“Cameron Diaz really has retired from Hollywood after all” links

The Museum Gala at The Museum of Natural History

After all that drama, it turns out that Cameron Diaz really is retired. [Pajiba]
Chris Pine wears overalls (!!) & he’s possibly dating Annabelle Wallis now? [LaineyGossip]
Emma Thompson looks great here but I loathe her shoes. [Go Fug Yourself]
Leo DiCaprio is still dating that 20-year-old model. [Dlisted]
Charlie Hunnam is shirtless and damp. [OMG Blog]
Kylie Jenner allegedly hired four nannies. Ha. [Wonderwall]
These are really funny tweets about parenting. [Buzzfeed]
Sooo, about Dan Schneider[The Blemish]
Erika Jayne fears nothing and no one. [Reality Tea]
Esteemed jurist is a freak and a criminal. [Jezebel]

Holiday note: we hope everyone has a pleasant Good Friday, Passover and Easter Sunday! We’re off this weekend but we’ll be back next week!

Cameron Diaz attends her book signing for 'The Longevity Book: The Science of Aging, the Biology of Strength, and the Privilege of Time'

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69 Responses to ““Cameron Diaz really has retired from Hollywood after all” links”

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  1. Pinar says:

    I dont want to believe that – i need more movies with her 🙁

    And hey – everybody loves emma!

  2. MerrymerrymonthofMay says:

    Cameron Diaz had a good run

    • Mrs. WelenMelon says:

      Cameron Diaz does light up the screen. It’s just that she can’t act.

      • Lana 234 says:

        @ mrs welenmelon agreed Cameron Diaz had a presence but wasn’t very good as an actress

      • tracking says:

        Agreed. Striking and charismatic, but the lack of acting talent often jarring. I thought this when I rewatched The Holiday recently.

      • Marian o keefe says:

        have to disagree there. she was pretty good in Being John Malkowich and My Sister’s Shoes.

      • Shotcaller says:


      • Carmen says:

        She was excellent in “The counselor” with four very strong co-stars (Javier Bardem, Michael Fassbender, Brad Pitt and Penélope Cruz). In fact, Díaz managed to steal the movie out from under them.

  3. politetia says:

    I still remember to poster of Cameron Diaz standing there in her underwear. It breathes the ‘It girl’ career over. It was just sad. Retired? More like Hollywood was just way over her. Did any one the movie? Was is good?

    • Athyrmose says:

      I’m lost. What movie are you referring to?

    • CineVince says:

      Her last films weren’t exactly bombs. She got into a relationship and she isn’t interested in doing anything she has been offered. Why are you so pressed?

    • Kosmos says:

      Just because someone once had a career in acting doesn’t mean they have to act forever. If you have the money to retire early, sounds like a good choice to me. There are so many other things in life to keep things interesting. If you still love working and want to act, then keep doing that. People who have already made their millions are very lucky in that they can have a choice. Cameron is a happily married woman now. To me, she was a successful actress–maybe not a huge star, but who cares? Many actors never become huge stars, yet make a very good living.

  4. Naptime says:

    Retired? Was anyone asking for her?

    • Mia4s says:

      Geez, harsh comments.

      She’s worth something like $140 million. Good for her for telling the industry and public to f**k off.

      • Rumi says:

        If I was worth 140 million, I’d retire in a heartbeat and pursue all the things I’ve wanted to do, but simply couldn’t afford to.

      • lucy2 says:

        Me too Rumi. She got that sweet Shrek cash, she can do whatever she wants now.

    • elle says:

      I feel the same way. I got tired of her acting like women everywhere needed her advice on everything from relationships to aging to skincare (particularly when she’s known for having awful skin). But I hope that her departure wasn’t related to assault or mistreatment.

    • Josephine says:

      I quite liked her. I haven’t seen a huge number of her movies, but she was entertaining in the few I saw. That being said, good for her to leaving – Hollywood seems like a lousy place to be a happy human, and she’s always come across as a fun and decent person.

