Jennifer Aniston photo thanks to Pacific Coast News. Bradley Cooper photo thanks to Fame Pictures.
After spending last week proclaiming Bradley Cooper and Jennifer Aniston “The Next Big Couple”, this week’s tabloids seem to be taking stock of What Went Wrong (And In Such A Short Time). Most versions have Jennifer Aniston as the poster girl for clingy neediness, The Girl Who Can’t Keep A Man. Yesterday’s National Enquirer report had Aniston giving Bradley a “relationship timeline” on their first date, a story that seemed to reek. Now In Touch is chiming in with the same kind of version of events. Apparently, the Aniston-Cooper relationship didn’t get off the ground for several reasons: Bradley Cooper is seeing Lake Bell, amongst others; Bradley’s head isn’t in the game because he hit it big so suddenly; Bradley was just being polite to Jennifer and he doesn’t really feel anything for her; and lastly, Jennifer comes across as “needy” and she “scares” guys off:
The morning after the date, Jennifer called a friend to dissect every detail. “She said they had a real connection,” a confidante tells In Touch. “She was hoping they’d see each other again. She was on a real high.”
But Jen’s giddiness was short-lived. Another friend called her to break some bad news – Bradley had also been seeing actress Lake Bell for the prior two weeks and was spotted openly flirting with her at the Whitney Museum gala on June 17 – the night before his date with Jen.
“Bradley and Lake were whispering intimately,” the witness tells In Touch. “he had his hands all over her legs.” It wasn’t the first time the two were seen together. Bradley and Lake both attended the CFDA awards two days earlier.
Ever since The Hangover premiered, Bradley’s been bombarded with attention from women.
“Everyone’s looking at [Bradley] differently,” his pal says. “He has no idea how to handle the craziness, but he’s not complaining. He wants to ride it out.”
Is Jen moving too fast?
Jen was crushed when she heard that Bradley was seeing other women – but not surprised. “She thought it was too good to be true,” the confidante adds.Jen has asked Bradley to spend a long weekend in Mexico with her in July, but he had turned her down, saying he was busy. Then she invited him to a barbecue at her house later in the summer. “He said he would try to make it,” the confidante adds.
Jen’s friend thinks Bradley was just being polite and has no intention of getting serious with her.
“She can sometimes come off as needy and has no idea that she’s not coming off as fun and spontaneous. She ends up scaring guys off,” the friend says.
“She’s pinning all of her hopes on [Bradley] being ‘The One’.” the confidante explains. “He simply isn’t.”
[From In Touch Weekly, print edition, July 13 2009]
I really, really hope that Jennifer doesn’t think in terms of a certain guy being “The One” after one date. I do think In Touch has it right on a few points, though. First, I think if Bradley is with any woman, it’s probably Lake Bell. There were rumors about the two of them before this whole Aniston drama, but of course, he and Lake could be “just friends” too. Secondly, I do think that for men (and some women), Aniston doesn’t come across as spontaneous. Just my take.
In Touch also has this little blurb about what will likely be Aniston’s next tabloid conquest – none other than Gerard Butler. It sort of contradicts their report that Bradley just isn’t that into Aniston, but here goes:
Jennifer Aniston and Gerard Butler “flirt, but it’s pretty innocent,” says her pal. “If [Bradley Cooper] doesn’t work out, she would certainly be open to dating Gerard.”
But according to another source, Gerard and Bradley have become pals, and since Jen personally chose Gerard to star in her new movie Goree Girls, which she is also producing, “she’s keeping it strictly professional,” adds the pal.
[From In Touch Weekly, print edition, July 13 2009]
That’s right, Aniston. Keep it professional. Move it along. No need to bring Gerard into this. Need I remind you? Get. Off. My. Boyfriend. On an added note about my boyfriend, my immortal beloved Gerard “Not Capable of an Innocent Flirtation” Butler might be headed to the pokey for allegedly beating up a paparazzo. The court date was set for this month, but yesterday it was pushed back until August 18. He could go to jail! Maybe Aniston will visit him.

