I keep forgetting that Hilaria Baldwin is pregnant AGAIN. She’s already had three children with Alec Baldwin: Carmen Baldwin, Rafael Baldwin and Leonardo Baldwin. She’s apparently expecting another boy. Alec is 59 years old, Hilaria is 34 (allegedly). They’ve been having babies constantly. Which is their call, I mean, it’s not my body, or my marriage or whatever, but having all of these babies with a nearly 60-year-old man would give me pause. Hilaria recently chatted with People Magazine about the age difference between herself and Alec and how they approach child-rearing differently because of the generational difference.
Alec and Hilaria Baldwin get in their date nights when (and how) they can.The mother of three — who’s currently expecting the couple’s fourth child together, a baby boy — opened up to fellow moms Daphne Oz and LaTonya Yvette during a recent sit-down for PEOPLE’s Mom Talk, dishing on how she and her famous husband keep the spark alive.
“I’m the kind of person where I could get so wrapped up in my kids and I could lose my relationship a little bit and just assume, ‘Don’t you love doing this too? Isn’t this so much fun?’ ” explains Hilaria, 34.
“[Alec]’s a little bit more old school,” adds the fitness expert. ” ‘You’re the mom, you take care of the kids, and then I will come and go and I will read a book with them every once in a while’ kind of thing.”
Hilaria says the couple’s 26-year age difference has made them prioritize the things to “understand about each other” in their relationship and parenting techniques. Alec has also helped himself and his wife make “date night” a regular occurrence — even if it’s just a low-key hangout without their kids (Leonardo “Leo” Ángel Charles, 18 months, Rafael Thomas, 2½, and Carmen Gabriela, 4½).
“Most nights, we have date night, which could mean we’re doing a puzzle,” she says. “On Valentine’s Day, we ordered takeout. My husband had just gotten his hip replaced. We walked, on one of his first [post-surgery] walks, to go get food, and we ate it out of the plastic,” Hilaria admits. “And then we looked at each other like, ‘Can we go to bed now?’ ” she adds.
[From People]
Again, I can’t imagine having babies with a man who is “old school” about just popping in to read a book with the kids every now and then. But it’s not my marriage. Clearly something is working for them because she keeps getting pregnant (even with his bad hip!). I actually think Hilaria might be painting Alec as less involved than he is really – judging solely from social media posts and paparazzi photos, Alec always seems to be pretty well-bonded with his kids. Of course, he also has that “life comes at you fast” look, like he can’t remember how many times Hilaria has been pregnant now either.
Photos courtesy of WENN.
I find him to be awful but good for her making this work. I would never marry a guy who expected to “pop” in and out of child rearing. Just no.
I personally aspired to find a partner who wanted a 50/50 split concerning the children. Poor kids, they didn’t choose their father, but their mother did and she choose badly. He is an ass and calling your daughter a thoughtless pig is unforgivable.
His daughter is a rich kid hollywood spoiled. Who knows what the context of that phrase was. And yes, he and Basinger fought over money at the time (because it became clear that Baldwin wanted to start a new family and spend some of his money on the newbies). So such a statement just came in handy to make him look bad.
@Tata Mata I would have to disagree with you there. If you listen to the voicemail in its entirety it sounds like Ireland was put in the middle with her parents. He should have taken up whatever frustrations he had with Ireland’s lack of commitment to being there when he was ready to have time for her as a parent up with her mum. He verbally abused her in that voicemail and it was really cruel and uncalled for.
No way in my household. I wouldn’t have married someone in the first place with that mindset, let alone procreate with him.
My husband stayed home for 3 months with our son after my initial 3 months home, and it was fantastic. It really made going back to work easier, and I honestly think he’s a much better dad because he had that time alone where he was the primary caregiver. Not that he wouldn’t have been a great or involved parent, just that time where I wasn’t around to say how something “should” be done really benefitted him. (Granted, I’m pretty sure my son spent a LOT of time hanging at the beach and wearing mismatched outfits, but that’s what worked for them. :)) He also took our kiddo on a twelve hour trip, by himself, with a week’s worth of breast milk, so maybe he’s just a champ.
