Demi Lovato issues statement: ‘This illness is not something that disappears’

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Demi Lovato has been recovering in hospital following her alarming overdose almost two weeks ago. She had almost six years of sobriety before her relapse, which we know because she talked about it. So many people were worried about Demi and hoping that she would recover. This was complicated by the news that she was sick with a fever and that her friends and family were unsure whether she would go to rehab after her release. The good news is that she’s reportedly decided to seek inpatient treatment, and that she’s issued a statement. While it’s likely that a team of people helped her with this, she at least had sign off power and it means that she’s doing better. Here’s the statement and you can see an image of it below, which she posted to Instagram:

I have always been transparent about my journey with addiction. What I’ve learned is that this illness is not something that disappears or fades with time. It is something I must continue to overcome and have not done yet.

I want to thank God for keeping me alive and well. To my fans, I am forever grateful for all of your love and support throughout this past week and beyond. Your positive thoughts and prayers have helped me navigate through this difficult time.

I want to thank my family, my team, and the staff at Cedars-Sinai who have been by my side this entire time. Without them I wouldn’t be here writing this letter to all of you.

I now need time to heal and focus on my sobriety and road to recovery. The love you all shown me will never be forgotten and I look forward to the day where I can say I came out the other side.

I will keep fighting.

[From Demi Lovato’s Instagram]

Demi has a lot of support from her fans and friends, so many people have reached out to her and also opened up about how she’s helped them, and it was good of her to acknowledge that. TMZ is reporting that Demi’s team has a plan to cut out enablers, friends and even family who were around her when she was using. She’s going to change her number and will not be around those people when she gets back from rehab. They also claim that it was the paramedics who gave Demi the life saving drug Narcan, not a quick-thinking friend as US Magazine previously reported.

Demi Lovato poses with fans as she arrives at SiriusXM studios

Demi Lovato poses with fans as she arrives at SiriusXM studios

photos credit: Getty and Backgrid

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18 Responses to “Demi Lovato issues statement: ‘This illness is not something that disappears’”

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  1. Jo says:

    I like her and I always have. She’s real. I hope she gets better.

    • Honey bear says:

      She is the opposite of real. This “six years” of sobriety is a sham.

      • Jo says:

        …or maybe she was clean for six years and fell off the wagon?

        Demi doesn’t owe the public anything.

        This faux outrage after she almost died speaks way more about you than her.

      • Hikaru says:

        I really dislike how her team is minimising this whole thing and making a joke out of recovery with these 30-days-to-3-months-max celeb rehab centers . You have kids thinking they can do coke and relapse 3 times and OD on heroin of all things and it’s no biggie because -Demi is doing just fine, I can do it too, just gotta grab some narcan and we’re set, I will be sooo popular, everybody will love me!

  2. Socks says:

    I hope she decides to take recovery seriously this time around. Her statement reads like someone who doesn’t know too much about recovery, which I find interesting. Any other sober people out there see what I’m saying?? Again, I don’t think she was every fully sober. Celebrity sobriety is a lot different.

  3. Cee says:

    This is a relapse and she must be very thankful she gets another chance at fighting her addiction. She’s right – it never goes away, but people can learn to keep it at bay. Loving an addict is not easy, but if she surrounds herself with non-addicts, and people who love her, she will get there in the end.

    I wish her the best.

  4. Bridget says:

    Demi’s team can’t get rid of “enablers” and have her magically be ready to finally be sober. They’re still trying to put a bandaid over a bullethole. Addiction isn’t caused by the people around you. When Demi is finally able to be honest and confront the demons within herself, she’ll be ready. Until then, this cycle is doomed to repeat.

    • Dhalia says:

      Yeah this obsession with blaming anyone else but Demi is not helping her. By all accounts, being honest with oneself is a VERY big part of getting sober.

    • j says:

      Tend to agree. Using “enabler” language is just a fancy way of blaming other people.

  5. Dhalia says:

    I’m sorry but I don’t thing she was sober for all those years and I think she’s going to rehab because she HAS to for her career.

  6. C says:

    I mean… It’s the *doctors* who kept her alive. I am also on the side who isn’t convinced of her “sobriety” nor her sincerity in any of this. Nothing sounds real. She just wants to party. She’s 25, let her. Sheesh. We have such absurd puritan expectations of people.

    • Annie says:

      Addicts can’t just “party.” Are you aware that she nearly died? How much did she have to take to be found unconscious in a pool of blood and vomit and be in the hospital for over a week?

      Addicts don’t understand moderation. They go crazy. Whether it’s alcohol, drugs, food, sex. They can’t get enough.

  7. Mich says:

    Wow. People have some really bad and cruel takes here regarding someone they don’t know.

    FWIW, it is recommended practice to cut people connected with your addiction out of your life if you are serious about recovery.

  8. Murphy says:

    Come on people, she’s in the machine. The machine is talking for her. The machine won’t let go until she stops making money.

  9. Miss Margo says:

    Rehab won’t work if shes being forced to go. She has to want to go. And cutting out enablers again won’t work if its being forced. She needs to cut off contact with her mother. That woman in my opinion isn’t doing her daughter any good.

  10. j says:

    Is she issuing a statement or accepting an award?

  11. Grey says:

    She was not sober for 6yrs.