Paris breaks a widdle toe on her big-ass foot

God this hurts so bad
I don’t enjoy giving Paris so much air time, but she’s hard to ignore. Her daily escapades provide a lot to write about. In the latest Paris News, she has broken a toe and is bemoaning the fact that she can’t fit into her high-heeled Choos:

Hotel heiress Paris Hilton is suffering from a broken toe – and her main complaint is she is unable to wear her towering Jimmy Choo high heeled shoes.

The wealthy blonde insists style comes before comfort, but the swelling is so bad she can barely get her shoes on, let alone walk in them.

Hilton says, “It’s the size of a watermelon. How am I going to wear my Jimmy Choo’s?”

Paris’ feet are huge too. Most stores don’t even carry her size – a whopping 11M.

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