      • ChillyWilly says:

        I like her too! Is she Meryl Streep? No, but she is very charismatic and likeable. The only movie I didn’t care for her in was Gangs of New York but she was a victim of miscasting. She just can’t pull of period parts. Good for her if she is over showbiz but if she decides to make a comeback, I’m here for ya Can!

      • minx says:

        CD should do TV comedy. I could see it.

      • Kosmos says:

        Thanks, Josephine! Well said, I liked her, too. Not everyone needs to be A++ star quality to be entertaining.

    • Bridget says:

      She may not be your cup of tea, but Cameron is a HUGE star.

      • GoodGrrrrl? says:

        If I had 140 from acting, I’d go back to school to learn to be the most voracious activist and make a positive difference somehow somewhere.

  5. Miss Gloss says:

    Yes, supposedly she was assaulted on the set of her second to last movie. She did one more movie because she committed to doing it for a friend, but decided to retire for that reason. Sad if this is true.

    • Anna says:

      Poor Cam if true. I hope she’s able to find peace and happiness whatever she does next. She spent plenty of time in Hollywood and she deserves to move on.

    • Tiffany :) says:

      If true, that is really horrific and sad.

    • jenna says:

      Where did you hear/read this? I’ve never heard anything like this before. What an awful story.

      • jenna says:

        Wait I just found it — it’s a CDAN blind, though it just vaguely says “something happened on her second to last movie”, not that she was explicitly assaulted. Plus it’s CDAN, who are untrustworthy as hell.

      • ms says:

        General rule of thumb is if it is a CDAN, it is either something easily verifiable (to give the author “credit” for being right sometimes) or completely made up. Don’t forget, there are at least three actors revealed for the “gambling problem” blind a few years ago. That blog is nothing but garbage.

  6. Lyka says:

    I thought Wallis and Chris Martin were together? Is that old news?

    (And this is very superficial, but I kind of soured on her when she got her nose job. Having a biggish/crookedish nose myself, I quite like seeing beautiful actor-y people own theirs, but I suppose most Hollywood gals are under pressure to correct them).

    • French Girl says:

      Martin is with Dakota Johnson now

    • LadyT says:

      Her original nose was absolutely fine on the first season of Peaky Blinders. I preferred it actually. She was uniquely beautiful, now she’s just another pretty blonde.

      • Cleo says:

        Oh no! She was SO beautiful in Pan Am. I was wondering why she didn’t look as gorgeous and remarkable in more recent photos.

  7. Anna says:

    Honestly, I have zero criticism for any of the Kardashian women hiring nannies. They have the money for it, and not every woman is going to relish getting up at three am to feed a crying baby. As long as the child is being cared for, it’s not the end of the world for Kylie to hire one, four, or twelve nannies.

    • Mia4s says:

      I have no problem whatsoever with hiring nannies. However, hiring four nannies for one child when you don’t have a job to go to full time or a house to take care of (you know there are housekeepers) is just a clear sign you don’t want to spend any time with your baby. And that’s sad. That’s really sad.

      • minx says:

        Agree. You bond with your baby by spending time with him or her. Nothing wrong with having nannies to help with grunt work, but this doesn’t sound like that. I’ll never forget when I saw my first baby recognize me for the first time. You sort of get used to newborns not focusing on you. I was changing his diaper, not really looking, and suddenly I glanced down and he was really seeing me, giving me a gummy smile! It still gives me goosebumps 26 years later.

      • Jordan says:

        Same. My district manager has a nanny. Twin boys aged 1.5 years old. Her husband works from home to only pay the nanny. Sometimes they are a good thing. But when you’re an 18 year old with no job, why?

      • effeff says:

        Honestly, it’s good labor practices to hire multiple nannies if you can afford it. It allows you to easily give them vacation, sick time, and livable schedules. I’m a career nanny and I would LOVE to have 3 coworkers.

      • Bridget says:

        How else is she going to have time to get ready for her selfies and her pap strolls?

