name in the press. Let’s face it. I think he knows his 15 are almost up… He’s not on as many syndicated shows as he was, and nothing he is in really sells that well. He doesn’t have the same crowd appeal he did when he first got started.
That said, I totally don’t agree with violence, but there is a very good possibility that Will I am doesn’t know the whole story yet and isn’t lying when he say’s he didn’t hit him. He personally didn’t hit him.
And Perez, shame on you for knowing try to provoke him in the first place. And how dare you call another person a fag. A gay male who knows what it feels like to be called a “faggot” is just childish. Is Will I Am even gay? My guess is the class act known as Perez wanted to call him some kind of a “N” word but decided on fag because he’d probably get more attention.
Ugh! I’m so beyond sick of hearing about Perez anymore! I wish people would stop visiting him. And like hell does he still get 10 millions visitors/hits a day.
Edit: OK, I just read the first post about this with the copy of his “tweets” or whatever they are called. He didn’t even call the police himself? He’s too busy trying to document it all and posting messages about it that he was trying to get his own fans to call the police, are you serious? How serious of an injury could it have been if he didn’t call the police himself? Ask for an ambulence or to find out where the nearest hospital is? This guy really makes me sick!
Love the comments by Geronimo, Persistent cat & Wow.
Violence is never the answer but…..Karma is a bitch Perez !!!
I know he has a gossipsite but he’s indeed vile, calling other celebs fat when they gain 3 grams when he has got weight issues of his own ??? Insults peoples children for their looks(Adam Sandler, Billy Joël)when it’s clear to see that he didn’t get his fame from his looks only ???
Next time he will think twice before he opens his mouth, should have hit him on the nose….that way he finally had a good reason to get his nose fixed, Mister Piggy !!! I’ll bet he loves the attention anyway !!!
He looks like a hippopotamus.
Three quick jabs to his face. How satisfying that must have been.
I wish everyone this self-hating “fag” said something about also had a chance to take a swing at him.
You talk shit, you disrespect people, You get smacked in the mouth! If he didn’t hit “mario”, then he should have.
Yes people get killed for less. Think about it next time, Eh Mario?
The gay community would like nothing better than for this succubus to disappear
Sorry shouldn’t a called you a fag Mario but hey you know you deserved it….
i agree with everything everyone has posted so far, but one thing that no one has yet to mention is where perez says
“I don’t need press, I don’t need publicity. I don’t need or want this. I didn’t ask for this. I didn’t deserve this. I like writing about other people’s drama, I don’t want drama in my own life…”
are you f-ing kidding me? anyone that has visited his sight knows he is a shameless self-promoter of the worst kind. save it, you did deserve it. what did you thing was going to happen?
I am all for freedom of speech, but as many pointed out for every action there is a reaction. Just because you don’t think you should get hit doesn’t mean you don’t deserve it
Am I the only one noticing that he has no bruises on his face? He always has those dark circles underneath his eyes, but it’s clearly daytime and there’s sufficient light, yet he has no noticable bruising even though his eye is about to fall out of his face.
Seriously, dude? Seriously?
Once again, “Perez”‘s mouth exposes him as the childish, bull$hite-spewing, pu$$7 that he really is.
He is beyond disgusting. He defames and brings down all honest homosexual men and women, and reveals that even seven-year-olds are smarter than he and know when to stfu.
SHAME, Mario! Grow the F up and quit assuming anybody would ever believe your side of any argument. TWIT!
Connie and Telly! I just filled out the comment box with the points both you lovelies made and then I hit the wrong button. I agree with you completely! Not seeing any bruises Perez. Boo effing HOO!
He is a FUGLY human being.
He outed, insulted him, and expected not to get his ass kicked? Foolish.
So, because is black, he’s a “thug” and calling him a faggot is guaranteed to set him off? Because black guys are so paranoid about being thought gay that that’s the worst thing you could call one?? Nice racism, Perez.
Perez Hilton is a useless little toad. I hope his recent behavior really comes back to bite him in the ass.
Just saw his video on his website. Hilarious. Everyone should see this and laugh a lot. Just made my day. Stupid Drama Queen
What Geronimo said. Totally.
Wow, thanks for taking one for the team and sitting through that video so that the rest of us didn’t have to endure it.
I fucking hate him and because of that whole Miss California debacle, he has become one of the most visible gays out there.
He isn’t an activist, he’s not a journalist, he’s a stupid publicity whore.