I am so tired of these gossip rags always saying that women are clingy. I have had PLEANTY of clingy boyfriends in the past. Where are those reports?
Goddamn. LOL
This is getting wicked out of hand.
Why don’t everybody get off this women’s back tjeez…
let her be
it is everyday another story
(in touch said last week she was going on a date with bradley cooper to make brad pitt jealous, the week before that jennifer and brad pitt are getting back together and now it is another story)
and offcourse now they are going to say that she is into buttler and then after a while they are going to say that he dumped her or whatever
jen and brad c went to dinner and bradley c said himself it was a friendly dinner so that is it nothing less nothing more
Good God! It’s a pitiful day indeed when I actually feel SORRY for Aniston—she’s damned if she doesn’t, damned if she does. Annie, you’re right–it’s WAY out of hand now.
People need to leave this woman alone and she needs to stop playing the same role in every movie, the clingy needy GF who gets dumped, maybe thats why they say all of these things about her , they are confusing her with her movie roles.
I think it’s mostly Jennifer’s fault that the tabloids keep doing the desperate, needy stories. After the breakup she did a bunch of crying, “poor pathetic me” interviews. Usually female celebrities present themselves as “I’m a sad but strong woman who will move on”. The tactic worked a little too well because years later people still have a pathetic, desperate image of her. Since Jennifer was stupid enough to date John Mayer I wouldn’t be surprised if she went after Gerard. That relationship won’t work because Gerard is a known womanizer.
She divorced her ex 5 years ago. She was honest in saying that she was hurt by it and pissed off.
So if a woman is pissed and hurt by a break-up she’s pitiful? She’s desperate or clingy or needy?
I don’t know any of my friends who haven’t gone through the “poor me” phase after a break-up. She happened to do hers publicly.
On to this stupidity: If a couple can go from “IT’s ON!” to “Jen’s Breaking Down! Her New Brad Broke It Off!” in one week…you have to be a little suspicious about whether the tab is telling the truth or not.
It’s fun to speculate about celebrities and all but this poor woman can’t hang out with a male friend without it becoming a relationship and then when the subsequent “relationship” with her already been established friend doesn’t work out, suddenly she’s desperate and clingy and can’t keep a man.
Let me do a mini-timeline for the folks who think this crap is real. They meet maybe once or twice during production of He’s Just Not That Into You. They meet for dinner last week. They’ve broken up and Jen is heartbroken this week. Anyone else see a disconnect there?
How on earth anyone thinks that she wants this kind of coverage is truly a mystery.
I think she milks the whole image shes created to keep getting roles in movies. Whenever she has something new out theres a rash of interviews, stories etc where she rehashes the whole Brad and Ang drama, whilst claiming she’s over it. It’s ancient history! I sure am over it. She’s not that pretty or that great of an actress and I suspect, like the rest of Hollywood, half the stuff we think we know about her is just spin… so why do we keep buying and reading?
She totally bores me.
She played the pitty party song so well and extensively that it is now part of the collective perception of her persona.
She carried that pitty partier image to its caricature making a business out of it that she trapped herself into that pittiful orgy.
Now she is pittied and babysit while her love life is analysed and monitored with multiple interferences of the very much people she deliberatly invited (media included) at the original pitty party fest.
I’m just curious why her skin seems to be aging so fast recently, when she was able to maintain a healthy look for the past few years. She looks horrible in the picture above, and in a picture taken of her yesterday.
I think its ridiculous that Jen hasn’t said a word about Brad or AJ in years, but the haters still say shes having a pity party..give me a break, now Brad is dating Renee Z. so I guess next week she will be having a breakdown too. She has moved on nicely..the haters need to get thier asses out of the past!
Can you imagine the crap a potential suitor must go through in order to date Jen? He will be rushed to the alter after the first date. If he changes his mind and wants out, be it in the beginning (Bradley Cooer) or much later on (Brad Pitt), there will be hell to pay. Hell, your career may be in jeopardy because you do not know what Jen will say in interview(as she did to Brad throughout the year 2005) if you break up with her as she does not handle rejection well at all. Jen’s fans seem hellbent on immediate retribution for anyone that hurt’s Jen’s feelings or renders her any form of embarassment.