He’s out there working and making money for the family. He’s a good provider and he adores his family. I think he does what he can and does spend some time with the kids. If Hilaria needs extra help, she can hire someone. I also think it was her idea to have all these kids and Alec supported her decision. I find no fault with him at all when I see those happy, smiling kids.
In other news, water is wet.
With all the nanny staffing they have, I find it hard to care about Hilaria being the designated primary.
Read my mind! They are loaded w help and all the best in every thing !
Great and true about nannies and help, but you only get one father and if he’s an ass, that can really mess up a kid.
Oh yes, for many reasons I do not think she chose wisely. I also suspect having a passel of kids is her idea; his response is probably a shrug and a “sure, I’ll pay for as many as you want.” All on her.
No wonder he’s so good at imitating Trump! He’s a similar version of him, family-wise.
Spoiled, privileged, brattish white guy high on ego while low on skills and empathy?
For a guy who called his 11-y old a “rude thoughtless pig”,
the drapes are matching the curtains.
Privileged? The guy’s father was a high school football coach with six kids. Everything Baldwin has, he earned himself. And I always thought that the leak of his private telephone conversation with his daughter was a travesty. My father was an unusually gentle and kind person but he certainly yelled at me a few times in frustration when I was a miserable pre teen. It’s amazing that the world decided to crucify Baldwin over it and never look at their own demons.
let’s be real here, alec’s been a famous movie star for decades. by this point he has probably spent more of his life in a privileged bubble than he hasn’t.
Just had a look at my own demons and none of them involve calling the big boned (by Hollywood standards) 12 year old daughter of a petite woman acclaimed for her beauty a “pig”. That word made no sense in that context, when the easy alternative “thoughtless brat” flows so much easier. It was a malicious and targeted attack on a young girl at her point of potential insecurity.
He has since used the F word on a gay man and doubled down by using the B word on him too. He has also physically menaced multiple photographers and been heard using the N word to describe one of them. I think we are beyond the flawed man excuse with this guy.
1/ like Argonaut says.
2/ I think you project too much of your dad on Alec.
You can be angry at a pre-teen as a parent, but the choice of “thoughtless little pig” screamed over the phone, left deliberately on a voicemail for her to listen?
Even if there is cause for parental frustration, this was a MASSIVE vicious streak, COLOSSAL anger and a TOTAL lack of self-restraint or common decency or love in the way he talked to his own child (only 11).
It s another level than frustrated parenting, darling, I hope you will see it someday, for your children (if you have some) and your own well-being.
He has shown in plenty of other occasions how bad-tempered and mean he could be. It was not a one-off.
YEP. ireland may have forgiven him for that moment but the public doesn’t have to. he admitted to taking out his frustration towards kim on their child. awful behavior.
remember the words with friends tantrum he threw on the plane a few years ago? alec can’t stand being told what to do.
Disliking to be told what to do was considered a virtue not that long ago.
Did none of you ever lose your temper?
If you look how persistant some celebrity photographers are then I think it is somewhat understandable to get angry. And they are even persistant if you are spotted during a perfectly private family outing. Just imagine how an irascible man would react under such circumstances.
@Tata Mata But the “thoughtless little pig” incident with his daughter and the refusing-to-put-away-his-phone incident on the plane – which are the only two issues mentioned in the comment you replied to – had nothing to do with photographers, in fact it was specifically Alec in private moments. Pretty revealing of his character.
I think it’s super tacky he tweets his personal thoughts from his Alec Baldwin Foundation Twitter account.
Love that flowered dress.
Agree – such a lovely dress.
It’s gorgeous!
But of course.
It’s kind of a sweet old fashioned dad thing to verbally berate your young daughter during a divorce. Gawd, what woman wouldn’t swoop him up as a baby daddy? You go Hilaria!
I think this baby was an oopsie.
I think a lot of men are old school. You just don’t hear about it, or in interviews they play up the dad thing. At least, these two are honest. They have help and acknowledge their help. He’s the breadwinner, and she is the hands-on parent, with help. But four kids coming up, very young, all close in age, whew, even with help, would be too much for me.