I am amazed that this is the first person ever to hit him. I wish I used his website so I could boycott him.
i think all the celebs that he has verbally abused on his site and harrassed should get in line and they all get the chance to get a couple good shots in. treat him like the disgusting piece of trash that he is. he deserved it. the police know he’s a joke thats why he had to go on twitter. im from canada and i feel sorry for the officers that had to deal with that scum. looks good on him. hopefully next time someone actually does some real damage and shuts him up for awile.
I switched to this very site instead of Hilton’s because I couldn’t take how vile he got on so many people anymore. I like the scoop on people, but the constant belittling is too much. I’m glad someone slapped the sense into/out of him. No one is more deserving!
I seriously doubt is the first or last celeb to approach, threaten, and/or sue him, so why lash out this time? Cuz Lady GaGa is watchin’?
Then he sets out to upset the man, and is surprised when he actually upsets the man…you know, the man with THE BODYGUARDS! with nothing better to do.
THEN he goes ON THE INTERNET to admit that he basically “started it,” but he was wronged.
So are we now about to suffer thru “leaked police/medical pics” – oh wait, HE DIDN’T CALL THE POLICE til LATER and NO HOSPITAL VISIT even tho his eye “might be falling out of my head.”
He’s officially become one of the idiots he “reports” on and passes judgment over.
hahahahah! I am surprise that someone hasn’t dotted his eye sooner! Lovin’ it!
I hope his fifteen minutes are about up. I read that he is gong to tame down some of his bitchy queenesque antics (like drawing penises and cum dribbling out of celebs mouths) in order to attract more lucrative advertisers. Hopefully that will be his downfall, being a sell-out fame whore!
He already makes a half million a year on advertising alone. He needs to go away.
I’ve always had trouble believing that 10 million people a day are into the puerile and nasty commentary that accompany his very childish doodlings. His site made me feel yucky when I visited (and so i stopped -and had a lot of long hot showers…)
Can I say how heartened I am at the overall consensus of today’s commentary?
Um, why is a “thug?” Obviously they should have punched Perez in the mouth instead of the eye. He is a total pariah and a waste of internet space. ugh.
I would love to draw two giant black eyes and completely broken teeth on his revolting face.
Mario – you suck Octomom’s p****.
Hope that makes you ill. rotfl
Geronimo’s missing about four more “over”s.
I visited Mario’s site a few times before I realized that simply viewing the logo causes depreciation of IQ points. I’m glad he got the sh*t beat out of him, and I hope this becomes a regular Monday article: “Perez Hilton got the sh*t beat out of him last night for – insert douchey reason here -.”
I agree. It’s stupid he called him a fag. It’s just as bad when black people call other black people the n word in a hateful way.
Perez got JUST what he deserved. Nothing to see here. Move along..
sooner or later, we ALL get the face we deserve.
You want to trash talk people and then cry about it when you get your running lights dimmed? Will if you did hit him you should have hit him HARDER
AlaskaJoey and Geronimo , I am with you guys all the way. I can not stand Perez. His website makes TMZ look like Time Magazine.
Hate speech, from a nobody who unfortunately gets press, and should be standing up for human rights.
What a twisted f$%k. I abhor violence, but I woulda hit him, too.
If you can’t say ‘fag’ with love and respect, don’t say it at all.
That said, I visited his site once, saw his little doodles in white crayon, and didn’t go back.
Please, please don’t give him another minute of press. Why am I posting?
Perez Hilton is a deviant degenerate and even though I am totally against bodily harm in any way shape or form. I have to say he deserved it. But, I do not believe anything that he says.
Does he not realize who he is attacking here. Is he serious?
Perez is not a credible or relevant anything. BTW have you actually taken a look at his SO called fans. Not for nothing I do not like to pass judgment on anyone. But they all look like unmentionables to me. I hope he was smart and saved the money he has earned the past couple of years. Because I honestly foresee his 15 minutes coming to an end. And seeing him being featured on VH1’s where are they now 10 years from now. LOL
After the way perez harassed Miss California just because she didn’t think that gay/lesbian couples should marry, it is most ironic that he calls Will a faggot. It’s a miracle someone hasn’t kicked his arse before now. Especially the parents of the children he trashes on his blog. Karma can be cruel perez. He deserved that and more.