She really does. I hate to say it but I’ve known a close second woman who has the big nose and big jaw/chin and had no hobbies besides rescuing cats. She ended up marrying a drunken loser whom her mom purchased for her after the lawsuit of her dad’s death on a construction job. Get hobbies/passions and interests if you want to score a decent man.
No…during the interview rounds for He’s Just Not That Into You she revealed that she saves her husband’s voicemail messages. At that time the interviewer was not asking her about Brad, but she offered him anyway as an example. There has not been single year that she has not referenced Brad, Angie, or as in last year alone, their kids.
She is no longer an active part of his life yet she references him in her interviews. Brad and Angie definitely have the interviewers in check, she should try to do the same.
What is happening is what she created. She lied about Brad leaving her for Aj and acting like she was heart broken when in fact she wanted out of the marriage! Then she went on national TV and crying and it was a put on so therefore people think she gets dumped by everyman she dates because of the show she put on about Pitt and it was all an act. The poor me thing back fired because she came across as a whining clingy woman. You get what you ask for sometimes. I doubt very much if she is in love with every guy she goes out with and wants t get married o them. But she bought this on herself. SJe lied about wanting kids with BP all she wanted from BP was for him to make her an A list actress and he didnt because she is not an A list actress and never will be. SHe used him ,not the other way around. She may make big bucks right now but after people get tired of her crying about Pitt she will fade away and still be nothing more then a B actress.
And to all of the Jolie and Pitt haters
JA will never be the actress the AJ is period ..hate all day but Brad was smart to dump this woman who made promises to have a family with him and then put her “career” in first place and him in 2nd.
Hash, I don’t know any of my friends who haven’t gone through the “poor me” phase after a break-up either. However, with none of them did the “poor me” phase drag out for five interminable years. They bitched and moaned for anywhere from three to six months, then they picked themselves up and moved on with their lives. Or at least, they stopped whining.
After a while, your friends’ reaction to your breakup will move from sympathy and understanding to get the fcuk over it already. Five years is about four and a half years too long to keep a pity party going.
What Went Wrong (And In Such A Short Time) … Sounds like an awesome movie, Kaiser! V. Funny!
truth-SF: I guess once you hit your 40s, all the tanning and smoking catch up with you.
But really, the tabloids are strangely Victorian in their desperate pursuit of celebrity relationships: OMG they went out to dinner without a chaperone — now they have to get married! It’s culturally retarded. Both of Cooper’s recent outings look like flirty dinners with co-workers. We can all chill out. I’m sure they all still have their purity rings on.
I wish her the worst life ever for putting Brad and Angelina through he..!
She’s done everything possible to distroy this relationship with her pr manager Huvaine. This woman had no idea about Angelina until after she agreed to the divorce and she was so fine with it at that time.
What would WE all do if not for the continuing sage of the triangle, gosh fold socks? Take a long hard look at our lives..naw..too damn pedestrian, too freaking boring, too bloody broke to see a decent flick..ohh let’s check out what fiction is posted about the threesome this afternoon..
Bradley Creeper gives me the willies. He reminds me of one of those alien villains on that show V. He is using both Jen Aniston and Renee Zelleweger to get his name in the media. This guy is not eye candy like Denzel Washington, George Clooney, or Brad Pitt.
seems like the brangelunatics came out in full force for this thread…
Someone, you must be living under a rock because Jennifer has been talking nonstop about Brad and Angelina. Especially right after the breakup and during promotion for Marley and Me and HJNITY. I think Jennifer is bitter because she kept making digs at Angelina and even the children. Tabloids are amusing. Last week they practically had Jennifer and Cooper walking down the aisle now they act like they barely know each other.
not so fast – I hope you are being sarcastic. When did Aniston try to destroy Brad and Angelina’s relationship? You’re wishing ill luck on someone you don’t even know. If Aniston is bad, then what that does make you?
