Roseanne Barr apologized to Valerie Jarrett, then said Jarrett ‘needs a new haircut’

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I’m not going to watch the interview between Roseanne Barr and Sean Hannity. Honestly, I hate him more than her, although they’re both garbage-dump people. I’m including the video below, in case you’re a masochist. Trust me when I say that I truly believe you could find much better ways to spend 20 minutes. This was Roseanne’s first for-real interview since ABC fired her racist ass for her tweet comparing Valerie Jarrett to “planet of the apes + muslim brotherhood.” Barr has spoken quite regularly since then, of course, tweeting apologies and explanations and posting crazy-seeming videos to her YouTube page. But this is her first honest-to-God television interview. And of course she gave it to Sean Hannity.

So, obviously, I’m just going from what other outlets are reporting about this. Apparently, Hannity had to repeatedly prompt Barr to apologize, which she did… and then she insulted Valerie Jarrett’s hair. And Roseanne also seems to think that Valerie Jarrett, like, got her fired. Valerie Jarrett didn’t do anything but take a call of apology from the head of ABC. ABC decided to fire Roseanne on their own, but of course Roseanne is acting like she was personally victimized by big mean Valerie Jarrett. The audacity of this bitch, I swear. Some quotes:

On Jarrett’s race: “You could have knocked me over with a feather when they said she was African-American. I thought she was Middle Eastern.”

Why she tweeted what she did: “That is a tweet about asking for accountability from the previous administration about the Iran deal, which Valerie Jarrett is the author of, and that was what was in my head.'”

Addressing Jarrett, Roseanne said: “Don’t assume you know what I meant because I think you don’t know what I meant and I would like to make it clear to you what I did mean…. I’m so sorry that you thought I was racist and that you thought my tweet was racist, because it wasn’t. It was political. I’m sorry that you feel harmed and hurt. I never meant that and for that I apologize.”

But she then insulted Jarrett’s appearance: “Plus I’d tell her she’s gotta get a new haircut, I mean seriously, she needs a new haircut.”

[From NPR]

How many different explanations and excuses is she going to go through? And why does she think it’s totally fine to call a Middle-Eastern person an ape? And why does Jarrett need a new haircut? We’ll never know the answers to any of those questions, because none of them matter. Roseanne is so pathetic, but don’t you dare feel sorry for her. She quite literally brought this all on herself.

Roseanne Barr promotes the new season of 'Roseanne' at The Wendy Williams Show

Photos courtesy of Backgrid, Fox News.

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54 Responses to “Roseanne Barr apologized to Valerie Jarrett, then said Jarrett ‘needs a new haircut’”

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  1. Alix says:

    She’s really just babbling now.

    • whatWHAT? says:

      yeah, it’s so much better to call a middle eastern person an ape than it is to call a black person one. jeebus.

      “I’m so sorry that YOU thought I was racist and that YOU thought my tweet was racist, because it wasn’t. It was political. I’m sorry that YOU feel harmed and hurt.” (Emphasis added by me)

      another non-apology apology.

      JUST SHUT THE F UP and go back to your nut farm.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        Her excuses are so weak.

        She also called Susan Rice an ape. She has a long history of documenting her racism and bigotry on the internet. She can make all of the excuses she wants for this “one” tweet, but it doesn’t erase her history of bigotry.

      • Erbs says:


      • jwoolman says:

        It’s so ridiculous. She’s lying. She made up that excuse later or else she would have used it right away.

        Roseanne, to quote my brother when he was a wise old five year old:

        “Have a nice shut up.”

    • j says:

      the old “i’m sorry you feel that way” un-pology. newsflash; it’s not up to you to decide if you’re racist, it’s up to everyone else.

  2. RBC says:

    Keep talking and tweeting Roseanne, that way the rest of the world will not forget how horrible you are.

  3. Barrett says:

    She mentally ill and racist. I can’t even, like go away…,

    • Shelly says:

      Barrett..+2. However I think her racism will be excused ala the way the guy who killed Nia Wilson. She might be on drugs or meds, she seems to get confused then start scratching her head.

      I don’t think Jarret authoered the Iran deal..she lived there for a brief time as a child.

      • Jane says:

        I agree. She seemed really wasted to me.

      • Jan90067 says:

        Even my 90 year old dad turned to me and said, “I think she’s a little crazy, no?” lolol. Honestly I just had to laugh, my sweet old dad, with this very puzzled look on his face… he couldn’t believe what he just heard.

        Roseanne just needs to go away! If ANY of her kids has any kind of pull/power of attorney, etc… just take her someplace, especially out of internet range, and get her HELP.

      • jwoolman says:

        Jarrett’s dad worked at or headed a children’s hospital in Iran for a while, some kind of humanitarian aid program. Her parents are both Americans. They moved to the U.K. for a while also when she was still aged in the single digits but then returned to the USA.

        I think Jarret was born in Iran but she was a native-born American because guess what, that’s what happens when even one of your parents is a US citizen.

        And by the way, Roseanne, she doesn’t look like any Middle Easterner I’ve ever seen. Get your eyes checked.

  4. Chaine says:

    I can’t be the only person who had utterly forgotten who Valerie Jarrett even was prior to this incident. Seriously, this lady was fading into pleasant obscurity IMO and I truly don’t understand how Roseanne and the other conspiracy theorists latched onto her as some kind of uber-villain.