Perez is such a JERK! He pounces on EVERYONE that says anything negative about Gays/Lesbians and then he calls someone a Faggot! If this was someone else Perez would insist that he be fired from his job!
I’m not one for violence, but he deserves exactly what he got and more! What a hypocrite! I hope his support group dumps his sorry fat a**!
i’m confused… who is mario?
@ fizXgirl314, I can’t believe you seriously can’t see a difference between the Perez Hilton site and just about all the others.
@ persia, Perez Hilton’s real name is Mario (something). I believe he chose the PH moniker as a riff off Paris Hilton.
Can’t believe people bother with his site when MK @ dlisted can be as pointed without being a asshole… most of the time. He’s fu&king hilarious.
Who the f— is PEREZ to be calling someone UNPROFESSIONAL??? Ughhhh…. and he called him a fag first? So punching is bad but name calling is okay? What a childish little brat. I don’t say this about many people, but I really want to see Perez humiliated and dragged through the mud, in a big, big way. He deserves it. Who the F is he to be calling someone else a bad person? AGHGHGH!
Perez probably WISHES will was gay. But how dare he get so angry at someone for wanting to stay in the closet (if that’s what is happening)? For a “gay” man, you would think that Perez would understand a little. Its a personal thing and unfortunately, Will could lose fans if he was gay & he came out of the cloest (I guess perez doesn’t understand cos he has no fans).
Sometimes I don’t think he is really gay. I think he wants girls to feel comfortable around him so he pretends to be gay.
I don’t read perez hilton, but i’m pretty nasty with my comments… well, the ones that make it through the censor aren’t so bad i suppose hahha… but seriously, who cares? why do i care that a celebrity got his feelings hurt? oh wait… i don’t….
and is a fruity name anyway…
Mario is Perez Hilton’s given name. Do people seriously think the guy’s name is Perez? Paris Hilton gave him the written OK to spoof her name and use it on his website. That should show you the type of self-promoting trash he is aligned with.
I pity the guy. Totally pity the guy. He is pathetic and will only realize the extent of his idiocy when he grows much older.
Let’s end this now. I hit him. I delivered the beat-down on Perez Hilton.
You’re Welcome.
When I read about this, I was like, this is unreal. Perez got smacked down? I also can’t believe Perez would call someone a fag? He was all upset about those two kids that killed themselves because they were being teased about being fags, and Perez has the audicity to use that same word? Omg, that guy, I do like his web-site, but I am now looking at him with a jaded eye now because he really was out of place calling anyone a fag when that is the most mean name a kid can be called. Grow up Perez, you did deserve the smack down. Maybe now you’ll write nicer, eh?
O.K. so I admit it. I went over to his site and watched all 11 minutes and 42 seconds of the video. I tried to take it seriously, I really did. However…about 2/3 of the way through the video I found myself uncontrollably laughing at the whole thing. It is so OVER dramatic that it is hilarious. Another totally hilarious aspect of the whole thing is that Perez’s site is totally advertising the new Black Eyed Peas album all over the site while his video rant is posted on the same site! These folks are a riot!!! If you are bored and need a little hilarity go on over to his site and watch this thing.
Sorry if I sound insensitive because I’m the first one to denounce violence or hate speech, but that video is either a total performance, or simply a sad, little boy who’s used to getting his own way by throwing drama fits and crying on video. Classic. Simply. Classic.
So he thinks that he can say anything he wants and not get punched in the face? There’s something called crossing the line. Someone with common sense knows that certain things will garner a certain reaction from people. He probably thought, “I’m a celeb, he’s a celeb, so he won’t do anything to me.” Shame on him for being so stupid.
While violence isn’t the answer, you should certainly “expect” to get punched or more if you disrespect someone, especially if they’re already angry with you. Perez is an idiot.
Amen Bam Bam – I started on the whole celeb gossip over there and after seeing this site, The Superficial (which despite the fact that I am female & straight, I don’t mind the constant bikini postings) and DListed, I peaced out when it came to Perez. He got old with his negativity QUICK.
What a whiney big baby he is, he can certainly dish it out , but can’t take it.
The video’s on TMZ now, clearly shows WillIam telling Perez to stop writing about him and Perez well, being Perez.
Seemed like they were laughing at him when he called WillIam a fuck*ng whatever.
That video of him crying and those hilarious screenshots made my day 🙂
this Loser (ph) should have NO time on anyone’s mind.
