He may have dubbed himself “America’s Sweetheart”, but Adam Rippon has certainly stolen many hearts since becoming the first openly gay figure skater to win at the Olympics. In an interview with PEOPLE’s Jess Cagle, Adam talked openly about his relationship status. In a nutshell, he’s single and ready to mingle.
Adam ended things with his boyfriend of two years last summer, telling Jess that he didn’t want any regrets prior to the Winter Games and added, “Everything was great with him, he was a great guy, but I felt like I really needed to focus on myself.” He went on to say that, “I was lucky that my ex-boyfriend is such a nice person that we’re still friends now.”
Since then, the 28-year-old has relished the single life, unlike, he feels, many of his peers. He said, “I think a lot of people are afraid to be single and I fully embraced it, because I have really invested a lot of time into thinking about: What do I want to do? What’s important to me? What gives me the most energy? What inspires me the most? If I can meet a guy that falls into that and is supportive of that, that’s great.”
Despite his positive outlook on singlehood, Adam hasn’t completely dismissed the idea of being in a committed relationship. He admitted that “I think in the last few months I’ve been so focused on myself that in a way, I think that if I am to meet somebody I want it to happen organically.” Although he prefers the organic meet up, he hasn’t completely abandoned the concept of internet matchmaking, confessing, “I’ve tried Tinder and Grindr and everything. I’m only human.”
Adam also talked about how fans have ‘shipped him, and I’m sure many hoped he’d hook up with Sally Field’s son, filmmaker Sam Greisman, after the Oscar-winning actress tried to play wing woman for him. After Sally’s attempt to play Cupid, Adam sent a message to Sam via a BuzzFeed interview, where he said, “Sam, your mom — I admire her. And I’m sure one day we’re going to meet. So thanks, mom.” He says he admires Mom, nothing about Sam. Things aren’t looking good here.
The two finally did meet last Saturday at the Human Right Campaign’s dinner and auction in Los Angeles. Sam tweeted a cute pic with Adam.
Thanks, mom. pic.twitter.com/m25Er4EEfD
— sam greisman (@SAMGREIS) March 11, 2018
Awww, they do make a cute couple. I’ll gladly ‘ship them. But, it’s kind of refreshing to hear how content Adam is with being single. It seems that so many in the public eye are almost desperate to be part of a couple. Although, with his looks and charm, I don’t expect Adam to be on the market for long.
Photos: Getty Images, WENN.com
i think his comment that he admires sally field was a way to let her off the hook for being SUPER embarassing as a mom. it was a cute and sweet note to sam to like – defuse a potentially cringeworthy situation.
Yes, it was sweet and diplomatic. He seems really lovely and funny and I admire his self awareness. Being an elite athlete is a crazy life but he seems to have a very good handle on it.
Lastly I’ll say tons of people not in the public eye are also desperate to be part of a couple. It’s refreshing to hear about someone who’s really ok with being alone.
Seriously. Moms can be so embarrassing. They mean well, but sometimes they put you in the most uncomfortable situations because they want to see you settled with someone. There was a time when my mom tried to set me up with her friend’s son. Neither of us were interested whatsoever. But the way mom made it seem it was like I was interested. I was mortified and angry. I told her not to meddle in my love life ever again. She doesn’t even know my type or what I’m looking for. Like Adam, I don’t mind being single. It actually scares me to fall for and give everything to the wrong person. So I’ll fall for someone when I think it’s right and it’s the right person for me.
@annie yes!!!! I’m so happy to hear someone else feels the same way. I always feel like I’m a broken toy when people bring up relationships. I’d just rather be by myself than with someone who doesn’t get me, or treat me well. I don’t understand why that’s so weird
There are too many people who jump from relationship to relationship, sometimes with overlap. Reading up on what Adam says on simglehood is not only refreshing but empowering. He is beautiful, his Olympic performance got me teary eyed.
Personally I wouldn’t feel comfortable if my mom did that or someone else was publicly shipping me.
What a great thing he says here. Way too many people still have the mindset that singlehood is some sort of problem that must be solved.
Oh my god, YES!! Yes to all of this. I want this on a tshirt!
Why can’t people process that some people just like to be alone? Following the break down of my marriage two years ago I’ve done exactly what Adam Rippon did. I focused on myself, I found out what makes me tick and frankly I am a completely different person in the best way possible by spending time on my own rather than frantically finding another person to invest in. I would highly recommend spending a year or two being single and concentrating on yourself after a major breakup.
I don’t mind being alone right now either but honey, talk to me when you’re mid-30s and everyone else has paired off. It’s not that easy anymore because your single life and the married lives of your friends don’t always mesh. Doesn’t mean that I’m miserable but there are things that make it less fun than in your 20s. At 28 that’s no issue.
Um…gay culture perfected the art of hookup culture so….like…yeah Adam, nobody thinks it’s hard for you to embrace : )