These stories are getting ridiculous now. But as long as people keep on eating it up and buying into the “miserable, desperate Jennifer Aniston” story, they won’t stop.
I’m sorry Brangeloonies but I don’t see her the way the tabs make her out to be. I can’t imagine what it must be like to be humiliated so publicly by your husband who turns around immediately has six kids with someone and paints himself as the world’s greatest humanitarian. And get enough of rubbing your face in it every chance he gets starting with the 65 page W magazine spread. And the press eats it up. So many people say, Oh I’ve been dumped and I got over it. Have you evr been dumped like this, so publicly. Did your ex run off and re-invent himself as a saint to the entire world? Has anyone in Hollywood ever been dumped like this, complete with Brangelina family people mag spreads and endless mag covers touting how awesome your ex-husband is while you’re portrayed as a needy, clingy childless forty year old?
I also think Bradley Copper is using his new found celebrity and PR people to make sure he gets on the Tab circuit. A date with Aniston and Renee in less than two weeks. And you actually believe he isn’t the one feeding all of these stories to the tabs. Jen has become everyone’s fave punching bag. How do she get out of this at this point and how does she find a normal guy when no normal guy would want this kind of circus in their lives. Where is she even supposed to meet a normal guy with the press following her every move?
how is jen clingy? angelina seems more clingy to me, she is NEVER without a man. ever. even if the man is married she’ll go for him rather than be without a man. come to think of it, brad pitt is like that too – he certainly seems clingy as hell. so why is there no article on him? i am tired of the “clingy woman always in a rush to get married” crap – i’m not in any hurry to get married and alot of my friends aren’t either -and, we actually have careers and interests that don’t involve bullying or tricking our way to the altar.
She must be so mortified right now that he went to such extraordinary measures to show that he’s just not that into her. How soon before Huvane leaks some dirt on Cooper just so she can save face?
I agree hmm, she did that to Mayer after he broke up with her. Afterwards, “friends” said John Mayer was cheap, how he was more into twitter than calling her, etc. But, it’s her fault. Anyone who dates John Mayer is stupid! That guy has been with so many skanks. Now, you can add Aniston to his skank collection as I’m sure she must have caught something from him!
she’s rich, but that’s not enough for her, she wants attention too, she’s not happy until people are talking about her, be careful, she reads blogs and steals comments or ideals, she doesn’t have an original thought in her pea brain, her pr is not the blame if this old gal allows him to make her look like a poor old woman constantly being rejected by every man in sight, brad p. is looking like a genius by dumping this pathetic loser.
For a guy that says him and jennifer are just friends he sure talks about her alot even when her name isnt brought up in the first place LOL
This are some extract comments from bradley interview with the guardian newspaper this week :
Where do you come from?
Philadelphia. I grew up Italian-Irish. It was wonderful.
Who u wit?
Are you talking about Jennifer Aniston? I’m so flattered that someone would think I’m dating Jennifer Aniston but it’s completely untrue. But wow! Not bad, huh, for a kid from Philly? I’ll take it.
So bored with this woman, even the fantasy tabloid stories abut her are yawnfests.
The tabloids had them on the path to marriage and then going through a devastating (to Jennifer) break-up in the span of a week. Does anyone believe this garbage?
“I wish her the worst life ever for putting Brad and Angelina through he..!”
Wow. Seriously?
“How on earth anyone thinks that she wants this kind of coverage is truly a mystery.”
Exactly, HashBrowns. This has left the realm of “Poor Jen,” which her haters insist she loved. This is “Jen is pathetic” and I doubt she wants that kind of reputation.
lolz. my gosh. cb is fulluva good stories today! that interview, she said she kept all her old boyfriends messages, not just brad. And the only time she mentions B and AJ is when some stupid reporter asks some silly question. But over all she does not mention them at all. Its people like you that keep the triangle going.