If they divorce, he will have massive child support and alimony at a time when his career is not at its peak and big money-making days on the wane. Angry Alec will be in full force if that day comes. He will put Sean Penn to shame in that category.
Fourth kids are rarely oopsie’s. The women has been pregnant three times before you want to bet her OB had a talk about birth control before she even left the hospital and again at a six week follow up. She planned this. No idea why? Four kids in five years must be a special kind of hell on the body.
“Hilaria is 34 (allegedly)”.
lmao. i legit cacked.
she looks mid-late 30’s…..but agreed more late 30s.
I feel like she’s been 34 for about 5 or 6 years now.
I loved him on 30 Rock, but as a person he’s an asshole, and none of this surprises me.
This should surprise no one. But I call BS that this is “generational.” It’s not like he grew up in the 1950’s or something. I mean I know men in their 70’s that were stay-at-home dads forty years ago for pete’s sake. Not generational; he’s just an a-hole.
As for the ever-expanding brood, either she is trying to get enough to have a full set of Ninja Turtles or just securing for herself the best child support or more likely, given his age, widow’s trust possible.
Yes. My husband is older than AB and he was a full partner in the child raising grunt work. I won’t say he did as much as I did, because women always do more, but the generational thing is not true.
Yes. In my experience, he’s actually part of a generation where men were more uniformly hands-on with child rearing than their fathers were, a few years younger in fact than other family men I was aware of at the time.
The difference is, he’s not in his 20’s, 30’s, 40’s now, he’s 60. Whether or not he was ever a partner in child rearing when he was younger, I can see the energy wouldn’t be the same at his age now.
Not excusing him, just noting that three small kids when you’re 60 is different than when you’re 30, and I could see why he may not share his 30-something wife’s sense of “isn’t this fun?”
Hopefully for the kids’ sake he’s more present than she makes it appear in her comments.
Yes. Very true.
My dad is older than him and was in some ways more involved than my mum was. Their parenting was always on a basis of equality and availability – being a teacher my mum was more available but my dad was more involved in taking care of me at home. At home they did and still do the same stuff.
also, i’m sure she loves and has time for all of her checks…er..children.
Gee, maybe she just loves kids and wants a big family. She seems to be a loving and involved parent.
I think they are actually suited to one another. He wanted more children and found a beautiful young wife. She married into money and seems to accept him the way he is. Works for both of them.
If that is what they both signed up for, good for them. What I can’t imagine why at 60 would you want small kids running around. Its the part of looking forward to the golden yeas is a less stress free life because your kids are raised? Stressed, loud, temper tantrums and a lot to activity, would say heck no to it . Especially someone with his money. All the nannies in the world, you wouldn’t be able to escape it.
I could not deal with that personally. Fathers who don’t feel they have to do real parenting annoy me to no end.
Maybe it’s a generation thing. When we has our kids it was equal in everything. Of course he couldn’t breastfeed,but for every diaper I changed my husband changed the next one.
We are equals in every way. I also feel lucky that my husband loves being a dad. They’re older now,but he always stops what he’s doing if the kids need him or just want to chat. I couldn’t be in a relationship that was one sided.
I agree that they both knew exactly what they signed up for, he got the pretty new wife and lots of children he wanted, she got a millionaire.
They can afford the best of everything, all the extra help, exspensive homes and vacations, etc.
At 60 y/o with a hip replacement….she better be OK with being primary caregiver to him and the kids for years to come. (Well, she will be his case manager, not actually hands n caregiver)
Maybe it’s what she wanted. I know some who would be thrilled with the kids and lifestyle.
For me 2 very young children would be plenty.
Better hope his $$ lasts.
Alex and I are the same age and I will say that plenty of my contemporaries were fully involved dads. We aren’t the Ward Cleaver generation (not that Ward modeled bad behavior. It was just of its time)
More like Baldwin is just flat out physically tired. I know I am. I cannot imagine parenting 4 young children at my age. Even with help. It’s physically and emotionally demanding. There is a reason nature intended parents to skew younger than 60. I mean mentioning hip replacement surgery in the sentence with pregnancy practically shouts: “ We are at different places in life.”