      • jwoolman says:

        I’m sure they’re working shifts and not there all at once. She has the money and is so young and her house is so big, it’s smart to have a nanny on hand at all times.

    • kittyhawk says:

      Some people are more into the kid part and not the baby part of parenting. Sadly the first year gets overlooked in its huge importance and the template it sets for the rest of ones life.

      • minx says:

        Yes. And the baby months go so quickly. When I was in the midst of it I felt it would never end–then suddenly they are going off to school.

  8. Lilly says:

    And Christina Applegate? That’s too bad, I enjoy them both in movies. But, they sound happy and the system thinks we don’t want to see them, I guess. I watched View from the Top and thank goodness for Christina and Mark Ruffalo in that movie.

    • Jess says:

      I like both Christina Applegate (Samantha Who was such a funny sitcom) and Cameron Diaz so that is a bummer if both have retired. I’m assuming they’ll be back at some point, however. I read the Pajiba post linked to above about them and I thought the funniest line was at the end, about Jason Segal. He seemed like the next big thing for a moment and now has totally disappeared. I liked Forgetting Sarah Marshall and his Muppets movie but I don’t miss him at all.

      • Bridget says:

        He was rumored to have turned into a giant dick. Sad, because I thought Forgetting Sarah Marshall was hilarious and I loved him in Freaks & Geeks and How I Met Your Mother. But he was seemingly one of those guys who bought his own hype and partied his brains out.

      • minx says:

        I just watched Forgetting Sarah Marshall the other day, hadn’t seen it in years. All of those actors were perfect–Segal, Mila Kunis, Russell Brand, Jonah Hill. Every small part was perfectly cast, Bill Hader, Jack McBrayer, June Diane Raphael. So many funny lines!

  9. Incredulous says:

    Burn Dan Schneider to the ground and salt the earth after driving a stake through what remains.

  10. LittlefishMom says:

    Thank the good Lord above!!

  11. Jenn says:

    I never watched C Diaz films for practically her whole career. She seemed nice and kinda engaging but her films seemed not my thing. Then in the last five years I randomly saw her in some stuff and thought she was great actually, underrated. I like how she can do dramatic and comedic – I feel like most actresses can’t or don’t.
    The two movies I’m thinking of are “My Sisters Keeper” and “Bad Teacher”.

    • Liberty says:

      Agree. I saw My Sister’s Keeper for the first time two years ago and thought she was very good. And, I liked her in Something about Mary, and The Holiday. She was engaging, and that was what she was supposed to be in that rom com role, in my opinion. Bravo to her for banking it and waving good-bye.

  12. GD says:

    Did you hear about Pippas father in law?

  13. Bridget says:

    She seems like she’s been going through the motions for the last handful of years. It sounds like she’s found fulfillment personally, good for her.

  14. Kiddo says:

    I was hoping she can do a guest role in Drew Barrymore’s Santa Clarita Diet, just like what Joel Mchale did, it would be awesome

  15. Shelly says:

    Dan Schneider needs his own post
    Besides the rumors about Spears
    and the abuse of Jeaneatte where she posted the bruises
    and Cat, who left her own show because of abuse allegations
    all the weird foot stuff
    The Amanda rumors
    There was the fact the star of icarly got pregnant and had to have and abortion and had a mini breakdown. He was said to have a “relationship” with her from some people on set
    This guy needs to be burned to the ground

    and what finally caused Nic to boot him

    • otaku fairy says:

      There’s no evidence that Miranda Cosgrove got pregnant, had a breakdown, and had to leave the show. These rumors seem to change based on which site you visit.
      This is one of the problems we run into when rumors that someone has been sexually assaulted are circulated without them having said so themselves. If/when any Dan Schneider victims come forward, we’ll probably be shocked to learn who actually was or wasn’t abused and what did or didn’t happen. But right now, we don’t really have any of the Who’s, What’s, When’s, Where’s, or How’s of the situation because no woman has come out as a Dan Schneider victim yet- we just have speculation. The best thing the rest of us can do about it right now is wait for the truth to come out ( when it does, we must be prepared to listen to any women or underage girls confirming whether they have or have not been abused without discrediting or shaming them) and refrain from spreading damaging gossip about the individual actresses. This isn’t ordinary, harmless gossip where nothing important is at stake. Same thing with that Cameron Diaz situation- did that story come from her?

