Shailene Woodley ate 350 calories a day towards the end of filming Adrift

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None of us have seen Adrift yet, it’s the kind of movie I’d rather watch at home as it seems hard to take in a theater, but it’s done somewhat well with critics. The film hasn’t recouped its production budget yet, so many people must agree with me. During promotion, Shailene Woodley has been talking about her newfound feminism and about the fact that she and costar Sam Claflin were on a very restrictive diet in the last weeks of filming. It’s not a spoiler to say that their characters were stranded on a boat in the ocean with limited access to food. (This was based on a memoir and true story, although Adrift took a lot of artistic license.) Shailene previously said that a sexy peanut butter scene was so true-to-life because she and Sam were basically starving. In an interview with The Times [via People], Shailene revealed that her diet for the last two weeks of filming was just 350 calories a day and that she was miserable.

[Shailene], 26, opened up about her rigorous diet for the film in which she plays Tami Oldham, who found herself adrift on a stricken boat alongside her injured fiancé.

“For the last two weeks I had a can of salmon, some steamed broccoli and two egg yolks every day — 350 calories,” Woodley told The Times of her strict diet for the film. “It was f—— miserable.”

“I can’t sleep when I’m hungry so I would have a glass of wine to basically pass the f— out,” she said.

[From The Times via People]

I’m fascinated by actor diet stories, because it amazes me that anyone could eat that little for more than a day. It’s supremely unhealthy, but more than that whenever I eat less than around 1,200 calories I get ravenously hungry and pig out the next day. I have friends who have gone on very low calorie diets and have lost weight quickly but then they just went back to how they were eating before and gained it back. In this case the actor is doing it for a role and it probably helps them embody the character. I just wonder if that’s taking method acting too far.

Shailene is wearing Altuzarra below, at the London premiere of Adrift. This is sharp, but her AOL build suit is a little frumpy.
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26 Responses to “Shailene Woodley ate 350 calories a day towards the end of filming Adrift”

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  1. Cantgooglme says:

    Omg her hair. Why?! I love this girl but those bangs. That colour…

    Totally bummed they aren’t doing a fourth Divergent movie, she’s wonderful to watch.

    That said has she always had such a puffy Face??, I fear premature filler use or bullemia cheeks. … I hope she ok and it’s just an optical illusion from the ugliness of those bangs

    • Lucy says:

      Her face always looks bloated.

    • tealily says:

      The photos in the red top look like fillers to me. I hope not. She’s still so young!

    • Veronica S. says:

      Honestly, if you have rounder features, it can look like that on camera. I have a very oval-shaped face, and it takes dramatic weight loss for me to get even slight sculpting. My cheeks are naturally just fuller looking, and even mild weight gain makes them look bigger.

    • perplexed says:

      I think she used to have sharper features. Yeah, I have to admit I’m wondering how her face has dramatically changed. On the Secret Life of the American Teenager, she had sort of modell-y like features. Then again, she was a teenager.

  2. Beth says:

    I couldn’t do that. Being hungry is so uncomfortable, I wouldn’t be able to stay on any kind of diet

  3. Big Bertha says:

    Love her in Big Little Lies.

    • annabanana says:

      That’s the only thing that I was able to stand her, for some reason I can’t watch her, when I see her that’s the end but i didn’t mind her so much in big little lies

      • K says:

        Me too. I think she fit the part well in that, didn’t have too much put on her shoulders as the more seasoned actresses around her got to be the real stars. I think she’s a supporting role type of actor, too bland to be a star.

  4. Grant says:

    Her hair is hideous.

  5. Cate says:

    She is just so… extra and exhausting. It is hard to suspend disbelief when watching her acting in films. I did love her in Big Little Lies but that’s about it. I agree with the other posters, her hair is super Fug and those bangs are a tragedy.

  6. Mia4s says:

    I get exhausted when I see her name so I doubt I could manage a whole movie. She was solid in supporting on Big Little Lies though, absolutely.