Not that I think Baldwin is a bad dad. Just less of a physical presence in their lives than he would be if 25 years younger.
They live in the neighborhood I work in and I see AB pushing the stroller around all the time (well pre-hip replacement). He looks exhausted and I can’t imagine how hard it is to take care of that many young ones at his age. I’m way younger than he is and I struggle with two who are in school! Also, I have never seen a nanny with them, it is usually just them and the kids.
My friend reports seeing the same thing all the time, so in my mind, this is either a bad-day comment fromHilaria, or her first stepping stone toward a well financed post baby divorce. This one is a planner.
Nannies, house keepers, babysitters fill the void. Not for the kids but for her. That crap wouldn’t fly in my house.
You know what I was just thinking? I was thinking how I believe you should live with your partner before you get engaged or married because you never really know someone until you live with them(my opinion). Now, the kids thing is hard. You never really, truly know what type of father a guy will be until he IS a father.
“You never really, truly know what type of father a guy will be until he IS a father.”
Exactly. I thought until my child was born that the hard work of parenthood would be shared, and I’ve spent the last two years reconciling myself to the weird reality of solo-parenting-while-married.
I find it hilarious that two of his sons are named like Ninja Turtles.
Honestly who cares? To each their own. Some women prefer to run the house and take care of the kids. Some couples do 50/50. Sometimes the dad stays home. It seems to work for them. And yes, nannies galore I’m sure.
1. Alec Baldwin’s net worth is $ 65 Mio according to google. Even if he has just a 20% of that money in his bank account — his wife isn’t cleaning their house herself but they likely have a cleaner and a (part time) nanny and probably a cook, too.
2. Considering how many yoga pose pictures there are of Hilaria Baldwin — I think that proves she does a lot of yoga and fitness and sport. But when you have little children and an “old fashioned” husband such a devotion to sport is possible only if you have staff who take care of the kids and do the daily chores.
Considerin 1. + 2. I think one has to admit that Alec Baldwin does contribute his share to his family in the form of $ earnings. He is buying a nice life for his family. That is a considerable contribution. And don’t forget he has an older daughter with Kim Basinger and he was / is likely paying for her as well. I mean: if Alec Baldwin would decide to reduce his acting career in favour of “family work” then Hilaria Baldwin would have to clean her house by herself ;-P
So nope, I am not going to trash Alec Baldwin. He does his share. And if his wife is okay with that then that is just fine.
I just think it is a dangerous thing for a woman to become a full-time house wife and mother for the rest of her life. A fucking lot of marriages get divorced and spousal support isn’t forever. If one of the divorced parties can write in their CV only “took care of the kids for a decade” then this party might find it difficult to find paid work.
I love children, but regardless of wealth, I would have maximum three kids.
It’s not only about money, it’s the time spent with kids, real quality time to raise them to be kind, honest, educated and well prepared for the world.
And of course, it’s also a question of over population in the world.
Two children is good for me now, three only, if I would be very wealthy.
It’s their business, but I certainly wouldn’t have more than two kids with such old dude.
Good actor, but seems like a jerk in real life.
I live near them and I’ve seen them with their kids quite a bit at the park and walking the dogs. They seem like a very normal family. He’s very sweet with his kids and looks enamored with her. She has a very kind way about her- unpretentious.
Clearly you live where I work! I see the same thing too. They seem happy unless when bombarded with paparazzi, which I’ve seen and it can get nasty.
Recently on his podcast (which I love) he said she’s after to him to move to LA because it’s such a pain with so many small kids to live in NYC-mainly because of weather and space. So it will be interesting to see who “wins” that argument. Many years ago, we had friends who lived in the same building with him-and they didn’t like him (said he was a curmudgeon pre-hilaria) but was actually delightful with their little daughters. I think he seems happy to have another chance to have a (big) family.
That kind of life is not for me, but it’s her marriage and their agreement.