    • Tiffany says:

      True power is not seen and heard.

      Roseanne and it looks like you don’t seem to grasp how big a power player Valarie Jarrett is.

    • Veronica S. says:

      “Pleasant obscurity” from the popular media, maybe, but this woman ain’t no pushover. She’s got a long history of involvement in some huge investment power players and local/federal politics. Her daughter is an attorney and reporter for CNN and linked to Canadian politicians through marriage. There are a lot of people who have her back if somebody comes after her – which is a good thing considering there is nothing America hates more than successful minority woman.

  5. BlueSky says:

    If you have to keep telling people you aren’t racist……..

  6. MaryContrary says:

    Both she and Hannity are so horrible I refuse to watch any of this crap. Ugh.

  7. Who ARE These People? says:

    Someone recently apologized to me like this…and I didn’t buy that, either.

    • minx says:

      Not only couldn’t I watch it, I had to quickly scroll past the pictures of their disgusting, hateful faces.

      • minx says:

        Meant as a reply to MaryContrary.

      • Tiffany :) says:

        I couldn’t watch it either. Don’t want to give them the views, and there is nothing she could say that would excuse her years of bigoted behavior.

      • MaryContrary says:

        That’s how I feel too. The two of them, and Trump, induce gagging.

  8. Neelyo says:

    She went from the top of the heap to this garbage pile in record time. But let’s be honest, this is where she should have been all along.

  9. Tara Beth says:

    “I thought she was white. I thought she was middle eastern. This was a commentary about the Iran deal from years back. This was a commentary about a dystopian future. This was a result of me taking Ambien on a holiday weekend. This is a result of me not sticking to a story and losing my once-in-a-lifetime shot at re-relevance in my senior years.” CHOOSE A LANE, be silent, and stay gone.

    • whatWHAT? says:

      lol…this reminded me of Jake Blues’ “speech” of excuses to Carrie Fisher’s character on why he stood her up at their wedding.

      “Honest… I ran out of gas. I… I had a flat tire. I didn’t have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn’t come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts! IT WASN’T MY FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD! “

    • Rescue Cat says:

      Yes. At some point Roseanne is going to have face up to the fact that she blew it big time.

  10. Kiki says:


  11. adastraperaspera says:

    This is so shady. What is she doing on Fox? Seems to me she might be picking up a paycheck for distracting Fox viewers from Trump’s treason.

    • Christina says:

      Agreed. She is a distraction, and they have a lot of air time to fill for someone their audience finds sympathetic.

    • Jan90067 says:

      Of course she’s on Faux. She’s “their kind” of people! Wouldn’t surprise me if they offer her a job.

    • minx says:

      The Fox crowd loooves her now that she voted for Trump and bashes someone from the Obama administration. They called her un-American when she screeched the national anthem and grabbed her crotch.

    • jwoolman says:

      She might be auditioning to do some kind of show on Fox News. Trying out audience reaction, maybe.

  12. Christina says:

    Valerie Jarrett is busy living leading a quiet, purposeful life. She isn’t paying any attention to this unless people bring it up to her, and even then she probably just stares blankly and changes the subject. This publicity tour is just so desperate. Hollywood needs charismatic assholes like her to sell things to other horrible people and to the rest of us; Donald Trump didn’t magically manifest out of thin air, and he is as American as apple pie. Enough of us buy her crap. The energy that is projected on film is weird, and “star quality” is a valuable and sellable item in our society. You have to go ptretty far for them to kick you out of lunches at the Polo Club, and she pulled in ALOT of cash. There are many racists in Hollywood, so she went about as far as “talent” can go.

  13. JRenee says:


  14. Natalia says:

    Can we finally just round up Ted Nugent, Roseanne Barr and a few others and just put them in a carnival cage and point and laugh?

  15. lucy2 says:

    Can we just ignore her? She a mean racist, has nothing of value to say or contribute, and clearly is desperate for the attention.

  16. holly hobby says:

    Ugh this lady should just not talk ever! The more she babbles the worse it gets.

  17. Cay says:

    She claims she is a centrist politically.
    She claims she hates extremists.
    She claims she can’t stand politicians who can’t take a joke.
    She claims she isn’t on Twitter.
    She claims she was not sexually abused as she previously stated.

    I want to feel sorry for her, but she makes it really difficult. A person should do a self-evaluation when she makes Sean Hannity look like a rational, coherent human being.

  18. Enn says:

    We should all just ignore her.

  19. J.Mo says:

    SUSAN RICE. What’s her excuse that time? Also, I didn’t watch the video clip or interview but she’s changed her mind about her father molesting her after she insisted on it while he was alive. I recall her suggesting her mother was sexually abusive too, but whatever I read last night didn’t confirm that recollection.

  20. Veronica S. says:

    The blonde really ages her, neh?

  21. Erbs says:

    She’s a sad excuse for a human being.

  22. Yes Doubtful says:

    She’s loving every minute of this. Even though she “lost” a show, she has now gained an even bigger following of deplorables and even more attention to her sick, twisted political views. I wish she would just go away or stop being covered.

  23. virginfangirl says:

    She judges people from their outside. So of course she would comment about someones looks.

  24. WendyNerd says:

    Roseanne need a new soul.

    What happened to “I thought the bitch was white”? Oh, right, she’s a liar.

  25. themummy says:

    Wow…she tweeted before that she thought she was white. And now she says she thought she was middle eastern.