    Oh dear, Sam Clafin. We are a long way from Finnick aren’t we? Happens to the best of us. 😬

  7. Veronica S. says:

    Count me as the crotchety old woman here, but that shit shouldn’t be publicized. You shouldn’t be talking about it, even as an actor’s process, because the rate of eating disorders is high enough without giving more fuel to the fire that such calorie limits are survivable. Not to mention it’s incredibly gross to demand that kind of dangerously unhealthy behavior out of anybody, much less a movie. They’re on a fake island in a fake story about a fake shipwreck. I think we can buy they are fake starving, too.

    • Kit says:

      I don’t think the brain or body would be functioning well enough to perform in a Hollywood movie production after two weeks at 350calories a day. At the same time, she wasn’t including the calories in that wine she used to knock herself out so maybe there were a few protein shakes she forgot to mention too.

  8. ForeverEddie says:

    A week of fasting won’t kill you, and studies show it actually might be beneficial! We all eat too much too often. 70% of Americans are fat…

    • Pinetree13 says:

      Yeah, and some say that the measurements are too lenient as many who don’t qualify as overweight still have too much fat around their internal organs. So really it’s more like 85%. And studies show that slightly under eating actually makes you live longer though the mechanism as to why is not understood…those that slightly undereat have longer telomeres on their DNA. So while being aware of avoiding promoting eating disorders…at this point that’s so rare compared to those that over eat into an early grave.

      • Veronica S. says:

        Well, it was shown to increase lifespan in *mice.* Short-term fasting plans with primates have had conflicted results, including some human studies, though it did show some benefits. Probably because we’re talking about a massive difference in body and brain mass.

        Austere eating and intense fasting are also two very different things. 350 calories is barely a third of what a woman on a *diet* should eat. Most of the human studies were using at least twice that for austerity purposes. They also admitted it’s almost impossible to copy the results in humans because there’s no external controls the way there are in research labs, so who knows. Maybe it does improve health in humans, but the research suggests it would be more or less impossible for the majority of us to utilize that type of psychological discipline effectively.

  9. MeghanNotMarkle says:

    Oh no, Finnick. What happened to your hair???

    Shailene’s hair is very Dakota Johnson and it looks terrible on both of them. I’ll watch this movie at home. I don’t need to ugly cry in public while stuffing my face with Twizzlers and popcorn.

  10. Aurelia says:

    She normally has such beautiful hair too. That classic bronzey brown. But this black witch mop with the bang trauma is not ok. Saw Adrift, Loved it.

  11. Finny says:

    Seriously though. What is with her face? I am a fan of hers and maybe she has gained a pound or two over the years but that screams “I’ve had work done!” Doesn’t it?

    • jennx says:

      I’m not sure. It could just as easily be fluid retention. When my PCOS went into full swing in my early 20s, my entire body type changed, my face and feet swelled, and my hair started looking fried. I developed cystic acne at 24!!

      Anyway, I think it’s possible she experimented with fillers in her teens (and if she’s had a nose job, it’s suuuper subtle and just a little definition on the bridge), but her current facial fullness looks endocrinological to me, since all of her features have broadened. She still looks lovely, of course!!

  12. CairinaCat says:

    I had three weeks to lose 25# for a surgery.
    My gastroenterologist put me on a liquid diet of 400 calories a day. I would also eat broccoli and a cucumber everyday.
    I lost the 25# in about 2 and a half weeks.
    It was miserable but do able.
    I did all my usual daily stuff

  13. AnotherDirtyMartini says:

    She annoys me greatly.

  14. aenflex says:

    Limiting caloric intake in a healthy and safe way is the best way to lose weight, IMO. You can’t out-train a bad diet. I worked out hard for a year and lost 10lbs. Started eating a well balanced diet at a deficit and lost 15 lbs in a few months.

    Her choice to starve herself to get more into character. No one will top Bale’s Machinist, tho.