“Leonardo DiCaprio brought his 20-year-old girlfriend to Coachella” links

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Leonardo DiCaprio brought his 20-year-old girlfriend to Coachella” is an evergreen headline. We can reuse it every year! [Dlisted]
Billy Idol called and he’s dating the heiress of Mr. Chow’s. [Wonderwall]
Domhnall Gleeson continues to be in every single movie. [Looper]
Yes, I will watch a movie with Emma Thompson & Mindy Kaling. [LaineyGossip]
Late night hosts had a ball with the Sean Hannity news. [Pajiba]
Hilaria Baldwin is still pregnant. Another evergreen headline! [JustJared]
Are the ratings bad for American Idol or something? [Seriously OMG WTF]
Starbucks CEO says he’ll make some changes after a Starbucks manager called the cops on two black men who were waiting for a friend. [Buzzfeed]
This seems like a statue that should have come down before now? [Jezebel]

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43 Responses to ““Leonardo DiCaprio brought his 20-year-old girlfriend to Coachella” links”

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  1. Red says:

    She looks like Kendull Jenner, he looks like her dad.

  2. Erinn says:

    I mean, he better have. I feel like that’s a good chunk of the allure when it comes to dating him. You get to go out and party and go big while you’re with him, then you turn 22 and you’re over it or given the boot.

  3. Originaltessa says:

    Gosh, she’s so young. In some pictures she still looks so childlike in the face. This disturbs me.

    • Milla says:

      He’s getting older they are getting younger… Creepy…

      • Cherrypie32 says:

        He is Despicable!

      • Sara says:

        “That’s what I love about high school girls, man. I get older, and they stay the saaaame aaaage.” – Matthew McConaughey’s creepy character in Dazed & Confused.”

    • Alexandria says:

      Yea I mentioned this before lol. I remembered Brooklyn Beckham as a baby and he’s dating a 20 year old. And, so is Leo. Let that sink in.

    • minx says:

      She might not have been born when Titanic came out.

  4. Bridget says:

    But did he also bring out his sweet dance moves?

  5. Veronica S. says:


  6. BJ says:

    I just saw pics of Justin Theroux with a young lady who looks to be in her early 20’s.I wonder if she is his new Boo.

  7. Lucy says:

    Well, I am certainly not against seeing Domhnall in everything!

  8. LittlefishMom says:

    Do parents normally bring their kids?…..I had to. Lol!

  9. Eliza says:

    I think the more accurate title is:
    “20-year-old girlfriend brought Leonardo DiCaprio to Coachella”

    Because all the celebs there this year are in the Instagram group: 20 yo models and celebs.

  10. Killjoy says:

    I mean, at 20, she’s pretty much bringing him to Coachella, no? I say this as an ancient 33 year-old who has been to the festival, and would even go again to the douchefest if I were 43 (I like music, the desert, and terrible clothes), but it’s a hot young twenties sorta game.

  11. ORIGINAL T.C. says:

    Notice how he goes out of his way to dress like HE is still 20? I honestly think he is delayed in developing as an adult, permanently stuck at the age he became a superstar. He can only deal with women at his own perceived age. When they are over 25, they outgrow him and he is no longer interested or able to understand them. And young woman are maturing at a faster rate so he has to go younger to find ones that match him. When he parties with his friends, they party like frat boys not grown men. Yeah he can pretend to be an adult in interviews but he’s not.

    • crazydaisy says:

      I was going to say the same thing. Never grew up inside. A lot of child stars have this presentation. Puer aeternus.

      • Mira Belle says:

        So to the points made by @Original TC and @crazydaisy – I’ve been reading these Leo stories for…longer than I want to admit. It makes sense that he’s stuck at a certain maturity level. But he’s going to be rolling with his pack like this into his 60’s? Really? Sure, okay. But if he’s gay/bi/whatevs I mean isn’t it quite a bit of work (like excel spreadsheet level) to keep track of these girls? That level of bearding (if this is what it is) sounds exhausting. Frankly, the finer points of human psychology are elusive to me (yeah, has not served me well) but to the matter at hand, and at the celeb level I’m sure it’s a whole different scenario. Maybe this is a truly satisfying life and if so, right on. But genuinely curious if someone feels like taking a deep dive on this one. Or maybe it’s exactly what it appears to be.

      • Ama says:

        Same in Ibiza et al.: Lots of single/never married, not famous men in their mid 40ies, with more or less money, partying every year. They hang around “dudes” in their 30ies or younger, and hope to get lucky, too. Sad folks.

    • Veronica S. says:

      I just get exhausted looking at him, honestly. I like parties, but I grew out of that scene by the time I was 25ish. I have known people like this. They are exactly what you think they’re like in person.

    • Ashley says:

      Jason Priestley discussed this very thing in his memoir: how, when actors become famous, that’s the age (mentally) at which they tend to be stuck. I think this is Leo’s problem.

  12. Kat says:

    I mean, he’s a cool dadfriend, right?

  13. DenG says:

    Leo is the next James Woods. If you need a pet, you get a puppy because they’re trainable and who wants a wrinkly old dog?

  14. Junebug says:

    Honk for Domhnall Gleeson

  15. serena says:

    Dear god, will Leo ever mature?

  16. isabelle says:

    More like she brought the old man with her. He looks so out of place.

  17. Millennial says:

    Leo also took a private jet to Coachella. One look at his Instagram and it’s all environment this, endangered species that. Until it’s time to party with the teens at Coachella. Not here for his hypocrisy.

  18. ms says:

    I don’t care about the age of women he dates, even if it is a punchline, but I’m a lot more upset about the private jet when he is a so called “environmentalist.” Bitch, please.

  19. indefatigable says:

    Leo’s only doing what a lot of guys his age wish they could do. Sad but true.

    • ORIGINAL T.C. says:

      I disagree, yes men in their 40-50’s want to date younger women in their 20’s. But not a 20 year old who acts her age and wants to hang out with other 20 year olds. Most men don’t regress nor dress like they are still 19-20. They want young hot women who can adapt to living as adults and go to adult functions.

      • indefatigable says:

        I was just commenting on older guys wanting younger women. How they choose to go about it is another issue.

  20. Wilder says:

    If my 20 year old daughter came home with a 43 year old, I’m not sure what I’d do. He might be the smartest, most pleasant man I’ve ever met. I’d still think something was wrong with him.

  21. Sara says:

    As a newly 40 year old women who grew up loving Leo and myself being an environmental minded person, this really dissappoints me. You have to wonder about any 43 yo man that’s dates a 20 year old. I mean you are already 13 years older than a 30 year old!

    • indefatigable says:

      We live in a society that worships conventional youthful beauty. You only have to look at the media to see that. So is really that surprising that men would continue to lust after conventionally attractive young women regardless of their own age?

  22. KeepingItReal says:

    When will he just come out of the closet and lose these barely legal beards? It’s cute that you people think he’s straight.

    • ORIGINAL T.C. says:

      It’s cute how internet Gay rumors never start about ugly, fat or sloppily dressed male actors that women don’t traditionally lust after and don’t make other men jealous….

    • Gia says:

      Exactly. He needs to come out. The public would embrace him and he can stop embarrassing himself with these model girlfriend contracts his PR sets up.

  23. well maybe says:

    Girlfriend, sure