Charity, for pete’s sake, GMAFB. Brad Pitt didn’t dump Aniston last month or last year; this happened five effing years ago. When does she plan to get over it? Ten years? Fifteen? Never?
She is not the first woman on the planet to be publicly dumped and humiliated and she won’t be the last. How do you think Debbie Reynolds felt when Eddie Fisher dumped her and their infant daughter and ran off with Elizabeth Taylor? Reynolds must have cringed every time she went past a newsstand for the next year and a half. But unlike Aniston, Reynolds handled her break-up with class and dignity. She kept a low profile, never mentioned Fisher’s or Taylor’s names, and two years later she was married to somebody else.
If Aniston wants to stop being portrayed in the media as a needy, clingy forty-year-old, she should damn well stop acting like one.
i think bradley and jen are not a good match, both their chins are just too prominent.bad for the future generations if they produce. so it’s just as well their not a real item
I really love Aniston, and doubt she’s clingy. She knows better! I think it’s fun for the press to paint her as needy because it fits in with the profile they want for her. It sells mags.
@Cheyenne: She isn’t Debbie Reynolds. She may not be over it yet. Some people never get over break-ups. I know my mom still isn’t over divorcing my dad and that happened nearly 20 years ago.
It’s sad to think that you have zero sympathy for someone who was publicly shamed and showed actual feelings about it. Jennifer Aniston isn’t living in a time when shutting up about your feelings is “just what you do”. She opened up and expressed what many many women go through and talk about when they get divorced. Which is why so many women can relate to her.
Charity, for pete’s sake, GMAFB. Brad Pitt didn’t dump Aniston last month or last year; this happened five effing years ago. When does she plan to get over it? Ten years? Fifteen? Never?
My thoughts exactly.
People act not only as if it was their divorce but also as if a divorce granted as amicable by both Brad and Jen, happening 5 years ago to a RICH divorcee who since then has been living the happy life with multiple lovers is the most dramatic thing happening to a woman’s life, so dramatic that she needs thousands of supporters to mourn with her about her 5 years-old HOLLYWOOD divorce.
5 years ! How many young Americans have lost their wife, husband, son, daughter, mother, father in Irak and Afghanistan during those 5 years ? How many Americans among the 1 million of HIV positive ones have succumbed to aids related illnesses or transfered it to their lovers ? How many couple have lost their young childen to leukamia, their partner to cancer ? How many young children in Rwanda and East Congo have whitnessed the killing of all male members of their family by rebels while they were being raped as early as 3 years old ? Did someone has ever seen the face and the empty eyes of a young victim of rape ? Or the one of a 10 year old child unable to talk,trembling traumatized in your arms, after having whitnessed his whole family being killed ? I have and it’s the most shocking experience in my life, it rips your heart in total pieces but gives you persepective of what’s real and dramatic and tragedic and what’s not !
People living those real tragedies fight with dignity to regain any shred of sanity and humanity and inner peace they have been stolen from. They don’t whine, they don’t act juvenile and they don’t ask for pity. Even when on TV, you would see them, rwandese victims who have lost 200 members of their family, who have been saved because they agree to the killer to become their sex slave to stay alive, talked slowly with dignity, they don’t advertised their tragedy in a nasty show inviting the public to take side against real criminals who did horrible things to them while they would have every right to remind that their are victims over and over again, to tell what they have been through over and over again.
A rich divorcee, in good health who whines because of her divorce all the while dating serially when there are around her, in her own country REAL tragedies happening in total indifference by the same public who mourn even more than her over her own divorce is the pineacle of obscenity.
Judy, Chayenne.. couldn’t agree more with your comments. Sure, the split for Brad was a humiliating, public experience for her but the public sympathy was largely on her side (back then) and she could have used it to her advantage.. preserve her pivacy, not talk about the breakup, get over Brad and get herself a regular guy, not a celebrity.. someone who could make her happy. Instead, she’s playing the game of keeping up with Brangelina in terms of tabloid exposure.. but making nothing but wrong moves. I lost sympathy for her when she went out with that douche, John Mayer who publicly humiliated her on purpose and she went back to him, then paraded him at the Oscars. Unfortunately, Jen has a need to be in the spotlight so despearately, she ends up looking ridiculous when the next flavor of the month she’s after runs away from her. I think that dinner with BC was arranged, he politely obliged but freaked out when he realized they were using him. At this point, nobody should feel sorry for Jennifer Aniston.
where is Irak is it close to Iraq? I have never heard of Irak. You seem so knowlegable to about all the people being sent to this Irak place.