    • ccc8888 says:

      also his well documented foot fetish and how he used his position to get access to underage girl’s feet without them understanding what was happening.

  16. Tessa says:

    Why 4 nannies ? There is only 24 hours in the day

    • ccc8888 says:

      so the baby doesn’t get too attached to 1 of them.

    • jwoolman says:

      That gives more reasonable shifts and more time off during the week and for vacations, sick days, etc. If the money is there for it, that’s actually a good idea. With her, it’s a good idea for a nanny or experienced relative to be on hand 24/7. This is her first baby and she’s younger than her age.

      Plus she goes out for social and business reasons and it’s not always appropriate to bring a baby along unless a nanny is with it. I can’t really imagine Kylie struggling with baby things and baby seats herself as she goes to visit friends. She may want to show off baby and be able to check on baby, but she wants to focus on her friends.

      The same is true for Kim. She might haul the baby along and carry her while on camera, but she certainly wants someone else to take care of all the baby details. Taking a baby anywhere seems like planning a trip down the Amazon. I always figured that was why my mother carried huge heavy purses, she got in the habit when out with us as babies!

      Even Kourtney, the most normal one of the bunch, has a nanny along so she can concentrate on the kids when they’re out.

      I’m sure Kylie also has household staff for keeping the place clean, keeping her clothes and bedding clean, and maybe a cook at least some of the time as well as someone to take care of the grounds. Otherwise she would have been doing nothing else keeping it all going herself. She doesn’t live in a small apartment.

  17. Sarah says:

    Cameron Diaz and Kate Hudson seem to have retired…

  18. Danielle says:

    Good for Cameron! Hollywood doesn’t sound like a good place, especially for women.

  19. anna says:

    I feel like the majority of female actors fall by the wayside by 40, meanwhile all their male counterparts are still being seen in big films, Affleck, Damon, Cooper etc..

  20. Giddy says:

    The first time I remember seeing CD was in The Mask. She was insanely beautiful with legs for days. I thought she was a really enjoyable comedic actress like in There’s Something About Mary. But I’m happy for her that she can choose what to do now.

  21. Mia C says:

    Hollywood really is the worst. It’s all we’ve got, so we’re limited. But they’re openly age-ist, sexist, have been raping and assaulting and casting couching for eons (Marilyn Monroe, according to Joan Collins had to have sex with all her old, fat, grotesque bosses). Nobody else has child labor anymore, in Hollywood even babies can work. There is no such thing as too young in backwards, exploitative Hollywood. Yet you turn 40 and you’re out. Cristina Applegate and Cameron Diaz are both retired? Give me a break. Yet notice Al Bundy is still getting jobs. It’s just horrendous. If you don’t work because you don’t want to that’s freedom and a blessing. If you get pushed out because you’re no longer 26 it’s depressing as hell. These ladies are my contemporaries so it’s also a kick in the face to all people of my generation, saying that we’re done for in terms of allure. Because both those ladies were hired to be hotties and clearly that’s not in the cards for them anymore. I think it’s depressing. When I saw Will Smith with that blond kid co-star I was just so over Hollyweird. They just pair the aging men with younger women AKA window dressing and cast off the women as they mature.

  22. Jess says:

    Btw, I love Emma’s shoes and want an expose on the whole Dan schneider story!

  23. naomipaige says:

    If this is true, as far as I’m concerned, it’s truly no loss to Hollywood.

  24. Happy21 says:

    Cameron Diaz was never my favourite actress but I tolerated her in most films. The Other Woman had a great ensemble cast and There’s Something about Mary was cute enough. She never should have been cast in Gangs of New York. Among so much talent she was the obvious weak link and it showed a little too much in my opinion.