Republican congressional candidate gets called out for his peculiar interest in Bigfoot

CB and I both live in Virginia and we both follow and vote in our local and statewide elections. Incumbent Democratic Senator Tim Kaine is up for re-election this year, and most polls have him winning comfortably, mostly because of who his opponent is. His Republican opponent is Corey Stewart, a man with connections to fringe white supremacists, the neo-Confederacy movement and various hate groups. Many of the Republicans running for Congress in Virginia have been cozying up to Stewart too. Republicans like… Denver Riggleman, who is running in the 5th Congressional district. Riggleman’s Democratic opponent is Leslie Cockburn. Cockburn seems to be running a smooth, by-the-books Democratic Party campaign. But on Sunday, Cockburn decided to point out something very… peculiar about her Republican opponent.

In the olden days, a political candidate probably would have sat on this information, waiting for the last month of the election cycle to release it. Even better than that, the candidate would have wanted a third party to break the story, so the “Bigfoot erotica” story would have been broken by, like, the Richmond Times-Dispatch. I appreciate that Leslie Cockburn was willing to do this herself though. And it’s amazing. Beyond the hilarity – and it is incredibly funny – Cockburn is painting a portrait of her opponent as a fringe character, the kind of man who… shares Bigfoot erotica on social media. Ah, Virginia politics.

Photos courtesy of Twitter.

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27 Responses to “Republican congressional candidate gets called out for his peculiar interest in Bigfoot”

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  1. Laughysaphy says:

    I’m sorry… What was that about raping teenage girls??? Isn’t that the more concerning aspect of this man’s apparent psychosis??

    • Falula says:

      Uhhhh, yeah, that’s super creepy but I need more info on the rape thing also. WTAF?!

  2. Evergreen says:

    My future congressman … so many people in this district will vote for anybody with an R by their name.

  3. Giddy says:

    Bigfoot erotica. Two words that I never thought I’d see together.

  4. Neelyo says:

    None of that will matter as long as he hates the same people his constituents hate.

  5. A says:

    Riggleman, folks, is what the kids these days call “a furry.”

  6. Lightpurple says:

    Bigfoot erotica involving the rape of teenage girls.

    While the tweets about this last night were hilarious, there is something truly disturbing about this man that should not be lost or forgotten.

  7. Juls says:

    You know, I would seriously consider running for public office. But I have skeletons in my closet that I don’t want exposed for public consumption whether I’m ashamed of them or not (mostly not). These people are gleefully flamboyant about theirs. I feel like we are in bizarro world.

  8. Mabs A'Mabbin says:

    Let’s use Bigfoot to gloss over rape and pedophilia. Its just a story…it’s not real…it’s all fun and games. I bet he has a hairy costume at home, and I bet it’s seen a few ‘girls.’

  9. Amelie says:

    When I saw the title of this article I was like “Ok whatever he likes conspiracy theories about Bigfoot and wants to be part of the cast of a History Channel show, so what?” As these people are mostly harmless, maybe just a bit peculiar.

    But I didn’t realize this would introduce me to people who write books about Bigfoot’s mating habits and why women want to mate with Bigfoot. I’ll go down the rabbit hole on some topics but this was not something I needed to see this early in the morning.

    Also we have Champy, the supposed Loch Ness like lake monster in Lake Champlain here in NY state/Vermont but I’m hoping stuff around Champy stays PG.

  10. KidV says:

    Poor Bigfoot. Thousands of years of successful hiding and it’s politics and sex that’s bringing him down. He’ll never show his face now. Hang up your Squatchin’ hat, Bobo.

  11. Meggles says:

    Having a (non-sexual*) interest in cryptozoology is the most likeable and least weird thing a Republican politician could do right now.

    The disturbing part is the teenage girl rape. Being interested in Bigfoot would be charmingly quirky if not for the FREAKING RAPE PART! God what is wrong with people right now.

    (*I can’t believe I have to differentiate between sexual interest in cryptozoology and non-sexual interest in cryptozoology.)

  12. ocjulia says:

    Like everyone else says, the Bigfoot thing would be kind of quirky and funny if it didn’t include RAPE. That part kind of kills it.

    Off topic (kind of):
    My husband went to law school with a guy who was obsessed with Big Foot. He had plaster casts of supposed footprints, would go on these Bigfoot hunting trips, etc. One day we’re flipping through the channels and my husband starts yelling, “OMG – That’s HIM! That’s my law school buddy!” It was Matt Moneymaker of Finding Bigfoot. He has a law degree from Akron School of Law.

  13. JRenee says:

    Ain’t nothing quirky about rape. There’s no normalization of it under any circumstances, so I guess the new normal is to make it “quirky “.
    Another sicko.
    Anyone who votes for this is disturbing.

  14. Molly Fulton says:

    Oh, FFS. I live in the 5th district. I can’t even with this.

  15. jen d. says:

    Um.. .what’s in the jar?

  16. TJ says:

    The district can’t produce a normal GOP candidate. Riggelman is the 2nd choice (selected by 37 people – very democratic…), and he was by far their BEST OPTION. after the guy holding the seat drop ouut with his issues.

    One more interesting trivia and I surprised nobody mentioned this here yet: the Democratic candidate, Leslie Cockburn is also the mother of Olivia Wilde!