This is the same guy who launched that crazy hate campaign against Isaiah Washington from Grey’s Anatomy (using the faggot word). Nice.
so perez thinks verbal abuse is completely acceptable and there should be no recourse?
isnt calling someone a faggot a hate crime?
he is a big crybaby. he fails to see that verbal abuse and physical abuse are BOTH abuse.
CeeJay, you did good. I only got to about 2 minutes in before imagining myself beating the shit out of Crybaby Perez.
And when he points to that micro tiny scratch under his eye, and said it felt like his eyes was going to fall out, I damn near passed out from laughing so hard.
How could you called Fergie a fugly bitch!?? she did nothing wrong to you!
Violence is never the answer, and words are never provocation for an attack (as perez keeps saying), but where in the world can you walk up to someone and call them a ‘faggot’ to their face and not expect to get punched? It’s not the same as name calling from behind your computer screen.
wonder how long it took him to put on the make up to pretend thats a black eye
P.H. is a self-loathing, mysoganistic bully. I cant believe this hasnt happened to him before. His site is disgusting. He tries to come across as some kind of advocate for homosexuals yet posts the leaked (& very private) sex pics of Dustin Lance Black. He outs celebs (Neil Patrick Harris, T.R. Knight, etc) before they have a chance to do it themselves. He rarely ever writes positive things about females.
I cant even begin to explain how sick he is. I cant get behind violence to solve a problem, but in Perez’s case, Im almost willing to make an exception.
you cant sit and call a black guy a fag and not expect to get hit. PH even KNEW that it was going to set him off. So he deserved exactly what he got: a beat down. I don’t care if you’re gay, jewish, christian, black, white, muslim, etc. if you’re going to provoke a fight being an ass, expect to get beat up. PH needs to grow up, seriously. has officially redeemed himself from that horrible mess that was his solo album. ‘Bout time that talentless hack Perez got his comeuppance. He provoked him (admitting he knew that calling him a “faggot” would “set him off”), what the hell did he expect?
There’s violence in the spoken and written word, and he hasn’t done any nice things lately. He’ll sidle up to the next ‘happening’ celebrity, for him it’s now Lady Gaga (until someone else comes along), and he’ll resort to attacking people like Fergie. If Fergie is ‘ugly’ or ‘fugly’ then shoot me now.
Millions have tuned in to his site to watch the histrionics. It’s like a car accident, people want to turn away but they can’t turn away, they have to look. He gets more traffic this way, but I think – in the long term- that i’ll peter out because he is plain nasty, and he isn’t a great content writer. His Paint tricks are old.
I’m amazed he hasn’t been hit by anyone yet, and I think that this won’t be the first time. It’s probably just a subtle warning, but he doesn’t get it. He’ll squeeze everything out of it, and in years to come he’ll be more unhappy.
It’s so sad how, on Twitter, he tries to be friendly to celebrities, responding to tweets, for celebrities to distance themselves. Many can’t stand him, and he doesn’t get that. What reality does this guy live in?
I don’t need or want this. I didn’t ask for this. I didn’t deserve this. I like writing about other people’s drama, I don’t want drama in my own life…
I’m sure you don’t need or want this the same way the people you write about don’t need or want you to make disparaging and inflammatory comments about their lives. Like you said Perez you like writing about other people’s drama. Well if you live in a pig pen, you’ll probably end up smelling like a pig.
Almost 80 posts and not even one one Perez’s side. Hmmmm, that is telling. He even attacks celeb kids. He is such a loser, I can’t stand him. I haven’t been to his site in ages. Can’t stand such peurile.
Haha, Perez, the internet hates you. PLEASE KILL YOURSELF! Waste-of-air scumbag, get the fk outta here.
“I’ve been doing this for five years now and nothing like this has ever happened to me.”
Edit: I’ve been bullying people for five years and nobody has ever beaten the living hell out of me like this.
people should hit him , until he learns , hopefully he will get hit alot by people that can see him in the street
Geesh, what’s the big deal?!? The Brits call cigarettes fags so he could have easily taken it as that too. The media tends to blow everything out of proportion these days! Get over it you cigarette!
perez makes his living on publicity good or bad need i say more oh and carrie prejan could of won so team carrie he was being a lil shit a took some sort of devilish pleasure in it the fact that they allowed him as a judge he was a lil twit but and yes his living is to be annoying the fact that carrie answered a question honestly has all the deviants in a uproar or tights in a twist