“Brad Pitt didn’t dump Aniston last month or last year; this happened five effing years ago. When does she plan to get over it? Ten years? Fifteen? Never?”
I think she probably is over it. Unless you believe tabloid stories (which I’m sure many a Brad/Angie lover is prone to do), there is not much reason to think she is still pining for Brad himself, as much as she just might want a good relationship.
“A rich divorcee, in good health who whines because of her divorce”
She doesn’t “whine” about her divorce. Just because she has answered some questions about it doesn’t mean she is whining. Maybe she still sounded hurt in her first interview after it happened, but from my accounts, she has seemed very carefree as of late. The most “controversial” thing she has done is refer to something Angelina did as “uncool” and it WASN’T something from 5 years ago, it was AJ’s very recent comment about falling in love with Brad Pitt on “Mr. and Mrs. Smith.” That was a recent occurrence, and any person who happened to be married to him at the time that movie was made would have a feeling or thought about it.
She’s flipping human, not made of stone. It would freaking annoy me too. About her commenting on it, well even Brad Pitt defended her. I THINK he knows her better than you guys.
Love u Jen
nnn & Minx that was perfect, every word!
That’s why I can’t stand Aniston. Using her divorce to gain attention was so disgusting and in poor taste that I lost all sympathy for.
Well said. Bravo. Apparently, earnest comments are being edited out for entertainment purposes.
I agree with a number of the posts above that feel that the media circus is not entirely fabricated, that Aniston did create this pity wagon by design in talking publicly too much about her divorce. Without her there would be no triangle, it would simply be just Brad and Angie.
Other than Denise Richards, no other actress has discussed their divorce to the public in the style that they have done. It does not matter how the marriage came to an end, the marriage is over. These woman are stuck on how/when/why it ended. When ex-wives chew on this pointless dribble, as if new revelations will reverse the spouse’s decision to leave…that is why people outside the marriage view them as stuck in the past.
Before this very public divorce, people were not aware of this character flaw of Aniston. That she felt the need to comment on Angie’s statement was the problem. It should not matter to Jen what Angie says. Angie’s comments were clearly not directed to her. Somehow Jen found correlation and felt the need to defend…what, exactly? Soon after, Brad releases a harsh statement that put the nail in the coffin of any perceived fantasy of him being stolen or wanting to go back to Jen: He did not want children with her, and he felt that his marriage to Jen had ran its course.
Is there anyone left in the universe who still believes that Brad was stolen?
Continuing with the discussion that is going on, I think that Jennifer Aniston does not continue with her “pity party” so to speak. She hadn’t really talked about The Divorce in awhile until Angelina started spouting off unnecessarily about how she fell in love with Brad while he was still married-which I don’t think anyone could argue was not an “uncool” thing to say.
Aside from that, I think some people want her to date people who aren’t famous so that she won’t be in the spotlight as much. What makes any of you think she’d be “happier” with someone who isn’t famous? Being famous doesn’t automatically make a person less worthy of being in a relationship or less capable of having a successful relationship. Why the obsession with having her date someone not famous?
God, Jenfans are always here to defend Aniston to the death as if they know her personally. How sad! I agree nnn. Jen knew exactly what she was doing when she called Angelina “uncool.” She immediately received major press for that and went on Oprah. Very calculated move. Followed up with a nude photo spread for men’s mag to promote dog movie. Another calculated move. Showing up at the Oscars when her ex and his new gf are nominated?–what a coincidence. I know Jen’s crazy fans will buy her innocent pose and sad excuses, but I see a shrewd woman whose desire for the spotlight is endless. She’s just another celeb narcissist. That makes her unworthy of any sympathy in my book. I don’t understand why her fans identify with her? I guess they went through similar experiences? I think there are people more worthy of sympathy than celebs, esp not a
famewhore like Aniston. Really says sad things about people in America! So many amazing people in this world, and these fans gather around needy celebs who plays games to keep themselves in the spotlight. Sad.
