David Spade is a complete enigma to me. I’ve always had it in the back of my mind that he’s douchebag but I honestly don’t know where I’ve gotten that. I find him charming in interviews, I like his stand-up and while digging around on our site, most of the stories about him were nice. In addition, he is not the typical Hollywood heartthrob but he has dated people like Heather Locklear, Lara Flynn Boyle, Nicolette Sheridan and Naya Rivera. So, when I read the headline about David dating women so young they don’t know who Led Zeppelin is, I was all set to pounce on him. But then I watched the interview and he was funny and charismatic enough that now I want to download his book. David is promoting his new audiobook, A Polaroid Guy in a Snapchat World, which deals with David’s current dating life, supposedly. I’m not saying David isn’t dating much younger women – I mean Naya Rivera is 20+ years his junior – but the book is comedy and I don’t doubt he’s exaggerating certain content for entertainment. While promoting the book on Ellen Degeneres’ talk show, David said occasionally the age gap can lead to awkward conversations such as, “Like, you’re out, and you hear a Led Zeppelin song, and their face is blank. I’m like, ‘You don’t know who Led Zeppelin is?’ They’re like, ‘Dude, I don’t know who Maroon 5 is. I’m young, and you’re old, is there a problem?’” Again, when you hear him say it, it’s much funnier than it reads:
I’m also laughing at this because The Mister and I discussed this the other night and I said I would not be able to date anyone who couldn’t reference the TV show M*A*S*H from memory. The Mister suggested maybe I shouldn’t be dating at all while we were married, and I can see his point but still, I think it’s important to have some rules in place, just in case. David goes on to talk about how being rejected on text differs from being rejected by dial-up phones and how his car is woefully inadequate for today’s technology. Again, most of what he said is for comedic value. Sure, his dates can’t reference Ramble On but at least he sees the humor in the age discrepancy. If he can put up with a blank stare from across the table when he explains what a typewriter is, all power to him. Although I suspect the joke is on him. Maybe all the young women he dates are really just hoping he can introduce them to his sister-in-law Kate.
Photo credit: WENN Photo and YouTube
he wrote a memoir a couple of years ago and I listened to the audio book; I thought it was interesting! he does give off that douchebag vibe, but in reality, I find him quite likable!
He seems like a nice guy. Why won’t he date someone his own age? I’m so glad I’m married. Why are men so obsessed with dating younger women? I know why one guy at my job does. He is very immature. But when i was dating in my early 30s, it seemed like a couple of the guys i liked wanted women in their 20s. I can’t imagine trying to date again if I was in my 50s. Rejection sucks. I get why older people end up marrying their neighbor, or someone they knew before when they were married. Dating is so exhausting to me.
He is basically a skinny version of Brad Pitt.
I dunno, i have never seen so much charisma or humor from brad pitt
Exactly. My mom met him years ago..and said she didn’t expect to find herself so attracted to him. She said she gets why he lands these women, it’s not his money..it’s him. Found him to be “captivating”
LOL, I love the story you told about you and your Mister! My Mister is quite a bit older than I am and there are references I don’t get because I didn’t grow up with them and I can tell he sometimes gets frustrated but I tell him that’s what you get when you marry your mid-life crisis!
I loooove David Spade, he has been one of my favorites since his SNL days and onto Just Shoot Me. His humor and delivery always land with me.
I know that since I’m just an anon in a comment section you probably wont believe this, but I’ll share anyway…a friend of mine dated him years ago, she told me that he has a huge … and he knows what to do, she said that he’s very funny and very good.
(She stressed “huge” btw lol)
I believe you. I’ve heard that he’s mind blowing.
I completely believe you. It explains a lot.
I’d heard that he was pretty big. Not Milton Berle big, but almost.
I do find him charming and funny.
Huh? But he’s such a little dude. Never saw that coming. Pardon the unintended pun.
Wait….”Milton Berle Big” !?!? Is that actually a thing? Lordy.
I didn’t know who they were either until I googled them:
ah, no.
Short man syndrome. Sounds douchey…
Love me some David Spade! He’s about the only comic from the 90s that I still think is a riot.
I mean I’m 31 and while I know OF Led Zeppelin, I couldn’t name a song or identify it off the radio. But I can name that Queen song within 2 seconds.
He tells stories so well, and acknowledges the weirdness of Hollywood celebrity life with self-deprecating humor. His earlier memoir, “David Spade is Almost Interesting”, is a fun read though I wish he dished less on sexual encounters and more on tales from “Just Shoot Me” which was hilarious.
This interview sounds insulting and condescending to both older and younger women.
To women around his age, because he doesn’t even consider dating one, not even as a remote possibility (it’s not said literally, but implied).
And to younger women, because in their ignorance, they don’t know what a typewriter and who Led Zeppelin is.
So, women his own age are undateble and younger women, though dateble, are dumb compared to His Wisdom.
And thats probably why he dates them. He always has the upper hand.
Yeah, I used to be insecure about men dating younger women, but then I realized for men who *ONLY* chase youth, it’s actually not about youth. It’s about having power over women who don’t know any better.
(Only is in asterisks because I think age gaps are fine, just not when some douche exclusively chases women in their 20s or whatever.)
Just imagine any b list actress saying this about younger men. Heck imagine Jolie saying this… crucified.
when someone his age dates someone who’s young enough not to know who led Zeppelin is that’s scary though dating younger men/women ain’t nothing new Paul McCartney’s 3rd wife is 18+ years his Jr his second wife Heather Mills was nearly 26 years his Jr while his first wife Linda was just shy of 9 months older than him both of Paul Newman’s wives were younger than him his first wife Jacqueline was born in September 1929 and his 2nd wife Joanne Woodward was born February 27th 1930 five years 1 month after him they wed January 29th 1958 and remained married until his death September 26th 2008 age 83 years and 8 months
He is revolting. His memoir was stupid and revolting.
I’m going to admit that I’ll watch ‘Joe Dirt’ anytime it’s on!
It just really makes me laugh, as does David Spade.
Joe Dirt is funny as hell. I’m glad I’m not the only one who thinks so. Hell even Kid Rock was good in it.
I think a lot of times we watch a person on tv & the characters they take on are mostly the same so we start to view them as this person on the tv shows or movies. And David is one of those people…you think he’s a douchebag, or just an idiot (w/o hearing much about him at all) but you don’t really know WHY. I never gave him much thought but bc I don’t hear much about him I figure he’s just a harmless comedian
Uh… I’m 30 and I’ve known who Led Zeppelin was since I was 10. Almost all of the teens I know worship them to some degree.
He’s dated older women too, Healther Locklear and Nicolette Sheridan. He seems to date anyone. I’ve always liked him.