Good lord, Hash, a bajillion women have been divorced but don’t make the mistake of thinking they all empathize with Aniston. Divorce is always painful but you can deal with it in one of two ways: you can choose to put it behind you and remake your life, however difficult; or you can choose to wallow in your own misery and blame the SOB who ruined your life. I believe the women in the latter category represent the bulk of Aniston’s fan base.
As to why I think she would be better off dating someone other than an actor, it’s not because she will be less in the spotlight — it’s because any actor she dates will invariably be compared to Brad Pitt, and nobody wants to be constantly measured up against an ex. It’s setting up the relationship for failure before it even gets off the ground. A producer or a director or someone unconnected with film would be evaluated on his own merits (or lack of them), not subjected to the constant comparisons with Aniston’s ex-husband. It’s simple common sense. Also, she seems to have singularly bad luck dating actors, so maybe she needs to look farther afield. At least it can’t hurt.
You know what, for all the criticism she is being given for talking about Brad or her divorce, if you actually read her quotes, she is *very* kind about him and *very* positive. So what if she answers questions about it? She’s in the position where she can joke about it. BP/AJ can’t do that, because in the end, they were together pretty quickly after the divorce. What could they joke about?
@nnn, I think you are really blowing out of proporton the *actual* amount of time Jennifer has spent talking about her divorce and for that matter, the negative things she has said. She does not go on a pity tour every interview she gives. The majority of the coverage about her feelings on the divorce has been in typically-incorrect tabloids with quotes from anonymous “sources.” And like I said above, she is generally very positive whenever speaking on it. So I don’t know why you are saying she wants pity even though everyone else has bigger tragedies. She seems happy.
“It should not matter to Jen what Angie says.”
What Angelina says about her current relationship with him should not matter. What Angelina says about her relationship with him while he was still married to Jennifer, well she has every right to think something about it.
Anyway, this is an old argument.
Besides the “uncool” comment, everything she said in that interview regarding Brad and his new life was positive.
“Other than Denise Richards, no other actress has discussed their divorce to the public in the style that they have done.”
You can’t even compare the two. Denise Richards and Charlie Sheen had a very nasty divorce, and their comments in the press were very nasty as a result. JA has never said an outwardly unkind thing about Brad Pitt, ever.
“Soon after, Brad releases a harsh statement that put the nail in the coffin of any perceived fantasy of him being stolen or wanting to go back to Jen: He did not want children with her, and he felt that his marriage to Jen had ran its course.”
He didn’t release a harsh statement, he actually defended her:
“Listen, man, Jen is a sweetheart. I think she got dragged into that one, and then there’s a second round to all of that Angie versus Jen. It’s so created.”
He also I think wouldn’t be stupid enough to say he “didn’t want children with” JA. That would be really mean and not the best PR move.
Sorry, I am also “Sarah” with the same picture. When I’m on IE, my name was saved as Sarah (What I used to post as before there were too many Sarahs!) and when I’m on Firefox it’s saved as sarcra. I forgot to change it on IE. It’s changed now! Not trying to be two people! 🙂
wow, what a bunch of losers!
“Irak” is a perfect indicator of the masterminds at work on this thread, LOL.
“God, Jenfans are always here to defend Aniston to the death as if they know her personally. How sad! I agree nnn. Jen knew exactly what she was doing when she called Angelina “uncool.””
@whatever, sorry I had to laugh. Jen fans are sad for thinking they know her personally, but you think you know her too, I guess.
I agree with many of the commenter both pro and con toward Aniston..
my simple point of view is that Jennifer’s life is interesting only as it realates to Brad/Angie and who she may or may not be dating. Brad/Angie’s life is interesting without any mention of Jennifer. First Angie is a news story on her own and so is Brad.. put them together and the sky is the limit. All without a mention of Jennifer. If you take away Brad/Angie from the Jen equation what do you have. Really, what do you have. She is not interesting if you don’t mention them. I am not trashing her just stating a fact. She does not have a lot going on so without talking about her divorce (5 years ago) and dating what else is there about her to be interested in. NOTHING. I really think she kind of dug a hole that she can’t get out of. I am SURE as a woman she liked that she was protrayed as the good one, the wronged one.. and Angie was the Bad woman. Well now yeah she still has her defenders, but it is hard to be the wronged woman when you call the new love in his life uncool for remarks made 2 years before.. remarks you were aware of because you admitted to buying the magazine. So her calling Angie uncool for comments 2 years before seems a bit off to me. Plus she comes out and praises the man Angie was “uncool” with as a wonderful person who she admires and respects. A man she says she called to congratulate him on the birth of his children with the uncool one. I don’t get that about women. They hate the new woman yet love the man. I really think that Jennifer will aways be known as the woman Brad Pitt left and divorced. This is the course she took. She had her friends come out and talk about her relationship and yes trash Brad. She had her friends talk about her wanting kids and Brad not.. so now how do you dig out of that hole. He has a family with 6 kids. you do not..I don’t know if she can.
Best part is Brad/Angie are living their life without Jennifer. I just wish She and her fans can focus on her life without them. We are moving towards 6 years. More if you realize that their marriage ended in 2004.. they just annouced the end in 2005. Anyone who has been in a relationship knows that it was over well before you said it. Same with Brad/Jen.
Sorry for the long post.. but I had a lot to say..
ok…Julia Roberts was the material factor in Danny Moder’s divorce from his wife…anybody talking about Julia being a homewrecker…Paul Newman and Joanne Woodward fell in love while he was still married WITH children…anybody call Joanne a homewrecker…just a couple of examples, but there are plenty more. What is it about Jolie that drives the haters so ballistic?
My point in the previous post is that Angelina Jolie has fostered such disrespect and vitriol because Jennifer Aniston went public with her humiliation. But her pity campaign didn’t end after a couple of years. She went on and on and on and on and on and on…if she didn’t want her name in the gossip weeklies, she wouldn’t be there.
There is nothing classy or graceful about being quoted for taking snarky shots at an ex-husband’s current woman.
There is nothing classy or graceful about having a fan base that is largely centered on insulting your ex-husband’s current woman. What’s worse they feel quite justified in their behavior. Criminals justify what they do as well.
There is nothing classy or graceful about a woman who gave birth to the tabloid media frenzy of the triangle. The triangle is based on Jen being wronged out of a marriage, and SHE STATED in interview in Vanity Fair that she did not want her marriage to end. Honestly, who does? No need to share that in public, but she did.
There is nothing classy or graceful about showing up at the Oscars with John Mayers. Obviously, there were problems brewing before that event, just like there were deep problems brewing before the announcement of the “split” in January 2005. She would have been better off showing up with one of her many trusted girlfriends.
There is nothing classy or graceful justifying the need to comment on your ex-husband’s new woman for any reason unless that she directly comments to you. First, she commented to Vogue magazine in 2008 and AFTER THAT she repeated the same comments on Oprah, the most watched syndicated talk show in America. So much for not putting your business out there. Both Brad and Angie have admitted to falling in love on the set of MAMS. How is it that Jen characterizes Angie as uncool, and yet there is not a knee-jerk reaction to hold Brad, who was married to her and fell out of love with her, accountable? Why didn’t she label Brad as uncool as well? In the same article, she gives Brad praises and states he admires him. This is the snarky behavior which with everyone is annoyed. This is nothing more than “class-ic” vindictive behavior coming from a woman who is NOT over Brad. And this drama unfurled only last fall of 2008, 3 years AFTER her legal divorce from Brad.